
Thursday 31 December 2015

First of many thank you cards !

Good New Years Eve Ladies,

Thank you seemed the perfect sentiment for my card today for today I want to say a whole bunch of thank you's!
Firstly I want to say the biggest, most heartfelt THANK YOU....
to each and every one of you that have been in and supported my blog throughout 2015 and thank you to those that just peep in every day too, I hope you find the courage to step in and join in the fun, you won't regret it, just ask some of the ladies that joined us recently.
Without all of you there would be no blog, its you lovely ladies and your heart warming comments that drive me to want to create a blog post every day.

Thanks to all of you that have sent in cards to share and crafts for Mixed Craft Saturday, you have inspired so many with your creations.

I would also like to thank you all for your wonderful support during the 'low moments' of the year, I don't think I need to say any more than that, you all know what I am referring to, your kind words and reassurance prevented me from giving up!

Now onto happier topics, the high point of the year had to be our Retreat in October, we were all looking forward to meeting each other so much and I have to say what a wonderful weekend it was, you were all just as lovely as you appear on the blog, it was a wonderful experience, I felt like I was in shock for moist of it, I can only describe it as I was watching myself taking it all in, given that I had never spent a night without Paul in many years and in recent years suffering from huge fear and anxiety when leaving the house I was surprised how much I enjoyed the weekend.  I have to say a huge thank you to all of you that came along to Sue and Pat for supporting me throughout the weekend, poor Sue who had to out up with me through the night too, although we did have a giggle or two!!  My thanks also to Hazel for finding the venue and organising the raffle, which would not have been possible without all of the amazing prizes that were very generously donated by our Norah, thank you so much my lovely!

Now onto 2016, I am excited to be venturing into the new year with all of you,
I did ask the other day but I don't think I read too many suggestion's for new features, do we continue any of the old ones?
The other thing we need to get sorted is whether or not you want another retreat?  If so did we decide on what month would work better and where is the other big decision?!
You can reply below or send me an email if you like.

One last thing is that I want to wish each and every one of you, the very happiest New Year filled with good health, wealth and lots and lots of happiness!

Love and hugs



  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a lovely card, so pretty.

    Themes-I'd love to be challenged more using my dies. I love Karen's suggestions of one die or no die cards. I have a lot of Washi tape and twine so maybe they could be themes?!

    The Retreat- May would be good, summer is not good for getting time off and we usually go away September/October. Midlands seems central but it isn't for the Scottish crowd- Liverpool or Manchester would probably be easier for them. Tricky one that.

    Right-off to sort my hair out. I've had s headache since yesterday & it's starting to make me feel sick. Taken more painkillers so let's hope work isn't too chaotic!


    1. Morning Michele,
      Thanks for your suggestions, I really appreciate them, I do hope your headache subsides, you don't want to bvr seeing the new year in with a bad head!
      I hope you have a great day
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Oooh Michele, you do seem to suffer so much with headaches, I sure hope this one does go away eventually for you to enjoy the New Year. xxx

    3. Hi Michele. I hope those painkillers have worked by now, and that work isn't too bad for you today x

    4. Hi Michele hope your headache is better & the pain killers have worked. Hug's xx

    5. Hi Michele hope your headache has gone now, and you feel better xxx

  2. Hello Sandra,
    Good Morning everyone!
    What a lovely Thank You card - I like that very much . When I first saw Striplets I couldn't see how I'd ever use them !! Now I wonder what else they may be used for! Thank you Sandra! For the card and the Blog! I have met some other daft people like myself!!
    I sent you an email with some suggestions the other day - not sure if you got it! One idea I thought was similar to one Karen had - but call it maybe Challenge Day and you could change the challenge from time to time. Maybe one old die, one stamp, one colour or shades of the same colour. Coming up to Easter - I know we are still at New Year! - ideas for Easter - not just cards - projects as well. Gift tags! Gift bags ! Etc etc. Tags and bags not just for Easter.
    Think I'd better let someone else have a go.
    I'm earlier today as got lots to do but will keep popping in!
    It's a threat!
    Hughies's got a mini duster ready to go!

    1. Hello my Daft Friend
      Isn't it just wonderful when you find that your're not the only dafty around.
      I'm really looking forward to meeting you but do you think it would be safe for the two of us to be in the same place at the same time? hmmm xxxx

    2. Janet - there's only one way to find out!! It would be fun I reckon! Xxx

  3. Good morning and happy New Year's Eve to everyone.

    Thank you Sandra for expanding your blog to include us and our projects. This is one amazing family that has grown closer throughout the year and I wouldn't be without any of you. The warmest friendship I have ever know, sympathy when it is needed, a kick up the jacksie too, but most of all the love and support that we give each other unstintingly.
    I am up for any challenge whatever it may be and will welcome them all.
    As to the Retreat, February is booked, as is August so any time between then or after is fine by me, I will go along with the majority as we will have plenty of time to organize other outings/holidays around the Retreat.

    Off now to give my home it's annual New Year's Eve clear up. I like to start each New Year with a clean tidy house, except for my craft room!, and a clean bill of financial health. All debts are paid so I do not carry any baggage into the new year.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Totally agree about the cleaning etc! Me too - will try and tidy the craft room a bit !! Xxx

    2. Hi Cheryl yes just having 5 Minutes all tidy & shipshape downstairs then upstairs I go & clean again then Tesco craft room may get left till tomorrow. Have a good New Years Eve.Big Hug.xx

  4. Hi Sandra
    Love the card you've made with the strip let. I do love these dies. I expect I'll see it in the flesh soon. You know me, I just go with the flow. Probably as you know my brain goes on strike now and again.
    Hope your headache subsides soon Michelle, and that work isn't to chaotic. Now Myra fancy giving Hughie a mini duster, better put the China away Sandra, you never know what might happen. Perhaps you could keep him out of mischief by getting him help tidy up your craft room. On second thoughts perhaps not. I daren't think what he do with the sparkle pastes and glitter. You might find the whole house painted with it. The mind boggles. It's the chocolate that does it Myra, you naughty lady.
    It's calmer here today that yesterday and the sun is out. The rain was so heavy through the night it woke us up. Our road was like a river with rain running down it. Good job our drains had been unblocked earlier in the year. First time in years according to Pete. It's a pity they won't dredge the rivers to make them deeper, like they do the sea. I'm sure the people in the government and councils have no idea, what with the daft schemes they come up with.

    1. Pat, he's had great fun riding on the Hoover!! As for the craft room! Elf 'N Safety would have a real go at me if I let him loose in there! Xxx
      Question - will I be any more sensible in 2016? Doubt it!! Xxx

    2. No MYRA 2016 couldn't cope with you being sensible!!!!
      hehe.( tin hat )x

    3. Oh Good Lynda! I think I'm too old to change! Xxx

    4. Get it right life would be so boring if we were all sensible. No I love you all just how you are. I don't feel different round you lot as we are all the same. Oh tin hat on!!! xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Wishing you all a very Happy New Year with good, or better, health and wealth.
    Sandra,I want to say Thank you to you too for all of your work every single day in ensurimg this wonderful Cafe is open and with a beautiful card or craft for us to enjoy each and every day. Today's card is another beautiful one, and just what is needed at this time of year : ))
    As for the Retreat, there was certainly no poor Sue at all. I had a great time, and lots of giggles too and I loved meeting so many wonderful friends, some that I had already met and some that I had only "talked" to in here. I would never have gone on my own as deep down I am really shy and wouldn't have even considered it if I would have been on my own so another big thank you again to you and Pat, my dear special friends
    As for the 2016 Retreat, where and when are the big questions? I agree with all that Michele has already said. Sadly it will be near impossible to find a place and time that is good for every one, considering we have ladies from one end of the country to the other but I'm sure wherever and whenever you decide it will be another great weekend : )
    Barbara, my love and thoughts are with you, Val and family xx
    Right, I must get on, more ironing then we have little Chris overnight and also close friends coming over to see the New Year in with us.
    Have a good evening whatever you do, may 2016 be a good one for you. Take care xx

  6. Morning. I love your card SANDRA This Striplet is one of my favourites and have used it quite a few times. The RETREAT I would love to go to the next one BUT Feb is out - had a real surprise of competition win ( a holiday in Dubai no less!) and daughter is due in April, so that's out Any other time would be great. As a suggestion, would it be very much more expensive for us Southerners to travel to Scotland? I know flying there we'd be restricted on baggage but most of us wherever we go will be travelling by train.... just an idea...

    1. The Scottish Ladies live so far North it cost us all well over £100 return from where each of us is based to get to the Retreat. Plus the cost of the Hotel, certainly not cheap that's for sure. However it was worth it.
      We did save for it by giving up buying Craft Magazines, unnecessary coffees and other bits and pieces. There are always ways & means if you really want something. xxx

    2. We would not be selfish and expect the Retreat to be in Scotland.... the borders would be fine. Most trains get you to Carlisle. Like we did you might have to change trains to get there. xxx

  7. As usual I forgot to say something!!!
    I loved your tutorials and would love to see more, also decorated bags etc. To be honest I love seeing anything as it always gives me some ideas. Sorry not to be more help xx

  8. Morning Everyone
    Just been out to shop for essentials like bottle water and orange juice and oh Garlic - I was in a little trouble when we did the big shop as I forgot the most essential according to Jim -.
    I have now coffee in hand, sat watching the birds on the bird table and trying to comment here so I'd better just do one thing at a time or something horrible just might happen like coffee all over the keyboard and that would mean a new laptop and I haven't got used to this one yet!!!

    MICHELE - I hope you're feeling better so that you can start the new year in full health.
    CHERYL - do craft rooms have to be tidy? Surely not.
    MYRA - Do take great care of Hugie and don't let him climb too high you know we don't want you putting your back out having to rescue him now do we.
    SANDRA - I love your striplet card. I could do with some ideas on using them. I have done a few cards in the past but could do with some inspiration.
    I love all the ideas which have been given for this wonderful blog so I'm up for all of them.
    The Retreat - well you know how much I'm looking forward to being able to meet everyone this time around and it is one of my greatest wish for 2016. For me the end of April, the whole of May and up to the 13th June would be wonderful. The Midlands/Manchester area or anywhere in between. I'm easy (oh should I really say that hehe).
    PAT - I'm with on the topic of rain water/floods. Why or why don't the Government/etc take notice of the countries who have to deal with floods on a very regular basis like the Netherlands. They rent fields from Farmers to use as flood plains and of course they have the dykes which are kept immaculate. I know this wouldn't work for all of the UK as we have the hills and mountains as well as the plains but it would certainly help I'm sure.

    Off now to find something to do - haven't made my mind up yet but I'll find something.

    Thank you all for a wonderful year of Friendship, Love and Support. My thoughts and prayers are with Barbara, Val and their family as well as all in need.

    I'll be letting you know about the arrival of the new baby. If she doesn't arrive today Pippa will be in hospital tomorrow to be induced.

    Have a good Evening everyone. We have a tradition in our house that at 21.00hrs we shall raise a glass to all absent Friends. We then celebrate Midnight outside at the front gate with a glass of Champagne and then carry in a log for the fire, a bottle of whisky and coins to let in the new year. The only thing we cannot do now is have the darkest haired enter first as both of us are grey. We then an hour later celebrate again at Midnight UK time.

    1. Hi Janet. Wishing you both a very Happy New Year. Get Pippa to eat as many fried onions as she can bear. That was the advice I was given by an experienced midwife when I had Gem. ( Didn't need them as she arrived a week early rather quickly all by herself : ) love and best wishes to Pippa and family.x

    2. Hi Janet. Wishing you both a very Happy New Year. Get Pippa to eat as many fried onions as she can bear. That was the advice I was given by an experienced midwife when I had Gem. ( Didn't need them as she arrived a week early rather quickly all by herself : ) love and best wishes to Pippa and family.x

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Sandra what a wonderful year we have had because of you and your cafe blog.
    Meeting up with the friends I made at the retreat was something else, so much fun and laughter, OK the train journey was a bit long, but worth it in the end!!,
    Next retreat could be somewhere in the borders or lakes.
    we are on holiday in May / June, and have a wedding in October, so these months are definitely out for me so far.
    Your thank you card is lovely, and the thanks are sent right back to you for the time and effort in keeping this blog going.
    Take care everyone, xxx

  10. Good morning Ladies, well our daughter and family went back home to Edinburgh yesterday , we all had a wonderful time but after they left we felt whacked ( strange how that happens) , anyway we both had a restless night and ended up sleeping in late so I'd better get one of Diane's wiggles on! Lots of housework to be done, maybe Myra could let me have her little helper for a wee while? ( after he has a rest in his hankie hammock ) lol!
    Sandra I think you do a great job of running the blog everyday and your cards are wonderful ( I love today's pretty one) , it's quite a task when you commit to having to write and show something daily, well done ! I would love to come to a retreat any time other than March, May sounds good for most people so far, I think the proposed ideas for the blog given so far sound good , I need a push to make me do more scrap booking or canvasses if anyone else would be interested?
    Has anyone heard how Barbara and Val are doing ? I think about them often and send them big hugs xoxo
    I have Stewart, Fiona and her sister and dad and three grandchildren coming for dinner tomorrow , so it's roast beef or steak pie and all the trimmings ( quite an easy meal to prepare) so we are looking forward to that .
    Wishing you all health ,wealth and happiness and a Happy Hogmanay!
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Anne, your house will seem quiet. Invite the grandchildren from beside you to come and make it noisey again before tomorrow when your house will be full again. I hope you get a better nights sleep. Xxx

    2. Thank you Anne and the same to you! Hope you have a lovely day tomorrow.
      Val is in the Hospice Anne and Barbara visited her yesterday with her daughter. Barbara has no internet connection at the cottage and no phone signal either. Just a few brief messages while on the road! Xxx

  11. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies, and huggles!
    Just having a little sit down so I could have a look at the blog , I'm being quite lazy today , but just enjoying a quiet house for an hour is lovely. Today's card is lovely Sandra, love the colour. I must sit and make mine, perhaps this afternoon.
    I like the idea of going to the lakes or boarders for the next retreat. It would be good to support their economy after the bad flooding. I had an email from Lakeland limited saying they had staff who had been flooded who still came to work to get orders out to people etc and asking people to come to the lovely hotels in the area to see the beautiful countryside. May will be out for us too, it's a busy month for us. Scotland would be lovely too, it's only fair to share the travelling isn't it. Perhaps Cornwall the year after?!
    Oh well I must get a wriggle on, oh no, just caught one huggle on the Christmas tree with the fairy, so cute. Another one was eyeing up the curtains so we had better watch out!
    Happy New Year to everyone, I hope 2016 is a good year for everyone. Barbara I'm thinking of you my lovely and Val sending you huge hugs.
    Take care everyone. Xxxxxxx

    1. I agree Diane, Lakes or Borders just to make things a wee bit fairer on the lovely ladies who travelled so far last time!
      What struck me was I sent Maureen a text to say I was home and she hadn't been on the train from Birmingham for very long. Some ladies had two trains and a car journey and I think Jess may have had three trains!! Friday isn't the best day for travelling either! Just a thought. Xxx

    2. Lakes or Borders for me as well.
      MYRA:- your right Jess had 3 trains to get home. Hazel and I should have the same, they would not let us on the train without a ticket and it was about to leave the platform. We had to trundle out cases to the Bus Station, get a bus, then Charlie came to pick us up. It was so late by the time we got to Hazel's I had to stay. I did not have the energy to drive the 50miles home. Tuesday, Wednesday head home on Thursday would be a better option I think.xxxx

    3. I would go as far as York, but no further this time. As I have said further down Harrogate or Darlington is about middle distance for those coming far. xxx

  12. Good afternoon ladies. I haven't been overly busy just ticking jobs off the list as I go along. I will do the main things like bathroom and kitchen. The bedroom and front room were done only the other day and yesterday. Windows are not getting done its rain so a waste of time, washing done ironing done apart from what's drying. I have this thing that there are folk out there that would love to just be in what was their lovely home, but now it's a cold damp shell. Others don't know if they will have to leave theirs as waters raise. No we are lucky.
    Now this time last year we were just names on this blog, chatting but nothing like the chatting we can do now! Since about February we have laughed that much we have had to change our underwear, we have cried with sadness that our friends have faced. You all join in celebrating different events, especially our Gillian and Andrews wedding, which was such a laugh. The biggest thing that has happened to me was meeting firstly Jess and Norah, then Maureen. What can I say about the retreat only that friendships where made and they will last for ever. The retreat was like a group of old friends meeting not new friends. No 2015 will hold wonderful memories for me that's for sure. I know their will be more meet ups and yes I to think they might have to be held in different areas of the country. Yes 3 trains, bus and a car journey each way were hard going but worth it. I think holiday dates will have to be given soon. Then Sandra can work round the time when everyone is free. No further down than say York for me would be great. Xxx

    1. Sorry Sandra I have done it again and forgot to say I live your card, then I love using striplet dies as they are so versatile. The colour is lovely too. xxx

  13. Good afternoon everyone
    Sandra this card is gorgeous and in my favourite colour, as said before the thanks are sent straight back to you for keeping this little cafe in tip top condition, a warm and friendly place for us all to meet and chat with, I've not really been into blogging but love to visit this one daily, feel as though I know everyone and after all t,he cards I received at Christmas I want to carry on into 2016 and beyond. I would love to be at the next retreat, need to see where it is as I don't really like driving distances. It would be lovely to meet everyone.
    I didn't get any ironing done yesterday, went into the loft to get serviettes (have a stash from when I was at work) and ended up clearing and sorting so was shattered when I came down. Need to do it shortly.
    We are going to my sons and DIL tonight and then everyone is coming to us for a buffet and hot pot, john will pick Nic up and then pick his eldest daughter up, house will be full but I love it.
    Sending hugs to anyone who needs them at this time of year, I personally don't like New Year's Eve don't know why but never have, but I love New Year's Day.
    Thinking of Barbara and Val, also Sheila, sorry if I've forgotten anyone,
    If I don't get back, I'd like to wish everyone a very Happy and Healthy New Year
    Here's to 2016 xxx
    Jean xxx

    1. JEAN:- .... here is another who does not like New Years Eve. I will be in bed asleep when the Bells ring. Will be up bright and early more that happy to embrace 2016 xxx

    2. I don't like New Years Eve either! Never have. I'm looking forward to tomorrow all being well and a New Year but I could give tonight a miss! Xxx

    3. Oh I am with you there to, it's one of those nights that I don't mind missing. xxx

  14. Hello SANDRA your card is lovely & Thank you too.
    Just got upstairs to clean the Tesco for a little shopping. Back on my diet tomorrow have been very bad eating sweets not good for my diabetes so have to be very good now. Sandra I would love to see more of your step by step tutorials. ( different size boxes would be good ) What about a monthly ATC theem ? Well must get a wiggle on call in later.
    SABA my thoughts & prayers are with you Val & family Hug's xx
    Hug's xx

  15. Hello it's me again,
    Before I go upstairs I forgot to say I love tutorials, have loved the ones you have done up to now Sandra, Los agree with all other suggestion,
    Really must get a move on now - oops xx
    Jean xx

  16. Now I have just found the map book and Darlington or Harrogate are about middle distance for the whole of the country. It's still a long way for the likes of Diane, Lilian, Cheryl and all us Scottish ladies. If Sheila wanted to come I think she would be able to get to either of these places by train. The other friend we have to consider is Barbara (Saba )she has to count in the cost of her flights so these places would be near for her, and safe her an extra fare. xxx

  17. Good afternoon All, hope everything is fine where you are based. All fine here apart from it is raining once again. Will not complain about that, we are warm, safe and dry. My heart goes out to all the poor souls who would give anything to be in a dry house today.
    SANDRA:- a BIG "Thank You" to you for bringing so many of us together. We have formed "everlasting" friendships that were unheard of this time last year.
    We have been through so many happy times, had a few Sad times with more to come unfortunately. We will hope 2016 brings mostly Happy Times. Hazel and I are so lucky to have met up and formed such great friendships with Jess & Norah. What about our amazing Maureen?? we had a fantastic day with her as well. Meeting Maureen in Birmingham New Street Station before we arrived at the Retreat was wonderful, like meeting up with a sister. The Retreat was the pinical of making wonderful friendships. The support network set up in the Cafe is amazing.
    Sandra, you will never be able to please all of the folk all of the time.
    It's your Blog you find a good location, set a date, the ones that can manage will be there. That's more or less the way it was for Birmingham. Found the ideal venue offering us more than we could ask for really. Think of that Craft Room it was brilliant. Downside was getting to it from the rooms, we "Pioneers" managed.
    There were a few who did not make it, that will no doubt happen agian. You just have to bite the bullet and ..... DO IT!!!
    Like Hazel, York is the furthest south I would be willing to travel. Last time was just a bit too far with the Scottish Group being based so far north.
    Right must get on .... no rest for the wicked as they say!!!
    If I don't get back in, have a great evening. Welcome in the New Year, don't eat or drink too much.
    Usual basket of (((((hugs))))) by the door, please help yourselves. xxx

    1. Gosh SANDRA:- how rude of me ..... I forgot to say how beautiful your card is, great choice of colours.
      I love making cards and other things with my Striplet Dies.
      Please forgive me, I got so excited at the thought of meeting up with all our friends again xxx

  18. Afternoon Sandra and everyone. A Huge Thank You to you my dear friend. If it hadn't been through this blog I would been a very lonely 'fat hippo' sitting here looking at e-mails and pinterest and not knowing anyone else so when you see a name now and you count them as your friend ,I do have a heart doing a somersault. So thank you and your card is lovely !
    Michele- hope work wasn't to bad and your headache has now gone.
    Janet- I will clink in the new year twice here too, my parents always calls me at there 12 and then I usually sitting here on my own to bring in the new year ( the others are lightweights).
    oh Myra, I had to laugh when I saw little Hughie going passed on the hoover with a mini duster in his hand. He looked sooo happy. I'm so glad you daft, I seem to be good/fit in with like minded companionships :-) I love it and I hope you never change (don't like changes).
    Jean- have a nice evening and enjoy tomorrow with Nic and the others.
    Karen- you kept that quiet, winning salsa dancing. You lucky pair :-).
    Diane- hope you have a lovely time with Emma at home. When is she going back to Uni ?
    Pat- look after yourself and Pete, try to take it easy x
    Sue- have a lovely time with little Christopher. Say Hi to Margaret from me.
    Anne- have a nice day, mmmm roast beef :-)
    Was it Janet who said she was easy tihi I too can go to most places, just thinking of Lilian and Sheryl and from Oxford it would be a long trek to come so far North. It's a shame there's such distance between some of us, hopefully we can work something out or it will be busy down in Marigny........ hihi
    Have been shopping this morning and then like most of you it seem I did some hoovering and tided up the kitchen, wish the bombs stop falling, it makes such a mess.
    My parcel from Icon came as well so have now more things to play with but also need to find a home for them hihi
    No plans to build the house out, to costly so still waiting for son's room (10 years?)
    Sandra- hope you are ok and no flu or any other illnesses is around for the beginning of the new crafting year for any of you. Special thoughts and hugs to Sheila and Nikki and also to Saba, Val and family, take care xx
    I wish you all a Happy New 2016 and we will see what we can come up with. Love and many hugs to you all, Maria Xxx

  19. Good afternoon Sandra and everyone
    such a lovely card to end 2015 with, this year has brought us all some good things and some not so good too. It is always a surprise to see what you post each day, so I have no real preferences, it is you Sandra who takes the time and trouble to organize everything and it works well so I am happy to leave the choices to you, what I really mean is, if it's not broken why try to fix it.
    With regards to another retreat any long distance travel for me is really not an option unfortunately.
    Here's my wish for everyone, may 2016 bring friends to your door, peace to your life and nothing but happiness come through your doors, have a lovely evening however you are spending it.
    Margaret xxx

  20. Now Margaret you might regret the " bring friends to your door." You know we are trying just to that! come the spring maybe? The rest of yourb request are fine. I wish you health, wealth ( not all money either, as wealth in friendship is just so valuable ) and happiness, I hope you and Derek have a lovely evening. xxx

  21. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    This morning I completed a long message which got lost in cyberspace, I really felt like stamping my feet!!!!!!! And as we are about to go out didn't have time to start again. Anyway back home now, I will try again.

    Sandra this card is really lovely, it is us who should be thanking you for opening up your fantastic coffee shop, You make us so welcome, even let us do a show and tell, thank you, thank you my lovely friend for creating this amazing blog and opening the cafe doors to so many wonderful friends.

    As for ideas for the blog, what about a theme, Tone on tone, or using felt, Vellum or Acetate, on a card or project.

    Sending my best wishes for a VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone. you are all in my thoughts and prayers.

    Love and crafty hugs, Brenda xxx

  22. Hello Ladies,
    I'm sorry that I haven't been in before now, and am doing myself up to go to Rachel and Peter's for their New Year Hoolie. It's nothing mad you understand, a few neighbours houses for food and drinks (coffee for me) and a good old natter. There are lots of young children as their parents don't leave them alone in the house (good thing) and George tends to play games with them.
    I'll read all your comments tomorrow and catch up with things then, but Sandra, I want to thank you for this blog, through which we have made some fabulous friendships, some of us have met up independently, and the Retreat was a great success. I have no suggestions to make regarding your blog, other than to keep it going!!!!
    I am now going to make myself beautiful for this evening - oh dear it might be 2017 before I'm ready ha ha.
    Sending you all love and every good wish for Health and Happiness in 2016.
    love and hugs, Maureen xxxx

  23. Right folks that's me for the evening.
    I would like to take this opportunity to wish you ALL
    See you next year!!! xxx

  24. Well I think everyone is either getting ready to go out or they are having folk round. So I will wish you all a HAPPY NEW YEAR. I will see you all in the morning hopefully sober.

  25. Evening all,

    Well, for the first time since Pete went, I am going out for the New Year Celebrations. Son Robin and his girlfriend are taking me in hand, haha, only to the Spirit, I am not one for the pubclubs anymore, they are way past me.
    So I would like to say have a very Happy New Year wherever/whoever you are spending it with. I wish for you to have peace, friendship and love coming at you in abundance in 2016.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  26. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I echo everything that has been said this blog is brilliant I never thought I would be on one but since joining I feel I know you all personally & you have persuaded me to have a go at stamping much to Sue & Maria's delight they both told me at Ally Pally I would before the year was out which I denied how wrong can you be. The ideas you all come up with amaze me so many different designs I have a lot to learn. As for ideas for topics a tutorial on the best method for stamping for me would be very helpful. The retreat I would love to join you but May is out as I am going to Canada then & end June beginning July hope to go to France with group from boule, as for destination I think Sandra should choose it's her blog & it would need to be convenient for Paul to take & fetch her with wheelchair, sorry this is just my thoughts.
    I would just like to wish you all a Healthy & Happy New Year, thinking especially of Saba & Val at this time you are in my thoughts & prayers & also Sheila special hugs on way to you all, love Margaret xx

  27. Ladies, I too will say goodnight!
    Of course it's Sandra's blog and we all appreciate it but the choice of venue creates problems for everyone. Some of us are not as young as others and choosing a venue for people as far apart as Gairloch and Cornwall may prove a tad challenging! We may have to compromise all round !
    Happy New Year everyone - this can be sorted later! Xxx
    Special hugs to Saba and Sheila be their families! Xxxx

  28. Hello I have just had a call from Darren my poor little Harry has got chicken pox bless him.
    Well looks like everyone is going out so I would like to say SANDRA thank you for your lovely blog you have made a lot of ladies very happy having somewhere to have lovely chats & calarie free cakes in your Wonderfull cafe' THANK YOU. I loved meeting lots of you at Ally Pally I was amazing.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxx
