
Wednesday 30 December 2015

Something a little different for me!

Good Morning Ladies,

Just a quickie today!
I fancied making something a little different while I was playing with designs for Christmas cards.
I love kraft card so that's where the inspiration came from (and the inside of an Amazon box)
I wanted that corrugated card feel so I rummaged about in my craft room and found my card 'Ribbler'
you turn the handle on the hand held machine, it draws the Kraft card (in this case) through, giving it that corrugated look. I went round the edge with a white pen, leaving dashes to look like faux stitching, I then added some gilding wax to highlight the detail of the card, I used Cosmic Shimmer Pearl Moon wax for this,
I then matted it onto some red car and then onto a craft card base, the embellishents were some red flower Stamens (anna Marie ) and a few die cuts, Obsession Impression Fir die, Creative Expression Trailing Ivy die, some lace ribbon adhered to the centre of the card, a little silver ribbon for sparkle, a die cut star for the sentiment and that's about it, I kind of liked it as it was a little rustic and something different for a change.
I hope you like it too.

I went to bed praying that everyone stays safe in the path of Storm Frank, I hardly dare open my eyes this morning to check, there were a few branches down in the cafe garden and I had to sweep a load of leaves from the door!  Everything set up for you today, sit down, relax and chat.

Love and hugs
Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-a lovely card, very different to your usual style.

    Well-Storm Frank has certainly arrived!! It sounds awful outside-no golf for hubby today. I just hope there's been no real damage anywhere.


  2. Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening - I think that covers everyone who pops in.

    SANDRA - I love love love your card for today. I have some ribbed card in my stash drawers and can never find a way of using it so it's a big THANK YOU from me today for giving me an idea and you never know it might just get used now. Your design is just right and in my book of less is more always works. So all in all I love it -or did I say that at the beginning hehehe.
    I hope all is well with all my Dear Friends and that the storm didn't do more damage for those who have suffered too much from before Christmas and are continuing to do so.

    We had rain yesterday morning but by lunch time it had stopped and so Jim could get out to fill all the bird feeders etc and so they now are sorted for a couple of days. It is still dark here and in some areas of the garden Mr Frosty has been playing again.

    It has to be a crafty morning for me as I have to finish off the January bday cards and then I'll see what happens.
    I tried a little Zentangling yesterday afternoon but didn't get very far as my fingers just refused to work properly but I will be trying again.

    NORAH your huggles are just delightful and I hope that the little premmie is feeding well and so beginning to fit into his babygrow a little.

    Sorry just have to leave for a minute to switch on the coffee pot and kettle
    OK back now. We are having Chicken Marengo for tea tonight. I understand that it is a dish reputed to be invented by Boneparte!

    Have a good day everyone and I hope you're all rested and ready for tomorrow evening.
    I'm thinking of you my Dear Yorkshire Lass Saba(Barbara) Val and all the family. I hope you all have a good day together.

    Hugs are on their cyber way hopefully in a direct line.

  3. Good morning everyone
    Well it really is wet, wild, dark and very very windy here so please everyone if you are venturing out do take extra care today.
    Storm Frank is really spreading his effect far and wide by the weather forecast today making sure everyone gets their share!
    Sandra today's card is really different for you but still lovely.
    Barbara thinking of you, Val and family as always.
    Whatever you are doing today everyone have a good day and take care.
    Hugs are over in the corner please just help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

  4. Hello Sandra and all who pop in today,

    Today's card is lovely, and a great idea for using our kraft card. I really do like kraft card but get it out and cannot come up with a design, so your card has come as a great inspiration.

    Hope everyone is safe and well and hurricane Frank hasn't caused havoc where you are.

    Saba, Val and family thinking of you all and keeping you in my prayers. xxx

    I'm off to get my hair cut and coloured, hence the early visit.

    Sending love and hugs to everybody, love Brenda XXX

  5. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    My goodness has everyone slept in this morning, in saying that it was a horrible night here, the rain and wind were awful, I woke a few times during the night with the rain battering on the bedroom window.
    Sandra your card is lovely, very rustic looking, a complete change from usual Christas cards.
    I have a couple of silver wedding cards to do and a 100th birthday, so will get move on.
    I hope the storm haven't been too bad for anyone, especially for the folk already struggling with flooding.
    Take care everyone, Jess xxx

  6. Hi Sandra
    Well this card certainly different for you, but still gorgeous. I have or had a rubber all depending on whether I can find it, or did I give it away the the granddaughters years ago. As usual I'll have to ask before I start looking.
    Saba, Val and family I hope your enjoying each other's company and hugs are on there way to you both and your families.
    I hope that Frank isn't causing to much damage where you are today, and hopefully not to much rain falls where it's not wanted. Up North has had to much already.
    Will now try and post if I can remember that I need to sign in and the hit post again.

  7. Gosh I was going to say good morning. It's nearer lunch time than anything else. Beds stripped and in the machine Room half done, had to stop make Charlie a coffee he came back from the dog walk soaked to the skin, so while he was in the shower I have got an all milk coffee made for him, that's nothing unusual that's all he drinks, no just got it done. Will have my cup of tea then get back to finishing off the bedroom.
    Sue, your beautiful card arrived today, I love your simple and very effective design, right up my street. I will be doing a take on that for a card. Me I am all for being honest and putting my hands up to taking ideas from others then just putting my own twist on it. So thank you.
    Barbara, I am thinking of you, Val and both families.
    Everyone stay safe and in doors if possible.
    Sorry Sandra I nearly forgot your card is lovely, could with a bit of tweaking be used for a base for a man card.
    Right must get on. xxx

  8. Good morning Sandra,
    Well it's been quite a night hasn't it! We are not affected by flooding but some people near by are and some roads are blocked. We aren't going anywhere!
    A large tree has come down across the A49 - Michele and Jean will know where I mean - so the road is blocked between Standish and Euxton. We even have flooding in Euxton on the road through the village but it is in a dip in the road which they keep trying to fix! I got all my news from the Ocado delivery man. He has been here there and everywhere trying to avoid water and trees!
    This is nothing though compared to what others are going through. These are just minor inconveniences compared to there troubles. My heart goes out to them. I think if anyone suggests a hose pipe ban next year there will be riots!!
    I read something this morning - it said "what you have in abundance someone is praying for just a little of, as they have none!" That is so true of water isn't it!
    Sandra - your card is very different but I like it. It's good to try something different. It would be a good card for someone who didn't believe in the true meaning of Christmas.
    Well, must put the rest of the shopping away. Dealt with the fridges so it's just cupboard stuff now!
    My husband went out of the kitchen chuckling to himself. There is a pack of nine toilet rolls on the floor! That should ensure we have no problems until the floods subside says he!! What a comedian!
    On that note - I'll go!
    Maybe I should rephrase that?
    Love to all xxxx

    1. Myra, that saying is so true. Was watching the eruo news this morning and it was showing the drought in Africa, yet if it rains with them now they will end up with flooding as the ground is so baked dry. It wouldnt be absorbed. So it's the reverse of here where the ground is so wet to take any more rain fall.
      Glad your shopping got delivered, at least you have food and supplies now. Charlie went to get milk and bread at tesco and he did wonder if the shops werent opening for a month? How much food do folk need?
      We are lucky the rained stopped after the down pour when Charlie was out walking Harris. Me I just keep watching the mound of earth across the road from us, I am hoping it stays and doesn't move. Or we will have it at our door step.
      I am sitting doing nothing, can't be bothered. I think getting up late is the root of it. Never mind it will do me no harm to do nothing. Xxx

    2. Hazel! I'm what my Dad used to call " puddling about" - similar to you only on the move and not achieving any more!!
      What I have done today nobody would know I 'd done it really! Housework is kind of like that! It's dry here now but a dark day. Croston village hasn't been hit again! I see it made BBC headline news yesterday and today. If they get past 2pm - 4pm today without trouble it should be ok! I hope so. Alastair has popped out to visit an elderly friend - he's nearly 92 so just wanted to check he was ok for food, milk etc. Hope my soup doesn't upset him!! Xxx

  9. Good afternoon everyone, just come in from shopping and it's very windy, not a lot of rain, just showery, but large roadside pools everywhere, if it rains heavily it could cause the same problems as the weekend. My heart goes out to people worst affected than us. Myra that saying is so true isn't it.
    Sandra I really like this card so different, hope you had a relaxing day yesterday, how are you feeling though, any better, hope you can take your mess now.
    I'm going to clear the kitchen now as john has just left for work, then ironing, then crafting so hopefully will pop back later,
    Hugs to all xx
    Jean x

  10. SANDRA Great card I have some corrugated card a la Lidll so I must root it out and have a play
    SABA We're all thinking of you and Val I hope you're able to have a smile too They're important now and for the future
    STORM FRANK Luckily we have not suffered down here A bit breezy I do hope those that are in the midst of it stay safe
    Although I haven't been in much I have enjoyed the crafts on show and the stories
    THEMES I liked mixed craft so I hope it still makes an occasional appearance Other ideas - 1 die, no die, texture, favourite recipes....
    Take care everyone

    1. Nice to see you Karen! Glad you pop in even if no time to stop! You have some good ideas there . I emailed Sandra yesterday with some thoughts so hope she has some food for thought from everyone.
      Question? - do you all make New Home cards or do you buy them? They always stump me! Help! Xxx

    2. Myra, LOTV have images that are good for new home cards, or I sometimes make a card with a striplet and flowers and just stamp " New Home ". Or " Home Sweet Home" xxx

    3. Thanks Hazel, just noticed this! Xxx

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Good afternoon my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Sandra, i'm awful glad that someone can make something out of kraft card as it always reminds me of exactly what gave you the inspiration for it, a cardboard box. I like the simplicity of your card though but sorry not one for me as i guess i am stuck too much in my comfort zone of exactness and pristine. I think i could do the less is more maybe with white card but that would bring it back to the pristine part of me. Steve came with a parcel this morning and news that he is being put on another run. Crikey someone is out to make sure i don't smile as last week it was one of Rory's carers that left to work for Scottish Autism Society. Mitchell was just ripe for teasing and making me laugh but he is away and now Steve although i might still be seeing him from time to time. Yesterday i was dressed in purple from inside out and today it is another purple set which makes some peoples eyes go all funny, lol especially as they know i don't do mix and match, hee hee hee. Oh the fun that you can have at your front door sometimes.
    Well i have just been to collect Rory's little friend who has ADHD that he used to go to school with but he left the year before Rory. They had been really good friends until his mum came charging across here one night just after mum died to give me a hand. This was at 8:30 at night just before last christmas with the two bairns just in t-shirts and her bawling and shouting. I was at my friends at the time when O.H. called to tell me not to come home as Kate was causing one god almighty performance in the street. Kate has ADHD, bi-polar amongst a lot of other disorders and really goes right off the graph when she is in one and she just terrifies me, but that could have been because i wasn't coping that well with loosing mum. Anyway a long story short Rory hasn't seen Aidain since then as i was too much of a coward to take him across in case Katie started again. I stopped Rory going and staying because i found out that he was sleeping on the floor in the kitchen or on this manky tiny two seater sofa which looked on it's last legs when i seen it. Well i'm sorry but i am not having my son sleeping rough like that amongst animal droppings which includes rats as pets, gerbils, birds, dogs and cats all in a tiny 3 bed bungalow. When i say you couldn't swing a cat in any of the rooms i am not exaggerating but it is a private let and they are on benefits. But seeing Rory's face when Aidain came in was worth it as he was so happy at seeing his friend again.

    1. Oh Norah, that's not a good start to 2016 for you. No career that knows Rory and the loss of Steve to another round! One the career will take a lot for Rory to get use to I think, I know things have to be taken slowly when big changes are a foot. Steve on the other hand I think will find a way to see you. Meet us ( well pretend)! At the coffee shop. We can start visiting Saturday or Sundays. Oh I am naughty!!!
      I can imagine Rory's delight at seeing his friend. A mum with bi-polar is bad enough but to put it with ADHD that's really bad. You will just have to let his friend come to yours. Not always what you want but you know Rory is ok then, our house was always full with friends as other parents didn't like theirs to be messed up. I liked to know where ours were. Not hanging around the street or in our case down at the beach. xxx

  13. Well Frank didn't do anything that i can see up here so we are very lucky but i do so feel for the people down at the borders and over. I here Mr. Cameron is going to give the people of York so many millions to strength their flood defences, what about the people of the other places that have nothing in place whatsoever to protect their properties, that have been flooded out 3 times in the same month, what help are they getting to ensure that it doesn't happen again to them? There are numerous places in our Isle that needs this help as well as the famous Yorkminster. I heard one lady from York saying that her daughter works for the Hilton so her family have been put up there, lucky her. What about the rest of the rooms that the Hilton has lying empty so that a few more families can get that much needed help? Her house is built up and the water is at the 2nd step leading into her property, well what about the people that the water has actually destory the whole downstairs part of their homes, i think they would be happy if it was just reaching their 2nd step leading up to their front door, oooh makes me mad. Sorry have put the soap box back in the corner but it does make me mad that their are people that have lost everything and yet others where the water hasn't even entered their properties but their getting help.
    Janet, wee preemi huggles is just not growing much at all and i give him his bottle and mashed up rusks but he's not liking them and i am not going down the Myra road with feeding him chocolate as that is not good for him, but he's a lively wee thing and his quite happy just tiny. When i told him that we were going to the cafe to see all the other ladies he got quite excited with his gooing and gaaing, so i don't know if it's the other voices or the smells that waft around the cafe or whether it's just the bright colours that he likes but it's nice to have a happy wee huggles. You know that wee bread basket idea was a great one as he can lie in there with his wee pillow and blanket and still see everything that is going on. I tried him on some mashed up banana and you should have seen his face and all he could do was giggle and laugh, it's so nice to have a contented wee huggles unlike the others who are always up to something. The found some wrapping paper yesterday and my glue so decided to wrap up one of the wee ones. Ever wondered where a sound is coming from but can't find it, well that was me yesterday as i tried to find out where this crying was coming from. I will give you 3 guesses as to what happen to the bigger huggles for doing that to one of the babies, i just can't be up to them neither i can. So if you catch sight of a huggle with reins on you know that they were one of the culprits and i have put reins on them all to keep them under control so that they behave.
    Well i am going to have a seat and a latte and see who comes into the cafe this afternoon so sending special huggles to Barbara and Val, and all my other special friends who are needing that wee bit extra care and prayers
    Norah x

    1. We've had some fun here today Norah!
      I tied knots in a man's hankie - so it looked like they used to wear on the beach years ago!!.
      I then tied ribbon to each knot - I slung this between the legs of a coffee table - put a cushion underneath and we have a bespoke swing for Hughie!! He loves it - do you think I should patent the idea?
      I hope you get the picture - giggles R Us today . Xxx
      Ward 15 xxxx

    2. Myra, I bet there were giggles when Hughie was playing in his swing! At least this better than him swing from the light fitting.
      I noticed that Maureen is booking the white van for you and Norah. I wonder what adventure she is taking you both on? xxx

    3. Oh Hazel, i'm alreasy there and been assessed as barmy of the highest calibur so at least that's good as i wouldn't want to be just normal barmy as that's open to anyone. See you when you get here Myra and Muriels got a cheek booking the wee white van for us when she doesn't even know her own name at times so i think she will be joining us in the not to distant future. :)

    4. Myra i think that was a wonderful idea and to see Hughie's happy wee face that he has a swing made especially for him. I'm so glad that you put safety measures in place in case he falls out as we wouldn't want him getting hurt, what would the doctor say? x

    5. Norah, I know I think Maureen should join us don't you think? I don't have to go far the mental hospital is just up at the top of the road from here.
      I am making a wedding card and I asked the person ordering what colour the bridesmaids will be in? Answer it will be the latest colour. Now what's the latest colour, mine wore the in colour in 1970 which was pale mint? Patricia made me wear peach as that was the in! Colour. I will have to try googling it? Oh fun Xxx

    6. Maureen! Thinks we are mad!! Huh! She is the one who went hot air ballooning in a balloon made of her red silk bloomers!!
      I rest my case! Xxx

    7. I wonder if Maureen will get the balloon out tomorrow night? What the weather going to be like? If it's windy it could be dangerous. We will be boring old folk seeing how we are looking after the boys and we will may be have a dog who isnt very good? We will leave all that to the younger ones.

    8. We aren't doing anything tomorrow night either, Hazel! We are going out to a Restaurant though for lunch on New Years Day. I cooked all over Christmas so it's time for a rest. I'm looking forward to that. It's raining quite heavily here now again! Xxx

    9. So pleased you are getting waited on, make the most of it. Not good about it raining heavily with you, it's raining here but not to bad. It could get worse over night so the bedroom window will have to be closed again tonight, I hate that. xxx

    10. Agree about the window - ours is open all night too! I can't sleep in a warm room . Warm cosy bed yes! Not a stuffy room ! Xxx

    11. Just noticed what you said above about LOTV for New Home cards. I love their images and have used them for new baby cards!
      I bought a die in the Sale - came yesterday it's a little babygro - I thought it would be good and I could cut it any colour card I liked even spots or checks! Xxx

    12. MYRA:- if you used that Die to cut soft material would the Babygro be any use for "wee Hughie" ?? xxx

    13. I use their images loads I bought a few pads of toppers in their sale earlier in the year, that babygro will be useful. xxx

    14. Oh I bet it would fit him just right, xxx

    15. Oh yes !! It would but it's more of a vest with poppers than a babygro!
      It doesn't have trouser legs! My description before was poor! Xxx

  14. Afternoon Sandra and everyone.
    Oh ,what a day with this windy Frank. Hope you my friends be all right but thinking of all the people who have all this flooding. Myra ,your saying is so true. I hope you all have a good day whatever you are up too. 25st x-mas cards done for next year Cheryl, you do are out in good time. Love the card today Sandra, always nice with something CAS. I seem to over think any card I will make and then the Mojo goes away and I get slumped by the time I need a card asap. so yesterday I made a Birthday list to put inside a kitchen cupboard so when I make a card next I got them all there.Funny the only Month I have no Birthday to make for is December....
    So tired last night so I went to bed quite early but then OH joined me and started snoring so that was me back up. Slept some on the sofa in the lounge but not very well so back to bed around 4am and then I woke first at 9.30, not good because after shower and brekkie the whole morning has gone and it's wrong. Anyhow I cleared out the under-stair cupboard, so much rubbish collected in there, feel good is now tidy (for a while). Sitting having a rest and watching Tv but will try to get some cutting outs later,hope so the new little plates coming soon. Had to ask Sue W. about my comment win as it hasn't arrived anything, Thought maybe because of the holidays it could take some time but she said I should have received it by now. She very kindly will send me a new one, I can't wait to see what I get.
    Love and hugs to you all and hope you all are ok or feeling better anyway. Take care Maria Xxxx

  15. Afternoon Sandra & ladies,

    Very different card to your usual style Sandra, I rather like it. I have followed some mixed media blogs now for a couple of years and this is similar style to ones I have seen on them. Bravo to you, outside the box or what?

    Well, it's raining cats and dogs down here in Somerset. Still can't fathom out why the MET Office have to call storms by a different name to that in America. For someone who watches the weather across the pond with interest, every hurricane, gale, tornado and typhoon they have, we get the backlash of the tail end of their storms roughly 7-14 days later and this one's name is Conrad I believe. Doesn't help those who are flooded out though whatever the name is.
    We should all write to Mr Hoody 'call me Dave' Cameron saying where our taxes should go and it is certainly NOT abroad. Stuff the EU and their directives, our money should be spent at home first and when we have got everything back in apple pie order then, and only then, should the surplus be sent to help others. We must remember most of these countries inhabitants do not pay taxes as we do, so why should we keep providing for them? I have not seen one appeal in the foreign news asking for their country to provide relief for our residents.
    Sorry Norah to have filched the soap box for so long, it's back in the corner now.

    I have three cards left to make from my first batch which will bring the total to 45 Christmas cards waiting for inserts. More info on my posting last night.

    Warm thoughts for all those not so good, stay safe and don't venture out unless you absolutely have to.
    Saba & Val, you are always in my prayers and gurt big ((((hugs)))) on their way to you.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    If you have Serif there is a free digikit called No Place Like Gnome It has toadstool house

    In the past I have printed off the street name and postcode and created a focal point type banner

    Ornate bird cages work well too

    Tea cups, flowers .. I don't know if any of that helps...

    1. Thanks Karen! That helps a lot - I just seemed to draw a blank! Xxx

    2. Myra, how do you draw a blank? xx

    3. It's Easy Peasy ! You just pretend to draw anything you like!!! Xxxx

    4. Hee hee! I draw them a lot Mine's usually what do I do for dinner

  17. Helloooooooooooooooo
    Sandra, I love your card today. I must hunt out my ribbler, I don't think I've ever used it!!! Your card reminds me of a window shutter, lightly dusted with snow!
    Norah and Myra, I think the sooner you are collected by the men in white coats, the better. These huggles are getting the better of both of you!!! What with preemis and bread baskets, and making a handkie swing, I am seriously worried!! ha ha
    I have been totally lazy, done very little today, but hey ho, what I haven't done today will still be there tomorrow, and tomorrow is New Year's eve and I have to get everything done, or I'll never get sorted all of 2016. I'm away to start working now!!!!! Old habits die hard.
    Everyone, stay safe if Frank calls, the winds - which have been strong all day - are getting stronger, but it's not raining YET.
    love to all
    Muriel xxxx

    1. If Frank calls here - there is no room at the Inn!!! Xxx

    2. PS! How are you getting on with your tablet?? Xxx

  18. Dinner sorted Stir fry tonight and I'm cooking some cauliflower and broccoli for tomorrow Cheese sauce to do and another dinner done Daughter teaching Salsa tomorrow night What are your plans to see in 2016

  19. Frank has turned up again, he is crying rather badly but not much huffing and puffing thank goodness. We won't say to much as folk in Hawick are suffering again. xxx

  20. Hello Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sorry I've been missing, it's been incredibly hectic with lots of late nights and not a lot of internet access! Today is the first time I've had a chance to sit down. Mind you, I'd just got comfy with a film and a box of choccies then realised I had a late chiropractor appointment, so coat scarf and boots on, car keys found and out into the torrential rain I went. Arrived back home dripping wet so dinner in pjs tonight - I know howto live!
    Sandra how exciting it's my Christmas card! It's lovely - it's sat on my piano at this very moment. Thank you. It arrived safe and sound and the paper protecting the berries worked a treat - the red does come off the berries in the post, just so you know for next time you use them. Ladies all your lovely cards are either on the piano or the sideboard and have been much admired.
    I hope you are all safe and sound - the weather has been really dreadful, I feel so sorry for everyone who has been flooded. I've just realised I haven't heard from an old school friend in Malvern this year - I know they moved away from the floods a couple of years ago so I hope everything is ok for them.
    Barbara I'm thinking of you and Val sweetheart, sending you a big hug. Xxxxx
    Right I must go, time for a cheeky glass of wine I think.
    See you tomorrow xxxxxxxx

    1. Cheers, My Dear!! Lovely to have you back! Missed you! Xxx

    2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. This is a different one for you but as usual you have made a beauty. I hope you are getting some rest and taking the drugs today my lovely.
      We have visitors at the moment so I am quickly leaving this message while I wait for the kettle to boil for more coffees.
      I hope you are all keeping well.
      Love to you Saba, Val and family.
      Take care xx

  21. Myra, I love my tablet, but I e-mails are all together and I find it easier to use the laptop.
    But I've discovered Candy Crunch and my niece Julie put a couple of other games on it when we were there for George's birthday. I'm finding out about Aps, and things, oh isn't life great when you're connected!!! I always thought that meant you knew people who were important, like you ha ha.

    1. Oops, forgot to say goodnight to everyone. Stay safe, and if Frank comes knocking, threaten him with Hughie!!!

    2. Hello, oh so nice to see you Karen, Diane and Sue ,missing you when not in for a drink during the day.Littlelamb,Anne,Sheila and Saba hope you are ok.Norah, the huggles have been pretty good today I think so maybe let them off tomorrow as it is New Years Eve ? The little one is not putting much weight in is he but if he like bananas then he can have that, he is so cute in his little swingy thingy. Out in the morning but hope to see you later in the day. Good Night my friends xxxx
