
Tuesday 29 December 2015

Michele's thank you card

Good Morning Ladies,
Hopefully this post will make it on time and the cafe will have its doors open to welcome you all at 6.00am
as usual.  If there are any lovely crafters standing outside the cafe 'peeking' in please feel free to come on in and join the most amazingly friendly bunch of ladies, we have so much fun and laughter, but also the best love and support you could wish for!

Today's card has been brilliantly designed by our Michele, the bonus of the card is that Michele found the die in one of the bags of stash that she received from her friend that was giving up crafting.  Michele made the card for friend (you know the one)!
I love all the different designs of teacups on this what I believe is a Dreamweaver die. I love how you have used the die Michele, we sometimes forget to use the old 'DL' size card, it fits this die perfectly.
Thank you for sharing your card with us Michele, I am sure your friend loved it! xxx

A day of rest in our house today, Paul's parents are leaving this morning, we will then have a lazy day as Paul is working tonight.
I hope you all have a lovely day,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    The card I made was quite simple. I backed the cut out areas on the teacups with purple, added more teacups & mounted it onto some purple pearlised card. I think I should have embossed the background card to add more interest.
    The die was in one of the bags of stash friend donated (who is giving up card making) & the card is for my "cluttered house " friend. I called round before Christmas with her presents & there was literally nowhere to sit! We too it in turns before I announced that I had to go-I spend all day on my feet so I like to sit down after work. She didn't seem to think it was odd that I didn't stop long luckily.

    The alarm going off at 6.30 was a shock to my system this morning I can tell you! Oh well, no point in moaning as I didn't ask for any time off-maybe next year?!


    1. My comment should say "we spent it in turns sitting down"- should have looked before I pressed publish!


    2. Hi Michele, don't work too hard today. Love the card, it's a super die.

    3. Lovely card Michele! What an effective card and quite smile to make. I like those! Hope work isn't too bad! Xxx

    4. Fabulous card Michele ! if it ever be a second hand you got my address hihi have a good day at work xx

    5. Hi Michele,
      Your card today is lovely, hope work is not too bad take care love Margaret xx

    6. Hi Michelle - don't work too hard today - love this card - the die is so unusual xx Jean xx

    7. Hi Michelle. I love your card, you have been very lucky with some of the goodies you have been given haven't you : ) I hope work is going / went well well for you, depending on when you read this.
      Sandra, I hope you have taken those tablets as directed today my lovely as you can relax now that Paul's parents have gone home. We want you fighting fit when we start our weekly meetings, making Christmas cards feady for next year maybe???
      Janet, I must apologise for not mentioning your beautiful stepper card yesterday, I was concentrating on remembering to say how glad I was on your journey going well that I forgot to say how much I lived your card! Thank you for sharing it
      A lazy day here today, to be honest I woke up properly about 2 hours ago after a bad nights. We have a visitor, well he is considered to be family, coming round at 6pm so I must get on and have a shower etc. I hope you are all as well as possible.
      Saba, my love and hugs to you, Val and the family.
      Brenda littlelamb, I'm glad that you enjoyed Christmas with your family. Now you are home I hope you can relax as you have been very busy just lately haven't you x
      Take care xx

  2. Good morning everyone, hope you are all well. Fine here, well I am ok don't know about John, he is still in the Land of Nod ... only for another few minutes anyway.
    MICHELE:- your card is brilliant, love the cup Die and how you have used it.
    I have a few cards I need to make, all for ladies so that will be ok!
    The other thing I am going to do is get all the "card bits" folded into small cards and make envelopes for them. Pop them in a box ready for making up, if I do that I can take my time working through them.
    Made myself some tea & toast. Will sit over at the corner table, wait and see who pops in.
    (((((((hugs ))))) in the basket as usual, please help yourselves. xxx

    1. Hello Patricia,
      Washing out, next load in and then we are going out for some fresh air. It will be fresh as it's quite breezy and cool, but the sun is shining. We'd better make the most of it, before the next deluge.
      Enjoy getting your cards ready. I need to clear up in my room but I'll do that tomorrow as it's going to be a lousy day.

    2. Oh I've been allowed now! It wouldn't let me comment here before! I, too, have lots to tidy up in my craft room but I'm doing make and takes at our Ladies Group in January so need to cut and score some card. Be good girls! Xxx

    3. Have a good day tidying up and crafting away, you so good at starting early with card making xx

    4. Hi Patricia - such a good idea to score your cards ready - do you make your own envelopes - is it the envelope maker from Crafters Companion - have seen this but am not sure xx Jean x

    5. JEAN:- I use the We are Memory Keepers Envelope Maker.
      i have the Crafters Comapnion one as well but prefer the WAMK xxx

    6. Jean - I am not authorised to speak for Saba - but she recommended the We Are Memory Keepers one to me! Xxx

    7. thanks Patricia and Myra for the info regarding WRMK envelope maker - must invest I think - thanks again Jean xx

  3. Good morning Sandra and ladies.
    Michele, A great card using that cup die. Yes we tend to forget the DL style cards, yet a striplet looks good done on one.
    We are off out later to get bits and pick up a fellawy plug in for Harris to see if that will help on New Year's Eve with the fire works, we are looking after Jak Tammys dog too. Don't know how he will be. Yes granny and grandad are having the boys ad dog so they can go out.
    Think I will be doing like big sister Patricia and use up bits and make cards. Lots of cut offs from doing Christmas cards so some die cutting using those if possible and card bits if big enough can become card bases. Played with new dies yesterday and made up a couple of cards, got some 12x12 papers out to use as back grounds these were ones that didn't like the look of and thought if I mess up it won't matter, well it's amazing what a fancy die cut in white and do to change the look of said papers. So no binning was done. I have a few birthdays to make for so I am going to get on with those too. Now I am not sure about starting to make c cards just yet, I need a break from those.
    Janet, glad you are all unpacked and relaxing in your little bit of heaven, I hope this horrible weather isn't with you too.
    Myra, Margaret C, Jean and Michele oh Barbara too. I am praying that this storm Frank doesn't bring more misery your way.
    Sheila, did you have a lovely day with Nikki? I bet she loves Christmas.
    Norah, I hope GGrandad is coping. I see on the news that lady who was shot in the care home was done by her husband, my heart goes out to him he must have just had enough. ok not the way to go about things but how can tell how he was feeling?
    Anne, I hope the sickness bug gave you a miss.
    Oh I will better go make a move sitting here in the cafe will never do.

    1. Oh Hazel, we haven't had the call to look after the girls, as they tend to go into their neighbours parties, and are usually still there until leaving time in the early hours. Of course, they'll still have a week to recover before going back to school (next Wednesday). Enjoy your cutty out day!!!!

    2. Hello Hazel,
      I have been allowed to make a reply under your post - it wouldn't let me make one under Patricia's. Probably Muriel's fault! We have a beautiful day today but have been warned about tomorrow! Alastair washed cars this morning! Can't think why!! Xxx

    3. Morning Hazel, have a nice day, plenty of rest xx

    4. Hello Hazel - like Myra we have a beautiful day but its looking nasty for tomorrow - take care everyone xx Jean xx Maybe Jak might be the help Harris needs regarding fireworks Hazel - hope hes ok xx

  4. Hi Sandra
    Love your stepper card Michele, especially like the designs on your cups. I bet your friend loved it.
    Wish I read what I'd written yesterday, blogger changed quite a few words. Toms grandma certainly didn't have get hop done. But her hip. But I expect you already knew that.
    Glad your settled in France now Janet and I hope the weather us better than here. Hope the rains have abated in Cumbria. Peters son is off to Matlock today, stopping off at Meadowhall Sheffield along the way. My word what a big shopping centre. I went there Christmas shopping a couple of years ago with friends. We stayed over at the Travelodge across from the station when we went.
    Loving the cracker jokes Maureen, Myra, I can ever remember jokes. Will be back later if I can. Need to go up to Doreen's to get her some shopping after Petes had his breakfast, then the house needs putting straight after yesterday.

    1. Hi Pat,
      We had a competition to see who had the worst joke in their cracker!! Little things please little minds ha ha.
      Have a good day.

    2. Pat, you know me , I noticed one or two small errors but was too polite to say anything!!! You are just much too busy that's all! Take care!! Xxx

    3. Hi Pat, oh didn't want to say anything about the hop in case it was a word for something you know what hihi. Sorry I mixed up you and Myra, I believe it was you who was after the Wavy Mask that Tressa have a spare of.Hope Doreen is ok. Have a nice day xx

    4. Hi Pat , the jokes were just what the doctor ordered weren't they xx Jean

  5. Halloooooooooooooo,
    Sandra, lovely to see you open the cafe early and not worry us all that something was wrong. Now do as Hazel says (not as I do) and take your tablets. We can't be doing with worrying at our age!!!
    I have commented under everyone's posts so that I don't have to remember things.
    Barbara, Margaret C, Myra, Jean, Michele, our Scottish contingent, and anyone else who is in the path of these terrible weather conditions, I hope you are all safe, well and dry.
    Barbara, sending you love and prayers.
    Well, just about to hang my second load of washing out, then taking George out. He's really looking forward to it ha ha.
    Be good, will see you later.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Hello there! You have probably gone by now! I could just see George jumping from one foot to the other in excitement saying please may we go now!! Enjoy the fresh air - it's lovely here blue sky and sunshine. They say it won't last! Xxx

    2. Hi Maureen, have a nice day and a lovely walk with George, cuddles for him xx

    3. Hello Maureen - hope you have enjoyed your day out today xx Jean

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Michele your card is lovely, we do forget about dl cards, and they can make a nice change from 6x6 and A5s. Sandra you are really good knowing all the dies we use, well done.
    Must go and get the craft room tidied up, can't even see the top of the desk for bits of card. Washing on, hope the sun stays out for a while, had a cup of tea now ready to get moving.

    1. Hello Jess, I liked that joke!
      May I say, with tin hat on head, it sounds better in a Scottish accent!!
      Happy tidying! Xxx

    2. Morning Jess, you three... could be in the comedy club, you made me giggle last night. Have a nice day,take care xx

  7. Good Morning Sandra,
    Please don't worry about opening for 6am - I'm not up at that time anyway!
    Have a lovely quiet day and re-charge the batteries!
    Well I cleared up yesterday - changed the bed and washed and ironed ! What did I do first thing this morning - put another load of washing on! It's never ending - however I am glad we are clean!!
    My shopping which usually comes on Friday is coming tomorrow on account of Friday being New Years Day. So , I must check that next and make sure we I have all the things we need in that virtual trolley!!
    Michele's card is lovely today and a great card for the cafe!!
    There is a very fat squirrel sitting in the sun on one of our garden chairs! I think he is sunbathing! I might just go and join him!
    Where's that sun lotion! ?

    1. Have you fatten up the squirrels too Myra and not just Norah's huggles hihi sorry about the mix up, probably gone by now anyway. You have a nice day now xx

    2. Hi Myra - make the most of todays sunshine - its the same here - only two of us and the washing is never ending xx Jean

    3. I hope it's a Red Squirrel not a nasty grey one??!!


  8. Hi Sandra and all in today.
    Card lovely Michele, spoke to you earlier so just hope you have a good day at work.
    Well washing ,clearing away and shopping also on the agenda for today so must give a wiggle on soon as OH is waiting to go out. I wish you all a good day and hope to see some of you later. Sandra ,do rest up now and take your pills! To all our missing friends I hope you are ok and come in to see us soon! Love and hugs to you all,
    Maria xxx

  9. Afternoon everyone
    Well this is the second time of trying to say Hello as I started at 08.00 our time - mentioned everything I wanted and then Yes I pressed the wrong button and everything went well I don't know where.

    MICHELE - I love love your card today. That is one beautiful die and I can just see at least three of my friends loving it.
    Please have a good day at work and I hope it's not too manic for you.

    SANDRA - by now everyone will have left and you can relax this afternoon with the family.
    I cannot remember who mentioned the idea of THEMES yesterday but I love the idea. I really enjoyed it when we made cards using only one die and then without any at all.
    Well I've managed to get one bday card and one sympathy card made this morning. I really do find sympathy ones really difficult to make.

    I'm now going to go and have a first go at ZENTANGLING. One of my crafty friends from Knit and Natter bought me a book on how to do so I have to give it a go don't I.

    Have a good afternoon and all my thoughts and prayers are with all of you in need especially Barbara, Val and their family.

    Hugs should arrive but when is anyone's guess.

  10. Good lunch time to all my coffee shop cherubs,
    Michele, your card for your friend is lovely flower and using her die that she had given you shows just how much you appreciate her although i think i nice trip to our favourite cafe would be in order and she wouldn't put on any weight or be skint at the end of the day, lol.
    Why am i so thick? I got up yesterday and because of circumstances all conspiring against me i forgot to take my tablets and then couldn't understand why i couldn't move because the body was so sore, doh! If i had only looked at my box i would have seen the reason but stupid here went all day trying to cope (cos i'm trying hard to cut down my meds) with the pain and fighting a loosing battle, what an eejit. So guess who is still paying for it today i wonder, honestly how stupid can one person be.
    Because O.H. gave me the money for my TL magazine i got the wee baby blue as i said the other day and i tried it out. Now i went for the baby blue as opposed to the sb baby machine because it was 0.5" wider which more of my dies would go through and i got it for £25 with the £20 off it with buying the year magazine and it's quite good. Will say that some of Sue's more intricate dies won't cut in the middle but i am just doing a bit of trial and error to see what will work. I got it to let me craft on my not so good days when i can't lift my SB GC up onto the table but want to do some. That's the only thing about crafting at the diningroom table, i need to clear it again. I haven't dared get down my Big shot plus yet as O.H. would do his nut so going to wait until i can bring it out without him being able to say anything about it, might just blame it on one of my lovely friends that got the Platinum and gave me their bigshot plus( it's ok the nose has grown 3" just thinking about telling a lie like that).
    I've brought preemi huggles in his wee babygrow that he really needs to grow into, as i have the sleeves rolled back so that he can see his wee handies. Poor wee mite thought someone had taken them when he couldn't see them and as for the legs well it makes him look as if he has long legs until he decides he wants a cuddle and the legs of the babygrow are still hanging down when the rest of him is up, it looks so funny. How have the older huggles behaved yesterday when i wasn't around to keep my eye on them? I'm glad that Hughie had fun with the grandchildren Myra although i'm not sure who would have been the more trouble, Hughie at having lots of new friends to play with nearer his height or the grandchildren at their excitement at having a new friend at granny and grandads. Did he have on just his babygrow or did he get a new outfit to wear?
    Anyway i'm going into the corner with my knitting and baby preemi in his wee basket, awh he's cooing away and giggling at everything, isn't it nice to hear him so happy? Now i've also brought some more huggles in to the cafe for them to go to new homes as they need that personal touch and someone to love,
    love from
    ward 16 of larbert insane asylum
    Norah x

    1. Hi Norah, hope you start to feel a bit easier after taking your meds - I hate taking meds and only take what I have too but I don't think Im as bad as a lot of people who come in here so Im lucky. If you need them - take them luv xx
      I got the Baby Blue a while ago and love it even for sentiments, age dies etc so I don't have to use the bigger machine,
      Myra will soon have premi huggles fitting into his babygro haha,
      take care xxxJean x

    2. Now Jean! I'm sure I don't know what you mean!
      He's full of beans today! No no - nothing to do with 57 varieties!
      Huggle Beans - like jelly beans only tiny !! He loves the black ones - he would!! Xxx

    3. Norah, use me if it helps cover the fact you bought the big shot! I am very generous didn't he know that? Norah, not so good you forgetting to take your meds. Yes your body will have protested. You take it easy today, well how stupid am I ? You take it easy! well at least easier. Now as for the Huggles I caught two of them lying on their backs under the tree eating the baked Christmas biscuits,I think they were seeing how much they could eat just lying their. We monkeys. I think they went for a sleep afterwards as they were that full. I think they will be having a go at the candy canes next. xxx

    4. Norah!! Helloooo!
      Just say some friends had a whip round! It's true - he won't know it's a virtual whip round! Any trouble and I 'll bring the whip round!!! Xxx

    5. Hi Norah, hope you feeling more like yourself by now but don't forget your meds. too often I know what happens but also know if taking to many. oh I felt good at the time. Say we had a Christmas Lottery here in the Cafe' and you won the 1st price :-) Thank you for the huggles ,they are well appreciated and the little one is so cute.
      We don't have to brake you out again do we ? xx

    6. Maria, that's a brilliant thing for Norah to tell him. The tickets where virtual as well. Your right about taking to many meds I did that one day with my steriods and oh yes I felt good but had to take three days of reducing the dose back down. Never did that again. You do learn the hard way don't you? xxx

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    MICHELE, I love your card. And love the way the tea cups are stacked up and decorated with a different designs thank you for shareing this card with us.

    Well for the moment the sun is shining, although we have had rain on and off through the morning.The thing is when the sun shines on the windows and mirrors it shows up all the marks. I have just gone around with Mr Kutcher cleaning mirrors, could do the windows, Will give it a miss as our neighbour has a lot of building work going on and scaffolding. Think if I clean the windows now they probably need doing again later. Well that's my excuse and I'm sticking with it!
    I can't believe where the time has gone, I started this message around 10 AM then had a phone call from a friend, that lasted a good half hour and after that I just got sidetracked, (what's new) I am determined to complete my message this time.
    I hope you are all having a good day, and Sandra, you are really taking things easy.
    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

  12. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra please take it easy today Lovely to have visitors but can be very tiring, hope the tablets are working hugs to you xx
    Played boule this morning in lovely sunshine good to be out in it tomorrow doesn't look very good. Hugs on way to all who need them especially Barbara, Val & family love Margaret xx

  13. Afternoon everyone
    have commented all the way down for a change as am just having a quiet five minutes (or so)
    Sandra hope you enjoy a relaxing afternoon,
    Its been gorgeous here today, could be mistaken for early spring but we don't think it will last, nasty for tomorrow so need to batten down the hatches haha xx
    Will pop back later to see whats been happening,
    Hugs to Barbara, Val and Sheila - thinking of you all
    Jean xx

    1. Jean never thought of Jak helping him with the noise, we bought the Fellaway thing so we will use it as well. But thank you for mentioning it. xxx

  14. Good afternoon everyone
    Back to the same dull weather but at the moment only the occasional heavy shower, any break from the rain is welcome. We shall just have to wait and see what storm Frank brings us tonight, they are forecasting 110mm of rain for us but I live in hope they are wrong.
    Michele what a lovely card and so very apt for the cafe, I am sure your friend will be pleased with it.
    To all those resting today enjoy the rest before the New Year celebrations, I am making good progress with the tidying in my room, I wonder how long it will stay that way?
    Maureen have a lovely day with George I'm sure he will enjoy it. I took Derek out this morning he asked if he really needed to go, I told him there were plenty in the cemetery that would swap places with him and he needed the exercise!
    Hazel and Patricia enjoy your thrifty crafting using up your bits and pieces.
    Norah do take things easy today after missing your meds yesterday they are so easy to forget.
    Myra don't overdo the washing, fancy making poor Alistair wash the cars as well bless him.
    Brenda take things easy and don't worry it's good to chat with a friend.
    Janet so pleased you are enjoying your little bit of French heaven, take care.
    Barbara as always thinking of you, sending you a comforting big hug.
    Well I'm off to do some more craft tidying, I may even get it finished today, then I have some 21st birthday cards to make along with one for a 60th. Someone told me the other day when you reach 60 you get a free bus pass, free prescriptions and 101 ailments! I don't think I had better put that on the card though.
    Enjoy your day however you are spending it, hugs over in the corner, help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hope Derek enjoyed his walk hihihi ! Have a nice evening xxx

  15. Well folks I don't know what's it's like with you, but the sky here is heavy and very black! The tempeture has dropped after such a nice day. I think we are in for that bad weather, I know we are at the east and we are not meant to get it bad! If the west are going to get the most I feel for you. The fields are like lakes on the way to Perth and still flooding on parts of the road. At the loch on the way to Perth it is over the road and one of gate houses are standing in water. It makes you wonder what more rain will do?

  16. Hi Norah
    Good job I looked as predictive text just put hi anorak, now when I typed it again it out ho Norah. Predictive text is getting as naughty as your huggles. I love your stories Norah and I certainly don't think your an edit. Talking of not taking mess. Pete has 4 dive bombers to take every day. 4 grouped together, so how come he just ended up taking 3 one day. That's an ejit.
    Make sure you take care and have a restful day today, after missing your needs. It's easily done as Many people have done it before. Love you lots.

  17. Norah, I think I might need to go into the loft and find the bag of dolly clothes so we can get something to fit that premmie huggle. xxx

  18. Hi ,I'm going for an early night so just wanted to say Good Night to all and hope to see you tomorrow. I might get some of Norah's huggles with me to keep me warm and cosy. The wind have picked up here and the sky is black so weird after last nights with the beautiful stary sky.I hope for you all up North that you will be all right the next few days ,see you xxx

    1. Night, night. Maria, I hope you get a good nights sleep. xxx

    2. Night Night Maria! Sleep well . Thank you! I'm sure we will be fine . There are poor souls a lot more concerned than me! Xxx

    3. Good night Maria, sweet dreams.
      We will all be fine I am sure. It's all the poor souls who will not be in their own homes and beds I feel sorry for. Let's hope and prey it is not as bad as predicted. xxx

  19. Evening ladies,

    Have you had your lazy day Sandra?

    Rather late for me, I have been so busy today. I took advantage of this mild weather to do all the little tasks that just pile up into a mountain before you know it! Picked up my repeat meds, visited the Range and was pleasantly surprised to see not 1 but 2 artist daylight bulbs in stock so bought both! By the time I got back the 2nd load of washing had finished so put the 3rd on while I weeded, decluttered the drive of all the leaves that had collected there, then swept the path alongside my hedge. came back in to find washing finished, hung that out and got dinner sorted.
    Afternoon spent in my craftroom, then tea and a couple of hours catch up TV, back into craft room where I have just finished the 25th Christmas card for charity shops next year.Whew! what a productive day!
    Last week when I had my big craft tidy up, I found so many papers, toppers etc. that I promised myself I would get one box out at a time every week, and use all the stuff until I had emptied each box. So that is almost one down and 10 more to go, not all is Christmas ones I hasten to add.

    A lovely card Michele which reminds me it's time I had another cuppa before bed.
    Whilst drinking it I can read all today's comments.

    Batten down the hatches ladies, it is fairly blowing a gale out there for the last hour or so, no rain as of yet but I expect that is on the way soon. I fervently hope that this one will miss all those poor people up north, I think they have had more than their fair share.

    Nighty night to everyone having an early night.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx
