
Monday 28 December 2015

Janet's Stunning Stepper Card

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Everything will be on its head for a few days, no 'Man' Card Monday, or Mixed Craft Saturday for a week or two.
As the New Year is upon us it seems a good time to ask you all if there is anything you would like added to the blog, new features, new ideas?? shall we finish Mixed Craft Saturdays (as we seem to have exhausted most peoples hand made stocks)??
You are all the most important part of this blog so I want to keep you all excited about calling in each day, so just let me know your thoughts, I am sure anything is possible!
Santa bought Paul a pop up photograph studio, that has a tripod for the camera etc so that it will be easier for me to take pics too when Paul isn't here..
I would like to continue with the Step by Step Tutorial idea that I did a couple of last month, so any suggestions for ideas for that would be fantastic.
I would also like to ask your thoughts on doing another Retreat, I would love to meet those of you that were unable to make the last one as well as meeting up with those that did make the last one again, for me it was the most amazing experience, despite being my biggest hurdle to overcome EVER!!!!
The hard thing this time will be picking a venue area that makes it easy for everyone to attend !!
Let me know your thoughts and whether you are interested or not.

Now onto Janet's gorgeous card,  do love a 'Steppper' Card, they give something to look at that'd different visually, a little more interesting that a standard card, they make you think out of the box regarding decoration too.
Janet seems to have added some sparkle to her card base, it may well be Cosmic Shimmer 'Diamond Sprinkles' or something similar, it's enough to give a bit of sparkle without being over the top.
I love the effect of using the Creative Expressions 'Santorini' die from their 'Greek Island' collection sideways, making it the perfect size and shape for the main 'body' of the stepper card.
Janet has then used the inner sections of the same die set for the smaller 'steps',  using the (CE) 'Happy Birthday' cut, cleverly (and very neatly) in half was also a genius idea, I love the 'Cameo' style centre to the die and the little embellishments on the other 2 sections too, all in all a beautiful card Janet, thank you so much for allowing me to share it with everyone xxx

That's all for today folks, we have Paul's parents staying with us for a couple of days, Paul's brother Darren and his children called in yesterday afternoon for a surprise visit, which was lovely
I am still battling this blooming Labyrinthitis, I seem to have a 'good'ish day and then a bad, trouble is with having visitors I feel that I can't take the medication as it knocks you out and that seems very rude, fingers crossed it will be over very soon.

Please send me your photos as soon as possible for cards, crafts etc, I do like to have them for 'back ups' for times like this when I can't see straight enough to make a card! thank you my lovelies!

Have a fabulous Bank Holiday Monday Ladies,
Love and Hugs


  1. Oops sorry for the delay ladies, I was too poorly to see this post through last night/early am, I had prepped most of it but forgot to press 'publish'!!!!!
    Anyway its here now, have a great day,
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Glad you're OKAY ish Sandra-was beginning to panic!

    Janet-your card is just gorgeous. I love stepper cards, they're my absolute favourite style.

    We've emptied the loft of boxes & other junk. Looks like I'm going to the tip later as we can't move now! I was mid card making when hubby decided we had to empty the loft right NOW! I think I'll wait tilt his afternoon to resume crafting.
    I'd love to see more tutorials on the blog, I love having instructions to follow especially if they're simple.


  3. Sandra, glad everything's is fine? Was worried the journey might have been to much for Paul's parents. I opened up the cafe on the end of last nights just incase you didn't get a post up.
    Janet, your card is gorgeous. I like using stepper card blanks to create a card. I hope you have arrived safe at your little bit of heaven. Also has that baby arrived yet?
    Now that I know you and yours are ok I will go get on. xxx

  4. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    You had us worried I had just textedvSue to ask if you were OK good to see you, sorry you are still suffering try & take the meds the in-laws will understand. Hugs on way xx
    Son gone home today so having a quiet day just about of ironing.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  5. Janet your card is lovely hope you have arrived safely.xxh

  6. Hello everyone
    I popped in earlier and thought there must be something wrong with my laptop! Better late than never Sandra not to worry, enjoy your visitors.
    Janet your card as always is beautiful the colours are so lovely thank you for sharing with us all. Have you arrived safely at your little French heaven? Hope so and that you had a good journey.
    Take care everyone and enjoy your day.
    Margaret xxx

  7. Hello Sandra and all who call in to the coffee shop,
    Sorry I haven't been in for a couple of days but life has been manic, Christmas Eve Christmas Day we stayed at our younger daughters, The other daughter and family joined us Christmas Day we all. Boxing Day left mid afternoon we came down to Essex, elder daughter and family in convoy!on M25. Before leaving we helped set up the table as daughter had MIL and all the in law family coming for a Boxing Day meal (21 in total!) She did say why don't you all stay? though they are a lovely family We just thought it would be too much. We have had two lovely days here and will be returning home some time later on.
    Sandra thank you for all your lovely wishes and thoughts and hugs for John he really was very touched. I'm sorry you are still suffering I hope it eases up soon.

    I love the cards you made for Pat and Sue, they are both beautiful. I haven't got this Book die, I can see it would be very useful. In fact when we get home will maybe tomorrow I will have a look to see if I can utilise any of my dies, because yesterday speaking to my sister she asked me to make a card for a priest who will be celebrating 40 years as a priest in about two weeks time, I think I could make something using this idea which would be appropriate.

    Right I better be sociable and will go back join the rest of the family, will chat with you all again soon, hope everyone had a lovely Christmas.
    Take care, love and hugs Brenda xxx

  8. Sorry Janet, I should have added your card is really lovely, you really have shown us some beautiful cards that you have made. Thank you for sharing.
    LOL xxx

  9. Bon Jour mes amis
    Yes we are here in Marigny - all sorted re unpacking and have been and done the big food shop this morning so we can now start to relax and enjoy the next 4 weeks.
    We had good journeys both side of the Channel but lots of traffic from Calais to Nevers yesterday.

    SANDRA - I hope you're enjoying your visitors and feeling somewhat better soon I suppose you can only really have some rest when you're all back to normal routines.
    thank you for showing one of my Stepper Cards. I wanted to have a change of format and as I've not done these for some time I thought they might just suit some of SW's dies. This one I made for a friend who has her birthday on the 16yh December so her Christmas Card and Bday card are always so different for her.
    The sparkle is some I bought from Tonic and at the moment I cannot remember what it is called other than it has a large glitzy stone on the top of the screw lid.

    I think you already know that I just cannot wait for you to have another RETREAT so that I can meet all my very very Dear Friends in this wonderful CAFE. The bestest time of year for me is any time during the month of MAY. As for venue anywhere in the Midlands is good for me.

    We are still waiting for our new arrival. The midwife visited Pippa yesterday; did a 'sweep' and said that if nothing has happened before 1st January then they will induce her but she (the midwife) thought that the little one will have arrived before then. I will of course let you all know

    MICHELE - make sure that you don't take anything that shouldn't be thrown away to the tip. I know this has happened in our house before now.
    BRENDA - I hope all your journeys are good ones and that John will feel better once he is back in his own surroundings.

    Right I'm off now to put my feet up and have a lovely read in front of the log burner.
    I'll try and get back before bedtime tonight although I'm sure we will not be late to bed after the last couple of days travel.
    I have despatched hugs on to the Café but I only hope that they do not call on Norah on their way. You never know with these little tinkers as they tend to have diversions whenever they fancy one.

  10. Hi Sandra and ladies, bit of a shock this morning, I though the cafe was closed!!,
    We all deserve a bit of unusual at this time of the year , I hope that makes sense!!
    Janet your stepper card is beautifu, I bet your friend loved it.
    Just back from IKEA,,with a drawer unit for the spare room, we needed some extra storage, so guess what we will be doing later.
    Have a lovely time today,,whatever you are all doing.
    Take care xxx

  11. Jess, I thought Sandra had gone off on a surprise holiday either that or they had a power cut. Never thought she had might have decided to close. We haven't been bad having parties lately, all to busy for that. To be honest I think it was a shock when you expect a new post and you find the day befores one.
    Oh a trip to ikea! Was it busy? I am still thinking of ways to get more storage. I can see you being very busy in the next day or two, have fun. xxx

  12. Hello everyone, hope you are all TicketyBoo and feeling good.
    JANET:- LOVE your beautiful card. Glad you are safely back in your little corner of Paradice, enjoy every minute.
    Well folks I am walking on air!!! Hazel's daughter Gillian was here doing my "tootsies". Gillian and Andrew were in Dundee, they popped out here to have Lunch with us and she did my feet.
    That's them just gone, all tidy again and Dish Washer going.
    Right off to get the bedding ironed, I took it out of the Tumble Drier, folded it but left it in the Utility Room. If I had put it in the ironing basket I might just have managed to forget it !!!
    Might see you all later xxx

  13. Afternoon everyone who popping in. oh so glad you are ok-ish,I did get worried this morning and wondered if something happened. Back to normal again. Hope you enjoy having Paul's parents around, try not to do everything yourself and hope you feel better soon.
    Janet- good you settled back in Marigny and had a good journey over. Any snow at all ? Sound lovely when you can sit in front the fire and read your book. Your card is Beautiful, like the stepper shape and all the glitter,sure you friend liked it. Enjoy the time in France. Michele- had a nice day going to the tip or put away for the charity shops, have a real rummage through first. My OH gave away a new suit once and I was not happy. Brenda-You had a few busy day's, glad you had fabulous Christmas. Belated Birthdaywishes to George,David and Val. Hope they all had a nice Birthday.Hazel- having fun with the new dies ?
    Not doing much today, have watched Julia showing the new Spellbinder machine. Are you all happy with it after some playtime ? Maybe something to think on if and only if the GC would brake but so far it's working fine. I'm happy seeing cards from everyone but maybe have more of a theme for us to do and send in for you to show. Like Monday Man Cards and Saturday Mix and love seeing more tutorials even if I'm not good at reading them but managed to do two Magic Wallets in the end, they were a bit tricky to do but they went down very well. Ooops I looked in to Icon's site and bought the small plates for GC and some other bits and pieces and I how want's to go to Julia's and Johns sale day here in Mk in January ,oh dear,oh dear! Reg. a retreat it would be great if as many as possible could get together. South and North but because of the distances it might be a bit difficult so maybe a weekend in Amsterdam would be easier to get too tihi well everything should hopefully be back to normal soon and we all together in the cafe' again, missing anyone who not in so hope to see you asap. Take care everyone,
    many hugs xxxx

    1. Myra- Tressa on Sue's has a spare Swirly Mask you are after ,give her a nod xx

  14. Hi Sabdra
    I wondered what happen this morning, but have been to busy up till now cooking etc. dishing up dinner for twelve and Keith's brother and his friend turned up as well. Keith did sort of know they were coming down from Liverpool. But as usual omitted to mention they were coming for dinner. Typical Keith though. It's a good job I had cooked plenty of food. One of the grand children ran up home fir two more chairs. It's a good job I have a very large table and plenty of plates, but sadly not 14 chairs. Karen Petes daughter lives at the top of our street. While dishing up roasties I tipped a whol e pan of fat over my trousers and the floor. The girls grabbed kitchen towels and wet wipes to clear it all up while I carried on dishing everything out. I made two trifles and Olivia made a massive Panata cake for Karen's birthday. Filled with smarties. Three layers high, so they'll be eating cake forever. Sophie is off to Edinburgh with her boyfriend at 5.00 to look after hue Nan whose just had her hop replaced.
    Patricia can we please borrow your dishwasher, we need it. Pete takes forever to rinse everything and wash all the sides down before he washes up. Then I have to wash my very slippy kitchen floor. It's ok when you have your slippers on. But most of the kids and adults walk around in socked feet when they come down.
    Sandra I hope you have a lovely time with Paul's parents and what a lovely surprise that his brother called in. Hope your hearing problem clears up soon for you, try to get the girls to help. I'm up for a weekend away Maria if you are. Last time I went to Amsterdam it was Gay Pride weekend.
    Janet did I say I love your stepper card. If not I do. Must go washing up calling.

  15. Hello everyone
    Oh Sandra I did get a shock when I popped in this morning before going into town - was worried you might be too ill to post, I know Paul helped out last time but his parents are visiting too. Just shows we certainly love our little cafe and you too Sandra.
    Went into town to look round the sales, boy it was busy, got some flat shoes for walking, have quite a few heels but needed some flats. I got a gift card from Nic so treated myself to a nice watch, will show her at the weekend although she won't understand. Nice and quiet here on my own - john back at work.
    Janet your card is lovely , hope you don't have to wait too long now for baby.
    Not long left in this year is there, where's it gone?
    Be back later got visitors
    Jean xxxx

  16. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Goodness me, the days are flashing by. We have just said goodbye to eldest and his family and have the granddaughters for another half an hour then we are going to collapse on the sofas after a very busy but wonderful few days.
    Sorry to hear you are still struggling with Labyrinthitis my lovely. You know we can manage if you don't get to post for a day, much as we love to see everything that you share with us daily.
    I hope you are having g a lovely time with Paul's parents.
    Janet, its good to know you and Jim are safely settled at your second home. Enjoy your stay : )
    Saba, sendng you, Val and the family my love.
    I hope everyone else is having a good time whatever you are doing.
    Must go and sort the girls out. Take care xx

  17. Good afternoon everyone SANDRA I hope your feeling better but you should take your medication im sure Paul's parants would rather you take it than suffer. A nice surprise for Paul his brother turning up. Take care my lovely.
    Well back home late yesterday about six o'clock we had a lovely Christmas day my daughter is the hottest with the mostest she won't let me help well I did peel the potatoes but that's all,dinner was delishous just Ian's Dad & us then Boxing Day Darren Sam Harry & youngest step granddaughter came & a lovely buffet lunch which I love better. We Had a lovely two days & Harry cuddles.
    Had a lazy day today just tideing & did two washes.
    JANET pleased you arrived safe & sound at Marigny enjoy your time there. Your stepper card is gorgeous lovely designed. Hope baby is arrives soon.
    Well better get something to eat we are both not very hungry so something light.
    Left some Hug's by the door in a nice warm comfy bed.
    Love Lynda xx

  18. Helloooooo! No it's not Maureen it's me!
    I'm late, I know - I checked in earlier and you had all gone on holiday somewhere without me so I huffed for a while!
    Hughie has been a bit naughty today! He is getting a bit fed up with left overs!! However tonight we had a sort of ham, potato and veg hash which went in the oven . It was quite tasty ! He is now in a better frame of mind and snoozing with one eye open in my apron pocket! It's quite unnerving!!
    Sandra - don't worry if you miss a day - we would all understand and I wasn't really huffing! Honestly!
    Janet's card is lovely and I haven't made a stepper card for ages! Great reminder.
    So pleased you have arrived safely Janet! Jim too!! Glad the shopping is done and it's time to relax.
    My dining room is straight again! Table back to usual size and all odd bits of cracker etc removed .
    Washing and ironing done - nearly - still bedding to iron.
    Kenneth and Victoria are back home safely in Warwickshire. They had a good journey last night and it didn't rain.
    Maria - I have the swirly mask - it must have been someone else who asked about it. Thank you for caring though!
    Love to all xxx

  19. It's me!!!!!!
    I'm sorry you still feel poorly Sandra, but managed to open the cafe.
    Janet, your card is beautiful, and I'm glad that your safely over in France. This baby certainly knows how to make an entrance, but we all know you cannot hurry these things.
    Pat, I cannot spill anything, but other people want to copy me. However, I think a pan of fat was taking things to the extreme. I hope you manage to get to the bottom of it, gravy was bad enough!!!
    We've been doing a Myra today, gadding about!!!! Not anywhere in particular, family and friends. We've eaten far too much, I reckon if I go on like this much longer, you'll all be calling me Billy - as in Billy Bunter ha ha.
    Zoe's favourite cracker joke -
    What do you call a row of men waiting for a haircut?
    A Barbercue!!!
    My favourite cracker joke -
    How do you make a jacket last?
    Make the trousers first!
    And with that, I'll now love you and leave you.
    Don't worry, I've got more ha ha.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Worried!! ? I'm terrified!, xxx

    2. Why was six scared of seven?
      Because seven , eight nine!! Xxx

    3. Why are pirates called pirates?
      Because they ahrrrrrrr!!!

  20. Hi, we managed to put together the storage unit from IKEA, now just have to decide what to keep and what to throw out, not easy when husband is a bit of a hoarder.
    IKEA was not too busy when we got there but looked busy just as were leaving.
    Just going to sit and watch rubbish telly now, and do nothing.

  21. Jess, you are right about the TV. I have never seen so much rubbish and repeats at that. I am sure they have been having a clear out and found a load of oldies they decide to rerun before they bin them. Like you do when you sort out your clothes you think " I can still wear that" you do then you know why? It goes out. xxx

  22. Well folks I am going away to get to bits done before I go upstairs to bed.
    Sandra the only way to deal with labyrinthitis is to take the pills and I mean take them as the doctors has said. They help, I had it years ago I was on the pills for a while but still was able t go to work and drive. So be a good girl and take them. xxx

  23. good night everyone - sleep tight xxx

  24. Hi everyone, we are home now, left Essex about 9.45 came home via. Dartford QE2 crossing (it's free after 10pm) so don't have to go online and make crossing payment, arrived home about 11.15 so not a bad journey. Car unloaded, bags unpacked. I'm just about ready to fall into bed now. It has been lovely to spend Christmas with the family and I'm pleased to say John was able to enjoy Christmas (my prayers were answered) Sandra I hope you are feeling better and able to enjoy Paul's parents visit.

    Goodnight my lovely friends, Brenda xxx
