
Sunday 27 December 2015

My Card for Sue

Good Morning Ladies,

Busy day here again today as Paul's parents are arriving for a couple of days, we don't get to see them too much as their house in Brixham, Devon, is on three stories, so sadly it is inaccessible for me, meaning that we don't get to and stay at theirs and despite being in their late seventies they have an incredibly active and very sociable life down there, so always have something on at weekends, doing their bit for the various Associations that they belong to, British Legion, Paras Veterans, etc, they are always going somewhere, I have to chuckle when they said back in October that they were escorting a bus load of War Veterans and Pensionrs to Arnhem in the Netherlands, to pay their respects, they are both nearing 80 years old, but don't class themselves as 'pensioners' or 'old folk' !!!
It will be lovely to hear what they have been up to.

Today's card is the one I made for Sue, similar to Pats in design, but different in Colour and design, pretty much the same materials as yesterday, apart from the Poinsettia's , both Classic and Filigree both from Creative Expressions, the Christmas Tree is by Inkyliscious, (I love it), I used silky Crush ribbon, with the addition of a little navy and silver ribbon to tie in with the card!
I hope you like it!

Have a fabulous Day,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning, well I haven't looked out yet as its so dark, all I know it isn't raining.
    I do wonder how these folk in these red alert areas are?
    Another gorgeous card Sandra. I know Sue did say she loved it.
    Sandra I think you and Paul will have to find a hotel near Paul's parents so you can go to them before long, yes they are active, but that journey will soon become to much for them,
    I am so glad everyone has had a lovely time over the last few days. We might be going over to Tammy and Derek's later today, we will wait and see what the road conditions are, no point in going out to drive through water.
    Oh my goodness I have just put on sky news what a state the whole of the north of England is in! These areas under all this water and homes flooded, where are they going to go? There are not enough places to put them. I wish we had a caravan I would donate it to give a family somewhere to stay in until there home was sorted. Now I hope the goverment will make sure money gets made to help, this country is quick enough sending millions to help in places like India and the Far East. No time for charity to begin at home. Across the world there are more floods I just hope there are no appeals for help for them either. Appeals for here yes. Oh I am putting the soap box away. Sandra you are lucky your cafe will not be effected. But we have friends in these flooded areas I think we have to think of them.
    Janet I hope you and Jim had a safe journey to the hotel and your onward journey is safe too. I am off to get a cup of tea. Will come later. xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-another stunning card .

    Goodness-what a difference a day makes, it looks like it's going to be a dry, sunny day. We're going to walk down to the beach later as we both need some fresh air & exercise. I'm hoping anywhere that's flooded will start to improve.

    Myra & Jean - hope everything is ok near you, the pictures of Croston are dreadful.


  3. Good morning Sandra and ladies,

    Another beautiful card, no wonder Sue loves it so much.

    Yesterday was a fantastic day spent with family, Jamie had finished work by midnight so was able to join us for our Boxing Day lunch. Yay!
    Apart from the usual tidy up once all guests are gone, I will mostly be having a quiet day, maybe get some PC time and sorting out my ScanNCut. Only 1 problem, putting the CD Rom in the slot no longer loads it automatically, yet another problem courtesy of Windows 10! Jamie is more knowledgeable than me so will have to see what he can do to combat this. Honestly, I do wish Microsoft would iron out all the kinks in their programmes before foisting them onto us unsavvy peoples. This version seems to have more bugs and crashes than any other I have used in the past. And this is the age of technology???

    Alarm for my inhaler going off so must take it now, forgot one of yesterdays and ended up very short of breath. Not a thing to repeat today.

    Love & hugs to all
    Cheryl xxxx

  4. Good morning everyone, I hope you are all dry and safe. It is brighter here, I do hope the rain has stopped and its brighter in those rain soaked areas as well. It certainly will not be much help in drying out their houses, that will take months. It will at least let them get on with the horrible job that faces them today.
    SANDRA:- your card is stunning, I know Pat and Sue were over the moon with theirs.
    Sandra, I think Hazels suggestion of seeking out a nice hotel/B&B down near Paul's parents is a good idea. Not only will it save Paul's Parents the long journey up it would give you and Paul some time away together without struggling staying at their house.
    Nothing much on the cards here today ... at the moment anyway. I have lots of Dies and other crafty goodies sitting looking at me. I should be excited to try them all out, I just have no inspiration, my head is completely empty of any ideas. Oh! I have seen lots that I could do BUT!!!
    Anyway off to have a cuppa.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket as usual, please help yourselves. xxx

  5. Hi Sandra
    Love the card you made for Sue. These are stunners I must say. I wonder if Sue has a virtual fireplace like me to put hers on?. Our houses did have fireplaces originally Maureen, with two very small rooms with them in. The people before before us knocked the middle wall down and ripped these out, making one big room. They also extended the kitchen as it was only originally about 3 or 4 feet long, I kid you not. Mind you Pete moved a long way away. He was born in no 20 and now lives at No 12. How weird is that. It's raining here again and very windy.
    Our computer keeps coming up upgrade to windows 10 Cheryl, but won't until we have to. These technical bods never iron out the problems before unleashing them on us unsuspecting morsels. We need a roving tech man to come to our aid. I've also had some new dies for Christmas. Hopefully will have a play when we meet up. I'm ok on ideas once I get started. If I'm void of ideas, I can always rely on Sandra to kick start me off. Not literally mind you, I don't have an engine, contrary to popular belief.
    Hopefully the water levels are receding in Cumbria, such devastation we've seen on the news. It's a shame that our government think more of helping other countries than there own. Charity should always begin at home before others in my book.

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies. Your card for Sue today is lovely, I wonder how much it would cost to buy in a shop!
    I hope the people in the north of England are managing to stay dry today, the sun is shining here but for how long I wonder, the devastation the rain has caused is awful, the government should set up a disaster fund for them, they are quic to respond to overseas emergencies, charity begins at home I always say.
    We had a brilliant day yesterday, all the family were here for dinner, it is not often we get the chance to be together, it was lovely.
    Nothing much doing today just a quick tidy, so take care if you are out and about. xxx

  7. Good morning Ladies, I didn't manage in yesterday so I have been catching up on yesterday's comments , thank you Patricia, Hazel ,Myra ,Maureen and Norah
    for your best wishes for Marsaili, we didn't have her party yesterday as she had the sickness bug so we are having her party today ( she's as bright as a button now) Fiona , our DIL had the same thing on Christmas Day so she spent the day in bed, seems like it's doing its rounds, but at least it doesn't last long.
    Sandra your card is stunning a wonderful keepsake! I love all the poinsettias they are gorgeous, happy to hear you enjoyed your day.xo
    I agree with Hazel and others that feel the government should look after our own first, how those poor people are managing to get the strength to continue to clean up time after time I don't know, but something has to be done, and soon!
    Hope Barbara and Val manage their special day today, I know it means so much, sending them more soft hugs xoxo
    Margaret and Myra I hope you are ok and safe from the flooding xo
    I realise this comment is a bit of a muddle but we are all trying to get out for a walk while the sun is shining ,so it's a bit rushed, love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Awh poor wee soul,i'm glad that DIL and Marsaili are both better Anne and that she can enjoy her party today and maybe better it was today as it gave her time to take in Christmas and all her lovely toys. Now she can do it all over again on her 2nd Birthday just like the Queen has. x

    2. Ah bless her, hope she having a nice Birthday party today and that the bug is gone. Belated birthday wishes from me xxx

    3. Oh poor wee soul, at least it didn't soil her Christmas, Fiona on the other hand missed out. These bugs are horrible even if it's just 24 hours. xxx

  8. We have decide we aren't going any where and I am having a jammy day. I have done washing, run Mr Dyson round and cleaned the bathroom that's my lot. We can do that we don't need to go out.
    My friend June phoned and i said how awful for the folk just up the road from them, all she could think of was getting the cream whipped and on her trifle for going to their daughter for lunch! That was at 10. I feeling sorry for her that she couldn't think of some family that don't have a home anymore let alone have the pleasure of having a meal with trifle? I wish there was something we could do. Talking about feeding people, Christopher son works at the University and on Christmas Eve the resturant was closing for 2 weeks Christopher phoned the Salvation Army, homeless units and other places to see if they wanted the fruit, veg and other fresh supplies they had - answer no thank you as we would need to know where it came from supple notes and things like that. Now I thought if you were homeless cold and hungry would a mug of soup not be welcome. We are asked to donate money each month to help these places and they turned away good fresh food, Christopher couldn't give it away, staff ended up taking it. Christopher was so cross he asked at their church but they couldn't take it as it was to late in the day? We had beautiful courgette and rosemary soup all made with things that were going to these places. Needless to say Christopher was busy making soups to freeze, like his mum he can't do with waste. Told him to see if there was some elderly folk that he could take some soup to in the area. The church's should be able to tell him, but what stupid health a safety thing will be brought up? Oh soap box back in corner again.
    The sun Is out here, but frost still on the car. Off to do nothing xxx

  9. Good morning my little cherubs,
    I am so glad that Sue loved her card as well Sandra as it is a beauty and i see from both you do the same as me, namely silver with white and the navy and gold with the richness of the red making very elegent cards.
    Oh don't get me started about our government and sorry but i think they are all as bad as each other and as long as they're not affected then that's ok. There are a lot of these poor souls that can't get insurance just because of where they live and so it compounds the effects of the flood into a disaster for them. There should never have been buildings put on these flood plains whether to save money or not. If they were to build they should have put in floating founds so that the houses rose with the water level keeping them safe from flooding. I hate how the PM or minions come around to see these poor people with their tea and sympathy and then go back to their country homes for the weekend. I wonder if anything would be done if it was Downing Street or the Parliament that was flooding, i wonder how long it would be before it got rectified by taking money out of the Bank of England. It's real help these people need not their fake soor faces and platitudes, and aye they are quick enough at stepping in to help every other folk except their own, that pay their taxes and keep this country going and on it's feet. The minute something happens in any other place on this earth the UK steps in and pledges money, well it's needing to do the same for it's ain folk just for a change. Ok who wants the soap box next? x
    Oh what a long day it was yesterday as it just seemed to drag. GG Harry has been allowed home as it was just a minor stroke and they did a CT scan and lumber puncture(poor soul as they damn sore) but sent him home at the back of 11.00 last night with a letter to go to his GP. If he presents any symptoms again just to take him back to A&E. So that is the sum and substance of the help that he is getting even after seeing that GG Cathie has dementia and he is her only carer, so i can see what is going to happen there as it is just too much for him on his own. He never gets out the door but she's on his back and nipping the head of him. They get fish from the fish van on a Thursday and they get a couple of bits for Ryan and GG Harry walks up with it, well she has him timed to take 20 minutes there and back. Well sometimes he gets a bit carried away when he sees the baby and stays to shooggle him on his knee and here his stories, but when he returns home crikey you'd think that she had caught him coming out of the pub instead of just having a wee shot of the bairn, poor Harry Snr.
    O.H. is going across to see his dad today and give his sister a break and i'm going to pick up Rory's wee pal Brendan for a wee while to keep him company. I will say bye for now but i'll be back in after, i have all the little huggles that did behave themselves in the basket to come and greet you, and the others are in their baskets at home contemplating their unruly behaviour and just how disgraceful they behaved on Christmas day and in front of folk as well. See you all later,
    Norah x

    1. Norah, glad GGrandad is fine, but the fact no one has got hold of social services to help him is shocking. Poor man to be timed like that, maybe Kristen needs to take the wee man up to theirs and let GGranny have some time with him and GG can go out and do things then come back for a quick cuddle. It might just help.
      Well Charlie decided to go and get petrol and put air in the tyres of the blue car as he noticed one looked low, he popped into tesco to get milk and came out with boxes of biscuits I have now got a store of them for the unit. The Foxes family ones £1 so he spent £5 date on them 29/10/16 I am sure they will be eaten by then. I have done this before as it makes the money go further. I have him well trained. If it didn't cost so much I would arrange to send the likes of those to these shelters that are open so the flooded out folk and helpers could get a biscuit with a cup of tea.
      Yes the tyre was low of air so he is glad he spotted it. xxx

  10. Morning Sandra and all,
    Your cards for Pat and Sue are gorgeous! I remember the glitter girls and bought one of their boards once but never got the tool to work properly in the groves and cutting them out, no straight lines anywhere so with a dies it must be so much easier.
    I hope you are all right still Jean, Margaret and anyone living around the lake district. Awful stories and pictures from the flooded area's, so sorry for them all.
    Nice to see you all had a good Christmas day, we spent the day with SIL,her two daughter and families, plenty of food and drinks and played some games in between. Baby Louis were such a good boy and so into everything ,it was just lovely to see. We got back home around 1 am and then of course we had a cup of tea before hitting the sack. Son had to get his dressing changed so were up for 8.30 am for seeing the nurse and OH went down to Tottenham so I had a very lazy day and good I did too because the last two day's knocked me for six. Cold and wet once more just popped over to a neighbour to look after the pets as they been away over Christmas. A washing load is done so will hang that up and then I think I will have to write up a Birthday list so I have an idea when to start making some cards again. Hope you have a good journey back to Marigny Janet and Lilian are you back from London yet, take care if you going out, it's so dark.
    Hope everyone who had a cold are feeling better, Sending gentle hugs to you all and Saba,hugs to you,Val and family. Wonder what the huggle's will be up to today....
    love and hugs Maria xxx

  11. Hello Sandra,
    How is everyone this morning?
    Today we have blue skies and sunshine - what a difference a day makes! A day , however, is not going to make much difference to so many people affected by the Christmas Deluge!
    Michele has already mentioned Croston - a lovely little village about 5 miles from where I live. It is so pretty with the River Yarrow running through it - that is until it floods! It is a real mess.
    I'm waiting to hear how Victoria's Mum and Dad's brook is this morning but it goes down quickly and generally only affects the garden. That you can cope with! They have found interesting items over the years left behind when the water goes down.
    Sandra , today's card is beautiful! I love that Christmas tree too and I wondered where you got it from. It's on my card too and it looks beautiful. Thanks for sharing.
    Well, quiet day here today as I'm rather tired . I'm happy tired!! Everything went well , we had fun and I didn't poison anyone - always a bonus!
    Today - Sunday or not - it's leftovers!
    See you all later.
    Myra xxx

  12. Good afternoon everyone
    Well we have beautiful and bright sunshine in fact not a cloud in the sky absolutely wonderful!
    I wholeheartedly agree with everything Hazel and Norah have to say about the government giving our money away to the likes of India which is a rich country but will they listen Oh no! Well enough said I will put the well used soap box in the corner for now.
    Norah so pleased GG is home and feeling a little better but a worry for the family but the willing horse always gets the heaviest load Social Services should be informed like Hazel says.
    Sandra another beautiful card pleased you are putting the die to good use.
    To all those having a rest day do enjoy it you will have earned it so don't feel guilty folks.
    Enjoy your day
    Margaret xxx

  13. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra once again another stunning card I know how much Sue will have loved it. Enjoy your visitors please try not too do too much easier said than done I know. xx
    Quiet day here today a friend came for coffee but just relaxing now doesn't seem like Sunday the days are going to be all over the place until next weekend.
    I agree with all the comments about the government charity begins at home.
    Hope all your friends & families are safe, special hugs on way to all who need them especially Saba & Val at this very difficult time you are in my thoughts & prayers love Margaret xx

  14. Afternoon folks, how are you all?? Hope you are well, here are a few few (((((hugs))))) just in case you feel you might need them.
    All fine here, I have had a tidy up and put away my Christmas Crafting Stuff. I have not put it too far away, I have made up my mind I will make some Christmas cards every Month next year. I know there will be new Dies coming out for Christmas next year but Hey! Ho! everyone will using them.
    I make most of my card blanks from A3 Card. I have lots of different sized bits in the "Christmas Card Box" I was keeping all my bits together in.
    The other thing I am going to do is make all those bits into as many same size cards as I can. Bundle them into sixes, box them for sale or gifts. I intend to do all this before I start on any further projects ..... that's my New Years Resolution. I don't normally make them, I am determined this time!!!
    Just delivered a Sympathy card for my favourite old lady in the Village. Her BIL died on Christmas Eve.
    Now I need a quick cuppa and a piece of cake. xxx

  15. Afternoon Ladies

    Well, today has been a glorious day. We had a lovely walk to the beach, great fun collecting shells. Tonight's meal is the rest of yesterday's as my in laws couldn't make it here. We're going to them on the 2nd to swap Christmas presents-I was looking forward to using my new die but that will have to wait!

    Tomorrow we're going to empty the loft ready for the builder starting in January-goodness knows where everything is going to be stored. I have 3 bags of craft stash to go to my M in L but won't take it with the Christmas gifts. I have 2 crates ready to go to charity & I think I'll be having another sort out very soon.

    My New Years resolution use more of my stash up!! And to try to find some craft fairs to sell things at. Let's see how successful I am at both things-ha ha!


  16. Good afternoon everyone
    Not long back from taking Nic back to her house, she has been brilliant over the holiday and has really enjoyed being with the family, we have had a busy few days. She will be back on New Years Day for the family to all come to us for a buffet and get together.
    Well it has been a pleasant day today but yesterday was awful, roads blocked, completely flooded, cars broken down and needed pushing, our estate is on slightly higher ground so we didn't get flooded but all the traffic passed through, Hgv,s as well, in all that rain it was mayhem, we had a taste of Cumbria, but certainly not as bad. How they have coped is beyond thinking about. We certainly need to put our country first in future and only if anything left can we consider other countries. Thankfully the water has gone this morning and roads are open but if we have heavy rain again I fear the same thing will happen, we live right beside the canal and it lapped up onto the walkway a little further up from us.
    Please take care if you are out and about
    I've left hugs for anyone who needs them
    Patricia you sound as if you are crafted out haha xx
    Having a chill out tonight
    See you tomorrow everyone
    Jean xxx

  17. Hello Ladies,
    How are you all! I've had a bit of a snooze in the chair this afternoon! Must be getting old! Either that or I need to slow down a bit! On consideration it's the latter so I just carry on - with the odd snooze when necessary!
    It's been dry all day here so I helped it has helped our neighbours in Croston.
    Just wanted to say Happy Birthday George !! Also of course Happy Birthday David !!
    Today is also Val's Birthday - hope you enjoyed your birthday too, Val. Lots of love xxx
    Hugs for you all. Xxxx

    1. Myra I had a little snooze to this afternoon, so don't feel guilty. Yes we will hope that this dry weather today will have helped and that the next lot of rain will not bring more flooding. Xxx

    2. This afternoon, I put my feet up, shut my eyes but nothing happened.
      I know if I did that now I would fall asleep. Well that's if John refrained from nudging my chair when he sees me closing my eyes!!! xxx

  18. George, David and Val happy birthday. I don't know if Barbara will pick my message up, I sent to her earlier as I know internet isn't that easy for her. xxx

    1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to:-
      VAL, GEORGE & DAVID hope you have all had a good day xxx

  19. Happy birthday George, David and Val hope the day was good for you.
    Take care, xxxx

  20. Happy Birthday to.........
    VAL GEORGE AND DAVID. I hope you had a good day Val. Lots of hugs.

  21. Hellloooooooooooo,
    I'm asleep with my eyes open!!! I don't think it will be too long before I climb up those stairs!
    Sandra, another stunning card from you today. No wonder Sue loved it.
    George thanks you all for his birthday wishes, and he doesn't even know you. Well, he has seen Hazel, Patricia and Jess on the train.
    We've had a long but busy day, starting at Rachel's for breakfast/brunch. We've just come from Joan's for her late Boxing Day get together, and her daughter put a candle the size of a walking stick (slight exaggeration) into a chocolate cake, lit it, and we sang Happy Birthday. It's a long time since I'd seen him blush like that ha ha. Eleanor and Zoe loved it!!! But Raymond was a big miss, he loved it when his house was full with family, and his grandsons and great granddaughter were the apple of his eye. And he was always so pleased to see me and give me a cuddle
    Well, after the horrendous day yesterday, it's been lovely here today, but the rain started on our drive back from Joan's. I hope it doesn't last. I agree with everything you've said about charity starting at home. The floods all over the North are horrendous.
    Barbara, I hope Val has had a good day, and that all the family could be there.
    Reading your comments, everyone seems to have had a good Christmas and Boxing Day, and I hope your day has gone well with your in laws today, Sandra.
    Norah, I think you GG needs help, can you get his family to contact Social Services.
    That's me, I'm beat, too much good food and party games.
    love Maureen xxx
    I know there was something else I wanted to say, but the brain has closed down for the night!! xxxxx

  22. Monday. Well ladies it looks like the boss has gone off on holiday with out telling us. Or they have no power. I e-mailed earlier telling Sandra there was no blog, no answer so we will just carry on. The key was in the Christmas tree pot at the door so I have opened up and set up. Not a lot of selection today sorry. I have put a big pot of chicken broth on. Thankfully I hadn't put the boxes of soup into the freezer so that was a bonus, there are part baked rolls too, I have cooked a few but didn't want to do to much.
    Hope everyone is doing ok after the festive break, a few days of normal living then it's back to the second round of entertaining.
    I will go get a cup of tea and see if anyone comes in. xxx

  23. A very beautiful card. I am sure your friend loved this beauty and all the work you so loving put into it.

    I just found your blog and became a follower. I hope you will come over to my blog to visit. Maybe I will get a new follower, too. Have a great day.
