
Saturday 26 December 2015

My Christmas card to Pat

 Good Boxing Day Morning Ladies,

I hope that you all had an absolutely fabulous Christmas day and that the fun continues today!
We are having a very quiet day today, recovering from the whirlwind that was Christmas day.
I am pretty sure that everyone went to bed happy, bless them!
Today I am hoping to sneak a little go with my new Platinum Machine, do you think that they will miss me for an hour??
Although we do have to have a bit of a tidy round as Paul's parents are coming to stay for a couple of days, I love them coming but boy I end up exhausted, it seems as though you are forever in the kitchen, preparing meals or cleaning up after one meal and getting the next one ready, or doing tea and cake!
We do have a tradition at Christmas, my Mum always buys me a Jigsaw puzzle, this years is all butterflies, we usually start it on Boxing day and try to finish by New Years (mainly because I am sick of seeing it by then)!!
Today I thought I would show you the Christmas card that I made for Pat, I ordered the Tattered Lace Book Dies with my C & C birthday bonus voucher, I can see its going to be very useful, it cuts really well too, I haven't used Tattered lace dies really, I was put off by the fact that they don't emboss, but they still give a good finish on the edges.  This die reminded me of the old Glitter Girls 'Bookatrix board'  that was really popular about 5 years ago, for those that don't remember it was an embossing board in the shape of a book, you embossed the lines into your card and then cut them out, for me that was the part that let it down, my cutting was never that great and there wasn't a straight line on the board, so you can imagine the outcome, interestingly you never, ever saw the Glitter Girls emboss and cut out one book in all the shows i watched, they had them precut on sticky sheets ready to layer up and go, so what does that tell you?!
Anyway I went for traditional Christmas colours for Pats card, using Spellbinders Poinsettia dies and the Justrite stamps that match them, Creative Expressions Trailing Ivy die, Seasons Greetings die and Classic Bow die, I wrapped it in tissue paper and made a box to fit it, which I decorated in similar style.
I do hope you like the idea, Pat seemed to like it :)

It was so lovely of so many of you to pop into the cafe, even on Christmas Day, I was really overwhelmed reading your beautiful messages, I have laid on a Boxing day buffet for you all today, its all about 'grazing' on boxing day in our house, so I thought I would rustle up a bit extra for you all as well, so tuck in!

Sheila, it was so lovely to see you in the Cafe yesterday, I promise that this will be the very worst Christmas day you will have, they are still going to be hard but none so much as this first one, we are all here for you day and night, I bet hearing Nikki was like a tonic to you, putting a smile on your face, how lovely of your friend to bring you a lovely Christmas dinner, the best part is, you had no washing up!! Sending you warm hugs my lovely, I hope that today is a little brighter for you xxxxx

Thoughts and Prayers to Barbara, Peter, Val and family, I can't imagine how hard it must be, you are an amazing lady Barbara, sending you the biggest hugs xxxx

Brenda Littlelamb, I was so thrilled to see you in yesterday, you need to slow down my lovely, maybe somebody else's turn to run around after you! please take care xxxx
Margaret B, good to hear from you yesterday too, you have never been out of my thoughts with this terrible weather on your doorstep, sending warm hugs to you too xxx

Brenda L, I do hope that lovely John is feeling ok, I am guessing he was putting a brave face on yesterday, hoping he can take it easy today, hugs to you both.

Now I hope that all the rest of you have a relaxing day today,
love and hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Well, what can I say apart from wishing you all a lovely Boxing day. I popped into the Cafe yesterday afternoon, when I finally managed to find my phone, and left Christmas lovevand wishes to you all, come in today and it had gone off to cyberspace!
    Sandra, your card today is so gorgeous, the attention to detail you use on your cards is wonderful.
    Ladies, I was also extremely lucky to have a really stunning card using this die from Sandra, it is with the family cards. Thank you seems so small when you get a card like this doesn't it but I will say it again my lovely, thank you : )) xx
    It sounds like you had a lovely day yesterday Sandra, as did most of the rest of you, which is wonderful to hear, we did too, didn't stop from 6.15am until late afternoon when we are. Little Christopher loved the presents, as usual for babies he got hold of a couple of bits of wrapi g paper and wasn't interested in the gifts, but he was wonderful. We get to do it all over again today with other son and his family. They are here early so I had better get on! Sending Barbara, Val and family my love and gentle hugs. You are in my thoughts and prayers.
    To those that are struggling at this time take my love and hugs.
    To you all that are facing more time with family and friends, have a wonderful day. Sorry for the ramble, still trying to wake up : ) Take care X

    1. Yes Sue, little ones much prefer the wrapping paper or a box. It's the adults that think they want the toys! You too enjoy your day. xxx

    2. Hello Sue, glad you had a lovely day, and as you say, you are getting to do it all again!!!!
      love Maureen xxx

  2. Came back in the check it had published today and there it is,phew thank goodness : )) xx

  3. And a very happy Boxing Day to one and all.

    I remember the Glitter girls Bookatrix, in fact still have it. Don't think I have much trouble cutting them out, the trick is to move the card not the scissors when you're cutting as it gives you a neater line, just like cutting decoupage.
    Yesterday was fantastic, we took Pete his lilies and left a tot of Jim Beam for him. We didn't have dinner until 3pm, so that Giorgina could join us after finishing work at 2pm in the Residential Nursing Home where she cooked for over 100 residents and family members. Bless her, if it wasn't for her unselfishness they wouldn't have anything. It's a privately run home and I am of the opinion that the owners get the profits so why shouldn't they do the Christmas meals and let the staff celebrate with their families? Won't happen though, wishful thinking.
    Today, Giorgina is coming out again with Joshua Lucy And Milly-May!!! where we have another lovely meal of Roast Beef. If anyone is passing, call in you will be made most welcome.
    Of now to start preparations, have a wonderful day.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. You might regret that invitation Cheryl? So glad you had a lovely day. Yes if it wasn't for those willing to work on Christmas Day a lot of people would go with out. Enjoy your day today. xxx

    2. Hello Cheryl, glad you had a great day, put another plate out for me, I'll be there as soon as possible!!! Those who work on Christmas Day, and other holidays, deserve a medal. Enjoy today.
      love Maureen xxx

    3. Sorry Sandra, my flower, I forgot to mention your gorgeous card for Pat. xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-stunning card, I remember the Bookatrix embossing board-in fact I have it along with ALL the others as my crazy friend donated them to me ages ago. I never had much success in making the book pages look neat so the die version appeals to me.

    In laws coming for lunch today, unless the weather gets any worse. We have a severe weather warning of rain here-it just hasn't stopped since yesterday morning. I dread to think what Cumbria is like by now.

    Must get dressed & wash the remaining dishes then tidy up the kitchen.

    I hope everyone has a lovely day today.


    1. Have a good day Michele. If we all stacked the Bookatrix end to end, we might reach Janet in France!!!
      love Maureen xxx

    2. Thanks, in-laws have been turned back by the police as the roads are totally flooded. We're going to eat well today. We'll probably exchange gifts at New Year instead.


    3. Better to be turned round than stuck in deep water. Better safe than sorry, as they say. xxx

  5. Good morning everyone - a quick visit before Nic wakes up, she's still in the land of nod, but we have had a busy couple of days.
    I hope everyone has had a beautiful Christmas so far although the weather has been dreadful here, it's still lashing down.
    Sandra, thank you for running such a friendly cafe/blog, I have really enjoyed getting to know so many lovely people, and two in real life so to speak. If it wasn't for you I wouldn't have done so. I hope you can relax a bit and play with your machine.
    Sheila, I'm so glad yesterday was a bit easier than you thought, enjoy your day with Nikki today, hope she brings giggles to your heart xxx
    Nic has really enjoyed Christmas, we all went out as a family to a restaurant for Christmas dinner as there are too many now to seat comfortably at home, everyone enjoyed themselves, but two of my granddaughters had to work last night, John is in work today and my daughter in law is in work tonight, no rest as they say, we are going to my youngest granddaughters this afternoon, she gets her new baby in February and has really bloomed this last few weeks. Excited.
    Oh forgot, Sandra I love this card, I still have the bookatrix somewhere, bit I bought book dies a few years ago and haven't used them, you have given me some inspiration thanks.
    Hugs if anyone needs them,
    Most probably won't be back now until after Nic has gone home later on Sunday,
    As she likes the iPad, the part she likes is swiping the pages, so I can't get a full message in hehe xxxx
    Take care everyone if you are out and about.
    Jean xxxxx

    1. Hello Jean, it's lovely that Nic has enjoyed herself so much and that you have had a lovely time.
      love Maureen xxx

  6. Good morning, Myra and Michele is it boats to get out today? I do feel sorry for all those who will be watching water levels. Margaret C. Last night will have been a nerve racking end to the day for folk in your area too? It will take a few weeks for the fields to dry enough so when it rains it will stay there. Knowing you live up a bit out of town is reassuring.
    Sandra, your card is beautiful. Thank you for the buffet that we can graze at. We are off across to sons for lunch, now I can't see us staying there long as it's hard work with DIL? Pulling teeth comes to mind when trying to get Angela to talk. Plus it's like walking on egg shells. It will be lovely to see the granddaughters,
    I hope you all have another enjoyable day, for those who will again struggle to day keep thinking happy thoughts with memories of happy times. (((((( hugs))))) to you.
    Barbara, I do hope lots of happy memories were made yesterday again (((((( hugs))))) go out to your and Vals families.
    I am off to get things done. No rest for the wicked. xxx

    1. Hope it's not too bad today Hazel. Know just what you mean. No problem today - am on my own so can have a PJ day.

    2. Brenda, oh a PJ day I would love that, it's pouring with rain here and the thought of going out in it does not help when I know what's at the end when we get there. Just you relax if that's possible with you, or potter but what ever just enjoy. xxx

    3. Hello Hazel, Just sit back and think of England when talking to DIL, or don't talk to her - as the mood takes you. As long as you enjoy being with the grandchildren, you don't have to talk to her other than hello and goodbye ha ha.
      Thinking of you, just offer it up ha ha.
      lots of love Maureen xxx

  7. Good Morning Sandra,
    Another lovely card today . I'm sure Pat was indeed thrilled with it. I never saw the Glitter Girls but heard people talk of them. I couldn't get C&C then as we have Virgin Media and before they took it over we couldn't get that channel.

    Well I have the family today so am getting ready for the onslaught! They will have to run from the driveway to the front door as it is coming down in sheets!!
    We have a field opposite us at the front and I have never seen so many puddles in it In my life! Been here 31 years! I hope and pray it's not so bad in Cumbria.

    It was lovely to see you had popped in yesterday Sheila! Sorry it was such a hard morning but that's another hurdle cleared! Well done! You know where we are singly or collectively.
    Jean - glad your meal out went well. I was thinking of you too. Hope you have a lovely day!
    Michele I hope your day with your family goes well too. Will they be driving or sailing to Southport!!
    Alastair is reading the newspaper in the Conservatory and he has put the angle poise lamp on - that's how dark it is! Never seen him do that at this time before. Early morning yes - but not so let as this!
    Hazel - enjoy seeing the girls!
    Must go! Will try to get back later but it will be a busy day!
    Lots of love xxxx

    1. Looking out- I think my in-laws might be better in a boat! The roads from Chorley to Southport aren't great & my Father in law doesn't like driving slowly!! Fingers crossed they make it here safely (& back home later).


    2. Oh! Michele that's not good. Hope they arrive safe and sound. Did your dad get home OK yesterday, or is it today he is with you as well??
      Maybe better get the beds ready!!!
      Joking apart hope it all goes well. xxx

    3. Hello Myra,
      Alastair has the right idea, relaxing before the onslaught. He has obviously finished doing everything! Have a lovely day with all the family, and enjoy playing the 5 second game!!!!
      I hope your weather eases off, it's still pouring here, and I mean pouring, but I see Cumbria is on red alert - that's Danger to life. Poor souls.
      lots of love Maureen xxx

    4. MYRA:- hope you and all the family are OK getting to and from your house. The roads and fields round her are terrible. We are OK! well we assume that, having steps up both back and front but you never can tell can you.
      Have a fantastic day xxx

    5. Thanks for your concern girls! Wow what an awful day! Howard had to make no fewer than 4 detours because of blocked roads. Victoria's Mum and Dad have a brook running through their garden and it is like a raging torrent with the water up to the garage and the verandah which is up four steps from the lawn. It was alarming earlier but it stopped raining and the water went down a bit but it's raining again now. We are still on red alert! We are not near any river or stream. Their brook is normally so shallow you cross it by three stepping stones! They have a little bridge but they've removed it for now!!! Xxx

  8. Hi Sandra
    Well, fancy seeing my beautiful card today. It has pride of place alongside family ones on the fireplace. Why did I say that as I don't have a fireplace, but it's on top of the fire. It's even more fabulous in real life I must say.
    Sheila this will be the worst one for you. It will get easier.
    Barbara and Val special hugs to you both and your families spending these precious days together.
    My thoughts are with all the ladies up in Cumbria and up North. I drove home from Petes sons yesterday and the roads from Faringdon were flooding after all the rain we had yesterday. It's also blowing a gale here as well. No rain at the minute.
    Special thanks to all the people who have to work over Christmas. Enjoy your day everyone.

    1. Have a lovely day Pat, and enjoy the card on top of the non-existent fireplace!!! ha ha
      love Maureen xxx

  9. Anne, wish little Marsaili a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY from me. I can see another fun packed day at your house. Xxx

    1. HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Matsaili from me as well xxxx

    2. Hello Anne, and a Happy Birthday from me xxx

    3. Happy Birthday Marsaili - I hope you didn't ask for blue sky for your birthday!! Xx

  10. Morning ladies, Sandra your card for Pat is stunning, I remember the glitter girls and their boards, I think one of them died earlier this year.
    Family coming for dinner today so better get a Diane wriggle on and get things ready. Have a lovely day whatever you are doing.

    1. Hello Jess, enjoy wriggling and have a good day
      love Maureen xxx

  11. Morning every one, hope you have all survived the BIG day.
    Still my PJs, I am glad to have an easy day for a change.
    PAT:- your card is absolutely stunning. SANDRA:- great job love it. I still have the Bookatrix Board. I used it lots when it was the "in thing" Must go have a took at those Dies, that would make the job much easier.
    Sending comforting (((((hugs))))) to all who need them today.
    Barbara here are some very special (((((hugs))))) for you, Val and all the family in these precious days and times together xxxx
    Thinking about everyone of you and sending "happy thoughts" to all.
    Have a great day whatever you are doing .... I am off to have my shower!!
    Hugs xxx
    Oh! Myra will "wee Hughie" be OK! with all the hustle & bustle?? Just hope you have him somewhere he won't get up to mischief !!! Mind those Red Wine Glasses and the Gravy Boat!!! xxx

    1. Hello Patricia, I see you are still in your p.j's - are you going shopping!!! That's what you usually wear isn't it? (tin hat)
      Have a good day today, I hope John's legs are o.k. and that you haven't got our rain.
      love Maureen xxx

    2. Did not go shopping in my PJs, I did jump in my car .... jump out got the paper out of the box and back in agian.
      Bucketing rain here, big puddles in the drive .... hope Margaret C does not fly over thinking its a "pond" She would get a nasty shock and bruises on her b.. the puddles are big spread out but not that deep!!!
      Hope you and George are having a lazy day. xxx

    3. My friend Margaret is an exceedingly sensible duck!! Xxx

  12. Hello Everyone.
    I am sorry I have not been in over the past few day. It sounds like everyone was able to enjoy a bit of happiness at least for part of the time. I did too. We went to visit my son's grave at the zoo and enjoyed a smashing cooked breakfast with the zoo keepers.
    We, then went to my sister in law's for lunch where we exchanged gifts together with MIL and daughter. Daughter then went off to enjoy lunch and presents with her future in-laws. We all got some fantastic presents and far too much! I even had the obligatory coffee and Bailey's P don't normally drink alcohol - creates havoc with the ole' diabetes. Home alone today, so supposed to be tidying my craft room after the Christmas crafting blitz.
    SANDRA - amazing card
    There are special hugs for everyone today and just to say I think about each and everyone of you especially those that are experiencing troubled times. take care of yourselves xx

    1. Hello Karen,
      I'm glad that the visit to the zoo was a success, and then you had the company at lunch time to enjoy yourselves. When you've finished doing your craft room, could you manage to come over here and do mine please?
      love and hugs Maureen xxx

  13. Hellooooooooooooo,
    Sandra, what a stunning card you made for Pat. She even built a virtual fireplace on which to put it!!!! (sorry Pat, couldn't resist). I used to use the Bookatrix version quite a lot, back in the day.
    I've been answering under everyone's posts so don't think that I'm ignoring you, I'd never do that deliberately.
    Well, I've been out for breakfast. George was still in bed when I met Rachel at a rather nice coffee shop and we "did" breakfast - which was something new for me. I suppose there's always a first for everything, even at my age!!!!
    We normally have a "do" every Boxing Day evening either here, or at Raymond's house. This year is at Raymond's, and Joan still wants to do it, but we are having it tomorrow as it's Georges 75th Birthday then. We are still together, even though there is a 30 year age gap ha ha, (I'd have made it a 40 year age gap if I thought I could have got away with it, as it is I think I should have said that I was 10 year's older!!!!) We will be going to see David tomorrow as well.
    Rachel, Peter and the girls will be arriving shortly for the day so I suppose I'd better set the dining table. It's home made lentil soup, then cold turkey and fry up, followed by the remains of the two trifles. So a very easy lunch as George likes to oversee the fry up, which is done in two large frying pans!!! One pan for Peter, one pan for George, then I do Rachel and mine, but we share one pan full!!!! The girls have chips and garden peas with their turkey.
    Am I boring you, I think I must be, so I'm away to do something. Whoa, watch those Huggles madam, I think Myra has been overdoing the sweet treats!
    Barbara, Sheila, Norah, Brenda LL, Brenda OB, and those too numerous to mention - have a good day, if you can.
    lots of love and hugs, Maureen xxx

    1. Hang on Maureen we are almost there!! I will pass on the "fry up" but save some for John please. xxx

    2. Maureen, sounds like a super family day! Guess who cooked sprouts with bacon and forgot to serve them??? I'm clever like that! When the boys heard what I'd forgotten they cheered! Xxx

  14. Good afternoon my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Sandra, I love the card that you have made for Pat and Sue as it is stunning. I have just got the book die in tattered lace's half price event that they had running last month and it took me until the end of the month for it to come back in stock for me to get it as i was not paying the full price for it, no chance. I have the original bookatrix board that the glitter girls came out with and made numerous of them as every kind of card you can imagine but the shakey shake hands now give me wiggly lines where i want straight. I have i think most of the girls boards and some of their inspiration books as they did make stunning cards that were more like a gift than a card but i never seen them ever cut them out either so never seen how they could get such neatness in cutting. I have tried the just moving the paper or in my case card stock but i still look as if i had been on the batter the whole night before upon the finshed cut out item. So with this in mind i took the chance when i got it to get a neater finsh on mine as making up a book card you can make it fit lots of different occassions. I made one for Mum's 70th last February going through the different periods of her life and interests from her being young through to what was present day and she was over the moon with it, but there again she was baised. So glad Sue that you and Pat loved your special cards as you have both made such a difference to Sandra's outlook and she now always has her special day/s that she can look forward to waiting on your next visits. What i got out of this blog is 3 of the most loviest persons that i could ever hope to meet on this earth that make my day full of fun and laughter when we meet up and gives me such a boost that i just can't wait until our next meeting. And the quiet, shy one of the bunch isn' as quiet and shy in real life, she is a beautiful lady full of fun and nonsense. The other two well, they are just like over grown school girls that bring so much happiness and laughter and is fully matchable to my insanity and it's wonderful. All in all 3 of the loviest, daft as brush ladies that i have ever met that are just like me, wonderful.

  15. We went to Kirsten's late yesterday afternoon for dinner where her MIL supplied the turkey and stuffing and gammon, Great Grandad supplied the soup for starters, Kirsten supplied the veg and potatoes of different cooked methods and i supplied the various desserts and it was really good. We played this daft board game which the McPhee's won no thanks to a certain Miss McPhee and her father at shouting out the wrong answers but that was matched on the other side by Mr Ryan Fox and his grandad doing the same and grandad trying to cheat and put their markers further along the board. It was a really good night and i took the auld sowells home so that they weren't walking in the rain, but i wouldn't have left them to walk home any way in Tullibody at 10:50pm. Crikey i got back and got my two (Rory, Campbell and the dog because i had to go back and get her) and we came home for Kirsten to wake me up this morning with news that great grandad had taken a stroke just a couple hours after i dropped them off at home. Great Gran Cathie has dementia on set but at least she had the sense to call an ambulance for him. Old Harry has been taking some flack off Cathie for the past 18months now due to her dementia and he is her sole carer but he's 80 years old and that just showed just how much of a toll it has been taking on him. Anthony(FIL) was saying when i was bringing him back from seeing his parents into their home that the wee fella has made such a diffence on his mum (Cathie) and he has sort of kept her going in this world and slowed down her dementia. Whether he has or not it doesn't matter but his great grandparents sure do worship the wee world that baby Harry is in and their faces light up whenever he starts with his baby talk. As i said to them last night, that wee fella has brought an awful lot of joy to an awful lot of people and made their lives just that wee bit better which is wonderful. So we are just waiting to here how gg Harry is getting on and hopefully it is just a mini or minor stroke.
    Sending big birthday huggles to little Matsaili and i hope that she has a lovely day for her birthday.
    Janet, safe crossing and travel flower to your other home and i hope that Pippa has the wee one soon. The wee lass must be so excited with Christmas and a new baby to help mummy with as being the big sister is a big responsability. I just wished your grand daughter could have had the wee one while you were this side of the Channel as they do bring one enormous boost to you great grandparents, go safe dear friends.

  16. Right i have a sleepy bunch of huggles today, i think some of them have been at the drink yesterday along with SIL,his father and GG Harry as they were mortal last night when i dragged them home to their beds, even their giggles were slurred. I'll tell you i can't take them any where but they get up to things that they shouldn't. There was one that kept knocking off GG Harry's glasses off and another that thought it funny to jump into the icecream to cool off, only thing was it was Vienetta and he was covered in bits of chocolate from the crispy top coat of it. The things that they got up to because we were in a crowd and they thought i couldn't stop them was unbelievable so they are at the moment in their beds and not allowed out of their room today. Wee preemi baby huggles was the only one that behaved although even he was covered because of the others antics. One of the huggles has put on so much weight that his buttons are straining when shut and are just about to pop and goodness knows what damage the button will do if it hits one of the others. They might have had fun and frolics over Christmas but they will be on a tight leash again when they recover from their excesses. I will need to get them all in the bath, even the ones that behaved as the naughty huggles has went around covering the good ones with stains to try and hide themselves from being caught and punished but i will find the guilty culprits as their wee cheeks go red when they tell fibs.
    I hope everyone is having a good day and now i'm going to see what lovely surprises are on the tables in the cafe to have with my coffee.
    love to all
    Norah x

    1. Norah, sorry to hear about G.Grandad, yes he is likely exhusted looking after G.Granny, No 80 year old should be having to do it. We will just hope and pray he will be ok and help will be put in place.
      So glad little Harry brought so much happiness, with his big smile he would melt the ice. Once this weather calms down we will meet up. xxx

    2. Hello Norah!
      Sorry to hear about Great Grandad and I hope the stroke is not too serious and that they get more help as a result.
      Hughie wasn't too bad today. I said he didn't have to go in the garland as the grandchildren wanted to meet him. Well! The youngest got a Man. Utd. Woolly hat as one of his presents and proceeded to put this on Highie - he couldn't see where he was going and fell in the mint sauce! Natasha cleaned him up and then he sat on her fur mitten which she pulled over a cup! It looked like a miniature furry beanbag!
      Happy days! Xxx

    3. I am so glad Hughie had fun with the grand children. Hughie will won't to go home with them so he can continue having a great time. Not that he didn't have a good time with you and Alistair. It's just the children will let him do things us oldies wouldn't. Oh I can just hear that cheer when you said you forgot the sprouts. I think feet up now is needed. Xxx

    4. NORAH:- I hope GGrandad gets on ok and they get help at home. The poor soul is probably exhausted and needs some help.
      MYRA:- glad to hear Hughis had fun with the children.
      Hope all your guests get home safe xxx

  17. Hello everyone
    I hope everyone is enjoying their Boxing day ad getting some rest too after all the work leading up to Christmas. So pleased that those who were not exactly looking forward to the big day were able to find some enjoyment, at least you had happy memories to reflect upon.
    Sandra a really lovely card and trimmed so beautifully too. Yes I remember the Glitter girls and have most of their earlier boards after a while I think they lost their way with them. I agree with Cheryl about the cutting out, I never had a problem.
    Well it is still raining here, but not quite as heavy as they were predicting for us thankfully so far, all the shops that were flooded had their boards and sandbags out yesterday as a preventative measure. So pleased we have coats for the corgis so only feet and heads need drying after their walks!
    I do hope that all in Lancashire and Yorkshire are safe not forgetting our Maureen over in Newcastle too.
    I will pass on the fry up if you don't mind but will have some trifle please Maureen!
    Norah so pleased you had a good day yesterday, your first Christmas as a Granny!
    Enjoy your day everyone in or out of pj's!
    Please take care if you are out travelling.
    Special thoughts to Barbara, Val and families.
    With love and hugs
    Margaret xxx

  18. Hello I am so excited to be sending greetings from my new present but I am still learning so you will probably get some funny messages!! Norah your huggles are keeping you busy.So sorry to read about G grandad's stroke, I hope he recovers fully. I hope everyone is safe and well with this terrible weather, there seems to be floods all over. I'll see you later, ☺���� this is great. Little things please little minds!!!
    Love Maureen xxx

    1. The fun begins with predictor text!!! Xxx

    2. Ooohhhhh! Whose a clever girl then? I was so pleased when you told me you'd got one!

  19. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased to hear you had a lovely family day & hope you don't tire yourself out with in-laws. Your card is different today but still lovely it amazes me the many different designs you all come up with, hugs to you xx
    We had a lovely day with my son just the 3 of us which was a change for us first Christmas together for 26 years work & home circumstances prevented it before, I'll say no more!! then a friend who lives down the road we found out late afternoon her 91year old Mum threw a tantrum & refused to come to dinner s she had been alone all day we managed to persuade her to come & join us.
    My thoughts are with all up North weather sounds horrendous, Mark just said that a lot of the roads around Thirsk, Ripon, York & Harrogate near to where he lives are flooded hope Barbara is safe she is there somewhere I believe that would be the last thing she would want at this sad time for her, extra special prayers & hugs to you all.
    Good to see most of you managed to enjoy yesterday hope all well hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  20. Well we came away early from sons as the flooding on the roads going was bad enough, but it never stopped raining the whole time we were there so we decided to head home early. The normal 30-35 min run took us an hour.
    Have a lovely afternoon, DIL didn't say much, but spoke more than she normally does her mum,dad and brother were there too, saying that when I think she was cold with then too. So now I am in my pjs and my feet are up.
    Do you think we will all need to start designing and building house boats or arks!
    The new foot wear will be wellies at this rate.
    I am going away to get a cup of tea, my son or DIL still to this day don't make me a weak cup of tea! Lynda could have drank the one I got while there, I am sure DIL makes it like that on purpose. Will call later. xxx

  21. Helloooooooooooo,
    back to the laptop. Much quicker and my little arthritic fingers hit the wrong keys on the tablet, so I'll have to get one of those little pen dabber things. Some of my messages have been hijacked by Norah's huggles, I know they are there somewhere, I can hear them giggling and shuffling.
    George and I are on our own now. The family have gone to Uncle David's, and the rain seems to have stopped for the first time today.
    I hope all of you that live in the flood hotspots are all right. Myra, are you o.k. in Lancashire, and Margaret C in Cockermouth, I hope you are still safe and dry. Barbara in Yorkshire, I hope that you and all the family are safe.
    We are fine where we live, but bungalows on the other side of the Coast Road get all our run off rain water, and I bet they are worried.
    Hazel has your DIL always been like that. She sounds like one of my friend's DIL, but she is even distancing her son from her. It's not nice.
    I hope you've all had a lovely day, with love and laughter. If you want, you can do it all again tomorrow, like us at Joan's for George's birthday. Oh, if I can only stand the pace!!! ha ha.
    lots of love, I am going to follow Hazel and get my nightie on.
    Maureen xx

  22. Hello will have to be quick as battery is on red hope you have all had. A good Boxing Day I really had lovely day yesterday & today had lovely cuddles with Harry will send picture to Sandra .well I'm sending before battery goes Saba thinking of you &. Val hugs Sheila glad yesterday wasn't too bad love Lynda xxx

  23. Sandra sorry your card for Pat is gorgeous xxx
