
Friday 25 December 2015

I would like to wish each and every one of my wonderful
Cotswold Crafter Cafe Family
A very Merry Christmas 
May the peace and joy
that Christmas brings....
Always be with you 
your families

I would like to thank all of you for 
your wonderful friendship and support,
this time last year I never would have dreamt
that so many of you would join me on my blog,
You have made my year, given me the encouragement
to blog every day, you will never know how much of a 
difference you have made to my life.
Thank you so very much,
I am looking forward to another year of crafting
with all of you here in the cafe.
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Merry Christmas to you Sandra & everyone who calls in the Cafe.

    Up early as I needs to take some cold care capsules, did manage to sleep so hopefully I can get through today & tomorrow OK.

    Time for some breakfast I think, I hope everyone has a lovely day.


    1. Hope you have managed to find out if your Dads ok.

    2. Dads fine, saw GP & got different painkillers for his painful hip.


    3. MICHELLE:- glad to hear that.
      He will be fine when he is with you for his Christmas Dinner.
      Bet he never mentions when he's enjoying that.
      Have a good day. xxx

  2. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE .... your ok folks I am not singing that!!
    I just want to thank everyone for the stunning cards, their friendship, the fun and laughter since the first day I popped in here.
    Star Wars was amazing, loved it.
    Barbara our thoughts, love and prayers are with you all today (((((hugs)))))
    Off to have some Tea & Toast and thinking about the happy times to come in 2016 when we can have some more "meet ups".
    SANDRA:- we need the date for the next RETREAT we HAVE to get that date in our diaries before we start planning our holidays.
    Have a wonderful day
    Love to all xxxx

  3. Merry Christmas Sandra & my coffee shop chums,

    Thank you all for welcoming me into the café earlier this year, your love and support through my bad times and your gift of friendship throughout the year. I have received so many beautiful cards from a very talented bunch of crafters, thank you all so much.
    If you are not feeling too good this festive day, dose up and enjoy however you can.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  4. Merry Christmas everyone. I hope Santa has been good to you all, and if no presents have been left don't worry it's not a sign you have been naughty. If like Charlie and I we decided on no gifts to each other this year. The money that we would have spent has been put in to Canadian dollars to spend on our holiday in May. Being the age we are if we want/would like something we just go and get it. We have each other and that's the best gift. Tammy, Derek and grandsons gave me gift vouchers to spend in my favourite craft shop.
    I got a wonderful surprise when I opened my gift from Anna and Beth, 4 Sue Wilson dies. Carina & Orion border dies, Heraldic Squares ( frames and tags) and the hearts of hearts finishing touches. All dies I don't have. The two border dies I have loved for a long time but couldn't justife buying as I had two others, a bit like striplet dies very useful. The others I love also and know they will be well used. Again I was spoilt by their mum and dad, which will go into to my holiday spend money for when/if Patricia and I go away. So I feel very spoilt, but I still value the fact that I am here to enjoy this time with those whom I love. I am thinking of those who aren't as lucky and today will be sad for them, for those in Cumbria who will spend the day watching the river in case it burst it banks again. Don't over eat and drink, just have a wonderful day. xxx

  5. Morning Everyone
    I hope you all have a wonderful day. For those who are under the weather I hope that you feel better soon and most of all my Prayers this morning are with all of you with sadness in your Hearts.

    Yes Patricia we need a definite date for a Retreat this coming year. PLEASE.

    My love and hugs to you all.
    PS - Pippa is still waiting. Not only for her little one to arrive but for her Partner and most of all for Lily-Mae to wake up!!!!!

    1. Janet, in the middle of the meal sounds just about the right time for it to make an appearance? My friends granddaughter made hers then 6 years ago. They just had sat down when Joanne's water broke.
      I would just love for you and Jim to set off for France knowing she was here. Xxx

  6. My Dear Sandra and wonderful friends I can't let the day pass without wishing you all the Happiest of Christmas days, I won't say any more because I said it all yesterday. God bless you all.
    Lots of love and hugs Sheila xxxxxxx

    1. A very happy Christmas Sheila
      It's lovely to see you.
      Have a lovely day tomorrow with lovely Nikki Lot's of love & Hug's God bless Lynda xxx

  7. HAPPY CHRISTMAS, however you are spending it. Love and God Bless to everyone.
    Maureeen xxx

  8. HAPPY CHRISTMAS to you all, still in bed at the moment, throat still bad so taken the opportunity for alie in.
    Hope everyone has lovely gifts from Father Christmas, and family.
    We don't open ours until after breakfast, so not sure how good I've been !!!!

    Can I echo all the sentiments already said , how much I enjoy being part of this wonderful blog family, you will never know what it means to me.

    Hug for all especially those missing loved ones.
    Barbara our thoughts are with you and your family.
    Have a lovely day, each and everyone.
    Best Wishes Lilian in London

    1. Lilian sorry you aren't 100%, take it easy and let others do things, that way you will get better quicker. Enjoy your day with the best gift - Family. xxx

  9. I am sorry I have been missing for a while but always seem to have so much to do. Some days I didn't even put the iPad on. Happy Christmas to all and thank you for all your wonderful Christmas cards and welcoming me into the cafe. Thank you to Sandra also for starting this blog. Still got presents to wrap so must go. Thinking of you Barbara.

    1. Littlelamb, have a wonderful day, lovely to see you in the cafe. xxx

    2. Thank you Hazel. Lovely to see you as well .

  10. Good morning my lovely friend, HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO YOU AND YOUR FAMILY, and also the lovely COFFEE SHOP CREW, hope everyone has a lovely Christmas day.
    Pleased to say we made it to her daughters yesterday don't have his hope everyone has a lovely Christmas day.
    Pleased to say we made it to her daughters yesterday afternoon, John rested after taking one of his pills, he didn't feel up to driving so I drove over here which is fine and he's okay this morning so he can enjoy the day with all of the family .
    Wherever you are I hope you've got your loved ones with you. Thank you all of my lovely friends for your beautiful Christmas cards, my loving sending my thoughts and good wishes you and your family,
    Have a lovely day, love Brenda and a big thank you from John for all of your caring thoughts. XXXXXXX

    1. Brenda s glad you made it to daughters. Enjoy every minute with your family, they are the most important gift. xxx

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Hope you all have a love!y Christmas & thank you Sandra & all of you for making me welcome. Specail hugs to Saba & Val & all who are missing family love Margaret xx

  12. Morning Sandra and everyone and a Very Happy Christmas !(round 2)
    I comment last earlier this morning so do pop over if you like :-)
    If you feeling not your best this morning I hope you still will endure the festivities today. Take care !
    My thoughts are with you who find this time extra hard, many hugs !
    Retreat, someone said Retreat! just give me the time and date and I will be there :-) and hopefully more of you can join us, how great would that be....
    New dies Hazel you lucky girl, we got ourself a Dyson V6 animal. Like you no presents but we buy something we like to have instead together and OH hasn't stopped hoovering since, so something good came of it tihi
    Now Pippa PUSH, we are all waiting for this little one to arrive so Christmas day is as good as any day I guess,hope all goes well. We are going out to see family later so another loooong day but at least someone doing all the catering today, yay
    Have a wonderful day everyone Xxxxx

    Lovely scene for today Sandra!
    I hope everyone has the best day possible in the circumstances in which they find themselves!
    Christmas is lovely but can be hard as its full of memories! Try to make more happy ones today!
    Not opened anything yet - waiting for children large and small!
    Thank you all, each and every one for your friendship , fun and frolics in 2015!
    Thank you for the big and cafe Sandra! Have a lovely family day!
    Lots of love, Myra and Hughie xxxxx

  14. Happy Christam to each and everyone who make this blog like a family. Sandra your blog has brought such happiness, fun , laughter and companionship to so many and through it we have made lifelong friends.
    Thank you so much for all your amazing cards, I opened the ones from the retreat yesterday and also received quite a few at our cottage they are fabulous and will be treasured.
    Thank you all so very very much for your love and support and prayers. I can't tell you just how much it means to us.
    So let's get the bubbly opened, the music on and let's celebrate this Christmas!
    God bless you all
    Barbara ( official name for once!( xxxx

  15. Good morning my beautiful cherubs each and every one of you. I too received so many absolute stunning cards that for the first time ever cover every suface of my living room. I have never seen so much beauty, friendship and love in one place as i have this Christmas morn. I cherish the hope that i might yet meet my beautiful friends although one look at me and you might all run as i am as nutty when i lose my shyness as i am on the blog here. Isn't it nice to see so many offical Sunday names today just so that us that are somewhat slower of the blocks know who we are talking to, lol. Janet and Jim, take it easy going back across that Channel but please let the wee one come today as what better Christmas present could anyone receive than a new born baby in our midst. I have been thinking and i think her name should be Holly as she is being born at this wonderful time of the year. It takes a small miracle like this wee tot on her way that really gives this time of year it's true meaning as what better gift could her family have than a wonderful,healthy baby to bring home the Christmas message.
    O.H. gave me money to get the rubbish i wanted so i got the Tattered lace subscription as i normally buy it every 3 months myself and that way i have a present that will last the whole year through, plus it comes with extra dies and since i still had two months of my subscription left it took off that payment and with the £20 voucher off the Baby Blue which i have received before the big day buy still in its wrapping, i still have £16 left so i think i did well as i have the dies on the magazines as well to look forward to. I got a mug made with Harry's hand prints on it and his date of birth from Harry as they were only giving out a small present from him this year with Kirsten being on mat leave and Ryan changing jobs and not having any money over the Christmas period as he is with an agency. I am hoping that he gets kept on as full time staff when the other bond opens back up later this year and the permanent staff that normally work there are back at their own place and the temps at Menstrie can be made permanent, so fingers crossed. Kirsten sneaked in a gatineau anti wrinkle set from her and Rory for me for Christmas and a jumper for O H as his mother and father only have the one and since money is no object they just get what they want themselves. I don't envy them their money as it still doesn't make them happy even with all the holidays that they go away on and their trips to Gleneagles and places like that as it just makes them blaw " see what we've got and we can do for Harry" which is fine and no we wont be able to do all that they can for him , but he will get something a lot more precious from his poor grandparents and that is time and love which is priceless. We are meeting up at Kirstens for dinner today and the dishes are just all going in the middle off the table for us to help ourselves which is better for our side as Ryan alone can eat what the 4 of us can just by himself and his father and mother are up along sides him, just as well they work out at the gym nearly every night and take Harry on a 3 hour walk Saturday and Sunday or they would be enormous. I hope that when we go that Harry's great granny and great grandad get a shot of him as Ryan's dad and mum come and just take over him which is a shame as Kirsten only takes him down on a Sunday night normally to see them so they don't get that cuddle at him as often as his grandad and gran. I think they think because Cathy is 79 and has dementia and Harry is 80 that they don't know what to do with the wee fella. I hate to tell them but they have more experience than the rest of us put together on that score and he brings them a lot of joy and happiness which is the best thing of all. Isn't it amazing how one wee person can change a whole lot of people?

  16. Anyway, i am going to read my two Christmas books that my friend Di gave me, my favourites....Oor Wullie and The Broons books, fantastic so i will finish with a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my dear, dear friends with huggles going out to our special friends that need that wee bit boost with our love, thoughts and prayers
    Norah x

  17. Sandra , you have set a beautiful Christmas scene!
    I hope Santa has been good to you all and you all enjoy a wonderful Christmas meal.
    I hope that little baby makes an appearance soon , maybe it will arrive tomorrow and have the same birthday as Marsaili who will be seven .
    Thank you all for your friendship I treasure it.

    Thank you Sandra for welcoming me into your lovely friendly Cafe & now have.amazing friends & i'm not Billy no mate's any more. I have met some of you lovely ladies.
    Like Hazel we don't buy for each other.
    You got some lovely dies from Anna & Beth lucky you.Thank you again for all your amazing cards I received all beautiful.your all talented crafters.
    Enjoy the rest of Christmas & Boxing day Love & Hug's Lynda xx🎉🎊🎁xxxx

    1. Linda, yes I was lucky, I didn't expect to get the same level of generousity this year seeing how I only do a Thursday afternoon. Over the years I have received amazing gifts from the girls and their parents. The best gift is the love and hugs I get from the girls every time I see them, money can't buy that. You will know that from your grand children too. xxx

  19. Afternoon my Dear Dear Friends
    Well we have had lunch, unwrapped presents, spoken to loved ones who cannot be with us and have had a few quiet minutes but we are still waiting YES Pippy is still at home having a wonderful day with Chris (her Partner) Lily-Mae, her Mum and Step Dad there just in case they are needed.

    We have everything apart from the overnight case packed in the car and so it will be early to bed as it's an early start tomorrow morning 06.00hrs. I will try and get in though it probably be around tea time. We've fingers crossed for a reasonable crossing.
    I'm thinking of all of you so gentle hugs - extra today - xxxx See you from across the Channel tomorrow.

    1. Janet, glad you are all packed, yes it will be an early night for you both, save journey and I do hope and pray no hold ups or bad weather for your crossing. xxx

    2. Hi Janet safe journey tomorrow and hope you don't have a rough crossing. Fingers cross Pippa's little one appears soon. Love and hugs Sheila xxx

  20. Wishing you all a Happy and a Magical Christmas
    I do hope you are all having a wonderful day making happy memories to treasure.
    Once again thank you all most sincerely for all your wonderful Christmas cards each and everyone is so beautiful and amazingly inspiring too.
    Barbara you and all your family are in my thoughts and prayers sending you a special hug.
    Enjoy the rest of your special day everyone.
    With love
    Margaret xxx

  21. Good evening my dearest friends,
    I hope that you have all had a fun, happy day, with family and friends, we have had a busy, fun day, shared lots of laughter and fun too, Becca and josh have Just left with Diego, who has been chasing Milo and Bella all day, Paul and I are just having five minutes peace before joining the rest for some games and a movie!
    Have a lovely evening ladies,
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. Glad you have had a good day. Yes it's sad as it is a lot of work all for a few hours really. Enjoy your evening. xxx

    2. Hi Sandra so glad you've had wonderful day after feeling so poorly do hope the meds are working for you, have a lovely Boxing day and thank so much for bringing us all together. Love Sheila xxxx

  22. Hi All just finished our dinner of roast goose and all the trimmings, too full now to do anything, had beautiful new handbag from daughter, it's navy from Ospreys.
    Over to see our son and grandchildren tomorrow.
    Love to alll. Lilian

    1. Lilian, you to have been lucky with a beautiful hand bag. Enjoy tomorrow with the rest of the family. xxx

  23. Hi everyone, I hope you all have had a brilliant day, and Santa was good to you all. Now settled for the night, a busy day tomorrow with all the family coming for dinner.
    A big thank you Sandra for bringing us all together on this super blog, so many friendships have been made and I hope they will continue for a long time.
    Enjoy the rest of this time everyone, take care when out and about, xxx

    1. Yes Jess to think this time last year we were all just names, now very best of friends. I to have my feet up, and doing nothing, most enjoyable to think I don't have a thing to do. xxx

  24. Hi Sandra and all who have visited the blog.
    I'd like to wish you all a very Happy Christmas and a prosperous new year. Health, Wealth and Happiness fir 2016. Just chilling still after dinner. Presents given out and the living is a mess. But never mind, it's not my mess hehe.

    1. Pat it is good when the mess is not your responsibility to clean up. Have a lovely evening. Xxx

  25. Hi Sandra
    Sorry I meant to say I loved your Christmas scene.
    Norah I just love your stories and why would we run away from the lady who makes our day with your stories when you post. That's not forgetting your naughty huddles you've left us.

  26. Hi all my lovelies,
    This morning was very bad for me but as the day went on I felt a bit better. We normally ring Nikki in the morning but as I wasn't feeling up to it I left it till mid afternoon when I felt better she sounded really happy and it was lovely to hear her excitement. My friend Carol bought me a plated Christmas dinner followed by lemon meringue roulade so I had it all at teatime and thoroughly enjoyed it. As you all have been, she has been a great source of support to me.
    Looking forward to tomorrow now and hope you all have a lovely day my friends. Sending gentle hugs to Barbara and her dear sister Val...your both in my thoughts and prayers. Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. Sheila, I am sorry it was so hard for you today ... it will get easier. Not this year, maybe not even next but it will. It's a joy to have such good friends looking in and supporting you.
      We are all here for you if you need to chat. (((((hugs))))) xxx

  27. Sheila, sorry it was hard for you at the start of the day, it is hard to deal with these things to begin with! I can remember when our mum died in the October ( nearly 50 years ago). It was difficult for a few Christmases, we still thinking if her most days. It will get easier but not for a while. You have done well and I am glad your friend is there to support you. It's the little things like her bringing you a meal which I am glad you ate and enjoyed. Is Nikki coming tomorrow? It must have made you happy knowing that she was having a good day. Sheila, just take each day as it comes, pop in and chat, it will help. If it's quiet in here e-mail me or any of us we will chat. xxx

  28. Good evening all, hope you have had a great day and Santa was good to you.
    We are just back after having a fantastic time.
    Look forward to hearing all your stories.
    Goodnight and good bless xxx
