
Sunday 3 January 2016

Mixed craft Sunday (for 1 week only)

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

As it was New years day yesterday I thought I would put our mixed crafts on today!

First up we have what has to be the most delicious looking cake so far, of course it has been expertly made by our very own Karen, you are just so amazingly talented when it comes to cake decorating Karen, this design is must genius and so very apt for this time of year! I love how you havsd cleverly got thee recipients name on the tape measure ribbon around the cake, you are spot on calling it The Dieters Nightmare!!! Thank you Karen for sharing another of your amazing cakes xxxx

Next we have thesedarling little fairy Doors that have been sent in by Our Michele, a friend of hers makes them, I think that they are so cute in design, such a clever idea, made from pottery, what child wouldn't want to have a knock on that door? We used to go looking for fairy doors when we used to walk in the woods as children, my mum used to tell us that we could knock on the door and make a wish!
Forgive me if I have shown these before, I just couldn't remember, but nice to have another look anyway! Thanks Michele xxx

Last but not least we have this gorgeous Gift Bags from Janet! I think they are  like the Izzy Style Bags but with festive decoration, a great way to give Gift Cards with a littgle chocolate treat, or some jewellery or smellies, gloves etc, thank you for sharing your lovely designs with us Janet xxx

Now I am happy to continue Showing Mixed Crafts or things that Children/Grandchildren have created, just send them in to me, I will continue as long as I get things to show, it doesn't have to be weekly.

I just want to let Barbara, Peter and family know that they are in our thoughts and prayers everyday, sending you lots of love and hugs xxxx

Johanna it was lovely to see you pop in on Friday, I hope you checked back to read the lovely messages left for you, look forward to seeing you back soon xxx

I hope you all have a relaxed last day of the Christmas Holidays,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra & Ladies,

    An early visit for me, have been wide awake since 4 this morning, just can't get back to sleep. Better have akip this afternoon then.

    Karen's cake is delightfully scrumptious! Wouldn't mind a bite or tow from that one.
    What can you say about the Fairy doors? other than they are delightful and would be any little girlie girl's idea of heaven. A fairy door of their own to make many a wish on. Thank you for showing us them Michele.
    Janet's bags are so elegant, nobody would mind having a present inside any one of them.
    Caught up with a lot of TV programmes yesterday whilst trying to finish off my Nursery Rhyme picture for great-nephew Stanley, born 3 weeks earlier than expected. I don't know about you but when I am almost at the end of a project, I seem to go slower. Anybody else feel that?
    Oh well, off for another cuppa, see yo all later.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Congratulations Cheryl. You are a comments winner over on Sue's blog. Xxx

    2. And congratulations from me as well. I haven't been over there yet, so I'll take Hazel's word for it!!!
      Don't have a nap with your mouth open, you'll snore and attract the flies ha ha.
      Muriel xxxx

    3. Congratulations Cheryl, a winner on Sues blog, well done xxx

    4. Well done Cheryl, a winner on Sues blog xx

    5. Congratulations Cheryl on being a winner over on Sue's blog. What a good start to the year for you : )

    6. Well done Cheryl on winning across in Sue's comment game, have fun with your new stamp set when it comes flower. And yes i know what you mean about a project going slow when you are near the end but it's the same as weight loss, that last few pounds to get to your ideal weight seems to take forever or maybe that is just me. Have fun flower. x

    7. It was lovely to see your name on Sues blog Cheryl, what a lovely start to the new year - congratulations xxxxx

    8. Thank you for your comment I made this cake in 1992! I totally agree with you re being slower at finishing projects Sometimes I'm too slow at even starting projects Congrats on ur win!

    9. Hey Karen, if it was made back in 1992 it might have had a real sized mars bar and twix on it instead of the meagre rations that they are passing off nowadays as the real thing, but it's lasted well for it's age you would never know that it was 23 years old, :D

    10. Hello Cheryl - congratulations on winning comment of the week. A good start to 2016 for you.
      Hugs xxxx

    11. well done Cheryl on winning a Sue Gift, i still use my flower stamps from 2 years ago, hugs Johanna

    12. Well done Cheryl!
      As to this cake - won't it be a bit off by now? Xxx

    13. I also haven't been on Sues blog yet Cheryl, but congratulations.

  2. Morning/Afternoon to all who pop in today
    KAREN - oh how I would love to see this masterpiece in the flesh so to speak!!! I wouldn't be able to keep my hands off it for long. Delicious isn't the word for it. YUMMY YUMMY.

    MICHELE -I love Fairy Doors and always have. It's the start of a child's imagination thinking of what may be behind these delightful pieces of art. I think every child should have one and by child I don't stop at any age. Beautiful Michele.

    My bags are just as Sandra says a take on Izzy Bags. I have used 2pieces of A4 card and as I didn't have enough to do each bag in one colour I used a corresponding piece with the same pattern but a variation of colour match.
    I've had this card for years and I think they were from Hunkey Dorey (spelling). They fasten as you can see with a piece of Velcro and the handle is just a piece of ribbon. The Christmas decoration is of course SW dies and inside I placed a bag of Pot Pourrie (spelling again) so the bag could be opened and stay inside the gift bag or not either way works.

    I can't see what the day looks like yet as the sun is just about to rise giving a very dull/orangey look.
    I've cleaned the glass in the log burner door, sorted out tea for tonight, checked the bedroom to make sure covers are straight and in place (Jim does the bed but need I say more?) and I'm just waiting for him to return with bread for the day and then we can sit down for breakfast.
    After that I just might have a play with one or two little ideas I have on card shapes.

    Johanna - I missed your calling in the other day but I would love to meet you so just pop in for a cuppa. It's safe I promise - well it depends who'se in but nearly all the time it is safe and very welcoming all the time - I suppose after that little comment it's 'tin hat' time.

    Hugs and prayers to all who at the moment are foremost in our minds. Sheila I'm missing you. I hope you're OK.
    Myra - Hugie has been found sat in the wheelbarrow behind the Café - how did he manage to escape you.
    Norah - please take care of little Premi. I hope he hasn't over indulged with New Year Celebrations.
    Bye for now as I've heard the car in the back lane so duty calls re breakfast.

    1. Janet, what a brilliant idea to use these lovely bags. I'll have to bear that in mind next Christmas - I CANNOT BELIEVE I'VE JUST SAID THAT!!!!
      I hope mother and baby Gracie-Leigh are doing well.

    2. Janet, what a brilliant idea to use these lovely bags. I'll have to bear that in mind next Christmas - I CANNOT BELIEVE I'VE JUST SAID THAT!!!!
      I hope mother and baby Gracie-Leigh are doing well.

    3. Plus you have repeated it!! xxx

    4. I love your bags Great idea for lots of occasions including the dreaded "C" I' not going to say it! Your log burner sounds very inviting I'll post more about the cake at the end

    5. Love these bags Janet - great for lots of occasions - hope mum and baby are well xx

    6. Thank you Janet for your lovely words, i promise i will pop by as often as i can. I love reading your comments about your lovely home in Marigney ( is spelling right) its like reading a passage from a much loved book. hugs Johannan

    7. Maureen - your Next Christmas is a bit like New York - they named it twice - just like you!! Xxx

    8. Thanks for the info that you used 2 sheets of A4. Looks like a Sandra lesson for me then. The tin hats are getting an airing today.

  3. Good morning Sandra and ladies, oh my goodness what a yummy sight to face us in the cabinet this morning. Karen your cake is amazing.
    Michele love the fairy doors. Our Gillian has little mice doors down on her skirting boards for fun talking points.
    Janet, great bags I love making bags and filling them, it just makes the gift extra special.
    Well the weather here is aweful. I am fed up with it now. I can't be bothered doing much as its dark and miserable out. We are having to have lights on all day. Charlie and I both have said we could be doing with a bit of sun and warmth, That won't happen, to expensive to go any where at the moment and no guarantee that when you get there the weather will be any better.
    I am off to get some tea and toast I will sit and see who calls in, xxx

    1. Hello Hazel, I hope it's not as dark and wet up in your part of Scotland as it is here. George has just this minute said that we should hibernate. The girls are still asleep in bed, I put that down the the dark weather, and the fact that they were lying in bed talking until after 11.30 pm !!!!

    2. Hi Hazel , its just awful here too - got the light on at this time of day, rain pouring down all day - so miserable when will it stop Im sure there will be more flooding but haven't had news on yet - take care xx

    3. Maureen, do you have room in your "cave" for another couple who want to Hibernate???

    4. We've been saying how dark it is too! Been dull and wet all day! It's so uplifting! BUT - then I remember those who would give anything to be in their own home right now! Xxx

  4. Morning Ladies

    Karen-stunning cake once again.

    Janet-beautiful bags, they really are lovely.

    My Fairy Doors were made by my ex neighbour, he was asked by a friend if he could make one so not wanting to be beaten..this is what he came up with. I took 3 last night to my M in L and have 2 for a friend which will need dropping off soon.

    We had some disappointing news from our builder yesterday-he says he can't fit our work in until September. I've asked him to come round & discuss the ridiculous delay so let's see what he has to say. Hubby wants to use someone else but we trust this bloke & know that he'll do a good job.

    We're going to take all the Christmas decorations down today & pack everything back into the loft as I can't stand all the clutter.


    1. Hi Michele, I'm still waiting for my builder to come and fit a safer loft ladder since last June. He asked me to remind him if I hadn't heard from him in 2 weeks and I've been reminding him every month since! Even spoke to his wife who assured me she would make sure he replied.
      My son can beat me on excuses on his house sale chain. His buyer's buyer so far has had a holiday, his mum diagnosed with cancer, his dad had a heart attack and on the day he was supposed to exchange contracts, apparently he rang up from intensive care to tell them he couldn't move because he was ill and on his death bed! And then......
      Three days before Christmas he had the cheek to ring up Robin's solicitor to ask why he hadn't heard from them and he wanted to move the next Wednesday! Needless to say the response he got back was less than exemplary. x

    2. Oh Michele that is disappointing news I love the Fairy doors I'll bear that idea in mind depending on what flavour grandchild we'll have!

    3. Michele cant believe he has let you down so to speak, you were all sorted in your mind what to do after Christmas was over - hope you can come to some arrangement to suit you - your little doors are gorgeous xx Jean

    4. Oh Dear Michele, so sorry about the builders! I hate when people do that! Xx

    5. My word Karen, how can a builder justify a nine month delay. My friend has a new indoor door being fitted after a 3 month delay. But that's because they've been so busy fitting new windows into the many houses and retirement villages that are being built in Witney.

  5. Sorry Michele unless it's because of ill health I think he has been offered a far bigger more money job. Come on September is 9 months away it stands to reason that it is a house build project he has landed, or as I said he is ill and knows he will be off work for that long recovering.

    1. Hello Michele, the Fairy Doors are delightful. I'd like to hear how it ends with the builder. This has happened to us over the years, and some of the reasons should win an Oscar for ingenuity!
      Muriel xxx

  6. Helloooooooooooooooo,
    Sandra, you have chosen some gorgeous mixed crafts for today, thank you.
    I have been commenting on the way down, but Karen your cake is just scrumptious. I'd love to come for tea to your house. You know, when I think about it, I'd travel anywhere for food ha ha.
    It's a horrible, miserable, wet day here today and this afternoon, after lunch and the girls have gone home, I'm going to make some cards. I have to because I'm all behind. But, of course, those of you who were at the retreat already know that!
    Maria, I hope you are all right today - too much hanging about isn't good for anyone!
    Have a good day ladies.
    Muriel xxx

    1. enjoy your day Maureen - nasty today isn't it xx

    2. Hi Maureen
      Having met you I wouldn't say you were all behind. Nor all in front either. Just right in my book.

  7. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    What a sight for sore eyes first thing today, Karen your cake looks truly scrumptious, what a delight.
    Michele love fairy doors, we had a lady who made them in our craft shop, but she had to leave to take up another job plus she was pregnant and didn't have the time,mew sold a lot of her goods.
    Janet your bags are beautiful, good idea.
    It is still quite dark here today, I think maybe the Christmas tree will be put away and a quick tidy up. The place looks so bare when everything is put away.
    Hope all is well with everyone, thoughts and prayers go out to Barbara, Peter and family.
    Take care everyone xxx

  8. Ladies, you have been talking about challenges on here over the past few days! My challenge to my self is to stop thinking about making a card and get on and make one. I have thought of a few designs for cards needed but when I go into start cutting and making it, every thing goes blank and I think oh to hang can't be bothered. Now Tammy has phoned saying that she needs me to make her up a few cards to have at hand! She will be lucky told her she would be quicker going to asda and buying. Didn't go down well. I could at this minute go upstairs and climb in my bed and sleep. Another cup of tea called for. X

    1. Hazel I go blank when I try to think of a design I have seen - at one time I used to draw a quick sketch to remind me - must start doing that again - Id forgotten about doing it - forgetting too much these days haha xx

    2. Hello Hazel I have made myself a challenge too. It is that for all cards needed in one month I will make them all in the same format. So I have started by doing all January cards as Easel Cards. By doing this I didn't have to take out my machine and dies and just used stamps and embossing powders.

      Please don't ask me how long this will last though will you. I have yet to start on February's cards. I hope I might have given you a little help. Hugs just in case I haven't. xxxx

    3. Oh Hazel - you can do it! I sound like that advert - you can do it if you B&Q it!! Xxx

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Karen, another edible masterpiece and personalised too. What a talented lady.
    Michele, how sweet, any little girls would love to have one of these.
    Janet, I love your bags, you have used some lovely colours for them. They are so handy aren't they.
    Thank you all for sharing your mixed crafts with us : )
    Barbara, Val and family, sending my love and hugs.
    We are having lunch at Mum and Pops today, which will be lovely. The weather is awful here at the moment though so it is taking a bit longer than usual due to water on the roads and low visibility, and stupid people who don't have their car lights on!
    I hope everyone has a good day. Take care xx

    1. Now Sue flower, those stupid people don't need their lights on as they can see all they want to see it's just us that can't see them. It is something gets to me too flower as when it's foggy silver or white cars are none seeable, when it's that dull grey type of day then it's amazing the amount of cars that blend in to the road. What really gets me is the ones that drive at night with no lights, pitch black and they are driving around with no lights on or the ones that have every conceiveable light on in front of their car on a clear day, WHY????. I have the firm belief that some of them either haven't sat a driving test and just haven't been caught or they bought their license as surely no right minded assessor would pass them road worthy, ok rant over sorry Sue have fun at Mum and Dads. x

    2. Hi - I hate not being able to see clearly but my pet hate is drivers with full beam on during the day, no need for it - I don't think they switch them off, just turn the engine off and back on next day so lights are on permanently - at one time it would kill the battery but doesn't with todays cars xx

    3. I'm not sure I should confess to having a car with what the maker calls " Day Running Lights!! " as soon I turn on the engine these lights come on. They are not bright though and shouldn't cause a problem. It's the people who forget about the fog lights that wind me up! Xxx

    4. I have to confess I tend to have my dipped lights on during the day in the winter and on dull rainy days. Started doing that years ago when I drove a silver coloured car, these days I sometimes think if I don't have my lights on I am invisible! The amount of times folk have pulled out and I have had to brake. I think living here and I have to drive through wooded areas you need to be seen as I drive dark coloured cars. Fog lights are what bugs me when it's raining, they are fog lights not rain ones. xxx

  10. Good morning my coffee shop cherubs,
    Oh Karen, i feel migraine headache coming on just looking at all that chocolate, lol. Oh what a lovely cake to make for a chocoholic and i wonder how much of that chocolate Dorothy shared? I hope that the lady had a lovely time with her cake and she had no ill effects afterwards. Thank you flower for a lovely low calorie start to a Sunday morning, lol. This is the first year that Rory has never had numerous selection boxes, in fact he never got one which is great. Kirsten bought him a tub of those sour jelly strawberry things, his godmother gave him a large cake of dairy milk and i got him some of his haribo sweeties that he likes and he is really quite good now about discipline and only having a few a day. When the kids had all the selection boxes i use to open them all up and put them in one of the big gift bags and hang it up in the cupboard and just let them have one a day and my two have always been good at asking before helping themselves. Rory has a wee friend that comes across now and then but the laddie just comes down from Rory's room and helps himself to whatever he feels like and oh boy does it irk me, but that is how he has been brought up. Mum always said that manners cost nothing so please use them and because of her various little quips she could take us anywhere and know that she wouldn't have a showing up(i'll tell you about the bus incident further on).
    Michele your friend makes some beautiful work and what wee person wouldn't want their very own fairy door to knock at and make wishes on, i can think of three little girls right off that would love these. I wonder if she can make them as fast as she gets the orders as they are sure to prove very popular with lots of wee girls.
    Janet i think that the lucky people that got their Izzy bag full of lovelies would be in their element as yes i know that you could wrap them nicely and put them into a bought gift bag but there is hundreds of the same gift bag going around all the shops. No, a handmade one of a kind is thought of much more than a pre made shop bought. I know that they could reuse them and pass them on to someone else but i would be greedy and keep mine all to myself. Thank you Janet for letting us see your lovely creations, now i'm just wondering what was in them? because i'm nosy.

  11. Right back to the story of the bus. Jim was a little sod and with having us twins mum put us on our reins to keep a hold of us, me because i would fall and trip over my shadow and Jim because he would do a runner from the day he learned to walk. Well after coming down the farm road for a second time(because i had tripped head first into the muddy puddle but the farm road as anyone who has lived near a farm will contest is not tarred, it is just a ruggity road that the tractors and combines and that go down) well we are waiting at the bus stop for the bus and Jim was getting restless climbing the wall of the last house when the bus came. Well mum picks us up one under each arm to get on the bus when Jim being on the side where he spies the emergency handle to let the driver in or out he decides to pull it shut. Mum was trapped in the middle with one in the bus and the other having fun with this handle. The clippie managed to get the door open and get mum and horror comic in, well mum tied him up by his reins to the overhead rail that you held onto when you stood on the bus and let him dangle until we got to Stirling. Well if we had been going to the cafe for juice before his little stint we sure weren't afterwards. Now Mum was between 6st 7lb and 7st so not very big and she was all bruised because of a certain little sod for long enough after but so was a certain parties bum for doing it in the first place. Every time we got on the bus after that the clippie would threaten Jim with the rail if he so much as moved out of his seat for no good reason. Thats the thing about children and their rights nowadays as that is what they need on the school buses, an old fashioned clippie that stands for no nonsense instead of the driver being frightened out of his wits in fear of reprisals. Ok that's todays memory for us older ones as the younger ones will have absolutely no idea what i have just havered on about.
    Right come on wee Preemi lets get you comfortable in your little basket so that you can watch what all your brothers and sisters are up to and while i get a nice big latte. I have put all wee preemi's brothers and sisters in the basket for them to see a suitable foster mum. Val dear lady i hope that you are in no pain, i have prayed for you but it hasn't worked now i can only pray that you are comfortable and at ease. Barbara sweet friend i wish that we could make things easier for you but we are here when you need us,
    Norah and preemi x

    1. Oh Norah, I did laugh at your mum hanging Jim up? Was it a Blue Bird bus?? Yes the clippie stood for no nonsence. Your mum had her hands full with you 2 I think, but you weren't naughty just mischievous when together. As I keep saying you need to write these down for Harry. Oh Rory a lad of my own heart I love jelly sweetie, not the sour ones. xxx

    2. Oh yes Norah bring back the clippies on the bus! If we were good we were allowed to hold the tickets! Xxxx

    3. I agree with you re Clippies My SIL' husband was a bus driver back in the day and said they should never have got rid of them He wouldn't stand for any nonsense but when you're stuck in the drivers seat it wasn't easy to keep control as you're driving along I get angry too at screeching mum's yelling at their toddlers to "come back" when all they need is a set of reins!

    4. Oh Norah I love your stories - have a vivid picture in my head of your brother dangling by his straps - your stories are brilliant - Like Rory I love Wine gums but not the sour jellies xx

    5. Oh Norah, that brought back memories! Not of hanging from a bus rail! My Grandma , Grandad and Auntie lived in the next village to us. It was 5 miles away. My Mum used to put me on the bus under the care of the clippie and she made sure I got off at the right place where my Auntie was waiting! I would have been about 9 years old. You couldn't do that today. That meant I was there for tea and stayed overnight and Dad picked me up sometime on Saturday! I felt so important on my own too - but I wasn't really!! Memories! Xxx

    6. Oh Norah
      You did make me laugh with your brothers antics. I can just imagine him hanging by his straps. Pity they did away with clippies, they didn't stand for any nonsense on buses did they.

  12. Hello everyone, how are you all, safe, dry, and warm I hope. I feel so sorry for all the people who are not. It is so miserable, bucketing rain,blowing a gale and DARK!!! Just think if you are experiencing that and not in your own home ... really does not bear thinking about.
    KAREN:- wow! that's some cake .... do you think putting the total amount of calories on it will stop folk indulging?? I doubt it, if it was in the cabinet I would be having a slice.
    MICHELE:- those doors are brilliant, love them.
    JANET:- love those bags, great colours and design.
    Well folks we are just home after an expedition to the Spar Shop 3 miles away (our nearest shop) We needed milk and some white bread ... the boys have invited themselves for a sleepover tonight. I put my jacket on to go when John said "take the 4x4" I hate driving it so I just gave him "that look" ..... John took me, thank goodness my wee car would never had made it. The road was quite bad but the big car made it. It's a little country road so we thought we could take the longer way home and come down to the village from the Main Road .... big mistake both roads down to village are flooded only because the fields can't take any more.
    Our farmer neighbour cleared lots of the ditches along the roadside, other drainage channels and the burns (little rivers) Thank goodness he did or it could be a whole lot worse.
    Our little burn is very quite full, running freely and hopeful continues to do so. We have a fairly high bank between it and the side of the garden so it should all be ok. We also have a few steps to all the doors round the house.
    Right best go see what I can rustle up for a quick lunch.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door.
    Barbara there are some extra special (((((hugs)))) for you Val and all the family. I know they are needed just now.
    Thinking of all who have not been in for a while. xxx

    1. Ooh Patricia , sounds as if you have lots of water! Take care if you go out! Xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    It's very wet and dark here today and we are all feeling terribly lazy. Too many late nights and too much travelling around - it was so good to sleep in our own bed last night. The other beds have been comfortable but not like your own bed is it.
    Karen I love your cake, what a wonderful cake for a chocoholic- I hope it wasn't a slimming world friend! You would have been drummed out taking along a cake like that! Xxxxx
    Michele your friends fairy doors are lovely xxxx
    Janet what great bags and that's such a good idea putting pot purée ( haha spell check doesn't like it does it!) in it. I like the two tone effect, very sophisticated. Xxxx
    Patricia I've just been watching the news and the dreadful flooding now in Scotland. I think it was very sensible to both go to the shops and to take the 4x4. If you do go out on your own make sure you take your mobile with you just in case. Emma has gone to stay with granny for a couple of days but she's been reminded to book her homeward journey - if she can. Apparently Julian's cousin went to stay with a friend in Edinburgh and it took 4 hours from Carlisle , no trains replacement bus service taking many diversions. I think we might be checking out flights too just in case. I hope everyone is ok, staying warm and dry and keeping safe. Maureen I think the extra ballast behind is such a good idea :). I should be making some thank you cards but like Hazel can't muster up the enthusiasm to start - I'm sure it's this miserable weather that's getting us down. I've got a day to myself Tuesday so that will get me motivated.
    Right I must give myself a shake and get on - kitchen floor needs a wash, there's something sticky on it and it's annoying me every time I walk near the cooker so a good wash is in order.
    Take care everyone, Barbara special hugs to you and Val sweetheart xxxxxxx

    1. Nice to have you back with us Diane! Hope Emma gets her return journey sorted out at not too much expense or inconvenience! Xxx

  14. Hello ladies I have tried leaving specific comments on the way down BUT Thank you ladies for your lovely comments I made the cake in 1992 and the work colleague I made it for (along with the others in the office) was obsessed with counting calories And I actually counted up all if the calories to add Aparently it was very tasty and raised a chuckle Being diabetic I very rarely tasted any of the cakes I made I did have three excellent testers though - husband, son and daughter It was such an easy cake to do,just covered in marzipan and fondant icing The edge was two long sausages twisted together The hardest part was cutting and painting the tape measure. Then the chocolate bars/sweets were just randomly piled on I know mixed media is taking a back seat but I do have a few more cakes to scan and send in if that's OK Pouring down with rain but after the Chelsea game we will venture out to dance Salsa at a friend's venue Take care x

    1. Crikey Karen i would need to good feet namely 1 left and 1 right instead of the 2 left that i have when i can keep upright and not making friends with any hard surface, but it's fun to watch the pile up caused by said feet. x

    2. Karen , I will just stick to the salsa you can eat! Xxx

  15. Good afternoon everyone - have commented on the way down, did start this morning but was waylaid, Its dreadful here at the moment - heavy rain and so dark.
    All the signs of "C" have gone now - all back to normal
    I hope everyone is keeping well
    Gentle hugs for Barbara Val and family
    and for Sheila and Nikki
    Im having a play with some ideas I have seen on Pinterest whether they turn out is a different story
    Me my granddaughter and Daughter in law are thinking of going to Slimming world, just one look at the chocolate cake today has convinced me to go - I have had so much chocolate over the holiday, and I never used to eat it one piece was enough
    Take care -
    Jean xx

  16. Yippee I have made two cards. Off to see if I can make it four. xxx

    1. Well done Hazel and in under 3 odd hours, crikey i'm still on the first in that time, oh well it's suppose to be recreational fun not a chore although sometimes when you are coming near a deadline fun goes right out the window along with any ideas that you had and time left to get it done in and i scrape through by the skin of my teeth, not that you seasoned proffessionals have ever experienced that, lol. Come on Hazel you know that you can do this and you know that you make quality so it will all come together just nicely my friend, promise. x

    2. Norah, I am no expert I am still a baby at this card making! Only been doing it for under 2 years and it was a slow start. I don't do complicated as you know. Simple and hopefully effective. I am using 2 of my Christmas present dies. Also found fancy peel offs when I was clearing out and made a note to use them up this year. Card number 4 has got peel offs on it. I am actually ok with how it's turned out. Now can I now go to 6??? Striplets make quick simple easy cards so they won't take long. I am using up bits from my bit box at the same time. xxx

    3. Hello Hazel yes it's me again
      I've left you a comment much further up but you'll not need any help now that you're on a roll. Just keep on going my lovely Friend. Extra hugs to go with the ones I left earlier. xxxx

    4. I knew you could do it!! Xxx

    5. I wrote a reply and it wouldn't publish so had to play around till I could get rid of it.
      Janet, thank you yes once I had gone and cut out more die cuts from my new dies plus some striplets I had cut out in white I got going. As I said they are simple not complicated then I don't do complicated so they suite me. Tammy can see what ones she wants the rest can be in the box as back ups. I am going to make a couple of children ones using LOTV toppers. Then like you I have a few for things this month so I am going to get them done, won't say I will be organised next month, but I might be! Xxx

  17. Hi everyone, tree now down and decorations put away, the place looks so bare.
    I have kept all your lovely cards which were sent, might have to pinch ideas for next year!!!
    Better go and have a look to see what is for dinner, see you later xxx

  18. Afternoon Ladies

    Very miserable day weather wise here-torrential rain all day.

    Builder rang (after a prompt from me by text) to apologise & yes, he's taken on a big job instead of starting our work. I calmly & politely explained that keeping in touch with the customer was crucial and asked how could we trust his guesstimate of September?! Left it that we'll be in touch after we've had time to think + discuss things. Decisions, decisions!!!

    Hubby is off to Carlisle again all next week-at least I'll get chance to watch all the Sue Wilson programmes I've recorded.


    1. Really feel for you Michele after pinning your hopes on getting the building work done - you have even started to make way for it - I would have a serious think - is there no one else you trust to do the work.
      Enjoy your shows - watched some on Saturday - really enjoyed them xx

  19. I am so sorry for what he has done to you Michele but that's builders for you. Been there, done that been left with a half built kitchen.
    Bet he's taking on some of the Flood Repair work. There will be plenty of work around your area to keep him busy till September..... Me! I would be looking for another builder. Unfortunately round your way they will be like gold dust for a while yet. One blessing is your not relying on him to sort out your flooded house. xxx

  20. Hello Sandra and Everyone who pops in once or twice!
    I'm rather late today but never mind - better late than never as the saying goes!
    Wow Karen! That's some cake! You are very innovative when it comes to cakes! I've put on half a stone just looking at that one!! It's stunning!
    Michele - I think you told Jean and I about these doors. I think!! They are lovely and will be a huge hit with young and old I think.
    Janet - your gift bags are lovely and so much nicer than shop bought ones. Thank you for sharing.
    Well! I thought I didn't have After School Club tomorrow - I've been told I have and I have nothing ready because I thought I had another week and I'm preparing Make and Take's for our Ladies Group! Arrgghh !! I've decided we will have a January Sale bargain box day! It will have all sorts of things in it from left over MDF bits, Card, Buttons, lolly sticks, glue and a few templates to draw round! We can choose what we like and make it! This may be foolhardy but it's all I can come up with at half a days notice!
    I feel a lot better now that has been decided!
    I'm going to read what you have all been up to now! I hope Muriel didn't leave Maria hanging around again! Xxxx

    1. Myra I can't believe you are back straight away! We always had the first week back off, it's really not fair on you. I think they will like your idea though - they will be full of chatter about what Santa bought them so hopefully time will fly by. Xxxx

    2. Hi Myra - yes Michele told us about these doors - aren't they just gorgeous - hope you are not flooded near you - same places here flooded but the rain hasn't stopped for any work to be done to stop it happening - we need a good dry spell
      Enjoy your After School Club - sounds interesting.
      I took my Raspberry GC, some old dies and lots of card round to G.Grandaughters and they have been playing making a card for daddy for tomorrow - need to clear some stamps for them next.
      Jean xx

  21. Hello Sandra and all in the cafe, you are all right about the days being horrible and dark and you feel as though you have just got out of bed then its time to go back. the lovely cake is exactly how mine turn out normally, it must be hard to do one like this as i would be tempted to make it straight like the cards as i don't do crooked, but its lovely, the fairy doors are lovely too, they are where i would be as a child as i had a favourite book about fairies and would imagine all sorts of goings on behind the fairy doors and the bags are brilliant and artistic, such a talented lot you all are, i am trying to do my baby congratulation card but the enthusiasm has gone walkabouts at the minute and i think if i can just get that first of the year cards done i will be onwards and upwards with the cards for January birthdays, Nora you did make me laugh about the bus escapade, it was the norm for my mum to have one of my siblings always under five so she didn't have to pay bus fare for us, there was only eleven months between my brother and sister and my sister was quite small so they were twins under five for years, but i remember chirping up once that they were seven not five, for which i got a clip around the ear when we got of the bus, there is a lady now on hochanda with a bow maker but it looks really complicated, thank you ladies for your welcome yesterday and i am determined to keep on popping in as i would love to join the retreat wherever it is being held, see you tomorrow hugs Johanna

    1. Hello Johanna
      Im Jean - don't think I have 'met' you as I haven't been on this blog that long. Im hoping to join the retreat this time - just depends where its going to be .
      Nice to see you
      Jean xx

    2. Hello again Johanna,
      Lovely to see you! I have met Jean - she is very nice!
      In fact I've met lots of the ladies now! Even the ones I haven't feel like old friends! Not old old!! Oh my !! Tin hat!! Xxx

    3. Now Myra don't worry dear Tin Hats don't come in until the third week in January as we all need time to come round from the last few Manic Weeks so your quite safe AT THE MOMENT!!!!
      Off to bed now as I'm an hour in front of you all. Night Night see you all tomorrow.

    4. Thanks Janet, Night Night, Sleep well! Xxx

  22. Hello SANDRA & everyone
    Wow Karen your cake is amazing & looks delicious.
    Michele those fairy doors are so sweet brilliant.
    Janet I love your bags lovely design & colours.
    Thank you all for sharing.
    We had a lovely day at Darren's yesterday poor Harry he's got so many spots even one on his eye & one right inside the same eye it looks so sore & red & lots in all his creases at top of legs even in his little bum. I Had some lovely cuddles & playing with his toys with him. Today has been very dark windy raining hard just felt like going back to bed. But got all the ironing done & cleaned both freezes out Oh got something out of the big one yesterday & didn't shut the door properly so it iced up all over the draw's so had to be done.
    Tomorrow I must tidy craft room as I bought some WOW glitter embossing powder at NEC but can't find where I have put it away so when I find it I will lable it up. I have a couple of birthday cards to make as well so must get my creative mind working. I taped Sue's show's Friday & Saturday so will hopefully get some inspiration from them. Congratulations Cheryl on winning on Sue's comment game.enjoy Useing your prize.
    Barbara Val & all your family my thoughts & prayers are with you all Sending ((((((Hug's)))))) & Love xxxx
    Must go & dish up dinner love & Hug's Lynda xx

  23. Hi Sandra
    Well, I thought that I'd been in this morning but I know I haven't seen these gorgeous makes.
    Karen your cake is yummy.
    Michele the fairy doors are great.
    Janet I love your bags, they look bigger then the Izzy bags.
    Barbara, Val & your families your all in my thoughts. Sending hugs to you all. Been up to Doreen's today after the rain eased up. Pete needed to clear the guttering out as the rain was coming over. Their small drainpipe serves three roofs and the guttering was full of everyone's leaves. Pete cleared it all out and put some wire at the end of next doors so the leaves from all the other houses don't come into her guttering and block it up again. Their guttering will eventually block up, but as they never ever clear there gutters out its always been left to Ellis it will now ge their problem.
    Lovely to see you in the cafe again Joanne, your very welcome. Norah us a great story teller, just watch her huggles though they get into everything.

    1. Hello Pat - the bags are bigger only because the bags of lovely Pot Pouri are larger in length so it's only a matter of joining two pieces of A4 together to get the length needed.So they are just adjusted in length.
      Hugs for you xxxx

  24. Hello and goodnight. I've read all the comments, smiled at Norah's stories, was pleased to see Johanna in again, and I'm blowed if I can remember anything else. Oh yet, Myra and her ongoing saga with the after school club, and the old dears at her Make and Take club.
    Zoe doesn't go back to school until Wednesday, and Eleanor goes back on Thursday!!! Ridiculous.
    Got to go, still tired after all the festivities, I think it's too much rich food that does it.
    Thinking of our Barbara, Val and their families, and still praying. I hope Peter has a safe journey home.
    Sweet dreams and God Bless.
    Maureen xxx

  25. Now girls the cars that have the automatic lights(normally side lights) is totally different case. It's these bam pots that have driving lamps on, fog lamps(when is not foggy) and full main beam lights on when it's a crystal clear day that really get on my wick or at night you see someone coming around the bend and I turn my lights down to just main headlights but they can't seem to see me coming and run at me with dazzling main beam and every light imaginable, all I ask is turn the dashed things off and down when someone comes the other way. So running on side or headlights is fine when it's an automatic thing on the car or a dimmed set it's just the wee twats with their petrol heads on and think they are the only thing on the roads that can drive how they like and couldn't care less that they are making the rest of the public miserable with their antics. Some how Hazel I don't think you will ever fit into the young hot rods way of driving or the Mrs I M Rich so can do as I like when driving. x

  26. Hi Sandra and all left for a nightcap :)
    Oh wow Karen, that cake looks sooo good. You are really our cake maker in the cafe'.
    Michele- the little fairy doors are real cute, so nice for any little girl.
    Janet- love the bags !
    I'm so dumb so I haven't got one together yet. That's a promise for myself to learn some new techniques this year and use up my bits and bobs.
    Yay Cheryl- congrats to winning the comment game ! I wonder what you get ? I still haven't got anything so wrote to Sue and told her, still nothing so not sure what to do next.
    Oh Norah- you and your brother must have been a handful, I can see him in my mind hanging there in the bus Lol !
    I always had a reins on my son because he wanted to run all the time. Nearly lost him once when I for a moment let go and he run out into Hempstead Road in Watford !
    That a moment I don't wish on anyone. Luckily it was a bus turning into the road and he saw him and stopped so I got hold of Christian, my I was scared. In Sweden it is law to have the lights on the cars all the time. it is quite hard to see them coming otherwise if it's raining and it's dull. Just like today has been. Lilian- hope you are feeling better and you all are well after the late nights and festivities ! I woke up at 1pm today and then just sat in my chair doing not much. First now the fog have lifted and I feel ok and my brain is on overdrive, again. Have some cards to make and need to do some cutting outs. I also have 2 boxes with made decoupaged items and want to make them up, so another task for this year. Promised myself not to buy so much more, instead use up what I got but that's a thing that's not working very well but will have to think better for what I need and not what I want. A lot of my double sticky tape and sticky spacers have dried up over the years (just like me)tihi so must get some new ones and stamping pads etc.
    so any new dies will have to be laid to the back burner.
    Sandra and Sue-how have it gone with the Quilting making? I saw a new magazine out about it and thought of you two. A new magazine about Die Cutting has also come out and I got keen but to pricy I thought even if you get a die with every Issue.
    Had some Cuddles with the Huggles and the prem look like his growing well even just eating bananas or have he tried something else lately ? Going to watch some Tv now and then try the bed in an hour or so. Going down to London in the morning so will have to get up earlish. Good night everyone and happy dreams, warm hugs xxxx

    1. I've read it now Maria!! Sorry - didn't read it last night! Xxx
