
Monday 4 January 2016

Monday Challenge

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

I thought that it might be a nice fun idea and a way of giving your 'mojo' boost (as it may be like mine and still think its the holiday's) to have a go at creating a card by using a 'Sketch'. If any of you haven't seen them before, they are basic layout ideas for cards, you can choose any card, papers and embellishments you like, you can used stamped images or card toppers or die cuts, it's entirely up to you, the idea is you use the 'sketch' above to design your card around.
I used a Lilli of the Valley Topper and some My Minds Eye papers for my card, them I made some flowers to look like daisies to embellish the card.  You don't need to use a 'flag' die like I have. You could use ribbon, twine or lace or a die cut border.
I made a card just to give you an idea.  I thought that maybe we could show your designs next Sunday before posting a new Challenge on the Monday.
What do you think? Good idea?
I am really looking forward to seeing what you all come up with.

Well it's all back to routine in our house today, girls are off to school, gosh it's scary to think in 6 months they will be finished!!
Matt is back to work too and Paul is on nights tonight and tomorrow night.
I need to get in my craft room and gut it and give it a good clean out, Milo has taken to jumping upon a shelf that's about 8ft up, it has a box with all my Mica powders in on it, which he decided to knock down, along with a huge tub of die cuts, the contents of the two made a delightful mess, the lids were clearly loose on a couple of mica powders too, making a lovely shimmery mess on the carpet! At the time I was too busy to clean out up properly,I just picked the worst of it up, so I need to get in with my hoover too! I may be some time, intact it could be Wednesday before I make it out so if there is no blog tomorrow you know where I'll be!

I am looking forward to my first Hochanda delivery, I ordered one of the sets of dies that were featured on Sue's shows on Saturday.
I would also like to sing the praises of the Platinum machine, I love it, using the plates from my many Grand Caliburs is so helpful and also means that my dies aren't getting bent!  So far so good!!

Have a great day everyone!
Love and Hugs


  1. Morning/Afternoon or even night here as it's so dark I'm not sure which part of the day it is.

    Anyway Sandra I will be taking up your challenge and believe me it will be a challenge. My skills with pencil/pen and paper are nil but nothing tried nothing gained (that must be a mixed up quote - I'm sure you'll put me right) or is it 'nothing ventured nothing gained'.

    I love your card giving me a lovely smile to start my week. Will be trying to make a start on my February bday cards that's after I've prep and got the casserole on top of the log burner to cook ready for tonight's tea.

    I'm a little slow this morning as my right knee is sore. Jim was turning over in the night and knocked it so it's careful going today.

    As I'm first I've sent Marigny Dobby post haste to set everything up. He has croissants/pain au choc/and pain au raisen with him for I hope everything arrives.

    I'll be in later to see what's happening.
    Hugs and prayers to Barbara, Val and all the family. You are constantly in my thoughts.

    1. Good morning Janet,
      Oh Marigny Dobby has done a grand job it looks and smells lovely in here!
      Why would you need a pencil Janet?? You don't have to 'sketch' anything, that is the name of the card layout, you just need to use the template of the card design to create your card!
      I hope I have expl!aimed that OK! You did make me smile though xx
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

    2. Hello Sandra - So who was a Numpty then this morning!!!!!
      I'm blaming age/early morning/painful knee and whatever else I can think of - I'm sure you all can complete the list for me............

      You shall have a picture before Friday -

      Hugs hoping you're having a nice quiet day just for a change.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra & great idea for the challenge to use a sketch. Not sure if I'll manage to join in before next Monday though.

    Not looking forward to work this week-I have never seen such a busy chemotherapy list as we have this week, with 5 new patients. Think I'll be shattered most evenings-good job hubby is away so I can slump in front of the tv & watch the Sue Wilson programmes I recorded.


    1. Morning Michele,
      Sounds like you have a nightmare week ahead, do try and take it easy though.
      Now this sketch idea is just something I thought we could try for a bit of fun, do you think 1 week is not long enough? I am open to suggestions?
      Enjoy your Sue shows xxx
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

  3. Good morning Ladies,
    Sandra ,I think your sketch is a great idea and your card is lovely! I need to get some cards made pronto, so this is the push I need so thank you !
    I will be glad to get back to normal this week , it's been sooo full on busy, we had friends in to watch a film called "The Steamie" yesterday , thankfully only for drinks and nibbles but they didn't leave till 7.30 and then we had to have our dinner, I was so looking forward to watching "War and Peace" but fell asleep before it finished, (just as well I was recording it )and can see the end later.
    So back to Pilates this morning also more careful eating and getting back into my craft room ( I haven't been in there since before Christmas) .
    Hopefully Iain will make a start on taking down the decorations, isn't it strange how we love to see them going up and then can't wait to get them down and get back to normal?
    Lovely coffee aroma in the cafe but I have to resist all the lovely coisants we have a Golden Wedding to go to next week and need to fit in the good black trousers , so just coffee for me!
    Hope you all have a good day , love and hugs xoxo

  4. Hi Anne
    Can you let me know how many of the candles you'd like stamped out and I'll do them and put in the post for you. Good luck with the Pilates.

    1. Thanks Pat, about twelve would be lovely , let me know how many snowmen you would like? Hope you had a super festive season!
      Anne xo

    2. I've replied lower down Anne as blogger is still playing up. I'll do them for you and have twelve back if that's ok.

  5. Hi Sandra
    Love the card and love the idea. But where did you get your card image from. I'm assuming that you got it off of the computer. Six months will simply fly by Sandra, although it will be stressful with them both taking exams.
    Lovely smell in the cafe Janet, but I'm not over fond of croissants, so will pass on them thanks very much. A cake instead would go down well though Janet. Will call in later to see what's been happening.

  6. Hi,
    This sketch idea is great, bit like being on a designer team for a week. lol
    So many cards to make this month so this layout would be ideal for some of the not so fancy ones.
    Slowly taking down the decs. I have resorted to leaving the led lights on all day, it makes my home look so cosy. That way the batteries will all run out before packing them away. I hate finding out I have left the batteries in some of them and then they have gone to mush and rusted/wrecked the little springs.
    Onwards and upwards with this challenge, looking forward to seeing everyone's results.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  7. I will just say morning, as its horrible here, I have opened the windows just to refresh the air. So I will give it half an hour. Lights still on and I think they will be all day.
    Love your card Sandra. LOTV are great for all occassions. Sketch idea is good. I ended up making 7 cards yesterday. Today I must get on and finish the wedding card I have to do, the bridesmaids are in creamy beige according to the friend who has ordered it. I think I will have to change my idea as that's not a colour I have and if it's not right well it won't do. Now why can't it be a colour that I have. Anna and Beths cousin had this colour for them a bit wishy washy to be honest. She liked it and that's the main thing, but didn't give a wow to the photos. I have a few birthdays to make for so I will get them done. Off to sit and have a cup of tea. xxx

  8. Morning everyone, as Hazel said it is not really a good one weather wise.
    Sandra what a good idea for a challenge, we use sketches a lot of the time for our Scrapbookimg crops, the only difference being they are 12 x12 pages.
    Anne hope you enjoyed watching 'The Steamie', it is something I have watched a lot of times and seen the stage show in The McRobert Centre at Stirling Uni. The characters are brilliant, especially Mrs Gillfeathers, and her mince and tatties!!,
    House nearly back in order, the have to finish a 100th birthday card and a coulpe of silver weddings, and sadly a sympathy card for a friend who lost her father in law just before Christmas.
    Anyway onwards and upwards as they say, take care till later xxx

    1. Yes Jess, we all enjoyed it , Iain and I have watched it countless times but still find more to laugh at each time , also seen it 3 times on the stage , I never tire of it , it's so good, the others had never watched it before so it was good seeing their reaction, they loved it! xo

  9. Hello Sandra,
    It's a better day here today than we had yesterday! For that I am thankful! Alastair has been out in the garden but just picking up debris really - twigs, branches as well as turned over pots!
    I love today"/ card and love LOTV as well! I think your idea is a great one and I will certainly give it a go! Will do me good!
    Well it's school today and I will go reluctantly. Opticians tomorrow! I would like a new pair of glasses as I'm a bit fed up with the ones I have. I know they are just for reading but I think when they come off and on more often they get more wear and tear!
    Cafe smells lovely this morning and I had a croissant and a latte! Money in that magic box, Sandra ha ha !!
    Love to all, especially Barbara , Val and family.

  10. Hello Sandra and all who call in today,

    Sorry I didn't leave a message yesterday, I think everything just caught up with me, I was exhausted also had an upset tummy which didn't help. I ended up
    resting/sleeping most of the day. Anyway today is another day so il get on with it!

    Yesterday's offerings were great. Karen what a great idea, love the cake.
    Michele, the fairy doors are gorgeous.
    Janet, you gift bags are brilliant.
    As for today's challenge what is a clever idea Sandra, I'm sure everyone is getting their thinking cap on! And your card is just beautiful. LOL
    Hope the girls have returned to school happy and ready to face the challenges
    that in front of them. It's also going to be stressful for you and Paul having to support both of them. You can only ask them to try their best. Sending them my best wishes and caring thoughts for you all xx

    Saba my prayers and thoughts are with you, Val and family's, xx

    Time to think about lunch, will drop by later, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  11. Hi Anne
    I'll stamp twelve for you and I'll have the same of your snowmen as well please. They'll do me for a couple of years then. The candle us lovely and I'll be looking for something similar for next year. I had a couple of scene ones from the ladies that were embossed with silver embossing powder. They were lovely as well. I do love the scene stamps as well. Once again because I went back in this didn't go under the correct post.

    1. That's great Pat, would you like the snowmen stamped in black or silver?

  12. Good afternoon everyone
    Its dry for a change but still very dark and miserable,
    Sandra I love this idea of a sketch - will give it a go and see what I come up with.
    Nothing on the cards today - Johns youngest daughter OH and baby have just left and we have had something to eat so I think playtime for me.
    Will pop back later
    Barbara Val and family thinking of you all
    also Sheila and Nikki,
    Take care anyone who is not feeling too good
    Jean xx

  13. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    What a great idea the sketch challenge is. It will hopefully give those of us that need a bit of help to get going again after the Festive break. My mojo certainly needed this as I have 3 birthday cards to make so great timing my lovely. I will send a photo before next Sunday, also One of the Christmas tree, still haven't got a shot of this years decorations, you can save it for next Christmas, (nearly said next year!!!!)
    I hope everyone is as well as possible. Saba, my love and thoughts are with you, Val and family,as always.
    Take care xx

  14. Hellooooooooooooo,
    Sandra, I love the idea of doing a sketch for the card, and will try this today!!!
    I've four Birthday cards and 2 baby cards to do for this month, so I'm away to get started and will let you know how I get on. In fact, I think I'll "borrow" your design!!!
    Weather here is dark, wet and really miserable - a bit like me really ha ha.
    Just thought I'd let you know that I've returned the Baby Blue to C&C as it's useless. Zoe used it and it wouldn't cut, but she thought it was something that she was doing wrong. When we went up between Christmas and New Year, her friend was there so I said that we'd all cut some butterflies, well I tried and tried but could not get a clean cut. Zoe is really disappointed and so am I. I've asked for a refund, will let you know what happens, as it was opened at Zoe's house on Christmas Day, and some of the internal packaging was discarded.
    Right, I'm away to make some fabulous cards!!! lol
    Muriel xxx

    1. Well that's a shame about the Baby Blue Maureen. Was looking at it on line at Hobbycraft for Scarlett but won't bother now. Perhaps will get her a Cuttlebug. It would have to live here rather than her house which would sort of defeat the object of getting it as she would have to ask me to take it round and I might as well take mine. We shall see. Hope you get it sorted.

    2. Maureen, that's not good about the baby blue? What a disappointment for Zoe too! I hope you play on that too, that was her Christmas gift after all and it's like getting anything at anytime if it doesn't work it is upsetting but at Christmas or birthday time it's worse. I know Beth would have been upset. Xxx

    3. Maureen, I use my Cuttlebug a lot, I have had it for a while, now on my 3rd set of plates, must admit I use it more than my CC. xx

  15. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sorry I'm late it's been a busy morning. Optitions first thing to pick up my new contact lenses. - they seem ok so far ( touch wood!). Distance vision is good but reading vision is going to come with practice I think as your brain has to adjust and do the thinking for you so it becomes a nature thing. I went straight to Sainsburys to get some food shopping, it's good to be back to normal. I must start taking the decorations down in a minute, it's nice to get the house straight again isn't it. - the tree hasn't shed too much so hopefully will get cleared away quickly although once it goes through the doorway it seems to ping and send the needles flying everywhere.
    Sandra what a pretty card today, I've seen the sketches before in the do crafts magazines but not used them. I'm in the middle of thank you cards at the moment so may not get a card done.
    I hope everyone is ok today, we had a small amount of sunshine at lunchtime but thunderstorms are forecast for later. - my neighbour has got her washing out - it's a bit optimistic!
    Well I must get on, I've got a big pile of ironing to do and a floor to wash!
    See you later xxxxx

  16. Well I have made it at last. Glad Christmas and New Year are over. Can get back to normal now - whatever that is. Sandra like the idea of the card today and will give it a go. Wet day again so a staying indoors day. Tidying craft stuff at the moment. Not getting very far but trying. Will just have some carrot cake and a cup of tea and see if there is anyone in the cafe to chat to.
    Thinking of you Barbara and Val.

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Lovely to see you in café you have been missed.
      Hugs on way to you love Margaret xx

    2. Glad you made it today, Brenda!
      I've just recovered from this afternoon! Xxxx

    3. Thank you Myra. Oh dear. Was it that bad this afternoon.

    4. The craft was ok! They enjoyed that . It's the cheek that goes with it!
      Lucy was in top form today having had an iPhone 6 for Christmas! She informed me that it was better than mine which was out of date!! Mine is an IPhone 4 S I think! She is right - it's just cheeky and rude to say so! She also informed everyone that she was wearing a black skirt - school says it should be grey - her nails were green - they aren't allowed to paint them. She was wearing trainers - only shoes allowed! Sorry I'd have sent her and those like her home! She then informed me that she couldn't tell the time and her teacher was " raising merry hell" . I told her I didn't think there was anything joyous about Hell! Why can't she tell the time? What is happening in school - I'm an ex teacher , I'd be mortified . This class is the easiest way to wind me up that I know! I think June will see the last lesson by this craft teacher! Xxx

  17. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I love todays offering & will be giving it a try thank you for he inspiration, good luck with your craft room. xx
    Sorry did not get in yesterday had a lovely day with Sue, Chris, Gem & James & was too tired last night. Karen your cake was lovely, Michele love the fairy doors & Janet the bags are great thanks to you all for sharing.xx
    Joanne lovely to see you in café please call in again soon xx
    Thinking of you Barbara & Val as always special hugs on way.xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  18. Hi Sandra and all today, hope you all are ok. Have not read any comments yet but just wanted to say I got back from London around 2pm looked in and panicked, HELP! hihi
    No this looked great to try so I sat to the task right away. Even with a sketch I wasn't really sure what to make as die or colours. You are amazing Sandra to get the right colours together and your daisies are so pretty,
    well done you and thank you for get mine at least mojo or my pea brain working :-> Then it was dinner to make so have just now got a minute for a sit down and a coffee with some mini stollen. Hope you be alright with Paul working, you know we are here for you and the girls be home I guess at night time. Unbelievable how quick the time has gone and not long before the girls finish school. Have they decided what they will do next ?
    I'm going to go up now and see what you have all been up too. wonder if any new visitor have dared to speak to us tihi we are not that scary are we ? back in a mo Xxxx

  19. Back again.
    Janet- your poor knee, hope you feeling better the longer the day went and tell Jim not to jump you so badly in the night.
    Michlele- how was work ? must be hard when you get new patients in. Hope your week goes ok.
    Ann- never heard of that film, will have a look for it later. I love movies, watching at least one a day/night. Good to have when Mr Sandman not visiting. You good to go back to Pilates. Have booked for Aqua Friday but hope to go for a swim Wednesday to get back to norm. Eating is difficult to stop because we going away for a week end of this Month so it will have to be when back home.
    Cheryl- like your onwards and upwards saying ,so wish it came more often. It's been a difficult winter for pain sufferers. Did take the decorations down too today and feel it so empty right now, I do love my Santa :)
    Pat and Pete- hope you both ok, sending you some cuddles.
    Hazel- 7 cards! you making more then SW in a day but she made many hundreds in a year so...... Love the e-cards x
    Myra- did they let you out of school or are you still there ? hihi
    Brenda- hope your tummmy is settled down and you felt better today. Did you manage any crafting ?
    oh Maureen- that's a shame about the Baby blue machine, maybe if you get the money back to get Zoe a second hand machine of some kind instead for her to play on. Just a thought.
    Margaret P- glad you had a nice day with the others but hope you had some rest today.
    Diane- did the Ping emerge or were you alright taking the tree out hihi, nothing worse then get needles in your feet,ouch ! Have you managed too to get Emma sorted for her going back to Uni.?
    Littlelamb- you have been missed but now we nearly back to normal ,what now that means with some in this cafe. I never been normal, quick in to say....
    Sandra I don't think Janet was so wrong because I draw the sketch onto a piece of paper with a pencil so I could have it handy in the kitchen with me hihi, the Acer keep falling a sleep if I let it just stand so that was easiest to do.
    Margaret c.o- hope you are ok and nice to see Johanna have been in again. hope you like our little cafe' where anything and everything happening , sometimes both at the same time.....
    Special wishes and hugs to Saba, Val and family.
    Need another coffee and get ready for 'Silent Witness' might be back or might not. Did any of you see my comment last night, never know ?
    Good night my wonderful friends, I for one will dream of Sketches eeeek! love and hugs Maria xxxx

  20. Hello Sandra very late but I did comment this afternoon but can't see it anywhere just disappeared Grrrr.i love your sketch idea Sandra I will give that ago,your card is lovely so cute & flowers are pretty.
    Well I'm off to bed now so good night everyone
    God bless love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Night ,night Lynda, hope you and Terry are all right

  21. Left my first comment Sandra. It it has disappeared !? will try again soon. Not long now to February at Farnborough. X
