
Tuesday 5 January 2016

Too good to be forgotten!!

Good morning ladies,

I hope that your first day back into your usual weekly routine went well, Michele I hope your week works out to be a little quieter than you thought. The girls had their first day back at school and came home tired but on a high as they had both received their Spanish exam results and both of them achieved an A*, which is fantastic news, very proud Mum !!
I was shocked to see that Edinburgh and parts of Scotland are now suffering with the floods, we have an about 8 flood warnings here in Oxfordshire, I hope it doesn't  get as bad as last time though, it really is so sad watching peoples lives being torn apart, a friend of mine has now been flooded about 4/5 times, to the point that she can no longer get insurance cover, so any damage now comes at tbeir expense, they have made some adjustments in the house to minimise the damage, the frustrating part is they live nowhere near a river, they live on a farm and watch the flood water creeping the field in front of their house, for two years running they lost their entire crop which was the straw for their thatching business, so not only their home got affected, their livelihood was too, so I am hoping that the rain is less than they have forecast, we need a nice warm Spring and Summer to dry up allod this excess water!
It will help with vetting the tourists back to visiting the Lake District too, to help them recover the huge losses they have suffered through loss of business etc!

Now today's gorgeous card is another of my birthday cards, I think it must have asrrkved later than the others as it wasn't in the box with them, I felt awful when I found it yesterday as I hadn't shown with the other cards, it was beautifully designed by our Diane, the photo does not do it justice  however, it sparkles beautifully as Diane has used Sue Wilson's 'paper. Grouting' technique with a Glitter Sparkle paste, it looks so effective!  Diane has also used Dies from Sue's Californian Collection .
I love this card Diane, sorry I hadn't shown it sooner! Xxx

Well I must get on with my craft room today, I actually could see part of my desk yesterday! I have to be quiet though as my craft room is opposite our bedroom and Paul is on nights, so will be trying to sleep!

Special thoughts to Barbara, Peter, Val and family, also to Sheila, hugs to you all.

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Everyone
    I cannot say 'good' as once again it as the middle of the night.
    Anyway it's Jeune (young) Dobbie on opening duty this morning as he has to start his apprenticeship at some time and I've decided that this is the year.
    Please let me know if anything is left undone so he can correct it.

    Perhaps Myra's Hugie could be he supervisor what do you think? hmm

    DIANE - your card is just beautiful. I love the sparkle you have given it and those colours are just perfect. I have some Texture Paste - three jars in fact- but haven't as yet had the courage to use them. Perhaps now having seen your card it will give me the encouragement I needed.

    Good luck Sandra with the Craft Room sorting. Although I am always envious of those with a dedicated craft room making sure everything is tidy and in its place would not be one of my easily done tasks.

    We're off into Corbigny this morning as we need some more bird food and one or two little items for ourselves. We're looking forward to Friday and market day though at this time of the year it is always quiet just the locals which is nice. I'll pop in later to see what's what.

    Thinking of all of you in need of huge hugs. You're always in my prayers and thoughts.

    1. Hi Janet thank you for your kind comment. You must have a go with the sparkle paste, it's great fun. I used a credit card to spread it around ( no, it was one of those bank cards they try and temp you with to go with that bank). As long as you have a deep emboss it works a treat. Hope you enjoy your day out xxxxx

    2. Hi Janet, I am ono of those with a dedicated room and I can honestly say, it is nowhere near as tidy as the first day when I filled all the boxes with my craft supplies and placed them in their shelving unit! Like Sandra, Maureen et al, I need to clear a space on my table before I can start another project. tihi xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Diane- your card is stunning, really gorgeous.

    Yesterday wasn't quite as bad as expected but that was only because one patient forgot to come in for treatment & two were too poorly to start. One of them ended up in A&E, not heard any more news.

    Sandra-most people will probably find a week is ok for the sketch challenge but I couldn't commit to making something in such a short space of time so don't change anything just because of my comments.

    I had a great evening watching Sue Wilson last night, although I do put most of it on Fast Forward & only "watch" the demonstrations which is how I got through all 5 episodes!!


    1. Thank you Michele. I do that with my recordings too, you can get through a couple of program's quite quickly can't you. Xxx

  3. Good morning Ladies,
    Congratulations to your clever girls Sandra, you are entitled to feel proud!
    Diane your card is glorious! I love the main die used( one of my favourites, can'nt recall its island name at the moment ) and all the pretty flowers etc.
    Pilates wasn't on yesterday ( my memory to blame again! ) so when I came home I tidied up the craft room a bit and after lunch cut out and decoupaged a card that I will finish off today, then I thought I'd try out my new Vintage Flowers stamps from Altenew , but I found them really difficult to line up and am not happy with the results, I will try again today, but it wastes so much time when the images are not good enough to use, must checkout their website for help!
    Michele , glad to hear your day was better than you expected, hope today runs as smoothly.
    Just can't stop thinking about all these poor folk having to go through and cope with more flooding , my heart breaks for them , I really don't think I could manage to deal with all that upset and unhappiness, we really need a good spring and summer and a huge cash injection to help them overcome this, so here's hoping.
    Barbara and Val you are constantly on my mind and sending you both big soft gentle hugs xo
    Well today I will attempt to play 9 holes of golf, the forecast is for dry but cold weather so it should be ok.
    I managed to resist eating any naughty things yesterday so hope my will power lasts!
    Have a good day and love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Thank you Anne, enjoy your game of golf, hope the course isn't too wet! Xxxx

    2. Hi ANNE they have some videos on you tube for the Altenew stamps
      Step by step. I found them quite helpful. Hug's Lynda xx

  4. Hi Sandra
    Good luck with the tidying. I popped my head into my craft room looked at it shook my head and thought where do I start, and shut the door again.
    Congratulations to the girls on their Spanish results. Clever girls or what, I bet your both so proud.
    Diane I just love your birthday card to Sandra. I also have some Sparkle Paste but still haven't used it. Must find some decent masks to use it with.
    Michelle, I'm glad you had a quieter day than expected. Not to sure how someone can forget to come in for Chemo. Petes forgot the time of his injections a couple of times although I always put them on the calendar, but Wendy his nurse rang him up to say, have you forgotten something Peter. So now he always double checks. Wendy said that quite a few people just don't come in for them at all. I'm not to sure why anyone would forget or not bother with something like that as ultimately they are keeping them alive. Petes off to hospital today so no school for me, always a worry for him that his medication is still working.
    I wonder if you get to play any golf today Anne. Stay safe everyone whose near a flood area.
    Barbara, Val I'm thinking of you always.

    1. Thank you Pat, haha I've just done the same! Too many boxes for decorations still in the study to get in properly! Hopefully they will go in the loft tonight. I can't believe people forget to go for their treatment either! Xxxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Diane, what a gorgeous card we have to enjoy today. I love it, the colour, the dies used and also the lovely sparkle from the beautiful background : )
    Janet, your Dobbie has done a great job on the Cafe again today, thank you : )
    It must be awful to have to live with the threat of being flooded again and again. My heart goes out to all that are involved. The floods have such long term effects too for so many, such as your friends Sandra, when livelihoods are involved as well as their homes. I wish the government would get a proper programme sorted out of regular dredging of all rivers and ditches, clearing drains and controlling the water flow through the locks throughout the country, all of which would make a big difference but as usual they just bleat on about not having the money to do these things. How many politicians do you see getting flooded? Not one that I can think of! Back off the soapbox now, I have put it away in the usual place.
    Please give Sophie and Lucy my congratulations on their A* results, what a wonderful start to the new term. : ) Good luck with some more sorting in your craft room too, my lovely : )
    Barbara, Val and family, my love and hugs to you.
    Sheila, you are also in my thoughts.
    I just want to let you know that I will be sending you all an email (so you are expecting it) about hotel door key cards that Mum received from the Wiltshire Police Neighbourhood Watch lady. It will make you think, if you weren't already aware.
    A card making day today along with starting to take the decorations down, which I hate doing as I love seeing them all up.
    Wishing you all a good a day as possible. Take care xx

    1. Thank you Sue, decorations coming down here too. I can't believe I've got a poinsettia this year that has all it's leaves and flowers still - it's a joke in our house that no mater how late I buy it I have a stick by Christmas Day! Xxxx

    2. I am the same as you Diane. I was given one by the ladies at the end of the craft sessions. I went away in the following Saturday so only had it from the Wednesday evening. It had been very well watered which I think was the problem as a lot of water coming out. By the time I got back the following Saturday it was dead. I did have my doubts when I took the cellophane off as it was very floppy but couldn't water it anymore. Think it had too much water before I had it. Was very disappointed as if was a large plant.

    3. My daughter in law who is the gentlest young woman you could hope to meet, confessed at Christmas that she hated poinsettias - reason - they always die no matter what !!! Xxx

  6. Morning Sandra and all in today.
    Gorgeous card from Diane! I too got some paste(somewhere) but have not used it as yet but it do look good when used.
    Well done to your girls. maybe they can teach me some Spanish, it's a languish I always wanted to know.
    No one in between 9 pm - passed midnight ? It was weird.
    Not doing much today, might just go out somewhere to get some airing but it's so dark and the rain is near. So sorry for all people having any type of floods, yes a nice dry Spring and Summer would be good. Whatever you are up to today, have a nice day and take care Xxxx

    1. Thank you Maria, hope you enjoyed your walk. I picked the only hour to rain to go out for mine! Xxxx

  7. Morning Sandra, first of all well done the girls on their exa results.
    Diane you card is lovely, what a difference the paste makes to the embossing folder, thanks for inspiring me to try this.
    Not much on today, a bit of ironing then get into craft room to try and get some cards done to restock the shop.
    Hopefully will pop back later, take care, xxx

    1. Hi Jess thank you. Do have a go it's good fun xxxxx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Congratulations Sophie and Lucy on your excellent results, I hope this gives you both the confidence to go forward and do your best, that's all anyone can ask of you, well done girls?

    Diane, what a beautiful card you made for Sandras birthday, love the texture paste effect.

    Pat, hope all goes well for Pete at the hospital? LOL

    John is taking the decorations down this morning, he already has the boxes out of the loft. So my job is to repack them all. I have all of my SPECIAL Christmas cards to one side they are all so beautiful and certainly will be
    This afternoon I have physio clinic, I really need it as I have neglected the exercises over the holidays, hope it will give me the spur on I need.

    I hope everyone has a good day - whatever you are doing! Sandra good luck with the sort out. I am on a similar mission, I had spread myself in the guest bedroom and my sisters bedroom, they are both now tidy and I've STARTED on the craft room. BUT keep finding Phd's. So have started a Christmas Phd box. With the idea of dipping into it and having completed cards in good time for next Christmas!!!!!!!

    Saba, the thoughts and prayers are with you as always xx

    Time to get a wiggle on sending love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Thank you Brenda. I hope all goes well at the physio today, it's easy to get out of the habit of doing exercises isn't it xxxxx

  9. Hellooooooooooooooooooo,
    Sandra, congratulations on your girl's success, you've every right to be proud.
    Dainty, what a beautiful card, it's gorgeous.
    Michele, glad your day was easier than you thought. It's such a shame that some people were poorly and couldn't start their treatment.
    Janet, enjoy your trip to Corbigny.
    Anne, don't get a hole in one, it will cost you too much to buy a round of drinks!!
    Sue, I'll keep an eye open for your e-mail. Thanks for thinking of us.
    Maria, I'd have been in the cafe, but George will come up to the bedroom, which is where I usually post from. If I sit at the table too long, it sets my back off, so I prop myself up in bed.
    Got to go, George shouting that it's time we had some lunch as I'm going to a book folding thing, and he's looking after the girls while Peter is at the Accountants.
    See you all later.
    Thinking of Saba and Val.
    Sheila, Brenda LL, Cheryl (oh who have I missed?) hope you are well.
    Stay safe, stay dry, but most of all stay happy.
    Muriel xxxxx

    1. Ha ha Maureen, not much chance of me getting a hole in one ! but I won £7 today as I had the best score, it was very cold but sunny so I really enjoyed it, especially the lentil soup and bacon roll afterwards.xo

    2. Maureen, thank you my lovely lady. What's this , George having early nights? Must be all this kissing and cuddling before Christmas giving him ideas!!!!!!! Haha xxxxx

  10. Hello Sandra and Everyone!
    Well , what a morning! My husband in his wisdom made appointments at the Opticians for both os us! Mainly because he doesn't know what he looks like in new glasses!! First appointment was 11.45am! Well they wer running a little late! We have just got home and I'm eating my sandwiches as I type! Need to pack away Christmas decorations after this.
    We both need new glasses - so - bread and water for the next six months!!
    Diane - today's card is lovely and I love using texture paste as it really makes the embossing stand out. Lovely card!
    Congratulations to the girls on the results of their mock exam! Hope this gives them a boost for the real thing!
    I haven't had a chance to check on the weather situation in Scotland yet! Hope all is well with our Scottish ladies and their families . It's been dry here today so far so let's hope it stays that way.
    I will go and read what everyone has been up to now!

    1. Hello Myra thank you for your kind comment, it's fun playing with the paste isn't it. Oh Myra just what you don't need just after Christmas , the double expense of new glasses. The best one was when Julian had new frameless glasses, just the nose piece and sides cost him ove £400! We will send you slices of Christmas cake through the post to go with your bread and water xxxxx

    2. Oh Diane that's very kind! It may just stop us fading away!
      I thought mine were bad enough but Alastair has photo chromatic lenses as well as varilux so his lenses cost lots more than mine! I just wear sunglasses when necessary! Xxx

    3. Oh thanks you two, I need new glasses. These cost just short of £300 and that was 21/2 years ago. I think we will be on bread and water for a while. It's terrible what they charge, but I need new ones and that's that.
      Sandra, your girls did well it will give them confidence going on to do the big exams.

    4. You are most welcome Hazel! We aim to please! Xxx

    5. I just love how generous every one is on this blog. I don't wear my Vardifocals when I am on my I pad or crafting these days, I am even finding that I can see the TV a lot better than I use to. Maybe not driving so much is helping my eyes. We will wait and see. Xxx

  11. Afternoon ladies,

    Congratulations to your two girls, Sandra, all that hard work they put in has paid off for them. well done!!!!

    Went to a tree planting ceremony today, the vicar that joined our parish the month before Pete & I were married, retired last year and in honour of his past service he was invited to plant a tree, ably assisted by the Head Girl & Head Boy of our Primary school by our brook.
    Popped into town for a couple of items from a lovely shop run by the equally lovely Lisa. I used to buy all the ribbons, felt, buttons, threads etc. for the soft toys I used to make many moons ago from her Mother's market stall. We got to chat as one does, and she said her Mum actually started the business 35 years ago and the same customers keep coming back.
    LOVELY card today Diane, so pretty and sparkly. Love it.

    Off now to see what I can do about this challenge, have some ideas, hence the visit to the trimmings shop, so let's see what I come up with.
    Special thoughts and prayers for Saba, Val & families.

    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  12. Hello Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Oh what a surprise seeing my card today. I know why it wasn't with the others Sandra, I gave if to you at Ally Pally so it was after the event. I'm glad you like it. I did enjoy playing with the texture paste, you put on loads but take most of it off.
    Now don't faint ladies, we've had sunshine today - apart from when I went out for a walk when it was that fine drizzle that makes you very damp. All the fences were steaming so it looked really misty out. We were watching the news last night and suddenly up popped the river in Aberdeen opposite where we stayed last year. Emma went for a walk there a couple of days before she came home and took a photo of the little tea hut and the river. The tea hut roof was just visible on the news and the main road in front of the houses was being closed. It's awful isn't it. I hope Patricia and Hazel are ok - I know Patricia had a lot of water around her roads the other day. I know what you mean about your friends being flooded out and not getting insurance, it happened to my friend in Malvern a few years back too. They moved further up the hill in the end - I didn't hear from them at Christmas so I hope they are ok. I've gorgeous a letter to pick up from the post office tomorrow - not enough postage on it so I wonder what that is.
    Sandra congratulations to the girls on their mock results, that's a good start to the year and will give them the boost that they need. Do they have a prom to go to? Gosh one wax expensive but two! They don't seem the type of girls who need the nails and fake tan though, why some girls cover themselves in fake tan when they have such young skin that has natural glow I have no idea! Mind you I can remember carefully making sure I didn't have strap lines when I was younger then going out, meeting a friends mum and standing chatting to her for about half an hour then getting home to find a bright red back with lovely white strap marks!
    Right I must go, I'm waiting for the kitchen floor to dry - I'm in need of a cup of tea. See you all later xxxxxx

    1. I'm like you. - got a package with not enough postage! Keep forgetting to deal with it. Apparently you can pay online and have it delivered as usual. Xxx

  13. Afternoon Sandra and ladies, oh what an awful day we have here again! That much rain our garden is now a big puddle. Harris is so funny as he isn't liking sinking into the mud when he goes out, I am not liking de muddying the paws when he comes in.
    I have been busy had a baby gift basket order from Patricia to put together, now my baby stock chest of draws are now a mess as I couldn't find what I was looking for, I had changed where things were and could I remember were.
    Made a card not quite Sandras sketch but my take on it, must send it to her, apart from that I have been lazy. This dark weather does that I am sure. Lights been on again all day. Maria you wouldn't want to go for a walk here that's for sure to have to take detours round the puddles well they are bigger than just puddles that's for sure, full water proofs need to.
    Diane. Love your card, it's a beautiful colour and yes I bet working with the paste is wonderful, but I wouldn't find it so. I do love looking at cards with it on but oh it a no, no, for me to do, might pop in later, xxx

  14. Good afternoon no! scrub that ..... afternoon everyone it's certainly FAR from good .... what a day!!
    Now I know why Noah built his ark, we have asked our neighbour (a joiner) to build us a boat!! We are stuck in every direction out of the village, all roads out are closed. Never mind we have plenty, I phoned round some of my "old ladies) this morning to see if they needed anything. One needed bread another 2 needed milk. John needed petrol, he managed to get through to Coupar Angus before they closed the road. So a few old ladies happy again.
    The only reason we are in this situation is because of flooded fields NOT because of any "rivers"
    We have hills all round us and of course the water is running off them down into the valleys.
    SANDRA:- Congratulation to you girls, well done them.
    DIANE:- Love your beautiful card, I have some Sparkle Paste never opened the Jars ... I really must have a go soon.
    I have been busy making cards today. Managed to get 3 birthday and a anniversary one completed. One of my old ladies gave me an order for a card for her Granddaughter. She wants flowers on it and asked if I would have enough time ... she needs it for the 13th January!! I have prepared the flowers, I just need to let them dry and get them made up.
    Right folks off to get on.
    BARBARA:- our thoughts and prayers for you Val and all the family
    Plenty (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door. xxx

    1. Oh Patricia, that's awful! So many flooded roads and fields ! I saw in the News tonight a bus driver in Yorkshire ignored a road closed sign and drove into floodwater with a bus load of school children! They were all rescued by the Fire Brigade! So unnecessary - why do people do that ? Xxx

  15. Hi everyone, OK started to do the ironing, leaned over it to get a shirt from the pile and the b----y thing collapsed! Totally useless, a piece from underneath had sheared in half, quite rusty when we looked at it. No shame to it we had it for a good few years, so went to get a new one, what a price they are, we finally got one in Dunelm, in thier sale, ironing now finished, just waiting for dinner to get ready. Hope everyone is ok in this weather, xxx

    1. Oh Jess that wasn't good, you could have ended up with the iron landing in your feet. . Yes ironing boards aren't cheap. Saying that Tammy got an extra wide and long one from B&M. For over a third of the cost of the exact same one in Argos. Xxx

    2. Oh Jess, that could have been nasty! I know what you mean about the cost of a new one as I bought one not long ago - the previous one deserved respect for its age!! Xxx

  16. Afternoon Ladies

    Ghastly day at work-so busy! And that was with two more patients unable to go ahead with their treatment. The gentleman that "forgot " yesterday is his wife's carer as she has dementia so he doesn't have an easy time. He was one of the patients unable to go ahead today. All these patients will need to be slotted In next week.

    Bonus is hubby has come home a day early & is preparing our tea-how well he knows my cooking skills!!!


    1. Oh dear Michele! Some poor folks have awful problems! I can't imagine trying to cope with chemotherapy and at the same time being a Carer for someone with dementia! Hope your meal was good! Xxx

  17. Evening ladies
    DIANE I love your card I've had a little go with texture paste I love it My grouting is not brilliant so I will take on board your tip on having a deep emboss
    Congrats to your girls SANDRA to get A's no wonder you are proud
    MICHELE Sorry today was frantic and busy I agree re time frame of a challenge SANDRA I will email you at some point with ideas I want to join in but I don't tend to make random cards much I need an occasion so may mot join in each week but I want to have a go
    JANET try the texture paste it is great fun Like DIANE I use an old store/credit card PAT S The masks I like to use are the That Special Touch from Ali Reeve/CE etc They're reasonably priced and can be used with lots of mediums

  18. PS DIANE I love your card Lovely colours and your "grouting" is beautiful

  19. Hello Sandra & everyone
    SANDRA Congratulations to The girls on getting A's well done,& your aloud to be proud. I went to the dentist this morning she was running late waited nearly an hour past my appointment. I had to have three teeth out so I haven felt very good since I got home had a sleep. My mouth is very sore & aching now. I have to go back in 6months. DIANE your card is gorgeous I love using texture past it's such a lovely effect you should all give it a go. I haven't tried grouting yet though.Anne I left a comment under your earlier post.MAUREEN I hope you enjoyed your book folding I would love to see it when you finish it. MARIA hope you enjoyed your walk earlier. Barbara Val & family your all in my thoughts & prayers (((((((Hug's)))))))) xx
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Ouch Lynda! Sorry about the visit to the dentist! Hope your mouth feels less painful in the morning! Sending hugs! Xxx

  20. Good evening everyone
    Such a hectic few days where does the time go!
    Diane love your card really beautiful the colours are perfect too.
    Sandra you have every right to be proud of your two girls please give them my congratulations too.
    Patricia what a star your John is coming to the aid of some ladies, well done to him.
    I do hope all our lovely ladies North of the Border stay safe, keep crafting don't let this dreadful weather get you down. Keep smiling and take care.
    Sending special love and hugs to Barbara and Val always in my prayers.
    In Cockermouth we have a castle some of which is in ruins but the castle sit on the river edge and most of the land between the ruins and the river has gone so major work is under way to shire up the remaining land and save the ruins. There is even an underground chapel that is at risk at the castle.
    Take care where ever you are.
    Margaret xxx
