
Wednesday 6 January 2016

One Die Wednesday Challenge

Good Morning Ladies,

Today I thought we could have a fun challenge, to make a card with just one die, if you can, make the die the actual card base as I have done above.
I thought it would be a good way to look at our dies differently and challenge our minds when it comes to card designing, we are used to having a whole range of dies to choose from but to me that can be as challenging as having just one!
For me the longest part of the process is deciding what I am going to use!
Have fun with it!

I am looking forward to today as Pat and Sue are coming to play!! Yay !!!
Have a good day everyone,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Lovely card Sandra, I love the idea of a one die card/challenge but once again, I'm unsure if/when I'll be able to join in. I'll try at the weekend as I need to start a few cards.


  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a pretty card Sandra, and I love the shape of the card. Another great challenge, just using one die, that will get the brain cells ticking over. I may have to have a look through your dies TODAY for this one. Yes, can't wait to see you, Paul and Pat later on, it has been too long since we got together!
    All of the decs and cards are down and tree decs are packed safely away in their boxes with just the tree left to take down today : ((
    Sheila, it was lovely to hear from you yesterday.
    Barbara, Val and family, my love and hugs to you all.
    Lynda, oouch! I hope your mouth isn't too sore today.
    Diane, I used to be the same until last year when I was told to use cold black tea instead of just water in my Poinsettia and up until April it was thriving with loads of new growth. Then I gave it a good "cuppa" the day before we went away, but forgot to drain off the excess after a couple of hours as I usually would. The result was one dead plant when we returned home a week later!
    I completely forgot to send out the email to you all yesterday, I am going to do it now while I am thinking of it!
    Have a good a day as possible everyone. See you in a few hours time Sandra and Pat : )) Take care xx

    1. I haven't hear of that one Sue! I am dreadful at remembering to water plants so I often end up killing them. Have fun crafting with Sandra and Pat today xxxxx

    2. Hi, have no green fingers either. I bough a C. cacti about 5 weeks ago and not one flower have come out yet ? and I follow the instructions how to do with the watering and everything. Probably in the green bin soon. xxx Have a fabulous day !

    3. Hello Sue
      I always water my indoor plants with either cold black tea or coffee. Always have done and they all seem to survive. It's worth a try.
      Hugs xxxx

    4. My Christmas Cactus plant was my Mum's and she passed away in 2000!! This is a record for me Maria - they don't need or like much water. My plant is really big now and is on a stand because the traily bits are so long! Xxx

    5. Hi ladies. I do think that ignorance is bliss sometimes, I dont do anything special to my plants so they have two choices. Mum is envious is envious of my African violet that was my Grans, it just grows and grows but Mum just can't get one to thrive no matter what she does.
      Maria, I had a Christmas cactus that flowered later in the year, Mum told me you can get ones that do this so they are not really Christmas ones at all, so don't give up on yours for a long time yet, you may have a lovely surprise.
      Diane, if you have a calendar or diary that you often look at put a note on it to remind you to check your plants, that what I did one year and now I am in the habit of checking them. Good luck with your Poinsettia stick : )
      Janet, I didn't know about the coffee, is it better than tea for the plants?
      Myra, how lovely that your Mums plant is thriving, I bet you get a lot of pleasure from it. I love a Christmas cactus, managed to kill one that I had for years by forgetting to bring it back indoors after its summer outside, but I have a good one again now that is doing well, it is getting a bit big for the window sill now.

  3. Good morning everyone
    Popping in early before my day runs away with me as it did yesterday.
    Sandra so pleased about your girls results, no wonder you are proud.
    Diane loved your card yesterday.
    Sue thank you so much to your email, very interesting, will pass it on to family.
    I have made my sketch card will photo it today and send us Sandra.
    Will have a try at this challenge but no sure how I will fare. Love these new things Sandra, you must have your thinking cap on most of the time.
    Thinking of you Barbara, Val and families
    Also Sheila,
    Will most probably be back later on
    Linda hope you are not too sore today,
    Jean xx

    1. Hello Jean thank you for your kind comment on my card. I hope you are ok and not surrounded by water xxxxx

  4. Helloooooooooooo
    Sandra, what a lovely card and beautiful image.
    Enjoy your day with the other two Graces, do you think you'll get much crafting done. Laughed at Sue's comment that she will look through your dies to do the challenge!!
    It's still pouring here, as it is in many places. I hope you all stay safe and dry.
    We are off into town shortly, going to the bank to pay the bills oh oh!!!!!
    Love to all
    Maureen xxxx

  5. Morning Sandra, your card is so sweet, quite a challenge for us today, need to have a good look through my dies to find a suitable one for a base card.
    Have a lovely day with Pat and Sue.
    Take care everyone, xxx

    1. Glad you didn't injured yourself yesterday when iron board collapsed. I bought a new one last year but my don't they make them quite flimsy and weak looking these days and pricey, take care xxx

  6. Hi Sandra
    Love today's card, and I quite often use a die to make the base card. It's the bit on top I always have a problem with. At the moment we don't have any rain yippee. It actually looks quite bright at the moment. Yesterday at the hospital we saw the head man. He was over the moon that Petes OSA was down to 0.026 the lowest it's ever been I think. He showed us how bad the results were befor May and the results afterwards. He had a few blips now and again. He's hopeful that if other patients gave similar results NICE will hopefully approve Enzalutamide to be taken before chemo. Mr Protheroe was virtually jumping up and down. Pete now doesn't have to go back for three months, which is a bonus. Only downside is that the medication might only still be delivered once a month.

    1. Hi Pat, very good news for Pete. Fingers crossed it stays that way for a long time coming, hugs xxx
      oh, hope you have a nice day with Sue and Sandra xx

    2. Pat , that's great news about Pete! I'm so pleased for you both. Pleased for the Consultant too - these things give huge encouragement all round. Xxx

    3. Pat great news ref Pete. Three months before he goes back is good too. Yes I think his consultant was over the moon as he feels he had the right choice. Xxx

    4. Hi Pat,
      Great news about Pete, Alan has his first test since his op tomorrow so I have everything crossed for good results. xx

    5. Hi Margaret
      I hope that Alan has good results as well tomorrow. I left a message under Brenda's post, but as usual bloggers put it at the bottom of all the posts.

    6. Hi Pat - just to say its great news Pete has been given - xx

  7. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Shhhh don't tell anyone, it's not raining at the moment - gloomy but not wet! I'm sure it won't last!
    Sandra what a pretty card today and a lovely idea to use the die to make the card base. Will have to have a think about that one.
    Thank you for the lovely comments on my card yesterday, I didn't make it back in again, lots of phone calls and decorations to take down. I'm putting all my lovely Christmas cards into my pretty retreat carrier bag so they are all stored together. It was very late when we threw the tree out the door last night so I still have a trail of needles to Hoover up before they walk around the house.
    Patricia I hope you are ok, I think a boat is an excellent idea! How good of you to think of the other people in the village too - it's a good thing John got through and back before the road closed! I really feel for everyone who is trapped or flooded, it's so awful and never ending too. That poor village where the bridge has gone and it's a 20 minute detour to get to the rest of the village. I can't believe an army bridge isn't a solution for them! It's probably the council thinking of money rather than the situation isn't it - bet all the council ours live on the side with the sops and the doctors! I will just slide the soap box back into the corner!
    Right I must get a wriggle on, I must go to the post office today. Lynda I hope you are feeling brighter today. Having one tooth out was bad enough, 3 must be awful. Take it easy today. Love and hugs all round and special hugs for Barbara and Val, you are in my thoughts xxxxx

    1. Hi Diane,
      Your card yesterday was lovely I loved the colour & the sparkle thank you for sharing. xx

    2. Lovely card yesterday Diane. Must try the paste.

  8. I won't say good morning as again it's awful here, dark and lights on.
    Sandra your cards is lovely, will have a think about it. Have a few more things to do hoping the light gets better so I can photo the sketch card I did. Hope the three of you have a good day together.
    I am off to get things done. Will pop in later. Xxx

  9. Good morning Sandra & all you lovely ladies.
    Thank you Sue & Jean my mouth is still sore & face stii swollen didn't get a lot of sleep last night. One good thing I did have anything to eat yesterday & don't want anything today so that's kick started my diet Hihi . Raining & dark again so I'm going to try Monday's challenge & try today's too.
    Sue Pat & Sandra have a good day together crafting.
    Well must get a wiggle on got few things to do before craft room.
    Pop back later Hug's for Barbara Val & family your all in my thoughts & Prayers.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    1. A huge cuddle on it's way to wish your pain away, oh it must be so sore. could you send a photo of your swollen face :) lovexxxx

    2. My poor little friend, how awful you're still in pain. Here's a (((((hug)))) to help you feel better. xxx

    3. Hi Lynda, have left you a message lower down, but wanted to say - Keep crafting it will take your mind off the pain. love and hugs xxx

    4. So sorry Lynda! There is nothing worse than pain in your face! I hope the swelling goes down soon and that you manage to eat something! You must eat or you'll get a migraine! Listen to Auntie Myra !! Xxxx

    5. Hi Lynda,
      Sorry to hear about your teeth, hope the pain easies soon, hope you can eat a little soon take care xx

    6. Thank you all so much for your kind messages managed to eat a small light dinner tonight. I have been rinsing my gums with salt water
      which is making me thirsty.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    7. Hope the pain goes away really soon.

  10. Afternoon all ,just.

    Lovely sunshine this morning so washing out on line now as rain due this afternoon.
    Finished 1st challenge and have run into a problem with windows 10 yet again. I cannot download my photos using my memory card as I used to. I thought I had cracked it last week but no, 10 has overwritten my automatic settings yet again! Bother and b****r it!
    This must be the WORST ever version they have brought out. Bill Gates hang your head in shame.

    Is your card an easel one Sandra? cos I might be a bit dense at times but I can't see how this would stand up using such a fancy die.
    ((((hugs)))) to Saba, Val & families. xxxx
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Good idea Watson to make it a easel card. must have a look at my dies. Hope your window 10 get sorted. My son said you can shut off things you don't want or use but don't ask me how, can't computers at all. Take care xxx

    2. Charlie has Windows 10 and he took his to a chap in Cupar and he like Maria said shut off the things he did want and it seems to be ok. Xxx

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone in today this foggy and pretty raw day. Love the new challenge. Not fully happy with my Monday one but will make one more and hope to send the photos to you later today. The image on this card is so sweet. Have a lovely day with Sue and Pat!
    We did have a walk yesterday and it was ok but I'm no good, it comes and goes and sore throat back. Not makes me ill but b---dy annoying. Did Aqua this morning, did a little shop in Asda. Bought new duvet cover,so tired of the old one and a little lamp for the crafting space I got in the Kitchen so I don't need the big light on when I in a moment shall go and do some
    Wish you all a good day as possible, thinking of you all!
    Warm hugs and love Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria,
      Sorry your throat still feels sore please take care xx

    2. Sorry about the sore throat Maria. Hope it goes away soon. Take care

  12. Afternoon everyone
    Sorry I'm late today but I just had to do Sandra's Sketch Challenge and get that off to her (it's just gone so I'm hoping it reaches her safe and sound. Who knows these days with cyberspace) and then I had to finish off a trial birthday card for a young lady who is going to be 30 next month and then it was lunchtime and........... anyway here I am.
    I hope everyone is safe indoors out of the horrible weather which seems to be everywhere in the UK and I've certainly got my fingers, toes and anything else I can that our lovely Friends up in Scotland do not get the snow I saw forecast last night for the coming week-end.

    We are rather damp here as we had torrential rain yesterday afternoon and all night and it's been on and off this morning but no sign of snow and the meteo say that December was the warmest here for many many many years. I can believe it as it's not too cold now.

    Right off now to catch up on some 'Progging' on my latest venture. I'm doing a cushion front in a 'go where you want' pattern so I've no idea how it's going to turn out. Hope it's a nice surprise.

    Hugs and Prayers to all in need especially Barbara, Val and Family.

  13. Sandra I think if this rain carries on you could give us a challenge who can design and build an ark. I am so fed up with this weather.
    Maria, I have a thing about duvet covers, I have t stop myself buying, love all white bedding and keep seeing some gorgeous serts. Have 4 sets on the go so it's only every 4 weeks the same set is back on again. I would love new ones, can't justife them at the moment. I am thinking of getting another lamp for where I sit crafting as with these dark days the light isn't good. Don't like main lights might actually do a swop over, and put the Lladro lamp on the side board and bring the 5 lamp bulb one over here. It's the moving of things to get to the plug is the problem, maybe tomorrow when I move things to hoover will be a better time. Away to cut out bits for a card.

  14. Hello Sandra and everyone.

    Late today John had a bad night last night, then this morning labyrinthitis struck again! He has taken the medication and has stayed resting in bed. Hopefully he will feel better later.

    SANDRA, Another challenge, my poor brain what are you trying to do to it?
    Love your card, thank you for giving us an idea.

    LYNDA, Ouch three teeth out. OMG you poor thing take it easy. Sending gentle hugs. xx

    PAT Brilliant news about Petes PSA. So pleased for both of you. LOL

    SUE, Hope you found a die you like in Sandra's collection. Good luck with this challenge. xx

    PATRICIA, What a star John is to help people in your village out. It's times like this when community spirit really kicks in. I was pleased he got back before the road was closed. I also hope you haven't had any more rain and conditions are improving. Take care LOL

    Well I think it's time I looked in on my patient again, if he is sleeping I will creep into my craft room which is next to our bedroom and I can play very quietly.

    Sending love and crafty hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. Hi Brenda,
      Hope John feels better soon he seems to be having a bad time lately give him a big hug from me love Margaret xx

    2. Hi Brenda - hope John feels a bit better soon xx

    3. Hi BRENDA thank for your kind words. I hope John feels better soon labyrinthine is not at all nice sending him & you ((((Hug's))))).

    4. Hope John feels better soon.

    5. Hope John has a better night. Hugs to you both xxx

    6. Brenda, sorry this is late! I do hope and pray that John has a much better night. Xxx

  15. Evening folks, I have been busy making cards for my January birthdays, a few other occasions and the one for the old lady in the village it is for her Great Granddaughter. I have made the card, made the flowers, I just need to put them together this evening. I will make the box, John can deliver it in the morning.
    SANDRA:- great card, I like the Die you have used and the sweet image.
    TODAYS :- challenge I will do tomorrow, I have a few things in mind.
    SKETCH:- I did today, got it done so quickly, I must remember the Sketch for future quick cards. Will get my cards to you sometime soon.

    PAT:- that's fantastic news on Pete's results, bet the pair of you are celebrating.

    I have suffered from SAD for years, I have always managed to cope. I use these lamps that are supposed to help, a couple set up where I work. One in the lounge where I sit, tell you what they are absolutely NO use in this continual terrible weather ..... I need some bright daylight. I usually try to get out for a walk each day but have not been able to do that for over a week .... Ahhhh!! However I have to be thankful, there are others out there who would probably swap me with what they are going through.
    Well we now have a lake in the field at the bottom of the garden. No way out of the village unless with a 4x4 even with them you have to be very careful. The forecast is for more "heavy" rain and a Red Alert for overnight and tomorrow.
    BARBARA:- you, Val and all the family always in our thoughts.
    All others who are down I have put extra special ((((((hugs))))) in the Basket

    1. Oh Patricia - I really feel for yourselves and others who are in the middle of these floods - we had a taster again at the weekend but it all subsided when the rain stopped - You would have loved it here today - bright sunshine until mid afternoon - you could have mistaken it for mid summer - Hope the daylight soon brightens and helps you - take care - at least we have our crafting to do xxx

    2. Hope you get some sunshine soon Patricia. Winter isn't good for natural daylight.

    3. I don't like to think of our sunny Patricia being sad! Hope you get some sunshine very soon! Xxx

    4. Wish you sunshine and brighter day's soon. Be careful if going out xxx

  16. Hello Sandra,
    I'm rather late today! Christmas has been put to bed! Phew! Mind you I'll probably find something in a daft place that I have overlooked!
    Patricia - I'm missing all the lights that I've just removed - the kitchen and Conservatory were so bright and cheery before I took them all down! Never mind , I'll light some candles later!
    Today's card is lovely and I hunk I could manage to rise to the challenge but it won't be today now! This bunny is tired! I've been up and down stairs I don't know how many times and up and down a step stool putting boxes away! I may have to visit a friend later. She is going through a bad time. Her husband has Alzheimer's and the last few days haven't been good!
    As for th sketch challenge - I came up with an idea for that in bed the other night! Let's hope it works!
    It's been dry here all day once again! Sorry Patricia , Hazel and Jess!! What about you Norah - are you being rained on as well?
    Hughie had a long conversation with a Robin this morning! It clips on to lantern I have usually on some holly. It was being put away! Poor Hughie couldn't understand why the Robin wouldn't jump up and down like him. Mind you, at least the Robin didn't bang his head on a candlestick! He is now asleep as all this activity today has tired him out! He had a banana smoothie for lunch!
    Love to everyone and special hugs to Barbara and Val! Some for Peter too!

    1. PS - I clearly not HUNK - ha ha!
      Should have been I think!! Xxx

    2. Myra your tales are getting just like Norah's - you both need to get together and write a book for children xxx The weather here was glorious until about 3 o clock then it went really dark - thought here comes the rain but we haven't had any -been dry all day - take care xxx

    3. Jean! It's all Norah's fault! Honestly! Xxxx

    4. MYRA Sorry about your friends husband it must be so hard for her
      Give her a Hug from me.
      MYRA you be carfull all that running up & down stairs & climing up on steps is not good for you please take care. Xx

  17. Hi Brenda
    I do hope that John feels better soon, he does seem to be going through the mill just lately. Thanks for the good wishes on Petes results.

  18. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sorry I did not get in yesterday I played boule in morning then after lunch decided to take decorations down by the time we had finished it was late & felt shattered plus our son is with us again for a couple of days he is attending the Real farming Conference in Oxford so we are a good cheap B & B, not grumbling lovely to see him. Sandra I love the card today beautiful picture you have really whetted my appetite with your ideas. Congratulations to the girls on their brilliant results you have every right to be proud. Hope you had a good day with Pat & Sue xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them special ones to Saba & Val & family love Margaret xx

  19. Hi Sandra, just got the hang of leaving comments.... so,decided to say Hello and that I enjoy reading your blog and seeing what everyone else is doing craft wise.
    Football on the tv tonight so I am off to my bolt hole (study) to make a birthday card.

    1. Hi Angela,
      Welcome to Sandra's cafe where you can drink & eat without putting on any weight. Hopefully you will find us a friendly & caring crowd look forward to seeing you again.

    2. Hello Angela
      Welcome to the friendliest little café around,
      hope you pop in often and get to know everyone
      Jean xx

    3. Welcome Angela,
      We aren't really daft! It's just fun. We care a lot too.
      Hope to see you again very soon! Xx

    4. Welcome Angela. You will enjoy it here. Hope to see you again.

    5. Welcome Angela, hope you pop back soon we are a friendly bunch I'm the quiet shy one hehe. Hug's Lynda xx

    6. Hello Angela, welcome to the best cafe in town, hope you can join us again, please don't be put off with some of the daft things that go on in here, take care xxx

    7. Hello Angela, Welcome to the only Cafe in town where you will find a soapbox even a tin hat, you can sound off in any subject AND you can eat whatever you fancy and not put any weight on

    8. Oops pressed publish - wanted to say please join in the daily chat - if you can. Happy Card Making xx

    9. Hi Angela, nice to see you pop your head around the door and do come back and tell us a little about yourself. If you have followed us for a while you know we are all bonkers but have a great time together, so hope to see you again xxx

  20. Evening everyone - I know Im late have commented on the way down, Im making the milk carton boxes for my granddaughters baby shower - its at the end of the month but I have a few things to do so I thought I would get them made - then I can decorate at leisure (If there is any) Its been a lovely day today but its not good for the people further up north.
    Heres hoping everyone gets a good nights sleep-till tomorrow - good night xx
    Jean xx

    1. Night Night Jean, Sleep well!
      You are still my friend - I think!!! Xxx

  21. Good evening Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Love today's card and especially the image you have used.
    Guess what I am getting tomorrow? At long last my new wheelchair! Thinks really do move slowly up here in the North, I have waited 4 months since the order was put in!The best laugh we had was when I was told it should have been replaced over 5 years ago but they kept telling me I had looked after it well and it was in good condition bu they were unable to get spares for it.
    Hope the three graces had a good day crafting.
    Pat so delighted for both you and Pete that his results are so good absolutely wonderful news!
    Lynda do take care and don't go out in the cold just take things easy. Hope you feel better tomorrow.
    Barbara you are all in my thoughts and prayers xx
    Well off to have a shower as my bed is calling so I will wish you all good night and sweet dreams.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret , I hope they can adapt it to travel on water!! Xxx

    2. Thank you Margaret have been very lazy Terry has be doing house work bless

  22. Got to the end at last. Bit late to comment now. Sorry. Busy day. Lovely card today Sandra. Good idea but haven't finished Monday's one yet so not sure I will get time to go another one as have lots of birthdays this month and twi Sympathy cards to do. Will try though.
