
Thursday 7 January 2016

Hats off to Janet!!

 Good Morning ladies,
After a little incident late yesterday afternoon that involved me becoming up close and personal with the bedroom carpet, I was caught by surprise therefore was unprepared for the impact (I usually feel my hip give out or something before I go )
So I have a lovely swollen ankle, a very sore knee and shoulder and a painful neck back and hip!
So today my blog post will be brief ( was that a sigh of relief I heard)!!
The sad part is that I had had a lovely day so far, it was just so lovely catching up with my lovelies, we were sat chatting till almost two so had to rush our crafting session, but I don't think we stopped talking at any point, it was lovely!

Today's gorgeous card has been designed and created by our Janet, I have no idea about what she has used to make this card so we will have to wait until she flies in,
Thank you Janet for sending me the card to share xxxx

I would also like to thank those of you that have sent me photos of thgei Monday Sketch card Challenge, I can't wait to share them with you on Sunday.

Angela it was lovely to read your comment yesterday, you got some lovely welcome messages too, you are very welcome into our crazy little world, I am genuinely so happy that you have made that first step xx

Love and hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    I am sorry to hear that you are suffering after the fall you had just before I left you uesterday my lovely. I knew you were in pain but putting on a brave face, bless you. Please rest as much as possible, not at all easy when your ankle is involved, and up the pain meds for a day or two. It was such a shame that our lovely day had to end that way. As usual the time just flew by but it was lovely to spend time with both you and Pat.
    Barbara, my love and hugs to you all.
    Lynda, I hope your mouth is not as sore today so that you can manage some good, it is a drastic way to diet.
    Back to Beavers tonight so today I must make sure everything is ready. Take care xx

    1. Thank you Sue the dentist told me it would take at least week to settle down as back teeth have such big roots & with 3 she was tugging for over half an hour.Poor SANDRA good job you were still with her but glad you enjoyed your day with the girls.Enjoy the Beavers tonight Sue xxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Sandra - please I hope you're not too stiff this morning though you know getting to know your carpets etc always causes trouble for you. So gently does it today my Dear Friend please.
    There's only one question for you re yesterday and that is 'What were you all drinking?' hehe

    ANGELA - Sorry I missed you yesterday but may I introduce myself to you. - I'm the part-time cyber space dafty but please don't let that put you off coming into this wonderful CAFE just ask anyone about me and they will tell you all. I hope to see you soon.

    Well it's still dark but it's also still raining so we are now into day 3 but at least we are better off than all those poor souls in the UK who are still out of their homes that is those who still have homes to go back to when everything is sorted.

    Sandra - you certainly do work swiftly. I was amazed to see you had put my card up on the board today when I only sent it to you yesterday afternoon. Cyber space mail certainly worked well there didn't it.

    As you can all see it's an Easel Card and I used some of the same card for the base etc as I used on those Christmas Gift Bags you saw the other day.
    The Hats are from a kit I bought when I first started paper crafting years ago from Crafts U Print. That piece is just one of the elements from it (I cannot remember the name of the card it comes from. it's something to do with Shelves I think ). When I bought it via downloading I didn't like the finish of the kit but I have used bits of it on many cards. The ribbon and tiny flowers are from my stash and the stamp is a Phil Martin one. His stamps always stamp beautifully. So I hope you all like my offering and thank you Sandra for showing it.

    Young Dobbie was sent a couple of hours ago - well togged up with all supplies wrapped in waterproof paper and in a safe basket so I hope he has arrived and all is set for the day.

    Barbara and Val plus Family and all in need are in my daily prayers.

    I'll try and pop in later to see who's around.

    1. Hello JANET your card is brilliant love your design. It makes a Nice change something different well done. Xxx

    2. JANET:- your card is fantastic LOVE everything you have done on it.
      The Hats and Roses are amazing. xxx

    3. Hello Janet,
      Fantastic card, it really is so clever, I love it. xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Janet-gorgeous card, a little bit different which I think is lovely.

    It's raining quite heavy here, hubby gone back up to Carlisle so hope the weather improves.

    Work was busy all day, my boss was in a meeting all afternoon so I had a junior pharmacist covering who was hard work then we had hysterics from another member of staff! The one who was being difficult all those months ago(she's never the same with me ever since). Just what I needed at the end of a busy day. Let's hope today is calmer!


    1. Hi Michelle
      Why are people so awkward and out to cause trouble. You work in a stressful environment anyway. Let's hope you had a better day today.

    2. Hello Michele,
      Hopefully, it can only get better xxx

  4. Good Morning from a very windy and wet Somerset.

    Very quirky card Janet, I don't think I have seen graphics like these before.

    Still cannot download photos, nest step is Ask the Expert helpline.

    Clearing up after 7 for dinner last night, was so tired only did one dishwasher full and left that to it's own devices while I slept.
    Welcome to Angela.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Good luck CHERYL with the expert help line. I managed to download my pictures in the end but more difficult with windows 10.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Hello Cheryl, you are a glutton for punishment with all your dinner parties!!! I hope you have felt brighter today, unlike the weather! xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and ladies, very dark and overcast here today, the forecast is not good, rain and snow over the high ground.
    Janet your card is lovely, so different.
    Well another shopping day has arrived, at least we can get out to the shops, not like those poor people who are flooded.
    Hope to pop back later, meantime take care.
    Thinking of you Barbara and Val ((((((())))))

    1. Hi Jess, don't spend too much on food, you need it for craft!! xxx

  6. Hello Sandra and everyone who call into the coffee shop today,

    Oh Sandra I hope you're taking your mads to ease that soreness, it must have been such a shock to your system when you fell. Please take care our lovely friend, take it easy today LOL

    Janet, love the card, any lady who receive this would be more than flighted it really is beautiful. XX

    Pleased to say John is up and about today, when I asked how he was feeling the reply was 'alright', which means he's not going to complain, but is not quite his usual 100%. He will be fine, I hope the injection into the middle ear improves things for him. That's not until later on in February.

    Well it's wiggle on time, have some ironing to get out of the way, then will see what the day brings.

    Love and Hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi BRENDA pleased John is feeling better although not 100%
      Have a good day xx

    2. Hello Brenda,
      Good to see that John is feeling a bit better. Hope you got your ironing finished.

  7. Morning, can't say good. Bucketing with rain, yes it feels like some up there is throwing buckets of water. Well Tammy has just left here to go to do Mary's she has phoned to say the road up to the mental hospital is flooded. Oh well if I was to be carried off to there they would have to take the other way out of here.
    Janet, your card is great, just right for a hat lover.
    I have been busy doing cards, have done a couple of the sketch cards as they are so easy don't take long.
    Ironing at the moment, then I must get some die cutting done that I promised Beth. I am on pick up tonight, so have to get them done once I finish this ironing.
    Sandra you and Norah will have to learn not to land face down on the carpet.
    Be careful.
    Right off to get this ironing done. Xxx

    1. Hello Hazel,
      I hope you got to Beth safely with this atrocious weather and driving conditions. xxx

  8. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Sandra, what are you like, normally it's me that likes to make friends with the floor, stairs, pavements, roads etc so i can feel all those ouches as i have won that t shirt on numerous occassions. I use cow's uddermint to rub into my sore bits as i'm not allergic to it as i am to deep heat or that with just swells up where it has been put and itches like nothing on earth. It was a horse doctor that told Mum about it decades ago and we have always used it(he used to manipulate their joints back into place as well and would work on humans if the case was severe enough). You'll know having given out some of my magic potion to others and Campbells work mates there is more people i think using it than cows and because it is for their udders it is herbal so free from any nasties.
    Well i haven't stopped this past few days with O.H. being off, thank goodness he is back at his work today as i can gently go throught what i need to do instead of being bullied and cursed at because i haven't got something done. You will note that in amongst all this he sat on his bahookie and never moved a muscle to do anything about what was annoying him needing done. Yesterday i met my friend DI across at Dunelm in Falkirk just for some sanity and a voice that didn't feel the need to swear at me, Kirsten was supposed to be dropping off the wee fella for me to take with me as she needed to get fitted out for her uniform for starting back work as her pre pregnancy sets are too big on her. Anyway Grumpy said he would look after Harry for her to save her getting up early to bring him to me for 8:40 for me taking Rory to college. Amazingly Campbell said that he couldn't get anything done as he was looking after Harry. Now i wonder why i am any different when i have him? Oh men! Give me strength. Anyway, Janet i want the pink hat as it will go with my wedding outfit for step daughters wedding, lol. I am not buying another outfit as i have 3 there of which only one fits me but i am wanting to where the pink dress that i had for my friends wedding 7 years ago as i have the hat, shoes, jacket and frock and it's pretty so i will get into this frock for June supposing it kills me doing it. This is a lovely card Janet and i hope that who ever you made it for enjoys it flower. I love how the ribbon you have used has the ginger brown of the spotty card in it to match. I do like pink and brown together especially a dark brown with the pink to soften it up.
    I have been and dropped Rory off at college, picked up my new form for my blue badge (another £20) for the 3rd time in under 2years and picked up the bus pass forms for Rory and i, went to see where the eejits put the money that was due to Rory as it wasn't in my account, got the washings sorted and on. So i have got a lot done this morning so i am going to have a coffee before i start again. I have some of my huggles in to let loose on my unsuspecting cafe inhabitants but some are a bit heavy as they have been at Rory's chocolates i think over Christmas and New Year so please if you see a wee heavy one making a beeline for you sit down first before lifting them up(health and safety you know) as i wouldn't want your backs to go like poor Sandra's. Sandra i have a wee dainty one here with your name on it so that you don't get hurt any further.
    Be back after
    Norah x

  9. Welcome Angela to the best but craziest cafe anywhere. I am one of the local inhabitants of the loony bin but i get out to come to this lovely cafe with calorie free cakes, soup, Baileys(under the cover of dark as i don't think we have the drinks license in order yet), latte or what ever takes your fancy. I am Mummy to a hold lot of little ones called Huggles that love nothing more than to run up and give you a great big hug. Some go away home with their new mummies but all (well nearly all of them) are very well behaved and just love to make someones day so there is one waiting on you coming back into our wonderful nutty world, welcome.

    1. Hello Norah,
      Glad to see you, even though one roly poly huggle has just given me a hernia ha ha. I wonder if it's Hughie, or one of the little rascals that's been at Rory's chocolate!!!

  10. Oh Norah, Every time I read about your haggles I have to smile, in my mind I see them as round with little arms and legs and bounce about giggling, and they get real excited every time anyone comes in, when they get overexcited they fly around just like Harry Potter when he played Quidditch - they are real bundles of fun. I want to the other visitors to the blog see them. Enjoy your day. LOL xx

    1. Brenda, I see Norah's huggles easily, especially after the Bailey's tanker has been!!! ha ha xxxx

  11. Good morning Sandra,
    Ooh dear! I'm sorry you have had a fall. That was a real shame at the end of a lovely day. Hope you aren't in too much pain!
    I'm hoping to make my cards today to send to you! Don't hold your breath though just in case! It shouldn't take long for the first one at least!
    Need to catch up with some washing and ironing today! Tumble dryer time again. It is dry just now but only just! It has blown a gale all night and rained heavily too. Despite it all we have lovely little snowdrops blooming around one of the trees! I'm surprised they haven't floated away!
    Brenda LL nice to see you yesterday although you were too late for me last night. When does you craft class start again?
    I do hope the rain stops in Scotland, Yorkshire and Cumbria very soon. Alastair drove through Croston yesterday on his way to Southport and he said there are sandbags everywhere and that it was so sad to see everyone's belongings piled up at the edge of the road!
    Hughie put the Robin he was chatting to yesterday on his hammock! I found it there last night ! He clearly wanted a little friend so I have given him a small teddy bear which is really a keyring - he loves it! He had a Pom Pom ball . It's hard to find things small enough!
    Must go before I get madder!

  12. Oh oh!! I forgot to mention your card Janet! When I first looked at it I thought it was a keepsake box. Don't ask why - you know me - a wee bit strange! The card is lovely and very unusual! I love hats and have a hat stamp somewhere! I used it often years ago! Must look for it! Thank you. Xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies and hello to Angela too.
    Sorry flying visit as I'm off out soon for afternoon tea - it's a treat for Julian's mum for her birthday. It's blowy but dry here today so should get my washing out, mind you I think it would be flying past Norah in no time at all!
    Sandra sorry to hear you had a fall, look after yourself today and keep rubbing in the ointment.
    Janet what a fabulous card - I love hats - think we should wear them all the time.
    Must dash - see you later - hope everyone is ok
    Love and hugs
    Diane xxxxxxx

    1. Hello Dashing Dainty (new name)
      Have a lovely afternoon tea, you are getting posh like Myra, but actually I am going to a posh hotel for afternoon tea on the 16th Jan. I'll have to get some tips from you and Myra, don't want to show myself up don't you know!! xx

    2. Don't worry you'll probably do that anyway!!
      Tin hat!!! Xxxx

  14. Hello Sandra & lovely ladies
    SANDRA what you like I hope your not in to much pain & your ankle is just swollen & nothing else.take it easy today & rest. Glad you enjoyed yor day with Pat & Sue before you fell lucky Sue was still with you.
    Gums not much better today the dentist did say they would take at least a week to settle down as being back teeth the roots are very large she was pulling & tugging on them for well over half an hour.
    JANET I did comment under your post your card is lovely
    Have to go Tesco in a moment so must get a wiggle on. Oh will be calling in a minute. Call in later. Xxxx

    1. Hello Lynda, oh there's not much worse than a sore mouth. Well actually there's not much worse than a sore anything, but you know what I mean!!! I hope you soon feel much better.

    2. Hello MAUREEN thank you I know what you mean xxx

  15. Good afternoon ladies,
    Sandra I hope you are feeling a bit better and are not too sore - I have just sent my sketch card to you - hope Ive done it right,
    Oh its so cold here today - and very windy, feels almost storm-like but no floods as yet.
    Is anyone any good at photography, I have just spent a good while taking photos of cards only to delete them because the flash just bounces off them. Have tried different distances, blinds open/closed etc.Just cant get it right doh!
    Im just going round to my granddaughters - its her little girls birthday tomorrow and I like them to have everything on the morning of their birthday - will pop back later
    Hugs for anyone who needs them - Sandra and Lynda - squishy ones for you both haha
    Jean xx

    1. Jean , I am no expert either - far from it! However if you are using an iPad or iPhone to photograph the cards I discovered that if I turned off HBR. - whatever that is - maybe some kind of brightness!! - it is much better. You see a little icon on screen which has HBR with a diagonal line across it if it's turned off! I couldn't photograph the Christmas tree properly until I did this. Hope it helps! Xxx

    2. Thanks for this Myra will try it and see how I go on. Xx Jean x

    3. Thank you Jean for the squishy Hug xxx

  16. Afternoon folks, still pouring raining here. Our village now tottaly cut off, ours and other houses in the village all dry, that's the main thing.
    We are rather worried about John& Audrey. Audrey had to go get the boys from school, she had to walk knee deep in water to get to the school. Thomas was knee deep in water walking home, Robert up to his chest. They were obviously soaked though and school shoes in the bin. Their village is a disaster because of water running off the fields. Farmers have used 100s of Hay Bales to try to stop the water getting to some of the houses. John & Audrey as well as others have just had Sand Bags delivered by the Council. When John Jnr heard this he made his way home from Dundee. He managed to get to Newtyle, 3 miles from home. He had to abandon his car and walk. Soaked to the skin (literally) boots ruined and also in the bin. We are just happy to know they are are all home together, the car is a car, if it gets washed away or swamped with water it can be replaced.
    SANRDA:- hope you are not suffering too much after you fall. I have sent photos of my cards made for your Sketch and One Die Challenges. They might just get there if they don't get lost in Cybre Space. Thank You, they were both great for quick cards.
    Was going to say I am off to sit on by bottom, to be honest I just can't. I am too worried about John, Audrey and the boys. Think I might try to get better results form those Altnew Stamps. If any of you are thinking about them ..... I would give it a miss. That's just my opinion, I just don't find them easy.
    ((((((hugs))))) in the basket, extra ones piled on top especially for those who we all know need them. xxx

    1. Oh Patricia, that's awful! That must have been very frightening for the boys and Audrey. I'm glad John Jnr set off for home when he did too. As you say cars can be replaced! I'm sure they will be fine. They are altogether and this awful rain must stop soon!! Try not to worry too much, my friend! I know it's easy for me to say! Sending hugs xxxx

    2. Patricia, we never stop worrying even when our 'babies' grow up. It's not easy when you can't see that they are ok. Try to keep occupied, hope this weather changes soon, never known it so bad, will be thinking of you all xxx hugs xxx Jean

    3. Patricia, I have everything crossed hoping that they stay safe and dry. xxx

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. Sorry about the above deleted comment I had got as far as Oh Patricia..... Then pressed publish.

      What a worry for you both, we all want to do what we can for our families but in this instance you can't do anything. I just hope and pray that John Jnr and family are safe and sound, and your grandsons were not traumatised by the journey home from school.. Also that you and John are safe. xx

  17. Sorry I missed you yesterday Angela. We're a bit mad, understatement there then. But we're quite harmless really. Welcome anyway and hope to see you again. Mind Hughie and the huggles thought they are rather mischievous.

  18. Hi Sandra
    Oh blow my previous comment went into cyber space. My fault as I didn't press publish again after logging in.
    I sent you an email this morning to see if you were ok. I didn't realise that Sue hadn't left.
    Patricia I'm glad everyone is now safely at home.
    Lynda I hope your mouth isn't to sore today.
    A sunny day today and took Doreen to have a smear test ordered by the Churchill. She has to go back again today as at the age of 85 the nurse wouldn't do it. So a lady Dr has to do it apparently tomorrow. We took her to Yarnton centre for lunch as she was just have an egg on toast. Ellis is still in a cubicle somewhere in the John Radcliffe. She doesn't know anything apart that he has to go into a cottage hospital and a care package has to be put in place.
    Hopefully, someone at the hospital is supposed to ring her today to let her know what's going on. They wouldn't tell me what was wrong with him either. So I'll ring her later. Hopefully she'll have some information.

    1. Hello Pat, I hope you manage to get the information and that things are put in place soon. xxx

  19. Hello all, firstly I must say how sorryI have not been around for a while.
    We made it to Londonfor Christmas and Boxing Day with the family, came home on the Sunday and took to our beds, it's a long time since I've felt so ill, it's left me feeling very low still, around here they call it the 100 day flu.
    Also my oldest sister who fell and broke her pelvis a few weeks ago has been very ill , we weren't sure that she would pull through.
    The hospital sent her to a nursing home on Christmas Eve, but although they told the home that she had a broken pelvis, they, omitted to say that she is a insulin dependent diabetic,and was also suffering from a kidney infection, by the time her daughter went to see her, she was seriously ill.
    I went to visit yesterday and she seemed a bit better, but we have been so worried.
    Have not caught up with previous comments so am rather out of toutch with everyone. Firstly must say thank you for all the lovely cards you sent us for Christmas.
    Sandra so sorry you had a fall, hope you're feeling a bit less sore today.
    Janet your card is delightful,love the hats.
    Lynda hope the mouth feels better soon
    Patricia so sorry about all the floods your way, I think they say it might be drier next week. I also bought the Altanew stamps ,and just ended up with a mess, thought it was me, glad to know it's not just me. I am wondering if you have to use their ink pads.
    Welcome Angela, you will love it here.

    Love all the ideas for the blog, and am open for any date for retreat, and as I will have to travel any way don't mind where.
    Love to all, especially Barbara and family.
    Will pop in later to catch up with everyone.

    1. Oh Lilian, how awful. I hope you recover before the 100 days are up, and why, oh why, does important information not get passed on from ward to ward, or hospital to hospital.
      I hope the New Year will improve greatly for you and wish you and your family health and happiness.

    2. Lilian , so sorry you have been so ill? You did say you were in you sick bed the other day and I kept forgetting to ask if you were ok. Here's hoping you are on the mend, is husband feeling better? Not good ref your sister, any one with a bit of common sense should have seen she wasn't right. Then again some folk just don't think. Xxx

    3. Lillian I hope your feeling better soon & thank you for thinking of me. Hug's xxx

  20. Hurry up Muriel! I waitin patiently to be cheeky!! Xxx

  21. Hellooooooooooooooo
    Sorry I'm so late.
    Sandra, you really must take more water with it. I hope the aches and pains soon disappear, as for the bruises - well time will take care of those.
    I've commented under everyone, but have to say to Janet that I love your card.
    I've washed and tumble dried, been for osteoporosis 6 monthly injection. Met Joan for lunch. Had girls after school. Ironed. Hoovered and dusted upstairs, all in that order. Then came onto the blog.
    I am now going to sort out a white wash and set off the washer, then I hope to do some crafting.
    I've missed the instructions for the card submission. Are we doing a card based on Sandra's template which she showed a couple of days ago? If so, I'll try to get one done tomorrow.
    It's still raining in Newcastle, but we are safe, as is most of the City.
    I'll pop back in to see if anyone can tell me about the card thing.
    love Muriel xxxx

    1. Touché . Xxxx
      There are two cards to made dear!
      First one based on the one Sandra showed after the sketch.
      Second one a one die card! Sandra made it yesterday - fancy shape die made a new car shape!
      Hope this helps! It's the new helpful Myra !!xxx

    2. Oh glory not a car shape - a card shape! I go a crafting! Xxx

    3. Thanks for your help dear, you are so kind to an old lady! I'll finish off a card I'm making, then will go hell for leather on the one die card shape. I might even get the other one done as well - oops, did you see the pig fly past the window ha ha.
      Thanks xxxxx

  22. Oh I am so tired tonight I think sitting in Mary's while Anna did her piano lesson. The room was very warm and I am sure that's why I am tired. Either that or it's because I haven't really done much to today. I did do ironing but had to give up as my back was a bit sore, didn't want to push it. Then again lack of sun light or just day light doesn't help. I think tomorrow I am going to go get vitamin D tablets and start taking them. See you all in the morning. Xxx

  23. Helloooooooooooooooo
    Janet I love your card I adore hats such a pity I look dreadful in them! I love going into a department store and trying them on the trouble is everyone laughs at me!
    Patricia such a worrying time hope all is well with the family.
    Hazel I hope all your family are safe too.
    Lynda really hope you are feeling better today and the swelling is going down.
    Sandra do take things easy and get some rest.
    Lilian so sorry to hear you have been ill hope by now you are feeling a little better, do take it easy until you are recovered.
    A warm welcome to Angela hope you enjoy a good laugh as that is what you will get here.
    Diane hope you enjoyed your posh tea hope it was better than the last one we had some of the cake was not even cooked it was raw in the middle!
    Enjoy the rest of your evening everyone, I'm off to bed after a busy day sleep well and sweet dreams
    Margaret xxx

  24. Well, after finishing a card I was doing, I started the one die card. Cut it out and stamped image. Started colouring and then noticed that the ink hadn't dried and I'd smudged the whole lot. I've had to be like Julie Andrews and "Start at the Very Beginning" (over to you Myra!!!).
    Going to bed as I'm tired, whether I'll sleep is another matter! See you tomorrow.
    Have a good night's sleep ladies, God Bless.
    Muriel xxxx

  25. Helloooooooooooo,
    Well, we are up for the first time tonight, so I thought I'd look in and see what was what. Maria, where are you, you are normally roaming the corridors late at night!!
    See you tomorrow xxxx
