
Wednesday 2 December 2015

Tutorial No.1 Little Gift Bags

 Little Gift Handbags

Perfect for Gift Cards of Sweet Treats!

Good Morning Ladies,
We have a blog first today....My first Blog Tutorial, I am going to walk you through making these 
darling little handags, made from just a 6 x 6 in piece of card, so here goes........
Handbag Tutorial

Firs of all you need a piece of 6 X 6 inch card or good quality paper
2 x 1 inch strips (to be scored down the centre)
2 x 1/4 inch strips at least 7 inch long
You will also need 4 tiny brads 

You will need to score your 6 x 6 card firstly at
1 1/4 inch on opposite sides and at
2 1/2 inch on the other two sides
(see diagram)

Fold in the two 1 1/4 inch folds.
You should end up with your card looking like this.
Make sure you have burnished all 
of your scored lines as this will make folding easier

Turn your card around so that the two folds you have just made are horizontal in front of you, You will see the little rectangle made by the two score lines, this is where we are 
going to make a fold

 To try and make this fold a little clearer I have tried to indicate the places you need to fold with an arrow and a circle.
We will be folding the arrow over to the circle, basically the corner of the little rectangle over to the edge of the card (see diagram)

Holding the fold in place score the 
crease on the inside as in diagram
Repeat for the other three corners.

                                                                                                                      You should end up with your card looking like this, make sure that all of your creases are well burnished as this makes folding easier.
Thicker card will be harder to fold.

                                                                            You can see the bag starting to take shape now.

We can now add glue to the top part of each side of the card, this is the part at the top of the bag, do not let the glue get on the part of the bag with the folds.

Now take the two 1 inch strips of card and score down the centre at
1/2 inch
Apply glue to either side of the score line.....

Now stick the strip along the top of your bag
on each side and press down firmly and trim to the edges of your bag.

So you should end up with something looking
like this, now time for the handles.

You will need to use your piercing tool to poke tiny holes where you want your bag handles to be attached to, you can measure if you like, I just went by eye!
You will need to cut the handles to the length you require and pierce holes in either end.

Now this is purely down to preference but I go for the 'belt and braces' approach so I applied glue around the hole I had pierced, on the inside of the bag, to make sure the thin strips of card stayed put.

Now  take your brads and push through the hole you have just pierced and thread on one end of one of your handle, open the legs of your brad and press firmly into place, repeat for the other 3 ends.
This picture shows the position of the brads and handles really well.
You will also notice that I have used a small oval die to create the 'clasp' of the bag.
You can use whatever shape you chose,
just add glue to one side and position in the centre of one side of your bag.
I then glued a Velcro dot to the other side of the oval (making sure that I placed both sides of the velcro together on the oval, then bend the oval clasp over and the other side of the velcro dot will be in the right place.

This is how your Velcro dots should look,
I would add glue as they do tend to lift, I will add that I did try magnetic sheet cut into little dots but it wasn't strong enough!

Et Voila !!!!!

Here we have the three bags I created, the back two were created from good quality paper from some of the many 6 x 6 pads I have bought.
The bottom one is card.

Phew!! I hope that you have made it to the bottom ok, it seems a little bit long winded but once you have got the technique you can whip one up in about ten minutes, I just wanted to make sure you could see every stage in detail, these things are easier to explain verbally than they are to write down.
I think these cute little bags would make great little table favours, you could add a tag with a name on, or use to give a gift voucher of mini chocolate, the choice is endless.
I look forward to seeing your bags, they are a perfect way to use up those 6 x 6 pads we get free with magazines etc.

Have a fantastic day,
Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-your tutorial looks so easy to follow that I think I can manage. I fact, I think it would be the perfect thing for me to try today.

    My hand was aching last night -think I might have overdone things at my friends yesterday so I think I'd better take it easy today.

    I'm going to pop to the butchers very early then put the slow cooker on do we'll have something nice & easy for tea as hubby is due home tonight.

    Will call in again later to see what everyone's been up to.


    1. Michelle, you really should be resting that hand, take it easy.

      I was thinking we would have chuck steak in the slow cooker today, it's always delicious. BUT I got carried away yesterday must have thought I was feeding the 5000 so we have leftover chicken and leak pie. (More time to craft) xxx

    2. I'm thinking casserole today, it's that kind of weather - also means Julian gets vegetables! Make sure you rest that hand Michele xxxxx

    3. Hi Michele try & rest your hand today & take it easy
      Must get my slow cooker out & start making easy meals,so I can get on with my cards Xx

    4. Hi Michele Take care of that thumb of yours, It's a very important digit
      Have thought about a slow cooker but that's all so far and lots of other things (window vac, lighter hoover etc. etc.) xxx

    5. It seems to be comforting stews all round! It's the same here! Xxx

    6. Not quite cold enough for stews yet here. Although the I usually do mine in the saucepan. I have a slow cooker but very rarely use it. Memo to self USE THE SLOW COOKER ITS EASIER.

  2. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, we had our first dry day yesterday for 3 weeks, dry again this morning but rain later.
    Sandra I think you're tutorial is GREAT, I have so many of those 6x6 pads, so I shall use them up, going to try to make male ones also.
    Michele sorry the hand is still sore, I had one of those injections in my ankle and found it was much better after the fourth day, mind you I didn't rest it as much as I probably should have, hope it gets better soon.
    Have 50 blue hoods to do this week, which is unusual as we normally only do one or two.
    Have a good day everyone,think I need black coffee this morning to get me going, cleaner today, so have to tidy up.
    Have a good day all, Lilian

    1. Lillian, I hope amongst all those hoods you have time to come up for air !! You certainly have got a busy week. You make me think about our daughter her cleaner comes on Thursdays When everyone is at School/work. So Wednesday evening it's the big tidy up. Unfortunately by the time she gets home from work on Thursday her teenage boys have usually attacked the kitchen !!!!!!

    2. Lilian that a a lot of hoods! You are busy. It was good to hear yesterday the company gad some big contracts in, means you've got lots of work in the new year but also it's good to hear of British industry doing well xxxx

    3. Hi Lilian wow your going to be a busy beee that's a lot of hoods hope you get some me time Xx

    4. wow Lilian ,that's a lot of hoods. Never know they came in so many colours. take care xxx

    5. Lynda you did make me laugh about Lilian being a busy bee! Thanks for that! Xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra - I think this tutorial is brilliant and will be having a try later today, we all have plenty of 6x6 pads to use up. Was this your new venture - if so I think it's great xx
    Michele hope you rest your hand a bit more xx
    Lillian you sound as if you will be very busy xx
    It's still dark here up to now, don't know what the day has in store but I've topped the basket up if anyone needs a hug, there was some jiggly ones in I think they may be Norah's hahaxxx
    Be back later
    Jean xx

    1. Oh I noticed the little jiggly once too, they must be Norah's . They are quite sweet if they not be to rowdy hihi Hope you have a good day xxx

    2. Jean, I'm stalking Maria, I think! I may even catch her!
      It is a horrible dark day! Xxx

  4. Morning Everyone
    Sorry I'm a little late in opening up this morning - I have to fill my medic box for the week and this puts me a little later than usual. I'm starting on a new medic plan today so fingers crossed that I don't have any off putting effects.

    So everything is set for the day - tea urn etc all boiling nicely and I thought we just might treat ourselves today as it's the middle of the week with a very nice Coffee and Walnut cake and a nice boiled fruit cake. I've dug out my Mum's recipe for this so I hope you'll give it a try. It might not match our very own Cafe Recipe but they do say 'variety is the spice of life'.

    SANDRA what a fantastic idea. Love the little bags and I can think of so many different uses. Little bags of Choc money spring to mind for out littlies.

    At last I've finished all my Christmas cards and am now onto a couple of bags and then it's Dec birthdays. See you all later. Hugs are in their usual place with instructions not to tease Norah's huggles.
    xxxx Oh by the way please let me know what's behind the door on the Calendar today.

    1. Hi JANET I hope your new medics don't give you any nasty side affects
      Wow how lucky you finishing your Christmas cards would you like to help me out with mine HeHe. Have a good day Xx

    2. Hi Janet, yes hope you be all right on the new meds. Coffee and walnut cake sound nice. OH is doing a sponge, round 2, last time it was like a biscuit hihi Take care xxx

    3. Hello Janet, When I opened the door there was a little card - it said - make someone smile today! Underneath was a chocolate Turkish delight! Yum! Xxx

  5. Good morning Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,
    Now don't die of shock because I'm in this early! John has an early appointment for his treatment today, I am up showered and dressed and hair tidy, so if anyone comes to the door I don't need to put a bag over my head !!!! John he's just left so I can slow down for 10 minutes or so.
    Sandra I love the tutorial very easy to follow and a lovely idea. If I can find a space in my craft room amongst all the other PhD's I will have a go at this one. These bags would be brilliant for very small presents or even money. And much better than just putting in an envelope. You really have got my grey matter going now! I was going to start some baking but might just go and play for an hour in the craft room.
    Sandra have a good day, and all the lovely ladies enjoy your day.
    Sending love and crafty hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. Hope John is all right after his treatment, sending you both a hug. Hope you have a good day xxx

    2. So glad you are not wearing the bag! I had big spongy rollers in my hair this morning. Fortunately hair dries so quickly - by the time I've tidied the bedroom , emptied the dishwasher and gone back up and made the bed - hair dry! I just pray nobody comes to the door in the meantime!! Xxx

  6. Good morning ladies,
    Thank you for your positive comments on my tutorial, it really does make it worthwhile, Jean, yes you are right,city would like to have a regular feature tutorial, not sure how practical it will be but I feel I need a but of a challenge, something new, my 'craft mojo' hasn't been the same since all of the stress etc on the blog earlier this year, at the time it really got me down and it was only the amazing love and support of you wonderful friends that pulled me through and encouraged me to continue, my 'craft mojo' or enthusiasm got lost along the way, but it is returning slowly, I wanted to have so go at something different, so after a bit of researching I found these darling little bags, Sue and Pat both gave me the thumbs up, so I went ahead and made the step by step tutorial, I have to say thank you to my camera man, he is very patient , I think I will invest in a tripod for the camera so that it can be set up and I can just click the button!
    A change to today's plans, just Pat coming today then Sue tomorrow, so I get two lovely days instead of just the one, yesterday ended up bring a lovely day too as a very special friend sent me a beautiful hand tied bouquet of flowers, they look and smell divine, moments like that just fill my heart with joy and happiness!
    Well I must go and make some soup for lunch,
    I will call in later,
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

  7. I would also like to thank each and every one of you for the lovely comments and messages regarding my blog anniversary, my heart swelled with pride when reading your kind words, I would like to add that this blog would not be the wonderful, fun, caring place it is without all of you, so thank you all, you are a truly amazing bunch of ladies that I feel blessed to call my friends!

    1. Hi Sandra I did leave a comment last night about the blog but it was late as I lost a couple of post into cybra space & one freezing up
      Hope you didn't think I never bothered congratulating you on your anniversary. Your tutorial is great I have so many 6 x 6 pads so will have a go when I have finished C cards.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    2. Lynda!!! I read that comment this morning! You are a lovely lady and one of the kindest I know! You are very important to this blog! Xxxx

  8. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely idea you have come up with, love these tiny bags, just right for gift cards instead of envelopes.
    I don't know where the days have gone, between being at a craft fair, my friends craft shop, our wee craft shop, birthday cards, Christmas cards, I'm needing to split myself into little pieces to get everything done.
    If any of you ladies are interested in having a look at our wee craft shop, log into; and on menu bar at top click shop tour, this will give you a virtual tour of the inside of the shop, you can walk round the shop using the direction arrows, enjoy!!!
    Hopefully will be able to pop back later, until then take care, xxx

    1. Jess I will do that later - are you there smiling and waving at us? Xxxxx

    2. Thank you JESS that sound good will have a look later & be nosey I love craft shops. Take it easy Xxx

    3. Hi Jess, It has been in a while ago so will have a look again. I love craft shops too. I'm sure with all the craft we have between us ,we could open our own store tihi xxx

    4. Oooh Jess! Will definitely have a look! At least I'll recognise you if you are in! Ha ha!! Xxx

    5. Jess, I called round! It's really lovely and in a very good site for passing trade. It's a great idea with a number of very talented crafters doing some lovely work! I liked the mosaic bulldog!
      I can now picture you there behind that till! Good shop size too! Xxx

  9. Good morning just in very quickly, Sandra your bags are so cute, my brain won't let any more little gift ideas in at the moment so I will save it till I clear some space in there. I am off out got things to pick up and get. Will call in later. xxx

    1. Good idea! Don't start anymore just now! I am saying this to myself also! Xxxx

  10. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sandra what a lovely idea, great tutorial and so useful, I must have a play later. I know Lidles do little packs of chocolate bars about the same size as a gift card so they would fit perfectly. Thank you for sharing. Xxx
    Well I think it's going to be a funny day today. Julian got home at 2.30 am then carried on working - finally came to bed about 5, alarm went off at 9 but I was awake before then trying to be quiet! I had a restless nights sleep so I'm tired this morning - I dread to think how tired he is! He has decided to work from home at the moment - still in bed but will go out to site again soon. Hopefully he will be home early and will have time to sit and eat a proper meal rather than grabbing something on the go. I'm off out to Sainsburys in a little while so I will see you later xxxxx

  11. Hi DIANE gosh Julian must feel like the walking dead he sounds like he is defiantly over doing things. You take care too enjoy Sainsburys HeHe xxx

    1. Hi Diane, Julian- take care and try to get some time for a proper meal and a good sound sleep or you will be ill over Christmas. OH always got the
      ' flu ' as soon he stopped working. Take care Diane, happy shopping xxx

    2. Julian must be so tired and stressed! He's so fortunate to have you looking after him. I'm not being cheeky for once either! Xxxx

  12. Good morning SANDRA & Ladies
    SANDRA I did leave you a comment under yours. But I will say again your tutorial is great I think even my pea brain can follow that.
    It's still very over cast today but no rain yet but think it will later.
    Got my friend coming for lunch. So will have to get cracking on my cards as soon as she goes it's taking me longer to do the insides than making the card!!
    Just having 5 minutes & a cup of builders tea OH is cleaning S..T legs out & I have two Chawuauwas & Annie on my lap & I'm trying to write this post .
    Wow I have beaten Myra & Maureen & Patricia well maybe not they have probably got in front while I have been typing. Will catch up later I need a wee now oooo Sorry you didn't want to know that.
    Hug's in the corner Xxx

    1. A wee what ? hihi Hope you have a nice lunch, what did you make ? Is s--t legs cage now smelling of roses, cuddles to the little once xxx

    2. Maria - you made me laugh aloud! Thanks for that! Xxx

  13. Aaaaaagh I have just lost my post and it was a lengthy one! I could spit feathers.
    Sorry ladies, I have to get going so I will just say love and hugs instead of trying to type it all again.
    Sandra, thank you for a brilliant tutorial and please thank Paul for his photography input. They are so sweet, will definitely have a play at making one.
    Meeting Heide in town, it's grey and miserable but we have decided to do it anyway. Then off to MIL at teatime to stay for a few days.
    Will call back this evening providing the Internet is working there.
    Saba Xxxxxx

    1. I need to get out more!
      When you meet Heide - do you say Heide Hi - Ho Ho Ho !!!
      Sorry - it's all this rain! Have a lovely day with Heide and then safe travel to the farm! Xxx

    2. Hi Saba, have a nice day out with Heide and hopefully you will have some lovely day's with MIL or not......... take care xxx

  14. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra I love your bags & I think from your instructions even I could try my hand at them. Enjoy your day with Pat today & Sue tomorrow.xx
    Must get on & make my mincemeat I am all behind, no comment Maureen or Myra! this card making gets a grip on you doesn't it?
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xxx

    1. I'm so glad you are enjoying your new hobby, Margaret!
      Hope the mincemeat is good! Think I can smell it from here - one of the great smells of Christmas.
      As for being all behind - no comment! Xxxx

    2. Oh Margaret this is so much fun, you never realised how addicted this could get and so many different things you can make, it's loads. I bought some water colouring in pencils yesterday, no idea why tihi might come in use one day hugs xxx

    3. Maria - we certainly have plenty of water! Xxx

  15. Hello Sandra,
    Before I get too silly I shall start here today! After that - The Only Way is Up! " We haven't had a song for a while!
    Your little bags look lovely and as you say are a good way of using up all that 6"x6" card we have - I thought it was only me! Also a lovely way to give a Gift Card.
    It's raining again! Another dreary day outside but it's quite cheery in here!
    I made quite a lot of Christmas cards last night and really love my new Platinum machine. I did buy the large plates . I tried them out last night. - I cut out Peace on Earth, Happy Christmas, Let it Snow and Joy all at once! Brilliant! I then tried the same on silver Mirri card excellent result! I'm a happy bunny!
    I haven't read what you are all up to today as yet. I read Saba's as she was just above me! I know my place!
    Margaret - I've read yours too - whatever do you mean? Ha ha !
    Have a good day everyone!
    Myra xxx

    1. Hope you enjoyed the Turkish delight,never taken to them. Water where ? Hair drying in what ? If I leave mine to dry without a dryer it's takes 1 1/2 hour mine. Oh you did catch me up. I'm doing so much thinking before I write and also change my miss spelled words so it takes a bit longer for me Lol Have fun playing with the platinum xxx

    2. I told you you had lovely hair Maria! Mine is soooo fine! In this weather it's a nightmare! It was rolled up in foam curlers , big ones! I don't particularly want an old lady look! That's why I try to avoid miirrors! Shop windows can prove a bit of shock! I wonder who is looking at me! Xxx

    3. The water coming from the sky! Sorry Maria , it's my silly sense of humour! Xxx

    4. Lol, love your humour ! and when you 'ladies' starting ,it is so much fun xxx

  16. Good afternoon folks,hope you are all well.
    Yesterday we had traffic stopping snow. Snow ploughs stuggling to keep the roads open. Opened the curtains this morning .... absolutely nothing, all gone, not even a trace!!! Today the sun is shining, it is actually very mild, this weather is so crazy.
    SANDRA:- your Bag Tutorial looks really good. I know how much time these Tutorials take to do, that had kept you busy.
    I was so busy yesterday I never even got time to open up my New Platinum Machine. Hazel said I would be up about 4am to deal with it ..... wrong!! Sis!!
    I was up at 2.30am opened the box tested it out using a delicate Die. Wow! Yes! Yes! Yes! it cuts out brilliantly "right down the middle" . Had so much going on here today I have not had time to do anything else with it. I have "booked" myself a few hours to "play" tomorrow. I have not been able to "play" for ages.
    I am off to sit and relax for 5 mins John is making a cuppa. I hope he brings some cake, I fancy some sweet sticky cake.
    JESS:- I had a quick tour round your fantastic shop, it's amazing. Think I need to chat to Hazel and arrange a day to have a visit.
    Here's the Butler with my cuppa!! xxx

    1. Hi Patricia, take care don't overdo things but hope you get some time for yourself tomorrow. Make sure you do !
      ps. did you get my little e-mail ?
      time for another cuppa xxx

    2. Sorry, got your reply thank you ! Can you believe it ,it had gone to spam so if I hadn't looked eeeek Lol xxx

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Hi Sandra and all. A large size of that yummy looking Coffee and Walnut cake and a large mug of nr;2 tea bag please while I try to get my head around your fantastic tutorial for these absolutely cutie bags.I love them all and should be easy enough even for a chicken brain like me. I'm going to ask hubby to make me a mall so I have it sorted with the measurement as I'm not god at all with these 4/1, 2/8 and 3/6 etc. tihi they make me dizzy. So many things I seen on youtube and I liked to have a go at but they are all in inches so that stop me doing them.
    Doctors, chemist, post office, Tesco and now on my second washing load. Just realised I missed some cards so will do them tomorrow or maybe later after Mr hoover have had a go around. OH have made sponge numero dos this afternoon and it looks good (the bowl licking was very good) but he's not happy and said this is it. I have written little bit on the way down so now I will put my skates on and wiggle into action, oh my back tihi hope to see you later love and hugs to you all xxXx

  18. Afternoon Ladies

    No crafting so far but lots of sorting & general faffing about!! Tea in the slow cooker, bins & recycling outside ready for tomorrow.

    Does anyone want any stamps-the clear sort?? I have acquired LOADS from my friend & as I hardly ever stamp they'll just clutter up my craft room. If anyone is interested, I'll take photos & email them to whoever. Pleas don't be shy-they need re-homing.....!!!!!!!

    Right, time for another cuppa to warm me up.

    1. Ok-will take photos tomorrow in the daylight & email them out. Will check back to see who else is interested.


    2. Yes please Michele thank you xxxx

  19. MARIA :- I answered your e-mail early this morning xxx

  20. Hi Sandra
    Wow, love the tutorial. I know it took you hours to sort it out with all the instructions. They looked really good in the flesh as well. Had a lovely day drafting with Sandra as Sue couldn't make it. I think they're meeting up tomorrow while I'm in London at the Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park. Petes done all the potatoes and veggies while I was out. Looks like everyone's wiggling around today. It won't do your back any good Maria. Hugs from a throughly glittered Pat. Mind you Sandra's in a worse condition than me glitter wise.

    1. Would love to see you all glittered up after drafting with Sandra. good you had fun children tihi oh have a wonderful time in London tomorrow ! He is a good one Pete, I would keep him. Many hugs xxx

    2. Hi Pat I hope you have got all the glitter out of all your crevices can be a bit gritty in certain places hehe. Glad you had a good day with Sandra. Enjoy your trip tomorrow. Xxx

    3. oh noooo you now got me itching everywhere, thanks Lynda hihi xxx

  21. Good afternoon Ladies, sorry I'm late today but I had a busy morning getting organised before going with the walking group , we had a fantastic walk and then went back to one of the ladies house for mulled wine and Christmas pies, excellent !
    I wasn't home long before the children arrived up to open number 2 door on the calendar , today was a slice of Christmas cake and hot chocolate, the cake turned out beautifully and they had a great time making it yesterday, their verdict
    " the best ever" ! Maybe I should send a photo?
    Sandra , your little bags look like just what I need to make for putting their Christmas money in, the tutorial is very clear and they look lovely, thank you for sharing xo
    Chicken in the oven so just stuck some potatoes in to bake also ( easy dinner) !
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. I would love to see a photo! Your Advent Calendar is a brilliant idea! Love it. Xx

  22. Another very quick pop in, for those of you who looked at my after eight holders, if you want to get 2 after eights in score at 1/2 inch 31/2 and 4 instead of 3 and 31/2 it works and 2 fit in. Had a play just to see. Been filling mine ready for Friday, must admit a feel,slightly sick as I ate a couple of the mints! My own fault so can't blame anyone. Xxx

  23. Hi ladies, thank you for your lovely comments about the craft shop, there are a lot of talented people with goods on display.
    Been out shopping nearly all day, quite knackered now, called into the Range, what a stuff they have, bought a coule of packets of flowers, and Butterflies they were £1 each, really lovely. Had a look at paper pads but decided that I should try and use what I've got first, your little bags will take care of the Sandra!
    Off to see what's for dinner, will try and pop back later if I don't fall asleep first.
    Take care xxx

  24. Craftydevils - have the Xcut cracker die for a bargain price. They have a lot of Xcut dies on offer. Good bargains on alphabets too! Xxx

    1. Had a look Myra, but seeing how I bought a new die to day at my local craft shop I'd better not buy.
      Well I have filled 80 holders. The rest can wait till tomorrow, going to just sit and do nothing. xxx

    2. Just didn't want you to miss out! I didn't buy anything either! I am not buying anything else until my craft room is tidied up properly! It's always like this at Christmas - but why? I wouldn't dream of letting my kitchen get into that state or anywhere near it! Xxx

  25. Hellooooooooooooo,
    Sandra, your tutorial is great. I've only had a quick look, but will print out all the instructions later. Such a good idea, thank you for sharing.
    I'm late, and don't have long before I have to go to see Zoe in her Brownies "Show". Never even got my craft room sorted today. Been washing, (it's been a lovely mild, windy, dry, day today), got the ironing done except for the sheets. I've run out of time, but will finish them when I get back.
    MICHELE - yes please regarding the stamps.
    MYRA - you are really impish today, what have you been drinking ha ha.
    LYNDA - glad you are taking care of Freddy, I like to hear what he's been up to!!!!
    PATRICIA- glad you opened the box and that you're pleased.
    Maria - hope you feel a lot better this evening.
    Got to go, it's nearly time to see the Brownies "Show"
    love Muriel xxxx

    1. Hi Maureen, hope you had a fun evening watching Zoe in the Brownie show. I'm fine, had a busy day and thought I would be able to make some cards but now after dinner and a slice of the cake my hubby managed to make I will watch some tv instead with my feet up and a cup of tea and hope for an early night as I'm going to the garden centre, not sure which one yet, with a friend and maybe some cloth shopping xxx

    2. Hi Maureen hope you enjoyed watching Zoe in the brownie show I bet she was a star. Yes Freddy's ok i will leave him too you in my will hehe as they live for about 80 years.
      Love Lynda xx

  26. Good evening lovely ladies
    Muriel enjoy the brownies show, I bet Zoe will be brilliant.
    Michele I wish I had a friend like yours. Hope your thumb is feeling better now.
    Myra you are getting as bad as Margaret trying to get us to spend money, sadly being at MIL's I haven't got my Visa card with me so I daren't look.
    Hazel which die did you buy?
    Jess I visited the shop on line tonight, fabulous array of goodies, you have such talented crafters, would love to visit it real time.
    Patricia so glad you like your machine and Myra's report just makes me itch to get my hands on mine.
    Lynda loved hearing about you with your arms full of dogs and Freddy having a clean out.
    Lilian hope you got your hood finished.
    Brenda Littlelamb hope you are alright, missed you .
    Enjoyed seeing Heide, we had a good catchup.
    Well so far so good here, MIL to help to bed soon and then a quick tidy round and bed for me I think, although the bed here is not the most comfortable so I expect it won't be a good nights sleep.
    See you all tomorrow,
    Night God Bless
    Saba xxx

    1. I bought the Sheena Douglas majestic "Mums ". I am hoping it will be as good as the aster die I have. nothing worse than a bed that you know won't be comfy. Glad you had a good day with Heide. xxx

  27. Thank you ladies for your good wishes for Zoe's little Show ha ha. She, of course, was brilliant and the star of the show - actually she was very good, and got some great applause and cheers when she finished. She sang with Millie, a song from the show Wicked.
    Saba, I will never be able to read your friend's name Heide, without thinking of Myra's comment, Hi-de-Hi, glad you had a good day.
    What's this craft shop you are all on about, I know it's Jess's friend's shop but what's it called?
    Oh thank you Lynda, I'll look forward to seeing Freddie, mind you, I'll probably have popped my clogs by then.
    See you all tomorrow, I'm dog tired.
    love Muriel xxx

    1. Hi Maureen, it is not my friends craft shop it is our shop that is Ochil Crafts, if you log into and on the menu bar hit shop tour, you get a virtual tour around the shop, we sell all types of craft from knitting, jewellery, wood turning, fimo models, cards, appliqué,
      Etc. Etc. Hope you enjoy having a look.
      I'm off to bed now, helping my friend at her craft shop tomorrow,it is called Klassy Kards, google it and have a look at her web site, lots of card stuff, dies, stamps etc..
      Goodnight everyone, xxx

  28. Hi Hazel I had a catch up on your blog yesterday and you have some lovely makes you have been busy. Had a nice lunch & catch up with my friend, then after she went I finished the insids & addressed all the envelops of the cards That I have made. Now I have to count up how many more I have got to make
    I have got to phone the dentist tomorrow as one of my teeth is very wobbly & one on the bottom at the back is really hurting & throbbing hope it's not an abscess. SABA glad you had a good day with Heide,how long are you looking after your MIL. MYRA thank you so much for your lovely message.
    SANDRA hope you had a good day with Pat sounded like you got all glittered up have a good day with Sue tomorrow give her a hug from me.
    Well I'm going to make a cupper as OH is asleep zzzzz
    Love & Hug's everyone xxxx

  29. Well I guess I will be seeing less of my husband for the coming weeks :(
