
Tuesday 1 December 2015

Daily Blog Anniversary & Navy ans Silver Christmas card

Good Morning Ladies,

Today is the One Year Anniversary of my 'Daily Blog', I officially started my actual blog sometime before that but it was on the 1st December 2014 that I made the decision to start writing a daily blog.
It has been the best thing that has happened in my life since marrying Paul and having my children and that is no exaggeration.
I am and had been suffering for many years from a very deep depression and severe anxiety, this has occurred as a result of many years of constant chronic pain and in later years from loneliness.
This is the downside of a forces life I'm afraid, when we moved here about ten years ago I was at my very worst physically and we moved to a place where we knew nobody and to add to that Sophie and Lucy started primary school as we arrived here meaning no 'Mum and Toddler' groups and all of the associated things that help you to integrate slowly to a new place (as we had many times in the past).  My mobility was so bad that it was all bit impossible for me to leave the house without help so after everyone had left for the day the loneliness took hold, I deteriorated over a matter of weeks, to the point of seeing no purpose to my life as I felt like I was purely a burden.
I just wanted to lie in bed, pull the covers over my head and wish the day and my life away.
After some time I found Sue's blog, which was a lot smaller then, Sue had also started her blog after moving over here and feeling a little lonely.  As Sue's blog grew I started conversing briefly with a few of you and others, I got to the point that I wanted to talk to you further but felt uncomfortable doing so on Sue's blog, so I started blogging myself, just randomly to start with, until this time last year when I decided that I would love to be able to talk to you all every day,  so that's when and why I started, slowly one by one more of you came over and then the Cotswold Crafter Cafe was started.  I now felt like I had a purpose, the first thing I did in the morning was to reach for the I pad to see if anyone had been in, I then wanted for the first time in years to get up and make a card so that I had something to post the next day.  
The only thing that could have topped all of this was the dream of actually meeting all of you, this became a reality at the retreat in October, although most of the weekend I felt like I was in shock, I just couldn't believe it was actually happening, I was also battling major anxiety, this being the first time I had ever been anywhere without Paul, when he left on the friday I felt so sick but at the same time I felt the huge 'buzz' of meeting all of you that came along. There were a few tricky moments that I had to excuse myself for a few moments (nausea is one of my major side effects of anxiety)! But I felt honoured that you had all gone to such a huge effort to come along and make my dream a reality.  Those of you that helped make it possible will never know the depth of my gratitude, Hazel, you were amazing! Sue I wouldn't have made it through the weekend without your encouragement and calming nature, Pat too! 
So I would like to thank each and everyone of you for giving me a sense of purpose, giving me a reason to live, to get up each day, you make me smile, you all feel like extended family, that's how much you mean.  
So please forgive my moments of paranoia, when I think that you will all abandon me through boredom, recently I panicked after the blog comments dropped a lot since the retreat, my mind and anxiety went into overdrive and I thought that after meeting me you no longer wanted to be part of the blog, sadly that's all part of my anxious mind and I guess unless you have experienced it it would be hard to understand.  Sadly it is out of my control, I do to the most part keep it out of my blog but there are times my logical mind can't win through! Sorry ladies x

Now today's card has been stamped with Inkyliscious Large Christmas Tree Flourish, stamped with  Perfect Medium and embossed with Cosmic Shimmer silver shine, I mounted the tree onto an 8 x 8 inch white card blank, matted with navy card and white shimmer card embossed with (CE) Holly Swirl Embossing Folder, I added white silky crush ribbon across the card and mounted the Christmas tree focal element onto the card using silver photo corners to draw the eye in.  I tied a bow with the silky crush ribbon and topped with some silver beaded trim and a snowflake die cut from silver glitter card, I used the same glitter card to die cut the tag from (CE) Snowflake Corner Border Tag set, I mounted the sentiment onto this and placed at the top of the card.
I hope you like the card.

I will raise a glass of something sparkling to you all tonight, thank you all, I look forward to sharing many more anniversaries with you all.
My next dream is to have another retreat to meet all of you that didn't make it to this one, I am open to suggestions as to where and when. 

Love and huge hugs to each and everyone of you,


  1. Good Morning Everyone
    CONGRATULATIONS SANDRA on your Anniversary.
    This has been a Wonderful, Fantastic, Awesome, Mind Blowing sometimes year and one that will stay in all our minds.
    You have enabled so many of us to make life long Friends for those who have managed to meet up in person and life long cyber Friends for those of us who as yet haven't managed that wonderful moment but wish with all our hearts for it to happen. You have seen us in so many situations both happy and sad and through this wonderful CAFE we have all had that most fantastic gift of love and support and cannot imagine not having this fantastic CAFE.
    Yes we all MAD HATTERS (I've got the tin hat on for that hehehe) but so we should be as we're all Crafters together.
    So I as one of those Mad Hatters want to say THANK YOU SANDRA FOR A WONDERFUL YEAR (I managed to pluck up courage in February to join you all) AND I'M LOOKING FORWARD TO 2016 WITH THE HOPE THAT I CAN MEET YOU ALL MY DEAR FRIENDS.

    Your card is stunning Sandra. I love everything you have done to create it from choosing the colours to the finishing bow it's definitely a WOW for me.

    Well it's 1st Dec and so the Advent Calendar is up in the Cafe and just needs the first in today to open the door. Please let us know what you find.
    Everything is on warming up and ready for everyone who comes in today.
    Extra hugs are in the basket for all in need.

    1. Sorry Janet , I keep forgetting to press reply and my comment goes way down the page, I'll remember to do what I mean one of these days!
      See below xo
      I also meant to say to Sandra, I'd love to meet you all sometime, somewhere near the Borders would be great for me xo

    2. Janet - as you say we would never have known each other! That would have been sad! I would never have been able to picture you in Marigny - well I know the place it's just Janet I need to see now! One of these days! Keep the hat on!!! Xxx

    3. This is it Myra, we haven't met Janet but we know her,,so when the day comes ( which won't be long ) it will be like meeting up with an friend you haven't see for a while. xxx

  2. Hi Sandra
    Firstly can on say Happy Anniversary. Is it really a full year since you decided to blog every day. Not only showcasing your own cards but all the different crafty makes that all the other ladies. It was fantastic that you realised your dream of having a retreat. It was wonderful meeting the ladies that were able to come. It was as if we'd known each other forever. As we'd shared each other's ups and downs throughout the year on your blog we gradually got to know each and every mad one of us. We flew around the country in our Balloon picking up each other along the way. Some of us flying our broomsticks on Halloween, I borrowed one of Karen's cats to go with mine. A lovely card today Sandra as I saw this one being made in the flesh so to speak. Navy and silver look great together don't they. I'm trying to finish my cards in between seeing to Doreen and Ellis. New fridge coming today so the old one needs to come out. Clean where it was before the new one is put in its place. Will try and look in later to see whose called in.

    1. Pat we may both be daft - but I'm so glad I met you! Shhhh ! Don't tell anyone , but when I first met you you were carrying a bottle of wine! It was before what a friend of ours call Wine O'clock too!! Xxx

    2. Just the one Mrs Wembly! Don't forget the jewellery heist Pat! Xxxxx

    3. Don't start on Muriel's bloomers again!! Xxx

    4. Hahaha oh yes the bloomers! Xxxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-you have made such a wonderful difference to so many people by running the blog cafe. I have some understanding how you feel as my friend (that took me to my appointment) suffers from depression & has done for many years. I think you should be very proud of what you have achieved.

    My thumb still feels a bit stiff but definitely not as painful-yippee!! Might tackle some Christmas cards this morning-don't panic, they're all pre-cut & just needs assembling. Then this afternoon I'm going my crazy friends house to "relieve" her of more of her craft stash- I wonder how much she'll part with. I'm really excited about going round...!!!


    1. Hi Michele, take it easy with that thumb, don't go pushing too hard flower. And enjoy your crafty stash from your friend. xxx

    2. Glad the thumb is a bit easier Michele,
      See you in a few days, all being well! Xxx

    3. Take it easy and don't knock your thumb Michele,
      see you soon xx

    4. It's good to hear your pain has lessened Michele that must be such a relief. Take care and don't overdo it xxxx

  4. Good morning one and all,

    Happy Anniversary Sandra.
    Your blog has been a godsend to me with my agoraphobia/depression/panic attacks and meeting up in October gave me such a lift. I didn't say much there but I have found my voice in the café. Thank you ladies for all giving, in your own individual ways, me the courage to tackle it head on and although it still bubbles away in the background, I am for the first time since 2008 able to get out more and I am having a whale of a time. Gurt big (((((hugs))))) to all of you.
    Tuesdays are never a good day still so I might call in later.
    Before I forget, that is one stunning card Sandra, love everything about it.

    love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, as you know I admired you for taking that huge step and coming to the retreat. Glad that it helped you do other things. No some times we have to take that big step. I think it works most of the time if you just say to yourself" give it a go" I have had to do it over the years, starting when I took the decision to leave home at an early age like yourself. That was scary but f I hadn't I would not have met Charlie and had my family. Live is mapped out for us, we just have to choose the right path. xxx

    2. Well done Cheryl! At the risk of getting into trouble - someone has to take risks in this life - I think you deserve a caramel wafer!
      Please don't think I'm in any way making light of your problem because I would never do that! Xxx

  5. Doodle morning Ha ha ! That's what appeared so thought I'd leave it and give you a smile ( seems appropriate ) !
    I'll start again , Good morning Ladies , Happy Anniversary SANDRA ! I didn't join as early as some others but I have to thank you or I would still be a "lone crafter" it's so much more enjoyable to be able to share ideas and tips with others and the ladies on your blog are First Class! so I'm so happy you started doing your blog daily because in doing so you have helped others as well as yourself, clever girl!
    Sorry you have such a tough time some days but you seem to be conquering your fears , I'm sure the family are proud of you, your card today is very special, I love everything about it ! and the bow with the beads and snowflake trim is gorgeous! Long may your blog continue and prosper.
    Well Janet, the advent card is magical, I opened the 1st door and POOF! out stepped the magic genie , I asked for all my decorations etc to be put up ! and I think he's on a go slow as it hasn't happened yet? I'll just have a chocolate instead ( you can always rely on chocolate) thank you !
    Girls , so good to hear you all had a wonderful time yesterday, loved all the presents described, I bet you were mulling it all over in your minds again last night, to be savoured and enjoyed.
    Coffee at the golf club this morning , then The Screen Machine ( Spectre is on ) at 2.30pm an extra showing as other times were fully booked, then home for tea and then the children will be up to see what's in their advent calendar ( today it's making the Christmas cake ) it's called " A Light American Christmas cake " one of Mary Berry's recipes , I've used it a couple of times and it is lovely .
    So a busy day ahead as I'm sure you all have at this time, love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Doodle morning Anne!
      You made me smile! I'm very glad you joined . I liked " the sound of you" on Sue's blog. Really paid more attention when Iain was ill as my heart went out to you then. Worried and living in a hotel in Inverness so that you could visit Iain. Now I know what you look like - Patricia and Hazel - say you are lovely and I've seen your cards and pinched your recipes too! We've come a long way! This blogging lark can be a lot of fun . As you say I'm happy too that Sandra began the Blog! As they say in the States - " Good Job!" That always makes me smile! Xxx

    2. And a Doodle Morning to you too Anne xxxx

    3. Oh Anne I love that " Doodle morning". Patricia and I liked your advent calendar idea. Enjoy making the Christmas cake. xxx

    4. Doodle afternoon Anne - oh I like that xx

    5. Doodle Afternoon Anne, yep! without Sandra's Blog we would not have met you and so many others. It has been a fantastic journey.
      I am going to use your Advent Callender idea. Much better than sweets and useless junk in all those pockets. xxx

    6. Doodle afternoon Anne - I love that! I love the sound of your advent calendar - Julian treated us to a very expensive one from Hotel Chocolate so no stars and funny shapes for us! I hope you enjoy Spectre - poor Daniel Craig has still not arrived in Aberdeen - he will be rather crushed by the time he gets there! Xxxx

  6. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Well its a good day for the ducks today although i think that even they will be hiding it is stoatin' down that much with the rain and contrary part of this is my hills are still like lovely sugar icing topped rock cakes (no pun was actually intended there).
    A very happy anniversary Sandra in the fact that you have found all us(although that might have been a mistake with some of us) and you are feeling so much better now that you are "out" amongst the rest of us dafties. I know that i have been hit the worst this last year and odds more than normal and it is my little cherubs/ angels that have kept me going when all i wanted to do was fall to pieces. Yes i still have been awol sometimes through out the year but the friendship and support that i have received has been wonderful and i have met 3 beautiful friends that make me count my sleeps until seeing them which without your cafe i wouldn't have done. It is lovely to see so many people that are all nuts together, some more than most with their varying names just to confuse and others with their tena's in place. This blog has brought some of the old me back again and it is wonderful, so when you raise that glass this evening make it a large for all of us.
    I am away to Falkirk to meet my friend Di at the new Range store that opened last friday so we will see if it is as good as everyone is saying that has one in their areas. Have a great day everyone when you are out paddling and i will try and see you all after. Now i have warned each and every one of my huggles to be nice and not suddenly leap upon you all as you try to enter but hey they are like men, they never listen
    Norah x
    PS i forgot about the silver white and blue combination of todays beauty, i love how the silver strikes of the blue background Sandra as it is a favourite combination of mine and always looks stylish and elegent. This is stunning and shows just how beautiful it is and the snowflake on the bow is so pretty, sparkly and just me :)

    1. Norah, I know what you mean about some being more nuts than others with their varying names!!!
      Hope you enjoy your visit to the new Range! Xxx

    2. Hope you had good fun with your friend at The Range my "nutty" friend ... from your "nutty" buddy!! xxxx

  7. Good morning, ( well that's a lie! It's blooming awful here) any way happy anniversary Sandra. Gosh where the year gone? I am a bit disappointed that you have made today the 1st of December as I was so hoping we could go with yesterday's that December was a couple of weeks away.! I had a bit of a lie in this morning and of course that's out my whole morning out. I have to get my makes into done sort if order and packed up so its a case of just loading straight into the car.
    Girgeous card from yourself Sandra, which I think is so lovely to see. Your navy/white combo is beautiful. Very classy.
    Off to make a move, see you later. Xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and all of the lovely ladies in the coffee shop,

    CONGRATULATIONS SANDRA, on this very 'Special Anniversary'
    You should be holding your head up very high young lady, be proud of what you've achieved and moved your life around two very positive thinking.
    I believe every one who visits your blog only came because of you, (OK - we will let Hazel off because it was Patricia who suggested she look in!!!!!) it was you who invited everyone to visit here, And you are not going to get rid of us!
    Your blog is unique, you are happy to open it up for everyone to share their talents, also this blog is very supportive what ever our problems or joys we can share them here. I know we all have family and friends, but this family is very very special and is all down to you Sandra our lovely lovely friend. XXX

    Today's Beautiful navy and white card is stunning, I've still got some special cards to make, I might just borrow this idea. Oh I've just thought, if you borrow you have to return don't you, sorry you're not getting this one back!!!! LOL

    Right it's time to get a move on, or should I say a wiggle on, have tidied around upstairs need to attack downstairs, then it will be lunchtime, This afternoon I have physio, should be back home by about 430. And then it's thinking about dinner. Where has the day gone?

    I hope everyone is having a good day, especially as our 'Anniversary Girl' will pop back in later to see what everybody's been doing.
    Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda, I was The one who introduced Patricia. I have been commenting on Sandras blog since June 2013. Not that it counts as we all enjoy the chat that goes on here! Yes we can be a bit nutty but that's the great thing, no one judges and everyone is there to help. Yes Patrica and I won't have found the lovely ladies on here. We have met a good few other bloggers who visit our blogs or we visit theirs. It's a great network.

    2. Oops! Really BIG OOPS !!!
      Sorry Hazel, hope I didn't offend you. xxx

    3. No Brenda not in the least, just saying I was one of the very early ones to comment on Sandras blog, it must have been the likes of February when I mentioned it to Patricia. Brenda I am one of these people who don't hold grudges etc, life is to short to do that. I always say oh well time to put up those big girl knickers and get on with living. I never allowed my children or the ones I have nannied for to sit a huff or throw ther dummies out of the pram sort of thing. Unfortunately my son seems to have caught the huffy bug off his wife, and it does my head in. No the cafe is a good place for chatting isn't it, and seeing others work, but I do enjoy seeing Sandras beautiful cards. I am sitting feet up making up more pillow boxes and matching after eight holders,I will be sick of seeing them by Friday. I got an order for a hamper was told what kind of things and I have done that and I added in 2 of 4 after eight tied up sets into it. That was ok but now I am making replacements. xxx

  9. Doodle Morning!
    I love that! - I tootling off with my husband. I have to stop now. Was half way down!

    Congratulations Sandra !!!

    We all appreciate the Blog in so many different ways. Yes we are friends. Some have even met and are still friends! Ha ha.
    Will come back later, promise!
    Love Myra xxxx

  10. Hellloooooooooooo,
    Sandra, Happy Blog Anniversary, you have made a lot of old woman very happy, I, of course, do not come under that description!!!! Whatever you do today, enjoy it, and I'll raise a glass later.
    Laughed at Anne's Doodle Morning, but it is always good to raise a smile.
    Michele, I hope your thumb eases during the day, enjoy your time off.
    Norah, enjoy the Range, give yourself plenty time to "mooch" around.
    Myra, how do you know what Anne looks like? Do I know, have I just forgotten?
    Well, I've got to go, done my jobs, Eleanor is well enough for school, and I'm meeting my friend Ann shortly. Even I have managed to find a friend!! We met in 1958 and she hasn't managed to lose me yet - although she has tried!!
    See you all later.
    love Muriel xxxx

    1. OH NO!!!!!!! How could I not comment on the stunning card. I love it Sandra. I blame you though, because I was so concerned about wishing you Happy Anniversary, and for Anne typing Doodle Morning, that I forgot, sorry xxxxx

    2. I think you know what Anne looks like - photo of Anne with Patricia and Hazel? Maybe you missed it but having said that not much gets past you!! ( tin hat!)
      Have a lovely time with Ann - the other Ann!!! Xxx

    3. Oh Maureen it's such a shame you are forgetting things and you sooooo young! Xxxxx

    4. She will not forget we made those remarks, Diane!!! Xxxx

    5. PS! Diane - I was very careful not to mention elephants! Xxx

  11. Good afternoon everyone
    Sandra a Big Happy Anniversary to you - and well done to have created such a lovely and friendly blog - I happened here because I used to look into Patricias blog (and did not always comment as I wasn't really into blogging but loved to see what she did and I still do) but she commented one day about Sandras Blog so I googled it and followed for a bit before I got the courage up to comment and the rest they say is history. I love to get a picture in my mind when someones telling a tale whether its funny or not and feel that I know that person. Sandra you have made a lot of people very happy in one way or another and I hope in turn it has brought you the happiness you so deserve .
    I have been turning my craft room upside down - John decided to move the safe - which was in the corner - to another place so everything was disrupted and I started thinking about changing things round - well Im shattered now so chilling on the computer for a bit.
    I will go back and read all the comments
    Can I say your card today is gorgeous Sandra - love the Navy and Silver
    Till later
    Jean xxx

    1. Hello Jean! I've been to Bents Garden Centre today . I'm sure you'll know it. Off the A580. It's lovely - it is every year but I thoroughly enjoyed looking round. Just got home. Xxx

    2. Hi Myra - I love it there - not been for Christmas yet but my son and D I L went last Sunday - glad you enjoyed it xx

  12. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Congratulations Sandra on the Anniversary of your wonderful blog, I had the impression that you had all been friends for a long time shows what a special place it is long may it continue & it has encouraged to spend my money on a new hobby so when I am broke I will know who to blame, no seriously you do a fantastic job Thank You.xx
    Your cad today is perfect love the colour lovely change xx
    Michele pleased yor thumb not too painful be careful with it xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Hello Margaret - you'll love your new hobby! We're glad you joined too! Xxx

    2. Hi Margaret - this lovely hobby is quite addictive you know xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and everyone today. Happy anniversary to your daily blog and the start of something fantastic and wonderful. I for once have changed so much since getting to know you all and to been able to meet up as well have been a fabulous thing to do and I can't wait until the next time. As you know I'm the quiet one with Norah so to joined your blog Sandra has all been for the better, OH saying I can't s--t up, it's blog this and blog that hihi Sorry do but I don't like your card today, I LOVE IT ! got ya tihi I love that tree and the blue and silver is great together (might be my card for x-mas -16) if it's all right to borrow it but as Brenda saying ,you wont get it back Lol . So glad you girls had a lovely time together yesterday. Hope you took some photos for us to see.
    Had a little outing today as it is our "things day" the day we got engaged in Sweden. As I hadn't come over yet it was a more important day then our wedding day in some ways. So it is a double celebration for me today so no cooking tonight .
    Michele - hope your thumb feels better later on, sorry but what did you do to it ?
    Glad you having a lazy day Hazel with your feet up, your boxes are so pretty.
    Norah- hope you found some goodies at the Range, sadly they never seem to have any crafting stuff on sale. Doorbell going back later Xxxx

    1. It wasn't me Maria! I know you are really quiet and gentle. It was lovely to meet you . Have a lovely evening on this your special day! Xxx

    2. Maria, I would say you are quiet compared with us lot, I thinkyou need to be more in our company. Norah quiet? You have to be joking!!., no she is lovely yes she is shy p, but not as shy as she was, wait till she comes to the borders for a meet up with Margaret C.
      Have a lovely evening on this your extra special day. I think we should all celebrate the day that's as special,as our wedding day.

    3. Enjoy your celebration evening Maria my quiet friend xxxx

    4. MARIA happy anniversary hope you enjoyed your evening.
      We are two quite & shy friends loved meeting you xxxx

  14. Hello Sandra,
    Well I'm sorry I'm rather late but I started off before going out but I was out for quite a while.
    My husband who hates shopping with a passion asked me if I'd like to go to Bents Garden Centre. We left after coffee and had lunch there. Home before rush hour! It was really lovely - it always is and I'm afraid I bought a few bits and pieces. It's quite famous in the Manchester area and I'm sure Jean and Michele will know it. Maybe even Saba's daughter Joanne.
    A lady older than me - and you know I'm no spring chicken - asked if she could have her photo taken with Father Christmas!! As I surreptitiously watched this piece of history in the making - Father Christmas said to her " Say Chipolatas"

    We live in a strange world!

    Your card today is lovely Sandra , I love your silver tree against the blue . Love the corners too and your bow. Lovely!
    I'm so glad you started your blog - I can't remember when I first commented but it was a long time ago now. How time does fly! You haven't just helped yourself , you have helped others too which is lovely. I'm sure it's helped your family seeing you so much happier.
    Well, before this turns into a serial I'd better go.
    Lots of love to everyone, Myra xxx

  15. PS - March 2013! I first contacted your blog Sandra. Wow! Xxx

    1. SANDRA - I do realise you are talking about your daily blog! I was just interested in how far back my visits went! You have survived them well! Xxx

  16. Hi Myra
    I'm so glad I met you as well. Now, that was early afternoon, and I hadn't been anywhere near our lovely children. Mind you I could quite easily pour a Baileys at lunchtime. It's rehearsal time for foundation stage and Year 1 nativity play. We were losing the will to live afterwards as it was like they'd all lost their hearing and forgotten all the phonics. The children were writing out their Christmas cards, I use the word writing very loosely with foundation. They couldn't follow instructions to put, Mummy Daddy etc at the top of the card and love and their name at the bottom. Bless them. Not yo sure if half of them live on the same planet as me. Must be the time of year as they're getting so excited.

  17. Afternoon Ladies

    I've not been in long having collected lots of craft stash & brought it all home-I can't move in my craft room! I'll have tidy it up tonight/tomorrow as hubby will have a fit if he saw the mess I've made!

    Maria- I had Tendonitis in my thumb-no idea what caused it.

    Right-back to sorting out!


  18. Well Myra
    This comment is in completely the wrong place. It was supposed to be under the comment about my wine bottle at the retreat. Madhouse calling me thinks.

    1. No No Pat - it's just Christmas madness and children! It happens to us all! As for names! Well I was told off for spelling a child's name wrongly . Of all things she is called Chardonnay! Since we are on a wine theme here Pat! Well I spelled it like that - oh no! It's Shardenay!! Think the parents had only ever heard it spoken! You have to laugh. Xxx

  19. So happy ( or maybe that's the wine , ha ha ) you all enjoyed the doodle morning , totally accidental!
    Just home from watching " Spectre" it was very good but my favourite was " Skyfall" it was Brilliant! Amber is at swimming so children won't be up till 6.30pm , hence ( gosh I sound a bit posh like Myra , tinhat ! ) having a glass of wine before dinner, well it's Sandra's anniversary after all , so bottoms up!
    I'm sure one or two of you might be joining me with a wee cheeky Baileys!
    As they say in the States , " enjoy the rest of your evening" ,Anne xoxo

    1. Doodle evening! I nearly choked on my pre- dinner glass of wine!! We always eat later - good excuse! Xxxx

    2. Doodle evening Anne, love it.
      Hope you enjoyed your pre dinner drink, I know I enjoyed mine, I'm on my after dinner one now, hope it's as nice as the one I had with dinner!!!

  20. Good evening folks, who in the name of goodness stole my day ???
    Congratulations Sandra, take bow, job well done. You have managed to create lots of great friendships "real" plus still a few "virtual" hopefully to be remedied soon.
    Hazel got me coming in back at the beginning of the year. When I think back, it was me that got Hazel Blogging in the first place but through her I have found so many friends. We mentioned at the table yesterday that we would love to get down to the Borders to meet up with Margaret, Norah was in there quick smart asking to join us. Looks like we are going to have to get Tammy on the Hotel hunt once again. It's a bit to far to go just for a cup of coffee and a chat. Looks like it will be an overnight "meet up". Margaret has given us so many wonderful things. Great advice on lots of subjects, crafting Hints & Tips, brilliant recipes many of which I have used and really enjoyed. Margaret also encouraged me to to buy the New Platinum Machine .... honest she really did. Not that I needed much encouragement ... it arrived today and I have not had a minute to spare to get the box open. Oh! and not to forget Margarets Heat Bags.....who could live with them??
    SANDRA:- I love your beautiful card, very effective.
    Off to wave my Magic Wand, well if I had one I could wave it to see if it could put food on the table without me actually doing anything ..... I guess it will be like those illusive 48hour days. xxx

    1. Oh! dear that should be "without" Margeret's Heat Bags. xxx

    2. Frozen - Stiff - or Frozen Stiff? Xxxx
      Tin Hat! Open that box - quick!! Xxx

    3. Patricia, I couldn't agree more, Margaret's heat bag is like my best friend, I can't imagine being without it. How exciting that Norah is up for a meet up in the Lake District, maybe Margaret could suggest where would be best for her.
      Cannot believe you haven't opened that box, I dream of opening mine!

    4. Charlie is going to put Margarets heat bags in his pockets to go out in the morning if it's as cold as it was today. It works a treat I did that last winter when I was going to get Beth from school, they really keep you warm. I have to refill them with new rice as they getting a bit smelly .xxx

    5. Hello my cherubs,
      Hey I'm shy quiet and retiring honest :D
      And secondly I will go any where, I don't care, stairs whatever I will get up them at some point or down them although hopefully not my normal quick way as it doesn't half hurt(doesn't it Jess although my hands are normally empty when I do it so I don't need to "save" any thing important).
      Went to the range and was impressed at their prices which I think will hit hobbycraft but they don't have the staff with the knowledge like hobbycraft does nor the same friendliness as them either but I came out with glue and tweezers, really exciting stuff. Got women's institute Aran wool to knit for the wee fella, darker red, a beautiful blue and sort of stone coloured in 3 for 2, a range of graphite pencils for my wee budding artist(I so wish he had taken art as a 'o' level as I do think he is a bit talented) and I can't remember the other bits that I got but it was a two stick day and there had to be a overtaking lane as the tortoise would have beaten me today but hey I have the rest of the week to be lazy.

    6. I believe you, thousands wouldn't as my Mum used to say!! Glad you had a good day! Hope you don't suffer too much tomorrow but I guess you won't admit it if it does! I can almost hear - I'm fine! Xxxx

  21. Hi Sandra and ladies,
    I did a comment earlier today and it went into cyber space, I didn't have time to do another one before I left for my friends craft shop, today was cover day only a couple more to do before she closes for Christmas.
    First of all Sandra congratulations on the first anniversary of your blog, it has been an absolute pleasure calling in every day to see the wonderful talent everyone has, and it is all down to you, you deserve a medal and the icing on the cake was meeting up at the retreat, it was lovely meeting everyone.
    Through your blog I have met some lovely people in the flesh (so to speak) and I thank you for letting them into my life.
    Your card today is gorgeous, love it to bits, please keep blogging as it really brightens up my day.
    Talking of another retreat, now that would be great if it could be a little nearer
    us up north, maybe around the Lake District or the borders.
    Take care everyone, xxx

  22. Good evening Sandra and all the lovely ladies, oh and that little drunk crowd in the corner :) !
    Happy Anniversary Sandra, what a great job you have done, introducing us all meeting at the retreat and of course being so polite to one another and respecting our elders ( haha yeah right! ) :) I'm just raising my glass of lime and sparkling water to you - well it's got bubbles in it! Today's card is beautiful, I love navy and silver and that's such a pretty stamp. Thank you for sharing xxxxx
    Where has today gone? Have we gone into warp drive ? The day started with Julian leaving at 6 ( he got in about midnight), a friend came for coffee and stayed for lunch then I've done about 3 hours of ironing, put it all away and I've just sat down to catch up. I don't think Julian will be home this side of midnight again and they've just said on the news there's been an accident on the motorway so it's closed ( I've text him, he's still in the office so he's ok). I must get back on track with my Christmas cards tomorrow! Mind you I must get my Christmas letters written too!!! I hope everyone is ok - they've just shown a weather picture of Perthshire on the weather tonight, it looks cold and snowy so wrap up warm ladies.
    See you later xxxxx

  23. Hello Sandra and All, firstly Sandra Congratulations on your blog, I know I'm sill a newby but I love it.
    I did a long comment earlier rather a lot of waffle, but fortunately it disappeared into thin air.
    Sandra your card is fabulous, just love silver on Christmas cards.
    Trying to catch up with work, to have a few days off over Christmas, trouble is the big overseas orders are comming in early, they have just had £45,000 wholesale order from Canada, so I guess it's going to be busy in 2016.
    Would love to meet up with everyone one day , but I think it maybe a pipe dream.
    Enjoy the rest of your evening, Lilian

    1. Lillian, dreams can be got! Sandra got hers! Now you go to Oxford let Sandra, Sue, Pat and Margaret P know in time and I am more than sure will meet up with you. It's not that long ago that Sandra, Sue and Pat met up, yet it sounds like they have been friends for years. Maria has met Karen and as you know Jess and Norah, Patricia and I have too. It was only back I think April time that we met, yet yesterday was just like 4 friends on a met up who have been doing it for years. So nothing is impossible. Just you keep your dream going it will come! xxx

  24. Good evening lovely ladies,
    Sandra congratulations on the Blogs anniversary, I can't remember exactly when I joined, it's the wine, it makes everything a little fuzzy, but I am so glad I did, it has opened up a whole world of new friends and given me inspiration along way with all the wonderful things we see on here. Enjoy your celebratory drink.
    I love today's card, it has such a traditional look and the stamped tree is gorgeous, thank you for sharing it with us.
    I've been busy updating my Christmas card list and address labels ready to take to my mother in laws tomorrow. We are spending a few days looking after her whilst Peters sister is away so I intend to get my cards all written and ready to go, that is apart from some handmade ones still to do. I am so behind this year.
    Sorry it's a bit short today, please forgive me rushing off, it's blood and gore on and I need to go watch it!
    Hope you are all having a good evening.
    Love to all
    Saba xxxx

  25. Yoooooo Hoooooooooo,
    Well, I've gone and done it. The Platinum and the Scan'n'Cut!!!! Well, not quite actually, I've used the money I would have paid to buy a new dishwasher!!!!
    Ye Gods, fancy wasting good money on a piece of kitchen stuff - I must be soft in the head - but I really couldn't face the prospect of Christmas without a dishwasher. The trouble is, when you've never had these things, you don't miss them. But I've had one for nearly 29 years, and the dishwasher hands look is not attractive on me!!!
    Ann and I had a good catch up and we put the world to rights, moaned about the Government and Newcastle County Council, caught up on our children's activities, and generally had a nice afternoon!!
    Myra and Dainty - you are off my Christmas Card list. Oh, no, I've just remembered, you've already got them ha ha. Who's an elephant - now there was no need for that!!!!!
    Maria - happy things day, enjoy your meal tonight, although you are probably almost finished eating now.
    Margaret P, you will certainly enjoy your new hobby, but your Bank Manager may get upset now and again lol.
    Lynda, I keep meaning to ask you how Freddy is these days, you haven't mentioned him for a while. And, of course, I hope you are well!!!!
    Lilian, you never know, we might all go down to Cornwall for our holidays and call in on you. I was at Boscastle the year before the floods, and it was terrible to see it all happening on the TV. Places where we had walked and shops and cafes we had visited were washed away it was so sad.
    Saba, are you enjoying your blood and gore, I've just switched the programme on and someone's crashing. He shouldn't be driving a car in a ward, oh my word, the chap from Duty Free looks as though he's going to fall down the stairs - yes, he's away!! I've got to switch over, this is so boring lol.
    I've got to go and made a sympathy card, these things are necessary now and again unfortunately.
    See you later,
    love Muriel xxxx

    1. Oh Diane, we are in deep trouble! Are you scared?
      Nah - me neither - Muriel's a real pussycat! Xxxx

    2. Myra be scared- very scared!!! Haha no not really. Love you Maureen xxxxx

    3. Hello MAUREEN GRRR just notist my post from 8oclock is not anywhere to be seen it must be floating in Cyber Space.
      Any way I'm ok thanks. But S.....T legs Freddy is getting bigger I might cook him instead of a turkey should tast ok with the sage n onion stuffing hehe ( yuck ) glad we are going over my Daughters for Christmas Day & Boxing Day. MAUREEN Why is MYRA & DIANE scared of you, you wouldn't hurt a fly or is it Muriel that's scary?Xxx

  26. Box still NOT open ..... no time to spare yet. Might have to get about 4am open it up then and have a play. .
    Could someone PLEASE find a 48 hour day .... I would even accept 36 hours!! xxx

  27. Oh dear my sister hasn't opened her box yet, I bet she will be up in the middle of night playing with that new machine. Well it's nothing new for her to be up,around 4am so that won't bother her. Anyway I am going off to bed. See you in the morning. xxx

  28. Patricia, how can you NOT just open the box? Well, I suppose if you did it would make things worse when you want to finish what you are doing. Good luck when you do get into the box (I sound like Michael Miles - was it him who said "Open the box")
    Night, night Hazel, sweet dreams.
    Myra, the only pussy cat I resemble is one with large claws and spelt LION ha ha.
    Well, I'm away to bed, sweet dreams everyone, God Bless and see you tomorrow, all being well.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Night Night! Pussycat! Oh no! I've given you another alias!
      Sleep well!
      Your roar is worse than your bite! Ha ha

    2. Muriel - open the box - take the money!!!!!!
      Night night xxxxx

  29. She is a pussycat Myra. I'm not the only wino on the block Myra. Saba's joining me on the wine trail. A trip to Muggie in Australia is well overdue I think. We were due to go this year but Pete's cancer had other ideas. By the way Maureen have I mentioned that my dishwasher us called Pete,

    1. It's diet day Pat but go on you've twisted my arm - just the one! Xxxx

  30. Hi all I'm back, Pity it wasn't you Myra. Had much more preferred then the J. witness. Then had a 2 hours conversation with my sister, she had an eye op yesterday, and then it was mainly dog talk and loads about her new puppies. I don't mind at such but I have to butt in to ask how the others are etc otherwise she wont tell. Then we had our dinner which tasted extra nice tonight. Now having a coffee and reading what you been up too. Pat- you are mad, tihi. Helping out in school this time of year must be the hardest but aren't they the cutest getting ready for the Nativity play. I loved it . Hope you enjoyed your blood and gore. I'm still watching 'the walking dead' since starting it with my son years ago but it gets a bit too much sometimes. Patricia haven't opened the box yet ! See you at 4am to see what you got, not, do enjoy your new machines everyone who have bought one or two!! tihi Good night my friends see you tomorrow Xxxxx

    1. Night night Maria, I hope your sister is ok xxxx

  31. Good evening SANDRA & Ladies
    GRRR i noticed I lost my 8 o'clock post I couldn't see it anywhere. Then just wrote another long post & it just froze up so I will try again but everyone I think has gone to bed.
    SANDRA Congratulations on your first anniversary of your blog & it's the wonderful Cotswolds café you have done so well & has been lovely seeing all the mixture of crafts from everyone. I was following your blog from earlier before the cafe' opened, when you told me to start my own blog I was amazed I managed to set it up as I'm not very Tec minded.It's only a little blog nothing like yours but I enjoy putting a card on every now & then. Also I enjoy reading all the comments from the café. I'm not very out going & really lack self confidence even writing silly things like droopy bits & Tenna ladies was very hard for me.All the ladies have very interesting lives Craft is my world apart from my family. So it's lovely having this friendly blog & meeting you Sue & Pat for the first time at AP was amazing & then three more times meeting more blog friends. So thank you SANDRA for giving me a little more confidence.
    I hope you managed to fill all your Advent calendars.
    Oh your card is gorgeous SANDRA love it. Well I think I will be off to my bed
    See you in the morning sleep well everyone.Xxxx
