
Monday 30 November 2015

Man Card Monday

Good Morning Ladies,

Here we are at the start of another week, I can't believe that in a couple of weeks we will be in December!
Today's fantastic man card has been created by Michele, I think this image would be very popular with a lot of teen boys too!  I love the sentiment too, I think I could do with a reboot!
Thanks so much for sharing this man card with us Michele, I hope that Phil likes it and has a fab birthday today! xxx

I hope that all of you have a fabulous week ahead, have you all got your advent calendars ready?
We have handmade ones that we refill each year, it's a major task filling all 6 calendars, remembering who likes which chocolates etc.

Love and Hugs


  1. Good Morning everyone
    Well we've had an horrendous week-end weather wise and aren't we pleased that we live on the top of a hill! I hope everyone is safe and dry and haven't any damage due to the violent winds we've all had. This morning it's calmed down somewhat but still raining so it's a 'stay at home' day for me today.

    I haven't caught up with all comments for the last few days but looking at the pictures everything viewed in the Cafe is just beautiful and it's a wonderful greeting to see so many fantastic crafts displayed on the Craft Board.

    All is set for the day - of course Porridge is first on for breakfast as we all need that to stick to our ribs and warm us on the inside.
    I'm looking forward to tomorrow when the Advent Calendar goes up and we see what everyone or who is behind that door.

    Our Calendar here is a very old one - I made it way back in 1978 after a trip to visit my Sister in Germany the year before. It is basically a flat wicker worked plate/ribbons to hand it up with/and then a small decoration to add for each day. The first to go on is a hand made pair of wooden clogs which we bought for our very first Christmas Tree and then it's pot luck what comes out of the bag. I leave The Three wise men; The Star and the Stable for the last five days.

    Well I've a lot of catching up to do today so I'll try and pop in later to see what everyone is doing. Hugs are in the basket in readyness.

    1. Hello Janet,
      We may not have had rain for a while here but boy are we making up for it now! What a morning! Thanks for the porridge - very welcome!! Xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Surprised to see Hubby's birthday card on the blog today- I only finished making it on Saturday! He says Thank You for his birthday wishes Sandra.

    It's torrential rain here today but the wind has calmed down luckily although the forecast isn't great. My hospital appointment is 11am so my friend (crazy, cluttered house one) is picking me up at 10.15 so we should have plenty of time to find a non existent parking space!!!

    I'll pop back later as I have lots of time this week-not going into work to make sure I rest my thumb.


    1. Happy birthday to your husband Michele and I hope your appointment goes well. Lots of crafting and some trashy day time TV is in order xxxx

    2. Hope all goes well this morning Michele. Hope that space was found as its a pretty awful day! Happy Birthday to your husband too !!,xxx

    3. Michele - totally forgot about the card! That is such a useful card for so many people nowadays! Your cards are always so beautifully neat and well set out! Thanks for the inspiration. Xxx

    4. Great card Michele, hope your husband has a wonderful day!

    5. Hi Michele, Fab. Card and a very happy birthday to your husband !
      Hope your appointment went well and you can now take it easy. Enjoy your week off xxx

    6. Hi Michele great card you made your Husband hope he had a good day. Hope your appointment went well & didn't have a long wait
      .have a good weeks holiday. Xx

  3. Good morning everyone,
    It's a lot calmer this morning but still wet, can't complain,
    Sandra I hope you managed to get to your shopping yesterday,
    Michele good luck with your injection today and with finding a parking space, there's never enough is there.
    Have a brilliant meet up Patricia Hazel, Norah and Jess, hope the weather will not hamper any travels.
    Not much on the agenda today so catch up I think, will pop back later to see what's happening, bet it will be quiet till later when our four amigos return to base.
    Sandra thank you for showing this card today, I need something just like this for a birthday card, well done Michele it's great.
    Hugs are in the basket by the door please help yourselves,
    Jean xxx

    1. Hope it dries up before I need to go out later Jean! What a morning - so dark too! Xxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    I have left comments on yesterdays blog, it took ages but it is so good to see what you are all up to.
    Michele, I love your card, no wonder that your husband loved it, it is ideal for the men, and also "non flowery" ladies. the sentiment is so very apt especially at the moment : ) I will be using your idea for one of my brother in laws birthday as it will be perfect for him, if you don't mind. Thank you for sharing.
    Sandra, did you manage to get some more shopping done yeterday, without getting blown over I hope.
    Gem and I had a late start so din't get to any dress shops, she treated me to lunch, which was delicious, and we only had time for a look around Wilkos where we both found lots of lovely Christmas bits and bobs and all at great prices too. Mum/ Margaret P and me will be calling in there on Friday I think when we try and get the bulk of the present shopping done.
    I hope Sheila is safe and sound after her crossing and that the return trip is calm!
    It was good to see you back in the Cafe Lynda. Enjoy your little house guest : )
    I have a friends 90th card to make for Saturday, then onto Christmas cards today so must get the breakfast out of the way. Have a good day everyone. Stay safe as it is still very windy and wet here. No chance of putting the washing out today! Take care xx

    1. Sue, a pity about not finding the dress but at least Gem only paid out for a lunch, not like our Gillian, I was telling her yesterday what I had written and she said" but did you also tell them the time before when we went for a rug for the front room for the flat and I ended up buying over a thousand pounds of new furniture ?" Xxx

    2. Note to self!! Don't go shopping with Hazel!!!
      Ha ha ha ! Xxxx

    3. Glad you enjoyed your lunch Sue and your time with Gem. The dress will be there another time! Xxx

    4. Hi Sue thank you for your welcome back last night & this morning
      Tickles is so different from Bambi,she is a little live wire where Bambi is very laid back & likes to bury herself under her cushion in her bed & is quite happy staying there. Still busy didn't get many cards finished.
      Glad you enjoyed your lunch even better when Gem paid. Sorry you didn't get your dress better luck when you go with mum.Xxx

  5. Hi Sandra
    Not to sure where my comment went to. Michelke love your card, was the image on a CD !. If so, can you let us know which one its on. I hope the Scottish ladies are able to meet up as the weathers not to treat up there. Hugs to you all. I hope you manage to get a parking spot at the hospital Michelke. The JR asks you to allow at least one and a half hrs for parking as the queues are horrendous in the mornings. Will call in later as I'm off to school.

    1. Goodness me Pat, that's an awfully long time to allow for parking! Going to hospital has turned into a nightmare nowadays. Xxx

  6. Good morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Fabulous card this morning Michele, I love the sentiment, perfect for my husband and brother in law, and actually a couple more people I know! I hope hubby has a good day. Xxxx
    Where we live we have the option of a couple of hospitals for some things, both in different directions. One you take pot luck with the parking and on e you find a space you take out a mortgage! The other hospital they gave now included on the park and ride route so it's much cheaper and easier to get to. Luckily we don't attend hospitals much ( I'm touching wood here!). At the moment though Julian is visiting hospital sites for the project that goes live tomorrow - mainly sitting in cupboards with a lot of computer stuff and each time he visits it's another few pounds for parking - on e he finds the space! He went to one hospital 3 times in one day last week! I'm not sure what time or when he will be back today or maybe tomorrow, he will text me later!
    It's windy and dry here at the moment, I've got to put a prescription request in for Julian so will walk to the village in a little while - I need to stretch my legs so it's a good excuse to get out and about but not take the car!
    Hope everyone is safe and warm, Patricia Jess Hazel and Norah enjoy your meet up.
    See you later xxxxxxxx

    1. Hope you enjoy your walk Diane! You wouldn't go walking here today! Xxx

    2. Just started to rain as I turned for home Myra, I got home and dried off and had a warm cup of tea xxxx

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sorry I have been AWOL this weekend, we went to visit our daughter and family in Essex. Her eldest son was home from Uni, it was lovely to see him, poor thing he really wasn't well, but had managed to get antibiotics from the family GP on Saturday morning. It was his birthday a few days ago, I suspect been burning the candhe been burning the candle at both ends !!!!

    What a lovely display you gave us on Saturday Sandra, the real feast for the eyes.
    Yesterday's birthday card is beautiful, Karen I love the font you used.

    Michele, Today's card is perfect for teenagers and a lot of our men folk.
    I hope all goes well at the hospital, thinking of you LOL. xx

    I must make time later read what been going on over the weekend. Ours was just so busy, daughter and I went to a factory sale, it's only open last weekend in November and first weekend in December, managed to pick up a few bargains there. But just spending time with family has been really lovely. Younger daughter and family joined us yesterday. So we were able to catch up with everyone's news and have lots of cuddles!!!

    Have a good day everyone, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

  8. Good Morning Sandra and Ladies!
    What an awful morning! Still it makes you just get on with things! Always look on the bright side - at least the sun isn't showing up my dirty windows!
    Michele's card is lovely and could be adapted for all ages really! I need to use the lap top more!
    Patricia, Jess, Hazel and Norah! - have a great time! Take a breath now and again! I'm only jealous!! xxxx
    Well back to the washing , drying and tidying!
    Myra xxxx

  9. Good afternoon ladies , firstly I would like to thank Hazel, Patricia,Jess, Myra Maureen Maria Lynda Pat and Saba for their comforting words yesterday , I don't know how but they really helped me and I managed to draft out a letter to my friend, which I got written and posted with the card this morning ( after a good nights sleep) .
    I can't wait to hear how much the girls have enjoyed meeting up , I'm sure they'll have stories to tell us!
    Well it's cold and windy with wintry showers here , but bright , so not too bad.
    Still haven't heard from the plumber , seemingly he was away last week so he will be catching up , but you would think he would let you know.
    While I was at the Pilates I asked Iain to post some cards that had to go abroad and also get me Christmas stamps , he was gobsmacked at how much it cost!
    That's the only thing about card making now, you have to be so careful about the size, I haven't told him about the ones that have to be weighed and posted individually , I think that's best kept quiet , sh !
    Enjoy the rest of your day folks, love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. glad you had a better night last night Anne,- its not fair the plumber cant let you know whats happening then you can plan ahead
      Jean xxx

    2. So glad you had a better night Anne! These things hit us hard , particularly if we have a son/ daughter around the same age. I won't say a word to Iain about the postage! Alastair nearly passed out when posting some of mine! I have tried to make a lot really flat this time and smaller but there are a few bigger ones!
      I tried to text Patricia just to say " have a lovely time! " it wouldn't go. I think it's probably a texting black spot where they are. She will most probably get six through at once on her way home!! I'll be popular! Xxxx

    3. Anne Im the same as you in trying to do smaller cards for posting, mind you it it only those and such as those who get hand made ones, the people I know who put the cards in the bin after Christmas and don't keep special ones, don't get hand made cards, does that make me mean!!,X

    4. Anne, glad we could help in some way and you had a better night. There's always someone here. I got mine for Europe to send tomorrow, best take the big bank card. Also tried to keep them flat but have 4 different sizes. oooh Jess, how can you be sooo mean hihi love xxx

    5. Hi Anne,
      I though I left a message for you yesterday but it seems to have disappeared. I was so very sorry to hear of your friends daughter so difficult to know what to say at anytime but this time of year it seems a lot worse. Thinking of you & sending hugs xx

  10. Hello Sandra & friends, hope everyone is managing to stay upright in this awful windy weather.
    Michele your card is great especially the sentiment, hope all goes well at the hospital.
    I'm sure the ladies up north are having a great time, hope the weather isn't too bad.
    I've just come back from the dentist, check up and clean plus special toothpaste I have to have cost me £97 very expensive to have nothing done, although so relieved that nothing needs doing you don't think about the price.
    Feeling very flat after seeing all the family at the weekend, wish they were nearer, it's a 600 miles round trip
    Well I'd better go and start work, going to put the heating on as feeling really chilly.
    Hope you're all having a good day. Lilian

    1. That's a long journey, Lilian! Particularly when a lot of it will no doubt be on fairly narrow, twisty roads! Totally agree about dental bills but like you always grateful nothing as to be done! Xxx

    2. Hi Lilian, can think today has been a bit quieter then it was over your days away. Nice you manage to see your old friend.
      Are there any buses going from Cornwall to Oxford by any change ?
      Good you didn't needed any more done at the dentist, haven't they gone up. xxx

    3. I don't think you can easily travel by bus from Oxford to Cornwall, I remember trying after we moved up there, had to go to Cheltenham and change there and change again at Exeter, took all day, may be better now.I used to drive up a couple years ago when my o/h worked that way.

  11. Afternoon Ladies

    Injection done, thumb is throbbing now so no crafting today. My friend found a parking space no problem, she dropped me off at the door as it was raining really hard. It's eased off a bit now it it's got very windy-again!

    The CD-ROM I used to make hubby's card is Another Play on Words by Ella's Design. If anyone wants the image printing & sending just drop me an email -it's no problem.

    Hopefully we'll get a takeaway for tea tonight-I'm not cooking & hubby shouldn't as its his birthday-that's my excuse & I'm sticking to it!!!


    1. Hi Michele,
      Glad you have had your injection I know from mine it will be painful today then soon you will have relieve.
      Happy birthday to hubby I love your card.
      Hugs on way Margaret xx

    2. Hi Michele, glad your injection is over with, maybe tomorrow you will notice the difference and possibly pain free xx
      Jean xxx

    3. Glad it's all over, posted further up. Defiantly a take away tonight
      hugs Xxx

    4. Glad you have had your injection done, good job you have a few days off, take away is just the thing for birthdays, enjoy.

  12. Good afternoon my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Hooray i have a computer that is working again( the ipad is best not talked about but nearest window is coming to mind and propelling said Ipad vigourisly at high speed is just about to happen). I have been without a computer of any sort for a number of days now and feeling fair deprived at not being able to see anything. Thank number one son and his down loading of a star trek game which has just knocked a rise out of the main computer and kept shutting down on us because of it, but i'm back :)
    Thank you Michele for your card idea today and i hope that your hubby liked it. Did you give him the day to "reboot" himself or did he just have it like any normal day? How's the hand feeling after it's brush with the needle and hospital? It's strange how much you rely on something which until you are barred from using it you don't realise just how much you use it for. It's like when you have a sore finger, that's always the one that gets hurt as if it deliberately goes out of it's way to get in the road and get further punishment or maybe that's just mine that does that but it sure half hurts when you try and save it as much as possible. Hope they were kind to you at the hospital flower.
    Well just back from meeting up with my other 3 Mary's oh and it was fun, oh how wonderful it was to see the girls and have a right old chattering (me of course being the quiet shy one of the bunch) can you see the halo slipping, lol. I always enjoy meeting up with the girls as it means that i'm amongst like minded bonkers people just like me and i can feel quite sane. Hazel and Patricia are going like from night to day as their roads are really horrendous with snow so they left early so that they can get back during daylight and hopefully they will have thawed a bit since coming down this morning. You know the talent that these 3 ladies have is quite extrodinary, they are so gifted and so kind that i am really so very lucky to have met and made three wonderful friends.
    My hills are dusted with the icing sugar again but one of them has lovely icing that is running down the sides of it, mhhh reminds me so much of a christmas pudding with runny custard coming down it which reminds me i will need to sort out my messages and order up a christmas pudding. Right i'm away to do some more of my knitting that i have to get done for Christmas so i will say tata for now and i have left my little huggles to run around you all and pounce. See you all later if i can,
    Norah x

    1. Hello NORAH im so pleased you have your computer working & back with us. Sounds like you had a lovely day with Hazel Patricia & Jess have you gone all horse with all the chattering you did Oh I forgot your the quiet one HeHe. Hug's Xx

    2. Hello Norah! I tried to gate crash the meeting by sending Patricia a text but it wouldn't go!!! Serves me right ! We've missed you - what a gorgeous little boy Harry is . So like his Mummy and Grandma! Looking forward to meeting you sometime , Norah! I'm daft too . Xxxx

    3. Norah sounds like you had a fabulous time. Take care with that snowy weather. Xxxxx

  13. Hi Sandra and ladies,
    Michele your card is super, love the image you have used, I think I need to have a look for the CD you used, it would be so useful.
    Back from meeting up with Hazel, Patricia and Norah, what a lot of talent these ladies have, Norah showed us one of the shawls she knits, it was absolutely gorgeous, so lacy and delicate, and she gave each of us a lovely exploding box, with a little present inside. Patricia gave me one of her tea light holders, it it lovely and Hazels gift was a beautiful pillow box with a gift inside, and one of her After Eight envelopes.
    We had a great time chatting and laughing, but left a bit early as the weather was not too promising, I wouldn't want Hazel and Patricia stuck on their journey home.
    Off to sort out the dinner, so take care, xxx

    1. Jess and Norah we did have a good meet up didn't we??? The weather wasn't as bad but still not great. We got to Yetts of Muchurt that's where it went from green to white. No more snow but what's fallen hasn't started to disappear. We are meant to be in for more.yes I too have came home with beautiful gifts, Norah's stunning exploding box and Jess's candle melts all done up beautifully. Of course i collected one of Norah's gorgeous shawls that Anna's piano teacher ordered.
      I am now away to put the maltessers in to their covers, I have to stamp a tag too so I will get them done. Will hopefully pop in later.
      Sorry Michele I totally forgot about your brilliant card. Just perfect for man/boy who are into their computers. Xxx

    2. Jess and Hazel,
      So pleased you've had another lovely day together. Still haven't been to the Pound Shop but I will try later in the week! Xxx

    3. Jess's and Hazel I'm glad to hear you had a lovely time and got home safe and sound. Take care in that snowy weather my lovely ladies xxxxx

  14. Hi Sandra and all my good friends.
    Brrrr it is so cold and the wind and rain have not stopped all day, it's horrid!
    Great you girls still managed to meet up today and had a nice time. Some lovely presents there Jess, the tea light holders are beautiful that Patricia makes. Hope someone took some photos :-) Sue- It's funny how these shops are doing so well. The Poundshop, Savers, Wilkos and others but perfect places to find stocking fillers and more. Always like to have a mooch and see what I can find.
    Gem will have to get her dress another day, just nice you had a good day together and hopefully no more migraines ! Had a morning at the gym (aqua) left the hand weight out because the wrist and shoulders are hurting enough ,too much cutting outs on the GC probably. After we went in to city, wanted to look for a Dyson long handled hoover thingy but no Black Friday or Cyber Monday prices so that have to wait. Had the gas man around after lunch, not bad looking,(pink underwear ?!) Sat down to watch some Tv and nodded of course off, so now need a coffee and check out some e-mails before thinking of dinner. Saba- what are you having ? hope to see you later Xxx

    1. Maria - I'm so glad the gas man was in the pink!! Bet, Anne wishes the plumber was too! Xxx

    2. Maria I'm shocked! What were you doing with that Plummer to see that he had pink undies on - oh no! I've got visions of them being pink and frilly now! I think there's a crunchy nut cornflake advert around at the moment with a man wearing link frilly undies. Oh dear what a thought! Xxxxx

    3. Oh Diane you should have seen him. All muscles, he pulled the cover off our boiler and his trousers came down quite a bit but when I saw the pink underwear ,noooo! Maybe he had run out and they were his wives Lol xxx

  15. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra hope you have managed to fill the advent calendars, I had to go shopping for them this morning Dec 1st crept upon me before I thought about it at least they are in post now. Look forward to your new idea for the blog. Must go meal ready to serve pleased the 4 managed to meet up hope Hazel & Patricia are home safely hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  16. Hello SANDRA & Ladies
    Pleased Hazel Patricia Jess& Norah had a good meet up,very brave battling the horrible weather pleased your all home safely. We still have heavy rain & strong wind ( mind you that could be O H HeHe ) only went out for few hours but no cyber Monday bargains.Then craft room. Tomorrow my hairdresser is coming so I think I will have to tidy up my craft room while i am waiting for her. Am I the only messy crafter my room looks like a bomb has dropped on it.
    Maria I hope you didn't nod off with the gas man HeHe.
    SANDRA hows the Advent calendars coming on. Hope your up to date with your Christmas cards not like me. Will Email you later,must dish dinner up late tonight
    Hug's Lynda xx

    1. No chance, pink knickers on a guy !? Stop feeding Terry so many sprouts, it might help hihi xxx

    I've just lost a mega post. Nothing has gone right today.
    Eleanor off school poorly and in my bed since 8 a.m. this morning. Phone off from morning until after lunch. Internet down from late morning until tea time, (note to self - pay bill lol), and then I've lost my post where I've been nice to everyone, even Myra!!!
    Can't remember any of it except
    SANDRA, It's December tomorrow ha ha.
    HAZEL, JESS, NORAH and PATRICIA glad you had such a lovely day grrrrrr!
    MICHELE - love your card and will be in touch - you have been warned!!!
    ANNE - glad we were of help, I hope you are coming to terms with the awful news.
    SABA - have you bought anything new lately ha ha.
    SUE, PAT, MARGARET P, and BRENDA OB, I know I said things to all of you, but can't remember what!!!
    That's it, I'm going, if I stay on much longer, it will go into the wide blue yonder.
    Muriel xxxxx

    1. MARIA - How did you get the Gas Man to undress to show you his underwear!!!! xxxx

    2. You were nice to me and it's gone!! Typical!
      Sorry Eleanor is poorly - hope she feels lots better tomorrow.
      Will you try to be nice to me tomorrow as well! Xxx

    3. Maureen, it looks like you will be playing nurse maid again tomorrow, Eleanor will be happy lots of granny time. It's time like this that you realise they are still little. as long as she doesn't pass the bug on. xxx

    4. Maureen make sure you look after yourself with all these bugs about. Do we need to check between the sofa cushions to find some loose change for your leccy bill? Xxxxx

    5. Muriel, just had to look at him with my blue blurry eyes hihi
      Wish Eleanor better, don't you go and catch the bug now xxx

  18. I wrote a L O N G!! Comment before I had something to eat and it disappeared.
    I am just going to say I have had FANTASTIC day with Jess, Norah & Hazel.
    Got a beautiful Exploding Box from Norah containing a wonderful gift.
    Jess gave us some of her brilliant, sented Candle Melts. They smell amazing and that's in them still in the packaging. Just wait till I use them!!
    From Hazel I got the thick Acetate and Cosmic Shimmer Glue she got of me from her Local Craft shop!!
    Great day had by all with plenty of laughing, chatting, eating & drinking. We had to leave early, the weather at our side of the country is shocking. Jess & Norah's side of the country was "snowless" apart from the tops of the hills.
    I have a few thing to catch up on. Will try to get back xxxx
    Oooooopppss!! MICHELE:- love your card, they are great images you use on your Man Cards. xxx

    1. Patricia I'm glad you had a good get together and you got home safe and sound. Stay safe in the snowy weather. Emma said it had started to snow again Saturday but wasn't laying but today was very cold. Daniel Craig hasn't arrived yet - rather annoying because the package has an advent callenda in it, she thinks he's caught up in the snow somewhere! Xxxxx

  19. SANDRA:- don't know about in your world ..... in mine tomorrow it's December!! Ha! Ha! xxx

  20. Hi Norah
    Your calling us cherubs again. As Myra said she's daft. Her words not mine, but then again so am I. I do hope that we get to meet up one day. Just get Pete to take me up to Scotland next year. He even cooked dinner today while I was out gallivanting as he puts it. So get can't be all that bad, even if I do have to put up with his grumbling.

    1. Thank you Pat!! You didn't have to agree with quite such enthusiasm! Well done Pete for cooking dinner! See - you are not just daft - like me - you gallivant too!! Xxx

  21. Oh Patricia
    It can't be nearly Dec already. So much to do and not enough days to do it in. I'll catch myself up one day hopefully.

  22. Actually can we have Sandras December it's weeks away and that would be as good as some 48 hour days? I could to then have extra time to do more.
    Well if the weather report is right we are in for some more of the white stuff, it's all very pretty to look at, but it's when it goes icy. So we will just hope it passes us by. xxx

    1. Sorry about the white stuff! It's lovely to look at - and that is it. We never get much here , ( just touched my head!) , as Michele will confirm, I'm sure. Xxx

    2. Myra, do you touch your head because you are a wooden top (sorry, couldn't resist) xxxx

    3. I thought Sandra had found the48 hour days too! Two weeks until December - I wish! Thank you for the chuckle Sandra - of course you did it on purpose to make us laugh! Xxxx

  23. Glad the four friends had a good meet up, hope the weather doesn't get too bad, we are fortunate in that we rarely get much snow, but we make up for it with wind and rain.
    I bought a mdf advent calendar for the grandchildren, but didn't get time to make it, so had to go to the range to buy the chocolate ones, managed to get Thortons ones but managed to make a hole in them , as I bought two boxes of cards the same times do put them all in one bag , so had to tape up a couple of doors.
    Oscar has asked his Daddy if Father Christmas is real and he's only five, he's a deep thinking little boy. He told me when he grows up he wants to be a fossil hunter!
    Need to go and do some ironing so o/h has a shirt for tomorrow, so I'll say goodnight.

  24. Goodnight everyone, sweet dreams and God Bless.
    See you in the morning, God willing.
    Maureen xxx

  25. Hello one and all,
    Sorry I am so late, appointment with the consultant today, all good. Then off to teach at the sailing school and have only just got back. The weather is horrendous and it was not pleasant having to drive miles through the forest to get there and back. Ooooh just remembered a truly terrify thing thing happened on the way there. We have tramways in the city, I loathe and detest them and am actually terrified of them when out driving, well there was one going in my direction and I had to slow down where the road narrows or it would have got me, as we approached a set of light which were green I kept just a tad behind it. It stopped, I had to stop ( middle of the crossing) lights changed to red and blow me down if another of the scary monsters didn't come the other way and turn left, leaving me in the middle of them. It was my worst nightmare. Next time I'll park up and wait till its gone. Otherwise it was a good evening!
    Michele, your card today is brilliant, bet your Hubby loved it. Belated Happy Birthday to him. Good luck for tomorrow.
    Jess, Norah, Patricia and Hazel so pleased you had a good meet up. I've been thinking about you. Sorry you had travel in those weather conditions though. Do we have pictures? Love to see them.
    Anne I hope you had a better night.
    Maria, what a man, pink underpants no less, cannot imagine how you got to see them, do tell.
    Muriel, sorry Eleanor is unwell, lots of granny cuddles for her, hope she feels better tomorrow.
    Lilian, weren't you tempted to eat the chocolates before you closed the doors?
    Sandra, I'm coming to stay with you, I could do with those extra two weeks!
    Right off to indulge in a glass of wine now.
    Love and windy hugs
    Saba xxxx
