
Sunday 29 November 2015

Another Of my beautiful birthday cards

Good Sunday Morning,

I hope that your weekend is going well, we made a start on the dreaded Christmas shopping, making the most of a couple of the 'Black Friday' deals!
Although this year the girls don't seem to have any ideas for their 'Santa List'!

Today's gorgeous card was designed and created for me by our lovely Karen, I love everything about this card Karen, I can see you have used Creative Expressions Maidenhair Fern, Delicate Daisy Open Petals and Pierced Tag Dies to create this gorgeous design, I love the 60's 'feel' of the embossing folder that you have used too.  The heart warming sentiment your wrote inside was just so thoughtful too.
Thank you so much for taking the time to make such a beautiful card Karen xxxx

Congratulations Patricia on becoming the newest member of the Platinum Owners Club, I hope that this machine brings you many years of die cutting happiness! I have to say after watching both john and Julia using it on TV it looks like it cuts really well!

Today I hope to be finishing off a special post for the blog, which may hopefully be a new feature, depending on how popular it is of course.

I look forward to seeing all of you that pop in today, I am open to suggestions for new features ladies, I can't help but think that maybe you are all a little 'bored' of the current format, although I do understand that this is a busy time of year for everyone.
I will pop in later to see what you have all been up to today.
Love and Hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    I must start by saying how pretty the Mixed Crafts were yesterday, what a beautifully decorated box, such pretty soaps and a lovely selection of upcycled goodies (I got some great ideas for the children when I saw these at the Retreat ) Thank you ladies for sharing.
    Karen, your card is beautiful, it may be an easy one to make but you have made it look wonderful with your choice of colours, textures etc, I love it.
    I have had a quick read of yesterdays comments, I'm not surprised that numbers are down some days Sandra, every one is so busy at the moment. We know it is coming each year but it still manages to catch up with even the most organised of us : )
    Had a lovely day on Friday with Mum and Christopher and also yesterday morning but I was so sad as I missed seeing the girls making the Christmas cake and puddings as I had a nap after lunch and woke with a migraine so didn't surface until about 8pm when all of the children and grandchildren had gone: (( They all had a lovely time though, which is the important thing.
    Off to Swindon dress shopping, Gem needs one for her work party, so another lovely day today is the plan.
    Sheila, I hope you have finally arrived after the delay in crossing, have a lovely time.
    Brenda, I hope hubby is feeling a bit better now and has managed to get a better nights sleep.
    Sandra, I am looking forward to your new feature but please don't go worrying about the blog my lovely. It is our hectic lives that are causing lower numbers sometimes, not your wonderful blog at all. Sadly it seems that no one is selling the "48 hour day" which is so badly needed at the moment. I know I could certainly do with a few, ok, lots of those : ) Have a good day my lovely.
    Stay safe everyone, the weather is not going to be good, around here at least, lots of high winds are forecast for today! Take care xx

    1. Sue, you have it in one! Those 48 hour days are not available anywhere? Not even from China. I am so disappointed as even just 2 might help. Oh better you than me going dress shopping? I always seemed to end up being the one that had to put everything back on the hangers. Gillian stopped asking me to go clothes shopping after we went out to find her smart trousers and she came back with a new house ( well she was looking at a cottage that was for sale on the way to Perth when I told her about the one in the villiage the girls went to school in. So on our way home we went that way well that afternoon she got the keys to have a look and that was it! ) so an expensive pair of Wallis trousers and a house where found that day. Mum wasn't asked to go shopping after that. xxx

    2. Hello Sue,
      Sorry about the migraine - they are not nice at all! Often it may be because you have had a busy time with stress added and then when it's over - bang - the migraine! Have a great day today and I hope you don't buy a car or anything! That made me smile ! You are right about busy days just now! Xxx

    3. Hello Sue,
      So sorry you missed the cake stirring, such a lovely family tradition.
      Hope you enjoy shopping today.

    4. Hi Sue, hope you feel better today x
      Hazel love your tale about the trousers x

    5. Sue I hope you are feeling better today, enjoy your day shopping, it's lovely to have some daughter time xxxxxx

    6. Hello Sue,
      Hope the fresh air banishes the last of your migraine. It's certainly fresh up in Newcastle, and WET. Enjoy your shopping - if you can!!! xxx

    7. Thank you ladies. Migraines have been part of most of my life so am used to them.
      I had a lovely time with Gem, no dress was found but she treated me to a delicious lunch, bless her : ) Take care x

  2. Good morning Sandra and all who call in today.
    Karen, your card to Sandra is stunning love your pretty design. It's amazing to think of all the wonderful,cards you received Sandra how different each and every one has been. The delights of knowing so many crafters. The normal run of the mill cards that most folk get their would be at least 2 the same!
    Sandra I don't think we are bored with the format, I think we are all just so busy, I just love to come in and see all the different things that are on display, be it a card or a craft.
    My living room is looking like a shop, I have gift bags, basket with pillow boxes, a box with the after eight holders and now the maltesser box covers on the mantel piece and side board. I must get the fold away creates out from the loft and load them, it's just keeping the from getting damaged. Thank goodness at this time of the year Charlie is use to it! orders every where. The problem of living in such a small cottage.
    Now if truth be told Patricia isn't the latest owner of the new machine!!! Saba, Jean, Margaret and Patricia ended up buying one yesterday. They all have got early Christmas presents. Patricia asked me yesterday " what would you have been doing if you hadn't gone to the NEC and seen the die cutting going on?" Answer " I don't know". My GC has been going none stop this year between invites, gift bags and everything else. Christmas 2013 was when I got my pink GC. Oh the fun I would have missed out on.
    Jess, I hope you are feeling a bit better today and will still be able to meet up with us tomorrow??? I can't believe that after I said yesterday about arranging a meet up with the lovely Margaret C that so many want to join us at the lakes! We are more than pleased, remember it's only a meet up? Nothing else, and definitely when the warmer weather is. Yes Margaret you will be busy all those Cakes you will have to bake!!!
    I hav a good few things to do today, the main one is going and getting the boxes of maltessers for to fit in the covers and get them finished off. Do a few more c cards, and try and get Charlie to get things out of the loft, I know I have gift boxes left from last year that can be used up, so I need to see how many. Also I want to get the Christmas card holders down as they are going t be needed, I have a pile of c cards sitting here as it is. If I can be all these things done and out of the way before I start to think about Sunday tea that will be good.
    Sandra when are you thinking of putting up the Christmas decorations in the cafe? That should be a fun filled day. Well I am off to get my tea and toast and just take a seat and see who comes in. xxx

    1. Hazel , have a lovely Sunday - it sertainly won't be like my favourite coffee - Lazy Sunday - it's called!! Xxx

    2. Hazel my living room looks like a Tip!
      Myra love the name of your coffee, do you drink it in the "Afternoon"?

    3. Hi Hazel, don't forget to take time out to breath, you never seem to stay still. Xxx

    4. Hello Hazel,
      What's this about covers for Maltesers? Are they paper ones, if they are I need a tutorial please!!!
      I loved your shopping story about a new cottage for a pair of trousers. Thank the Lord when we went for sandwiches at M&S in Birmingham Station, there were no estate agents around ha ha.
      Don't work too hard today - pointless saying that really, we all know you will. xxxx

    5. Oh Maureen no problem ref the maltesser cover all you need is your envelope maker and look on or you tube maltesser box it's hopefully there, but how many times you find something then it goes. Let me know, you use thickest paper. Xxx

    6. Saba! I thought you were being cheeky !! Would I be up to drink coffee in the morning! Then I realised it was the song?
      Lazy Sunday Afternoon!! Slow me! Yes! Xxx

  3. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, dull but dry here in Barnes, London.
    Karen your card is really lovely, Are the tags printed on the computer, very clever design.
    Sandra although I haven't been with you long I just love popping in each day for a cuppa and a chat, it's lovely as I know what write is very ordinary, but none of you seem to mind, which is what is so wonderful about the blog, wish we all lived nearer so have a mass meet up. Cornwall is such a long way from anywhere, and I'm a poor traveler.
    Sandra I will email my details to you again as not sure you received the last one if that's OK.
    Well we are off home today via Oxford, so I'll drop by when we get home.
    Have a lovely Sunday everyone, and don't work too hard, must start my C cards this week.
    Hugs galore, Lilian.

    Did I say I love this Blog, thank you Sandra.

    1. Hello Lilian , I , for, one am very glad you joined us! We are all different personalities from different corners of the U.K. but crafting brought us together. Xxx

    2. Lilian, the world is made up of lots of different people that what makes it special. Love reading your stories, I for one have leant a lot especially the fact you get "coloured" Bee Keeping Hoods!!
      I will not put my personal e-mail on an open Bog but YES! YES! YES! we need your details even to send you a Christmas Card. xxx

    3. Lilian, I think I have managed to send you an email through the magic of Google friend. Hope it works.

    4. Hi Lilia, I like to hear about your family and travel too xx

    5. Hi Lilian,
      Safe journey, shame you can't pop in as you pass through Oxford!!!
      I have your details and have included them in a new up to date contact list that I shall email to everyone .
      I too am hugely thankful that you call in each day, thank you for your on going support
      Sandra xxxx

    6. Lilian I'm really pleased you joined us too and would love to meet you one day. Safe journey home, it's windy in this part of the world today but dry. Xxxxxx

    7. Hello Lilian,
      I have your details so will send you an e-mail. You may not want it, but you're going to get it!!!
      Have a safe journey home. xxxx

    8. Hi Lilian,
      Safe journey home do not envy the journey it was bad enough when I came just this side of Oxford to Swindon lunch time will be thinking of you.
      Love Margaret xx

    9. Hi Lilian,
      Safe journey home do not envy the journey it was bad enough when I came just this side of Oxford to Swindon lunch time will be thinking of you.
      Love Margaret xx

  4. Good morning ladies,

    Karen, your card is so simple but very pretty. The colours used are so bright and cheerful and what a fab way to use tags.

    Didn't get to comment yesterday, Tiegan came to stay on Friday night. Our local, the Friendly Spirit held an Open Mic night to raise funds for St Margaret's Hospice in memory of my friend Gloria who died earlier this year. It was a fantastic night and we got to hear my son Robin and his mate Baz 'jam' together again after many years of being apart in different bands. They absolutely 'smashed it' and they were 'sick': this is excellent according to Tiegan.'
    Saturday dawned and she was straight in asking 'When can we go to the Range? I've got my pocket money and 'I NEED things' How could I refuse a request like that? Since I bought her, her own GC from our lovely lady Janet, she has been itching to try out many more different mediums. A couple of hours later, back home, money all gone but lots of lovely bargains.
    I did notice they are now selling the Big Shot and Big Shot Plus as well as GC teal at lower than normal prices. I reckon they could become a big force in the craft buying stakes. They also sell the Really Useful Boxes that I had with my craft cupboard cheaper too.
    Loved all of Saturday's mixed craft day goodies. We certainly are a very creative group!
    It is the time of year when we don't have time to sit and ponder so perhaps this is why there are not so many 'popping ins'.
    So fret you not Sandra, we are still here.
    Well onwards and upwards as they say, I must away and get 2 cards done , 1 BC card for my brother's partner and 1 Pearl Wedding card ordered on Friday for the 3rd December.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    Congratulations Girls on your new 'babies', I am sure you will get many hours of pleasure out of them.

    1. Hello Cheryl, so pleased you are learning a new " language" . Lol! Glad Tiegan had a good day too. Xx

    2. Hi Cheryl, sounds like a lovely evening, but what strange words they us nowadays. Hope lots of money was raised for the Hospice.

    3. Hi Cheryl, sounds like Tiegan is really loving her hobby. I like going to the range and having a good "mooch" xx

    4. £850 Saba, not bad for one night and a village. x

    5. Cheryl that is brilliant. You all did Gloria's memory proud. Well done.

    6. Well done Cheryl, that's a grea amount, and as you say one night and a village. It all helps. xxx

    7. Sounds like you had a great night Cheryl, and for a good cause into the bargain. We should have had an open mic night at the Retreat, and you could have all "enjoyed" my singing lol. xxxx

    8. Cheryl that's a fantastic amount. Look at you down with the kids!!!
      Right Maureen that would be lovely ( note to self, remember the earplugs next time, or I could use quarters of Tunnocks wafers!!!! Haha) xxxx

    9. Diane , please do not encourage Muriel! Mind you it may have the same effect as shouting FIRE!!!
      Tin hat! Xxx

    10. Cheryl - many congratulations - that's a lot of money! Xxx

    11. What a great amount of money for one night, well done ! xxx

    12. Hi Cheryl. Wow, what a fantastic amount, and a great way to raise it.
      It sounds like you had a lovely time with Tiegan, it is wonderful to see the young ones enjoying the crafts that we love isn't it. She will treasure those special times you spend together for the rest of her life : ) Take care x

  5. Good morning everyone, hope you are all TicketyBoo, keeping warm and Crafting Happily. BRENDA :- hope your Craft fair goes well, I know you have been very busy making stunning goodies for it.
    KAREN:- love your stunning card, it is so fresh, crisp and clean. Great colours and design.
    SANDRA:- I am not the only one who bought the Platinum ... honest!! I was encouraged!!
    I did not see any of the shows on television where it has been used. I will be depending on Hints & Tips from those who have also from those who "already" have the machine and are happily using it.
    Yesterday I was dizzy by the time I managed to get my bottom on a seat in the evening. I was busy all day and I feel today will be similar.

    BORED:- for heavens sake SANDRA:- when do have we have time to get bored at this time of year??? I and so many of us are so blooming busy we are on the hunt for 48hour days!! There are none to be had, Hazel and Margaret have been on EBay they have even tried places in China with no luck. We are going to have to stretch our 24 hour ones to the limit .... absolutely NO time to get BORED. Actually when Hazel and I were young and at home we were never allowed to use the word "bored" We were told "go get something to do with your hands and you wont have time to use that word" I think that is why we keep ourselves busy now.
    I was glad I popped on the Blog last evening. Hazel nearly cancelled going on a trip to see Margaret .... it was not till next year I might add. I begged and pleaded with her not to and get looking for a Hotel to stay a few nights ... Oh! My! Word! others want to join us. Ooooo!! poor Margaret is going have to do a lot of baking!! for all the visitors she might get when we have that meet up!!!
    Taking about "meet up".... I hope the weather forecasted does not put paid to our "meet up" with Jess and Norah tomorrow.
    Right, better get one of Diane's wiggle on or I won't get a chance to sit down this evening.
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket for those who need them. xxx

    1. Hello, I'm a bit earlier today and just about to leave for Church. No family lunch today - even they are all busy doing different things even involving rehearsals for plays, choirs etc. I am having visitors to supper though! I wasn't allowed to say that word either! Ha ha !! Xxx

    2. Hello Patricia, we were allowed to say the word but heaven help us if we did, it always resulted in getting jobs given so we learned early on not to use it!!

    3. Oh! SABA:- we thought Dad was hard on us. Actually Hazel might know better than me if we were made to do jobs as well.
      I know I am older, I was involved in an accident years ago and have lost little portions of memory containing early years. Seriously it's true ..... good excuse as well though !!! xxx

    4. Hi Patricia glad you talked Hazel out of cancelling the Lakes trip.
      We were always kept busy when we were at home too. Xx

    5. Oh yes we were given little jobs to do, if I remember rightly we had to make folded newspaper things for the fire! Of course we always had to wash, dry and put away the dishes. I think mine learnt at an early age not to say " bored". I am never really bored, I can be lazy at times! xxx

    6. Patricia, before I could go out to play I had to clean and set the fire ready for evening - even in the summer - do the dishes and tidy up. Everyone else was at work by the time I was 11. I used to hate it, but I was so pleased when I got married because everything was so much easier for me then. xxx

    7. Same with me and bored, not a word we used at home! Also if you were still hungry at the end of a meal you had bread and butter, not sweets, amazing how you weren't really hungry then although I am partial to bread and butter! Xxxx

    8. Hazel , I don't know what you call the paper firefighter things! My husband introduced me to those! The Times makes great ones! I am getting some ready for Kenneth for Christmas - seriously - it is just a stocking filler but I'm going to put them in a box I got boots in . He'll have a lovely surprise. Their new, old house has an open fire!! Apparently in Aberdeen the paper firelighters were called " mannies " . Can't comment one way or another !! Xxx

    9. They could have been called that I can just remember making them and our dad use to soak some in water for some reason and they went on last thing at night with a lot of the coal dust, it must have burnt slower he tried to tell me about it when we had a coal fire years ago, he got it to work I never! Love the idea for Kenneth's stocking filler. He will have you making them while you are there. The Times dies work well, the old style courier was great too, but since it has gone small it's not so good. Xxx

    10. Bored wasn't used in our house either. We were always out and about playing. My lot were the same too.
      I think the paper twists for the fire are called faggots in some parts of the country, could be wrong though.
      Myra, making some as a stocking filler is a lovely, and very useful, gift. Kenneth will love them. Those thoughtful little things that don't cost a penny are more appreciated than lots of expensive items aren't they, and I'm sure it will cause some laughter too when he opens it. You can hear it now. "What did your Mum give you for Christmas? "A box full of old newspapers!" : ) Take care x

  6. Morning Ladies

    Karen- you're card for Sandra is just gorgeous, I love everything about it.

    Slightly later than planned but part way through breakfast Hubby decided we needed to move the microwave to the other side of the kitchen! We've been in this house 8 years and he suddenly decides right now.....?!! I'm not convinced the new place will work but Heh Ho.

    It's dreadful weather again here-rain & gale force winds do once I've done the bare minimum of housework I'll be in my craft room.


    1. Michele I can't believe you allow your OH to move things in the kitchen.
      Peter and I have a long running battle with a glass chopping board. I like it in the middle of my work space, he moves it to the left. It gets moved on average twice a day and has done for years! If he touched the microwave I'd probably kill him.

    2. Hi Michele,
      Why do they do that even after 53 years I still have the same problem.
      Enjoy your day crafting.
      Love Margaret xx

    3. Oh dear Saba, how dare he rearrange the kitchen - naughty!!! That's our place to do that. We are awaiting a new. Microwave being delivered. ( I got my good deal on my I pad from there) sent me a £30 off voucher if I spent £60 or more. Now it would have been daft to go and buy from the likes of Argos and pay, we got one in the Black Friday sale that was cheaper than we had seen anywhere else and got our £30 off, we spent £34.95. xxx

    4. Michele,
      How very dare he? Enjoy your craft day. I am hoping for a lazy day, but "hope" is the operative word!! xxxx

    5. If things are moved in the kitchen you end up going back to the original place as we are creatures of habit! Xxx

  7. Good morning Sandra and all popping in today, hope you all have a nice Sunday and not get blown away if going out.
    A very pretty card from Karen, Sandra. The colours are so gentle and lovely and the flowers are very pretty, also love the font.
    Sue- hope you have a good day shopping and she find the right dress. Sorry to hear you had a migraine, take care and look after yourself.
    Lilian- have a safe journey back home. Maybe we all have to have a holiday down to Cornwall or maybe you could come to Oxford, then I'm sure we could be some around for a meet up ? It's lovely to be here in the cafe' and have a chat and banter but also fantastic to meet up in real life.
    Hazel ,Patricia, Norah and Jess have a fabulous time together tomorrow. More photos please ! Just be careful so you not coming back home and have bought a house or something with Hazel in tow Lol !
    Something that is so nice to see Sandra is when the children have been crafting with their grandparents or when your girls have made some craft. Even the two baby Harry's, Christopher and Lily-May could be included in a new theme, let them start early with messy paint and glitter. I have loved seeing the work from the kids in earlier postings. Cheryl- ScanNCut is on C+C at the moment !
    Sheila - hope you have a wonderful time away and Karen - manage doing a lot of Salsa. Lynda - know you busy but try to pop in and say how you doing. Janice - still waiting to hear how your holiday was. Much snow yet up North ?
    I'm home alone until 6pm so will make a real mess in the kitchen and hopefully made some clear out after finished the card for sending next, find it is the boring bit to write the insert and addresses. Will just have another tea first and see who else been in, love and plenty of hugs to all, Maria xxx

    1. Hi Maria,
      What a good idea for a meet up when you think there are quite a few of us within easy reach of Oxford are you listening Sandra?
      Enjoy your day crafting I enjoyed my day with Great Grandchildren.
      Sat with Sue last night & went through her stamps look what you have got me into to!!
      Love Margaret xx

    2. MARIA:- hope you have a good old Crafty Day to yourself. Create LOTS of mess .... it's easier to see for cleaning up!!!
      OXFORD:- sounds wonderful, looked good on Ispector Morse.
      Pity it's just a bit too far for us North of the Border. xxxx

    3. Maria, oh enjoy making the mess knowin OH isn't going to come in a move a thing.,,I agree Oxford would be lovely but the train journey puts me off after my two trips last month. xxx

    4. Hello Maria,
      Have a great day home alone. Oh the bliss of not having somebody under your feet, or looking over your shoulder. I'd love to meet up in Oxford or Cornwall, but it's just a tad too far to meet for coffee ha ha.

    5. Hi Maria.Roll on Feb when we will hopefully meet at Farnborough but I love your suggestion about meeting in Oxford. Mum and I were thinking about how it would be quite central for the ladies that live down this end of the country, and it has good rail and road links. Let's try and find a good date for everyone. That is the hard bit as we all have busy lives one way or another don't we : )
      I hope your service man does a good job today and doesn't find any faults but if he does then at least you will be safe which is the important thing.
      I have suffered from migraines for most of my life so am used to them, thanks for your kind words though.
      No dress found, Gem treated me to a lovely lunch instead : ) Take care xx

  8. John has just been out putting the 4x4 at the gate end of the drive ...... why ..... we have heavy snow!! xxx

    1. Oh Patricia don't like the sound of that. Looks beautiful but if you have to venture out it can be so dangerous, take care xxx

    2. Luckily we don't HAVE to go out. However you never know when we might be needed. xxx

    3. We have a go one and half inches on the cars, and it's still snowing in and off. I am not going out that's for sure, I have make up the 6 pillow boxes to get another call to ask if I can make 6 after eight holders in the same card, so I will sit and make them and they can get posted out tomorrow. Thank goodness I didn't say about the maltesser box thing. Not hard to make but you need the box of them to finish them off. xxx

    4. That's a good one and half

    5. That's the beauty of living inner City Patricia. The front of the car is in front of the garage doors, and the back of the car is at the garden gate, In other words, the size of our drive, is the length of the car!!!! By the way, you can keep the snow up there, we have enough here with gales and pouring rain, which is going horizontally because of the gales. I don't like the look of the clouds though, they look laden to me.

    6. Oh my goodness stay safe you two. I haven't heard from Emma today so the snow must have missed them. They were all going to the reindeer parade today and the Christmas market xxxx

    7. Oh Girls stay indoors in the warm! Hope it doesn't ruin your plans to meet up with Jess and Norah! Don't want any accidents either in cars or on foot! Xxxx

    8. Fingers crossed you can all still meet up today ladies. Wishing you all a safe journey and soft chairs to sit on! Take care x

  9. Good morning Sandra and all the ladies,
    I've commented on the way down so I don't have to tax my brain.
    Karen your card is lovely. I have that embossing folder too and I think it might have to come out it makes a lovely background.
    Well for anyone who missed my confession yesterday, yes I did indulge and buy the Platinum, still haven't t confessed to Peter. It's wet and miserable here, nothing much planned, just Peters shirts to iron - yes I know it's a rare event in this house - and then this afternoon start getting the roast prepared, Pork shoulder with potato dumplings done the Bavarian way. It's scrummy, turns out like pulled pork with lovely crackling.
    Hope you all have a lovely day
    Saba xxxx

    1. Ooh Saba I love pulled pork (actually I like most food!!) We are having chicken today - not one of George's favourites, but one of mine!!!! I have to say that I'd love to be a fly on the wall when Peter sees TWO new cutting machines ha ha.

    2. Ooooh you little shocker Saba, they will have to be hidden in the cupboard with all the handbags! What time would you like us round? The pork sounds yummy xxxxx

    3. Hi Saba. Your roast dinner sounded yummy. Potato dumpling Bavarian style? Please share with us. Are you going to confess to Peter or just try and pass them off as old things that you forgot to take home last time? I bet he is like Chris and is happy for you to have what you want but has to have a moan just to keep face : ) Take care x

  10. Good morning everyone, have just commented on the way so I don't forget anything. Karen I love your card and love the colours too. I use these flowers quite often.
    Well my Platinum machine hasn't arrived yet, do you think I'm expecting too much haha x
    I'm not venturing out today, the wind is awful, john is picking Taylor our granddaughter up to do some homework here, their printer isn't working.
    We are going out for tea with friends, looking forward to that, Nic was in a fantastic mood yesterday, lots of laughter which is so infectious we really enjoyed our day.
    Please take care in this nasty weather everyone, we don't want anyone laid up over Christmas xxxx
    See you later xxx

    1. Hello Jean, my Platinum hasn't arrived either but then again, I haven't ordered one ha ha. Glad Nic had a good day yesterday. Have a lovely tea with friends later today.

    2. Hi Jean. It sounds like you had a lovely day with Nic on Saturday.
      Anyone would think you are looking forward to getting your Platinum : )
      Take care x

  11. Hi Sandra & all in cafe.
    Sandra pleased to hear you got some bargains I haven't even started yet good job I haven't many to buy for. Enjoy your dayxx
    Karen your card is lovely simple design but very effective.xx
    It is very windy here & I have to get moving to drive home after a lovely weekend will look in later if have time.
    Hugs to all who need them.
    Love Margaret xx

    1. Hello Margaret P, safe journey home in this terrible wind. xxx

    2. I am back home safe & sound thank you. Just iced a friends 90th birthday cake & made 2 lemon drizzle cakes.
      Take care love Margaret xx

  12. Saba, will you stop telling me what you are having to eat? You know it brings back memoirs. Especially today as its snowing and it was the kind of food that we had when it was like this.
    Just got an order for 6 of my pillow boxes so have cut them and the sentiment that was asked for so off to put them together. xxx

    1. We are having Sauerkraut too!!!

    2. That's ok I don't like it! xxx

    3. Stollen for afters and then maybe a little chocolate cherry liqueur to finish!!

    4. You are really rubbing it in today, is Charlie would love the chocolate cherry liqueur! xxx

    5. Saba, I'm all right. Dont like Sauerkraut, or stollen, or chocolate cherry liquer. I'll just have the pork. xxx

    6. I've just bought a stollen in lidl - I took Julian around it, he was pleasantly surprised! Not sure about sauerkraut but yes please to the cherry brandy xxxx

    7. Maureen will have the pork - George will see to the gravy!! Xxx

    8. Lidl do lovely cherry brandy chocolates, well Charlie loves them. Xxx

  13. Hi Sandra
    I've had to fly down to the bottom as his lordship has finally got up and we need to pop to the Range for a few crafty Christmas gifts for my brother in law. I will be back later to comment further. I think as the others say we are not bored just busy! One of those 48 hour days would be soooooo useful! Karen I love your card isn't it pretty, I never think to print a sentiment, that's so useful for personalisation. Right must dash, see you soon xxxxx

    1. Hello Dainty, enjoy the Range - don't spend too much xxx

    2. Hi Diane. I hope Julian found you lots of goodies in the Range as well as brother in laws bits? I know he does that at shows doesn't he, you lucky thing : ) Take care x

  14. Just gone to go in the garage and there is a big trampoline in the back garden from across the back, no fence broken the wind must have lifted it. John is out at the moment so it will have to stay it's too big for me to handle, do t think the owners are aware it's gone,
    This wind is really bad best place is indoors.
    Jean xxx

    1. Now Jean you ordered that new machine yesterday, are you sure you didn't order a trampoline to arrive express delivery??. Ha,ha. xxx

    2. Jean go and have a free bounce whilst it's there, you might need a Tenna Lady on first. Ooh just imagine if a child had been on it when it blew away!

    3. Don't you encourage Jean to bounce on a trampoline! I know you had fun but you paid for that fun with a sore back!! Xxxx

    4. I was going to say have a bounce on the trampoline and see if you can attract the neighbours attention so they can carry it back! Take care though! Xxxx

    5. Well I would need a tenna lady if I had a go on the trampoline haha, the young man lifted the fence panel and slid it back through, john had made sure it was laid flat as there was no one in earlier, all done now xxx

  15. Oh ladies I do hope you are all tucked up in doors safe and warm, it is blowing an absolute gale here right now, the windows are actually rattling and whistling, goodness me. Sheila I would not want to be crossing the Channel today, I do hope your crossing was as calm as possible, Patricia your snow sounds wonderful, I do like to see a beautiful blanket of snow, covering all the imperfections, when all you can see is a perfect white fluffy blanket for miles!
    Not so nice when it mixes to with the salt on the road making travel a nightmare, so I guess it's only lovely if you don't have to go anywhere, I would love a 'White Christmas' though!
    We have to venture out to the supermarket in a second, I am not looking forward to that, I will have a job keeping upright in those winds!
    Catch up later,
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxx

    1. Hi Sandra, I hope you managed to stay on your feet! Gem and I were blown down the street when we stepped out of Cosmos. Take care my lovely xx

  16. Hellllooooooooooooooo,
    Well, just when you think you've seen the back of me, up I pop like a bad penny!!
    Karen, what a gorgeous card, and Sandra you must have been delighted to receive it. It's so pretty.
    I have been commenting on the way down, so don't think I've ignored you all, and while I remember I hope the Scottish contingent have a wonderful meet up tomorrow, love to you all.
    Sandra, we are not bored, it's just that all of us have so many things that are taking our time at the moment. If you think you are getting rid of us that easy, you are sadly mistaken lol.
    I am going to photograph some of my ancient home made Christmas decorations and send them to you. Of course, this all depends on whether Windows 10 co-operates. It's been doing some very funny things this morning!!!
    Norah, enjoy tomorrow with the scallywags!!! I can hear the laughter and talking all ready.
    Sheila, I hope you are having a wonderful time.
    Brenda LL, take time for a coffee - and b r e a t h e
    Brenda OB, more stories please about your travels.

    Oh, how rude am I, I have looked at the days I have been AWOL and all your crafts are wonderful. Of course, I can't remember the names of people - that would take a brain, and mine has gone missing!!! They were all really lovely.

    Right, must get on and will try to pop in later.
    Muriel xxxxx

    1. Oh, how could I forget to mention the Little Christmas Elf? Norah, he's adorable and so cute, you must be as proud as Punch. xxxxx

  17. Hello me again - I'm back!
    Gosh it was busy there, we bought a couple of colouring books and some sweets but didn't get the pencils after all. Would you believe it, they've got a stack of lids for the colouring pencils which you take to customer services to get the tins! They've been going walk about then haven't they. We've decided to go to hobbycraft for them instead, more choice. We had a quick look round lidl before coming back home for the motor racing. Julian didn't get home until late again last night so he's tired today and he's probably going to go into work early tomorrow and carry on working through the night to be ready to go live Tuesdayi probably won't see him until Wednesday at this rate! I must go and check it's not raining , I've got towels on the line so hopefully they will dry nicely in this wind as long as the rain doesn't sneak up on me! Stay safe and warm everyone xxxxx

    1. Hi Diane. How do people live with themselves after stealing? Nothing is safe these days is it. Neither the Range or Hobbycraft in Swindon carry many colouring pens or pencils as Mum and I found out a couple of weeks ago, it was so annoying, especially as they have loads of colouring books for adults! I hope Julian manages to get some sleep tonight and toorrow goes well for him. Take care x

  18. We have won the Davis Cup!!! Yes!! Xxxxx

  19. I have taken all day today to get here! For that I do apologise!
    Today's card from Karen is beautiful! It's so lovely to see how differently we do things and as a result how many new ideas we get! I love how you have used the gift tags Karen. Lovely embossing folder too. I need to use a computer more!
    Enjoy the rest of your day ladies. Stay safe if you are travelling and stay warm in this nasty cold weather! Xxxx

  20. Ladies, I am about to go online and check George's Lottery ticket. My next post might be from the Seychelles. On the other hand it might not ha ha.
    Dainty, did your washing dry, was it still on the line? Questions, questions.

    1. Well, he nearly won. He only needed 5 more correct numbers!!! xxx

    2. What a shame, he was so close : ) x

  21. Hi Ladies , sorry I'm so late today but the hours up here are flying past and I just can't catch them!
    I managed to get the bulk of my Christmas cards written yesterday ( at least now I can see where I'm going and how many more I need to do) but I also got sad news of a school friend who lives in Florida with her family , her daughter 48yrs, just a year older than ours , fought cancer for 3 yrs and died last week , unbearable to think how she must feel, so I spent a restless night going over in my head what I could write to her ( I'm not very good at that sort of thing) anyway I made her a card using S W 's Angel from last year with the heart , and I hope it might be comforting to her , it seemed appropriate somehow .
    We had arranged with friends to go for lunch at the golf club and stayed to watch Andy Murray win! Brilliant!
    Sorry Sandra and Karen , I meant to mention your beautiful card , I love the simplicity of the design and the tags make it so personal, lovely colour combination too.
    I'm a bit knocked sideways about my friend at the moment , I'm sure you will understand .
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Anne, not what any of us want to have to deal with? Yes very sad,it makes you realise how lucky you are that your own are ok. Please try and get some sleep. sending (((((( hugs)))))) xxx

    2. Love and hugs to you Anne, hope you manage to have a good night's sleep xxx

    3. So sorry Anne about your friend losing her daughter , it's heartbreaking.
      Hope you can get some sleep tonight ,hugs xxx

    4. Hello Anne, I'm very late . I was very sorry to read about your friend's daughter. It's really sad. I'm sure you will have made a lovely card - it certainly sounds just right. Sleep well! Love Myra xxx

    5. Hi Anne. I am sorry to hear of your sadness but the card sounds perfect, your friend will take great comfort from you no matter what you write. I hope you managed to get some sleep. Take care x

  22. Snow nearly gone, I think we will be ok for tomorrow. Gillian and Andrew just left. I had to do two gift baskets up for Gillian, two raffle prizes, I think they are for nursing homes she goes to. Must go tidy the kitchen now that I have had my cup of tea. xxx

  23. Oh Anne, that is so very sad. I don't think any of us are good at writing such a difficult message. I am sure you card with the Angel will mean a great deal to her. I can't imagine what your friend is going through. Hope you can have a better nights sleep tonight.
    Loving hugs and thoughts for you.
    Saba xxx

  24. Hi Sandra
    Love your card Karen. It looks gorgeous. Mind you I don't think I've seen this one either in the flesh. Must get Sandra to show me them again. I'll be surprised Diane if your towels were still on the line. Our quilt yesterday was half over next door. Good job Pete gad asked him to put up betting after his chickens kept flying over into our garden, or else it would have been in a right mess. Well as usual I haven't read all the comments. I went Christmas shopping this morning and over to Petes sons for our grandsons birthday dinner. I hope all the ladies up North stay safe in this cold and windy weather. I know your weather is a lot worse than ours. I'm so sorry to hear about your friends daughter Anne, but how lovely to send her a card with an Angel on.

  25. Hello ladies, just to let you know I have not emigrated!! The past few days have been so busy,not conned into doing two days at the craft fair, Saturday and Sunday, OH covered today for me as I was at my Scrapbooking, the last for this year. I am totally shattered, need to get a good sleep tonight for my meet up with Hazel, Patricia and Norah tomorrow, lots of catching up to do.
    Karen your card is lovely, very feminine, no wonder Sandra loved it.
    Anne sorry to learn about your friends daughter, these things make you realize how precious life is.
    Will have to catch up on all the gossip later, it is going to take me a week to do that I think, can't let anything pass that is funny or interesting, so take care till I catch up, take care, xxx

    1. Hi Jess. I hope the craft fair was worth all of your hard work. I bet you enjoyed your scrapbooking day though. Have a great time with the others. I hope yu have a safe trouble free journey too. Take care x

  26. Well, I'm going to sign off as I can hardly keep my eyes open. Then I'll go to bed, watch the news and lie awake for hours!!! Jess, have a great day tomorrow, I wish I was going.
    Pat, glad you had a good day at your grandson's birthday party. Hope Pete is keeping o.k.
    Ladies, I'll say goodnight, sweet dreams and God Bless. See you tomorrow.
    Muriel xxxx

  27. Hi all, oops Muriel has gone to bed already so hope she have a good night. Do you think she is upset her hubby didn't have all the numbers ?
    Sorry but haven't found the 48 hour day either, neither have my mum or my sister.
    My neighbour who popped in for a coffee liked to have one too. so no luck I'm afraid. Had a good day but with interruptions I didn't manage to finish the tidying up so the kitchen door stay's shut until tomorrow now.
    Saba- your dinner tonight sounded lovely ! I like sauerkraut, pulled pork and Lidl have some mini stollens that are too nice .Also like their cherry chocolate liquors,very nice. Are Jean still on the trampoline or has it blown back over ? yikes if it had hit something ! Hope you managed to go shopping Sandra, not easy to stand in this strong wind at all and I only popped out to the bins but if not the rain came to you Diane hopefully your towels were dry. Pat- chicken soup ?
    Jess- have a lovely day with the girls tomorrow. oh very funny, of course you can't get to Oxford from the North just for a coffee, we might have to have lunch and dinner x 3 and you can maybe dust off those sticks for a gentle flight down. Always a thought hihi Littlelamb- hope you are doing all right and have a minute to visit. Lynda too, missing you.
    Good night everyone and pleasant dreams xxx

  28. Hi All, well what a journey, nearly got blown of the road, managed to see my friend in Oxford, quite upsetting as she looks and is so frail now, she has carers in twice daily for half an hour, but they don't do much.
    Haven't read all the comments will get to them tomorrow.
    I'll wish you good night and see you in the morning. Lilian

    1. Glad you are home safe, go get a hot drink. Sorry your freinds is so frail, and she hasn't got good carers. That's the thing these days, not many go out of there way to give just that little bit extra. Tammy my daughter does ironing for a lady who has carers, they don't do much either, Tammy goes out of her way to help where she can when she picks up and delivers her ironing. see you tomorrow,xxx

    2. Hi Lillian. It's good to know you got home safe and sound. Sorry that your friend is not so good now. Carers vary so much don't they. So many don't seem to care at all yet others always go that extra mile to make sure their clients are happy, at least they can sleep at night knowing they have done all they can. Take care x

  29. Hi SANDRA & ladies
    We have just got home been over Darren's yesterday & again today. Terry has been helping him with the bathroom trying to get it finished for Christmas,it got held up & put on hold with Sam breaking her ankle & being out of action for so long. The plus side I had two days of cuddles with Harry. I know I Haven't been in lately as have been so busy with Christmas shopping we don't buy for the adults any more just the 5 Grand Children. & Joseph's Birthday present for the 18th December. I'm still trying to get Christmas cards done busy doing insides & addressing the envelopes I hate that part,next year I am determined to finish each card as I make them. I think I still have more too make I'm so behind this year. Also got Joseph's birthday card to make next month.
    We are looking after a little Chawuauwa this week her name is Tickle's she is so sweet we often look after her Annie & Bambi get on well with her.
    ANNE I'm so sorry about your friends Daughter how very sad I think your Angel card is lovely. I haven't read all the comments but I hope HAZELS PATRICIA JESS & NORAH have a wonderful day meeting up tomorrow.
    Karen your card for SANDRA is lovely love it all.
    I have loved all the cards & mixed crafts over the last week.
    Well OH has just given me a cup of builders tea so I'm off to drink it then I will try & catch up on comments.Maria I hope your feeling better.
    Love & Hug's Lynda xxx

    1. Hi ,there you are. Better days and worse days, have to play it by ear but this wet weather is no good for anything and the wind ooh, it's crazy. Thought you be busy too. cuddles with Harry and a little Tickle can't be bad aaaaah We have been looking for the longer days but no one seem to find it anywhere so it's not much we can do then try to be ready for the long weekends coming up. Ready or not, here I come tihi Having aqua in the morning and some shopping but must be back for the guy who checking our boiler etc. wonder if it's the same one Saba has......mmmm
      Good night all xxx

    2. Hi Lynda. It's good to see you back, life is so hectic for us all at the moment, the week just flies by doesn't it?
      Sorry you are so busy but having those Harry cuddles must have helped so much. We call the grand children time wasters as you can't help but stop and play and cuddle them can you. I bet you are the same : ) Tickles owner must be so glad that they can go away knowing that she is being so well cared for and that she has other dogs to play with. Take care x
