
Saturday 28 November 2015

Mixed Craft Saturday

Janet's  Pretty Decorated Box

Jess's Soap Tortes 

Myra's fabulous Crafts

Good Saturday Morning,
I hope you all have a lovely weekend planned and that you have some pennies left after shopping for all of the 'Black Friday' bargains yesterday!  I think that most places are having 'Black weekends' though!  I find it odd they we even 'follow' the tradition here as it is traditionally the first Friday after Thanksgiving and that is the time that most Americans start shopping for Christmas and therefore the first day that some companies go into the 'Black'! 

On to today's Mixed crafts......
First up is Janet's beautifully decorated box, I love the gorgeous paper that you have used and the 
paper doily with the pearl string and stunning glazed flower really do compliment the paper perfectly, you have finished the box so perfectly with that gorgeous ribbon and bow trim.
Thank you so much Janet for sending me your crafts to share with everyone in the cafe, you are very much in our thoughts and prayers at the moment my lovely, I know this is a very sad time of year for you, sending loving hugs xxxx

Next up we have the beautiful Flower Soap Tortes, that have been expertly made by our very own Jess, I love how you have made them in Pink, red, white, burgundy and purple, there is a colour there for just about everyone.  I bet they look beautiful tied in a bit of cellophane with a matching colour bow, you are very skilled Jess, please could you let us know how you make them?
Thank you for sending the photo of them in for me to share with everyone xxxx

Last but not least we have a fabulous selection of hand made goodies from Myra, the planter made from pegs that Myra pegged onto a tuna tin (I think) and then painted that lovely matt blue is just incredible to see in 'real life', something simple but hugely effective, then there is the Sticky Note Holder that has been made using dies and decorated with a beautiful butterfly, again so clever and so useful.  I didn't ask about the little bobbin with a safety pin in it, but to me it looks like one of those fabulous photo holders for your desk! There were so many examples on show at the retreat that Myra had made, all totally genius in design, thank you Myra for your inspiration. xxxx

I am off to hide out in my craft room for a while, it needs a good tidy (again) and I also have a load of stuff to move back in from the dining room where Pat and Sue and I crafted this week, Pat and I were very productive yesterday, Pat did lots of stamping and colouring in and I got a card made,
that's almost unheard of when we get together!
Love and hugs


  1. Morning everyone, hope you are all "TicketyBoo" and looking forward to the weekend. I have not been around a lot, far to much going on round here at the moment.
    JANET:- love your pretty box, well you all know me I just LOVE boxes.
    JESS:- I knew these would be just perfect when you told me about them. A few of those in a little bag .... brilliant, love it.
    MYRA:- all your little things were fantastic when we saw them at the Retreat. The "pegs" on the tin were amazing, it looked like a double row of pegs and was only a single. Looking forward to what will you have to show us at the next one.
    ME:- off to be busy, I have fallen way behind with the things I promised Hazel for her Craft Table at Beth's school Fundraiser on Friday. I am meeting up with Hazel on Monday, we then head on to meet up with Jess and Norah. So looking forward to that, Jess as most of you know is lots of fun. Norah is an absolute "breath of fresh air" she has severe mobility problems but she totally dismisses them, has such a wonderland smile and wicked sense of humour. She is a joy to with.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door, please help yourself. xxx

    1. Hello Patricia ! It's a busy busy time! It's like this every year - why does it take me by surprise! Thank you for your kind words about the children's crafts! As you know they are very simple and not expensive to make. Xxxx

    2. PS - give my love to Norah! Xxxx

  2. My word Sandra. I'm second in that's unheard off as well. Had a great time with Sandra yesterday, and actually managed to get some snowmen coloured in.
    Janet your box is gorgeous, I love the doily with the flowers on top of it as well.
    Jess I love your soap tortes, I've never seen these before, or at least never known what they were called. Simple minded that's me.
    Oh course Myra we saw your goodies at the retreat. As you know I took some ideas into school for them to make. Patricia say hullo to Hazel, Jess and Norah when you meet up with them.

    1. Will do Pat, you would love Norah she's a "hoot"
      Glad you managed to meet up with Sandra and had some "play" time.
      Hope Pete is well and you have a good weekend. xxx

    2. Hello Pat, thank you very much I hope you have fun making some of the things! Xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Janet-the box looks absolutely beautiful.

    Jess- the soaps look stunning, like little sweets.

    Myra- wow, wonderful collection of crafty makes.

    Goodness-I'm really late today. Hubby left me in bed so I've had a long lie in..for me. I need to pop to the shops as my F in L us calling late morning with hubby's birthday card (for Monday) and staying for lunch. Then we're off out for dinner tonight with friends so I must finish hubby's card this afternoon-nothing like being last minute!!


    1. Thank you Michele, so pleased you had a bit of a long lie in! Have a lovely dinner tonight! Xxx

  4. Good morning Ladies,
    Gosh what a lovely lot of goodies, Janet your box is beautifully decorated, I wonder what's inside?
    Jess , I thought at first glance they were fancy chocolates , they are so pretty and I can just imagine them wrapped in cellophane with a big bow, making a gorgeous present!
    Myra , well you are so creative with all your wonderful makes, where do you get all your ideas from, I love the little peg bowl , that is so clever!
    Saba , well done in getting the cd , and at a Great Price ! I do love a bargain, I hope you get as much fun and pleasure out of it as I have had, the Christmas markets all sound wonderful , I was at one years ago in Munich and loved all the hand made goods.
    Cheryl , I posted the stamped snowmen yesterday but as our post only goes at 9am it won't go till this morning and I'm sorry I didn't pop a note in as I was in such a rush I forgot! I hope the children enjoy colouring them as much as me!
    I think I must get around to writing some cards today , I love making them but really hate having to write them it's sooo boring, I have been making a special Golden Wedding card for close friends ( middle January) and have enjoyed doing that.
    Still no sign of the plumber , which means we can't start on the decorations yet.
    Time for tea and toast, wonder who's in the cafe , seems a bit quiet lately?
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Anne I tried to leave a comment on your beautiful card yesterday but by the time I got there the internet was so exhausted it wouldn't let me post. It was very frustrating as I'd left a long comment. I didn't want you to think I was ignoring you. I must cut my snowflake boarder and stop just looking at it! Thank you for sharing xxxxx

    2. Good morning Anne,
      I can't wait to see your Golden Wedding card that you have made for your friends, please remember to send me a photograph of it. I was so pleased that the we managed to work out a way to get the photos from your pinterest boards onto the blog, I will be able to go back now and try and upload the other photos you tried to share a few weeks back, I think they were 'Minion' cards.
      I am not sure what has happened/what I have done that has caused our cafe visits to drop down so much this past few days we have had only a 1/4 of the visits that we had before the retreat, it's been really worrying me to be honest, but I guess everyone is busy with other things.
      Thank you so much for popping in this morning, I really do appreciate it.
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    3. Hello Anne, Thank you very much! They are all really simple but the tuna/ salmon tin with the pegs is effective. It looks effective with washi tape and glossy accents on the pegs too! Xxx

  5. Good morning, oh it's nearer afternoon.
    Janet, love your box, great gift, useful and very pretty. Sending you hugs as I know you are sad! (((((( hugs))))))
    Jess, these are great, 4 in a little box will make a lovely little gift.
    Myra, you already know I love these little makes, they are fabulous.
    I have been playing with card again, saw I you tube thing on making a box using envelope board that you fit a £1 or small box of maltessers in and then add ribbon, tag and some little flowers. So of course I had to try it, it again so easy and I will do 4-6 up for the table at the school, good granny, mum or teacher gift.
    I am trying to make things that the children can afford. What's not bought can be used up.
    Now I have ironing to see too. So will pop back later.

    1. That box sounds interesting Hazel I have been shopping with my daughter and bought some After Eights xxx

    2. P.S. Forgot to say I got the After Eights in the Pound shop, Myra please note! xxx

    3. Thank you Hazel,
      Have taken ages to get this far today! Waiting to hear how my frien's grandson's Christmas Fair went as she had a table there. A few clothes pegs and lolly stick trees went from here! Xxx

    4. Margaret it's so easy and the box fits in just so. They are by a lady whose web site is I found it on you tube under her name. I now need to get the maltessers enjoy doing the holders xxx

    5. The Pound Shop Hazel!!! Ha ha!
      It comes highly recommended, you know! Xxx

    6. Myra, I am going to pop up to Glenrothes tomorrow, so hopefully I will get some. xxx

  6. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    First of all I'm really sorry I didn't leave a comment yesterday. I was up and off to good old M&S early as I wanted to get a meal deal and a couple of treats for the weekend. I thought it would be busy but it was surprisingly quiet. Now I must explain ladies, I don't have shares in M&S, it's just we gave a very large one very near here next to Sainsburys so it's very east to just pop to! A friend left scholol yesterday to start a new job and she was going to pop in for a catch up so I had to be back early to do a bit of gleaning. Well she arrived, had a cup of tea but didn't want lunch, she finally left at 3 so I was starving! I then got distracted crafting until Julian phoned at 5 to say he was going to another site and would be late. I carried on crafting until it was time to cook dinner then settled down for a quiet evening and a catch up with Emma. By the time I got to post the internet was exhausted and wouldn't let me leave a comment! So I hope everyone is ok. Norah what a cutie a Harry looks with that cheeky smile and that fab outfit. You are one very proud grandma. Please give him a hug from me xxxxx
    Today's crafts are gorgeous, Janet what a beautiful box, I love the glazed flower on it, you are clever. Xxxx
    Jess I love your soaps, I've always fancied having a go at making soap, yours look wonderful. They will make great presents xxxx
    Myra as always your collection of goodies are wonderful, it's amazing what you can do with a few clothes pegs. Xxxxx
    Thank you all for sharing ladies.
    Well today hadn't gone as planned. Julian got in very late last night and went into work again very early this morning. He's not sure what time he will finish tonight or whether he will be working tomorrow too so tats shopping out the window. We were heading to the local Christmas market today set in the cathedral grounds. It's really beautiful and is a great start to Christmas. It will have to wait until next weekend now. I'm going to do a bit of internet shopping instead and crack on with some cards with one eye on the weather. I'm not sure whether to freeze Julian's dinner from last night or eat it myself tonight if he's late again and isn't up to eating much. He's going to be exhausted and probably won't get a day off instead for ages. Hopefully once this project goes live on Tuesday he might not have so much hassle from the client!
    Right I must go, see you all later. Oh yes Sandra, dud you get my email with the Viennese whirl recipe? It hasn't bounced back so I assume you got it ok.
    See you later xxxxxx

    1. I do hope you did not buy the duck meal deal otherwise Myra and I will be upset Diane xxx

    2. I wondered why Myra was quite!!
      Oh! I see she has recovered and commenting. xxx

    3. I'll have a " very unhappy tear" sniff sniff!!
      Recovered - I'd have to have been resurrected!! Xxx

    4. Thank you Diane,
      I like M&S too!! Hope Julian isn't too exhausted. Take care! Xxxx

  7. Ladies
    This is just a quickie,
    Craft superstore ( have got the Platinum for £132. BUT if you put in the promotion code CSBF15 you get 25% knocked off making it £99. With free delivery.
    Of course you can use the promotion code for other things.
    Happy Shopping!,,
    Be back later to comment on today's beautiful crafts.
    Saba xxxx

    1. I think this is a case of pan calling kettle here! Who said to me, get thee behind me Satan?????
      All I will say is it really is a super machine I love mine xxx

    2. Mmmm... Well yes but it was you sent the temptation in the first place methinks. And at £99 it would be rude not to buy it. Wouldn't it??

    3. It most certainly would - it's a great price! I love mine too.
      I'm thinking of looking at that site and maybe getting the larger plates on the offer! ??? Xxxx

    4. MYRA:- I have been very naughty .... !!! Actually it was Margarets fault really!!
      Do you think we "need" the larger plates!! xxx

    5. Well - you can get by without them but it would be good to have them as could cut more dies at a time - particularly flowers! The centre of the plates can now be used for cutting! Makes using the A4 embossing folders easier too. Have you bought one?? Xxx
      Oh I am slow! Xxx

    6. MYRA:- Shhhh!! have not told Hazel yet!!

    7. Oh I knew you would give in and buy, but as I say you can't take your money with you when the time comes, also you two don't drink, smoke or waste your money, you both worked hard all your working days so why not just enjoy your new toy, but remember it will be a few days to get to you!!!PATIENCE required. xxx

    8. OK, time to own up, I bought it too. I just couldn't stop myself at that price. Patricia did you get yours at the same place with the discount code? I blame Margaret too, it was her set us all off looking for a bargain. I will need the patience of Job though Hazel as mine is being delivered to Joanne and I won't get to stroke it until Christmas. Goodness only knows what Peter will think when he sees two machines. I working on my excuse aka white lies.

    9. Confession is good for the soul! Ha ha ha!!
      Wait until Muriel finds out! Xxx

    10. SABA:- I was hoping mine would be here by "midnight" do you think there is a chance???
      I am so impatient as well ..... xxx

    11. You are more than impatient big sis. Think of poor Saba she has the knowledge of knowing its at Joanne all the time she is at home. She will have no nails by the time she comes back here she will have bitten them right down. xxx

    12. Sorry SABA:- forgot you will have a longer wait than me.
      I will keep you updated as to how good it is, don't worry!!! xxx

    13. Shall we all send Saba some Tunnocks wafers to chew on while she waits?
      Saba just tell Peter there are no banks in heaven or pockets in shroud so you cannot take it with you, that is what I told Patricia to say to John if she was in trouble, but luckily he was just like Derek and said if you want it just get it! You can always blame me!
      But I dread to hear what Maureen has to say when she finds out, do you think I will be banished? xxx

    14. Well I have to confess too - I bought it as well, such a good price - cant wait for it to come - John said the same - get it if you want it - Blimey the keypad was red hot -
      Hugs Jean xxx

    15. Oh another one buying it today, but you are right you will have worked hard for what you have so enjoy it. xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and everyone.
    Absolutely a Beautiful box Janet, love the papers and the flower is lush.
    Oh Jess, your soap looks yummy, thought they were little muffins. Lovely presents.
    Myra, the craft you had on show at the retreat is lovely and wish now I had have a better look. Really like the sticky note holder.
    I wish you all have a nice day whatever you are up too. You know Sandra there will be more coming through the door as soon these are made and all the cooking and baking have calmed down. We also have some away on holiday, they will be back soon too. Glad you and Pat had a good day yesterday and yay, you made a whole card ! big cheer tihi.
    Diane, hope your hubby will be all right and not burning both ends with his job. Try to have a nice weekend. Going to borrow one of your wiggles and shake myself into mood for some crafting. did all housework this morning, well downstairs anyway. Tonight we going to see Ice hockey in Mk, will pop in when I can
    Warm hugs to you all xxX

    1. Maria, I agree with you we are all busy with cards and like myself and I know Jess and a few are making things to sell to help those less fortunate than ourselves. I have been at it none stop and after Friday I have to get on with my cards and orders that I have got! I did think I would be quiet but oh no they are coming in. I honestly don't know how I coped when I was working. Oh and I have been over in Perth a lot too, it's a 50 mile round trip each time, then just being there. xxx

    2. MARIA:- totally agree, think it will heads down for most of us over the next few weeks. Between cards, parcel wrapping & delivering, baking, cooking, house decorating .....Oh! just writing that has made my head spin!!!
      Has anyone one found the 48 hour day yet??
      I am helping Hazel with things for her Table, the Unit plus a few other projects we do for a few less fortunate than ourselves. We don't do things just at Christmas but we do put a little more into it at this time of year.
      I will be at the school in a couple of weeks. Helping them make cards also costumes for their play.
      SANDRA:- I think by the time we get our bottoms on seats at night our brains will be exhausted. Things will go quiet but it will soon pick up again.
      I know there are lots think that because many of us don't go out to work we sit with our feet up watching the Telly all day. I wish!!! ..... don't have time for that, these days.
      (((((hugs)))) to top up the basket. Right best get a move on. xxx

    3. Ohhh - watching telly? I have to confess I have the Davis Cup on between Gt Britain and Belgium - watching the Murray brothers in the doubles! Great match ! I'm ironing at the same time as it won't do itself! Changed to the winter duvet yesterday so the summer one had to be washed as its not a feather one. I'm getting there! Xxx

  9. Hi Patricia
    Busy busy busy I'm afraid. Rushing to get Ellis's tablets that I went to pick up on Thursday. Spent 20 mins on Thurs while they tried to find them went in this morning and they still couldn't find them. He has to have a certain brand. After 20 mins the pharmacist found 70 tablets in a bottle for him. Why wasn't I given these on Thurs he wanted to know. Their TV is playing up, and the fridge is no longer working. So off now to buy both for them. Petes ok which is a good job really. I also could do with a 48 hr day. Birthday party tomorrow for our grandson, so hurray no cooking for me. A rest day at last. Hugs to you all when you meet up.

    1. Me too Pat! Retirement was supposed to make life easier? Wasn't it? Xxx

    2. Someone once said to me don't retire because you just work harder! Boy that is true! xxx

  10. Good afternoon everyone - my word it's been horrible here, the rain has been so heavy and it's been so windy.
    Nic is home - we have been out for a Short ride did some shopping and then back home, nice and cosy now,
    Sandra I think it's just everyone is busy at the moment it will all quiet down when the Christmas rush etc is over and things will go back to normal,
    All the crafts shown today are brilliant, Janet, Jess and Myra take a bow
    Well done.
    It's my daughter in laws birthday today they have gone to the Lakes for the weekend, also my granddaughters 12 th birthday so we will go down tonight when John gets in from work, so I won't promise to pop back.
    Please take care when out and about everyone, hugs to anyone who needs them,
    Jean xxx

    1. Thanks Jean, totally agree - it's a shocker of a day! Hope the sun shines next Saturday! Xxx

    2. Oh dear Jean what a day to come up here to the Lakes, gale force winds and raining like there is no tomorrow, but I hope they have a good day and a safe journey. xxx

    3. H Margaret to think I thought we could have a weekend at the lakes meeting you, maybe we will have to rethink that one? xxx

    4. Oh! No! Hazel I still want to go ...... we will wait till the weather is better ... Please, pretty please. A whole weekend away and meeting Margaret as well. I know others will want to join us.
      Get Tammy on the Hotel Hunt. We need think about saving up. xxx

    5. Me too!! Oop North is lovely you know! The people are sooooo friendly! Biased - moi! Non!! Xxx

    6. I agree entirely Myra and I'm not biased either! I think it would be fabulous to meet up in or around the Lake District and if that means Margaret can come it would make my day. The Lake District is beautiful, not quite as beautiful as Gods own county as I am sure Janet would agree, but beautiful never the less.
      Janet lass get saving were off ont charabanc.

    7. Carol (DIL) posted a photo on facebook of her holding onto a tree, she looked soaking wet haha xx sent me a message later to say they had a shower and were chilling in the warmth. They love the Lakes though.
      I hope the weather is better next week Myra - fingers crossed.
      Jean xx

    8. We could even arrange it for midweek to avoid weekend traffic problems! Xxx

    9. I'd love to join you if you arrange a weekend in the Lake District.

      Am just home after our meal out, it was delicious & our friends were great company.
      Looking forward to meeting Jean & Myra next Saturday.


    10. Would definitely be Mid Week I am not doing a train journey like the last one ..... that was Hell on Earth xxxx

    11. Oh yes that's a good idea, it's just a meet up after all. xxx

    12. looking forward too Michele - nice to have a meal out isn't it - we are out with friends tomorrow night
      Hugs Jean x

    13. I think we will go by car, I am willing to drive especially if we stay over night, it's about three hours each way. xxx

  11. Good afternoon Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Oh Patricia that sounds a wonderful idea a 48 hour day where can we get them from I wonder. One thing for sure there is no way I could fit in going to work now, busy is not the word here and next week is going to be so hectic we have the decorators coming, so what the corgis will make of it all I just don't know! Perhaps they will be turning white or magnolia I hope not! There will be units to empty and pictures etc to move and take down before Monday, I am just focusing on the end result, but Derek is not looking forward to all the upset. so super busy here for next week on top of making cards and Christmas goodies. It is amazing how much work 1 day in the year can generate! All this on top of a computer not working properly
    Janet your box is delightful and so lovely it has given me an idea so thank you.
    Jess I love your little soaps the look wonderful and such pretty colours too.
    Myra what a wonderful collection of crafting goodies all so lovely.
    Can I say to those meeting up next week, while I am here have a wonderful time with lots of giggles but don't spill the coffee will you girls? Wish I was coming too.
    Have a lovely weekend everyone I have popped my hugs over in the corner please just help yourselves, take care if you are going out the weather here is dreadful. My friend arrives home on Monday morning from Australia and wow will she notice a difference in temperature she is leaving 40 degrees and coming home to really cold and wet weather, but I have promised her some home made bread and goodies when she arrives, so will have that on the agenda tomorrow too!
    Margaret xxx

    1. My goodness Margaret you are going to need those 48 hour days, I wonder if you can get them on eBay? You seem to be able to get everything else on there! We might have to arrange a weekend retreat up here in the borders so we can meet you? I am sure most of us would love that! I am just waiting on our Gillian coming. She phoned with the " mum I have a huge favour to ask, but just say no if you don't want to do it?" Could you help by doing some ironing! We have so much that after I have dine the loads of washing it will be even more. Well I think you know the answer!!! Yes you have got it. So ironing board back up just waiting for it to be dropped off. Now Andrew wears a white shirt every day he is working and Gillian wears uniform so you know what the. Ill of the pile will be. So I think I will be busy with that tonight. xxx

    2. Margaret, Thank you my dear! We were supposed to have the dining room decorated before Christmas but the Decorator is unwell so it's had to be postponed . In some ways I'm a bit relieved as the dresser would have had to be emptied and that's quite a job as you say! Xxx

  12. Hello Sandra,
    It's taken me hours to get here! I've stopped and started so many times!
    On another wee coffee break!
    I got quite a surprise when I saw the photos as I didn't realise you had taken them! As you know they are all really easy to make.
    I'm sure the numbers are due to us all running around like mad at the moment.
    I know I am and things have to be got ready for Monday's children again! Where did the week go?
    I've left comments all the way down. So I'll love you and leave you for now!
    Hope Jess's sale goes well!
    Lots of love,
    Myra xxx

  13. Wrote a long message but when I pressed publish it went somewhere!!!
    Jess. I really hope today went well for you and that the weather did t put folks off coming out. I know how much hard work you have put in to making everything. If you aren't to tired pop in and let us know how it went. xxx

  14. Good evening ladies, hope you are all tickety boo.
    Well I feel better for confessing ( see above comment). Poor Myra was sworn to secrecy, I bet it's been killing her. My new die from Sue arrived today as well. It's beautiful, so all in all I have had a lovely day. Can't say the same for the weather, lots of snow but grey skies and thoroughly miserable. It looks like a Chinese laundry in here, just not possible to put it out on the balcony today.
    Jess I hope everything went well today and you can put your feet up tonight. Your little soap flowers are lovely, what a clever idea, are they difficult to make, I bet the house smells delicious when you are making them.
    Janet your box is stunning, must have taken you ages, wonder what it has I side. I'm just plain nosy.
    Myra your window ledge of goodies looked fabulous at the retreat and they have not lost any of their fabulousness seeing them here.
    Sandra if you've finished tidying your craft room can you come and do mine, I craft on the dining room table and I think it will be dinner on a tray tonight.
    Right, off to make some Hokaido soup. It's a funny little pumpkin but the beauty is you eat the skin as well. We grow them on the farm, well they grow themselves actually, we planted some a few years ago and they just keep coming back, all Peter has to do is leave one or two to rot down over winter.
    Love for now

    1. Phew! My tongue is sore where I've been biting it!!! Xxx

    2. And I was bursting to tell I had been naughty as well. xxx

    3. JESS: are you home yet??? How did it go?? xxx

    4. Myra if it is any consolation my tongue is sore too, as Patricia told me she had been naughty after ordering her machine. Actually I emailed her to say have a look on the website and within 10 minutes she was emailing me back her confession! I was so pleased she had given the matter plenty of thought and had slept on it before deciding!!!
      As Hazel says they worked hard so why not play hard now, we were the same. xxx

    5. Oh Margaret! That's so funny! I think we all need a confessor! Xxx

    6. I think this is making me more determined to meet our dear Margaret.
      I need to put a face to the name. xxx

  15. I am so sorry I was so busy thanking everyone I forgot to comment on other things! Typical!
    I do apologise.
    Janet - I love your little box and it's lovely flower. I love boxes and bags too.!
    Jess - what a lovely idea. Your soaps look lovely. They will make super gifts.
    Enjoy your day on Monday - be good! Having said that - you will be with Patricia, Hazel and Norah!!! - no chance! Xxx

  16. Hi Sandra and All, just a quick note, we have been to see the Grand Children today, Oscar loved his Paw Patrol lorry that we gave him., Amelia thought she should have a lorry as well, I bought a Peppa Pig book for her, it's hard for a 2 yr old to under stand about birthdays.
    Today's crafts are lovely
    Janet your box is beautiful, would make a lovely memory box.
    Jess the little soaps are lovely, first I thought they were cakes!
    Myra your little makes are lovely.
    Going to Oxford tomorrow, to see my friend, so it will be late before I get in tomorrow.
    Have a good evening all. Lilian

    1. Thank you Lilian, so pleased today has gone well. Hope tomorrow does too. Safe travel. Xxx

  17. Hi Sandra & all in cafe.
    Hope you have got your craft room tidy Sandra, were the girls playing today?
    I have been having a lovely time spending time with Sue & she didn't tell me that Christopher would be here so had lots of cuddles he is gorgeous then this afternoon I have made boiled fruit cake & mixed Christmas pudding with Phoebe & Paige Christopher tried to have a stir as well this is something I have done with the grandchildren since RJ was 2 so it's family tradition now very enjoyable it is too. Now I am going to sit & go through Sue's stamps to see if there is some I can borrow so am going to have fun.xx
    Norah your little Harry is lovely just like Christopher is no wonder you are a proud Granny love his outfit xx
    Anne your cards were lovely yesterday look forward to do something as good myself one day myself one day xx
    Janet your box is lovely as well xx
    Jess love the soaps what patience you have xx
    Myra you are clever where do all the ideas come from?xx
    Must away & sort these stamps now hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  18. I think I am going to now sit and doing nothing, just finished Gillian and Andrews ironing, as I said shirts and uniforms plus no end of trousers. All done ready to collect when they come for tea tomorrow. Andrew is on call but we will just hope he isn't called away and can enjoy his Sunday roast. So I think that's me for tonight, might call in to see if Jess calls in, I have a feeling she will be to tired,
    Margaret, glad you have had a good day. xxx

    1. Good for you Hazel you have definitely earned your rest why not put your feet up too after all that ironing, hope you all have a lovely Sunday roast together. Will there be any left over I am sure Maureen will come. xxx

  19. Margaret, I don't think the piece of pork will stretch to another one, it was only meant for the two of us, but Andrew loves his roast dinners and Gillian said oh he would be so disappointed to miss out so of course what do you say? Extra veg will stretch it. xxx

    1. You see that's where home cooking wins hands down!! How can you stretch a Ready Meal?? Xxx

  20. Very true Myra, I did say to Gillian we could go to them, she was going to be making a beef Casserole. I don't mind, as sone times you don't feel like having left overs the next day. I made a big pot of chicken broth the other day was going to freeze it? Charlie had it one day and I had it two one of them being at Tammys, she asked if I could bring some for lunch, then Charlie thought he would be very kind and take one of the boxes down to Gillian's saying he thought it would be nice for them to come home to a big bowl of it. So only one went in the freezer and a small one at that. xxx

  21. Hi everyone, sorry I'm soooo late plus not commenting on yesterday's amazing card, made by Anne and Norah's Harry, he is gorgeous.
    I was really busy sorting out stuff for the craft fair today, it was worth it I had a really good day, it it was quite cold in the centre and had to keep my jacket on for most of the day, now I am sneezing something terrible, I hope I'm not in for a cold.
    On to today's mixed craft, Janet your box is lovely and of course Myra crafts are super, saw them at the retreat, what brilliant ideas she has for upcycling everyday things.
    My little roses are actually wax, they are for melting in oil burners with a tea light underneath, the mound I used is for making soap !!!
    I'm sorry I need to log off now, off to bed, have a Scrapbookimg crop tomorrow, I will pop in later tomorrow, Im sorry I haven't read any comments from yesterday or today, but will catch up soon. Take care xxx

    1. Jess glad you had a good day, not so good about you being cold and now sneezing. Hot drinks and bed for you is the right thing. xxx

    2. Glad you had a good day .... don't forget the Paracetamol.
      Will hear all about it on Monday xxx

    3. Been thinking of you Jess . Have nice warm sleep. Bet candles smelled even better than soap.

    4. Jess, they looked gorgeous - we were judging by the look! Sorry you are feeling a bit under the weather! Hope you feel better after a good night's sleep! Thank you! Xxx

  22. MARGARET:-
    You will need to start baking!!! ...... I think there will be more than Hazel and I coming to visit.
    Oh! don't worry it won't be till the better weather next year.
    Go back to Jeans comment and have a look!! xxx

    1. I can't wait to see those daffodils. I shall be wandering like a cloud.
      Anyone else do Wordsworth at school?

    2. ME:- the other time I think of him is when I am York and all the Daffodils are out round the Wall xxxx

    3. I love York, it's where our beloved King Richard belongs, but don't get me started on that again. Xxxx

    4. YORK is my favourite city to visit in England. Sorry I don't mean to offend any other City but I love York. xxx

    5. Actually you've got me started.
      1066 the French have never been forgiven.
      Iceland owes us money, I hope they sink.
      Leicester, I won't ever be going there and I hope all their sewers block up. Can't think of anything else.

    6. Saba, what are you like??? xxx

    7. SABA:- I am off to bed I don't want to get involved ...... I am tired I might say the wrong thing and you would be angry with me!!! xxx

    8. I'm not too happy with Leicester either - they drew with Man Utd. Today! I suffer from results like that .
      Wordsworth - is hard to beat with that poem!
      Tossing their heads in sprightly dance! Xxx

  23. Right folks I have spent too much time on here tonight. That means I have more to do tomorrow ..... Oh! bother I need to manage my time better. I am off to bed.
    Goodnight God Bless xxx

    1. Me too Patricia. You've stirred up a hornets nest in my head, I'd forgotten about our Richard. Still I can dream of the Lake District.
      Good night God Bless.

    2. What are hornets doing inside your noddle?
      How did they get in?
      Tin hat!!
      Night Night girls - see you tomorrow all being well if I survive these remarks! Xxx

  24. Oh dear Patricia will be sleeping in tomorrow! Yes and pigs may fly. Night, night sis. xxx

  25. Did you all know that William Wordsworth was born in Cockermouth, guess who else live there? Answers on a postcard please xxx
