
Friday 27 November 2015

Festive Friday

Anne's Gorgeous Snowman card Silver

Anne's gorgeous snowman card red

The Cutest Christmas Elf

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Well ladies we have a line up to bring a smile to anyone's face today, two stunning cards from
Anne and the adorable Harry (Norah's Grandson) dressed as the Cutest Christmas Elf!

Anne's Easel cards have been designed using Creative Expressions (CE) Snowflake Border & Santa's Sleigh dies and the Holly Swirl A4 Embossing Folder also from Creative Expressions and
Spellbinders Floral Oval die to frame the aperture.
I love the Snow-Couple you have used in both of these cards Anne, I am also quite surprised in what a difference adding the little touch of red into the second card makes, it makes it look quite different, I love both of them, that Snowflake Border will feature on many Christmas cards this year I believe, it's just so stunning, cut in any colour.
Thank you so much Anne for sending the 'pins' to me, I managed to 'save the image' to a folder and upload it that way to the blog, so any more that you want to share you can send this way, I will try and upload the Minions ones again using the same method.
Thanks once again Anne xxxxx

Now onto that 'gorgeous wee elf' oh isn't he just so adorable, that beautiful smile that could melt any heart, he is the picture of happiness and looks so healthy, Kirsten, Harry is so gorgeous, how wonderful it must be to wake up to that smiling little face every day, thank you so very much for allowing all of us to enjoy Harry's little smile, that outfit is just too cute! 
Norah, thank you so much for sending me the photograph, it will bring a smile to every face that peeks through that window today. xxxxx

Paul is going in to work today to cover a shift for someone, I have Pat coming over to play, which I am very much looking forward too, Sue came yesterday and the time just flew, she barely got her craft stuff out and it was time for her to pack up, it was so lovely to catch up though.

We went into school last night to 6th Form Open evening and guess what, they have changed the whole A level system once again, there is no 'AS' level now, most of the courses are two years long with a huge exam at the end of the two years, I am not too sure if this will work, Sophie and Lucy's year are to be Guinea pigs!  The bit I don't quite grasp is that the head teacher spent half an hour telling us about the A level results and how they were in the top 25% of schools, so why change things?

Have a fantastic friday ladies, I hope you all 'bag some bargains'!!
Love and hugs
Sandra xxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Anne-your card is stunning, I love the design & all the different elements to it.

    Norah- Harry looks so cute in his outfit!

    Goodness-I'm shattered. I got home just after 9pm last night. Our stand was a huge success-we had quite a few interactive items on display which really caught everyone's interest, parents included! We had a photo of one patients "stash" of medicine & asked them to guess the value. We had 2 selection boxes as prizes and two winners so left the with the school. We were given food & drink and very well looked after by the pupils & staff. As tired as I am, I'd definitely do another careers evening.

    Just hoping today is calm & then I don't have to worry about work at all next week. No-one seemed shocked when I said I wouldn't be in work all week after my hospital appointment on Monday.


    1. Thanks Michele, these are some of my special cards , I do love making them.
      Great to hear your careers evening went so well, sound like it was really worthwhile .
      Good luck for Monday xo

    2. Hello Michele, that sounds like one very successful careers evening! I think patients should learn more about the cost of drugs and treatment . In fact I could get on a hobby horse about it! People demand things like scans whether they need them or not! These things all help to rack up NHS costs! The pupils would have found your "Stand" really interesting. Hope you enjoy your week off - see you at the end of it . Xxx

    3. Glad your evening went well even if you a bit tired afterwords hopefully some of the students will be interested in your line of work. Have a nice time off next week and hope your injection wont hurt to much. Take care,xxx

    4. Well done Michele on the Careers Evening, lets hope you have some budding pharmacists in the making. xxx

  2. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Anne, what gorgeous cards. The Christmas border looks wonderful in both colours. In fact I think it looks wonderful in any colour : ) Your snow couple are lovely, I do love a snowman and might have just one or two that come out each Christmas.....ok, actually I have quite a few and will end up buying at least one more this year, the rest of my family say I am addicted to them in fact : ). Thank you for sharing the cards.
    Harry, you can't read this but you are a gorgeous little lad, how cute you look in your Christmas outfit. Don't go drinking too much milk or you will grow out of it before the big day : ) You are going to love all of the pretty decorations this year I'm sure : )
    Norah, how much does your heart swell with love and pride each time you see that wonderful smile of young Harry's? He is a little beauty.
    Brenda, I must go back and read Wednesday's comments about your trip to Tanzania, yesterday's were so interesting. Please would you tell us about the whole visit, I know I would love to hear it all and I'm sure the others would too.
    Sending you a big hug, it feel so long since we have seen each other.
    I had a lovely time with Sandra yesterday, not long enough but at least I got there. Have a good day together Sandra and Pat. Let's hope the Three Graces can all meet up at the same time next week!
    Right, I'm watching the clock as I'm on the morning school run today then we have Christopher until tomorrow evening. This weekend is the start of our Christmas traditions as Mum/Margaret P comes to stay and she makes the Christmas cakes(her yummy boiled fruit cake, of course) and puddings with her great grandchildren, this year Christopher will only be able to try and give them a stir but Phoebe and Paige are really looking forward to making them with her. It is lovely to watch them all together : )
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, your tradition of making Christmas cakes and puddings with your mum and the youngsters sounds lovely, can just imagine a lovely warm smell coming from the kitchen along with lots of giggles. I made the boiled fruit cake and my husband loves it, I don't see him get any but only see tell tale crumbs on a plate.
      Jean xxx

    2. Thank you Sue, the snowman and woman , is a stamp from Sugar Nellie and I bought it when it was on sale for £1 so it was a great buy!
      I would love a copy of your mum's boiled fruit cake , it sounds delicious, I do an advent calendar for the children with tags in , to do something everyday and it has become a tradition on the 1st. make a cake , which we then enjoy eating in the run up to Christmas as usually everyone is too full to eat on the day and then trying to lose weight afterwards , so this way it gets really appreciated .
      Enjoy your crafting with Sandra today .xo

    3. Hi Sue, what a lovely thing to do together with your mum and the littelen's. So sweet to let Christopher have a stir and perhaps lick the spoon tihi Have a wonderful weekend xxx

  3. Good morning everyone
    Well we have some delights to see this morning, Anne your cards are gorgeous and the difference because you have used different colours, just love the border die, thank for showing this Sandra.
    Oh little Harry's smile is just so cute, and his outfit makes him look even cuter if it's possible, he's adorable Norah,
    Michele hope your day stays calm and your injection helps, at least you have a week off to look forward to. See you next Saturday, looking forward to seeing Myra too.
    Sandra why does the education system always have to change, even when it's working so well, the other thing is, your daughters year are to be the guinea pigs, more stress on them, and then it might not work the way the Education Chiefs want it, if so it will go back to the way it was before, this happens quite often.
    Sky is clearing now, so it mightn't be a bad day, it went dark so early yesterday,
    I'm going into town this morning just for a look round, may not be long.
    I've left hugs by the door in the basket so please help yourselves
    Glad you enjoyed seeing Pat and Sue this week Sandra, aren't the days rushing by at the moment.
    See you all later
    Jean xxx

    1. Hi Jean, hope you had a nice time into town. Any bargains around ? take care xxx

  4. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Anne what a beautiful and elegant card love it ,truly delightful, thank you for showing us.
    Norah what an absolute treasure you have and that wee smile would melt ice I am sure, please give him a hug from me he is delightful.
    Just waiting for a phone call about my computer still having to use this very slow one, my dirver has never been so busy and grumbled so much!
    Have a lovely day everyone my hugs are in the corner just help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret, hope you get your computer working properly asap. I only got a little Acer, like a netbook but never have many problems except comments disappearing sometimes .Very likely my own fault, don't understand them :-) Aren't you a vixen trying to get all buying new machines , £119.00 was it. Very good price hihi Have a nice day xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and everyone,
    This is a quick visit this morning as I will be taking John for his treatment today, he had a bad night, so I suggested I drive him there. Normally he is very happy to go on public transport. But not today.

    Anne, I love your easel cards they are beautiful, I love the dies you have used and Mr and Mrs snowman looks so happy.

    Norah, Isn't Harry the cutest elf you've ever seen, he is growing so fast. Enjoy every moment you spend with him LOL

    Haven't read any of the comments yet will get round to it later.
    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda, hope all went okay for John today and he feeling better for a good night. We love reading about your time abroad so if you have any more memories ,I for one would love to hear some more. hugs xxx

    2. Hi flower, hope all went well with John's treatment. xxx

  6. Hi Sandra
    Looking forward to see you later. Anne I just love your snow couple. I to love snowmen, I'll have to have a look at Sue's. Doesn't the snowflake border look gorgeous on cards.
    Norah how gorgeous dies Harry look. Such a gorgeous smile he has as well. You must be so proud of Harry and Kirsten as well. I do hope he's a happy child, he certainly looks like he is. Must go back Brenda and read all about your trip to Tanzania. I'm glad your had a great careers evening Michelke. I bet the children had a shock when guessing how much medication costs. I know we were shocked that Pete's costs £3000 per month. And it's not even funded by NICE.
    Sandra I think the 6th exams were changed by the government this year, the school are just following orders. Not to sure why, as the saying goes if it's not broke, leave well enough alone. Well something like that anyway. I had Doreen's medication changed and the Dr gave her some liquid with Morphine in. The last time she had Morphine it made her sick. Not to sure if she's tried it yet, but a trip to the Drs again is on my to do list on the way to Sandra's, to see if she can have something else just in case.

    1. Is that the retail price or wholesale, Pat? I know from working in our local pharmacy/dispensary that they could buy Simvastatin for as low as 16p per packet, yet patients still had to pay prescription costs. I have had several items myself and bought them privately cos the cost was lower when I was younger than 60. x

    2. Hello Pat, I'm so glad that Pete can have his needed medication. We don't really appreciate sometimes how fortunate we are in this country.
      You are right exam decisions are taken centrally and the school just has to follow the guidelines. I guess they reckoned the old system wasn't working in some schools. Have a lovely time with Sandra today! Be good! Xxx

    3. Hi Pat, have a fabulous day together with Sandra ! Her being good Myra, never..... hihi
      I hope Doreen will be all right and give a hug to Pete xxx

    4. The prescription charge is a tax that averages out the costs of drugs-the ones we were showing last night cost £15,500 for the year and yes each monthly payment would still only be £8.20! The only alternative is to go private but then you pay the full cost of everything!!!

      Will put my soap box away now.

    5. Michele, this is where we are so lucky, as I said our Christopher willing paid the yearly fee as he takes so many drugs as he has had 2 kidney transplants and other health issue, yes he is so lucky to be given them all for nothing, if he lived in America it would depend on the kind of health insurance he had. No it's the one thing we need to work to keep. xxx

  7. Good morning, Sandra and all who call in today.
    Anne, love your cards, and by just changing the colour used from the border and the sleigh changes it completely. It's gorgeous.
    Well it's a bit wild here today, windy and very dark. I am back over to Perth but not till lunch time, he is being left for over 2 hours today so we will see how he is? He was funny here yesterday, Charlie was busy making a meat loaf and Jak sat and watched him the whole time, when Charlie popped the tin into the oven, Jak came into the front room as if to say " well he did that right". It's like we have Sam their old lab back - a bit spooky really, Sam had his bed down by the side of the sofa, but I now have my trolley thing there, well Jak tried to get in there too. He ended up lying as near to it as he could!
    Had a nice couple of hours with Beth, Anna unfortately gets picked up and taken to piano then it's home. I will have to arrange to pick her up on a Friday and go for lunch with her and spend time together. Beth telling me a friend in her class is getting an I phone 6 s for Christmas? Tell what is it coming too? When 10/11 year olds are getting that fir Christmas? Where's the bike or that? The girls don't do lists, they have always got maybe something that they have mentioned but I have to say no way would Beth get an I phone. Tammys boys are having new bikes, she would have preferred to have not bought these till later when she knew they would get out on them more, but it's a big expence so they have to be their Christmas gift.
    Pat, I hope you have an enjoyable day with Sandra, and I keep meaning to say thank you for ordering more pendants from us. We really do appreciate all the help with our fund raiser.
    Jean enjoy your shopping, I hate going shopping these days.
    Oh dear I am so rude!!! Norah, Harry is so cute, he's a right happy wee baby, and so like you and Kristen. I see Kristen is like our Tammy she all ways bought the boys their Christmas outfits to get photos of them to send. We will see you Monday so looking forward to that.
    Well folks I have been trying to write this since before 7 and I have been interrupted so many times I am now going t have to go. Will call in later. xxx

    1. Thank you ladies for all your lovely comments !
      Hazel you might remember I bought Sue 's snowflake die at the Glasgow show, I must say it is an absolutely great die to use it cuts so easily compared to some others.
      I agree presents that children expect today are way over the top, I'm glad we live away from all that pressure , mind you we just give ours money now and they enjoy going to the sales and spending it, so much easier.xo

    2. Hi Hazel. have a nice day. Try to take things easy. Jak sound like a lovely dog and he is so cute. I can't understand all these presents for the kids today. I hate buying for my SIL grand daughter because she got so much already at 5 and you never see them again but if we stopped I think we quickly would be in their black book xxx

  8. Top of the morning to you ladies,

    Beautiful cards Anne, love the difference a spot of colour makes. The snow couple are adorable. If you have time would you be able to stamp some up for Tiegan and Joseph please?

    Baby Elf Harry is so cute and adorable Norah. Oooh, I could just snuggle up with him and kiss his little palms.
    Milly-May loves me doing that, it must tickle as she giggles so much, bless her.

    I don't know where time is going to these days. It seems I've no sooner got up than it's time for bed again. It's 3 weeks before my niece has her baby and I still have a lot to do on her nursery picture. My poor arthritic hands and fingers are now suffering from cramps as well holding the needle for so long. I have started doing stars with my hands to help ease the pain and to loosen them up. A good tip from my Tai Chi instructor and it does help enormously.
    After my hectic week I am having a PJ day, I bought some beautiful fleecy lounge wear on Wednesday in BHS, they are so cosy and as I'm not going out today I will forego the wake up routine and snuggle down into them.

    I've missed too many posts to comment individually but have been very impressed with all of you and your fantastic creations, you have put me to shame as I have not done so much.
    My New Years Resolution is get the ScanNCut out of it's box (it's not seen the light of day since our Retreat) and settle down for a couple of days play to get the hang of it, otherwise it will become an expensive whim.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Thank you Cheryl for your kind remarks, I would be happy to stamp out some snowpeople for you , how many would you like?
      Have you tried rubbing some lavender oil into your hands , it really can help, worth a try anyway.xo

    2. Hi Anne, about 12 please then they will have 6 each. Thank you so much. xxx

    3. Hi Cheryl, glad you got back in one piece from your trip. Oh the poor couple who's husband went missing, must have been a very worrying time for all. You do have some trips out and it always something happening :-) Hope you have a lovely day in your new lounge wear and yes you must get your scan N cut out again in the new year or it might not be until the next retreat xxx

  9. Good morning Ladies,
    Thank you Sandra for sharing my cards , I really was surprised to see them as I didn't know if you managed to get them, I don't know why I can't send them the way I did before , but I think every time they do updates it changes things?
    I have enjoyed using the Sugar Nellie stamp as its so easy to colour and was a great buy for £1. Enjoy your day with Pat today , it must be lovely to have company to craft with .
    Well , little Harry is the CUTEST elf I've ever seen ! Even Iain commented on what a lovely happy and healthy wee boy he is with a big smile on his face , isn't it great what pleasure and happiness babies give just by smiling! Ooh I could just hug him! Xoxo
    I never got back yesterday to comment as we have had a bit of a disaster, Iain was having a shower in the upstairs bathroom as it has a steam cabinet and I was having my lunch downstairs when I heard a splashing sound , water running through the lights in our bedroom, what a mess! We are still waiting for the plumber, goodness knows when he will come, it's the electricity thing that scares me,we have turned the water off upstairs, I think the pipe under the shower cabinet has come apart.
    Some good buys about today girls! See you later.
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Oh Anne, sorry about the shower and water coming through the ceiling! As you say it's the electricity which is concerning. I do hope the plumber comes very soon! If you are stuck Saba will send you hers!!!
      Your cards today are so pretty and it's really nice to see the difference changing the colour makes. Your snow couple is lovely! I love that corner, border and sentiment die set and totally agree about how well it cuts! Using it on top has given a frosty lacy edge. Thank you!

    2. oh sugar Anne what a disaster. Hope you got it all sorted by now and nothing else is happening, please keep us updated.
      Your cards are both wonderful and I also love the snowman couple, it has to be some snowman around C.mas ! The snowflake die is beautiful and so nice to see what you can make of all the dies. Thank you for letting Sandra sharing them with us, take care xxx

  10. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    I've already said how lovely Anne's cards are and it's so good to see different ways of using the same dies! They are lovely cards.
    Ooh Norah!! - what a little cutie! That smile would melt the hardest heart! He is gorgeous and he looks like his Mummy and you! He looks such a contented little boy. I found myself smiling back at him today! Thanks for allowing Sandra to show the photograph!
    Diane - my friend came today and she buys Maltesers from the Poundstore! She has made bags of reindeer noses with them for the Christmas Fair at her grandsons school tomorrow! She bought a bag of red sweets too and one red one goes in each bag. They are in little see through drawstring bags with a gift tag on which says Reindeer Noses! They are for pocket money buys mainly. Another good idea. She has made loads of other things too! I'm going soon!
    Maureen I have got my machine - sorry I thought I'd told you . Probably just put it on the blog!
    Well I will go and do a bit of reading while I eat my lunch!
    Shopping due sometime in the next hour - so that will need to be put away.
    Love Myra xxx

    1. MYRA: your friend Diane is also "posh"!!!
      At the school fair the children sold clear bags with Malteesers in them. They printed the labels themselves and sold them as ..... Reindeer Poo!! Mini white Marshmallows were Snowman Poo!!! Sold the lot, children loved them!! ... KIDS!! xxx

    2. Ha ha ha! That's just children! It's "our" Diane I was telling about the Malteesers. As you know she is very posh!! Diane is partial to the odd Malteeser!! Xxx

    3. oh I would love to have some Malteesers right now or a bar of Tunnocks, never saw any of it hihi. Hope you had a nice time with your friend Diane. Kids !! Lol xxx

    4. A bar of Tunnocks never turned up at my house despite many hints Maria, and I only got a quarter share with Hazel at the retreat. x

    5. For blimey luv a duck, I'm posh!!!!!! Haha. Myra love the idea of reindeer noses, not quite sure about reindeer poo!!!! I do like a malteeser, and a Tunocks wafer :) xxxxx

  11. Hello everyone, sorry did not get back in last night, was shattered after a day crafting with my friends, husband said he thought I was someone else and was sorry he was a bit off.
    Anne your cards are gorgeous, love how you colour the snow people, love that it, is a couple, always think one on his own looks lonely.
    Norah what a lovely little elf you have there, he just looks so happy and cuddly.
    Got to rush going to London to see the family , it's Oscars 5th birthday, so as we are leaving at 6am have to get everything ready today.
    Going to Oxford on Sunday to see our lovely friend, and then home, hope the roads are not too busy.
    See you all soon , enjoy the rest of the day
    Hugs to all Lilian.

  12. Oh what a day it is here pouring down with rain, lots of flooding, will take my time going home. Jak has managed to be on his own for over 41/2 hours with Tammy just coming in and taking him out for half an hour in between. So big break through I came in and he was not bothered. Will stay for another half an hour then go pick up Derek so he is home for the boys.
    Ref. drugs we are even luckier up here as we don't pay, I do think we should pay something as the health budget could go further. Our Christopher use to pay a year thing that wasn't that much in comparison to the drugs he has to take.
    As for exams it's like that up
    Here to the powers that be think the results will be better. The girls will manage. Ours had the same years ago. xxx

  13. Hi Sandra and all the lovelies,
    Just a quickie to say hello. Anne your cards are absolutely beautiful and Norah, Harry absolutely adorable...what a gorgeous smile too. Well we're sat at Dovet waiting for the 2.45 boat.We missed our due sailing as we all had to get off the coach at customs a new thing since we came in August...just extra precautions which is only sending .Love and hugs to you all Sheila xxxxx Sorry if you get this in triple as I'm on my mobile

  14. Hi Sandra and all the lovelies,
    Just a quickie to say hello. Anne your cards are absolutely beautiful and Norah, Harry absolutely adorable...what a gorgeous smile too. Well we're sat at Dovet waiting for the 2.45 boat.We missed our due sailing as we all had to get off the coach at customs a new thing since we came in August...just extra precautions which is only sending .Love and hugs to you all Sheila xxxxx Sorry if you get this in triple as I'm on my mobile

    1. Thank you Sheila, have a wonderful time ! xo

  15. Hi Sandra and everyone in to see us today. A hot chocolate and a crumpet please to warm me up a bit, it's not so cold but very raw. Only another few minutes and the heating kicks on.
    Anne- once again let me say I Love your cards ! so different but equally lovely.
    Norah- you know that if Harry came near me he would have the biggest hug ever from auntie Mia (all babies would) Lol He is sooo cute and Gorgeous in his Elf suit. Hope kerstin and Rory are well and you all looking forward to the first C,mas with baby Harry.
    Lilian - have a nice time up in London and hope Oscar have a wonderful birthday ( love his name). Can you easily get near Oxford ? Drive carefully xxx

    1. Sheila, guess you now on the boat. Hope the Channel is calm. Have a nice time . Janet- any goodies today as it's Friday ? hope you all right.
      Saba and Lynda, hope to see you later and Maureen too. love and hugs to all xxxX

    2. Oxford is about an hour away from London so if we're not held up should be fine , and then it's about four hours to home, it's a lot of traveling but my friend is 90yrs now so like to see her whenever we can. She lives on her own with support from care people.

  16. Hello Ladies,
    Sorry I'm late again.
    Anne your cards are absolutely beautiful, I love how you have used the snowflake border and your little Snow couple are adorable. Beautifully coloured in too. I don't know if you read my comment yesterday, but I managed to get the La Pashe CD on eBay.
    Norah, Harry is adorable. He has got the most infectious smile, you can't look at him without smiling. You must be so proud and to me he looks very much like his beautiful grandma.
    I've been into town to try and get started on my Christmas presents. Not very successful though but I did get one or two. It was jam packed. Today is the official opening of the Christkindlesmarkt in Nuremberg. Its beautiful. There are lots of wooden huts which sell traditional Christmas things all made in Germany, mostly hand crafted. At 6pm all the lights go off and the Christkind appears on the balcony of a church in the market square. She wears a golden robe and long blond wig. Everyone falls silent as she reads out a speech and then everyone starts singing Silent night. There are literally thousands of people all packed into the market place and it is very moving. Then all the lights go on in the market huts and it is officially open. There is also Glühwein and Bratwurst. Nuremberg has the most famous Christkindlmarkt and it is shown later on TV. That's where I shall be watching it, I've been a few times but it's just too crowded on the opening day and I prefer to go during the week when it's not packed.
    Sandra, it's so frustrating for the girls having the exam format changed but I am sure they will be fine. It sounds like they have gone back to the old system which worked well for a lot of years. Hope you enjoyed your day with Pat.
    Hope you have all had a good day,
    Love for now
    Saba xxx

    1. Saba, you are so lucky to have a proper market, I can smell all the delicious foods? Don't do Gluhwein but oh I could just go a grill cooked Bratwurst!!! I think it's the one thing I do miss at this time of year! Celle use to have a brilliant market. xxx

    2. Hi Saba, the Christmas market in Nuremberg sound wonderful. The atmosphere must be so good. With some snow , great.
      There is a German market in Birmingham which is nice,have been a few times. This year we going to Budapest for their market, can't wait to all the lovely smells xxx

    3. It sounds lovely, Saba! I love the German Market in Manchester City Centre but it will be nothing like the one in Nuremberg ! It sounds absolutely lovely. Xxxx

  17. Oh Saba your market sound absolutely wonderful what a lovely start to the festivities I love markets wish I was coming with you. Have fun when you go, I will be thinking of you. xxx
    I noticed my new name yesterday, really I was only trying to be helpful!

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Good evening everyone
    Well the phone call came so we went to collect my laptop, got home and tried it out, it is not one bit better, rang them and they told me it was my internet providers fault and I obviously had not talked to the right person! I asked what about the other problems too? I was told Oh bring it back! I have phoned Trading Standards they gave me instructions what to put in a letter and told me to post it by recorded delivery so there was a trace for it. So Curry PC World have now 14 days to respond, so watch this space! Needless to say I an one unhappy duckling at the moment.
    I do hope the two Graces had a lovely day chatting and a little crafting too just for good measure. I am quite sure it will all work out at school Sandra but the powers that be set the guidelines and they have to be followed unfortunately. It is so frustrating for teachers too especially if they know a directive is wrong.
    Hazel delighted to know Tammy's puppy is settling so well, it just goes to show what a little patience and care will do and help from mum too, what would they do without us?
    Who else thinks Saba's market sounds wonderful, oh and all the lovely smells too, divine!
    Cheryl so pleased you are having a restful day snuggling ou enjoy it.
    Sheila hope the crossing is smooth and uneventful, safe journey home.
    Christmas cards are calling so have a lovely evening everyone.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Sabas market sounds & smells wonderful, that would be a great place for us all to have a trip to..... now there's a thought!! xxx

  19. Good evening Sandra everyone,
    Today everything went well, left John to have his treatment and took myself into Sutton for an hour. His disturbed night had been because he also has Labyrinthitis, he gets dizzy spells and sometimes nausea as well. It exhausts him.
    Sandra, hope you are able to sort out 6th form for the girls. Our girls stayed on in their Senior School. Tierney has also stayed on (she goes to the same school her Mum and Aunt attended) and our Grandsons in Essex also did the same, at least they know the teachers and staff. Cuts down that settling in problem - as long as the school cover the subjects the girls want to study at 6th form, it can make the transition smoother.

    It was lovely to see Sheila pop in today, hope her crossing was smooth.

    May not be in much over the weekend, we are going to Essex. Grandson home from Uni. it was his Birthday this week he is now 20 (where have the years gone?) I still remember cuddling him as a new born. Couldn't do that now. He is 6ft plus. He play's Rugby and has a black belt in Judo. When he cuddles us now it's like a cuddle with Huggie Bear. Love him to bits.

    Time to say Night Night, hope everyone has a good night, Sleep tight.
    Love and crafty hugs, Brenda xxx
