
Thursday 26 November 2015

A little Thursday Sparkle x

 Good Morning Ladies,

Today you have I am sharing one of my cards with you, Inspired by John Lockwood, he was fantastic on Hochanda yesterday, he shared so much useful information, he made me really want to buy some Colour Cloud Inks !

Onto today's card, I started with an 8 X 8 inch card blank from Anna Marie Designs, I matted it with some Creative Expressions (CE) Iris Foundation Cardstock, and then a piece of white card embossed with (CE) Eternity Embossing Folder and then matted that over the Iris.
I then took another piece of White card and cut 3 (CE) Quilted Blocks Striplet Die cuts, I then used Iris card to cut a mat to layer the striplet die cut on to, this had a small border of the Iris card showing all the way around, I then die cut 3 of the striplet outline die cuts out of some double sided adhesive sheet, put it into the centre of the Iris striplet die cut and covered it with Cosmic Shimmer Iced Snow, I then added plenty of Cosmic Shimmer Dries Clear Glue to the White Striplet die cut and placed it onto the Iris mat, I repeated this for other two panels, and then glues these to my card base. (you must use plenty of glue to adhere the white striplet to the Iris panel as it has to adhere to the Iced Snow)
I took the Ornate Oval Just for You Die and cut the outer frame, the decorative Inner and the sentiment out of white card, then another of the larger ovals out of the Iris card, this has a piece of Double sided adhesive to it and some Iced Snow, I mounted the sentiment and the decorative inner onto the Iced snow covered oval, I put some double sided foam on the underside of the outer white frame, added a little Cosmic Shimmer glue for extra adhesion and placed it onto the Iris oval.  I added some pearls all around the frame (although Paul managed to shift one out of place whilst photographing), I then added a few adhesive pearls to the Quilted Box die cuts, a satin ribbon bow, with a pearl dazzler in the centre and a tulle bow behind.
I finished the top and bottom of the card with a strip of pearl flowers.
I hope you like the card, I love the sparkle!
Have a lovely day,
Love and Hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Well, what a gorgeous card to greet us this morning, the blue card and those Quilted Blocks Striplet Die cuts are two of my favourites, and a simple but oh so beautiful design add up to this delight than will work for most occasions. Thank you Sandra for sharing this one with us.
    Sorry I haven't visited the Cafe for a few days, to be honest I haven't even touched the laptop as life has been hectic, to say the least. What with babysitting, a house full of family guests, Gem's party then actual birthday, and then more unexpected babysitting (with more today and
    tomorrow/Saturday) I feel like my feet haven't touched the ground (I was going to say that my bottom hasn't touched a seat, but thought that image was just too much for this time of day!). It has been wonderful time but VERY tiring : )
    I have got everything crossed that I get to see you today Sandra, (the same as yesterday until the phone rang at about this time!) only a short visit as babysitting duties start again at 3pm, but I am getting withdrawal symptoms and can't miss seeing you for another week. Pat, sorry that you will be missing, I hope you get everything sorted out quickly : )
    I will try and catch up with this weeks comments and cards over the next few days so will simply send my love and hugs to everyone in the Cafe today. Hopefully normal life will resume shortly.....ummm, seem to have been here before not long ago. Stop the world I want to get off please! : ) Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      Glad you enjoyed the celebrations, enjoy your meet up today.

    2. Hello Sue, I hope you and Sandra manage to meet up today - even if it's a short visit, it will good for both of you. LOL

    3. Sue, I'm sorry I don't quite know how I managed it but I missed you first time around! Glad all the celebrations went well. Tiring for Mum though with all the entertaining! Hope you had a nice time today with Sandra! Even if you just relaxed a bit! Xxx

  2. Morning ladies

    Sandra-you're card is stunning, really gorgeous. You've certainly got back into crafting.

    Long day today-I'm leaving work early (4.30pm) to set up the stand for the school careers evening, it doesn't finish until 8.30 so we'll have to pack everything up & then I have 30-40 minute drive back home. Don't think I'll be doing anything when I get back!!


    1. Hi Michele, good luck tonight, don't frighten them off by telling them what it's really like!

    2. Michele I agree with Saba, please don't tell them about 'a day in the life of Michele' !!!!!
      I hope you have been given the day off tomorrow. LOL

  3. Good Morning Sandra and All,dark and wet yet again here.
    Sandra your card is lovely, love that colour blue, how is the big shot that you have doing, you're die cuts look great in the photo.
    Today is our usual craft day, but my friend has been away and when I phoned her husband had quite a frosty response. It's a 35 mile journey each way so I hope it's on.
    Everyone have a good day, be back in later Lilian.

    1. Hi Lilian, wonder what was wrong with him! Hope you get your craft day and he has thawed out by now.

    2. Take care Lilian! So sorry you had to deal with Mr Grumpy - hope everything is ok. Xxx

  4. Morning Everyone
    SANDRA - Thank you for starting my day off with a SPARKLE and my two favourite colours blue and white. Beautiful. Thank you.

    MICHELE - I know how hectic Careers Evening are but they are so appreciated. Hope you manage to get a nice glass of something when you get home this evening.

    Everything's set for today - All the usual breakfast menu and for our sweet treat for today Sticky Parkin (because I didn't manage to get any done for the 5th of this month) and Gingerbread Men/Women (because we're getting round to the beginning of Dec! EEEEEEEEK and I haven't done any shopping yet.

    Sorry I've been AWOL for the last couple of days. It's nearing the first week of December and for some reason this year I'm feeling it more than others. Leanne will be 28 on the 7th. Where have the last 24years gone and Pippa (her sister) is due to have her second little girl on 18th but of course it could be sooner so the medics say.
    Anyway I have to go out this afternoon - it's my breast screening time.
    Hugs are in their basket please help yourselves to as many as you want/need.

    1. Hello my fellow Yorkshire pudding,
      So sorry you are feeling upset, sending you a big squishy hug, it must be a hard time of year for you.
      I'll have a gingerbread man I think and eat him from his feet up, I can hear him screaming from here!

    2. Hello Janet, We can't take the pain away but I am sending you a BIG HUG to let you know we CARE.
      Love and Prayers xxx

    3. Janet, my friend, so sorry you are in pain!
      Hope all goes well today. Sending you love , hugs and a virtual caramel wafer!! Xxxx

  5. Good morning Ladies,
    Sandra your card is glorious I love all the sparkle , great colour combo and the pearls make it even more special! I also watched some of John's shows yesterday, I absolutely loved the three ovals card , he's a very good demonstrator and does give good tips.
    Brenda I loved reading about your experiences in Tanzania , just amazing!
    Myra , Jess , Patricia , Cheryl, Hazel and others you all put me to shame I feel I should be doing more to help others , I must try and find out what I could do in this area, other than just the Blytheswood shoe boxes.
    Janet , I feel I would love something sweet this morning so Sticky Parkin here I come !
    Myra enjoy spending your unexpected windfall , but don't overload in Tunnocks , could cause a sugar rush to your head! Goodness knows what might happen then? Telco have the Champagne normally £14 .? coming back on special at £9.00 a bottle ( so the man in the store told me when I went to get it after Jilly Goolden gave it in her opinion as the Best Buy ) the offer had finished at the time I went , but he didn't know exactly when? I don't have the name of it to hand but can get it if anyone is interested.
    Well enough rambling for the moment, better go and get dressed.
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Wish we had a Tesco here, wouldn't mind a bottle of the lovely stuff.

    2. Maybe a bottle of Champage and some Tunnocks with the " windfall" as you put it , Anne! Would that be better for my health than too much chocolate ??
      Are you suggesting I'm daft enough without a sugar rush by any chance? Hmm! You could be right! Xxx

  6. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Your card is stunning Sandra, just love the sparkle it give off, Paul is very good at taking photographs of your cards.
    Still have a few bits and pieces to finish off for Saturday, OH is house sitting today for one of our sons who has the painter in, it's my turn tomorrow to be there, so I need to get a wriggle/wiggle (thanks Maria) on and get as much done today as I can.
    Will have a look at last nights comments as I was out at my card class and was shattered by the time I got back and didn't look in, so take care meantime. Xx

  7. Hello Sandra and all the lovelies,
    Sorry I was AWOL yesterday,
    Jean I loved your Aqua card, your flowers looked lovely and the lattice panel looked fabulous used like that. I have a very similar spellbinders dies and you have given me some ideas for getting it back out again.
    Sandra, today's card is beautiful, I saw John demo it and loved the design and I think yours using the striplet is a much better way to do it. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Sheila hope Nikki enjoyed her special day, bet your card wowed them all, have a lovely break in Ostend.
    Anne, I am thrilled to tell you I have managed to get the La Pashe CD on eBay. Joanne bid for me and was the "winner". It cost £3.11p plus 90p postage. It's not the double set, just the one you used on your fabulous man card. I can't wait.
    I bought some C cards on line yesterday. I totally forgot to get them when I was home. The biggest problem I have is with the sizes, they have to comply with the German standard. Square cards, small or large cards are a no go unless you want to pay a premium on the postage. M&S cards are 2cm too big but I found a company run by an expat in France who had a few which fitted the bill. It means I can concentrate on special people for my hand made ones.
    I did read all the comments yesterday, Hazel you are a star doing all you do for the chemo unit and Myra you deserve a big pat on the back too, those parcels for Zambia must be a godsend. Brenda it was interesting to read of your trip to Tanzania. Would love to hear more.
    Well must get on of Diane's wiggles on, hope it's fully charged up.
    Love for now
    Saba xxxx

    1. Hello! I read a post on Sue's blog from a Canadian lady who was sort of complaining about Sue's dies being too big for cards they make. She also asked where to buy bigger cards. We don't really think about these problems apart from the cost of posting, of course. I remember you telling me about this before . Is there a size for incoming mail? Speak soon. Xxxx

    2. Hello Myra,
      No there are no restrictions on incoming mail, it's just things posted from here. It drives me mad. Last year I bought M&S cards and had to cut off the extra 2mm and then fold the envelopes in a bit!!! I think I put 2cm yesterday. They are so strict.

  8. Hi Sandra and all the lovely cafe ladies
    Flying visit as I'm off out for lunch and have decided to paint my nails with something other than ink! Sandra gorgeous card today, love the sparkle and the striplet and oh wow I must get some of that card! Thank you for sharing.
    See you all later, hope everyone is ok xxxxxx

    1. Have a lovely lunch! Don't smudge the nails! Xxx

  9. Good morning Sandra and ladies. Lovely to see one of your stunning cards this morning Sandra. I have to say I haven't watched any shows,,don't have the time to be honest, and even sitting in the front room to put things together I couldn't watch them as it would distract me to much, I can watch or should I say listen to say NCIS but I dont have to actually watch it.
    Tammy and her dad are away dog walking, and I have been left to look out the things to make a clock, Andrew has to make one so it was " granny have you got" so granny to the rescue again. Then it's back to the things I need to make.
    Washing out first I think as its a lovely day here, not saying it will dry but you never know. Right I will call in later. Xxx

    1. Hello Hazel, I missed the Shows too! John is a good demonstrator and I agree he gives some excellent tips! Yesterday was hopeless for me and I can't record so miss out! Otherwise I could watch while ironing! Well time is ticking so I'll leave you to your project!! Xxx

    2. Myra, this is the trouble John is good at giving good tips, but you have to sit and watch what he is doing, and I just don't have the time to do that. 12 more holder, 6 pillow boxes and 2 cut down gift bags cut out plus asters done, but not much else apart from washing done and out and mr Dyson run round and the steam mopped the bathroom. Now if his show was on while I was sat at Mary's piano teachers house this afternoon that would be great. I know Mary wouldn't mind. xxx

  10. Good morning Sandra and everyone today.
    Love you card this morning, so apt with all the glitter this dark and dull day. Like the striplet and it's have gone up a step on my wishlist. The colour is gorgeous and the pearl flower strip is very pretty. Hope you and Sue manage to meet up today, just for a proper catch up and some giggles. Be sure she don't fall a sleep mid sentence tihi. Looking after the little ones must be lovely but quite tiring I understand. Michele, have a good day and evening . Lilian, hope you get to have your crafting day. Janet ,have a nice day and good luck with the screening.
    After yesterday all day zombie state I need to get out and get some air before hopefully making some card/s this afternoon, also need some tidying up done in the kitchen. I'm using a big pink sack for my paper rubbish but still some goes everywhere so can see after all your cuttings out Hazel it can be some mess.
    Wrap up warm and take care if going out , love and hugs to all xxxx

    1. Maria ! I'm so sorry you had a bad day yesterday - I hope you are not a zombie any more!! Don't like to think of our quiet, gentle Maria suffering like that. Sending hugs to you. Enjoy the fresh air!

  11. Morning ladies,

    Back from my AWOL, trip yesterday was fantastic til we boarded coach to come home...2 passengers missing. Coach was supposed to have left at 4 o'clock which meant we would miss all the commuter traffic. Apparently one of the passengers gets very confused when he doesn't know where he is. His wife thought he would be safe going to gents on his own BUT there are three exits from the café they were in and he went though one of the other doors. Result? full scale search for him, nowhere to be found in the immediate vicinity of the café. 2 hours later, organizer had to call the police for help. He then left the coach with the gent's wife ( we wouldn't let her leave the coach in case she got lost too!) to wait for the police then they went off driving round the streets looking for him. We then had message to go on without them and they would catch the train home if they had found him. But then we drove straight into the most horrendous of traffic jams, it took over 1 'n half hours to get to the M5.
    Halfway home, message came through to say they had found him in a Tesco's branch, which was miles from the High Street. He had let staff know he was lost and call went out to the police car, so all's well that ends well. Thank goodness, it could have been so different. I don't think they will be coming on any more trips.

    I'm still playing catch-up with the comments so will post a brief summary later as will have to write everything down.

    Beautiful card today Sandra, very sparkly and pretty.

    Just stopped to answer a phone call from our Parish Council Chairman, he informed to step up my security as some village residents had a visit from a couple of burglars and he had come round last night to check I was ok. Advised me to keep a light on if I go out and don't get home til late. Good job my electrician is coming to fit a replacement security light outside. Apparently with all the winds bringing heavy rain, somehow mine had filled up with water.
    Tis this time of the year when all the chancers think they are entitled to your goodies. B******s. Not being racist in any way but it is always the foreigners to our shores that are the culprits, you read their names in our local court news every week. What the hell is the matter with them? We accept them, house, feed and clothe them and they are still not satisfied1 It makes me so cross to the point that I believe if they are wrongdoers, they should be deported without any question as they have committed a crime against our nation. Off soapbox.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Oh Dear! Cheryl, what an awful experience for that poor lady and her husband and in the end for everyone. I guess her options for a break will become fewer and fewer. She must have been so stressed. Not just the stress of a missing husband but she would be acutely aware that she was holding up a coach load of passengers! Glad you got home safely eventually and that the man was found! Xxx

  12. I think Sandra needs to get a venue for the next retreat and a date and give you ladies something to look forward to after the winter etc. I wouldn't be able to make it as we are going off to Canada in May and that will be what I will be saving and looking forward to! Maybe one later in the year. xxx

  13. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I have just lost a long post (by my standards) my iPad is running out of power, I went to get the charger, I was distracted just for a couple of seconds, in which time the iPad turned itself off, and my comment had disappeared. I did express a few comments the only one word printable is 'bother'
    Sandra your cards today is really beautiful, I love the way you have used the Striplet die, everything about this card is just gorgeous.
    I hope Sue has managed to pop in even for a short time today, and Pat will be able to do likewise tomorrow, I know their visits mean so much to you. Please say hello to both of them. LOL
    Thank you ladies for the comments about my trip to Tanzania it really was the most amazing time, not wanting to bore anybody, but when we stayed at the convent in Kwediboma the nuns took us to a Maasai village called Mzinga, we were entertained by young men doing the Masai warrior dance, where they jump higher and higher and change places while jumping, they really do seem to have fun doing this, at one point one of the older ladies joined in, it was just so funny. We were then given tea to drink, the ladies had bought an assortment of stools and cups from there mud hurts.
    We had taken with us and large box containing smarties, one of the sisters shared these out to the children, But before doing so demonstrated by putting a few into her hand and then lifting her hand to her mouth indicating they were for eating. it was so funny watching mothers with babies strapped to their back were holding their hands out also, but they were not sharing, they were eating them themselves. We were ready to leave when one of the elders of the tribe invited us to his house. So it was back in the Land Rover and into the bush until we arrived at the perimeter fence. His house was in fact five circular mud huts, arranged within a circular fence. One for each of his wives. Although he now only had four wives because his first wife Anna had died. The ladies were so proud to show us their homes . Before we left he asked me to take a picture of himself, wives and children and that was amazing, there were so many grown-ups in the back row, they couldn't all been family. But it was such a memorable thing to do. Incidentally he is not going to take anymore wives as he has now become a Christian !!!!!
    Sorry I've gone on again haven't I. Once I get going there is no stopping me!

    Well I'm going up the road to Lidl they have some chopping boards on offer today, our younger daughter would like me to pick some up, I'll have a nosy round while I'm there.

    Everyone is having a good day sending love and crafty hugs, Brenda XXX

  14. Hello Sandra and Friends,
    Well it's a bit dull and dismal here today so thank you Sandra for bringing a little sparkle into my day! Your card is lovely and I love the colour cloud inks as they are easy to apply with a very good result . Julia is very good with them too!
    You have got a lovely sheen on your card as well as twinkle.
    Today I'm having a day at home until late afternoon when we are going to a fairly local, Menswear shop for some Christmas shopping! Shouldn't take long - it rarely does !!
    Ironing is my biggest task today. Oh well!
    Sheila - hope you have a lovely time in Ostend . Hope Nikki had a lovely birthday too.
    See you later all being well!
    Love Myra xxx

  15. Hello everyone, been nice and bright here, dont know how much longer it will last. I am very thankful for what we have had. Taken 5 mins to sit on my bottom then I am off once again.
    Have food ahopping to do, was going morning but things got in the way. Decided to have lunch, wait for the Fish Van coming ..... done that, now need to get going again.
    SANDRA:- what a stunning card, love, love, love, everything about it.
    I have not watched Craft Television in months never seem to have time. It's not normally on when I am doing the ironing in the early morning. We don't have Sky or record etc:- television is not big in this house. However when I have managed to watch John in the past he gives fantastic "hints & tips. I have learnt quite a few things from him.
    Right best get one of Diane's wiggles on ..... see you all later xxx

  16. Hello All,
    Sandra, I love the card today. It's gorgeous.
    Now this will have to be quick, and I've made no notes, so - in no particular order, Sue, I hope you get to Sandra's, you've certainly had a busy time.
    Hazel, you will wear your GC to the bone, all the cutting you are doing!!
    Patricia, did you get your fish?
    Maria, so sorry that you are not feeling up to scratch, please take care and GWS.
    Brenda OB, loved your story about the smarties, and the Elder and his wives, keep them coming!!!
    Myra, Champagne and Tunnocks, oh you are posh!!! ha ha
    I'd better go, Zoe will be here shortly off the school bus, and Eleanor will be ringing for me to collect her.
    See you later.
    By the way, Saba, it's lovely to see you.
    love Muriel xxxx

  17. Hello everybody,
    Just got in from crafting class and then some shopping, it's so dark, and miserable, good job we enjoyed our afternoon. It's the last one for this year, our Christmas Party next week and then we break until mid January.
    Sandra I love to see your cards, each one is different but just as gorgeous, you are so clever.
    Haven't read comments so will be back later, dogs want a bit of attention, they have been so good.
    Hugs Jean xxx

  18. Well Ladies, I'm home! Alastair's Christmas Shopping trip is done and dusted! We got everything we wanted - also had a glass of wine while we browsed! Very civilised! Three more Christmas presents bought plus a new winter coat for you know who !! It's a man's shop remember!

    1. Wow, a shop which provides wine! I need the address.

    2. How did I know that would appeal to you!! Xxxxx

    3. I'm singing that now!!! Xxx

  19. Well done Myra, How kind of you to let Alastair spend some of his money on himself lol. Did you get him anything from Poundland, it will be an experience the both of you will thoroughly enjoy, I don't know if they sell wine!!!
    I've spent all afternoon defrosting the freezeer. You know the freezer where George left the door open from about tea time one evening, until I discovered it the next day lunch time!!! He swears he didn't leave it open, must have been me!! Well, it's all done, switched back on, and I should be able to repack it by bed time, and it's all ready for the big Christmas fill up.
    Sheila, if you manage to look in before you go, enjoy your time with George and Margaret, and have a safe journey.
    I'm away to do some more cutting for Christmas cards.
    Will pop in later all being well.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Now you've got me thinking. Wine in Poundland? Wonder how much it is per bottle!! Might have to call in next time I'm home, you know me I'll drink anything.

    2. Muriel! Sarcasm does not become you! I haven't been to Poundland yet! Am waiting until the parking fees are free!! Realise that is a bit of a misnomer but parking is free near Christmas . Not sure about near Poundland - lol!! I have to make sure my husband is kept warm in winter in a cosy coat! I'll go without Tunnocks if necessary!! Xxx

  20. Good evening everyone
    Well my new laptop has had to go to hospital so I'm having to use Derek's old one and when I say old I mean old, oh is it slow!
    Sandra todays card is so dreamy looking and so very beautiful love everything about it.
    Brenda I have tried some of my embossing folders through the Platinum those from Crafters Companion need two sheets of card as a shim with the raspberry plate and the darice one I have tried took three sheets of card but Sue Wilson's only needed the raspberry plate and the embossing was perfect even in the centre section. I like to emboss part on my envelopes and I can put two of them through at a time with just the raspberry plate and they come out really well. Julia Watts did stress that if you use card as a shim it must go under the raspberry plate as if it is on top it may get caught in the machine and cause problems.
    Anyone thinking of getting a Platinum machine have a look on Craft World web site as they have some Black Friday deals including the Platinum machine at £119.00!!! Food for thought ladies.
    So with that, I will leave you ,enjoy your evening.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Get behind me satan! Off to have a look.

    2. Aaaaagh it's out of stock. Probably a good thing on reflection.

    3. I'm sorry and I didn't want to giggle but I did!!
      Well I've had an interesting hour! Victoria Facetimed us and we had at our of their new home! It was lovely! Victoria went around the house describing each room as Kenneth sat in the lounge with his iPad on his lap! Some things never change! I love them both dearly and don't know what I'd do without them. Xxxx

    4. Oh Margaret, Thank you for all that information,
      You really are a STAR xxx

      I did go into my craft room today but couldn't get my head around to crafting, I worked on my computer, so it wasn't a complete waste of time.
      Hope you computer will not have to stay in the Tech Hospital for to long. LOL xx

    5. Margaret C, you are very naughty tempting us like this. I shall resist, I shall resist, I shall, I . . . . . . . !!!!!

  21. Yoo hoo Saba, I'll check the wine out in Poundland tomorrow for you, but I don't think they sell it, and if they do - well I wouldn't know a "good" wine from a bag of frogs!!! You shouldn't even have looked at the Craft World site, naughty, naughty lol.
    Myra, it comes to a pretty penny if you have to forego your Tunnocks to get Alastair a new coat. I can see that I'm going to have to send another food parcel ha ha. Liked the story about Victoria and Kenneth, but I'm not sure what you had at their new home!!!
    By the way, if anyone is interested, Hazel has a fantastic little holder for an After Eight chocolate on her blog. I made six straight away and they were so easy, I'll put a chocolate in each one and Zoe can give them to her teachers with their Christmas present. The ones I'm making for the Christmas table will be larger - one would be no good for our family!!!
    Muriel xxxx

    1. Muriel, I really do not want a bag of frogs. Although I am getting one of those juicer things so maybe I could........
      Don't look up, but Myra is singing again.

    2. Maureen so glad you were able to,follow my directions, they are fun to do, then again by th time I am finished I might think differently. Calum came up,with thst I should make them for the Christmas meal at the school!one for everyone. I told him health and safty won't allow it? I am naughty. Xxx

    3. Hazel, there is nothing naughty about lying to children after all we tell them to believe in Santa Claus. Had l look on your blog, brilliant instructions, trouble is I would have eaten them all before putting them in.

    4. Singing, sinning or signing? Thankfully not singeing!!! Xxx
