
Wednesday 25 November 2015

Jean's pretty aqua and white

Good Morning Ladies,

I was looking through the files last night and I found this gorgeous card that has been designed by our Jean, it is just beautiful.
I am hoping that Jean will be calling in later to tell us all about how to create this gorgeous card, the lattice work looks almost Moroccan, the touch of that pretty lace beside the beautiful flowers just looks so elegant.
Hurry up Jean, I want to hear all about how to make it!!!
Thank you so much for sending it to me Jean and sorry for not showing sooner xxxx

Well I am hoping to see one of my two Graces today, Sue should be coming over to play today, Pat has got other plans today, rushing around for her friend that is really poorly, I hope you get everything sorted quickly so that you can off to meet your ladies for lunch!
Pat and I are going to meet up on Friday to craft, I can't go two weeks without seeing my girls!
Anyway I must dash (if only) hahaha and get ready for Sue arriving, must hoover the red carpet and put the flags out!

Have a lovely day ladies,
Love and Hugs,
Sandra xxxx


  1. Morning Sandra & ladies,
    Just a short note today, I'm off to do a spot of Christmas shopping in Cheltenham today.

    Beautiful card Jean, love the fretwork die used.
    Love & hugs

    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl I love Chelteham! Have a super day xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and ladies.
    Jean, your beautiful card was the first thing I saw as I switched on the lights this morning it's gorgeous.
    Heating turned up a bit chilly this morning, I know once everything gets going it will b fine, but oh boy when you open the cafe door and it's dark and chilly it's not very nice. I have done most of the setting up, haven't been out the back to see what there is cake wise today. Haven't got much time. I am back over to Perth this morning and I have to Hoover up before I go, I was sat making little holders for an after eight mint, just a fun novelty thing that can be placed on a side plate or even a saucer of a coffee cup. All Brenda LLs fault! No I am very grateful to her for sending me the picture and instructions for this, I have adapted the holder to my own design,in other words I simplified it, not that it was difficult at all. Anyway lots of bits which I gathered altogether then stood up and some how managed to drop half of them, picked up the biggest bits, but seeing how it was gone 10 I couldn't get the Hoover out, so I will get that done.
    Hope all you ladies that purchased thise new machine have had fun trying them out and are not disappointed. I can see if it cuts in the middle all the time, even after lots of use it will be a winner? I think Patricia might just invest in one!!!
    My next investment is a bigger waste paper bin? Exciting or what, but a normal sized one just isn't big enough for all those bits that come from cutting the XCut gift bags out, it's edge bits that you can't do anything with but still fill the bin , I had a carrier bag for these sort of bitsat one point, but since we have to pay 5p for the type now and I have used all my free ones up I will invest in a bin.
    I will call in later once I am over in Perth. xxx

    1. A square basin is a better buy for those bigger bits Sis!! xxx

    2. I keep an ice cream carton on the table when I'm crafting for all the bits I collect then it's just one, or a few trips to the recycling box in the kitchen or to the rubbish bin. Have another cute cuddly day xxxxx

    3. Hello Hazel, I've missed Brenda lately! I know she is busy but I've missed her. Xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Jean-what a beautiful card, so pretty & delicate.

    Goodness- the weather is terrible. Yesterday we had monsoon style rain & today we have gales again! I'm doing my Tesco shopping tonight as I'm meant to be going to a school careers evening tomorrow-the Pharmacy department have a table and I've been asked to take some items along with me. Mind you-the junior pharmacist who was left in charge of everything admitted she hasn't had confirmation that we're going....!! Think that will be her priority for today. Work was calm yesterday & quite pleasant-fingers crossed for another day the same today.


    1. Hope the strong winds have calmed down a bit Michele . It's fairly calm here today. Enjoy your trip to school - if it happens! Xxx

  4. Morning everyone, Oh! it is so dark out there .... not my favourite time of year.
    Never mind it will soon be the "shortest" day then things will move in a brighter direction.
    JEAN:- your card is absolutely beautiful, love everything about it. Stunning and very elegant.
    Lots to catch up on today, Thomas was here all day yesterday. Till about lunch time he just lay on the sofa with his fleece blanket. Oh! then things changed ... he was feeling much better and said he was hungry, think normality was retuning. The boys are so slim but boy those couple of days of sickness have made him look "skinny"
    All that going on put paid to any serious crafting. You get things into perspective when your day is changed round because of a sick boy.
    Have taken some tea and toast over to the corner. Will take a little time out before I get stuck into catching upon myself once again.
    ((((((hugs)))))) in the basket by the door. xxx

    1. You must have read my mind , I was just thinking about the shortest day being nearly here, have to keep reminding myself of this as I hate this time of year.

    2. Hi Patricia, so pleased Thomas is better hope you manage to catch up on things today. Love Sheila xxx

    3. Sheila, are you all ready? Just shut the case and hope you have everything! Enjoy you break and a safe journey to you all. xxx

    4. Morning Patricia, good to hear Thomas is almost back to his self again , I'm sure he'll be eating you out of house and home in no time, it's amazing what appetites they can have at times.
      In one way maybe it has made you slow down for a wee while , not always a bad thing, enjoy your tea and toast. Xo

    5. Patricia I'm pleased to hear Thomas is feeling better now, it's not nice when they are poorly is it. Good to hear the appetite has returned too! Enjoy your catch up day xxxx

    6. Thomas will soon be back to " normal " appetite and size wise! My sons were always thin - still are! They eat well though. Always rushing around and healthy outdoor things - even riding bikes keeps little ones fit and well.
      Your my kind of girl Patricia - always upbeat , glass half full - I mean with the regard to the shortest day! Xxx

  5. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, dark and wet here again this morning.
    Sandra did you get my emails with my details, this iPad is being difficult and some of my emails are disappearing into the ether, hope you did, if not I'll do it again.
    Supposed to be going to my friends for a craft day tomorrow, but at the moment can't contact her, sent email and no reply, also tried the phone but no one at home!
    I will finish my qoata of hoods today, and then have a free day to craft tomorrow yippee.
    JEAN your card is beautiful, love your flowers and the latticework background, you are all such clever ladies.

    If anyone has a moment I wonder if you can help me , I bought some of the new Altanew stamps from c/c last week but when I try them th e ink just beads up on the stamp and looks a mess, very disappointed, maybe it's the way I'm doing it.
    Your supposed to use 3 colours, when the lady showing them did them they looked lovely.
    Time to get out of bed and get a shift on.
    Have a good day everyone, black coffee for me please need something strong to get me going.Lilian

    1. LILIAN:- it sounds as though your Ink Pads are far too "juicy"
      If the ink pad is too wet you get those little bubbles on your stamps. Try using an "old" ink pad on scraps to see how you go. xxx

      I am not a great stamper but I have had this in the past. Best person to advise on stamping that I know of is Maureen. She is a wonderful stamper. xxx

    2. Hi Lilian, i recorded that program on C&C , it was really good and I loved their stamps , but by the time I watched it they had sold out of the Vintage flowers , I did look on the web ( where they were cheaper) and have put my name on wait list for them, but I'm sorry to read about the bother you are having , I think Patricia has given you good advice to try and if that doesn't do it another thing to try is wiping the stamp over with nail varnish remover or white spirit in case there is a slight greasy film on it or even just soapy water, hope you get the problem solved .xo

    3. Lilian I was going to say the same, clean them with nail varnish remover. Also if you are using a tim holts distress ink they do tend to bobble, it's their nature. Try using an adirondack ink pad, they work a treat. Hope that helps, they did look beautiful stamps, I had to sit on my hands! Xxxx

    4. All the best with the stamps Lilian! You have had some great tips which I will file away in my brain cell too! Ha ha !! Xxx

  6. Morning Sandra and all the lovelies,
    We have the same nasty weather here seems never ending at the moment.
    OH Jean your card is just so beautiful and in my favourite colour too. I love the background die and as Sandra has said it seems like a Moroccan style die., then a pretty die to edge how you have set the flowers too. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Well I've repacked my case hopefully that's it now....if I have forgotten anything it's too bad, just got to put my polyfiller and my make-up bag in and that's it. Take care everyone I'll see you when I get back, I won't be able to post because I'll only have my mobile with me and if I use that for some reason you get it in triple on the blog...but I will be looking in. Have put double hugs in the basket so do help yourselves. Bye for now. Love and hugs Sheila xxxxx

    PS .Ladies with new machines hope you have lots of fun using them.xx

    1. SHEILA:- have the most fantastic break, enjoy every minute. xxx

    2. Sorry Sheila I can't remember where you said you were off to ( must have been all the packing and unpacking that took my notice lol! ) anyway I hope you have the most wonderful time ! xo

    3. Hi Sheila, hope you have a wonderful time away.

    4. Shiela have a lovely time, and see lots of nice things x

    5. Have a wonderful holiday Sheila, safe journey xxxxx

    6. Sheila, have a great time! The Davis Cup is being played in Ghent this weekend I think it is! Our Gt Britain team are already there anyway. Have a super time and hope Muriel the suitcase has everything you need! Xxx

    7. Sheila have a wonderful time and a safe journey enjoy every minute! xxx

  7. Good morning Sandra and everyone
    Patricia delighted to know Thomas is feeling more bright eyed and bushy tailed, there is nothing worse than seeing little ones ill so pleased he is feeling much better quite sure Granny hugs helped too.
    Todays card, Jean your card is absolutely delightful and so very beautiful thank you for letting us see it.
    Another busy day for us today off out shopping to hopefully complete the present shopping. Hope my driver is in a co-operative mood! He doesn't like shopping.
    Have a lovely day everyone and take care my hugs are over in the corner help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

    1. I'm so glad I'm not the only one with a husband who loathes shopping!
      We are going to a fairly local Independent Menswear shop on Thursday as he can cope with that. Hmm - he gets coffee - sure that helps! Have a successful day! Xxxx

    2. Always go shopping on my own, much easier.

  8. Good morning Ladies, clear ,bright and cold here today.
    Jean, your card is beautiful and delicate , I love the trellis/ garden look with all the pretty flowers and colour combination , fab card!
    Myra , gosh you are posh! You've never been in a pound shop , I'm speechless !
    I love finding bargains and they do have some really good ones, the tape as Hazel mentioned and lots of stuff for kids craft , malteasers ( don't know how they slipped in ) pens etc . They even have Tunnocks goodies! ! ! but don't get your bloomers in a twist running there , they usually have lots! Tin hats too maybe ? Ha ha
    Well a busy morning ahead , I have to go and put up Christmas decorations at the golf club , but at least a friend is coming to help, should be a laugh.
    Time for some tea and toast, wonder who's about?
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Myra I found the sticky loo blocks in our pound land and got some because I needed them. Next time I was in Sainsburys I looked at the price ( one of those things you just buy because!) and they were nearly £2! That was a good buy in my books. Xxxx

    2. I did say - I was ashamed to say it! You see I just though - oh it'll all be rubbish! Guess where I'm going very soon! Watch this space ! Made a mental note of Tunnocks and Maltesers!! Ha ha . In my defence a friend gave me double sided tape from a pound shop as she thought it was good. Well it stuck to everything but what it should have stuck to and drove me mad! It went in the bin - that put me off. I need to persevere! Xxx

    3. Myra, I have to say my all time Best Buy from the pound shop was my sellotape holder and the sellotape that comes with it, it's a heavy holder and it works a dream, I so wish I had take it to the retreat for when I was doing my basket. They also do padded envelopes 4 or 6 in the packet depending on the size. xxx

    4. We talked about your sellotape holder at the Retreat! I remember that - I have a heavy one which was Mum's . They are great. The padded bags I buy all the time - I need to go now!! It won't be today though as I haven't time. Xxx

  9. Good morning everyone
    What a surprise to see one of my cards looking at me, thank you for your kind comments, will get back later to let you know what dies were used.
    We had an absolutely brilliant day yesterday in Liverpool had a nice meal when we arrived then hit the shops, got the underground to Albert Dock for us to watch Mrs Brown Boys at Echo Arena, so so funny, laughed so much, did us all the world of good, last train home so a bit tired today,
    Patricia I see Thomas has been unwell hope he's feeling better now.
    Hope everyone is well, it's a wet day but has stopped raining now,
    Hugs to anyone who needs them
    Oh Sheila have a lovely trip,
    Till later
    Jean xxx

    1. A lovely card, Jean! I think I recognise that die - I have it somewhere but I can't remember it's name. If I'm right it's a Spellbinders one - oblong in shape. It has a lovely lattice effect. Soft green and white always looks so pretty! Glad you had a good day yesterday! Xxx

    2. Hi Jean,
      Well done on you card it is lovely xx

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Jean your card is gorgeous, so delicate with the lace.
    Patricia glad that Thomas is getting better, when he starts to eat properly he will get back quickly to his usual build.
    Does anyone have an extra pair of hands I can borrow, I have so much to do there are not enough hours in the day at the moment, this craft fair seems to be getting all my time just now, thankfully everything is ready, just to price a few things, which I find quite hard, don't want to make things too expensive, but also dont want to make them too cheap.
    I need some of Maria's wiggles, off to do some ironing first, then get things ready for Saturday.
    Take care everyone, xxx

    1. Now Jess that's a picture in my head - you with Maria's wiggle! I hate pricing things too - at the same time I get cross with people wanting things for next to nothing! You will get there - wiggle faster!!! Xxxx

  11. Hi Sandra
    My word Jean what a stunner today. I love the trellis work and the lacy bit down the side. Look forward to hearing what dies you've used.
    I hope that Thomas is feeling better today Patricia. My word Anne putting up Christmas Decs already!. Jess don't wear yourself out, all that wriggling won't help either. Looks like Maria's and Diana's wriggles are catching.
    Myra I can't believe you haven't been in a Pound shop. Mind you we had a 99p shop which was always packed. However, it suddenly shut and the next week was a Poundland shop. They're great for things for school.

    1. Pat you will love this, there was a pound shop in Eastleigh for ages and suddenly a 99p shop opened nearby and the pound shop went out of business! Xxx

    2. Oh that made me laugh! Steady on - I haven't been in the Pound Shop yet! Thanks Pat - will look at craft bits for children. Xxx

  12. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Jean what a gorgeous card today, love the lattice work die you've used and such pretty flowers too. Thank you for sharing it with us. Xxxxx
    Sandra before I forget again I've put a comment on yesterday quite late about sixth form choices, I hope it helps. I don't know what choices you've got round your way. When I went to sixth form you went to one college for A levels or into Bournemouth for catering!
    I must dash I've got to get to the post office to post a parcel to Emma, a few bits for Christmas decorations oh and Daniel Craig! Took me ages to roll him up and get him in the bag!!!! :) I'm going to try a boiled fruit cake today, I'm just about to put the fruit on so it will have cooled by the time I get back, I need some more greased proof paper too. After that it's more cards and I really must put the Hoover round - poor Mr Dyson, you never say your going to do the Dysoning do you!!!!
    See you all later xxxxxx

    1. Hope your cake turns out a treat! Your cakes usually do Diane! Xxx

    2. Hi Diane,
      Snap I have just made one well in fact I have made 2 put them in loaf tins they are a nice size for people on their own I give to at boule for Christmas, hope you enjoy it.xx

  13. Good morning Sandra and everyone,
    Jane, your card is beautiful love the lattice effect is the Lace edging, I'm sure whoever you made this for they were absolutely delighted, it really is gorgeous

    Sandra, Hope the red carpet is it is out and everything is ready for your special visitor, you don't have to curtsy and present her with flowers when she arrived do you?
    I have been playing with my new machine it cuts the dies beautifully, although I haven't tried more than one piece of card at a time, I think it was Julia who said it would cut up to 8 thicknesses, has anyone tried putting a regular EF through? I tried putting an 8 x 8 through and was very disappointed with the result. (By the way the Rasberry plate is the same thickness as the clear plates that come with the machine) I found I could only get a decent impression when adding three pieces of paper as shims. Anyway I'm still playing and experimenting so would be interested to see how it works for you ladies.
    Patricia, pleased to hear Thomas is feeling better, it's great that you and grandpa were able step in and look after him. I'm sure Thomas loved being with you as well. xx

    I hope everyone is having a good day, and the weather is not too bad where you are, we had rain earlier on but now it's drying up and the sky is getting brighter, dare I say it - the sun is trying to come out!

    Take care everyone, love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Hello Brenda,
      I've been trying to remember all Julia's tips! One I did remember was for A4 embossing. She used the embossing folder and the CE White plate. I tried that and it worked beautifully! I'm very impressed so far. Embossing in the centre was just as good as down the sides . Xxx

    2. Brenda I have put a note below for you re embossing xxx

    3. Sorry this just tickled me - I said I was very impressed - just like the embossing!! Ha ha! Xxx

    4. Myra, Thank you, I had missed the bit about using the White plate. I will have a play. xx

  14. Hello Sandra and Ladies,
    Well I've had a read and commented on the way down as I'm going out again this afternoon! My friend Gill and I are going to pack parcels for Zambia! They hold Hygiene packs - towel, flannel, toothbrush , toothpaste, soap and a comb. All the bits go in a drawstring toilet bag! Everything has to match as we are just a bit like that!!! Also Matinee packs - I knitted jacket, hat, mittens and bootees and a crocheted blanket , nappy ( Terry) , two pins and pants! We have great fun putting everything together and then packing the boxes. They then go to the Wirral by car and are picked up from there and taken to Medical Missionary News. They get packed in crates and off they go! We include other things too but no clothing apart from the packs for babies. These packs are given to new Mums in hospital. Sometimes they get very little else. We've had some great photos back! That's what I like about it - I know who I'm dealing with and where the things are going. As you can imagine lots of ladies are knitting and crocheting all year for these. I often wonder what Boots online thinks I'm doing ? I must have bought hundreds and hundreds of Terry nappies ovee the the years!
    I've already said how much I like Jean's card and I will be looking for that die as I haven't used it in ages! Thanks Jean!
    Well I've rambled on enough for six! Will love you and leave you .
    Anne - I'm not thinking about Christmas decorations until next week - I'm responsible for the Church trees! We have two - one large one and one smaller one where we have coffee etc. I was discussing this with Maureen earlier in the week and saying I ought to hand it over to someone younger! I did try last year and it didn't work!
    Love to all, Have a good time Sandra and Sue!
    Myra xxxx

    1. Oh Myra right you just reminded me, A few years ago I went to Tanzania with my sister, we were staying in Tanga, Some days when my sister was free we went into town and got the Darla Darla, ( local bus service) it doesn't compare anyway to the transport we are used to!!!! They will carry anything beds, car parts you name it, it goes on the Dala Dala - as well as passengers, it really was an experience. On one of these journeys a lady got on with a gorgeous tiny tiny baby, it must have been a girl, because she was wrapped in a pink woollen shawl and had a pink woolly hat and pink mittens, it was just after midday this dear little baby had beads of perspiration running down her face. It was all I could do to control myself, I was so worried about the little one overheating !!!
      We also stayed at a convent in Kwediboma where they have a maternity hospital, they even have a special unit for the Masai mums. That was the most amazing experience, one new mum had arrived there in labour on the back of a motor scooter! The Sister in charge said it was her dream to have a mobile unit and go out to the villages and settlements.
      Sorry to go on, but I had so many experiences on this trip, A trip I wasn't keen to make to be truthful. I had been invited so many times to go there, and on this occasion as my sister was standing in the for the Mother General of her order, so I could not say no. I can only add I was blessed and richer for the experience. xxx

    2. I'm sure you were Brenda! What a lovely experience that must have been! We only knit/ crochet items we are asked to make. We often wonder about the heat but apparently it's cold at night sometimes. We packed 18 of the matinee packs today! Another box has 8 large crocheted or knitted blankets in it. They are too big for the baby packs! Xxx

    3. Lovely to hear about your time in Tanzania Brenda and Myra, you making so many good things for the new mums in Zambia. I had a little boy from an orphanage in Sri Lanka for many years , unfortunately they had problems and closed when they had fightings over there so never know what happened to him xxx

    4. Myra that sounds like a lovely day, how great to do something so worth while. I used to put together a shoebox at Christmas, I loved finding little things to go in it. I would love to have seen the look on the child's face when they opened it. Thank you for telling us about it, it's nice to know these things happen xxxx

    5. Oh Diane we often say we would love to see the faces when they are given the packages. We do see some dressed in the knitted sets and now some of the ladies have been knitting little woollen balls stuffed with a baby safe soft stuffing! I should have taken some photos! Xxx

  15. Helloooooooooooooo,
    Just a quickie but I hope to pop in later. Sandra and Sue - have a lovely time crafting and talking!!!
    Jean, what a gorgeous card, I'm going to find my die that's similar to this. I have never used it - another one - but I've taken inspiration from yours.
    Ladies, I hope you are all well, and I'll catch up later.
    love Muriel xxxx
    P.S. I wonder if Sheila has finished packing yet ha ha. xxx

  16. Myra, I wish I had known about these parcels as June Tammys God mum would willing knit for these she does a lot for charities, as she just has to have knitting on her needles at all times, and I have loads of knitted bootees, as they aren't always wanted she would happily do mittens too. If you let me know if you want help with the knitting. xxx

  17. Ladies, I have been in to tesco this morning and they have lots of gift sets down to half price, some really good bargains and some would make good stocking fillers and small extra gifts for those grandchildren. Just thought you might be interested. xxx

    1. Hazel thanks for that I will pop in over the next couple of days and see what they've got. Xxxx

  18. Hi Sandra and all today.
    Beautiful card Jean ! quite a few things going on . Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Have not read all the comments yet but seen you pretty busy with shopping, baking and crafting etc. so hope you all have a good day.
    Happy Birthday to Nikki.
    Glad to see Thomas is feeling better, Patricia.
    Really need a wiggle Jess (Diane) and a shake but will not happening today. Had a good day in London with my sister in law and family and got back late but paying for it today so will not be doing much . Take care everyone Xxxx

  19. Well we have survived the shopping and have been asked, I hope that is it and we have no more to do, if we have I'll not be going! No staying power my husband and that after I bought him 4 yes 4 egg custards!
    Brenda, Julia Watts did say on TV that sometimes you need to add shims depending on the embossing folder and to have a play as different makes of embossing folders can be different. I know I always had a problem getting a good emboss with Crafters Companion folders putting them through my GC, I have not had time as yet to try them through the Platinum, I am busy with my cards from Santa enclosing a bag of oats. When I do I shall let you know.
    Hope the two Graces are having a good time.
    Have a lovely time puppy sitting Hazel have fun.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret , It was actually a Crafters Companion embossing folder I was trying to put through, one of there new Textures range.
      Thank you so much for your advise, it really is appreciated. That aside I am really happy with my new machine. LOL xx

  20. Hi everyone - as promised I have searched through my dies and the lattice one used in the card is a Spellbinders one (Yes you're right Myra ) Its the crisscross expandable pattern and the lace die down the side is a Sue Wilson Gemini - Perseus. Hope this helps - glad its not raining now, the dogs are having a nap so Im going to have a play for a change, will pop back later to see what everyone is up to
    Hugs Jean xxxx

    1. Wow! Jean I actually recognised something and got it right! Yeh!
      I saw Sue use that die in one of her TV Shows ages ago! Xxx

  21. Hi Sandra,
    It sounds as if your expected visitor has had to babysit instead of crafting & chatting with you although she did tell me they are doing craft things together which Phoebe will love. Hope you have managed to craft on your own.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  22. I think I'll give you a bit of a laugh! I came home to find an envelope from the dreaded Income Tax people! However - good news - I got a rebate of £14. 66. Now that will go much further in the Pound Shop than anywhere else! I have giggled about that. So the Tunnocks wafers are on me!! Ha ha . Xxx

    1. Please don't spend it all at once my dear xxx

    2. Whooo hoooo go on treat yourself Myra xxxx

  23. MYRA:- will we "ALL" get a "whole" one ...... ???
    I heard some only got 1/4 of one when we were all together at the Retreat!!! xxx

    1. I'm hoping to be able to run to a whole one! Do they do buy one get one free in the Pound Shop ?? Xxx

    2. I did not notice that or even if it was BIG packets ..... they do have them though, I saw them. xxx

    3. Some people want jam in it buy one get one free indeed!
      But I have just had a thought, Tunnocks are made in Scotland are they not and most biscuits factories have a factory shop, is there one anywhere near our Scottish branch members then you could all have a big bagful each!!!!

    4. Margaret, I'm just worried I've got a reputation for not liking a bargain and that is not the case! I guess what I was given from the Pound Shop by my friend just put me off! The tape was awful . It was double sided foam tape and it stuck to everything I had! Xxx

    5. Margaret we didn't find that factory shop ( Julian would be in 7th heaven, he's partial to a Tunnocks caramel wafer !) we had the Walkers factory shop in Elgin, oh my goodness we had to bring a couple of those packets back! When we got to the airport duty free had a huge box of Tunnocks, we drooled but didn't buy! Xxxx

  24. SANDRA:- talking and thinking of the Retreat do you have any thoughts of where and when for next time???
    Audrey and I were chatting about doing something as a family, Spring next year.
    I would hate to miss out, if I had an idea we can work round that.
    I was hoping you might be thinking more around early May month. For the ones wanting to go it would give them time to fill their "jaunt jug" just a thought. xxx

    1. Ooh Patricia, how exciting. That would be fabulous. Sandra, put your thinking cap on and let us know when and where, as I'll need to start saving.
      Muriel xxxx

    2. P.s. I'm going now to read all the comments, as I haven't read them today, but got so excited at Patricia's post, that I had to get in straight away!!!

    3. Please may I have a whole caramel wafer at the next one?
      Tin hat!
      Maybe this isn't a good time to ask if I can be next door to you again! Chief Waker Upper!! Xxx

    4. I would love to come also,but as May is a busy time work wise the more notice the better, feeling excited already !

  25. Well it's time for a break, I have just made 30 more after eight holders and 12 pillow boxes. Patricia and I have decided that with the Christmas goodies for the chemo unit we will put a big pile of the after eights in holders so in the week running up to Christmas the ladies going round with the tea trolley can give them out to those up at the unit. so I have loads still to make! Mr Dyson is going to be busy tomorrow again? He will just have to get on with it as at the moment the floor is a mess again, as Charlie pointed out I only got home after 2 and I have managed to make such a mess. The school fair is next Friday night so I still have lots to do. I am at home tomorrow till I go pick up Beth I think I might get her on board cutting the pillow boxes out, or the asters and leaves. xxx

    1. What a lovely idea Hazel, let us know if we can give you a hand xxxx

    2. What a lovely lady you are giving so much of your time and talent for others

  26. I'm Back!
    Bear with me here, I've read your comments and:-
    Cheryl, hope you have a good day at Cheltenham.
    Hazel, I use one of those huge blue Idea bags for my die bits, I hang it on the door handle of one of the wardrobes and it's great. I never miss it when I'm sweeping all the bits in, or brushing them with the useless All in One gadget!
    Also, thanks for the thumbs up for the bargains in Tesco.
    Michele hope the school careers advice went well, if you went!!!!
    Patricia, I knew Thomas would be much better after spending time with you. An easy day will have done you good.
    Lilian, your stamps and the ink bubbling. I always get sellotape and press it onto the stamp, You will see an oily impression appearing. Do this a few times, not just once or twice, and then ink the stamp and use it on copy paper four or five times. If it still does it, I get a very fine grade sandpaper and gently smooth the stamp over it maybe two or three times. Gently!!!! Wipe the stamp with a damp cloth, dry and do a couple of trial stampings. It should then be fine, but you may be worn out ha ha. I'm still waiting for your address and tel number.
    Margaret C - George doesn't mind food shopping, he fills the trolley with all the things he likes. Any other type of shopping - forget it. If we go to town, all the time we are in the shop he's saying "All right"" and then walks away, thinking I'll follow him - no chance lol.
    Jean, sounds as though you have a great time in Liverpool, I'm glad you enjoyed Mrs Brown.
    Jess, sorry I need both my hands at the moment!
    Dainty, I'm sure you made that up about the 99p shop and the Pound shop!
    Brenda OB, I expect the more you use the new machine, the more you'll find out. Your trip to Tanzania sounds wonderful.
    Myra - have you got your new machine??? Poundland - you've never been - as a Policeman once said to me "My, you've lead a sheltered life" - I was witness to a Bank robbery - I said a WITNESS!!! ha ha.
    I hope this posts, otherwise I'm going to have to try to follow Norah's instructions.
    Muriel xxx

    1. Muriel I wish I had but it's true. Love the thought of a big blue idea bag - could do with one of those to help me - I'm always looking for ideas! Lol xxxx

    2. Thanks for the advice for using my stamps, didn't realise you had to prep them before use, will try all of the suggestions, not now as its 23.52 and I'm in bed.
      Sandra has my details I hope, did send her an email, but not sure I she had it.

  27. Forgot to say earlier sorry, M & S have lots of goodies ideal for presents at 50% off, and Debenhams this week only are offering 10% off perfume and makeup ranges! I was not allowed to look at clothes as my companion had had enough and was having a bad morning with pain, but |I believe they are 30% off. Pain or no pain I insisted on a visit to the Estee Lauder counter!
    Well good night and God Bless everyone
    Margaret xxx

    1. Night Night Margaret! I've ordered a few bits online from M&S . Box came when I was out but tonight I can't be bothered opening it. Well - maybe later. Got some 3 for 2's. Xxx

    2. Margaret I love Estée Lauder too and Emma uses Benefit make up so I'm going to pop in on Saturday and get some. I've got am& S earmarked for Friday ( is that wise!) if I but their £10 meal deal I can upgrade my bottle of wine to a bottle of champers for an extra £10 with my Sparks card - bargain. Xxx

  28. Night night all, sweet dreams and God Bless.

  29. Night night sleep tight. My fruit cake was fun to make, so easy. It was a good food recipe. We cut it whilst it was still warm so it was quite crumbly. As Julian said, not as good as a Christmas cake but ok for an everyday cake! Sweet dreams everyone xxxxx

  30. Looks as though everyone gone to bed, so I'll say goodnight and sweet dreams.
