
Tuesday 24 November 2015

Sheila's beautiful card for Nikki

Good Morning Ladies,

I am so excited to share with you today the card that Sheila made for her beautiful Nikki, we are also very privileged that Sheila has also been kind enough to share the heartfelt verse that she wrote inside the card.

Sheila your card is so very pretty, the Ballerina is so delicate and detailed, it is I believe a Cheery Lynn die, the Ballet shoes are also Cheery Lynn dies.  Your tiny pink bow is so perfect.
I love the background you have created, I am not sure if it is Sue's Rose Embossing folder, letter pressed and Iced snow added, I love the frame that you have created to place the Ballerina upon, like an elaborate mirror in as dance studio, the little touches like those tiny butterflies and the little floral die cuts top and bottom of the focal element really make your card stand out, it is beautiful Sheila,
the verse you have written is just so beautiful, I bought a tear to my eye, so heartfelt and so true.
thank you so much for sharing it with us xxx

Not much happening in our house today, trying to regain normality after the weekend, its amazing how your sleeping pattern returns so quickly, we have some research to do into Sixth form choices for the girls, their school has a great sixth form which is very good, it will be good in that the girls will be familiar with both the staff and school but the hard thing is working out if that's the best option over all, the hard thing is that neither of them knows what the want to do!   The decision will ultimately be up to them but we have to lay out all of the possibilities before them!

Have a fabulous day everyone,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and ladies, well as soon as I opened the cafe door this morning I knew straight away it was a Sheila card that was on the display stand. Sheila, your card is stunning with a good few WOW 's added to that, I just love everything about it and your verse is beautiful.
    Up early as I am off over to Perth to puppy sit, he is getting better and is now staying on his own for an hour and 15 mins without anything happening and nothing out of place, but Tammy still isn't wanting to leave him much longer just yet, if he was in a cage yes she would go happily for the couple of hours she needs to be away. So give him another week and I think he will be fine, he is learning that they are coming back so he is not so anixous! I have things I need to do once Tammy is home so it's not a wasted journey. It's just I have to be over for the back of 9. Tammy will be out of the house form before 8 , boys are at breakfast club so she can get off to work.
    Everything set up for the day, some chicken broth soup for lunch if anyone fancy a bowl. Must go and get ready, will pop in later. xxx

    1. Have fun puppy sitting hazel and safe journey as you just never know what the weather is going to do xxx

    2. Hi Hazel, sounds as if the little man is really doing well, loved the photo you shared of him with Harris, take care on your journey

    3. Happy puppy sitting Hazel, he look like a real little sweetie xxx

    4. Happy puppy sitting day Hazel I would be in my element doing that ...hope he behaves for you. xxxx

    5. Enjoy your puppy sitting Hazel, I bet you can't resist those cute soft eyes looking at you. Xxxxx

    6. Oh he is so cute, came in and everything was fine, he greeted me then just went and laid down. He is so calm and very much like our Harris in nature. I think Tammy must be coming in as he is away to the back door. Puppy sitting but also ironing, can't just sit when there is school uniform to be done. xxx

    7. Oh he's learning so fast Hazel! He just needed reassurance. Safe driving today. Xxx

    8. Oh Hazel he sounds adorable I bet you give him lots of cuddles
      Stay safe driving driving xx

    9. Hazel, you are so kind that it's no wonder the puppy is happy to see you and will be as good as gold for you. xxx

    10. Hazel if I get a puppy will you come and do my ironing for me??

    11. Easy Peasy! Hazel has been known to travel to Australia - Germany will be a dawdle! Xxx

  2. Good Morning Sandra & Friends, not so cold this morning but very dark.
    Sheila your card is beautiful I love everything about it, especially the verse, it brought tears to my eyes also, I am sure Nikki must have loved it.
    In early this morning it's cleaner day( she couldn't make it yesterday), so have to put craft stuff away.also ironing which is sitting on spare room bed.
    The repair man comming to day so keep your fingers crossed that he can fix my washer.
    Everyone have a good day, see you later.

    1. Good luck and fingers crossed that your washing machine will be fixable and not cost to much,take care xxx

    2. Fingers crossed Lillian that your machine can be fixed and that it doesn't cost too much. xxx

    3. Finger crossed for you Lilian, I bet the pike of washing to do has bred overnight! Xxxxx

    4. I hope its something and nothing as we say Lilian and that it costs next to nothing! Xxx

    5. Lilian, everything crossed for you, including my legs - I've got a water infection!! xxx

    6. Hi Lilian,I hope your washing maching can be fixed & doesn't cost an arm & a leg xx

    7. Lilian I hope it's fixed now and wasn't too serious a problem.
      Muriel if I've told you once I've told you a thousand times, wear knickers when you go out, a chill wind up there causes havoc with the waterworks.

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sheila- you're card is just beautiful, the verse is so lovely. I'm sure the card will be treasured.

    Work was fine yesterday, hopefully will be the same today. Actually the whole week doesn't look too bad-next week might be the crazy busy week. I've decided to take the whole week off sick after I have my steroid injection done next Monday to make sure I rest my thumb which certainly wouldn't happen if I went to work. I'm going to try & get more Christmas cards ready to assemble for next week (no cutting out) so I can at least use my time productively.


    1. Hope your week stays uneventful Michele xxx

    2. That sounds sensible Michele, you could do with a week away from the stress! Xxxx

    3. Good idea Michele and glad things not so bad this week for you. How was the greenhouse? Xxx

    4. Have a good time next week Michele, hope the steroid injection isn't too painful xxx

    5. Good, idea Michele hope this week stays calm at work
      Hug's xx

    6. Hi Michele, It's good that you are taking the week off after your injection and you'll have the freedom to do what you want especially as you'll be limited with your thumb. So here's to a less stressful week this week and enjoy your week of after that, xxx

    7. Well done you, enjoy your week off and I hope the steroid injection has an immediate effect on your painful thumb.

  4. Good morning Ladies,
    Sheila your card is Gorgeous! I'm sure a card like that is every little girls dream it is just so pretty , is it the roses striplet on adhesive backing with iced snow in the background ? It is so full of lovely details and the verse is beautiful and so personal , thank you for sharing with us, I'm sure Nikki must be enjoying showing her special card to her friends xo
    Can't wait to hear how you all get on with your new machines, it's really interesting to hear about the results.
    Miserable morning here , dark and wet, meant to be golfing but I think I'll just go for the coffee and chat.
    I made a thank you card yesterday afternoon using the Heartfelt stamps with bottle of wine and grapes , took me over two hours but I really enjoyed doing something other than Christmas cards.
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne, have a nice day even if you not playing any golf it's nice catching up with friends. Hope you taken a photo of your card, wine and grapes sound very French or Spanish to me xxx

    2. Hope the bottle of wine and grapes were on the card and not on your table, mind you that's a good idea lol xxx!!!,

    3. Anne, I think you've made the right decision. Golf is just a good walk ruined by a little white ball, some sand and rough grass !!! xxx

    4. Add a bit of cheese and with you on that!! Coffee and chat sounds good to me too. It's wet here too! Xxx

    5. Hi Anne your card sounds lovely that Heartfelt stamp well all of there stamps are gorgeous. Enjoy your chat with friends even if golf is off the cards. Hug's xx

    6. Well Ladies , it cleared up and I did play golf and won £3 ! and I thoroughly enjoyed it, but what I reall wanted to tell you was, I loved Sue's card so much yesterday it had both my favourites used in it so I decided to order them from Icon , I couldn't believe my eyes when I got home they were delivered this morning! How about that for service? Absolutely brilliant!
      Anne xo

    7. That's pretty impressive, Anne! Yesterday's card was gorgeous! Enjoy! Xxx

    8. Hi Anne, so pleased you managed your game of golf and won £3 into the bargain! Icon are great for price and delivery aren't they. xxx

    9. Hi Anne, I loved Sue's card too, especially that striplet. I feel a purchase coming on. Enjoy your new dies, what will you buy with your £3 I wonder???

    10. Maybe another die Saba , you know how when it's our money it stretches like elastic lol!
      I was really amazed at Icon , it was 2.30 pm when I ordered them , anyway I made my version of Sue's card , except mine has flowers in the centre, hiding a " wee oops" ! I made it in red /white so it can be used as a Christmas card.
      Anne xoxo

    11. About the £3 , Anne - it may go further in the Pound Shop!
      Confession - I've never been in one! Xxx

    12. Anne could buy 3 packs of double sided tape from the pound shop with her £3 xxx

  5. Good morning everyone
    Busy day again today here, Derek has the hairdresser then straight afterwards I have to go to see the physio with my foot then jobs to catch up with in the bungalow, school runs to do then Derek is back to see the doctor this afternoon, oh for a quiet day!
    Forgot to say yesterday we had snow on Saturday night but it did not stay however on the fells there is quite a lot so winter is here I do believe! At the moment there is heavy rain again so corgis have gone out in their coats.
    Sheila I was blown again by your masterpiece absolutely divine and the verse is so heartfelt too. So pleased you had a lovely Saturday with your little treasure.
    My new machine so far is absolutely wonderful cuts like a dream and embossing really well too and in the centre! So one happy bunny here, if only I could play with it more, I hear Maureen saying like a kid with a new toy! Well yes I am.
    Must go and get ready for school, have a lovely day hugs over in the corner help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret, you are a busy bee today with all that running around, Hope all goes alright at the physio. So many seem to have bought the new spellbinder, glad it works like you want it too so hopefully you soon will have some more play sorry crafting time xxx

    2. Hello Margaret C, I'm so pleased that the new Platinum is working out so well. Jealous - me - never!!!! (ooh liar, liar, pant's on fire) xxxx

    3. Hello Margaret - Alastair been to the Hairdressers today too! It's not an overly long job to be honest !! I'm glad you are happy with your new machine. I haven't got mine yet. We must be quite unusual ducks as I think we prefer dry weather! Ha ha ! Xxx

    4. Hello Margaret gosh you made me tired just reading all your running around this morning. Glad your new platinum machine is working & cutting well, have fun using it. Take it slowly for the rest of the day. Hug's xx

    5. Hi Margaret I'm so pleased you like your Platinum, I really must get mine out again and give it another try. Take care and take it easy, Love Sheila xxx

    6. Margaret you little tinker, you've got the Platinum too. I'm starting to regret my purchase, I don't like being the odd one out. Have fun with it.

  6. Good Morning Sandra and everyone,

    This morning John has taken the car into Vauxhall garage to repair the brake cable, damage cause by foxes chewing it ( we did have a temporary repair from the AA man).So that is why I'm in earlier than usual.
    Hopefully I will get to play with my new machine once I've whizzed around with Mr Dyson. This afternoon I have physio, so need to get a wiggle on!

    Sheila, It was your name that came into my mind when I looked at today's blog!
    This card for Nikki is really beautiful, it is so feminine and dainty looking, any girl would really love this one. (Young or old!!!) The verse is absolutely beautiful, thank you for sharing something so special that you made for your lovely daughter.
    Well I think that wriggle moment hasn't arrived, I'll get on - and hopefully have time to play later. I will pop in and let you know how I get on.
    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Oops ......... I think that wiggle moment HAS arrived xxx

    2. Morning Brenda, oh I hope the car repairs wont be too costly. Maybe they could fox proof it somehow. Hope your physio going alright too and you get some nice crafting time on Your new machine. Very interesting to see what you all think about it .Take care xxx

    3. Brenda OB, hope you wiggled in time and that the car repair is not too costly. Trust you to come up with a novel tale of brake trouble - how exciting!!! xxx

    4. Hello Brenda , hope these foxes have found a new stamping / chewing ground! Maybe they were babies and your brake cable a sort of teething ring! I think I may be a little mad! Xxx

    5. Hi BRENDA what naughty foxes hope the repair isn't very expensive.
      Wow lots of new die cutting machines going on in the café.enjoy
      Hug's xx

    6. Oh I didn't realise foxes could be so cheeky! I do hope that it doesn't cost too much to repair the damage they have done. Enjoy your new machine. Love Sheila xxx

    7. Looking forward to hearing about your new machine.
      We have problems here with stoats chewing cables on cars here. Something about the casing they like to eat!

  7. Morning Sandra and all you lovelies.
    Gosh it was another lump in my throat moment when I opened the cafe door this morning and saw my card that I had for my darling Nikki. Sandra you were almost right with the making of the card....the ballet shoes and ballerina were Cheery Lynn (I tripple cut the skirt with vellum on the third layer ) and I used The Spectrum Sparkle pens on the skirt and bodice and the outside of the matted layer.The die with the flowers on the bottom of the diamond is one of SW latest dies..the name escapes me at the moment. and the background is as Anne said the roses striplet laid over a adhesive paper but with glacier ice on it.
    Thank you all for the lovely comments and the verse I found through Pinterest which I thought was absolutely perfect and I just couldn't leave my dearest Clive out on Nikki's special day so I added the last line of it.
    It's a horrible morning here but I must go out to the bank and get some spends ....always last minute me. Take care my lovelies ans stay warm and dry if you have to go out. Hugs and prayers are still abound for dear Saba and Val and extra hugs in the basket for those who need them
    Love and hugs Sheila xxxxx

    1. Good morning Sheila.
      It is one of the most wonderful card I have seen for a very special girl, your daughter ! The Ballerina and the little shoes is so pretty and the verse is lovely, wonderful words. hugs xxx

    2. Sheila your card is really beautiful, the rose striplet background works so well, I thought it was the embossing folder. I had a lump in my throat too when I read the verse, so lovely. It sounds like you had a lovely day with Nikki at the weekend and you know in your heart of hearts the staff will look after her eye and she will be better soon - and have a wonderful birthday. Take care getting your spends lovely lady and wrap up warm xxxxx

    3. Good morning Sheila wow another lump in my throat with your card & verse,as i had already seen your card on pinserest & had a tear then.
      Sheila your card is amazing & Nikki has a special place in my heart I feel I know her. Have a wonderful holiday my lovely friend love Lynda xx

    4. Hello Sheila,
      A very special card, from a very special lady and mother. I know that Nikki will have loved this, and I have to say that the verse is so beautiful, and the line referring to Clive is so moving. It's all perfect. xxxx

    5. Oh Sheila, How did I manage to miss you on the way down! I don't know! Your card is special in every way. A bit like you really! Xxx

    6. How strange s that! We posted at the same time and said very similar things! Xxx. Be very afraid! If your mind works like mine! Xxx

    7. Hi Sheila,
      Your card is absolutely beautiful & the verse is so lovely well done I am sure Nikki was thrilled to bits.
      Hope you have a lovely holiday you deserve it. xx

    8. Sheila, I commented further down but will say again, fantastic card, love everything about it.

  8. Morning everyone,
    Oh Sheila I'm sure Nikki is over the moon with her card, it definitely has the WOW factor. You definitely can't buy cards like those shown on here and yet they are still expensive for something decent. Your verse says it all
    Hope everyone is keeping well, we are out all day, don't know what time we will get back, most probably last train, so take care everyone, see you tomorrow.
    Hugs in the basket as usual,
    Jean xxxx

    1. Have a nice day out Jean, wrap up warm. Cold and wet again :-( xxx

    2. Have fun Jean - don't spend too much! Xxxxx

    3. Hope you have a great day Jean and a fun evening! Xxx

    4. Have a fabulous day, and I hope you have ear plugs for this evening xxxx

    5. Have a brilliant time and enjoy the show Jean.

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Sooooo sorry I did not comment yesterday, it was a bit of a hectic day, we were on shop duty, then I had a hospital appointment with the Orthopeadic
    Surgeon about my hip, X-Ray was ok he said, couldn't see any reason for another op, but if I feel it is getting worse in the next 3/6 months to make another appointment.
    Eldest granddaughter came for a visit just after we got home, then it was time for dinner, I don't know where the rest of the night went,
    Shiela your card for Nikki is absolutely gorgeous, and the verse, my word it is beautiful.
    Anne your cards yesterday were amazing, love that cd you have, I think I will need to have a look for it.
    The Range has opened up down in the retail park in Falkirk, so I guess I need to go and have a look to see what they have to offer!
    Other than that I need to get candles and gift bags decorated for Saturday, I'm nearly there bit still have a few to do.
    Take care everyone, xxxx

    1. Hello Jess, I don't think that was what you hoped to hear with regard to your hip! Sorry you are having to suffer such pain. You will enjoy having a look around The Range. All the best with getting everything ready for Saturday. Xxx

    2. Hi Jess, Don't spend too much at the Range, it's easy to be tempted!! Hopefully, your hip will settle down soon. xxx

    3. Trust me! Jess didn't spend a penny!! Xxx

    4. Don't forget to look in the Christmas area in the Range Jess as that's where I got the shoe, dress , handbag baubles for the explosion boxes.
      Hope your hip gets less painful very soon. Love Sheila xxx

    5. Myra have you had that crystal ball out and scarf on your head again!

    6. Nope! I read Jess's follow up first! Xxx

  10. Morning Sandra and everyone today.
    Cold and wet again but going down to see my SIL in London so will be out most of the day. OH is fidgeting already to tell me to get off here and get ready hihi
    I hope you all have a nice day whatever you are up too. So many of you tinkers have bought the new Spellbinder Machine, early Christmas presents or tihi
    Love and hugs to you all, Maria xxx

    1. I know Maria but it makes me feel a whole lot better! Xxx

    2. Maria, have a lovely day in London. Hope you are well today. xxx

    3. Maria hope you are having a lovely time in London visiting your SIL. Love Sheila xxx

    4. Hope you enjoyed your day in London. I love London, would like to live there!

  11. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Wow Sheila what a fabulous card, I've left a comment for you above. Xx x
    It's damp and chilly here today bug not cold like yesterday. We had a Kate start this morning as Julian didn't need to be on site until 9.30 and he was 20 minutes away so he stayed at home. I'm off out to the shops in a minute on a Christmas present hunt, I know what I want but can't remember the name of it but know the shop sells it! Does that make sense? It could be a fun morning! I'm just watching Mel and the Todo - it's not cutting in the middle on one pass!!!!!! She's using some tattered lace corner embossing folders ( no it didn't emboss perfectly!). I bought a set of folders in our craft shop because they were half price £5.50. I was playing with them yesterday and was really impressed as they worked so well when I got the sandwich right. I thought they were good value too as there was a square folder, 2 boarder dies and a corner die and all were lovely. I must stop playing and get some cards put together. Right see you all later xxxxxxx

    1. Hello Diane - hope you find what you don't know you are looking for!! Ha ha! Sounds like me going for an outfit for a wedding - I say I don't know what I want but I'll know when I see it! It's called female logic! Xxx

    2. Hello Dainty,
      What is a Kate start??? Hope you enjoy looking for a whatsit, and that you recognise it when you find it!!! xxx

    3. Great bargain on the embossing folders Diane!! xxx

    4. Hello Diane, hope your good at charades, I once had to act out a packet of matches in a shop because I didn't know the German word for it and couldn't find them anywhere. The assistant was very bemused.

    5. Oh no! Not a Kate start! A late start!!! I found it! It was called Sloemotion - a mixture of port and sloe gin. We tried some in Scotland and it was yummy. The wine merchants and delicatessens was fabulous, must go there again. Xxxx

  12. Hello Sandra and Friends ,
    I always feel I ought to add Romans and Countrymen after the friends!
    Sheila - your card today is really exquisite ! You do make beautiful cards and I can honestly say they look even better in real life!! You wouldn't think it was possible but it's true. What a beautiful verse too! I'm sure Nikki loved it. How are you getting on with that case? I think you should call it Muriel !! The packing and unpacking of it remind me of that lady!! Don't forget the caramel wafers! Ha ha!
    Sandra - I sent photos and I answered your question about the sparkly flower yesterday . Hope you saw it ok!
    Lucy behaved badly again yesterday at After School Club but she actually behaved well for me! She squirted hand wash in her hair and then wanted to wash it out! She was told she couldn't! The previous week apparently she squirted it on the mirror in the Loos. This hand wash isn't there all the time - it was put there because of Craft and messy hands. Another teacher / helper has spoken to her Dad when he came to collect her. She was on a final warning.
    Oh dear! I do worry about these children. Why would you squirt hand wash into your hair??
    Today should be a lot calmer! Washing and drying but need to use the tumble dryer as we have rain!
    Have a good day everyone - or as good as you can!
    Love to all, Myra xxx

    1. Perhaps Lucy is attention seeking if so it's working, or is there something going on at home and she is trying to delay going home, food for thought.
      When are you expecting your new machine? Are you sitting at the window munching caramel wafers watching for the delivery van to arrive? Hope you have as much fun as I have when it arrives xxx

    2. Hello Myra, have you not finished the caramel wafers yet? Don't give up on Lucy, she may surprise you yet!!! xxx

    3. Alastair finished the caramel wafers ages ago! Lucy is ok with me now. She has turned her attention on someone else who is not so strict as me! Xxx

    4. You can forget about me lending you my ear!

    5. That's ok , I understand! How would you hold your specs on?? Xxxx

    6. Hand soap is a great favourite with children - anywhere but on their hands! It caused so many problems at school they often didn't fill the dispensers up. We had VI children who couldn't see if someone has squirted soap on the floor so we had to read the riot act. It was usually done just because! So frustrating.

  13. Good afternoon Folks,
    Wow! Oh! Wow! Sheila your card is AMAZING .... everything is just beautiful. The verse is perfect just perfect, I like how you managed to include Nikki's daddy in it.
    We have Thomas here, he was sent home from school just after lunchtime yesterday having been very sick. Luckily his dad who was working from home popped along to pick him up. John Jnr had a meeting to get to and had previously made arrangements for Robert to be picked up to be taken to Football Academy. Thomas was to go to his friends till his dad got back about 4.30pm. Everything up in the air, phone call to us and Grandpa to the rescue. I had gone out Christmas Shopping with my neighbour Isobel. That came to an abrubt halt when John phoned me. Grandpa is brilliant ..... coping with someone being sick he's not good at. Isobel drove me right to J&As (not that far a detour thankfully). Isobel has a very unfortunate nature, very few in the village like her. However I know her heart it very much in the right place.
    When we moved into this village in February month, John had an accident and broke his back in May. Who were the first at the door offering their help .... Isobel and her husband Rhod. That is something I have never forgotten. Isobel has lots of faults (we all have them) I can accept most of hers so Isobel and I get on fine.
    No work done here today, will catch up soon hopefully. It's times like this puts things in perspective, they are more important than Crafts.
    Right best go see if I can encourage Thomas to have a little something to eat.
    Be good everyone, will try to get back later. xxx

    1. Poor Thomas, but good dose of grandma will have done the trick. As you say, everyone has faults, some of us more than others!!! but Isobel's kindness shone through in those early months.
      I hope you manage to tempt Thomas to eat something xxx

    2. Oh Patricia poor little mite there is nothing worse than being sick I do hope he is better soon, I think I can hear two people saying thank goodness for Granny and Grandpa, where would they be without us! My policy is if you can help do so, as you never know when you may need that help returning.
      Keep up the good work nurse Patricia xxx

    3. Patricia I do hope Thomas is feeling better soon and I am sure Grandma's cuddles will do the trick. Hope you managed to coax him into eating a little too. Love Sheila xxx

    4. So pleased Thomas is better today! Xxx

    5. Sorry Thomas was not well, hope you managed to find something he can eat and enjoy. I like the sound of Isobel, I get on well with faulty people.

    6. Patricia I hope Thomas feels better soon, mind you don't go catching the bug though. I remember you telling us the story of Isobel and the bath incident - she sounds a character! Xxxx

  14. Me again,
    I have just watched a Video Tutorial for Heartfelt Creations latest Collection.
    The girl was using an ELECTRIC Die Cutting Machine, does anyone have any idea what that machine was??? xxx

    1. No sorry but according to Julia Watts Spellbinders are launching their electric add on for the Platinum at the HSA or is it HCA (the really large exhibition over in the States) in January. Mine is cutting and embossing like a dream and right in the centre too! xxx

    2. Patricia I have had a look at the video but have never seen a machine like that before and it does not appear to have a makers name visible, why not email HC and ask them. xxx

    3. Found out .... it's an electric VAGABOND machine.
      MARGARET:- thank you for that info xxx
      Might just have to have a look into the Platinum xxx

    4. Hi Patricia,
      Just seen your comment, the Vagabond is a machine sizzix bought out years ago for Tim Holtz , he designed it to look like a vintage suitcase and still uses it today, I think it's major flaw us that you have to hold the button down for the whole cut, not just shove it and go, not sure why they didn't carry on selling it though. I remember it bring launched on QVC years ago.

    5. When the vagabond was on sale on Amazon the reviews were terrible, so that's probably while they stopped selling it

  15. Hello Sandra,
    I have commented on the way down, but I do want to say again that Sheila's card is so beautiful for Nikki.
    I hope your girls manage to decide on which school will be best for them.
    See you all later.
    Muriel xxx

  16. Good morning SANDRA & everyone
    I have been commenting on the way down but have stopped,as like others have said I have to get a wiggle on. Going Christmas shopping again.
    Managed quite a few C card makes yesterday so later I have to finish the insides & Address the envelopes ready for posting then I can see how many more I need. Hopefully not many. Then make two birthday ones.
    Right wiggle on has arrived OH is calling will read rest of comments later.
    Have a good day everyone.
    Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda hope you managed to get the rest of your Christmas shopping done. I nipped out but was only out for an hour, pouring down when I left home but just stopped as I was arriving home,,,haven't even started any C cards yet but you've done so well my friend. Love and hugs Sheila xxx

  17. What a bummer, got to the Range to find that it does not open till this Friday! It was supposed to open last week. Went to Hobbycraft instead, bought a couple of things.
    Must get on with cards xx

    1. How annoying Jess, still it's something to look forward to. Hope your hip improves and you don't need to go back again.

  18. Back home, Jak was great we took him and Charlie ( Tammy dog walks him when his owner has to go to meeting etc) for a lovely walk, really nice afternoon so it was very enjoyable. Must be going to be very cold tonight as gritters were out while I was driving back from Perth. Back to Perth again tomorrow, but won't go till nearer 10 that means he will be on his own for an hour and 3/4 to just under the 2 hours, it's just a case of working with him to build up his confidence. I think he will be fine, Tammy has left him again to go take the boys to the tutor, Derek will be in within an hour. Better go and think of starting tea, then I am going to make a couple of hand bag sized gift bags. Been asked to make girly ones, so will go see what I can do. xxx

    1. Hi hazel so pleased Jak was good and you enjoyed the walk with him and his doggie friend Charlie.. He does seem to be learning very quickly and gaining confidence. The wind is getting up again here it blew all 3 of my wheelie bins over as there wasn't much in them. Keep warm. Love Sheila xxx

  19. Hi Sandra and all you lovelies I just want to say again how humbled I was to read your comments as I wanted Nikki's card to be really special this year. Thank you so very much each and every comment is very much appreciated as all of you are so very talented with your crafting.
    I rung Grange (Nikki's house) earlier on to find out how her eye is and Michele said it was so much better (thank goodness) and they had been shopping for party decorations for Nik's birthday tomorrow....I bet she can't wait.
    When I popped out earlier I was only nipping to the bank but went into Next to look at the winter coats for one Nik's Christmas presents and spotted a lovely thick padded storm proof one so got it while I was in the mood so I'm really pleased with that. Right I'm off to think about something for tea and I'm going to do a Muriel (unpack my case again!) as I have to put some other things in. See you later hopefully. Love and hugs Sheila xxxx

    1. Great you have got your main present bought that will be a load off your mind it sounds really lovely for Nikki.
      I hope you have got plenty of warm things in that case as my friend in Belgium says it is really cold at present. Enjoy your tea. xxx

    2. Hi Margaret yup got my thermal leggings and vest!....also a really thick padded's just the rain I dread as we can always add more layers if it's cold but getting wet! Yuk!!
      Love Sheila xxxx

  20. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra good luck sorting 6th form out for the girls there are so many decisions to be made & when they don't know what they want to do makes it doubly hard hugs to you xx
    Had a lovely catch up with Mark last night it is so nice to see more of him next time will be Christmas first time together for many years his old job meant he only had Christmas Day off.
    Dark & dismal out nice to pull curtains & shut it out hugs on ay t all who need them love Margaret xx

  21. You'll never guess! The Platinum arrived when Alastair was out! I did laugh . It's ok he knows! He likes the colour better!!! Can't wait to play later . It is heavy and I like the platform idea.
    We have the most gorgeous big moon peeping through the trees just now!

    1. Ooooh I am so excited, get playing asap.

    2. Ooo MYRA so pleased Alastair liked the colour,HeHe. Enjoy playing with it later loved to know what you think of your new toy.
      Hug's Lynda xx

    3. Great news ENJOY especially as you will no doubt have run out of Tunnock wafers! xxx

    4. You know I don't like to complain?! At the retreat I got a quarter of a Tunnocks - I may have mentioned this before! Here at home I got a fifth of a packet! Hey ho!! Xxx

    5. Myra I don't think you've mentioned that before! I would have remembered if you only had a quarter and I had a whole on to myself :) xxxxx

  22. Well I'm late in and haven't read the comments yet.
    Sheila your card is so very beautiful, I can imagine the love that went into making it and the tears you shed when reading back the verse. I'm sure Nikki will treasure it forever. It's stunning.
    Hope you have a lovely break.
    I've had the Plummer here today and finally got my shower tap mended and a new tap fitted in the kitchen. I don't actually like it as much as my old one but a tap is a tap I suppose and not meant to be admired.
    Off to read the comments now.
    Saba xxx

  23. Well I've been up to the top and now I'm back here but as nothing new has happened im getting out quick before it does.

    1. Wise move, but if you return can you tell me what on earth Myra is talking about below something about tap? xxx

  24. Hi Sandra
    Sheila I love the ballerina card you've made for Nikki. I bet she was over the moon when she received it. Well I haven't read all the way down yet as I've been to busy with school and running around for Pete's cousin. A few of us have escaped from the madhouse, hope we get time to explore before the nurses catch up with us. Just think of all the damage we can do ladies before they do. Glad the plumber came Saba, I'm with you on taps, they need to look right.

    1. I was sorely tempted to suggest the two of were " tapped" as they in Lancashire until I remembered I like a nice tap myself! Xxx

  25. Evening all, been really busy working today, not even put my nose outside the door,since we came back from our morning walk to get the paper.
    The washing machine man came and found the discharge pipe under the machine was blocked, he said it felt crunchy !!!!! His word, but he managed to clear it, and the pump was working, very puzzled as to what it was then remembered I washed o/h overalls after he had finished re grouting the patio slabs. He told me to run a 90c wash with a little bleach ( no washing ) to clean the machine every 3 months, didn't know about this.
    Christine on her blog this morning had a very easy C card, which I'm going to use to do mine that need posting, do like her blog.
    We'll I'm going to wash the dishes and have an early bed, so I'll say good night
    See you all in the morning. Lilian

    1. Lilian I'm pleased to hear it wasn't a major mend. I haven't heard the bleach one before, I put a cup full of soda christals through on a hot wash every couple of months. Night night sleep tight. Xxxx

  26. Bother I knew there was something else I was going to say and seeing the comment above it's just reminded me I didn't mention it.
    Sandra something you might find useful when looking at sixth form colleges. We looked round two colleges as Emma's school didn't have a sixth form. She chose the one that felt less like school but also had a good reputation. She felt she would rather have the big jump from school to college then a smaller jump to university rather than going with something that felt familiar like school then being overwhelmed by university. We also heard the fall out rate from the university was higher at the school like college. My friends daughter had no choice but to go to the sixth form attached to school. They do get treated differently, don't wear uniform etc but she still feels she's missed out on an experience. I hope that helps. Everyone is different though so let the girls decide where they feel most comfortable. By the way, sixth form flies by!!!!!! Night night xxxx
