
Thursday 3 December 2015

Cross Stitch Christmas

Good Morning Ladies,

Thank you all for your lovely comments regarding yesterdays tutorial, I actually really enjoyed
doing it, I will look around for some more ideas.

Today's stunning Trio of Christmas Treats have been designed and lovingly created by our lovely Margaret P.
I can't imagine how long each one of these has taken, I am sure you keep them for only the most special members of your family, I love all of them, I think that my favourite though is the Snowman, he just looks so happy!
Thank you so very much Margaret for allowing me to share your fantastic cards.

Well as said yesterday I get two fun days this week, Pat came over yesterday and we had a super fruitful day, I got two cards completed and so did Pat, all from scratch too, which is really unusual for us as we don't usually get 1 card completed let alone 2!!
The best bit is I get to do it all again with Sue !!! I am really looking forward to it too.

I hope that you all have an equally fun day,
Love and hugs


  1. A very Goodmorning Sandra and Ladies,
    Well bright and early for me, MIL likes to get up at 6am and I have just finished helping her. She can manage quite a lot herself, is very independent but getting in and out of bed and getting dressed she can't manage.
    Lynda, I am here until Saturday but will pop home mid morning and come back mid afternoon. Hope you get that dentist appointment, toothache is just awful.
    Muriel lovely to hear Zoe was a star, bet you were swollen with pride.
    Margaret P your cards are so special, I love them all and I bet whoever receives them is thrilled. Such a lot of love and hard work gone into each one. Thank you for letting us see them.
    Sandra, glad you are getting two craft days this week, enjoys today's too. Did wonder about your comment late last night, have things changed regarding Paul's work schedule?
    I've started the coffee machine and filled the tea urn, and brought in some fresh croissants and damson jam.
    Right, I am off to get showered now and then see what I can do to help MIL.
    Have a good day love and hugs
    Saba xxxx

    1. Oh Saba!! Respect!! You got up at 6am! Well done you! You will be rather tired by Sunday! I think you may have to go to bed earlier than usual! Take care! Love Myra xxx

  2. Oh I think I will have to go back to bed? I came in and Saba has been in and gone again, not use to you being in so early Saba.
    Margaret your cards are delightful and a nice change to see cross stitch ones rather than one with die cuts. These little beauties will have taken you some time to do. They are gorgeous.
    I am in early as I have rather a lot to do today, I have get everything finished off and in the creates. I am on pick up of the girls tonight and tomorrow I am over at Perth just for a few hours, it's Tammys long day at work, Jak is fine staying but she can't get back at lunch time to take him out so I will go do that and spend a bit of time with him, then go to the bank and get the change for my float.
    Tammy is coming over in time to give me a hand at the fair so at least I can sit down for a minute or two to save my back.
    Maureen glad Zoe show went ok, proud granny moment I think?
    Jess I feel a wee trip down to the shop is on the cards! Might have to see what the weather is doing in the next few weeks.
    Sandra, glad you and Pat had a good day. Enjoy today with Sue.
    Margaret C I take it you are still having laptop problems?
    I will call in later I am away to get some toast and a cup of tea. Or it will be lunch time and I won't have had anything. xxx

    1. Gosh Hazel, I'm exhausted just reading about your day never mind having to do it all, just remember to also take care of yourself !
      I hope all goes well tomorrow and you enjoy it xo

    2. Take care Hazel! You are having a busy day! Xxx

  3. Good Morning Sandra & Friends, very dark here this morning, did I say I hate dark days !!!!!!
    Margaret your cards are delightful, I can imagine how long they must have taken you.
    Sandra have a good day crafting, nothing better than crafting with friends.
    Well I only have 12 of the blue hoods left to do to day.
    Black coffee and toast for me please.
    Talking of coffee O/H is getting me a Nespresso machine for my C present.
    Have a good day all, crafty hugs.Lilian

    1. That seems a lot of hoods in a day Lilian. Glad you can see the end though! The Nespresso machines are lovely. We use one in Spain and there is no mess at all. Xxx

    2. I think they are on offer in currys Lilian if he needs pointing in the right direction! Xxxx

  4. Hi Sandra
    Even I'm in early today as I'm off to London. Margaret just love your cross stitch pictures. I especially love the snowman as they're my favourites.
    I have a fab day at Sandra's yesterday and we were very productive. My word Saba you are in early as well this morning as well. Maureen I'm glad that Zoe's show went well, I hear she was the star of the show. It's wonderful to watch them isn't it. I've been helping with rehearsals for Foundation a Stage and year 1's Nativity play it's wonderful to watch. They get so excited. I love it.
    I hope you manage to get yo the dentists Lynda as toothache is the pits.
    Hazel try to take things a bit easier and you'll be unwell over Christmas. It's good that Tammy can give you some help.

    1. Have a lovely day in London Pat! Safe travel! Xxx

  5. Good Morning Everyone
    Saba - I admit I was surprised to see you/not see you if you know what I mean. I'm not used to you being around at this time but of course you're an hour ahead of us so it fits. Thank you for setting up for the day. I can now have my latte and linger for a while in the corner hopefully someone may just pop in.
    Will whoever opens the calendar today please let me know what's behind the door. I think there just might be one or two little surprises along the way. Perhaps a little glass of Baileys or a small piece of sticky toffee or even a lovely little bit of sparkle for the lucky crafter. You never know what you may find.

    MARGARET - your cards are just a WOW. As a fellow cross stitcher I know how much work goes into any piece and so they are so so special and what a keepsake for their recipient.

    We're having a visit from my youngest Daughter Nicky who is bringing Lily-Mae my youngest Great Granddaughter for a visit and so giving her Mummy a little peace and quiet. No doubt I'll be needing a little of that later on. Will be lovely to see her - she will be 2 in February and is a little whirlwind.

    Sandra have another lovely day crafting. I hope you manage to get as much done as you did yesterday but I'm not banking on that as I can see so much laughter and chatting in your house today.
    Hugs for everyone. Whatever you all have planned for today I hope all goes well.
    HAZEL - good luck for today but please take care of that back of yours.


    1. Hello Janet,
      It sounds as if you will have a lovely time today. I know toddlers are tiring but they are such fun too - particularly in small doses! Enjoy your day! Xxx

  6. Arghhhhh-blogger just lost a very long comment of mine!!!!!!!!!

    Morning Ladies

    Margaret-what a beautiful trio of cross stitch cards, they are stunning.

    My thumb is quite tender today so I think I'll be avoiding the craft room as its too tempting to start making cards. Once I've been in the bathroom I'm off to Tesco as we're running out of fresh food.

    I'll either read or go on Pinterest later, probably end up reading.

    I'll pop back in later to catch up.


  7. Good morning Sandra and the Cafe crew hope,you are all well.
    SABA:- i would be thinking it was "serious" but I remembered your at MILs!!
    Mmmmmm!! those Croissants smell Devine I must have one or maybe two of them and a cuppa.
    MARGARET:- your cards are wonderful, every one as beautiful as the next. I do Cross Stitch and always hoped the people I did these Little Minitures for appreciated the time that went into them.
    I have a couple of Pendants to make today. I would like them done and ready for posting tomorrow morning. Also have a few things in my PHD file, to work on .... think I will leave them so I can "play" with my Platinum. I just hope the phone does not ring!!! I am beginning to dread hearing "will you do me a wee favour" "can you ....." If it was the summer I think I would be tempted to go away for the day. However all this would not happen in the summer ..... it's this crazy time of the year that does it!!! Mind you it will be all over before we know it, then I might be glad if the phone calls ..... However I doubt it.
    Hazel gave me a beautiful Journal a few weeks ago, I have been filling it with "Things I want to Try" been jotting down Dies I have bought and the projects I would like to create with them. No1 is the little Bird House Brenda LL showed us at the Retreat. I bought the Die, it's still in the packet unopened. Gosh it will be the next Retreat and I still will not have had time to do it!! I have a few Flowers I would like to have a go at making as well.
    I will not get any of it done sitting here chatting, I am off to get one of Diane's Wiggles on.
    Hugs in the basket ... Norah!!! we need some more of your (hugs) in that basket people really like them the best. xxx

    1. Patricia, it sounds like you are really enjoying your new machine which is good to hear, I love the sound of your birdhouse die, have you seen the beautiful cards Anna Marie does using birds and bird houses etc, they are wonderful! xo

    2. Hello Patricia, what a lovely idea - the journal - that is ! I just use my Filofax! I know - I'm old fashioned - still use one! Brenda sent me a beautiful card with one of the birdhouse die cuts on it . They are a good size too! Xxx

  8. Well everything done here. Cat fed tick, chickens fed tick, eggs collected tick, lunch all ready tick, table set, oh just a minute, plate needs moving 2 cms to the left, checked the front door is locked THREE TIMES tick, anything else before I go, wrong knife and fork, replaced tick. Did I mention MIL likes everything just so!!
    I can't complain though, she is severely disabled, can barely walk and has rheumatoid arthritis and apart from being very exacting ie, Lord help you if you use the wrong pan and such, she never complains.
    See you all later
    Saba xxxx

    1. Careful Saba your halo is about to choke you ! Only kidding!
      Sounds like you have really earned your " Gold Star" with all the care and patience you are giving to your MIL, she must be a lovely person to deserve it all. xo

    2. Oh Saba just think it will soon be Sunday! Do you use a ruler to measure where the plates should be like they do in posh restaurants? I read your comment quickly and thought you had fed the chickens to the cat then!!! I you need to find something for mother in law to do to keep her occupied! Xxxxxx

    3. I feel very lazy having read about your morning so far!
      Halo. - slipping!! Don't think so Anne! Maybe by Sunday the halo will start to appear! How on earth will you be good for that long?
      It'll be fun watching! Tin Hat! Xxxx

  9. Good morning Ladies, lovely quiet morning here.
    MARGARET your cards are little treasures and I hope the recipients truly appreciate all the hours you put into them , they are all gorgeous !
    Well , I hope to get a few bulbs I haven't yet planted into their pots and also finish some cards , I also make up and decorate pots of body cream ( I put drops of essential oils in) so I have orders of those to do , so after one of those delicious croissants and coffee that's what I'm off to do!
    See you later, love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Mmmm!! ANNE:- it's your beautiful oils I am smelling.
      Need to have a chat about that Body Cream soon!! xxx

    2. Anne, Patricia will have that luscious body cream recipe in her To Do List in her new book before you know it! Xxx

    3. MYRA:- you know me too well !! xxx

    4. Yes! It's the sort of thing I'd do myself! Xxx

  10. SABA:- Pot ... Kettle comes to mind!!
    Shes not a "Virgo" by any chance ??? xxx

    1. SABA:- that comment should have been under yours xxx

  11. Helloooooooo I'm back!!
    Hi Sandra and all you lovelies,
    It's good to be home but I do miss the company of George and Margaret when I am on my own. We have had such a lovely time and it was good to meet up with old friends once again and thankfully the weather wasn't too bad in Belgium, except for the crossing back over the channel...but we've had worse!
    Then when M and G were bringing me home we called at our local garden centre for lunch and to look at the Christmas decs which were so beautiful.
    I hope you are all well I'm afraid I have read any posts from the past few days as I felt really worn out but the beauty of that was I slept like a baby last night.
    Margaret I love your cross stitch Christmas cards, they are beautiful and you must have so much patience....I love the snowman he looks so jolly.
    Well will try and pop back later, haven't done anything Christmassy just sorted Nikki out with presents galore....hopefully next years will be alot easier. Have left double hugs in the basket for being away so please help yourselves even if you don't really need one's always nice to have a hug.

    Love Sheila xxxxx

    1. Lovely to see you back Sheila, it sounds like you had a lovely time xxxxx

    2. Welcome home Sheila! So pleased you had a lovely time and it must feel really flat to come home to quietness. However Sheila, we missed you and are glad to have you back. Thanks for the hugs! Sending some to you too. Xxx

    3. Welcome home Sheila, glad you had a good time.
      Sending you some (((hugs))) I hope you manage to fill your time. xxx

    4. Good to read you had such a lovely time Sheila, but I'm sure you'll enjoy giving those presents to Nikki xo

    5. Hello SHEILA welcome home soooooo pleased you had a lovely time away & the crossings wasn't too bad. Nicki will be so pleased with all her presents & you will enjoy giving them to her.
      Love & Hug's Lynda xx

    6. Hello Sheila,
      So glad you enjoyed your trip, can't wait to hear what Nikki thinks to her surprises when you see her.

    7. Hi Sheila, glad you had a good break, welcome home.

  12. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Flying visit again!!!! I'm off to the chiropractor in a minute then will probably go to a shop out that way whilst I'm half way there! Margaret your cross stitch cards are beautiful, I think the snowman is my favourite too. I'm rubbish at cross stitch, I loose my place, can't count and end up swearing at it, a new meaning to cross stitch! Julian loves it, finds it relaxing! Thank you for sharing these little delights with us. Xxxxxx
    Maureen I m so pleased to hear your Zoe was the star, you must be really proud grandma - i hope you've got a grandma boasting book ( its a photo album, we bought one for my dad when Emma was born , obviously his was a grandad boasting book!). Xxxxx
    I hope everyone was ok, I need to sit down and go back to yesterday's comments, I'm sure I've missed loads! We had a reasonable night last night, Julian was home by 8, only had 4 phone calls whilst trying to eat ( he gave up eating lunch as the phone was glued to his ear again!) and no night time calls. Yah.
    See you all later, wiggles are waiting for me. Xxxxxxxx

    1. Hello Diane,
      You made me laugh at your definition of cross stitch! I've never even tried - embroidery yes but not cross stitch. You are not a cross, grumpy person either , Diane so it probably just wasn't for you! Hope all goes well at the chiropractor. Take care on the road! Xxx

  13. Hello Sandra ,
    I started at the top today! Didn't mean to, but seeing Saba's name first knocked me sideways!!
    Margaret - today's cards are really beautiful. They are something that ought to be framed and kept forever! My favourite is the pillar box with the cheeky Robin on top! I love them all though. You have lots of patience. The big advantage as I see it is you must make a lot less mess than me!
    Last night I was painting MDF hearts and some other smaller bits and pieces! I also finally managed to get a coat of sparkle paint on the large snowflake, made of deconstructed clothes pegs . It went to the retreat in its raw state! While paint was drying I finished three more cards. I had quite a successful evening!
    Have tidied up and after lunch sometime I'll go to Church to decorate the Christmas trees - well the big one anyway! Hope the lights behave themselves!
    Have a good day whatever you are doing!
    I'm trying to be less daft today!
    Lots of love Myra xxx

    1. MYRA:- please, please, forget about being LESS DAFT !!
      We LOVE you just the way you are ... exactly the same as the rest of us!! xxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I will, Patricia, mainly because I forget to be sensible! Xxx

    4. Don't worry my dear, I'll try to knock you sideways the other way tomorrow.

    5. Never change Myra you are such a lovely person and have a great sense of humour :) xxxxx

    6. MYRA please don't change your so lovely & kind as you are with a wicked sense of humour Hug's xxx

  14. Oh I think a need a slice of sweet cake and a cup of tea. Our younger sister came in and stayed for a while! She came with an order. 5 of the cut down gift bags, 1 pillow box and 3 boxes of the maltessers covered. Thankfully they are for next week. More orders for the brain to think about! Then I was in the middle of putting my maltesser boxes up on my blog, so had to finish that. Next was the washing out hung up then next load in. Energy level has dropped! I had Mr Dyson out and had given everywhere a good clean, you know sofa out etc. Well Harris decided to have a good roll on the carpet so yes it looks like I haven't done a thing! Oh that chocolate fudge cake is delicious and just what I need I am going to go sit and enjoy that and a nice cup of tea. I agree Myra please don't be less daft! We need to stay all the same!
    Sheila, lovely to have you back, and I am so pleased you had a good break, pity about the crossing.
    Anne, I can just imagine how lovely those pots of cream smell?
    Right that's my tea and cake finished I am off to do a few more bits before I go get Beth first then Anna. xxx

  15. Just thought I would give you a laugh.
    MIL just phoned ( I'm back home at the moment) to ask me to come back asap because one of our chickens has escaped. Flown over the fence and is strutting it's stuff in one of the neighbours gardens. She ( obviously the neighbour) can't catch it and MIL is afraid it might go on the road! So I am now hot footing it back as quick as traffic will allow to catch a flaming chicken! If it bites me I will wring it's neck. Thing is if it can now fly it could do this tomorrow again so Peter will have to clip it's wings when he gets there this evening. Wish me luck, cluck cluck!!

    1. One of Gills escapes all the time we call her 007 as no matter what we do she gets out. Have fun catching her. xxx

    2. Hope you manage to appreHENd it!!
      I wondered if hens could be trouble! Xxx

    3. Myra that was a brilliant one! You've even got Brenda at it.

    4. Reminds me of when we children and kept ducks no matter what we did they always got out, and it was my job to fetch them home.

    5. Gillians chicken are often found over in the play park in the summer, they love the children petting them. Beth use to help me get them in often she just picked them up put them under her arm and took them in to the run. They are proper free range ones then? xxx

    6. Don't want to get too excited in case I lay an egg ! The yolk would be on me! Xxx
      Oh dear I said I'd be good! It's hopeless! Xxx

    7. You must be clucking mad Saba - hope you manage to catch it! Xxxx

  16. Hi Sandra and everyone today,
    Just got back after a morning and lunch with friends at Frost garden centre. All so pretty with Christmas things ,ornaments and flowers. It smells so good too everywhere. Margaret, love your little Christmas cards. Tree. robin and snowman all equally nice. Used to enjoy making these little cards but my fingers don't any more. No use to start swearing at it Diane they are like Norah's hugs, just getting worse if you do and go all knotted like. Nice to see you back Sheila, glad you had a nice time. Will you see them again for Christmas ? Hope Pat have a lovely day in London, my friend took her daughter there last year and she thought it was fantastic and a great day out. Hazel -wish you a good day tomorrow. You have made so many lovely things so hope they will be all sold by the end of the day. Nice present Lilian, a good cup of coffee is very important ! Anne- glad you enjoyed you walk yesterday and today you making something I'm sure which will make your house smelling gorgeous. Sandra- hope you have a nice day crafting with Sue but saw you said something about Paul last night, is this what you feared now happened to Paul's work patterned ? I'm concerned and I want be here for a few days as we going for a long weekend away, back Monday night.
    Hope you all have a good day whatever you are up too. back later Xxxx

    1. Maria enjoy your few days away, is it the Christmas Market trip?

  17. Afternoon Ladies

    I've had a lovely, lazy day so far. Moved a bit more craft stash about but that's it really.

    Hubby just asked if I knew what he could buy for a 12-15 year old boy in Great Ormond Street Hospital....!! It seem they have all been "asked" to provide a £10 gift and it needs to left in Head Office next week. Crikey- no pressure then.

    Am about to attempt to make 2 Thank You cards-both to the ladies who have donated all their craft stash. Not sure hubby would thank them-you should have seen the look on his face when he ventured into my craft room!! He hasn't seen the garage yet-uh oh!!! I'll end up bringing everything back into my craft room soon as we need to empty the loft after Christmas as the builder is due to start work in January.


    1. Michelle, pressure in my eyes is when I am asked the night before it's needed. A £10 X box voucher, or I tunes voucher I think would be a good one as that's what they seem to all like. xxx

    2. Good idea Hazel, especially the iTunes one. Let us know what he comes up with Michele.

  18. Hi everyone, just a bit late today, been at Carolines shop to cover while she takes her class, now I need to go and make a birthday card order that is being posted to New Zealand, hopefully will get it done for tomorrow.
    Margaret P your little cross stitch cards are lovely, I did a couple while recuperating after my hip replacement, but that was all, too much strain on my eyes after a while.
    Nice to have you home Shiela, lovely to know that you had a lovely time, but nothing beats your own bed!!!
    Better think about dinner, then get this card done before the notion wears off.
    Will pop back later hopefully xx

  19. Evening Everyone
    Well everything's back in place after Lily-Mae's visit. She is absolutely wonderful (I know I would say that but I haven't come across a 22month old who is so easy to keep amused) colour pencils/book Minion characters of course and a couple of story books floppy paperbacks just for her and she satisfied. She arrived at 10.00 and left at 15.00 with Nan Na of course. Not a cry/paddy just lovely little girl and actually says please and thank you.

    SABA - are you surviving and have you caught that chicken yet? I can just see you running around arms flaring. I'm sure everything will be OK.
    MYRA - you sensible? I do not know what to say!!!! Please do not change before I get the opportunity to meet you.

    Right I'm off now for a shower/pjs on and sit with my feet up.
    See you tomorrow. xxxx

    1. I won't Janet - probably can't!! Your great granddaughter sounds delightful. Glad you had a lovely time!
      As the Aussie's say - someone may running around like a headless chook! Hope it isn't the chicken! May need the tin hat ! Again! Xxx

    2. Janet she sounds delightful, lovely to hear of children little more than babies being so polite.
      Myra are you calling me a chook? I have no idea but feel I should take offence.

    3. Would I do a thing like that??
      You've had quite a day!
      Quite EGGstaordinary! In my book! Xxxx

    4. Janet your little granddaughter sounds a real cutie. She's been brought up well saying please and thank you. Xxxx

  20. Sandra and everyone,
    Bit later today, it's been a bit like emergency Ward 10 here! This morning John was getting ready to go for his treatment, when he came downstairs saying he could feel a labyrinthitis turn/attack coming on, he was dizzy and nauseous. Anyway I ring and cancelled his treatment. And he has spent the day in bed. I'm sure he will be better for tomorrow.

    Margaret, I Love your beautiful Crosstitch cards, you really are very patient to do these. I know my poor fingers just couldn't do it now . Many years ago a friend gave us a beautiful Father Christmas Crosstitch card, I ended up getting a small photograph frame to put it in, Now every year when we decorate the Christmas tree - the little Father Christmas comes out to be admired once more.

    Sandra hope you have had a productive day with Sue, you're doing well this week aren't you, two days on the trot with your crafty friends. We might all invade you tomorrow ........... OMG Scary or what ? Just keep an eye out for that hot air balloon!!!

    Sheila, so pleased you had a great time with Margaret and George. They sound a great tonic as you always have a lovely time when you're with them. XX

    Lillian, you must've been working non-stop to get so many hoops made. Either that or you have a high speed machine. XX

    Saba, hope you manage to retrieve the chicken.
    MIL will be getting over EGGcited if you don't catch it soon !!!

    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda XXX

    1. Best love for John's speedy return to health. I hope he can get his treatment rescheduled soon.
      Clever pun love it.

    2. Brenda, poor John he's got enough to put up with his treatment with out this, it's horrible and takes a while to clear. Here's hoping he can get his treatment next week. xxx

    3. Oh Brenda , Labyrithitis isn't nice! Have no experience of it myself. Just what I've been told by people in the know! Hope John feels more ch better tomorrow. Xxx

    4. Brenda I hope John feels better soon xxxxx

    5. Brenda sorry John isn't feeling very well & missed his treetment really hope he feels better tomorrow sending Hug's xxx

  21. Hello SANDRA & Ladies well I did leave a few posts this morning beforeI left for the dentist but just checked & they have gone Awol.
    Well I got too the dentist & he was running an hour late.When I finally went in the wiggley one was actually three on a bridge he had to remove them as they had gone bad. He then said I couldn't have another bridge I could have implants at £3,000 + or a plate £285 but as he wasn't my normal dentist I would have to see her so have a appointment on 18 th then decide well it won't be implants he gave me some antibiotics as it was a abscess so face is very swollen now.We went to Tesco after so by time I got home took the tablets the fell asleep as realy hurting now as well as gummy. Can't believe the time have to get some dinner on not that I feel hungry.
    SHEILA I did comment under your post but glad you had a lovely time.
    MARIA hope you have a lovely time away enjoy.
    SABA did you catch that chicken I can imagine you chasing it around the garden did you give it a rugby tackle HeHe. Pat hope you enjoyed your day in London.
    SANDRA & Sue hope you both had a good day crafting together.
    HAZEL I hope all goes well for you tomorrow selling all your lovely makes you have worked so hard well done.
    MARGARET your cross stich cards are adorable I love all of them you have so much patience thank you for sharing.
    PATRICIA I'm glad you love your new Platinum machine it is a worry buying new machines as you never know if they work as well as hoped & a few of you have brought them so must be good.
    Well better get a wiggle on & do dinner.
    Will try & pop back later love Lynda xx

    1. Oooh! Lynda! Poor you - that sounds really painful. Hope the pain dies back very soon. It will be poor you in the true sense of the word too! That's a lot of money! I dread needing dental work done as its so expensive! Mind you don't want dentures either! Isn't getting older such fun!! Xxx

    2. Oh Lynda I really feel for you, not only expensive treatment but you are suffering too. Don't rule out the denture, It would only be a small one if there are only three teeth involved but if the teeth either side of the problem are good, then what about something with clasps which attach to them. I'll ask Joanne tomorrow what she thinks ( dental nurse) because dentists don't always give you the other available options, sorry to be cynical but they tend to go for profit.
      Chicken saga in my next post.

    3. Oh you poor thing, dentist seem to think people are made of money.
      I have a half plate, I've had it for 45yrs plus, it's made of metal, had an argument with a moving car and lost my front teeth, never had any problems, understand plastic one can break.
      Hope the pain eases soon, ibuprofen is a good pain killer if you can take them.

    4. Thank you Lilian Ooo that sounded painful my husband had similar fell over when he was 10 & smashed his front teeth & he has a plastic denture & it has broken twice.Xx

    5. Oh thank you SABA your so kind I won't rule out a denture but implants are DEFENTLY out of my price range. The thought of a denture though I think I will be heaving all the time might just leave it gappy hehe.Xxx

    6. Lynda I hope the pain goes down soon, that's not good. That's a lot of money for the implants isn't it, I hope you come up with a cheaper solution soon xxxx

    7. Thank you MYRA & DIANE I think we should have grown up without teeth they are nothing but trouble xx

    8. Oh Lynda, sorry you are having so much pain - not only in your mouth but also in your purse!!!! I remember a few years ago a friend telling me she had implants- she said her dentist said the cost would compare with getting a new drive up to her house.!!!
      Take care, and get a second opinion xxx

    9. Good job she didn't live in a flat Brenda! Xxx

  22. Hello again Ladies,
    I've been going back up but decided to come back down!
    Patricia, yes a Virgo + +++
    I arrived back here and was greeted by three more of the little blighters making their way down the drive towards the main road. Well I converted the card into sheepdog mode and herded them back up the drive and into the farmyard, jumped out and closed the gates then with flapping arms got them into the chicken coop, they were very reluctant. Happy at that point until I spotted another in the back garden, she wasn't for moving so I walked up and picked her up, stupid thing didn't resist at all. Chucked her over the fence into the designated Hen Garden and went to see the neighbours about the original culprit who by now had been caught and chucked back from over the other side. Thanked neighbour and spotted another one sitting on top of the fence. Persuaded it to jump back by screaming at it. It did. Then decided enough was enough went into their garden and herded 7 recalcitrant chickens into the chicken coop by muttering "fox is going to get you" at them, didn't impress them greatly and had to hurry the odd one along with my toe. Once they were finally in I closed the escape hatch. There had better be eggs tomorrow!!!
    I quite fancy a roast on Sunday.

    1. Hello My Dear!
      Haven't you had such a fun day! I have my worries about chickens!
      Don't ask me why - this story reminded me of a visit we had to the Dordogne ! We walked into a smart Restaurant followed by a dog! This dog had been sitting on the doorstep. Many shops/ restaurants in France have dogs . We thought nothing of it. We were looking at the menu - this dog started running around like a mad thing! Women shrieking - you get the picture! Maitre D comes to Alastair most politely and says - votre chien? Non non! Says he in his best French! Well then the fun began - everyone who was French tried to get this dog out of the Restaurant. No use! My normally very quiet, but dog loving husband, stood up and in his best English said " Come ,,," dog followed and he led him out! Cheers from other diners - free glass of wine for us! The memories this blog brings back! In which language were you addressing these chooks? !!! Xxx. Cheers! Xxx

    2. English!! Maybe that why the threat of the fox didn't work!
      They are staying locked in tomorrow and on Saturday are having their wigs clipped. APPARENTLY I shall have to hold them whilst this procedure is done. I shall close my eyes. MIL says it's only like us having our toenails clipped. I am not convinced.
      Loved the dog story. The French are a funny lot. My best friend lived in France, went to a restaurant and despite paying her bill came home with two kittens, takes takeaway to a whole new level.
      She also has a load of hay delivered and was so pleased that they helped her she told these delivery men, " he suie trés Jolie " they fell about laughing. Mind you she is.

    3. Je not he blinking spell check.

    4. I'd worked that out without the spell check correction!!! So thrilled she was happy! I think! Xxx

    5. That's what she thought, but she said she was so beautiful.

    6. Can MIL understand English swear words? The chickens will know them all by the end of the week ! Xxxxx

    7. Ahhh! I understand! You see if anyone told me I was beautiful I'd look at them rather knowingly !! Even if i thought that was what they had said! Xxx

  23. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sorry I am late today had a very busy day just managed to sit down.
    Sandra thank you for showing my cards & thank you to all of you for your very kind comments they are much appreciated, I just find it therapeutic, thank you.
    Sandra hope you had a productive day with Sue you did well with Pat xx
    Good to see you back Sheila glad you had a lovely time I am sure Nikki will love her presents xx
    Lynda sorry to hear about your dental problems hope you feel better soon sending hugs xx
    Saba have you caught the chicken perhaps he thought you were going to put him in the pot xx
    Brenda hope John feels better soon such a nuisance & especially when it interrupts his treatment hugs on way to you xx
    Hazel hope all goes well for you tomorrow. xx
    Maria enjoy your weekend away xx
    I am sorry if I have missed anyone out but thank you all again.
    Hugs on the way to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Thank you MARGARET I'm hopeing it's not so painfull tomorrow xx

  24. Evening all !! Everyone seems to be very busy with Chistmas preps, better start my soon!
    Finished my 50 blue hoods today, only 80 white to do before next Thursday.
    I'm off to do my ironing now as O/ H is away for a meeting tomorrow evening, and then on to another in Kent on Saturday so have to get his bag packed.
    Have a good evening everyone, see you in the morning.

  25. Hi all. Oh Saba I'm still giggling after your meeting with the hens and their escapee act, just hope they now stay in their own place. omg I can see you standing there in the road flapping your arms around like the wilde so and so hihi
    So sorry you have such a problem with you teeth Lynda, sending you many hugs. They wont help the suffering you are going through but I send them anyway.
    Brenda- hope all is better tomorrow for John, not a nice feeling for him to have.
    You both take care. I hope you all have a nice weekend, stay warm. I might pop in but not taking my Acer with me so else I see you again on Tuesday all being well. Bed is calling (up 5am) so I wish you all a good night and hopefully no kicking, snoring, nightmare's etc. from anyone. love and hugs XXxxx

    1. Have a wonderful time Maria xxxxx

    2. Maria, have a lovely weekend, hope we will see you on the blog on Tuesday. xx
      Thank you for your message for John he is already feeling much better and should be OK to go for his treatment tomorrow (fingers crossed) xx

    3. Maria , have a lovely weekend! You deserve it!, xxx
