
Saturday 12 December 2015

 Myra's Tealight Snowlady

Myra's illuminated Snowlady

Michele's Wesley & Bradley

 Karen's daughter's 2nd Birthday cake

 Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

The end of another week is upon us, I said to Paul yesterday that it didn't seem a couple of months since I was going for physio, (where the funny physiotherapist was obsessed with me having a boob job), well that was exactly a year ago, I just can't believe how fast this year has whizzed by!!

Now, we have an amazing array of crafts for you again this week!
Just look how cute Myra's little invention is!!! I think she looks like a 'Snowlady' with the pretty little snowflake on her hat and her little pink cheeks!
Myra created her by adding some gemstones to a battery operated tealight, some pink promarker blush on her cheeks and (now this shows Myra's genius mind) her hat has been created by cutting a finger from a glove, the little pearl snowflake giving the finishing touch, she is so cute Myra and for a only a few pounds you could have a whole snow family!  You could add a little bit of magnetic sheet on the back and stick them all over the house! Thank you so much for sharing xxxx

Next we have Wesley the Westie and Bradley the Scottie dog, these two little cuties were made for Michele by her friend (you know which one), they both came with name tags and cardboard carry cases.  I love the the little knitted Tartan Coat, such incredible detail.
Thank you so much Michele for sharing these gorgeous little pups with all of us xxxx

Just look what we have next, another of Karen's amazing cakes, this incredibly detailed cake's theme is
Goldilocks and the 'two' bears, as it was Karen's daughters second birthday, hence 2 not 3! I can't imagine how long it took to draw on all the detail in the bed covers, the lines of flowers on the one are all perfect with the gap between all exactly the same width, the little bears look like they have real texture too, you really do have a amazing skill here Karen, just think of the money that you could have made over the years, I tell you something else too with all of your cakes, they haven't really dated!
I do hope you have some more cakes to share with us Karen, it has been such a pleasure sharing your talent, thank you very much for sending me the photos xxxx

Fingers crossed we are going to collect our Christmas tree today, we will then decorate it tomorrow,
we managed to get some shopping done over the past couple of days, so slowly we are getting there!
I am sat typing this watching a documentary about The Bay City Rollers, it seems like only yesterday that the Tartan craze hit the Country, Norah, Patricia and Hazel where you fans, did you wear trousers half way up your legs with Tartan inserts and matching scarves????
It is hilarious looking back at the fashion and the craziness of Roller Mania!!!

I hope you all have a lovely day ladies
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Ladies, up early as I couldn't sleep thinking about the busy day ahead , friends coming for dinner tonight and the family tomorrow ( Fiona and Stewart's 14 th wedding anniversary.) so lots to get done.
    Myra I love your little snowman tea light , what a cute idea! I think I know some little people who would love to make some of these ( good idea for their advent calendar ) thank you.
    Michele , these little dogs are gorgeous, I love the tartan coat, what a clever friend you have.
    Karen , as ever I am so impressed with your cakes , the detail is incredible , what patience and talent you have, this one is adorable!
    Tea and coffee on , bacon rolls and toast, I'll leave the fancy goodies to Janet she 's the best with croissants etc.fairy lights switched on so all looking very festive, hope to pop in later depends how organised I am.
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Morning Anne
      Thank you for opening up this very cold morning.
      I hope everything goes well for you today and tomorrow with your visitors.
      See you later xxxx

    2. Have a lovely weekend Anne - I know it's busy, but hopefully filled with fun and laughter xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    What a lovely collection of crafts today.
    Myra-I just love your Snowlady.
    Karen-another stunning cake that looks far too amazing to cut into!

    My "dogs" we're knitted by my crazy friend (who is attempting to clear her cluttered house)! It started out by me saying how much I liked Scotties & Westies but as we both worked full time we couldn't have a dog. Then Radley (handbags) sent an email saying you could meet Radley but it one while I was on holiday one year, so my mad friend knitted Wesley the Westie and he came in hus own carry case. The the following year Bradley the Scottie arrived-yes he is a knitted dog. She's used a gorgeous soft wool that is so realistic. The two dogs have both been into work with me & everyone loved them.

    Well-we have got the heavy rain that was forecast. Hubby has gone out to play golf but there's every chance they'll cancel the competition if this continues.

    I got a phone call from the pro shop to say his jumper was in stock (Xmas present) so now I need to somehow go to the golf club without being seen! Then I'm going to the garden centre to see a demo, doubt I'll stay long.


    1. Morning Michele
      I love love love your little Dogs. They are delightful. All the work that has gone into creating them. You have one very talented Friend.
      Hope you manage to get to the Golf Club without being seen and then of course back to wrap and hide until the Day.

    2. Hi Michele your little dogs are so cute, love the thought of them having their own carrying case too! My friend has got a westie and she's adorable. Now could you go to the golf club and if he sees you say you were worried about him with all the rain and wanted to check he was ok after his busy week or would he think you were completely mad? Xxxxx

    3. Michelle, I love your little dogs! They are so cute. Your friend is a talented lady. Can't believe it's a week since we met up! It was just about as wet today as well. Still raining here. Xxx

    4. Hi Michele,
      I love your dogs your friend certainly made a good job of them they look so cuddly. Margaret xx

  3. Morning Everyone from a very cold and I was going to say dry but I've just looked up at the window and it's raining so nothing new there then.

    I'm on my way the Meadowhell or I should say we - it's our week to meet Jim's Niece and her two young ones. No doubt it will be manic in there but we just have a couple of shops to go into to finish the Christmas shopping and then Marks Food Hall and back here for a quiet afternoon (hopefully).
    I'll see what I can find for Afternoon Tea this afternoon for everyone that is if you have room after those gorgeous Bacon Rolls.

    MYRA - what an imagination you have. These little Snow Ladies are just wonderful and just right for little hands to place around the Christmas Tree. I've stored your idea (I just hope I can find it again when I need it!).
    KAREN - WOW WOW what patience you have and what skill. I'm lost for words. Your Daughter must have been over the moon.

    I've left a message under Michele's comments re her delightful little Doggies.

    See you all later. Hugs are in the basket - they were wrapped in warm fleece body warmers so I hope they're still in place.

    1. Janet enjoy your get together and your trip to the food hall. They have got a meal deal on today with some very yummy puddings, I bought 2 so we've got steak tonight and gammon hocks tomorrow - how lazy is that! Safe driving xxxxx

  4. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. What a great selection today. Myra, I love the cute Snowman/lady, and so simple too.
    Michele, Wesley and Bradley are both gorgeous, your friend is very clever.
    Karen, your daughter must have loved this cake, you really have the knack at cake decorating,
    Thank you all for sharing these great Mixed crafts with us.
    I haven't had time to see what everyone was up to yesterday but I hope you are all well, and safe and dry.
    Another busy day, off to get the bread rolls and ham for the refreshments at the Bingo tonight. The party went very well and all of the children enjoyed themselves. It's lovely to see such a wide age range all playing games together : )
    Must go and brave Tescos now. Take care xx

  5. In before my busy day starts. Myra I love your cute tea lights they are great.
    Michele, how clever is your friend knitting these two cuties, I love westies.
    Karen, another fabulous cake. That the design hasn't dated.
    Been up since 6 but have been I messaging my Roberta my SIL in Canada since then till 15 mins ago she is off to her bed.
    Got lots of things to do today and with us having just the one car is a pain, as Charlie would have done some of it. Never mind we will manage as others do.
    When I have done all those bits I have to make a start in the spare room and try and find it. Off out with Anna and Beth to see James Bond we are going to the 7.30 show so we won't be home till late as we have to go to Perth.
    (((((( hugs)))))) in the basket for those of you who need them, and I think a good few are needed at the moments, Norah Huggles are in their so watch out.
    Will call in later if I get a minute. xxx

    1. Oh Hazel! You just did not need all this car trouble! I hope you get it sorted out soon. Have a lovely time at the cinema with Anna and Beth! Xxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    What a treat today - Maria I love your little tea lights, they are so cute and will look really pretty dotted around the house. Will the boys appreciate them though or is it mums wacky craft stuff? My Auntie had 3 boys and it wasn't until they got girlfriends that she got pretty presents from them like smelly candles rather than a frying pan or screwdriver set! Thank you for sharing, I might try this xxxx
    Karen what a gorgeous cake, I know how much time you must have spent on it too and probably late at night when she wasn't around to see it! It's too pretty to eat but I'm sure it went down a treat with her. Thank you for sharing - I must look out Emma's cake photos from over the years! Xxxx
    I've left a comment for Michele under her post but these little dogs are just so cute! Xxxx
    It's another busy day here, I think Julian needs some shopping time so hopefully he will get up and doing and I'm going to start making mince pies and finish a few cards. It's local ones now so they can be more layers if I want but at this stage it's more quick and easy! The last few need posting too - I found a empty post office yesterday so put my mind at ease when I posted my home made cards that they fitted the slot etc! What a relief! In our post office the slot guide was stolen so you have to queue up to check - or buy your own! It's very dull and damp here but it's becoming the norm - no high winds though thank goodness. I will try to pop in later but can't promise. Hope everyone is ok xxxx.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Morning everyone, I am rather mixed up this morning (nothing new there)
    Was been busy doing bits and pieces. Looked up and out one of the kitchen Windows it was very dark. I thought it was approx 7am to then look at the clock it was 8.30am is so, so dark here today.
    MYRA:- what a fantastic idea, you always come up with great things. I know one person who will have great fun making them. I have an old Fleece PJ top from the boys which we can cut up for the hats.
    MICHELE:- love your beautiful dogs ... my kind of pet ... you don't have to walk, feed or clean up after them.
    KAREN:- love, love, love, your fantastic cake. Only thing is you would never want tot cut in to them.
    I am off to be very busy, I have added some (((((hugs))))) to the basket. There are some out there who are in desperate need of hugs and comfort. My thoughts and prayers are with them. Those of you who have been missing I hope you are just extremely busy and not ill. xxx

  9. Good morning Sandra and all, running so late,so late.
    I love all the crafts on show today ,will be back to say more later. Must go out, take son to doctors, more for the post office and shopping. It never and hugs to you all, Maria XxXx

  10. Hi Diane
    An empty post office my word never been heard off. Ours closed down, it was always packed. They moved it into a small WH Smiths and it's still busy. I remember when they bought the guides out they were supposed to be free. Our whole street never gad one, so it's seems a shame that you have to pay for one if you need one.

  11. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Now Myra, i'm awful glad to see you put a hat on your little snowlady as we don't want her catching cold in this weather as it would freeze a carrot of a snowmans face at the moment. I love how she has her own wee personality with you making her happy with her gems of a mouth and sparkling black eyes, so so cute thank you flower.
    Now Michele's puppy dogs are the white one is a Westie and the black one is a Scotty just before there is an influx of corrections as Westie people can get quite uptight about what their white dogs are. But Michele flower they are cute and what a lovely friend to have made them for you and they are quite cheap to feed and no vet bills either, so hey enjoy your little companions. I hope your 2 year old loved her cake as it is lovely flower and would have done Jim and I as a birthday cake. Mum always got one made but half and half as he both wanted our own colour/side but being twins mum didn't have it to get two cakes for us so we had to share that like everything else, but i would have loved this cake flower with it's two wee beds. You are truly gifted in the art of cake making.
    Ah-ha, now i have a story (there's a surprise eh) just about one of the tartan crew. I was too young to adore them when they were at their peak but my big cousin Lesley who was 6 years older and just in the middle of her teen years absolutely went mad for them. She and my Auntie Margaret lived with my Nana after her mum and dad split and then divorced and being the oldest, namely the first grandchild she was born with a silver spoon in her mouth that she yelled and Nana got what ever she yelled about. Anyway as i say she loved the BCR big style and especially Alan (Longmuir but i could have got the surname wrong, not good on remembering names), and last November time when i had been done by a local gas heating company that got paid £80 call out charge but didn't know what was wrong with Mum's boiler, Ryan's uncle Chris said he would come across and take a look at it as that is what he did. So he duely arrived with his pal/mate who was a very nice fella called......Alan Longmuir and who was in a 70s band called the Bay City Rollers and he was standing in mum's as nice as could be talking away to me but the only downside was none the two of them would take any money from me for their time nor petrol(which i don't do as it costs nowadays to come even if it just 8 miles). And where does the lovely Alan live? Well only in the Bannockburn area that my big cousin grew up near(she lived in Whins of Milton that attaches on to Bannockburn). Now if our Lesley had still been here instead of popping upwards with cancer at 47 i could have crowed but i've told her anyway when i do talk to her up in the atmosphere. The fact that he lived so close to her and she never ever knew she would have went around every door in the place to find him if she had only known, hee hee hee. Isn't it amazing the people that you meet and if anything like me cos i'm not clued up in the "Stars" you don't even realise that they are somebody, Alan was just a ordinary everyday fella that had no airs and graces and was lovely to speak to. I'm as i say a bit dim when it comes to talking to famous people as i just don't recognise any of them and it's only afterwards that Mum would say" you know who that was, don't you Norah?" Ehhh, that'll be a NO and then she just would laugh at me. Stardom and Stars don't impress me any as i normally don't have a clue who they are.
    Right i'll be back in a wee while as i need to go out but will be back for my coffee after
    Norah x

    1. I loved your story I think your sister was looking down on you with great envy. I'm a bit green too!

    2. A very good friend of mine is a Rollers fan! She went to see them in Blackburn - yes Blackburn Lancashire - not the one in Scotland. It was only a couple of weeks ago! You are a star Norah!

    3. NORAH:- that was a fantastic story ... loved it.
      John had relatives that lived at Whins of Milton. He often tells me a story about visiting them when he was little. When he went out into the garden he notice their next door neighbour had milk sitting at their door (his anuty had none) .... before long though she had 1/2 dozen bottles on her doorstep. He had gone down the road and lifted everybody's milk. If have heard a story about any of your relatives having milk go missing .... I guess it might have been John!!! Ha!Ha! xxx

  12. Hi Sandra
    I hope you get your tree today as planned, and it gets decorated tomorrow.
    Myra just love your tea lady. Where do you get all your lovely ideas from, they're fantastic.
    Karen your cake is gorgeous, I wish I could just make a cake. Michelle I just love your dogs. These are my favourite kind, knitted dogs I mean. No walking in the rain and no clearing up afterwards. Don't you just hate it that people don't clear up after their dogs. Especially leaving the mess outside schools. Tin hat borrowed, sorry responsible dog owners.

    1. That's ok Pat! I agree . If I could get the cat owner whose cat causes havoc in a flower bed in our garden I'd ---- knowing me probably say nothing! Why is it ok for cats to make a mess?? Soapbox returned. Xxx

  13. In very quickly having 5 minutes before next round. Norah, our Gillian was 4 when they top of the chats and a friend of ours sent her long socks to do with them for Christmas, she looked a right state going round Christmas morning with he nightie on and these socks, thank you fir the memory. Our three often travelled on flights going back boarding school from Germany with pop stars on board. When asked "did you get their autographs " you were told no they were trying to relax and didn't want us asking them - it's all your fault anyway as you brought us up that when travelling you didn't bother anyone, which was true, ours could walk about the ferry etc. as long as they didn't bother any one. They weren't allowed to make a noise, not like some of today's that think it's their right to let their off Spring scream and shout.
    Pat, I am a responsible dog owner and I am always ranting about folk who let their dogs deposit all over the place. Between that and children not in car seats are my two things I get so cross about, the fine for the dogs owners should be that they are made to clean up a large area for a week, and no car seat should be the cost of what the NHS would be to treat the injuries, or at least £500 to me a child's life if worth more. Soap box away. Tin hat borrowed. xxx

  14. Hello Ladies
    Thank you for your lovely comments about my cake. I stopped making them - I didn't sell them unless commissioned when supermarkets started selling them and to be honest it became as expensive to make a cake as to buying one. I thoroughly enjoyed doing them and was my way of relaxing when the children were in bed.
    MYRA What a lovely idea I've got it stored for next year
    MICHELE I love to knit and your friend's doggies are just adorable and like everyone has said - no mess
    SANDRA Hope you're successful with the tree expedition
    HAZEL Rest up or you'll be falling asleep in the cinema! Enjoy the film
    PATRICIA I can only imagine how dark it must have been It still feels dark here = darn souf
    For those of you not feeling well or down in the dumps, here's a bit of news to cheer you up I can (at long last!) say I'm going to be a granny in April! My daughter, for personal reasons, has/is being very cautious at broadcasting it and certainly hasn't wanted it splashed all over FB (a girlfriend suffered a loss at 20 weeks-ish) Fingers crossed that she remains safe and healthy

    1. Congratulations Karen!
      That's lovely news. You daughter is quite right to keep things low key it's so much easier! Good news spreads quickly. I'm so happy for you all.
      Your cake is another total triumph!
      The tealight snow people are just a bit of fun! The children are going to make them on Monday all being well! Xxx

    2. Oh Karen what wonderful news Congratulations!
      I think grandchildren over a very special gift.
      I hope your daughter keeps well and enjoys the rest of her pregnancy, and I guarantee you will enjoy being a grandma. LOL xx

    3. BIG Congratulations, great news, hope everything goes well and she enjoys her pregnancy.
      We waited 10 years for our Thomas then 26months later we had Robert.
      As Brenda says Grandchildren are a Special Gift xxx

    4. Karen, congratulations to you all on the great news. Wishing your daughter a healthy pregnancy. Oh I can hear those knitting needles clicking. xxx

    5. Karen-that's wonderful news!!!!!!!!!


    6. Congratulations Karen lovely news hope all goes well for your daughter Grandchildren are special & Greats are just as special.
      Your cake is brilliant I bet your daughter loved it, will not be long before you can make some more! xx

    7. Oh Karen flower, what terrific news you have given us today. Oh I so hope that will be as happy and as lucky as me to have such a wee charmer come wriggling into your life and your baby girl because let's face it it doesn't matter what age she is she will always be your baby girl. Is this you going to become a granny for the first time like me as I can thoroughly recommend it for happiness that those 10 tiny fingers and 10 tiny toes bring to your heart so much so that it could burst. I know she's not I'll but I do hope that your baby girl will take it easy and not do a Kirsten on you, namely working on a high pressure ward until the Sunday and then get whipped in on the Thursday as she has preeclampsia which by the time they did an emergency caesarean on her it had developed into eclampsia. Awh big congratulations flower to you both xx

  15. Congratulations ! Karen, nothing better than being a gran, I think in the years ahead your cake decorating talents will be called for and you will Love it! XO
    Hope all runs smoothly, it took so long for us to be grandparents I thought I was going to have to knit them lol!

    1. Anne, If I had had to knit mine I definitely wouldn't have had any! Xxx

  16. Hello All, I don't know where the day has, Asda this morning which took forever, seems as though everyone is shopping for Christmas early, every isle was full of Christmas stuff, but all I wanted was my normal food.
    Today crafts are lovely, love the Santa tea lights.
    Karen your cake is a marvel, I remember when Oscar was 3 he had a cake in the shape of a dog, and he broke his heart when it was cut !!!!!
    Michele your little dogs are lovely, can't take the real ones but these are cute.
    We have a complete obstacle course in the mornings when we go for the papers, with the mess they leave behind.
    Very windy and wet here again, oh for a fine day.
    Well more cards to do, I'm sorry everyone my cards will be plain and simple as time is catching up on me.
    Had a word with Olive yesterday, she two different antibiotics to take and says she can't fit them in with her other tablets, I don't know what to say to her, other that comforting words.
    Sandra hope you get a good tree, and enjoy decorating it.
    Well most go, but my best it of news is that I hit my 28 pounds lost today, still 2 more stones to go but at least I'm hair way.
    Will call in later, if I don't fall asleep.

    1. Well done Lilian! That's a great achievement. Keep up the good work. Don't worry about cards, please! Xxx

    2. Wish I had your willpower Lilian to lose any weight, well done to you ! xxx

    3. Lilian, like the others I give you credit for loosing that amount of weight. xxx

  17. HellomSandra and Everyone,
    Sorry it's been a bit of crazy day here today. Not much different from normal then, I hear you say!
    The tealight said are just a bit of fun and they do have a round magnet on the back! I'm making one with Pom Pom ear muffs on a band! With a bit of wire - it could be teenage snow boy with headphones! I tend to get carried away!
    I got two pairs if woolly gloves for £3. Making twenty possible hats. Where else could you buy a hat for 15p!!!
    Sending lots of love to everyone and especially those who are finding times very hard at the moment.
    Myra xxxx

    1. Hi Myra,
      Once again you have come up with something quite simple but very effective, well done I love them. Margaret xx

  18. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    I'm late today, we have been getting on with Christmas decorations and tree (yes artificial one) out of the loft, so now the tree needs decorating and decorations put in place. Might do the tree today and the rest tomorrow.
    Sandra I hope you and Paul manage to get your Christmas tree today and then have the fun of decorating it together, or would the girls do that for you?

    I love today's offerings, they are always good to look forward to and like you Sandra I think the Saturdays come around so quickly
    MYRA, your little Tealight is a brilliant idea, thank you for sharing this with us.
    MICHELE, I love your little dogs, your 'special friend' is a very talented lady.
    KAREN, another WOW cake, I love the detail on the bed covers.

    Going to finish putting the lights on the tree and then might look what decorations I'm going to add.
    Take care everyone, love Brenda XXX

  19. Good afternoon everyone
    Offer of the day SNOW who would like some? FREE to the first person to answer! Oh boy it is cold here today. We had heavy rain both last night and this morning so the river levels are rising again, but the lantern Festval went ahead last night and the Food Festival is also on so spirits are high at the moment in town.
    May I pleasee say thank you to everyone who have made donations to the Flood appeal it really is going to be needed, some people did not have insurance as after the last floods in 2009 it was out of their reach financially. Some who do have it have excesses of £5,000 or more.
    Todays crafts are all so lovely of course it goes without saying I love Michele's dogs they are cute. Myra's snowperson was very clever and last but by no means least Karen you cake is fantastic.
    So busy here I would like to know just who is pinching my share of time at the moment! But I'm never too busy to stop and think of our absent friends at the moment sending them special hugs and love.
    Take care everyone
    Margaret xxx

  20. Afternoon Ladies

    Goodness-what a miserable day. Torrential rain & very strong winds. Got to the garden centre to find no demo on!! Bought a gift for my M in L & treated myself to an Xcut die= Georgian Door as it has the cutest mini Scottiedog with it. The die set was £9.99 and I had a voucher for £10 so I think I was meant to buy it. Stayed for a coffee & mince pie as I'd taken a colleague with me. We called at hubby's golf club on the way home to collect a jumper I had ordered for him for Christmas. It's in the car, I'll bring it in tomorrow when he goes off to work.

    We're have a very lazy meal tonight-a ready meal with garlic bread! I've got tea sorted for tomorrow-will use the slow cooker so it doesn't matter when hubby gets home. I think I'll make mince pies tomorrow, I can take some into work on Monday to save me eating them all .


    1. I'm so pleased you had a better day with Xcut dies than me, Michelle!
      For years I have drawn around a template to make pillow boxes! I finally decided I would buy the die. A box from Craft Superstore arrived this morning! I assumed it was the die as I hadn't ordered anything else! I was so looking forward to playing this afternoon! When I opened the box it contained 2 boxes of Sakura Gel Pens!! The Delivery Note says Pillow Box Die! Someone has made a Boo Boo !! I've contacted them - do not intend to pay to return these pens. Wouldn't you just know it!
      BUT - if that's all I have to complain about - I'm very well-off!! Xxx

    2. Mine came as ordered and as per delivery note!!
      Sorry Myra, it is great to use .... why have we been giving ourselves work drawing round and scoring a "template" ??? One run through and it's done!! xxx

    3. I couldn't believe it when I heard Patricia had ordered one too! We are very alike in some ways! I'm just a lot smaller in height!!! Ha ha. Xxx

  21. Hi all I'm back, no threat.
    Myra- your tealight mrs is fun, love it when she's lit with her shiny nose.
    Michele- love the dogs, your friend is very good at these things.So sweet with it's little jacket.Have you thought a way to get the'prezzie'home yet? Can't be nice playing golf in this weather.
    Karen- superb cake. It must have taken you day's to make it,it's brilliant. Congratulations to be joining the grandmum's clan in April !Hope Charlotte is doing alright.
    Anne- have fun tonight and enjoy the day with family tomorrow.
    Janet- hope you have a nice meet-up and a good shopping day.
    Sue- have a good evening and make sure you get some rest tomorrow.
    Diane- an empty post office ? Wish we had one this morning. Took twenty minutes just to get some stamps for some cards.oh It's Myra's tealights but yes they are cute, don't think my boys would understand it do.
    Norah- love to see your story's ,I wouldn't know a star from another either hihi Hope you alright after Rory's walkabout, where did he go ? Hope you had fun with baby Harry the other day.
    Hazel- so sorry to see all the problems you have lately with the cars, must be scary when you suddenly start hearing funny noises while driving and not sure what happening.Take care.
    Sandra- hope you got some shopping in and did you find a nice tree ? I used to love a real tree because I love the smell but one year we got a kitten and she just loved climbing up to the very last branch and then she sat there crying until someone came and took her down Lol so good luck with Milo.
    Horrible outside and pitch black and stormy winds , just the right weather to stay in and watch Sue W on Hochanda. Now I seen the Spellbinder Platinum more so understand all of you who bought one, especially if it's cuts down the middle. Hope to see some of you around later, warm hugs XxxX

  22. Quick visit Just heard your email read out on Hochanda SANDRA we all echo what you said And Well done to LILLIAN Great achievement and as you said you're halfway there

    1. Oh I watched the Show on my iPad ! It froze only once - but I realised she had read an email as she was putting the iPad down! Trust me to miss it!! Well done Sandra xxx

  23. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra hope you had a successful shopping trip & managed to find a nice tree, I remember when Star was a puppy she was about 8 weeks old & we still had 2 more of the puppies without thinking I decorated as normal but soon realised the bottom layer of the tree was just the right height for them to grab so had to quickly strip the lower branches so good luck with Milo. I think I might have just managed to finish my cards, by the way could I just point out I think our postcode has been printed wrong the cards I have had form you lovely ladies, thank you very much, have had SN13 1ND it should be SN3 1ND a simple mistake sorry to mention it. xx
    Lillian well done on your weight loose it's a great feeling isn't it.xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  24. Hi all, thanks for the comments about my weight loss, GP told me it would help with bad joints, but as of yet no better, so I'd better keep going.
    Had a nice afternoon making cards while OH was practicing the carols for tomorrows church carol service, hope it doesn't pour down with rain like last year.
    Karen congratulations on the event to come, lovely news, hope all goes well.
    Goodnight ladies. Lilian
