
Friday 11 December 2015

Festive Friday

 Good Morning Craft Friends,

I hope that the weather has not got any worse for our friends in the North of the Country, I know more rain has been forecast for the weekend, I pray that it isn't enough to cause more problems, it is so upsetting to see the misery it is causing. We have donated today the money we were sent for Christmas from family, its quite easy you can send a text to 70070 with the message 'FLUD15' and the amount you wish to donate for example 'FLUD15£20' or whatever amount you wish.  You can also donate by visiting ''  .

Today's Christmas card is one of mine, it goes against the grain for me to create cards that are flat, my cards are usually made up of many layers, so I had to stop myself from getting carried away, I used some White Glitter Card and die cut it using Spellbinders Snowflakes View die set, I layered it using a pretty blue Frosted Shimmer card that I bought in a pack from Anna Marie Designs card stand at Ally Pally, it has some really pretty colours in. I used Spellbinders labels 8 largest die to cut the second Blue layer, this is the same basic label shape as the Snowflake die I have used, I finished with the next size down in the Snowflakes View set and then added the Creative Expressions 'Merry Christmas' Sentiment Die cut out of the Frosted Blue Shimmer card, I finished with some Blue pearls and some Aurora Borealis gems on the sentiment for some added sparkle.
I hope that the amount sparkle and shimmer makes up for the lack of dimension!!  But we have to consider these things when it comes to postage!

Well you can feel the relief in our house as the girls have finished their exams for now, thank goodness,
so I am hoping for a much more relaxed weekend, we may even get the decorations out, hopefully Paul and I will go and get a tree later today.  I am concerned how it will fair at the hands or 'paws' of Milo and Bella, well mainly Milo really, last year they weren't really too fussed but they have grown both in size and confidence since then, so we will have to wait and see, I think that I will leave my most precious Baubles in the box this year!

I have baked a fresh baked of Viennese Topped Mince Pies this morning, the mincemeat has had an extra glug of Brandy for added warmth, they are in the counter waiting for you, I have left the Brandy beside the Coffee machine you can add a shot as you please, or there is Baileys of course!

Sending Love and Hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    This may not be a usual Sandra card but I love itas it is so pretty, the shade of blue is gorgeous and as you said we have to think of postage costs don't we.
    I did finally get into the Cafe to comment on the great magic wallet tutorial a few hours ago when sensible people were sleeping, I have a busy couple of days now with Scouting events, tonight is the party for all of the children in our group and tomorrow night is the Family Christmas bingo that we run twice a year so Chris and I will be doing the shopping for both events today and tomorrow the hampers and prizes for Bingo will be made up. Sunday will be for resting for sure this week : ) I bet you are all busy trying to be in two places at once won't you. But then you see a news report of the people that have been flooded out of their homes and our busy lives become trivial don't they.I think a lot of us will have given or will be giving some of the money that was meant to be for Christmas won't we, even if it is only a small amount, it will all add up to help won't it.
    I hope you all have a good day ladies. Take care xx

    1. Hi Mrs B
      Don't rush around to much. I hope you have a lovely time at the Christmas party today and the Christmas bingo tomorrow.

    2. Hi Sue, I read your comment early this morning, Mr Sandman forgot to visit our house last night. I did go to bed but to many things were going around in my little pea brain so that was it. Have fun tonight and tomorrow's Bingo, take care Xxxx

    3. Hi Sue
      We used to have family bingo sessions with guides as a fundraiser for trips - they were great fun and got quite competitive , especially with various several of our family members who had daughters at guides at the same time! I don't know what you do for prizes but my cousin the guide leader used to get things like rolls of wrapping paper and selotape for full line prizes and bars of chocolate then have tins of biscuits and sweets for the other ones. We used to laugh but the rolls of wrapping paper were always grabbed first! Try to make time for a rest and have fun xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-quite different but quite stunning!! I love all the subtle sparkle to the card.

    Thanks for putting the details on how to donate-I'll be doing that tonight. Hubby said the river had burst its banks again yesterday in Carlisle so goodness knows what misery awaits the poor residents.


    1. Wish you a calmer day at work, take care Xxxx

  3. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, very very dark today, but after the rain yesterday, hoping everyone is OK.
    Sandra love your card, I love Anna Marie cards and their packs of card, always get some when I go to Exeter show. I have kept all my cards flattish this year , it's quite a challenge.
    Am hoping to finish all my cards that need posting today, no work!, OH has to play for another funeral this week,( church organist ) , so will have a quiet morning.
    We don't put our tree up until about 3days before Christmas, will send a photo, but have to warn you that it's a bit of a hotpotch as we put everything and every colour on, this comes from when our daughter was little, she always said it was sad to leave some in the box, so we keep up the tradition, mind her tree is very tasteful.
    Sandra glad to hear the girls have finished their exams, now you can all get in the festive spirit.
    Mince pies sound great, will skip the liquid refreshment, as doesn't agree , with my meds.
    Have a good time everyone, see you later.
    Crafty hugs in the basket, if you need them ,although I expect most of you have finished your cards. Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian, hope you have a nice,relaxing day. Always liked hearing the church organ play but sad as for funerals. I thought I was finished the cards but as norm I got one yesterday to whom I hadn't sent one too so that's next for me today.take care Xxxx

  4. Good morning everyone from a very cold, dark, still and at the moment dry High Green (Sheffield).
    Our hearts went out again yesterday to all the flood victims who were once again within two days subjected to seeing their homes being subjected to torrential flooding. We too have sent money in the hope that it will help in a very small way.
    Mother Nature certainly has a way of opening our eyes doesn't she.

    SANDRA - Stunning and WOW are the only words for your festive treat today. It may be flat in construction but definitely not in appearance. I just love it.

    I have to battle with finishing a Christmas Present which really should be in the post by now but I just seem to be so far behind this year. I completed a cross stitch picture at the end of the Summer well in time for it to be framed and off to France by now. Well Jim has only just got round to organising the frame and mount and now i have to finish it off. I used to take my pictures to be framed to a little shop close to us but he is now so expensive (£40 to frame a 12" x 20") so it's being done by us and then off to France this week-end with fingers crossed it will arrive in time for Christmas. It's a shame it's going to Brittany or we could have dropped it off on our way to Marigny when we go on Boxing Day (haha).

    so I'll be back for the brandy later so please save a drop for me and a large cushioned chair please.

    Hope everyone has a good day. Hugs are in their basket but I see that Norah's huggles have gone walk about. I hope they're not up to mischief with those mince pies.

    1. Hope the haggles don't start on the Baileys or they'll be up to drunk mischief. If they do I hope they leave some for Saba and me.

    2. Hi Janet, hope you get the parcel off to France and you then can sit down and have a break and enjoy the brandy Xxxx

    3. Pat - Saba and you are quite bad enough without brandy! Xxx

  5. Good morning Ladies, cold and dark this morning but dry so we are lucky.
    Thank you for the addresses Sandra, I managed through Google, but good to know, I love your card ! It's very Christmassy with all the sparkle and snowflakes, I think ( although as you know I love Sue's cards) she does use too many layers at times( I always ghost mine, to save paper and weight) not that I'm mean or anything ha ha ! but keeping them flat is quite difficult as we always want to add embellishments etc.good to hear the girls exams are over and you can all relax and really enjoy the season xo.
    Your comment Saba made me laugh , with all these goodies about and the dinners and lunches on the go at this time I'm sure I'll end up with a figure like Mrs Claus no bother!
    Norah , I agree with all the others about you writing your little stories down, I mentioned that to you a long time ago on Sue's blog, you have a gift with words, I'm sure Harry would love them and then he could pass them on , how wonderful to be remembered like that xo
    Thinking about all those not feeling too well, I hope you feel better soon and take care if going out in the horrible weather, wrap up warm!
    Just might be tempted to one ( only one ) mince pie with the Viennese topping they do sound good!
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

  6. Sorry the comment about Mrs Claus should be to Maureen !
    This getting old doesn't come alone! xo

    1. Hi Anne, have a nice day! Oh the postage was so high this year ,next year we might have to send eachother an e-card instead....uj no that wouldn't be any fun but.... I can always take on the role as Mrs Claus, already plump only need a white wig hihi

  7. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    I love the frosty blue card you are showing us today Sandra, it really is beautiful, and the mixture of dies and card you have used really does give a frosty seasonal message. It's beautiful. I agree about the difficulty of making cards that you can post, like you I like to add layers to my cards, but that's not practical at this time of year. Anyway it makes us put our thinking caps on.

    Saba, Love the comment Oliver made about he and grandma are Christians, I really did laugh. He is at such a beautiful age, enjoy every moment with him when you can. I remember one of our grandsons he
    would have been around about Oliver's age. It was mealtime and he needed the toilet and I was waiting for him by the toilet door. He stood in front of the pan pulled his joggers down and spend a penny pulled his joggers up and immediately shot of the cloakroom and into the dining room. I said hey little man you haven't washed your hands, he replied quite indignantly grandma did you see me touch my w*****? I will never forget the look on his face it was priceless.

    This morning I was watching BBC breakfast show, and they were talking to people in Cumbria. These people have been through so much and in a few short days Have managed to open up their businesses again, isn't it wonderful how in times of need how the community have all pulled together. From what I saw it looks is so so much has been achieved. I know there is still more to do, and feel for the people who could not afford the insurance is on their homes, I hope the relief fund will be able to help them.

    I hope everyone is having a good day, sending caring and gentle hugs to those who need them, I have also put some mischievous ones in with Norah's, mine have been in Christmas decoration box and came out giggling and wearing Christmas decorations!!!!!!
    Will pop in later, love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda, I love the stories of your grand children. They are so innocent at that age. My SIL grand daughter(5) the other day told her granddad
      " It's not to late for braces you know" after she seen his a bit crooked teeth hihi
      Have a good day Xxxx

  8. Good Morning Sandra,
    What a beautiful card! It's really lovely. I also am a big fan of Anna Marie cards/ card. I got some bargains at the NEC. She does some lovely soft pearlised colours. Yours is a lovely shade of blue . It's so nice with the white.
    My fiend called round a little while ago and I was showing her the lovely handmade cards! She was most impressed . I gave her some to post! I'm getting there!
    Well, today is tidying up day! I hope to get the last of the Christmas boxes put away . Everywhere except the dining room is ready for Christmas. I will finish in there today! I will!!!
    Thanks for giving all the ways to help with the floods Sandra. I think we have all felt that is something we want to do. We can all try to imagine at least what these poor folks are going through! I hope they don't get snow as well as its very cold here this morning.
    Have a good day, whatever you have to do. Take care on the roads as they are so busy just now.
    See you later, all being well!
    Huggles has had porridge this morning with salt!! It IS a Scottish huggle after all!
    If he gets any choccie buttons today it will be out little secret! Ha ha!

    1. Hi Myra, have a good day decorating and tidying up so you can have a quiet evening, It's Friday ! Xxxx

    2. Thank goodness it's Friday Maria! I'm going to relax tonight - well I may write a few more cards but I'm not making a mess! Just cleared up , xxx

    3. Hi Myra I hope your migraine has gone & your feeling better. Now don't get overdoing things today & have a restful eavening
      Hug's Lynda xx

    4. Hi Myra - hope you are feeling a lot better now - Migraines can leave you feeling a bit washed out - take care
      Jean x

    5. Thank you Lynda and Jean . I am back to normal today! Unfortunately I can't get a certificate to prove it!! Xxx

  9. Hi Sandra
    A lovely card today, love the dies. I'm glad your getting your Christmas cards done now. Flat is best for posting and the sparkle makes up for it. Will have to get some of this blue when we get to Anbe Marie's or a stand at least. Couldn't get any navy card, glitter card, nor the masks we wanted in Clacton I'm afraid.
    I hope everyone keeps save up North. Please don't take any chances with the weather.
    Make sure you don't do to much lifting Myra with your back.

    1. Thanks Pat! I'm being fairly good! Xxx

    2. Hi Pat, how are you doing ? I must have a look for these cards from Anne Marie at next show, I might have some but not sure. You all seem to love them. Take care Xxxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sandra your card is gorgeous, love the colour of that card, I too use Anne Marie's card stock, she has such lovely colours. Thank you for sharing xxxx
    It's good to hear the girls have finished their exams, they get quite skittish once the pressure is off don't they. Emma's finished yesterday too so she can now relax. I think a few of them are going on day trips to see the surrounding area. Thank you for the flood donation details too.
    Right I must get on I've got to pop to the shoos - I'm going to get caught in the lunchtime traffic at this rate! Who puts a shopping centre after a large business park with one road In and one road out! Oh yes there's a very large housing estate there too. You join the queue at the motorway!
    See you all later xxxxx

    1. You just shoo them on Diane!!! Sorry!
      I've popped by in because I found something out that might help anyone with an iPad but has Sky Tv via Virgin Media or not at all.
      If you go in the App Store you can download - Free - a Freesat App.
      This enables you to watch loads of programmes on your IPad . It's not just watching though - you can record - that way you can watch the programme when you have time! This may work for other tablets I'm not sure .it certainly works for iPads! Hope it helps! Xxx

    2. Hi Diane, glad Emma now finished her exams for this term and can have some fun. What kind of things do they sell in Shoos ? Don't think we got that one up here. Like going down to Watford sometimes just to see something else hihi You welcome to stop for a coffee when you go past ! Take care and happy shopping Xxxx

    3. Hi Myra, thanks for the tip about the app for freesat, going to try that later.

  11. Hi Sandra and everyone in today.
    Love the card today !, it's colour is fantastic and I think it's the one on my OH birthday card which as you know I love. Gorgeous dies used for it.
    It was morning when I started this journey reading what you are up too today. Had a little bit of the porridge from the huggies, like it with a bit of salt. Might try one of the mince pies later with a coffee but not keen on the brandy,wonder if they work with the Baileys.
    This will make you giggle. I made 2,yes 2 magic wallets yesterday ,thank you for the tutorial Sandra and Brenda but 1 is totally wrong because I put the ribbon on the wrong way so it didn't get a hinge so actually I only made 1 ! Me and reading instructions ,do not work together. Son have gone to doctors to have the packing changed and then to work and OH is sitting upstairs and writing his cards to give out and I have to make one more because I got sent one this morning from someone I left off the list,typical. Feel so sorry for all who are dealing with the floods, I don't think I could handle it.
    Watching it on Tv makes you want to cry. They must be so strong to rise above it and opening up their stores and continue their daily life.Only wish they not get much more rain and like Janet said it started to snow. I hope you are all right Margaret living yourself up there.
    I'm off to Dobbie's for some lunch with my neighbour as a thank you for looking after their cat and bunny so I best get ready. Hope to see you later, warm hugs Maria Xxxx

  12. Hello Sandra & friends
    SANDRA your card is sooo pretty love the blue card & the dies you have used it's gorgeous. Yes next year I'm going to make flat ones & will defently start making them earlier as it's been a nightmare getting them all finished & like you MARIA I have another three I have mist on my list so going to make them in a minute. Then have to make Joseph's birthday card he will be 11 He phoned me yesterday to tell us he got his green belt in Jujitsu on Wednesday he was so excited.bless him.we have been over my brother's today & had lunch they are looking after their granddaughter & sitting down for lunch she said I like coming for dinner as old people know how to cook HaHa.
    SANDRA thank you for yesterdays tutorial i did comment yesterday I have just looked & my comment wasn't anywhere so think those cybra creatures have pinched it again.. Also I have tried to leave comments on way down but wouldn't let me untill I got to Myra's then it published so will go & try again. It's so annoying. Well better get a wiggle on & try & make them cards.
    See you later. Love Lynda xx

  13. Good evening everyone - well I don't know where today has gone but its nearly tea time and so dark - roll on the longer days, not far off now.
    Sandra thank you for showing this lovely card - you don't need lots of layers when you have glitter and this card just shows how beautiful it can be, I also love Anna Maries' cardstock - always stock up at the shows.
    I hope everyone is well and just busy - there are a few people who haven't been in for a while - This time of year can be hard for some - hugs if you need them at all.
    Thank you Sandra for the information for donations for the flood victims. I googled it as I think every little helps, I could so easily have been me!!!.
    Will watch Sue on Hochanda tonight with her launch but wont see any tomorrow as its Nics day, so we will be out although if I suggest her lying on the bed with me to watch TV she would love it. (can only watch it on tv upstairs) wish they would transmit on Virgin.
    Take care everyone and don't try to do too much (she says hahaha) all at once,
    Jean xx

    1. Me too, Jean! Have a lovely day with Nic! Xxx

  14. Hi Myra and Maria

    I'm glad to hear it Myra. We don't want you laid up over Christmas. I'm good thank you Maria. I took Bet out this afternoon after doing the dinner, washing up and making a cup of tea. We just wandered round Home Bargains and another shop just like it. But Hazel got her gaskets from them, but the name alludes me at the moment. It's very wet here so couldn't take Tom out with us. So Pete stayed him. Off to see friends this evening who live in Elmstead Market.

  15. Good evening folks, sorry I have not managed in before now ... busy, busy.
    Got the house all done, spent ages putting up the tree and a few decorations. I am a "minimalist" and keep things very low key including the tree. It is over 6ft tall, has 250 tiny lights and just a few Baubles that's it.
    SANDRA:- your card is beautiful, prooving you don't need lots and lots to make a statement. I have that Merry Christmas Die but it never cuts the Snowflakes. It has been related to the back of the Die Box.
    Right must go still lots to do and nothing started for eating.
    Hazel is running about as always. When she told me what she's up to today it made me "dizzy" !! Take care everyone, any needing a ((((hug)))) there are loads in the basket. xxx

    1. Hello Patricia!
      Have you tried the die in your new Machine? If it doesn't work there it must be the die which is faulty! It's so nice too. Xxx

    2. MYRA:- ...... now there's a thing. No!! have not tried that yet.
      Will do it tomorrow, sitting with my feet up at the moment. xxx

    3. Good job I'm here to keep you in line!!
      Missed Sue's programme! Will watch on iPad at 10pm! Hopefully! Was it good? Xxx

  16. I am not lost, I have had a day that I don't want another like it thank you. We have had a very expensive day. I left here to go to Perth in the Toyota it started to make a terrible noise and I Thought it as the filter thing again so turn back for home, well it got that bad I had it was the exhaust NO!!., I had a flat caused by a huge nail. So I left Charlie to call the tyre place to get out to deal with it. I headed off again in the Vauxhall got to Perth saw to Jak headed off to get Anna now this is a good 20-25 min drive and i got out on to the main road to find it grid locked BP back up again, finally got to the school by the sink of my teeth, Anna came out late AH!!! Away had lunch went and got Beth got back to theirs stopped at the drive gates to see steam belting out of the engine of the car, yes the pipe for the water pump for cooling the engine had broke. Car is now sat at the girls house it will be picked up Monday. So between having to have 2 new tyres £150 plus vat plus fitting and a call out fee. The pump pipe shouldn't cost much but then again that's if that's all that's gone. So between all that and my BP getting set off to sky high three times I am doing nothing tonight my feet are up. Xxx

    1. Oh Hazel, what a nightmare of a day, you are like us, things never happen in 1's its always 2's and 3's !! Our exhaust has started blowing, the car sounds so loud, but with the size of the exhaust and the catalytic thingy its going to be an expensive job, one we could seriously do without!
      We are supposed to be going over to Colchester to do a present drop before Christmas but at this rate they will have to be posted!
      I hope you had a lovely lunch with Anna despite all the messing about!
      Some days it just doesn't stop does it?!!!

  17. Evening Ladies

    Just had Fish & Chips as hubby not long home. Sat with a cuppa, blog hopping then will read the local newspaper.

    Very windy here & torrential rain forecast for tomorrow. Let's hope they're wrong. Hubby going back to Carlisle on Sunday for a few hours then back on Monday to stay.


  18. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I love your colour & the colour is lovely. Pleased the girls have finished their exams now thy can look forward to Christmas.xx
    Had another busy day just sat down so will just send hugs to all who need them, sorry to hear about your expensive & frustrating day Hazel hope you are relaxing hugs on way xx. Love Margaret xx

  19. Hi Sandra that should read love your card!!xx

  20. SANDRA It's a lovely card and doesn't need anything else I have made 3 cards and 3 boxes for them to be hand delivered to MIL, SIL and future son in law's parents The rest are posted and need to be fairly flat I still have a load to make!
    HAZEL how annoying especially just before Christmas
    LADIES You make me smile with your antics I can't keep up! Is anyone still up I hadn't realised the time

  21. Good evening my little cherubs,
    Well I am fair knackered tonight having had to go in front of Atos to be assessed as to wether I am disabled or not and see if they can knock me of my blue badge which I sincerely hope they don't as it would make me a prisoner all the time in the house but it can take upto 8 weeks for them to decide so tummy churning to go on over Christmas and new year, wonderful. I can see me in for a fight yet again as I'm no good at acting and telling lies as some of the ones like two doors down from me. He gets DLA at the top rate for both walking and personal and his wife gets it as well at the top rate. Now you might be thinking Awh poor souls, imagine both being that bad, well I woul love to be as "bad " as either one of them as he is up on roofs fixing them, aerials whatever or wheeling a wheelbarrow full of slabs up 2 steps through the persons house and out the back to lay a patio, one mono blocking someone else's drive, working on the side and he has a bad back and can't walk, needs her to wash and dress him, lifting him out f bed. She's just as bad as she works as a cleaner, is out every day sweeping the leaves off their drive and the house is sparkling. She is always dolled up with the make up on and the hair blow dried etc. Oh what I would give to be able to do some of it, any, I'm not fussy instead of the hair gets washed by Kirsten and left to dry. Sorry girls, just been a really hard day and Rory's wee escapade the day before didn't help me any when he went missing. I was beside myself with worry and brought on a major panic attack, that 25-30 mins seemed like hours before I got him, any way I will behave myself and stop feeling sorry for myself.
    Sandra your card is beautiful flower with that beautiful blue and white and I know exactly what you mean when you say about trying hard not to make such 3 dimensional cards, I tried and failed miserably at it, but I enjoyed making each and every one of them as they for very special people and you will be the same. I don't think there is one person that comes into the cafe that could ever think of not being apart of what goes on. The cafe is a very special place that has taken a lot of strangers and turned them into the dearest friends that are on this earth and yes fair enough we haven't met everyone but it is like you have never known a time when they weren't apart, and a vital part of our lives but hey maybe that's just me as I don't get allowed out much or allowed out in case I say or do something stupid, but what you get is what you see or in the case of my writing if you look through the magnifing glass is what you get, lol. So tired so I will speak to you all in the morning, it's even past my poor little baby huggles bedtime as they seem to be asleep as not even a tinkle of a bell at me coming in. I hope that you have put away all the edibles Sandra as I don't want them getting the midnight munchies and go on a raid of the goodies. Who left that bottle of Baileys with the lid off, eh? I think we will put that right as it looks like milky chocolate and I do not want any we huggles getting pi***d thank you very much as there would be no controlling them then. Right I've tucked them in under a blanket so I will say good night and see you all tomorrow .
    Norah x

    1. good night Norah - Hope you don't get too distressed about your DLA, I know what you mean - we have the same not two doors up from us, my daughter is special needs and has a blue badge but I must admit to only using it when necessary - hospital or dental appointments when parking is very tight, as I can push her wheelchair - so I leave the spaces for people who cant walk but it makes my blood boil when I see young people in those spaces just because the parent/child spaces are full. Rant over!!!
      I love reading about your huggles I can just picture them waiting till you turn out the light then all partying till dawn.
      Take care Norah xxx
      Jean xx

  22. Hello my lovely,
    It makes me so bloody angry that you have to go through such a degrading experience for a blue badge, it sickens me when I think of the people that I know that seem to get one without needing to physically prove why they need it, I know of one lady that needed it years ago (25) to be exact as she had s bad time recovering after an operation, but she has been fine for years, she walks her dogs for miles everyday, but when she got a renewal form for her Blue Badge the only thing that she was concerned about was and I quote "if they take my badge away where will I park my camper van when I go shopping"?
    I have gone through what you done today a few times, it makes you feel so worthless, then you have the weeks of anxiety, worrying if they think you are 'bad enough' to qualify! But Norah I really don't think you will have any problem, I am sure your GP can set them fair straight if they were to question whether you need it or not! I think we all know people like you described, that seem to be handed these benefits etc on a plate, they wouldn't know pain if it kicked them up the a---e!!
    Goodness me this makes me so very angry!
    Norah I am afraid to think what your 'huggles' would behave like 'under the influence'! hahaha
    Try and get some sleep, I am sure you are that mentally washed out that you will be out like a light!
    Look forward to hearing from you tomorrow,
    Love and huge hugs

  23. Hello all, well those that are night crows like me, sorry to hear about your car troubles Hazel,hope you manage to get them fixed quickly, breaking down is one thing I dread. OH has to have a new clutch in his car next week , dread to think what that will cost.
    Sorry Norah that you have been put through the wringer to get your blue badge,
    Anyone would think they paid for it out of there own wages, I do not understand the reason for not giving out blue badges, owning one does not deprive anyone else of anything so where's the problem giving them to people who need them.
    Have managed to make nine more cards today, not great but have to keep them flat for the post.
    Will love you and leave you, crafty hugs, they may be a bit gluey !!!!!!!
    See you in the morning.
