
Thursday 10 December 2015

Magic Wallet Tutorial

Magic Wallet 


To create this Magic Wallet you will need to cut :
1 x A4 piece of Cardstock a good sturdy weight, embossed if desired.
2 x pieces Ribbon approx 14cm long
2 x pieces Ribbon approx 18 cm long
Double sided tape or glue
Cut your A4 card in half (A5) and then in half again, giving you 4 pieces of card (as in photo).

You will need to place two pieces of your card next to each (see pic)
Then place your shorter pieces of ribbon  straight across the top piece of card, about 1.5cm in from the edge, it should go underneath the other piece of card and be attached with a piece of tape to start with, once you have attached both pieces of ribbon on the underside of the opposite piece of card pull it so that it lies straight (but not too tight and secure over the top of the card.  Next you will take the longer pieces of ribbon and place them in an X

formation across the bottom card, you must secure these ribbons on the underside of the top piece of card, inside the other two ribbons (see photo), pull the ribbons over the card until taught and secure on the reverse.  Place the remaining pieces of card on the outside of the Wallet, covering all of the ribbon ends and making the wallet stronger and neater.

This is what you should end up with,
you put the money in one side of the ribbons,
flip the wallet over and open again and as if by magic......................................................

The money appears on the other side, underneath the other ribbons, this will keep you puzzled for hours, it is quite fascinating and a lot of fun too!

The outside of the Wallet, it can be decorated
however you like, I have some leather look card
that would work really well for a Man's Wallet,
You could add names or initials to personalise
the wallet too.

I decided to try and make a Magic Wallet for Gift cards, so I simply halved the measurements above, so that you would get two wallets from one a4 piece of card, you place the ribbons in exactly the same way and cover the out side too.
This is the result.

The outside of the smaller wallet for gift cards,
you can decorate it for either a male or female recipient.
I think that this is a totally fun way to give a simple gift.

Brenda's Magic Wallet

Good Morning Ladies,

I was looking to make a Male version of last weeks Mini Handbag tutorial, Brenda (lello) had made a Magic Wallet for her Grandson and sent me the photos, so I had a go and thought it was the perfect Male alternative for giving Gift Cards, I gave it to Paul and the girls to play with and also to Sue and Pat who both loved the idea too!  So I really hope that you love the idea too, I hope that the Tutorial is clear, the photos showing the steps are Brenda's (thank you my lovely) x
I thought I would have a go at making a smaller one too, for gift cards and Vouchers, it was really simple, I just halved the sizes for the Wallet and it worked perfectly, I really think that for four bits of card and four bits of ribbon the wallet is just genius and such a fun way to give a gift!
I am looking forward to your feedback on this weeks tutorial.

Love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Brenda-this look fantastic & I must try it as I have a voucher for my Dad so this would be perfect.

    Well-we have torrential rain again & it's windy but not quite gale force like it was overnight. Hubby left for Carlisle again at 6.30 this morning-home tomorrow night. He thinks he'll have to go back on Sunday just for a few hours and then stay Tuesday & Thursday night again next week.

    Best make my lunch & gather my belongings together ready for work.


    1. Sandra, I remember buying wallets like this for presents a number of years ago , they are quite fascinating , so as I have your little handbag holders for the girls ( still to be made) I must try and make your great idea (thank you for the tutorial )for the boys, it does look pretty cool! xo

  2. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, dry here t the moment,but clouds are looming.
    Sandra and Brenda what a useful tutorial, I remember when I was little my Uncle had a real wallet like these, it used to fascinate me for hours.
    Work this morning ,then some ironing after that am hoping to get my cards finished.
    Hope everyone has a good day, get well wishes to those who are under the weather, crafty hugs for all, see you later. Lilian

  3. Morning Everyone
    We have a very dark, wet and windy morning today and like Michele thank heaven the wind has died down again. It just seems to come from nowhere. One minute it is still and next it's full gale force. We are on the top of a hill and also on a corner so we get the full force.
    I only hope that all the flood victims haven't had any more damage. Surely they've had enough.

    Everything's up and running for the day. I've put some little hand warmers by the door. You know the ones that have liquid in them and a little metal disc which you have to crack and then the liquid hardens and gets very warm. I do not go out anywhere without these from November to March. I know I have to boil them up when I get back in but they fit inside my gloves and are fantastic. Please help yourselves to them as I hope they will help with those very cold and stiff fingers.

    Lunch is Tom and Basil Soup today.
    Tom has such a good time the other week that he has brought his Friend Basil to see us today. Please make them both welcome.

    Had a good day finishing bday cards yesterday so just have to take pics of them and then get them in the post as they are needed for Sunday and Monday.

    If going out please take care and I'll see you all later. Hugs for everyone. Wasn't it lovely to see Norah and all her Huggles yesterday and weren't they well behaved!

  4. It's me again
    Thank you for all your advice yesterday.
    I have decided to do a couple of your suggestions.
    ONE - I am taking them some Christmas goodies to eat (I would have to anyway as when it's your turn to demo you have to take refreshments as well - tea and buns)


    TWO - I have a template for a little Pillow Box so they can decorate one of those. I'll only have to cut out the boxes as I have some little decorations for them.


    1. Janet, sorry I'm late . That sounds like a lot very idea to me and very gracious! Just what I would expect. Hope it goes well!
      I got a scented tealight - mulled wine - when I opened the Advent Calendar today!! Xxx

  5. Good morning Sandra and all who drop in to the coffee shop today,

    We have an early start today so I thought I had better get a wiggle on, ( as Diane would say) But had to check out the coffee shop first. Why was I not surprised to see the Magic Wallet- you did hint yesterday Sandra!
    I have made several of these wallets and made one for or grandsons birthday present (money) as he is saving for a TV for his room at Uni. Well I never thought I could impress a 20 year old, "Oh grandma this is cool" was his comment. As I hadn't taken any photos of Williams I set to and made a copy of his adding a Happy Christmas sentiment (rather than birthday) and suggested to Sandra she make one. It is a fun way to give money, vouchers or even theatre tickets. Rather than just putting in an envelope.

    I hope you all have a good day, I will pop in later and see what you are all up to.
    Take care, love Brenda xxx

  6. Good morning everyone,
    Sandra thank you so much for this tutorial, especially the one for the gift cards, I will definitely save this one, my grandsons wanted Game cards for Christmas and I went online for inspiration, am sorted now, thank you.
    Thank you also Brenda for sending these tutorials onto Sandra.
    Wet and windy here today, but not as bad as Cumbria which has been hit yet again, those poor people mustnt know which way to turn, although the money will help rebuild, it will never bring back all they have lost.
    Thank you to all who have sent C cards, they are all beautiful,
    Take care anyone venturing out today,
    Till later
    Hugs in the basket there are some bells in there, I think Norah's haggles have been having fun dancing. About,
    Jean xxx

  7. Sorry should be Norah's huggles xxx

  8. Good morning Ladies, very cold and windy here but it is dry, well there were only 3 of us daft enough to turn out for the walk yesterday , we were driven to the house having the sale ( with mince pies and red wine ) I only bought a couple of books but enjoyed the goodies ! Then we set off , we only walked about a mile when I called Iain to come and get us , we were soaked and I looked like Mrs Claus with red rosy cheeks ( the wind had just about taken the skin off! ) but it certainly blew the cobwebs away.
    Today is the Pilates lunch at a local hotel so I'm looking forward to that but I have the dentist first ( another piece of tooth off , I think I'm slowly crumbling away) but it will only be to check what she might be able to do, I hope!
    Saba, I hope you managed to cope with cold red wine Ha ha I bet you did , sometimes chilled red wine can taste really good, where are you going to spend Christmas?
    Myra, I really missed you yesterday, I hope you were just resting your painful back and it hasn't got worse, you need to take care xo
    Lilian I managed to get your address yesterday.
    Cheryl , we haven't heard from you for a while , how are you ?
    Janet , Tom and Basil are welcome in my house anytime , great friends!
    Well I've got lots to do so better get a move on .
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. I'm back Anne! Thanks for missing me! At least you had peace and quiet! I loved yesterday's card and I love my Robin card - it's gorgeous! Thank you! Xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and all in today.
    yes wow Brenda and Sandra this look like fun and when I'm finished some housework I will really give this a welly. Have a fourteen year old we give money too so this will be perfect. Wish you all a good day whatever you are up too and wrap up warm if going out, it's freezing cold winds here today, such a difference from yesterday.
    just found a little bell on the floor ,careful so no one slip xxx

  10. Good morning my little cherubs in the coffee shop,
    well i have sent all my cards this morning to you all and now know why i need to keep them flat as possible but i don't care as i sent them out to very special people who have made my life a much happier one with their love, sense of fun and most of all the kindness that they show to someone else so my cherubs i hope you will all like your different cards that i have made and hopefully the post office don't make too much of a dogs dinner in delivering them. I have wrote for me nice and big on the envelopes and did start of that way in the cards but tiredness and hand ache got the better of me so please have your magnifying glasses ready as i couldn't post one of them to each of you as well. My writting is a bit like me small and behind the door when they gave out height but they have been made and are sent with all my love my lovely cherubs.
    Sandra flower, i have always been fascinated by this "trick" wallet and have made some up in the past as they make great gifts especially for older children that would rather have the money to spend on something they would like or put towards getting that dream present. The only problem i have encountered with them is that they play with the wallet for hours and can't bring themselves to take the money out to spend so it is both a gift that they love to play with and get the enjoyment from but also has a practical use in that they still have the second part of the present to spend, a win win situation. Brenda flower, isn't it so nice that you can teach the youngsters that know everything nowadays something that they don't know? And what a great boost from your lovely grandson showing that yes he appreciates the money but also appreciates his Granny so much more. Thank you for bringing it back to our attention as you know what it's like you are trying to remember the different something that you used to do but somehow it's on the tip of your tongue but no matter how hard you stick it out you still can't seem to see what it says that you are trying to remember.
    Sorry Maria, i thought i had sewn the bells on to my huggles wee hats strong enough but they are little tinkers and have so much rough and tumble trying to be the first to get to the next person to come into the cafe door. I think that some of the more rounded huggles lie in wait for certain people that they know will keep them fed, so they barge like a battering ram so that the gentler wee ones don't get there first. I have warned them today to play nicely or some of them won't be allowed back until they can behave.
    WOW you should see the brilliant bright rainbow that is outside my window at the moment, you perhaps can't see my lovely hills as they are hiding under the blanket of grey fog but the rainbow is so beautiful and bright. I never tire of seeing the wonders that make up mother nature and what beautiful scenes she brings to our eyes. At the moment i am making sure i am touching my wooden computer desk before i say that we have no rain at this precise moment in time but i dare say it won't be far away some how. I am going to have a latte and sit and make my special cards this morning so have a lovely day everyone and i have my little huggles in their basket(at the moment they look like butter wouldn't melt, hmmmm)with their little hats with their bells so have a good day everyone and see you after if i get the chance.
    Norah x

    1. Norah as Hazel said and I have said it many times before, you should write some of your stories down, especially now you have little Harry, he will love to hear of your adventures as he is getting older.
      I'm pleased I bought back memories of you playing with the trick wallet, why not make one for little Harry and put it in the memory box.
      My dear OH often says our grandchildren will never forget me, as I do so many hands on (even daft) things with them. And I would be happy if that's the way they rememer me! LOL xx

    2. Norah, you are a Star! I've read yesterday's and today's . It's great to have you back! We've had no rain since early this morning but it really rained during the night! I hope you had a great time with Harry - I'm sure you did! You are ahead of me as I've still got cards to post! I've still got cards to write come to that! Harry will just love all the Christmas lights - it's lovely to watch their little faces.
      Huggle who was looking thin got scotch broth for lunch! He said he preferred the choccie buttons!!! Xxxx

  11. Good mornng Sandra and all who find time to pop in.
    Oh I can see children and adults having fun playing with is wallet? Great fun gift idea.
    Norah, you need to get your memories written down, we keep telling you. More so you need to write stories ( even just for Harry) about the Huggles and what they get up to! Oh a Christmas story of them dressed up in their little out fits with those hats with the little bells on them.
    I am busy ironing and just having a 5 minute break, great cup of tea really enjoyed it.
    Rain stopped and the wind has died down here, but after seeing those poor souls that have been hit again over night we got off lightly again. My heart goes out to them! Knowing them they will cry, but will just get on with doing another clean up.
    Off to get back to the ironing. xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Wow Brenda this is really good, I give money to a few older children so this will keep them quiet for ages! In fact if I get Julian to help me make them it will keep him quiet for ages too! Thank you for sharing Brenda and Sandra xxxx
    Well my nose is nearly on my I pad screen it's that dark! It's just started to pour with rain and great big gusts of wind - bin men have just been so I will go and grab the bin before it's off down the street! Emma gas just text me to say get last exam is now over so they are off to the pub to warm up!!!!! I hope it's a bacon Sarnie r and hot chocolate this early in the day! I'm off out for coffee with a friend this afternoon and dinner out tonight with the ladies so it's a busy day. I've got 3 letters to write before cards get posted so I must get a wiggle on. Oh those poor people in Cumbria that have been flooded yet again overnight, that's beyond soul destroying isn't it. Michele safe journey to your husband, that's awful for him to be travelling backwards and forwards. As someone said the other day it's awful anytime but just before Christmas it's more heartfelt. I hope everyone here is ok and their families too. Big hugs all around today xxxxxx

    1. Hello Diane ,
      You had all the fun yesterday! It did make me laugh this afternoon! I'm a bit late , I know I know! Glad Emma's exams are all over ! Now it's fun time - I guess! Xxxx

  13. Good Morning Sandra,
    Hello everyone! I'm so sorry I went AWOL yesterday . I just got a migraine. It made me a bit sick and that didn't help my back! I sound like a right moaning Minnie! I'm a lot better today! I had to cancel my demonstration yesterday though and that upset me as I hate letting people down and that was very short notice! Someone was able to fill in so I don't feel so bad .
    I will now go and unpack my box and baskets which were all ready to go!
    I will then clean the hob etc! Alastair made bacon and eggs!!! It is a small price to pay for not having to smell the food yesterday!
    Anne, yesterday's card was gorgeous! I haven't read the comments but looked to see the card. I don't have the dies and your tempting me again!! Tut tut!
    I loved your lovely Christmas red and white. The poinsettias were lovely too.
    Hope you enjoyed your walk! Was it not a bit chilly?
    Sandra/ Brenda - thanks to both of you for today's offering! Brilliant idea and one I shall definitely have a go at . I can imagine this causing lots of fun!,
    It's an excellent idea and thank you both very much!
    I've just given one of Norah's huggles some white chocolate buttons! He was so thin as I didn't give him any food yesterday! He's smiling and bouncing again - he can have a healthier lunch!!
    Who was that who said - is she mad? Course not. I'm perfectly sane!
    Will be in touch but thanks to all for beautiful cards! I've still got some to send!
    I'd better stop - will read and catch up a bit later.
    Be good! Xxxx

    1. Thank you everyone for your comments on the magic wallet they really are fun to give, and then watch the recipients face!
      I was just making a cup of coffee and thinking about these wallets an idea came to my head, (Take cover everyone) why not put photographs inside, siblings for instance or a couple if it's a shared present. You could put a different photo under each piece of ribbon.
      Myra, I hope after the dreadful migraine you are feeling a little better today, sorry your back is playing you up still, you have been going like a whirlwind lately. Try to take it easy and hopefully you will feel better soon LOL xx

    2. Thank you Brenda, I'm much better - it's nothing really compared with what some of our ladies have. Today's idea is great! Xxx

    3. So sorry you have been feeling so poorly hope by now you are feeling more bright eyed and bushy tailed ducky. xxx

    4. Quack , quack!! I'm just fine and dandy! Tail up! Xxx

  14. Hellooo! I'm sorry I've not been in Holiday got in the way big time! I now have to make all of my cards and buy the presents! Actually I have bought one present and made about 15 cards I need to make another 40 or so for posting! This wallet idea is lovely and a great reminder of childhood when I think I saw it on TV with Tommy Cooper I think - happy days

  15. Good afternoon everyone or is it evening .... who stole the day??
    Hope you are all cozy, safe and dry, just seen that some of those poor people are flooded yet again. Oh! My! Word! they need a break and there is more rain forecast for their area.
    I remember buying little wallets for the boys using that principle a few years ago. I think I might make a couple to pop their Gift Cards in. It will keep them amused for a while trying to figure out "how it works" Thank you for the Turorial Sandra and Brenda.
    I have done quite a few things today, it's one of these days where you feel you have been busy BUT!!! There is still lots to be done.
    Had message from Elaine, she's hoping to come this evening weather permitting. I has gone extremely cold, just hope it does not start to freeze.
    Best go get one of Diane's wiggles on and tidy the kitchen up a bit.
    Topped up the "huggle" basket ... sorry no bells or whistles on mine. Norah is the best at them xxx

  16. Hello lovely ladies,
    Someone stole my day too Patricia and like you I can't stop thinking about those poor people in Cumbria. Have the banks set up a fund where you can call in and donate something, I'd like to help but not sure how to go about it from here.
    Brenda I love this idea, bet you were thrilled when your grandson said it Cas cool! Praise indeed. And as to your grandchildren remembering you as being full of fun that's how I want mine to remember me too. Oliver had one of his random moments last week when out of the blue he said " Mummy, me and granny are Christians" when Joanne told him she was too he replied " no Mummy, it's only granny who takes me to church", so maybe that's how he will remember me.
    Sandra thank you for the tutorial, when I get five minutes to spare I would love to have a go at making one.
    Myra, so sorry you weren't well yesterday and I hope your back isn't too painful, please take it easy over the next few days. And will you stop spoiling that huggle, it only makes it more excitable eating chocolate.
    I have managed several cards today so am quite pleased, then a trip to the doctors for my latest blood results, have to increase my thyroxine otherwise all was ok. Tonight we are going out to meet one of Peters friends. It's the one who's husband is having a mid life crisis and has left her to go live with a Thai lady in Thailand. Not sure where we are going. Oh that reminds me, last Saturday Peter said he was proud of me for looking after his mum and would treat me to a meal out, I was ever so slightly disappointed though, he took me to the cafe in the cash and carry!! Do you know, I think I might have told you that already. If I have just blame my short span memory, I haven't been on the wine yet so can't blame that.
    Love for now

    1. The choccies were only to say I'm sorry! He had soup for lunch and is having casserole for dinner! I ve decided against giving him wine! Ha ha! I'm calling my huggle a " him" but I'm not sure how you determine the sex of a niggle and Google is no help! Xxx

    2. Should be huggle not niggle!!! Xxx

    3. I like the niggle, gentle hugs to you Myra xx
      Saba, enjoy your meal out, hope is not the cash and carry again Lol xx

  17. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra & Brenda great tutorial will have a go at this thank you. Sorry I missed yesterday I was busy cooking all afternoon ten had cards to finish later.xx
    Anne your card was lovely love the red & white xx
    We had our last embroidery this afternoon a lot of chatting & eating cakes I made now waiting for dinner to finish cooking I feel tired now so will sit & do nothing this evening.
    Hugs on way to all who need them lovely to see Norah's huggies back causing their usual mischief love Margaret xx

  18. Evening Ladies

    Goodness-what a busy day! Did Tesco shopping & they have "trainees " on the till, unfortunately the one I got didn't know what to do with my staff discount card so just didn't bother! Something made me look at my receipt before leaving the till & when I queried it she just looked at me blank. I politely explained that if something did go through the she needed to explain that to the customer. Upshot was I had to queue at customer services tiger my refund so I suggested they train their new recruits better!!!

    Not heard from hubby yet, hope things are ok in Carlisle.

    I'm off to my craft room(once I've put the shopping away) to finish the 8 cards for my colleague then I might start writing the cards to go in the post. Then again-as I feel shattered, I might not bother!


    1. Definitely not "tiger"- that should read ... To get my refund!!!!!!


  19. Just read my emails & Lakeland Ltd say you can donate via Cumbria 2015 Flood Appeal to donate towards the terrible situation in Cumbria.


    1. I've just had the same email Michele! The Daily Mail also has a scheme to help. There are lots of ways and I'm sure people will be generous. Go get 'em tiger!! Sorry , couldn't resist that! Xxx

    2. Michele, I hope you left everything and put your feet up instead after a very busy day at work. Heard anything from OH yet? xx

  20. Helloooooooooo everyone it's me!
    Patricia and Saba may have lost a day I feel I have lost this week! Just wish I could catch up on time at the moment, perhaps I'll get some roller skates!
    The cards this week have all been so beautiful thank you everyone for sharing and today's tutorial is no exception from Brenda and Sandra.
    The weather here is very windy, wet and so cold, but at least the flood defences' have held last night, so thankfully no more flooding here in Cockermouth. The main shopping area has been cleared and pressure washers have been out by the dozen on the street as stating tomorrow for three days there is going to be a food festival with all the flooded shops being given a stall which will be good except more heavy rain is forecast. One of our main bridges is still closed so causing traffic problems but as the river was flowing over the top of it at the height of the flood I am not at all surprised.
    Thankfully my hairdresser has had the electricity restored late on Tuesday so at last I have been today and look more like a human being again, no comments please!
    Well must get on lots to do take care everyone, leaving some rather damp hugs but if you hang them up they will dry.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hello Margaret,
      What a week you have had! So glad Cockermouth wasn't flooded for the second time. I'm also pleased your hairdresser is up and running again! Not literally! I would hate to think you had unkempt feathers!
      Lots of love, my dear! Xxxx

  21. I just went in a googled where to send money for flood fund and I got all the details of the bank account etc.

  22. Yoooooooooo Hoooooooooooo,
    Sandra, I love the wallets, Brenda OB, what I want to know is that when I make a wallet, will a £20 note magically appear when I open and close it!!!! It's brilliant and I'll certainly use it in the future. Again Sandra, your gift card wallet is a great idea, and that will come in very handy.
    Myra, I am so sorry that you've had another migraine which also affected your back, but glad that you are on the mend.
    Norah lovely to see you.
    Margaret C, I am so pleased that you are safe and dry. It really is terrible the way people are suffering over in the west. And Glenridding today for the 2nd time.
    Michele, have you got a tiger in your tank ha ha.
    Saba, I hope you enjoy your evening. I know what I'd like to do with your friend's husband.
    Diane, I always find that a handkerchief is better for my nose than an i-pad!!!
    Patricia, if Elaine calls, I hope she doesn't stay too long.
    Hazel, I hope your ironing is finished by now.
    Anne, to be a true Mrs Claus, you'll need the figure to match!!!
    Maria, be careful where you are walking in case another of those pesky bells are hiding out of sight.
    Well, I'm going to go and relax, read a book and lie on the bed. I have ironing to do, but for the first time ever, I'll do it tomorrow.
    See you tomorrow, be good and God Bless
    Muriel xxx

    1. That's what I say nearly every night! God Bless Muriel! Xxxx

    2. I'm not just being flippant! I mean it! Xxxx

  23. I don't know what going on but I have twice gone to publish a comment and a thing has come up with a thing from blogger so I will just give up trying. Xxx

  24. Hi,busy day here as with you all.
    Thanks for your beautiful cards , mine will be with you soon ( when I've made them ).
    My friend Olive ha a very bad day yesterday, only to find out they had given here the wrong antibiotics, so now she has to have two separate ones I hope they know what they're doing.
    Well time for bed, take care all.Lilian

  25. I'm off to bed my friends ,have been a busy day and had to jump over quite a few bells on the way. Managed to sew a few back on the cuddle's but they really don't like sitting still for long and will give you cuddles all the time wish is lovely, needed some today as this weather is horrible today and the wind ooooh not nice at all. Maybe if I gave them some white chocolate buttons ? Hope you feeling better Myra. Sorry for your friend Lilian, hope she soon recover with the right meds. Margaret, Cockermouth is a lot on the tv. Thinking of you all and hope the rain will stop so no more floods. Hope you happy with your cut and blowdry. Muriel, I made one of these magic wallets today but all I found was a £10 note so think I must have done something wrong ,will try again tomorrow. Sandra, did you get your shopping done ? Have a good night everyone ! warm hugs Maria xxxx

  26. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today/yesterday. Sorry that I didn't get back in to the Cafe yesterday. I fell asleep leaving comments on the previous day and then had to get up in a hurry and didn't get back home until 9.30pm by which time I was a little weary as you can imagine!
    I love the magic wallet Brenda, thank you souch for sending it to Sandra, it is just what I need to go with the gify card handbags that were on here last week : )
    I hope that everyone is still safe and dry, especially you Margaret C, living near to flood waters as you do. I will be back in to the Cafe later on today to see what lovelu creation you have for us on this valm Friday. ( when I went to sleep at about 10.30pm it was still really blowing very hard but now at just gone 3.30am it is so still!
    I hope you managed to get some of the shopping the other day that you needed Sandra.
    Love and hugs to you all xx

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