
Wednesday 9 December 2015

Anne's Believe the Magic Christmas Card

Good Wednesday morning Ladies,

I am excited to share with you today another of Anne's spectacular Christmas cards, this one Anne has converted to a Christmas card from an everyday/birthday card on Sue's Particraft blog, it works so well as a Christmas card you would never think it had been anything else, I do love this crisp red and white colour combination, with just the hint of green from the Poinsettia leaves for contrast.
Anne has used Creative Expression's new 'Tessa' die from their Frames and Tags Collection and also the 'Lattice Window' from their Striplet collection, both designed by the genius that is Sue Wilson.
Anne has used some beautifully die cut Poinsettias to give this gorgeous card its finishing touch!
Anne this card is totally gorgeous and you have encouraged my creative 'mojo' to come out of hiding
and get to work, good job really as I have only made about 6 Christmas cards and I have a huge list to make, thank you so much my lovely xxxxx

Sue. Pat and I had a lovely chilled day yesterday, which was just what Pat needed as she was visibly stressed and exhausted when she arrived,  bless her, its hard for Sue and I to see Pat like this as she is the most 'able' of all of us! I think that taking care of Pat and Pete's elderly friends is really taking its toll, Pat my dear, sweet friend, you really do need to slow down, you are taking on way too much and I really don't want to see you become unwell, you have more than enough to do with caring for Pete, without taking on so much else, I hope you have a lovely time away in Essex xxx
Hazel you are doing almost as much, please try and slow down a little too xxx

We are having Christmas shopping phase 2 today, lets hope it was a little more successful than phase 1,
this time we are venturing in to Swindon, which should be fun, hopefully not too busy though!
My Mum always likes to give us a really challenge with her gift choice, things like a 'plaid Kilt' type skirt with no pleats! for instance! This year she has said she just wants a jumper, so I asked what type, polo neck, round neck,colour, etc?? this from a lady who has no possible space in her wardrobe as it is so full of jumpers! She just said 'something that you think would suit me', I think I will just buy her a M &S voucher, some chocolates and some face cream, nicely displayed in a lovely 'Hazel' Basket !

Tomorrow will be Tutorial day, something for them Men in your life this time!

Margaret C, Norah, Cheryl, Sheila, I hope that you are all well, we are missing you xxx
Maureen, it was so lovely to see you in yesterday xxx
Sorry if I have left anyone out, I am  not sure if I am coming or going today,

Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Sandra and all who venture out today in this awful weather.
    Anne, your card is stunning. The white and red combo is lovely - very eye catching.
    Well at this moment in time I don't know if Patricia and I will be meeting up? The rain is battering down like it was at the week end. I wonder what misery it will cause this time! I hope and pray it doesn't .
    Sandra, I think you will need to get a few of Diane's wiggles and get your cards done, I have to say I have gone very CAS this year. For one to keep them flat for posting and easiness and less time consuming, yet I have been spent hours doing them. This is the first year in a long time that we have sent so many cards, we normal send e cards to Canada and other long distance friends putting the postage cost to either the kidney patients association, chemo unit or Marie Currie nurses. I think next year it will be back to doing that again as the postage bill can be better used, not that I begrudge it, no I just have this thing ( and have done since mum died) that it can do more good. Especially the cost to the likes of Canada.
    I am a bit worried as I see Sheila, Cheryl, Norah haven't been in much, now ladies I hope you are ok,,and just busy like the rest of us, ok I know Maureen is running around like a headless chicken at the moment causing whirl winds around Newcastle, it's a good job the met offif isn't up to the letter M or they would be calling it storm Maureen??? Slow down Mrs. Ok I can hear her saying that I have no room to talk!!! I just worry you will be spending Christmas in your bed like the last time you did too much?
    oh I think I'd better make a move and go get myself some tea and toast or it will be time to get things done before I go out if I go out. xxx

    1. Hi Hazel, yes haven't the postage gone up ridiculous
      high. I sent some to Europe and US the other day and it cost me over £20! and it wasn't that many either. It's a shame because I love sending them but if it gonna cost so much I'm not sure. Have a lovely day with Patricia Xxx

    2. Maria, this is it I just feel that the money can be put to better use, yes it's lovely to send cards but I don't know about your family and friends, but our don't send saying it cost to much and I think why do we! At least with e cards the payment is for a year and you can send so many. xxx

    3. Hi Hazel please slow down or else you'll end up in bed as well. Like you and Maria I agree the postage abroad is getting out if hand.

  2. Morning Ladies

    Anne-your card is stunning, perfect as a Christmas card.

    I ran out of time last night & didn't get chance to pop back in. Work was very busy as expected. Mad dash when I got home, spoke to hubby the off out with a friend. Not seen her for a few months so we had lots to chat about & I only got home at 10.30pm!! The pub we went to was quite busy & unfortunately we'd chosen quiz night. Anyway-we had a good chat & a laugh which was the main thing.

    I'm calling at my Dads on the way home from work as I have a few Christmas items I've ordered online for him. Hopefully hubby will be home this evening so we should be able to eat together....!!!


    1. Hi Michele, hope your day is fine and you have hubby home for dinner tonight. say Hi from me :-) Xxx

    2. Hi Michele. I hope you had a good day and that your Dad liked the items that you have got for him.
      Did you manage to eat with hubby, I hope so : ) x

  3. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Anne, what a lovely card, red and white are still my favourite Christmas colours so this one us right up my street. Thank you for sharing it.
    We had a good catch up at Sandra's yesterday, but as Sandra said Pat is so stressed. It was the first time we had ever seen her like that and there is nothing we can do to help except give her our love and support.
    Pat my lovely friend, please try and relax as much as possible while you are away.
    Maria, I am so glad that you had a great time in Budapest. Enjoy the "Glue wine" and make sure you rest those sore legs.
    Lillian, it is so hard when you are far away from those you love when they are not well, I hope your friend improves very soon.
    Maureen, its was great to see that you are OK and just busy not unwell. I dont mean that I am glad you are busy.....oh, you know what I mean!
    I keep forgetting to say that I am looking forward to seeing all of the Christmas tree pics. We will hopefully be putting ours up at the weekend and I will send you a pic after that Sandra. I will warn you all that I love a full tree, decorated by everyone with no particular colour scheme!
    I must go now as me, Chris, Gem and her boyfriend James are having our annual Christmas visit to London for the day. We just go where we fancy so who knows what I will be seeing or doing?
    I hope those that haven't been in to the Cafe lately are just busy.
    Hugs to you all. Have a good a day as possible everyone. Take care xx

    1. Morning Sue
      Have a good time in London today but please take care.
      Hugs xxxx

    2. Hi Sue,
      Have a lovely day with Chris, Gem and James, take it easy though, it's easy to get carried away in London!
      Thanks for yesterday, it was so lovely to have all 3 of us together, only one more meet up before Christmas for us, so next week we are going out for our Christmas Lunch together, which will be lovely, although I will add that it doesn't seem 5 minutes since the last time!!!
      I look forward to hearing all about your day,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Hi Sue, hope your day in London have been great and you all had a fun day! Take care Xxx

    4. Hi Sue
      A hit late I know, but I hope you had a lovely day in London.

    5. Thank you ladies. We had a lovely time x

  4. Good Morning Sandra and friends, well it's dry and VERY cold , but at least it's a bit brighter here.
    Sorry you have such bad weather Hazel, hope it's eases so you can meet with Patricia.
    Anne your card is quite beautiful, easily up to the great Sue's standard, wish I could craft like this.
    Sandra, glad you enjoyed yesterday, hope the shopping goes well, vouchers are such a good idea especially when you put a little something with them.
    Heard from Olive, apparently she has Cellulitis, not sure what that is or even if it's spelt that way. She has antibiotics, but has been told it will take a few weeks to get better.
    Tea and porridge this morning please.
    See you all later, take it easy everyone, and those that are are under the weather rest and take time out. Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian,
      Glad that you are having decent weather at the moment.
      Cellulitis is infection of the 'tissue' in a certain area, earlier this year my 15 year old daughter Sophie came to me very distraught that one of her breasts was very sore. Swollen and the shape distorted, I did panic at the time as it looked terrible, after an emergency appointment at the doctors she was diagnosed with Cellulitis, she had massive area of infected tissue in her breast, apparently it usually starts with a sore, or a bite but Sophie had neither, they are watching to check she isn't showing early signs of being diabetic, but she shows noble of the symptoms thankfully!
      She had about 10 days strong antibiotics and it thankfully cleared up.
      Hopefully your friend will be the same, Oxford is about 27 miles from here, so make sure you let us know when you visit next!
      I hope that helps you understand Cellulitis,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxxxx

    2. Sandra that must have been such a worry for you and Sophie, especially as she is young and self conscious about her body. It's quite brave of her to say what's wrong and to go to the doctor. We have a lovely lady doctor who is so easy to talk to. Enjoy your shopping trip xxxx

    3. Sandra, thank you so much, I'd not come across this before, glad Sophie's cleared up, must have been very scary.
      We used to live in Yarton, and our daughter went to Witney tech as it was called then so I know where you are.

    4. Hi Lilian ,good Olive seen the doctor and hopefully she will be a lot better soon.
      Hope you are having a good day and take care, Xxx

    5. Hi Lilian
      Tell your friend to take care and take all her Antibiotics. When Pete had this his weren't strong enough. Get ended up in hospital for 3 days just after Christmas in Colchester. He was not a happy bunny.
      Now I live in Witney and Oxford is only 10 miles from me and Carterton is just a few miles further away. So we could meet up for a coffee if your time allows it.

    6. Hi Lilian. It's good to hear that you have heard from Olive and that she is on antibiotics already, hopefully they will do the trick as Cellulitis needs prompt treatment. Chris had it, from a tiny scratch on his shin and needed another course of antibiotics as the first one didn't quite clear it completely so tell Olive to keep a close eye on it.
      It would be wonderful if Sandra, Pat and myself could meet up with you if you ever have time when you come up to Oxford x

  5. Morning Everyone
    I do hope that the horrible weather is not going to add more misery to those who are suffering all ready.
    We have been in their situation with a flooded house and it is one of the most horrific experiences.

    ANNE - your card is just gorgeous and oozing with the festive spirit. I just love it.

    At last I've managed to get one job out of the way and off my never ending list in that all my Christmas cards went in the post yesterday just leaving me with 3 which need birthday cards including.

    Knit and Natter was good yesterday until the end of the afternoon when someone asked 'whose card is it next time?' that being the 22nd. It is the turn of one of the ladies who really plays on her health/haven't time to do things. So when told it was her she of course said that she just couldn't do it as she was so busy and just would not have the time nor had she any craft things in to do one but 'OH JANET WILL HAVE TO DO IT' says she and that was it. Not a word like 'would you mind if you could etc etc'. Now I know it's Christmas and good will to all etc but my BP rose like a boiling pan. Fortunately my back was turned to her at this point and I was talking to my friend Pat on my right. She just looked amazed at me and shook her head. I don't know how I kept quiet and didn't reply. So it was left that everyone take something of their own to do.

    So I'm now in a quandery. Do I organise and take a card for them all to do or just leave it. If I leave it I will feel very guilty but I do not like being taken for granted and at the moment I like everyone am busy and I'm still getting used to the new changes in my meds.
    So What Do I Do?

    Anyway all is set for the day. Tea Urn on/coffee pot on/ fresh mince pies ready for warming up and it's Red Pepper Soup for lunch today. So please enjoy.

    Hugs are in the basket but I've sent you all extra ones this morning. xxxx

    1. Good morning Janet , thank you for liking my card ( really a copy of a Sue card , I just changed the colours and flowers) , I think that lady was really cheeky, I would either just pretend you didn't hear her or say to her you thought she was kidding as you are as busy as everyone else , then just enjoy a good chat with your friends, which would leave her with egg on her face.( well that's my suggestion lol! )
      I love red pepper soup ! Just what we need in this cold weather.
      Take care ,
      Anne xo

    2. Morning Janet,
      Thank you for making the place look and smell so yummy this morning!
      I too would have been at boiling point yesterday, how done she is 'too busy' to get bothered and you aren't!!!
      You have more than enough going on at the moment Janet, this time of year takes it toll on you without the added fact of having new medication to adjust to, so I personally think that you should just let everyone do their own thing for one week, it won't hurt and I am sure that all have something that they can get on with ! Time to be selfish and think about YOU! it would effect your whole family if you got yourself down and unwell with the stress of organising them this year, so you aren't being mean, the only one that should be feeling guilty is that presumptions old coot and your Knit and Natter, I am guessing that everyone knows what she is like and therefore would totally understand that you could do without that burden this time of year!
      That's my opinion anyway! Just say NO!!!
      Sending you warm, squishy hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Janet what an awful lady! I hope you get your own back on her at another time. Now how many ladies will be at knit and natter that close to Christmas? Why don't you do something fun instead of a card - take mince pies and mulled wine so they are all twiddly and giggly, give them a fun quiz ( lots on the internet to download - the Christmas carol initials one is good) and use Sandra's little gift bag idea for them to play with. Not too much for you to do and they've had fun and silly lady has egg on her face! Thank you for the soup, that sounds very yummy xxxxx

    4. Hi Janet, Leave it ! Who does she think she is ? You are all busy this time of year with one thing or other so that wasn't very nice. I like Diane's idea with some fun quiz or game and drinking and eating. What if you all took a dish each and you could have some fun together instead, I'm sure that would be fine. hugs Xxx

    5. Hi Janet
      My word, are you sure she's a lady. She must think you sit around all day. I'd also not do anything and say I thought you were joking as we're all busy at this time of year.

    6. Hi Janet. I agree with the others, especially like Anne's answer about you saying you thought that certain person (can't really call her a lady) was joking as you are just as busy as everyone else. Please put it out of your mind as I bet all of the other ladies have. I hope you enjoyed your soup : ) x

  6. Morning Sandra and Cafe Crew, please stay safe and dry as the rains pours down once again.
    ANNE:- Oh! My! Word! your card is absolutely amazing, love, love, love it.
    All who have not manage in this week, I hope you are just busy and your time is very limited. If you are down, ill, looking after others, remember to look after yourselves as well, I hope these help (((((hugs)))))
    Yesterday I popped along to the Post Office in Coupar Angus 3miles away. It is usually miles of open fields, not yesterday .... it was like looking out to sea!!! It had obviously gone down a great deal but still lots of water there.
    I am off to get some things done before I set out to meet up with Hazel. We have not had time to meet since being with Jess & Norah. We have not even had time to chat on the phone ... we have only been messaging each other.
    Talking of Norah, I hope you just busy "clicking" those knitting needles and nothing else is stopping you come in to chat.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door. Will try to get back later xxxx

    1. Good morning Patricia,
      Now you go careful on your travels today, it sounds as though there is a fair amount of rain on it's way again today, hopefully you won't be too badly affected.
      It sounds like you and Hazel have a lot of catching up to do, so I imagine you will very chatting for a good while, have a lovely time, enjoy the break from box making!
      Look forward to hearing about your trip later on!
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Good morning Patricia , thank you for those lovely comments, I've explained above about this card, I gave this one to the lady that runs the cafe at the golf house yesterday, but she didn't open it ,so it was a surprise to see it here today.( I hope she likes it) .
      I didn't manage to comment yesterday , too much going on and then too tired to bother, I tried to organise sending some funds ( from cards I put in a box at the club to sell, normally for local funds) to the flood fund, but 1 person refused as her charity needed it.( wee person , big chip) ! So I'll just send privately , but it really sickened me.
      I hope you manage to see Hazel today, I have an apology for both of you , ( I muddled up the names of your other halves on your Christmas cards, sorry .) please pass on to Hazel.xo
      Have a great catchup and enjoy a leisurely lunch ( that's an order ha ha !)
      Big hugs xo

    3. Hi Patricia, hope you not getting any problems with all the rain you are having. It's awful what happening in some areas. Have a good time meeting up with Hazel Xxx

    4. HibPatricia
      I hope you and Hazel take care with this awful weather. Hugs to you both, and have a great catch up.

  7. Good morning Ladies, still very dark and wet here, I can't stop thinking about those poor people in Cumbria , can you imagine how cold , wet and depressing their lives must seem at the moment , made even worse at this time of year when all others are just bothered about food and present buying , it really makes you realise what's important, and how lucky we all are.
    Anyway I'll shut up now and get off my soap box.
    Thank you Cheryl , I received your beautiful C card yesterday , it's so pretty and really shines in the lights! I hope you are keeping ok and just busy .
    Sorry I never managed in yesterday , it was just a busy and tiring sort of day,
    This is walking group day but we are meant to be going for a short walk and then to a woman's house ( she is selling some stuff) and she is having mulled wine and mince pies ,so that's where we are headed.( I don't know any more than that , I'll let you know tomorrow how it goes) ?
    Sandra thank you for sharing my card, I love these 2 new dies and couldn't resist them when I saw them used together, I hope you and Paul have a more successful day today, it's exhausting when you have to hunt for certain items when it's so busy, sorry I forgot to say what a beautiful card you had on the blog yourself yesterday,take care and don't be over doing it! xo
    Well enjoy your day ladies whatever you are up to, really miss all the ladies not commenting at the moment but appreciate there's so much to do and so little time, love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne, I just Love your card ! The dies and the colour red is Gorgeous and you got the Poinsettia's to look so real. Beautiful ! Thank you for sharing it with us ,take care Xxx

  8. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    I'm here just about as yes i haven't stopped this past week or so. Over the weekend (sorry Sandra) i did 46 christmas cards and because i am not the brightest wattage of bulb as they are all different and all i can say is i had a moment of brain going through into silly mode so please forgive me who gets my snowman that Rory and i could see before i put it together but a certain person thinks is stupid and how is anyone going to know what that is. I think i can honestly say that we crafters have got brains like no one else on this earth and the ones on here all have the same kind of childlike fun that comes out and tickles us now and again. I have managed to get 2 jumpers knitted so just 2 more to go and the hats (groan). I am not a knitter that likes to do the same jumper in a row and certainly not 4 of them but i will get there. Kirsten needs to get a tooth filled today so i am getting my little elf to stay for an hour or so with no Grumpy to take him off me all the time when i want a cuddle.
    Anne, your card is so beautiful flower and i think i really need that frames die now. Your poinsettia's look so realistic and life like. I love the red card that you have used to make them and the backing for the beatuiful white top as it is a proper Christmas red. Thank you flower for letting us see your mini masterpiece.
    I love how with the different people being able to show their skills and projects how you can get a brand new train of thinking going and how it gives you ideas that you hadn't before, so thank you Sandra for being our little fairy godmother in bringing that magic to us. I see you had my little elf featured in just the right day Christmas Friday all home grown and getting bigger by the day. Kirsten has just realised like we all do that her wee baby is not so wee and 6 months have nearly passed since he came. It seems hard to remember my livingroom without a bouncy seat, a baby box, a jumpie thing for the door(which he hates)and a baby walker that will be in use before too long. i'll tell you he can't have give that bouncy seat lalldie that there is no need for me to put on the vibration thing as it's not rough enough for boyo. His granny here does what countless grannies in the past have done, does the treddle action on it to keep him going of course that will be the ones that are old enough or had a mum that didn't have the latest equipment, that had a treddle seswing machine and it's amazing how that skill never leaves you. Sorry off at a tangent yet again but hey you know what i'm like, it doesn't take much to get me started. I'm away to sit in the corner and get all these cards and envelopes written for the post so i will put my little christmas huggles(see they all have wee bells on their hats so that you know they are coming) in their basket. Please no feeding them as they get quite hyper active with all the sugar and cake that they are eating and some of them are getting quite....cuddly in proportion to others so i know which ones have been the greedy ones. See you all later
    Norah x

    1. Hello Norah, it's really lovely to see you on the blog. Enjoy your hour with your wee men all to yourself. I can imagine his little face with a big smile on it because he is going to spend some time with his special granny. xx

    2. Hello Norah oooo get plenty of cuddles with Harry wow is he 6 months already that's flown by, it's like my little Harry he is walking now & 2 in March so get as many cuddle's as you can. XXX

    3. Hi Norah, it's lovely to see you in the cafe' again. You have made some cards there young lady, we have seen what you can make and they are all lovely. Having time to knit as well,wow. Remember to take some photos, would love to see the little jumpers and hats. Your little elf is gorgeous and have such a cute smile. Hope you have a nice day together with lots of cuddles. Xxx
      Lynda, can't believe your Harry already is walking,don't seem like yesterday he was born. speak soon Xxx

    4. Hellooooooooooo Norah
      You're just what I needed today.
      I can hear your Huggles everywhere and they just escape me when I get close.
      Just enjoy your 'little elf' and you cuddle when you want and for how long you want.
      Hugs for you - I hope they behave themselves.

    5. Hi Norah, gosh 46 cards that's amazing as well as knitting as well,
      Enjoy your little elf ,he looks delightful.

    6. Hi Norah. Wow, you have been busy! Will you be sending a picture of the jumpers and hats to Sandra, I do hope so. O bet you had a lovely time with your little elf, didnt you : ) x

  9. Thank you Norah , your huggles are really special with their bells on!
    Enjoy your day with your little elf and all his cuddles xoxo

    1. NORAH:- you have made my day, great to see you. I have grabbed a couple of your Huggles to keep me company in the car when I go to meet Hazel. I will strap them in so the don't jiggle about too much!! xxx

    2. Norah I love the idea of your huggles having little bells on, that's so sweet. Enjoy your cuddles today, yes I'm with you and the treadle foot, we used to rock Emma like that! Sending sparkly huggles back to you lovely lady xxxxx

    3. Hi Norah.
      How overly to see you in today. I just needed one if your huggles, and I'm jingling as I'm walking. Enjoy your cuddles with your wee elf. He'll have smiles a mile wide when he sees his Granny. I hope Kirstins appointment goes off ok. Your cards are gorgeous so never mind grumpy. Hugs to you and Rory.

    4. Norah, I hope you enjoyed every minute of having Harry all to your self. Oh the hours I have sat knitting with one foot just under the front edge of a bouncy chair treddling it. xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Flying visit again, I've got my flu jab this morning so definitely need to get that wriggle on! It's not raining so I need to walk round there- I hardly moved yesterday I was writing cards all day and I'm still not finished! I can post a few today though but otherwise I must get on with them and get them out the way.
    Anne your card is gorgeous, love those new dies you gave used, might drop a hint to hubby - not sure if he's ordered yet - he's been so busy. Thank you for sharing such a beauty with us. Xxxxx
    Pam you do need to slow down a bit, I nearly said yesterday don't forget to take your friends false teeth out of your pocket! Can you imagine you took them in to get mended put them in your oocket when you picked them up and then forgot they were there! Have a lovely time in Essex. Xxxx
    Now I know Pat isn't the only one dashing around so stay safe everyone, Maureen you will make yourself I'll if you do too much and Hazel and Patricia safe journey on those awful roads. Big sparkly hugs all round today xxxxxxx
    See you all later xxxxxx

    1. Thanks Diane , hope you are lucky! Xo

    2. Hi Diane, did the little prick hurt or were you all right ? omg, you made me laugh with the thought of Pat having the teeth still in her oocket hihi
      To sit and write a lot in one go do take on the hands so take some time out in between saying she who wrote whole letters to some I haven't seen for a long time so had to write what we been up to during the last year or so, huff! hugs Xxx

    3. Hi Diane
      Thanks for reminding me of Ellis's teeth in my oocket. They're now in Ellis's mouth. He complained they were a bit loose after coming back from the dentist. Doreen told him it wasn't my fault as they were loose before they went. Yes Ellis, I said I stretched them myself.

  11. Morning Sandra and everyone,
    I hope you and Paul have a good shopping trip, don't go over doing things and exhausting yourselves. Hopefully today the shops are not to busy and you will be able to get around easily, you might even have time for a cup of coffee!

    Anne, your card is beautiful I'm sure when the lady opens it she will be absolutely thrilled. I love the dies you have used, I might have to go back and look at them again and as I resisted buying them when they were launched, thank you for sharing this card with us.

    I'll keep this post short I have so much to do, some of the cards are ready to post ( The bought ones) still got more to make, A few presents still to buy and wrap, I've also got quite a bit of typing to do which i've looked at a few times hoping it would go away! I think I needed to work on my attention span, it seems to be getting shorter and shorter ha ha .

    What ever you are doing today ladies enjoy it, I will be with you in thoughts, take care love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda, hope your day has been good and you managed to do some more cards. I have made my neighbours too now but not sure what to say to ours next door whose wife killed herself. Not even sure if he will have any Christmas this year. Take care and hugs to you both Xxx

  12. Afternoon Sandra and ladies,
    Anne your card is gorgeous, love the red and white so Christmassy together.
    I've had a busy morning, been to collect the posy wreath for Louise's grave,(stillborn granddaughter) then over to the cemetery to place it, then up to drop of granddaughters birthday card for tomorrow, I like them to have their cards on the morning of their birthdays, especially if they are off to work.
    One of my friends who I meet up with on Wednesday afternoons, left a message to say she wasn't going out this afternoon, after a few telephone calls we all decided not to bother either as the weather is terrible, now I can get a few things sorted for the craft fair without running ragged at the last minute.
    Last card class of the year tonight,,so probably won't manage back in later.
    So take care everyone, whatever you are up to. xxx

    1. Jess my love sending you a big hug. Stay inside in the warm but try to pace yourself xxxxx

    2. Thank you Brenda and Jess, it's so hard to resist buying new dies sometimes you just have to give in lol! xo

    3. Hi Jess, sending you some hugs oops I think one of Norah's popped in too because I can hear a little bell. You take care Xxx

  13. I've just got to shard the madness that has hit our house today ladies. I came downstairs this morning to find the TV on and talking to itself - Julian had left early for work today. I thought that's odd he hasn't done that for ages. Had my breakfast and changed channels with the sky handset to watch create and craft. When I went to go upstairs again I couldn't find the TV remote anywhere, sky remote, yes, sound remote, yes actual TV one not in sight! After hunting for half an hour I text Julian - yes it's in his work bag! It either slipped off the arm of the chair and into his bag or he picked it up and pug it in instead of turning off the TV! On top of that I came back from the surgery after my flu jab to find a daffodil just about to come into flower in the front garden!!!!! In an exposed place too not tucked in by the wall. Well that's it - what's the next odd thing that's going to happen today!
    May see you all later! Xxxxxxx

  14. Ha ha Diane that made me laugh as I had a morning a bit like that too, I had had my breakfast and Iain was looking for the milk for his cereal ( I was still eating mine) but he couldn't find it , not in the fridge and nowhere to be seen , we eventually found it in the cereal cupboard ( the cereal was sitting on the work top ) but at least we laughed about it! I think it's just we have so much on our minds at the moment we are not fully concentrating on what we are doing.xo

  15. Good evening ladies,
    Sorry to say I was Awol yesterday, getting as many jobs out of the way as possible, John has been off work (this is his second week) with this nasty virus going around, hopefully he will be ok for next week but it has taken it out of him.
    Been to Boudary Mill near Skipton today - not very busy at all
    Anne I just love this card - I had the striplet die out last night and I couldn't remember how Sue had used it - this was it - how uncanny - its gorgeous.
    I think we may put the tree up tomorrow as most people around here have the lights up and they look so pretty.
    I hope everyone is trying to pace themselves and not making themselves ill trying to do so much,
    The wind was really strong when we came home today - just hope the rain forecast isn't as bad as they say.
    Till later
    Lots of hugs on the way - Norah yours are gorgeous with bells on them,
    Jean xxx

    1. Hi Jean. sorry to see your John still got this virus, sending him a gentle hug and hope he is better soon. Hope you don't catch it! Take care and I speak to you soon ,hugs Xxx

    2. Hi Jean. I hope you are pacing yourself too! Sending a get better wish to your hubby. Stay warm and safe x

  16. Hello Sandra & everyone
    I hope everyone is ok we have sunshine today. I had doctors appointment this morning with a different doctor about the intense tingling & feeling of burning inside in my feet & legs it's got worse but can't get answers too what's causing this., but it's so hard to describe what it feels like. Doctor has prescribed a differant tablet too try for two months then have to go back & see her. So I'm hoping they help. What with that I told her the pain in my back & neck has got worse but told me I'm on the strongest pain killers so ha ho. I use Margarets bags all the time. ANNE your card is very gorgeous I love the red with white it's very striking. SANDRA pleased you had a good day with Sue & Pat.yesterday.
    Pat please take care of yourself you have to slow down you have enough on your plate looking after Pete you have to take care of yourself as well.
    SANDRA hope your shopping trip was better today & you managed to sort all your presents.
    Well must get a wiggle on & finish the last few cards & two birthday cards
    Love Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda. Have you got a trapped nerve in your back that is causing your legs and feet tingling and burning? I hope you had some luck at the doctors. You have done well with your cards, I still have most of them to do, I am very late with them.this year! X

  17. Well ladies, Patricia and I had a nice lunch and a good catch up, we decided seeing how you lovely ladies at the retreat buying our pendants plus all the extra orders we have had from some of you. That the chemo unit will still get well supplied with goodies for a while, maybe just not so many posh biscuits but biscuits, we are going to send money from the chemo fund to the flood fund as we feel these people need every little bit of help that we can give. So thank you all as if it wasn't for you all we couldn't give as much.
    The weather here is awful, back to like the weekend, we are in for a fun night that's for sure. The Tay bridge was saying " cars only ". Funnily single decker buses, transit vans and lorries are now cars!!., well the bus was in front of me, I stayed well back he was getting blown all over the place! I was glad I wasn't on it that's for sure. I can see the bridge closing totally. Long journey home for those who live this side.
    Anne and Diane I did laugh at your miss placed goods.
    Jess, (((((( hugs))))))
    Norah, love the thought of your naughty Huggles having little bells on their hats, have you been saving the ones for those Easter bunny chocolates? I always wonder what they could be used for!
    Janet, I did write a bit earlier but I forgot to publish before I got side track so it's gone. I did say just you stick to your guns and dont do a thing, it's her turn not yours and she didn't even blush I bet.
    Off to start the tea. Will be in later. xxx

    1. Hazel , I'm so glad you and Patricia had a good chat and I think it's wonderful about you giving to the flood fund, I did write a comment about that this morning , I just can't stop thinking about these poor souls.
      Ladies thank you all for your kind comments on my card, sorry I haven't answered them all individually but I really appreciated them all and thank you Sandra for sharing our cards.xo

    2. Hi Hazel and Patricia I think it's a wonderful gesture - as you say it could be any one we know - Jean xxx

    3. Hazel and Patricia that's a lovely idea, they are both worth while causes so I'm more than happy. I really feel for those poor people, you can only imagine how they feel. Xxxx

  18. Hi Lynda
    I hope you get some relief with these new tablets. It a a bummer isn't it when they tell you your on the strongest pain killers you can have. Thanks for your lovely Christmas card. I'm hoping to get a lot of mine posted tomorrow. They seem to go quicker from Gt Oakley. It's a tiny village with a post office in the village hall 2 mornings a week. How bizarre is that. I'll try and slow down a bit while we're here. We're off to Toms daughters on Sat for dinner, and hope to meet up with friends on Friday sometime. So a bit of me time.

    1. Hi Pat. Have a nice time in Essex and rest up some you seem to burn your candles in both ends at the moment and that's no good you know so try to have some Me time. hugs to you all Xxx

    2. PAT:- that Post Office sounds like the one in Hazel's village.
      Please take things easy, Pat it's all fine fleeing about here there and everywhere helping others BUT!! it can only last so long!! xxx

    3. Yes Pat. Patrica is right your post office is like our villiage one? Andy the post master as he would have been known does this type of service in a good few villiages round here. His wife runs a shop and post office in a bigger villiage. We get a great service and you can take a package he will weigh it and tell you if you reduce the weight a little how much you can save. I have often done that, gone home unwrapped and rewrapped taken it back and saved money. xxx

  19. Hi Sandra and all. sorry you up North but we have had blue sky and sunshine here today in's been a lovely day but sure will be rain tomorrow. Hope Hazel and Patricia got on well and had a good catch up. I have comment on the way down so about an hour later I'm here so I can tell Anne that I still love the card you made!
    We had the bank, post office and some shopping to do today. Also washing and then I went in to the garage and got out some Christmas decorations. Still not real happy we can't have the tree up this year but my Step son is coming to see us and need the space for the blow-up so it will have to be but some things I will have up anyway so it feel a bit more like Christmas coming.
    On Monday around noon standing in a shop we got a message from our youngest at home that he was in hospital (he's fine) but 2 years ago he got some kind of a cyst on his neck, had it removed but it had now come back and had ruptured so he have now had it removed again but the sore/hole is open and stuffed with dressing and need changing by a nurse every second day first. Last time it took 6 weeks before it was ok. So glad everything went well for Sophie Sandra, but you always worry about them whatever age they are. He is still my lilla gubbe (little man) OH have taken him to the nurse now and I'm going to start dinner so I will try to be back later, must hear how it goes for Diane and see if something else happened Lol. Missing you girls who are not here but hope you just busy and not poorly. Try to pop in just to say Hi Xxxx

    1. Hi Maria, I hope your sons sore neck improves quickly - take care xxx Jean

    2. Hi Maria. I'm sure you will make your home look lovely even without a big Christmas tree. Sorry to hear of your sons sore neck. I hope it heals up quickly for him xx

  20. Hi Sandra
    Well I replied above under Lynda's post but it came out at the bottom. Not to sure why that was.
    Anne I think your Christmas card is gorgeous. I just love red and white for Christmas. I also love the dies you've used. I'll be looking to see what they were. I know the bottom one is one of Sue's new dies.

  21. Hi Sandra
    Well I've had one of Norah's cuddles and I feel much better. I hope you and Paul have a productive Christmas shop. A great idea to get your mum a voucher and buts and bobs for Christmas. My mum wouldn't let me buy for her at Christmas, so I had to wait for the January sales, why pay full price when you can get twice as much in the sales was her motto.

    1. Hi Pat. I hope you are managing to get a bit of a rest at Toms. Your Mum sounds like she was very sensible with that motto! xx

  22. Yooooooooooo Hooooooooooo.
    Popped in, read the comments, saw the stunning card by Anne which is truly beautiful. Anne, it's gorgeous and the stamped verse is perfect.
    I have read everyone's comments and will be bound to forget something so please forgive me.
    NORAH, lovely to see you and how kind to put bells on your huggles, they've caught me unaware a few times!!
    Lilian, glad they've got Olive sorted and I hope she soon feels much better.
    Sandra, I hope you got your shopping sorted.
    Hazel and Patricia, I hope you had a good day together.
    Maria, I hope that No. 2 son soon gets his neck sorted and that it heals very quickly.
    Lynda, not good news that you are still not getting sorted for your tingling and burning type feelings. Hopefully the new tablets will do the trick. Say hello to Freddy for me!!!!
    Jean, I hope that John will soon be back to full fitness, watch that you don't catch the bug.
    Maria, your house sounds a bit like ours regarding the madness. One good thing though, Peter is coming in the morning to fit the new integrated dishwasher before they go to the bungalow. The inside is all finished, apart from the scrubbing of the plaster covered floors and windows!!! They are landscaping the back garden. It was in tiers and Peter thought it would look better flat, with lawns and flowers. So far, in one of the tiers, he has found at least 100 bricks, assorted sandstone, one smashed up toilet, one toilet seat, one smashed up Butler's sink and assorted odds and sods, but no gold coins or Roman artifacts!!!
    Jess, it's a sad day for you. Sending hugs and love.
    Love to Cheryl, Brenda OB, Brenda LL, and everyone.
    Don't you just love it when you get cards from people that you haven't reckoned on!!! Off to my room, wish me luck.
    Muriel xxxx

    1. I just knew I'd forget something. Hazel and Patricia, you are marvellous for donating your profits from your pendants to the flood relief. They need all the help they can get and I'm just watching it on the news, it's heartbreaking.

    2. Thanks Maureen, we just felt that it could have been any of us. It is devastating and every little will help.
      Christmas is a time for giving, it's just a little but hopefully it will help some poor soul along the way. xxx

    3. Thank you Maureen I hope the tablets work too.
      "Freddy said Hello Maureen " I'm treaching him

  23. Good evening, well just finished my 100 hoods for OH to deliver tomorrow, last delivery of the year I hope , heard that two more big orders are in, so will be busy in the New Year.
    Going to make some more cards, as I'm way behind "like the cows tail " this year
    Hope everyone has a good evening, crafty hugs Lilian

  24. Hi Diane
    Well, they do say everything comes in threes. I look forward to finding out what the third thing is on the list. Mind you the first two were bad enough. Fancy not being able to change channels on the TV.

  25. Well my first in calamities today is, Petes looking through cards to send to his brother in Australua, and I've put my Merry Christmas and Seasons Greetings upside down.

    1. Pat, I put the insert in up side down on the wrong side. xxx

    2. Pat, I think you actually did the right thing, they are after all in Australia so they are upside down anyway.
      You take care of yourself, sounds like you really need and deserve some me time.

  26. Hello Sandra and lovely ladies,
    Sorry I have been missing for a couple of days.
    Anne, your card is fabulous, it really has the wow factor, I love it to bits. When your friend opens this she will be over the moon. I think the other lady at the golf club is an old sourpuss. I understand she is thinking of her charity but these people in Cumbria are in dire need at the moment.
    Patricia and Hazel I think it is wonderful you are donating some of your pendant monies to their cause, well done.
    Lynda I do hope they can find out what is causing your pain, it's not good enough to just say you are on enough pain killers.
    Well I have had a productive unproductive day today. Did really well, made loads of envelopes to conform with the German rules only to discover I had made them too big! The air was a tad blue. Then I set about making them again only to discover I was running out of A3 paper. Luckily I had some 12x12 Christmas papers so was able to use that with the pattern on the inside. Not much left to do now really, just the cards to make to go in them!!! Do you think people would notice if I just sent the envelope. My GC continues to leak oil so I am afraid the cards I do make now are going to have to be somewhat minimalist but hey ho there are worst things to worry about.
    Just recieved the shocking news there is no more chilled white wine in the fridge so am about to open a bottle of red, problem is it's so cold in our flat I might have to warm it up a it before it's fit to drink. Told you there were worst things to worry about.
    Maureen at least they have sent you one in time. It's awful when you get one when the last post has gone and your Christmas is ruined because you haven't sent them one!
    Jess, sending you extra special hugs today.
    Love and hugs
    Ps Norah I felt the need to take a few of your huggles today, wish I hadn't, they are causing havoc here leaping around my balcony and those bells are driving me mad! Lovely to "see " you though.

  27. Evening Ladies

    Quick visit-hubby made it home I time for us to eat together although just as we were about to start eating his work phone went & he disappeared for a good 10 minutes!

    I've cut out the 8 Christmas cards for a colleague & added the glitter glue which is drying now. Will assemble them tomorrow evening & take them into work on Friday. I hope that is the last of any handmade cards for a while.


  28. Saba, Michele and upside down Pat, well I've done nothing apart from write the name on an envelope and thought, that's enough for one night!!!! I am now going to bed so
    GOODNIGHT, SWEET DREAMS AND GOD BLESS EVERYONE (shades of Tiny Tim in the last salutation)!
    Oh where is Myra today, do you think we are one and the same person, when I come on the blog - she disappears - and vice versa !!!! I hope your back is much better Myra.
    Muriel xxx

  29. I'm pleased to report no more mishaps today. I sat and chuckled for a good half hour - Julian thinks I've lost the plot! Pam I must tell you about my auntie and her teeth tomorrow!
    I'm off to bed, night night xxxx
