
Tuesday 8 December 2015

Good Morning Craft Friends,

I do hope the weather in the North of the country has started to settle, then the hard work starts, I remember from when it happened to my friend, once the water had subsided that's when the sadness set in, realising just how much has been affected by the flood water and nastiness in it. I really do hope that none of our friends or their close family and friends have been affected.   Snow is so much more acceptable.
Today's card is another one of mine from my 'Navy/White/Silver' period! haha!! I do love this colour combination though.
For this card I took some navy card that measured about 1/4 inch wider than the die that I used, I then took the Creative Expressions Mini Poinsettia Striplet die and cut into the top and bottom of the navy card, keeping the distance from the edges as equal as possible, I also made sure I took the measurement of where I placed the die so that I could get it in the same place at the other end of my card.
I took some Silver Glitter card and placed here behind the Navy card, adding plenty of Cosmic Shimmer Dries clear Glue to make sure the glitter card stuck.  I then matted this onto white and then silver, Navy and then onto my white base card.
I ran some narrow silver ribbon across the centre of my card, sticking it with Cosmic glue on the back of the Navy card.
I then die cut some more Silver Glitter card with the Creative Expressions Snowflake Tag from the Snowflake Border Corner & Tag set, I then stamped my sentiment with Perfect Medium and added Silver embossing powder and heat set it, I then die cut this with a small oval die and then popped that on top of my Silver Snowflake Tag (I snipped into the snowflakes and tucked the edges of the oval in).
I added some silver pearls to the corners to finish the card, the glitter card sheds its glitter quite easily, hence the speckles all over the card, it was over me too, I sparkled all week!

I have Pat and Sue coming over today, which I am looking forward to very much.  Paul and I didn't get much done in the way of shopping, we sorted a couple of things, so we are going to try again on Wednesday!

Have a great day my lovelies,
Love and Hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sorry I didn't get into the Cafe yesterday, another late start mixed with babysitting meant the day vanished.
    Lillian, your card was gorgeous, such lovely colours. Please let us see more : )
    Sandra, I am loving your "Navy, White, Silver" period so keep them coming. This one is a real beauty, it is so elegant : )
    I am.looking forward to seeing you and Pat later. It will be the first time in 3 weeks that we have all got together so lots to catch up with meaning there will be just a little chatting going on. Ok, non stop chatting all know us Three Graces far too well : )
    I am off to catch up on yesterday's events in the Cafe, wanted to leave a comment before the day disappears again! I do hope all of you and yours are all safe and dry though.
    I will do an "Arnie" after catching up. Take care xx

    1. Morning Sue I know you'll have a lovely day crafting with a little something of chatting. It's lovely to see 'The Three Graces' together again. (I know the only reason you've been apart is because you all have been busy with one thing or another but it doesn't seem right not having all three of you together somehow).
      Hugs for you all xxxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-another lovely card, Navy & Silver is so classy.

    Goodness-I can't believe it's time to get ready for work again, so soon!! I have a meeting this morning to decide how the department is going to tackle "timekeeping "! We have a huge problem with staff wandering in late & they aren't at all bothered. It all came to a head yesterday with a colleague of mine when she spoke (very nicely) to a junior pharmacist-that person didn't think we should be "docking their time"!!!!!!! In my books that's theft if we don't-hence the meeting today. Then we have s very busy chemotherapy list today-Tuesday's are always the busiest day.

    On a nicer note-I'm going out with a friend tonight for a drink & she's picking me up. We're only going to a local pub (yes, we still have 2 pubs in the village!) but will probably spend all evening chatting.


    1. Sorry Michele, you must have dropped in while I was writing, hope today goes well, I agree with you about time keeping.
      Enjoy your evening with your friend.

    2. Michele - The one thing I absolutely Hate with a passion is being late.
      It used to drive me up the wall when working when students would sign the late book. Same students everyday; particularly Y11's. When challenged they couldn't care less and when asked about after school it was always well I'll be at home not working so what!!
      Hope you get something sorted. Have a good evening with your Friend. xxxx

  3. Good morning Sandra & Friends, dark but dry here.
    Sandra love your card, love glitter at Christmas ( and most other times ) and the layout, must have taken quite a while to make, I'm so slow these days have to keep my cards simple.
    My friend Olive from Oxford is not too well at the moment, so worried ,she seems so down, she woke yesterday with a large blister on her leg, but doesn't know how it happened, GP came and has prescribed antibiotics,so not sure why, she doesn't seem to know, wish I lived nearer.
    Sandra and girls have a lovely day together.
    Sorry for the ramble on this morning.
    Have a good day all,those that are not too good take it easy.
    Only black coffee for me , it's cleaner day.
    Crafty Hugs Lilian

    1. Morning Lilian - I hope your Friend goes on alright. It's always a worry isn't it when you cannot get to them very easily. Sending hugs for both of you. xxxx

    2. Lilian I hope Olive is ok, it is very worrying when you live so far away. I hope the antibiotics work and the blister clears up soon xxxx

  4. Morning/Afternoon everyone
    First a very very big Thank You for yesterday.

    Everything is set for the day. I've put nice festive cloths and napkins (paper ones to save on washing. So I hope I've not offended anyone by using paper and not proper ones). I've also put little pots of Holly on the table so the Cafe is looking very festive now. Whoever opens the calendar today please let us know what you found behind the door. Perhaps a small tot of Baileys!

    Did anyone see the item on the news the other day about Advent Calendar Winchester has this year. It's taken from a Scandinavian idea of a 'Living Calendar' where through every door there is a live event. People doing all different bits and pieces from Elves in their shops to Ballet Dancers. The doors are all different kinds on different buildings. I really liked the idea.

    SANDRA - I'm loving your Silver/Blue period this year. Today's card is so elegant. Beautiful. Keep them coming.

    It's Knit and Natter this afternoon so I'll have to get a wriggle on. Quite a lot to do this morning so have a good day everyone.
    Hugs are in their basket.
    Hugs for all absentees - I hope you're all well and only busy. Hope to see you all soon here.

    1. Janet I saw the article on the news too. We had seen a notice in Waterstones window about opening doors which was in connection with the Hat Fair but hadn't read it properly. The Hat Fair is a big event in the summer where street entertainers flood the city and do impromptu performances - it's brilliant. We put two and two together when we saw the news article. Winchester is beautiful and has so many lovely doors and ancient buildings - it's a great idea isn't it. Xxx

    2. Hello Diane I for one would love love to see this. I think it's a fantastic idea. I have visited Winchester and yes it is a beautifull City.

  5. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    I thought I would get in early before my day started today. I lovetodays card Sandra - I've got this die but haven't used it yet. I've been fiddling about with sticky sheets and glitter when I could have used glitter card after all! Mind you as you say that still sheds so you still get covered! Enjoy your day with Pat and Sue, it's nice to hear you can finally get together. Xxxxxx
    Right I must get a wriggle on, I couldn't sleep last night so I've decided to forget everything else and just write cards today so I can get them posted then if there's any more I need to make they canbe for local ones that I will walk round and deliver. Only certain people get hand made cards otherwise I would have to have started in January!
    Take care everyone, stay warm and safe and dry. I'm hoping it's going to be a dry day again today those poor people up north need the water to go down so the next sorry stage can start. I know it's awful any time of the year but at Christmas it seems extra hard doesn't it. Xxxxx

  6. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    Love your card Sandra very sparkly. I know what you mean about being covered in glitter, from now on I am going to use glitter card, you can get a glitter card that is encapsulated, and not a lot of glitter comes off.
    Well off to do my cover job at Carolines shop, today and Thursday are the last days for card classes this year.
    Will try and pop back in later. Take care everyone. xxx

  7. Good morning ladies. What a very dark start to the day, you can tell the shortest day isn't far away?
    Sandra, lovely to see one of your own beautiful cards again today. That's the good thing about this time of year, we are making loads of cards so if you remember to photograph them ( not like silly me) you have a stock for showing.
    I felt that I was all carded out yesterday. We don't have a proper post office here in the villiage, but Andy runs a mobile type one, he sets up in the church hall for 2 hours on a Tuesday and Thursday here. He does the same in other little villages round here. We always try and give him the business. Hence me trying to get as much finished.
    I hope the three graces have a good day of chatting and crafting. Patricia and I are meeting tomorrow for lunch. We are usually sat chatting when they are serving lunch and it looks yummy, so we will see if it's as good as it looks.
    I am so glad to hear this morning that a fund has been set up to help these poor folk effected by the floods. It won't replace the memories, but at least if it can help get them back into their homes as quick as possible. We have the Castle project here in Cupar where you can go buy furniture,,washing machine etc. It things that have been donated, I think there will be vans going south with things to help those who don't have insurance once their homes are dried out.
    Lillian, I am so sorry your friend is unwell, it's such a pity you don't have someone that could go and see her and tell you if things are being done to help her properly! That's the problem with living so far apart.
    Margaret C. I am praying the rain won't be as heavy as they say.
    Sheila, are you ok ?
    Cheryl, I hope you are feeling a bit better.
    Those how aren't in as you aren't feeling to good, come in and say hello it might just bring your spirits up.
    Norah, where are you. I know you have a lot of knitting to do but we need your cheery chatter. Plus your Huggles !!!
    I am off now to attack the ironing pile.

  8. Good morning Sandra,
    Good morning ladies! I thought I'd pop in earlier today as I have lots to catch up on. I won't be silly but I have this need to get this house straight .
    Your card is lovely today Sandra and I do like that Striplet very much and used it a lot. Another favourite is the Wise Men one . Going to try one of Patricia's boxes now that I have the Platinum. What a lot of time that will save!
    How are you liking your new machine? Are you happy with it? I hope so.
    I hope you three ladies have a lovely time today. It's good to talk!
    Hope you are all ready to face whatever today holds!
    Take care if out and about. Sending love to all who are going through difficult times. Sending love to those who will find Christmas really difficult for various reasons.
    Myra xxx

    1. Myra, have you got your house straight? I must try and get my spare room back! I look at and just go and do something else. xxx

  9. Good morning Sandra and the Cafe Crew. Hope you are all well and safe from any of the horrors the weather has thrown at us. It's bright here today, makes things look a bit better and makes me feel more like doing things.
    SANDRA:- brilliant card, nice to see one of your own which are always stunning.
    I am taking a little break from Box Making. I bought some nice goodies unboxed, I have made boxes for them and feel they now look nice, more expensive gifts. I am finding the Platinum machine cuts right across all areas of the plate you can cut much more on one pass through. However it is a funny thing, even after buying the machine .... when I have a "small" die to cut I still use my faithful friend my "Cuttlebug"
    Pot of soup on and bubbling away for the lunch. I will be able to push what I am working on to one side to give us enough space to "eat" at the kitchen table.
    Off to blitz the soup and get on with my crafting.
    Anyone who is looking in and far too busy to stop, look after yourselves. Sending you (((((hugs))))) and thinking of you all. xxx

    1. Hi Patricia,
      I am pleased to read that the Platinum is working well, I think we all resort to using the quick and easy machines some of the time, I have found that I have been using the new Teal calibur that they sent me more than ever, it cuts really well, to well some times, I used it with the Frosty Swirls embossing folder the other day and when I came to cut the card down it fell apart along the embossed lines where it had cut through instead of just embossing, so I am being a bit careful with it as Pat's was a 'tight' machine and the cogs snapped, trouble is since I used the A4 Crafts too embossing folder in BS and it cracked it in half I have been a bit wary about putting them in it!
      Talking of small machines I have heard rave reviews for the little Sapphire, it apparently cuts like a dream!
      I think that we all get a bit fed up of the monotony of cutting the same thing over and over again, so I know what you mean, your own boxes do make gifts look so much more 'up market' so well worth the effort.
      I hope that you enjoyed your Soup,

  10. I have just lost a long message. I had completed it and pressed publish, then google asked me to sign in. 😂

    Hello Sandra and everyone,

    I hope our 'Three Graces' are enjoying their time together, lots of chatting and laughter is a real tonic for all.

    Sandra, Todays card is really beautiful I love the Navy and Silver, this card is really classy and would look beautiful on any mantelpiece!

    Yesterday when I picked up the children from school Ciaea said she would like to make three more cards to take into school. I suggested she got on with them while I made dinner, we got all her stamps out and settled her on the kitchen table. She didn't have any Christmas stamps, so I suggested she use a Tatty Ted stamp and draw a little Christmas tree or Holly close beside him, then left her to get on with it. I checked at one point to see how she was getting on and noticed she hadn't put any ink on the top of his head. When I pointed this out to her she replied I'm going to draw a Santa hat on the top of his head!! I was impressed, nine years old and thinking outside the box. I have to say the result was very good, unfortunately I forgot to take a picture and it's probably gone into school today.

    I will pop back later, I can't remember what else I had chatted about before, if I remember I will pop back.
    Sending love and hugs to everyone especially our friends who are not feeling well or under the weather, also those of you who are affected by the awful weather, my thoughts and prayers are with you all.
    Take care, Love Brenda xxx

    PS - NORAH When you get a moment we could do with some of your mischievous huggles in the basket xx

    1. Hello Brenda,
      Hope you are well my lovely, thank you for your kind words regarding my card too.
      Ciara certainly has got a creative mind when it comes to card making, it's easy to take things like that for granted but actually there is clearly a lot of thought going into her designs, very clever young lady, please get her to take a photo to send in, it would be lovely for her to read all the lovely comments about her work, it would boost her confidence no end and I am more than happy to do it.
      Sending hugs to you and John,

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone I'm back from wonderful Budapest. Had a fabulous time with Christmas market and some Castle, Churches and Museum visits. Good food and Wine plus of course some glue wine. My only disappointment was it was no Snow but very cold and some rain. So sad to see all these people suffering with the floods and loosing their homes and belongings. Really hope they will get some help and manage to go back soon.
    Our three graces have a great day together, lots of crafting and little chats,tihi probably be the other way around. Sandra ,I love seeing your cards and your White,Silver and Navy ones are gorgeous !Love to see more.Saturdays craft items are stunning. Karen your cake is not for eating, they are to fantastic art work to keep for ever. Janet your wreath is also beautiful and so is Myra's Bauble, love them all. Janet ,I might be a little late but I have put a little angel I got many years ago and she is special for me.Hope you like it. The card you got from Sue is lovely!Brilliant card Lilan yesterday. The shoe is not really my stile but it will suit a lot of our girls in the cafe'. Loved to see that Jean, Myra and Michele managed to meet up. It's such a nice feeling when we do but maybe a bit nervous first time ? I was ,my knees was rattling so hope no one heard them. Welcome back home Karen. Can't wait to see your photos from the country of Salsa. I laughed out loud reading about your hard task to catch the chickens Saba Lol. You braver then me, not keen on birds but like eating chickens and eggs a lot. and someone had to chase some sheep, yes lucky the cow have not come back. Still sore after ending up in the ramble bushes. Margaret c o ,hope you feeling better and Myra, take care. Backache is not funny !Naughty Lynda, hope you appointment with the diabetic clinic goes well but try to stay off the cookies. Not an easy thing to do but I myself will try to be good until Christmas Haaa!
    Sorry Sandra we will not have a tree up this year but if I found a old pic. would that be okay to send in ? Nic's room must look lovely with some decorations Jean, hope she liked it being made up. Patricia, was your food still frozen when you came home ?hihi Glad you have some sunshine at times. We have a lovely day down here today.
    Hazel, hope your Mammogram went all right. Not a fun thing to have done but so important. You will be okay in the Machine Sandra ,they only squash you little ones a bit(ouch)tihi but if you get stuck like Lynda said I wouldn't like to be her Lol. Michele, hope you had a nice lunch and work want be to hard. I wish you all a good continue day whatever you are doing. Going for some lunch and then I will sit down with a mug of Glue wine here in the cafe' and catch up with everyone and soooo many e-mails in just so short time away. See you later,
    love and hugs Maria Xxxxx

    1. MARIA:- great to have you back. Glad you enjoyed your trip away, sorry there was no snow for you. xxx

    2. Maria, I am so pleased to had a lovely time. Xxx

    3. HI Maria, Budapest sounds lovely, shame about the snow though, you could have travelled to Patricia's for that last week!
      There is nothing like a warming glass of Gluwhein to warm you up this time of year is there?!
      Why no tree this year? we will have ours up but not until this coming weekend, I don't like having them up to early and I am ready to get them down as soon as 1st January is over, but Paul is a bit of a stickler and likes them to be up until twelfth night for fear of bad luck!
      As far as mammogram goes, I wish they were small enough for them to fit in, but I am sure if Hazel's were fine mine would be too!
      Enjoy your Gluwhein!

  12. Having another wee seat, I am getting a bit fed up making boxes.
    John is off to make a cuppa, wonder what treats he will have for eating. There is not a pick on him, so blooming thin, he eats lots, also loads of Chocoate and sweet stuff .... It's not fair. I just have to smell sweet things and oh! chocolate, read the label and that's lbs on!!! xxx

  13. Oh I need to just chill for awhile, I am a bit sick of seeing c cards and their inserts plus writing addresses for today. I have also made a couple of my cut down gift bags for men. So they look like tool boxes, so they are done. That's my lot till tomorrow. I have to get Mr Dyson out now and give him some excercise. I am going to enjoy my time off tomorrow with meeting up with Patricia for lunch. This retirement thing isn't all what it's made out to be. Right off to make my carpet look better. xxx

  14. Hello ladies,
    Sorry that I have been missing but I am so busy at the moment. I just don't know where the hours go.
    Sandra, today's card is stunning, I love your blue, white and silver cards, and I think I've said that before!!!
    Maria, glad you had a good time in Budapest, I hope you behaved yourself lol.
    Myra, sorry to read that you've had a bad back, I hope it's much improved.
    Hazel, take it easy, get Mr Evans to sort Mr Dyson out!!!!
    Patricia, you and I could share a large bar of chocolate, no - on second thoughts - we could have a bar each!
    I hope the 3 graces had a good day today, and that it was very fruitful.
    Well, I have places to go, people to see, so I'll say bye for now.
    Maureen xxxx

    1. Hi Maureen,
      The place is just not the same without you, you have been very much missed. Thank you for your lovely comments on my card, unlike you I still have many too make! Please try and slow down,
      Look forward to seeing your smiling face in very soon,

  15. Maureen, Mr Evans was cooking tea? So I let him off excerciseing Mr Dyson. I think I got the easiest task! Then again I do get told "you make the mess you clean it up!!...... " Can I share that large bar of chocolate too? I feel that when Wednesday comes round that's the week nearly over, and to think it's Wednesday tomorrow again. I have the girls to pick up Thursday, I am out for lunch with Anna Friday, taking her and Beth to the cinema Saturday evening along with my grandson and to finish things I am looking after the boys Sunday evening while mum and dad are off out, so I am not going to have much time to myself over the next few days. Pity we couldn't do a reverse on time and go back to the beginning of the month again, it would give us all a little extra time.
    Off to get the things I have to take with me tomorrow together and make sure I have everything. Will pop in unless I fall asleep. xxx

    1. Oh Hazel, your schedule just exhausts me to read these days, please slow down and take a breath my lovely! I know they are all quite 'nice' things that you are planning but still an awful lot of driving about! Are you going to see the new Hunger Games Film? we are looking forward to seeing that, I can totally recommend the books too.
      I imagine the girls look forward to Thursday and you picking them up, its like a little bit of normality for them to have you around, bless them.
      Poor old Charlie will forget what you look like!
      sending you huge hugs

    2. Oh no not the Hunger Games !!! James Bond no less, I am not fan but the girls have been brought up on James Bond films, so I will just grin and bear it? Read the Hunger Game books so has Anna and thought she might have wanted to see the film, but she is like me and was disappointed with films? Charlie I think is enjoying the peace and quiet. As when I am at home he doesn't get to sit and watch tv all day. xxx

  16. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra I agree with the other comments love your card today & love the colours but then I love all the cards you make you are very talented xx
    Hope the 3 of you had a lovely day xx
    I am late today played boule tis morning then this afternoon have been out for an afternoon tea to celebrate a dear friends 90th birthday, Sue she loved your card did you remember to take a photo? She is lovely lady who unfortunately lost her husband & only daughter, only child, in the space of 18mths plus suffered water pouring through her bedroom ceiling when gas board left pipe of after a repair job & still remains cheerful we keep an eye on her she is lovely & she loves to see Gem.
    Lillian I understand you worrying about your friend in Oxford hope she feels better soon.xx
    Maria pleased you enjoyed your trip to Budapest sorry you didn't have snow.xx
    Time for me to pack up & think about bed hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  17. Very quiet here today, where are you all ? Oh Sandra, I liked to have the tree up as I love seeing the lights and some little things collected over the years but my stepson is coming to us a few day's before Christmas and we haven't got a spare bedroom so he sleeping on a blow-up on the floor in our small living room so no room for it this year, buhu and the next day it's Christmas eve and that's the day we celebrate so my SIL and her OH is coming for the day so no time. Wonder if Saba celebrate to on the 24th ? Hope your MIL is okay and you managed to hear from her. Lilian ,hope your friend is all right, is there no one who can keep you updated how she is ?
    Brenda will we ever understand how or why some of our posts goes to cyberspace when we haven't done anything different then normally, it's a real nuisance do when that happens. hugs to you and John. Don't worry you others I have plenty to give so no-one will be left out!
    Hazel, are you on something special ? So wish I had your energy sometimes but at least you will sit down for 2 1/2 hour watching the Bond film. Try not to fall a sleep, the kids might want to know what you thought about it hihi. Have a nice time, did our three graces have a good productive day or....? Sue- hope your meds soon make you feel better and not so sleepy. I have one painkiller that makes me feel all dozy, only takes it when it's really bad. Well I haven't done a thing except for cooking a simple dinner today, even had a couple of hours napping in the afternoon. We did so much walking so my legs don't know what happened and feeling a bit sore in some certain areas,I let you guess tihi Tomorrow I have a card to make to someone who lost her dad in Colombia. Like to write the ones to our neighbours but not sure what to say to the one next door. Not even sure if he will have Christmas this year.Like to give him a card do but, any idea's girls what to do ? I'm saying good night to one and all and wish you nice dreams. See you tomorrow Xxxxx

    1. Hello Maria!
      I've missed you! I'm so glad you had a lovely time in Budapest! I loved it when we went! We had no snow either - but we went in September!! I walked miles! One day we were so tired we decided to get a tram back to the Hotel. Alastair and our friend decided which tram we needed! His wife and I weren't convinced! We got on! This tram was a special tram which went the scenic route and our one stopped off at the depot to change drivers . We had a fifteen minute break there!! My husband was chatting to drivers of trams - in what language I don't know but there was a lot of laughter! Great memories you brought back to my mind, Maria!
      Sorry I've only been in once today but I've been busy and slow!!
      However I am now ready for tomorrow , just to make a few notes to remind me.
      I haven't read all the post today! Very sorry!
      Night Night everyone!
      Love Myra xxx

    2. Good to see you too. Very brave to go on the tram,guess you all got back to the hotel in the end. It was so much to see and had liked to see more but it all wanted money and I guess we are a little bit like Scrooge, so maybe another time. Think Gdansk or somewhere in Poland is on talk for next year sometime. Did you see the shoes near the Parliament ? It was very sad. Hope your back is better and you have time for some Me time,hugs xxx

  18. Hello all well diabetics clinic went ok really only gone up a little so pleased as I though it might have gone sky high. Posted 15 cards after gosh the postage is extortionate still got another 15or so to post will do them Thursday when I go Tesco's.siill got about three more to make.Maria pleased you had a lovely time sorry you didn't get any snow but sounds like you did a lot of walking.
    Thank you for your lovely Christmas card Maria.
    SANDRA I love your card today & you colour scheme is lovely too. Blue & silver are good together. Hope you Pat & Sue had a lovely day crafting or just chatting.Lilian sorry your friend is unwell & she lives a long way from you hope she gets well soon.
    Wel I'm off to my bed.See you all tomorrow.
    Love Lynda xx
