
Monday 7 December 2015

Not a man card Monday!!!

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Firstly I am sorry that it is not a 'Man Card' for Monday this week, but I thought that this week we would change things a little.
To be perfectly honest with all of you I was too excited to share this card with you that I just couldn't wait another day!!

This Gorgeous Girly creation has been expertly designed by our very own Lilian, yes I did say Lilian and this is the very first 'Lilian ' designed card, what a way to start!!!!
Now I am not sure whether Lilian has used stamps or the 'Fabulous Shoes' by the amazing British Designer Sandra Wright, but which ever one she has used it had amazing results, I love the card that you have created, perfect for any female in my opinion.
Thank you so much for sending it in to me Lilian, I look forward to seeing many more xxxx

I would like to take this opportunity to wish a Happy 28th Birthday to Leanne, the Brightest Star in the Sky today, I have hung my Bauble on the tree for your Special Day, it is the brightest, sparkliest star I could find to reflect your beauty xxxx
(Leanne is Janet's Granddaughter and would be celebrating her 28th birthday today)
Janet, I look forward to seeing a photograph of your Tree! xx

Paul and I are going to try and get a good bit of our Christmas shopping done today, we haven't really done very much at all, December seems to arrive way too soon this year, in fact the whole year has just whizzed by!
Love and hugs to all of you today, (extra hug for you Janet) xx


  1. Good morning everyone
    Sandra thank you for showing this absolutely gorgeous card from Lillian, I thought oh wow I like that before I started reading, Lillian it's gorgeous, looking forward to seeing more.
    I have placed a lovely pink and silver bauble on the tree for Leanne, happy birthday Leanne.
    I have to agree it's you Sandra, the year has flown by in a whirl, we too must get a move on, I've usually wrapped everything by now but I haven't wrapped anything, although it's all bought so an afternoon set aside will see it all done.
    We had a lovely meal with Nic last night, we decorated her room while she sat and watched (no change there) then we went out, she really enjoyed it, she is so happy at the moment.
    Myra I hope your back is a bit better, was reading comments late last night and saw you had twisted it - take care.
    I hope anyone affected by the terrible storms are now safe, there is more rain forecast for this week too, how the seasons are changing.
    Have left hugs by the door, will call back later
    Hugs Jean xx

    1. Jean, glad you had a good day with Nic, and that she was happy watching you all decorate her room. It's good that you are seeing her happy. xxx

    2. Thanks Jean, just too much bending and stretching - it's nothing really! Need to go to Anne's Pilates class - trouble is it's a wee bit far to travel!! Glad Nic liked her room! Xxx

    3. Hi Jean. It is lovely to hear how happy Nic is at the moment. I can imagine how she loves all of the decorations. Take care x

  2. Morning Ladies

    Lilian-WOW, your card is gorgeous. Can't wait to hear how you made it.

    Shock to my system going into work again...!! I have mandatory training this morning & hopefully I can do paperwork this afternoon. I can't stop looking at the news at the flooded areas in Cumbria & I really feel for those poor people. Hubby has had to go to Carlisle to see how bad the Tesco is-pictures we had made it look awful but at least that's only a shop, not someone's home.


    1. Hope your first day back goes smoothly Michele xxx

    2. Michele, you are so right about the Tesco store! It's a store can be cleaned up and restocked. A home now that is something different. That's full of memories, sentiment and love! Not replaceable with money. Losing your home at anytime is bad enough, but at this time of the year is horrible. Plus some folk will have lost their work place on top of that. I am going to see at the bank today if they have an account I can put some money in that will go for these people.
      Yes it's back to work for you, you will be back in mood as soon as you work through those doors. xxx

    3. Hello Michele,
      You are so right about those pictures! It's so hard for everyone! As you say Tesco is just a store but it's people's jobs too and shopping will have to be done. However it's not like a home which has just had its heart ripped out!
      Hope today flies by and it gets the thumbs up! Xxx

    4. Hi Michele. I hope yesterday wasn't too bad at work. Take care x

  3. Mornng all, in early as I have my breast screening this morning then I am over to Perth, I will check on puppy and take him out. Then I have to go into the bank and also pick some bits up from Boots, I have orders to make up so I will get the priducts for them.
    Lillian, your card is gorgeous - very girly, but beautiful. It's lovely to see your work, look forward to seeing more.
    Well ladies that handed me my Christmas cards at the retreat, I have to say the are all stunning and have pride of place on the mantelpiece. Charlie said that we are honoured to have these beautiful cards to look at, as everyone is different and hand made. He told me he will get the card hanger down so I can put the shop bought one on it. Other words they are not to be mixed. So again thank you. I have just got a few to finish off and mine will be done. Our post office is only open 2 hours on Tuesday and Thursday so I will have them done by Thursday at the latest.
    Off to get ready for my appointment.

    1. Hello Hazel, thinking of you, hope all goes well at the clinic.
      I left all my cards in England so that I would be able to have them at our cottage over the holidays. I am so looking forward to opening them.
      Bless your Charlie, what a sweetie pie.

    2. Hope all goes well today Hazel, the worry must always be with you!
      I am yet to experience the mammogram, I do wonder whether my 38HH will fit in that machine!!
      If you don't slow down Hazel, you will meet yourself coming back!
      Thinking of you,
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Sandra, it's 5 minutes of uncomfortableness! Yet what it can save? Remember I am not small in that department and still loads of room! The 2 ladies have a hard time with some folk. I took them a pillow box each with 2 maltesser reindeer in them for their tea break. They were over the moon with them. A little happiness on what is a really horrible day. xxx

    4. Hazel, hope it goes well today! I know it's not a thrill having one - but boy is it worth it!! Thank you Charlie!. I knew you were a really nice man - you married Hazel!!! Xxx

    5. Hi Hazel hope all goes well today. I always feel like Jed Clampet & offen think when I'm clamped in that machine if the fire alarm goes off I wouldn't get out hehe. Xx

    6. Hazel hope it went well for you, five minutes of your time to save your life!!

    7. Hazel I hope all went well today, I've just had a letter inviting me to my first one in January. It's so important to go and what's a few minutes discomfort for peace of mind. Xxxx

    8. Hi Hazel. I hope that yesterday's check went well. It's not the most dignified of procedures is it (another one that the men don't have to go through!) but has to be done.
      Lynda, your comment about the fire alarm going off didmake me laugh: ) Take care x

    9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Good Morning.afternoon to everyone who pops in today

    All's set for the day with plenty of warm drinks and for those in the festive spirit or just about to get into it there's a lovely flask of Mulled Wine with warm mince pies to go with it.

    LILIAN - WOW WOW WOW what a start to designing. Your card is just stunning and I cannot wait to see how you created it from start to finish. Please don't keep us in suspense.

    I cannot thank you all enough for your beautiful, and loved baubles. They mean so much for me today. Our Christmas starts today so it will be a very very busy one. I know it's been said many times in this wonderful Cafe but I do not know how I would manage to get through such times as this without you all. You are all such wonderful/caring and supportive Friends. Thank you.

    My heart goes out to all further North who have been subjected to the horror of the weather this last week and are having to leave their homes. I'm hoping things will ease a little today for everyone.

    Right I've had my latte and now really must get a wriggle on or nothing will get done today. See you all later.

    NORAH - where are you - not up to the knees in the white stuff I hope. As Patricia says your huggles are missed.

    1. Good morning Janet,I have hung a little crystal star ( a present from our daughter ) which is special to us , on your tree for Leanne, our first baby was stillborn ( little boy Jaime) the week before Christmas , 48 yrs ago, but you never forget , so I know how you feel, big extra hug for you XO.

    2. Janet and Anne, gentle hugs on their way for both of you.
      The tree is looking so beautiful with all these special decorations everyone has dressed it with, and all put up with love.

    3. (((((( hugs)))))) Janet, Anne and Jess at this time. Also anyone else who have sad memories at this time. xxx

    4. ANNE:- JANET:- & JESS:- sending you (((((hugs))))) xxx

    5. Jess please forgive me, I've just set off another hug and told it to fly as fast as it can and catch up with the other two.

    6. Janet, Jess and Anne, sending lots of love to each one of you today!
      Janet the tree is a lovely idea and has made us think of you all today. Xxx

    7. Janet Anne & Jess sending you all lots of love & BIG HUG'S for each of you. XXXX

    8. Have hung my 50 yrs old little bell on your tree, looks lovely

    9. Janet I've just found a little blue and silver glass bauble that belonged to my mum and dad, I take it out each year and have a little smile, so that's gone on the tree. Sending you a big hug and hugs for Anne and Jess too xxxx

    10. Hi Janet. Please forgive my late comment but I have added to your tree a very old and slightly tarnished bauble that was my Grans so it it very special.
      To all of us that have had a loss at this time of year I send my live and special hugs. Take care x

    11. This comment has been removed by the author.

    12. That should be love not live at the end of my comment! X

  5. Oh I meant to say that I hope Margaret C, Maureen, Brenda LL, Sheila and Cheryl are all safe and well. Maria I hope you enjoyed your trip away. xxx

  6. Good morning Ladies, it looks a bit quieter and drier here today , but extremely cold, I feel so sorry for all the people who have been affected by the flooding , so awful especially at this time of year when you need all the warmth you can get.
    Lilian , I Love your card ! I don't know if you have stamped it or if it is a decoupage sheet from House of Zandra which I think are fabulous , but either way it is stunning!
    Myra , I hope your back is a bit easier today, it is so annoying because it really rules what you can and cannot do, so take care and look after yourself xo
    Hazel, you are still running yourself ragged, I think you will be renamed after the " Duracell Bunny" you never seem to stop! Please have a little me time to yourself.xo
    Michele , I hope your first day back goes smoothly, sounded like you had a lovely time with Jean and Myra xo
    Ok Janet , you win , I'm off to the cafe for some mulled wine and mince pies , but it will have to wait till after the Pilates, my arm is so easily twisted!
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Mine too Anne, it doesn't take much to get me to join in, except when I have to drive. That's an absolute no no in my book, not even a shandy!

    2. Thanks Anne, it's a bit easier but I'm alright it's just held me up a bit! Why do you keep dropping things when your back hurts? That 's what I'd like to know!
      I'll join the merry band in the corner on the mulled wine!! Xxx

    3. Hi Anne. I hope you enjoyed the mulled wine along with the other ladies. Take care x

  7. Good morning everyone ... well for lots it certainly is not. OMG!! what about all those poor unfortunate people flooded out of their homes.
    We have been very lucky here thank goodness. Two roads that take us from the village to the main road are flooded. It's the water from fields on either side that have done it, the 4x4 for that if we have to go out.
    Certainly has made me stop and think. We spend all this money on "one day" and some of these poor people with not even be in thier own homes on Christmas Day.
    LILIAN :- love your beautiful card and oh!! to have a pair of shoes just like that!!.
    Sending special thoughts to all the regulars who have been missing. I know from chatting some are so busy they dont have time to change their minds. Two have bad internet connections, the rest are just busy. Thinking of you all and sending (((((hugs)))))
    Off to make a card for Robert's 9th birthday on the 13th Dec. What will the theme be this year .... football, his favourite pastime. Music, he plays drums really well, or electric gizmos they both love to play with, decisions, decisions!!
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket by the door. Stay safe everyone. xxx

    1. Hello Patricia,
      How did the football go? As to his card, I made a football one for Max this year, I can send you a photo if you need any inspiration. It was really easy to do and he loved it.

    2. I thought of Robert on Saturday afternoon when we saw how many football matches had been cancelled in Scotland! Going to Tesco on way home from After School Club to get some cheap red woolly gloves for my snowman tealights. They can do those next week. Should have been today but I didn't get out for the gloves in time. Cards and calendars instead. Most have made the cards. Xxx

    3. Robert did really well on Saturday, they won!! final score 4 - 1.
      Thank you so much for asking.
      He only let in that one goal. These junior teams are so well looked after. In the dressing room all their kit is lid out in their playing positions ... just like the professionals. Robert is the Goalie he wears a whole set of thermal "under garments" under his kit in this weather. The junior teams play on an artificial surface. xxx

  8. Good morning Sandra and ladies.
    Lillian your card is stunning, I love these House of Zandra designs.
    Janet I have left a little crystal star on the tree for you and especially anyone who has lost someone special.
    Myra take things easy today, a back back is so debilitating.
    Hazel, you take care on the roads today, there is still a lot of flooding about.
    Thank you for the mulled wine Janet, just set me up for the day!
    Another bit of ironing today, and then must get hair colour done as well. Hopefully will be back later, take care everyone xxx

    1. Jess I did mine yesterday but was so busy doing other things whilst waiting for the colour to take that I left it on too long and now have very very dark hair!!

    2. I will Jess! It's just a silly thing. I'm not in loads of pain - compared to what you suffer - it's nothing! Sending hugs xxx

  9. Good morning ladies,
    Lilian what a fabulous card, love how you have coordinated your flowers with the trimmings on the shoes, it looks like expert colouring to me and anything to do with shoes is a hit with me, a big hit, love it.
    Janet for Leanne I have put a gold metal ring on the tree, it has a scattering of little stars floating in the middle, it is one given to me by a very special person, my ex son in law Jacob, when we spent Christmas with him and his family in Denmark. Thinking of you today with love.
    Myra what have you been doing, hope your back is easier today, please look after yourself, no more stretching young lady.
    Sandra sorry I didn't get back in last evening, I was so tired.
    The Church Carol service was lovely, and the church was packed. It's a small church in Nuremberg, one of the oldest and most beautiful and we are so lucky to be able to hold our services there. It's called the St. Johannis Kirche.
    The coffee hour was hectic though, it was my turn in the kitchen and I couldn't keep up with the demand for coffee and tea, ran out of cups and plates and was generally frazzled by the time everyone had gone and the washing up was done, Peter ran around with the vac!
    Then we went to Heide's annual Brunch which was lovely but it was quite late when we got home and I just chilled and watched the strictly results. YES!! Anton survives another week! I would love him to be in the final.
    Well today is all about housework and then I am teaching this evening so I had best crack on.
    My thoughts are with all those poor people who's lives have been devastated by the floods, unimaginable what they must be suffering, especially those who have no families to take them in.
    Love and hugs for now,

  10. Just want to send hugs to our Margaret, Maureen and all of you north of the border, I hope you all stay safe warm and dry, why do these things happen at the worst possible times! I know there us never a 'good' time, but it just seems so much worse when it's freezing cold and so near to Christmas, the devastation it causes are so far reaching friends of our lost a huge chunk of their family history, wedding and baby photos that can't be replaced, it's those little things that cause the most heartache, the little things that children and grandchildren had made, aside from the fact that they were out of their home for 10 months, their crops too were destroyed meaning that huge financial burden would hit them too! It just seems to regularly these days!
    Praying that all of you stay safe,
    Sandra xxxxx

  11. Sandra and everyone,

    Like everyone else, I hope and pray all our ladies and their families are safe. Watching all the devastation caused by all the flooding on the television you can only imagine what it must be like for all those families, so much damage and so many memories are lost. You are all in my thoughts and prayers. XX

    Lillian, what a beautiful card this would be the perfect card for any young lady, love the colours you've chosen, it's really gorgeous.

    Sandra I hope you and Paul have a good day and achieve a lot, have the girls giving you their Wish List yet? Don't exhaust yourself some shopping. LOL

    Janet, I have placed my carousel tree decoration with all the others, your special tree is really looking great xx

    Well I must get a wriggle on, it's school run this afternoon and for once I'm doing it on my own. John has gone off for his treatment but before he goes there he has an appointment at our local hospital in connection with his labyrinthitis. The letter for the local appointment only arrived about an hour and a half ago and the appointment was for 11.45. So he really did have to get a wiggle on! (That will teach him to say he can take an appointment at short notice)

    I hope everyone is safe and well, sending love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Oh Brenda there is short notice - and SHORT NOTICE !! Our post doesn't come until after lunchtime so the Appointment would have gone ! Take care on the school run! Xxx

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra good luck with the shopping hope it's not too busy.xx
    Lilian your card is lovely well done xx
    Special hugs to Janet, Anne & Jess xx
    Thinking of those poor people in the North bad enough at any time but this time of year it is worse.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  13. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    It's lovely to see some lovely blue sky and sunshine again after the storm!
    The television pictures have been so awful - but we only see a fraction on a screen! My heart goes out to them all. So many were without Power yesterday too. Thanks to all the Emergency Services who do such a sterling job in awful circumstances.
    Lilian - I love you card and I'm sure sure I know the Designer but it's my sort of card!! I, like Saba, love shoes and bags and that's a very pretty shoe! Thank you!
    Hope the window cleaner doesn't faint!! He is up a ladder at our guest room windows and the room is a tip - boxes f Christmas decorations everywhere! I couldn't put the boxes away as it meant climbing on the stool !!! Shhhh! Don't tell Maureen.
    Well Margaret, I hope you are a bit better each day! I miss you!
    Brenda LL - miss you too - but have had a wee chat Shh.!
    Cheryl - missed you too but I read somewhere you are a bit better I think? Hope so!, miss you too!
    Norah - miss you and your huggles - they make me smile - just like you!
    Pat - thanks! I read your comment too late last night to respond! Hope you had a good day!
    Lots of love to everyone! Myra xxx

    1. Thank you for your concern I am fine just rather tired now after last week. Don't you worry there is no danger of me going for a little paddle the river is roaring so much. We live over a mile away from them and on Sunday morning we could hear it, I am worried about the ducks that live on the rivers though. There are several hotels and cafes that overlook the river who all feed them, they just swim up and down, no chance of that I'm afraid.

  14. Oh oh! PS! Sheila I do hope you are alright and haven't been blown half way to Ireland!! Sending hugs! Xxx

  15. Hello Everyone, we have SUNSHINE, which is just as well as we have workmen here mending our Delebole Slate path so the cement will have to dry.
    I hope all that are not too well are on the mend, take it easy if you can.
    Terrible news about all those loosing their homes in the floods, also with the shops flooded out so many people who work in them , mainly those who do to help out family finances will be out of a job and therefore no income.

    Well I feel a real fraud as to my card, l bought these sheets of designs at the Exeter craft show, I'd not seem them before but instantly loved the wacky designs, the dresses and hats are fab too. They're not die cut ,everything on one sheet, no backing papers,you cannot really see but there are three layers used.
    Now the cheating bit is that I used my Brother Scanncut to cut them , which it
    did really well, before I'd not used it much, but it cut all 10 sheets with no trouble.
    I really didn't think it was good enough to show but sent it to Sandra because I know one of you has a scanncut. Thank you Sandra for showing it.
    Well more work to do so I'll love you and leave you, hope to back letter.

  16. Good afternoon everyone
    Thank you all so sincerely for all your very kind thoughts for us all suffering from the floods. We are lucky living on the edge of town, but the centre of out town is devastated so no Christmas shopping for us in town. One of my daughters lives in Carlisle where thing are very bad too, thankfully her home is safe. Not only is Tesco flooded but also Sainsbury's too Michele. The McVitie biscuit factory where my son in law works is flooded and the worry is they may close it, as this is the second time it has been flooded. My other daughter was not flooded but the little road outside was so they were lucky although a neighbour over the road was so they all spent yesterday helping them.
    Todays card is wonderful the colours are really lovely thank you Lilian for sharing your card.
    Janet I have placed a little Angel on the tree it is sparkling white in colour, thinking of you especially today I know the pain having lost our baby son I know the heartache only too well, special comforting hugs for you.
    Take care everyone and stay safe
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret it's good to know you are safe and I hope your daughters remain safe too but what a worry for your son in law. They can't close a mcvities factory - where would they bake our hobnobs! The pictures on the news are shocking, they showed Lancaster today, we had a lovely holiday there many moons ago. Sending you a big hug, stay warm and safe xxxxx

  17. Hi ladies, I have just opened all the Christmas cards I received from you wonderful ladies at the retreat, plus the posted ones, everyone of them is lovely. I might just have to pinch ideas for next year!, thank you all so much.

    1. Thanks for reminding me Jess! Actually Hazel did too this morning! I haven't opened mine yet!! Off to do that now. Xxx

    2. I haven't opened mine yet, I was going to save them for next week and like Hazel I will have a special section of handmade cards xxxxxx

  18. That's me back from Perth, puppy fine he's now up to being left for over 4 hours with no problems. We went for a walk, went up on to the path that runs along the defences, the river has gone down a good bit, thank goodness. Then again more of this rain it will be back up again. Didn't go into town as it was raining that hard. I will go into Cupar tomorrow and hope that I can get the bits. So haven't done the bank bit either, might speak to Gillian and see if her friend in Hawick knows of some help group that needs money donations. That way it will go to help those who need it. Hawick has got a lot of unemployment due to the knit wear factories closing and the work going to China and that, the last factory left is flooded and like Margaret is saying about mcVities biscuits they likely won't open up again. So sad as it just adds to the burden.
    I am now away to get on with bits. xxx

  19. HibSandra
    A stunning shoe card you've made Lilian. I love Zandras designs. I have one of her cake stamps. Plus last years Father Christmas. Happy birthday Leanne, I've hung a navy and silver vauble on the tree for you. I'm glad Nic liked her room Jean. Gentle hugs to Ann as well. Hazel I hope the mammogram wasn't to painful. Please slow down or as Sandra said you'll meet yourself coming back. Myra take care of that back. Take care those ladies who are living up North. Hope the flood waters isn't affecting you, or not to much if it is. When it floods in Witney we live quite high up so it floods down the street but not us thank goodness.

  20. Hello Sandra & Ladies I started commenting on way down this morning then got distracted with phone calls & getting doggies out for a walk as it was a nice day today with some sun it was nice to get out in the fresh air. When I got back went straight in craft room every time I think I have cards finished i remember someone else. So may leave them for tomorrow when I get back from Diabetics clinic I'm a bit sacred as have been bad with eating the wrong things lately I was below 4 last time I went so hopefully it hasn't changed very much. As I do it by diet oh well we will see. I will post some cards tomorrow when I come out of clinic.I won't take them all as I get embarrassed with people behind me waiting silly I know. Lilian your card is gorgeous so unique & very pretty.
    MARGARET so pleased your safe & your daughters too. Must be worring for your SIL. With the MacViti factory being flooded again & might close. It must be devastating for all the poor families that have lost homes & all the personal thing that are lost & not replaceable my heart goes out to all of them.. Just hope all you Ladies are safe. We have just had dinner so must get a wiggle on & clear up. OH is now snoring blame it on his sleep apnoea.
    SANDRA hope you managed all your shopping & didn't ware yourself out enjoy the rest of your evening.
    See you all later MYRA hope your back is a bit better today & MARIA hope you enjoyed your weekend away. Xxxx

    1. So sorry Happy birthday Leanne JANET the tree is looking lovely with all the special baubles on it. XXXXX

  21. Evening Ladies

    Ghastly day at work-no staff so my training was cancelled along with my paperwork time this afternoon! My boss was very pleased to see me though-think I was missed...ha ha!

    Hubby just home-that was a 13 hour day. The photos he showed me were just awful. The flood water has receded but it's the mess that's left. The store won't be opening before Christmas so they're looking at a temporary one so people can still shop & staff can still work. He's going back up tomorrow & probably staying overnight at least tomorrow, possibly Wednesday also.

    Am cutting out some Xmas decoupage for 8 cards (all the same) but I won't be making them tonight-probably Wednesday evening.


    1. It really is dreadful at Carlisle the rescue people are going into a decontamination tent as there is sewage in the flood water now, there is one area the flood water has yet to go down, but luckily they have been able to save the electric sub station otherwise things wuld have been worse still. My daughter for one will be delighted to know they will be open for Christmas even if it is elsewhere.

    2. It must be quite shocking to see it in real life Michele! It's bad enough on television but you don't really get the scale of it on TV. Safe travel to your husband tomorrow! Xx

    3. Safe journey for your husband tomorrow Michele. I hope tomorrow is a better day for you too xxxx

    4. Hi Michele, hope your husband has a safe journey tomorrow - a friend of mine who used to work at the Wigan Sainsburys with me now works at the Carlisle branch and they spent all night in the upstairs café on Saturday night - that shop is shut up to now.
      My son who is a builder has been approached by a firm he has done work for in the past, as they are now getting teams together to work in Carlisle and other flood hit places so he will most probably be up there shortly.
      Jean xx

  22. Good evening everyone
    Well we have only had a few light showers today and seen a little bit of sunshine so long may it continue, even though the weather people are saying more rain is on the way, have you ever noticed they always say it with a smile on their faces?
    We are told the flood water is going down thank goodness but no traffic is allowed in the town as yet but as two of the bridges are closed until they are checked traffic only has one way in so things are pretty hectic. We have or rather had a lovely little toy shop in town and they have had to throw all their toys out because of the floods and contamination reasons, how sad is that. Although my hairdresser has not been flooded she rang to say they had no electricity and may have none tomorrow either so she will ring me in the morning as I have an appointment in the morning.
    Take care everyone
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hello Margaret!
      It's so good to have you back! I missed you my ducky friend!
      It's awful what has happened in Cumbria - I know poor defences are being blamed but there was an awful lot of rain on already saturated ground! Water , as they say, has to go somewhere! We just seem to see this more and more. As you say when sewage gets into the water - the consequences are just awful. A good little toy shop is so unusual and so special . It is so sad what has happened to them just at the busiest time of the year.
      So glad you and your family were spared the floods. Hope jobs aren't lost as a result of this.
      The wind is getting up a bit here again tonight but it has been a lovely dry sunny day and quite mild really.
      Was at After School Club - mainly good behaviour and they made some nice easel calendars as well as finishing off MDF projects from last week! Only one more Monday!!! I'm getting lazy!
      How's the decorating getting on? Xxx

  23. Margaret. It's these small businesses that are going to suffer so much. They really live hand to mouth as one would say and can't afford to have to throw out stock. The other thing is making sure the toys won't get back into the system. We will hope your hairdresser can open tomorrow, another small business that needs to stay open. xxx

  24. MARGARET:- it's the "knock on effect" that gets forgotten about when the TV cameras leave the scene. It is only News when people can see the devastation.
    Hope your Hairdresser manages to open tomorrow, they need every day they can get this month. The Toy Shop is another small business that has been devestated. Next month is a really bad month for all small businesses.
    Stay safe my friend xxx

  25. Hello Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sorry I'm late it's been a busy day. Lots of phone calls this morning then onto card making. I've kept my head down most of the day and suddenly realised I hadn't been in.
    Lilian I love your card - I picked up some of theses quirky house of Zandra sheets too, they are fabulous aren't they. I also met Zandra at the knitting and stitching show and told her how muck I loved her decoupage designs and she was really flattered - a very modest lady. Oh I would love a pair of shoes like that, aren't they pretty. Thank you for sharing it with us Lilian xxxxx
    Myra I hope your back is more comfortable today. Xxxx
    It's been very sunny here today, makes a change. It was good not to have the light on most of the afternoon! Well I'm just off to make a cup of tea, it's time to open our posh advent calendar , oooooh nutmeg chocolate tonight - yummy.
    See you all tomorrow xxxxxx

  26. Good evening everyone - I have been watching John Lockwood on Hochanda tonight - just love his stamps but the p+p is £6.95, ridiculous for stamps. I have to watch it upstairs on tv - cant get it on Tv downstairs - obviously when it finished guess what! Yes - fell asleep.
    So I'll say goodnight to you all - see you tomorrow - hopefully better news on the flood situation although more rain is forecast - cant begin to know what those people are feeling.

    Jean xxx
