
Sunday 6 December 2015

Just about the last of my birthday cards.......

Good Sunday Morning ladies,

I was so excited to read that Jean, Michele and Myra had a lovely meet up yesterday, it was obvious you would all get on so well instantly but you still have nerves, now you have got that first meeting over I hope that you can maybe arrange regular catch ups or maybe craft sessions like Sue, Pat and I do,
I know it would be harder because of work and other commitments but it is so lovely crafting with like minded friends.  I am so very pleased that today was a success for all of you xxxx

Now talking of Special Friends, this gorgeous card was made for me by my dear friend Sue, to hold a card in your hand that you know somebody has made for you with love means more than any gift!
Sue used Creative Expressions Classic Pierced Rectangles from their 'Noble Die' range to create this lovely card, I love how the sentiment is stamped onto Vellum too, it looks so delicate, certainly less harsh than when stamped onto card, I think this is something I will try myself, I know Brenda (lello) also prints onto vellum which also looks amazing, I think that sometimes its remembering to use these things!  Sue finished my card with a beautiful coordinating bow and flower.
Thank you so much Sue, I love my card very much, like I do you xxxxx

Now I am so excited to hear about all of you getting your Christmas Trees up and decorated, it led me to an idea, could you all take a photograph of tree and send it in to me so that we can all share each others designs???  I would love to see everyone's tree, what do you think, just for fun?!!

I hope that you all have a lovely Sunday,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in today,
    I really love the colour ways of this card from Sue to Sandra and I agree stamping on vellum is something to try, it looks so delicate.
    I hope our ladies from further up north are staying indoors and keeping safe, the floods on the news just now are soul destroying, people have lost so much and the waters are so fast flowing.
    I really enjoyed our meet up yesterday and look forward to another when all the festivities are over.
    Sandra your idea of showing off the Christmas trees is smashing,
    We are going to Nics to decorate her room this afternoon and then out for tea, she will enjoy that.
    My Platinum machine arrived yesterday, had a little play last night and am really impressed with it, I think you are Patricia aren't you.
    Will most probably pop back later - keep safe and warm
    Hugs are in the basket, please help yourself,
    Jean xxx

    1. Jean, Enjoy decorating Nic's room and your afternoon tea. xx

    2. Jean I hope you are having fun with your new machine ! Just typical it would arrive when you left yesterday! Hope Nic loves her room! Xxx

    3. JEAN:- I am delighted with my Platinum. The fact I'd cuts right down the middle is a real bonus. I will not be doing any more than usual with it ... I just wanted a machine that would cut "anywhere" on a piece of card without all the carry on with "shims" etc:-
      Have fun with yours xxx

    4. Jean I hope you had fun decorating Nic's room. Pleased you like your platinum machine. Glad you had a good meet up yesterday xx

  2. Good Morning Sandra &Freinds, very dark and still blowy here but thankfully dry.
    I hope everyone is safe and not flooded out like those poor people I saw on the news last night.
    Sue love your card you made for Sandra, love the dies you have used. I could never get these to cut properly, but have bought Cut-m-Boss spray from Hochanda, and it really makes such a difference, can now use my noble dies as well as a Spellbinder set of rectangles that I've had for year that no machine would cut, worth the money, you get two largest bottles for around the twelve pound mark, but you only need a very small spray. Has any one else tried this.
    Have to do some ironing this morning , then hopefully more cards.
    Have a lovely day, and stay safe everyone.
    Just black coffee and maybe a boilded egg would be nice this morning!
    Crafty Hugs Lilian

    1. Hi Lillian I brought the Spray n boss spray a long time ago & yes it does work Xx

  3. Good morning ladies,
    I am really in a rush but couldn't not come in quickly to say I hope those of you who are experiencing this terrible weather are alright. Margaret it looks like your area has been hit the worst, Hazel I hope Tammy is ok and Maureen your area is also badly hit so hope you are alright.
    Must dash, will be in this evening.
    Sue what a lovely card, like the stamping on vellum,
    Love for now.
    Saba xxx

  4. Morning Everyone
    First for today I hope everyone is safe and no damage. We are still in the middle of full gale force winds and rain heavy at times but thankfully not as bad as my very Dear Friends further North than me. Please Please take care if going out we do not want any mishaps at this time of year.

    Now everything is set for today - Croissants/Pain au Chocolate and of course fresh baked bread with Fig Jam made by the little man in the middle of the Morvan National Park.

    SUE - your birthday card for Sandra is just beautiful. I love your chosen colour (it being one of my favourites) and I too must try stamping on velum. I have this die and use it often.

    I now have a big favour to ask of you all who will be popping in tomorrow.
    In my Family 7th december is a very special day. It is My Granddaughter Leanne's birthday and she would have been 28. We always put our Trees and decorations up on her birthday. I'm going to place a small tree in the window of the cafe tomorrow morning all decorated. Would each of you who pop in tomorrow just add a small bauble on the tree -one which means something to yourself- and help my celebrate Leanne's birthday.
    I hope you don't mind my asking for such a thing.

    I don't know what's happening today as we had planned a visit to Lakeside Shopping Centre nr Doncaster but it's still gales so I'll have to see how things go. Hugs are in their basket. I hope Norah's huggles are grounded and safe.

    1. Put a bauble up for me

    2. I'm just off to find one Janet, that's a lovely idea. Stay safe and warm my sweetheart xxxx

    3. My bauble is going on It's one my dearly departed son made about 30 years ago from flour modelling dough It's very precious

    4. I think mine will be a silver heart bauble. I'm very fond of it. It shines beautifully in the lights! Xxx

    5. What a lovely idea I will put one on with pleasure.xx

    6. Lovely, will put my little glass bell , which is pink and decorated with lace it's nearly 50yrs old and very precious as it was the first one we bought when we were married

    7. Janet, what a lovely idea, mine will be a little gold carousel, (only gold in colour!) our girls always loved it, now the grandchildren look for it on the tree. xx

    8. Brenda, mines not real silver either, but I'm very fond of it! Xxx

    9. Hi Janet that's a lovely idea mine is a bright shiny blue one from Harry's first Christmas last year it's a special one it was the only blue one on the tree. Xxx

  5. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card from Sue, really lovely.

    Well- we still have gale force winds here but luckily the rain has stopped. It was horrendous yesterday. Jean & Myra must have been driving when it was at its worst.

    It's back to the usual chores today then I need to go on the computer then write find Christmas cards ready to post.

    Will pop back later to see what everyone's been up to.


  6. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Sue your card is lovely, I have this die and must I don't use it often enough.
    Well the rain has finally stopped, bit it is quite windy although the sun has made an appearance, but for how long I wonder. There has been a lot of flooding round about us, especially in Fife and Perthshire, I hope Patricia and Hazel haven't been caught up in them.
    Janet I will put a bauble on the tree what a lovely idea,, my eldest son and his wife lost a baby on the 9th December, she would have been 25 this year, her name was Louise. They now have two other children, Gary who is 22 and Kirsty 19.
    Take care everyone, especially if you are out and about. Xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    After another comment flying off to Cyber space yesterday I will say how much I loved all 3 of the Mixed Crafts.
    Karen, your cake is fantastic. I know how much time and effort goes into making them (not by me but by Chris, I must send Sandra some pics of Gems Alice in Wonderland Cake he made a couple of weeks ago) I love all of the detail you have put into it : )
    Janet, What a beautiful wreath, it would look good on any door, and I love the colour scheme : )
    Myra, your baubles are also beautiful and a gorgeous colour. I wouldn't have thought t use the sentiments in this way so will have to remember this one : )
    Those of you that are in the areas that are being affected by the dreadful weather are in my thoughts. I do hope that you are all safe and sound in your homes. My heart goes out to those poor people that have been affected already.
    Thank you for the kind comments on my card today. It was a shock to see it here. I do like stamping on vellum, usually takes me a few goes to get it smudge free, it gives a softer look somehow.
    Sandra, all of my love goes back to you my special friend. You know how grateful I am that I have you in my life. Thank you my lovely : )
    Like the rest of the ladies I am busy at the moment, and a change of drugs are causing me to sleep late into the morning which means I am losing precious time, just when I need it most! Hey ho, I'm not really complaining, especially when I see what some poor souls are going through.
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

  8. Yes!!! I have just popped back in t make sure my comment has appeared and there it is. I have been using my phone to comment on some days and I wonder if that is why some comments don't appear. I will have to try it tomorrow and see if that is what the problem is xx

  9. Beautiful card from Sue in a gorgeous colour Thanks again ladies for your lovely comments about my cake. I, too, can't believe I had all if that patience
    LILLIAN I think it was you that asked about the font I used for Sandra's card It was a free font called Precious (I think) that I downloaded from free It's brill but you have to watch which ones you download for commercial purposes
    I'm glad the ladies enjoyed their meet up
    I was supposed to be going to Hyde Park today but now giving it a miss OH has man flu and I have raging toothache! Ho hum! Take care all and hope that this extreme weather isn't causing anyone too many problems

    1. Karen, I asked you what font you used on Mondays blog, it was just perfect for the card. Thank you for the info, I will look at the web site. xx

  10. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Wow a Sue that's a beauty, love the stamped velum, must try that - it's a good way to use up some of the bits I will cut off when I've finished Groovi items. Thank you for sharing. Xxxx
    Weather here is quiet today with a bit of breeze but quite gloomy. I hope everyone up North is ok - it's a bit worrying Patricia and Hazel haven't commented yet but then again it is such a busy time of year and there is so much to do. I'm just waiting for his lordship to surface before we go rushing off again. We achieved a few things yesterday so just local things today. There was an article on the news a couple of weekes ago about park and ride schemes with some closing down or not used in winter. There are 2 in winchester, both well signposted and close to the motorway. Near Christmas they are often full and they only charge £3. For that you and your car passengers get transported into the centre of the city. There are clean loos and waiting areas and the busses yesterday were running every 10 minutes so although busy it ran like clockwork, even going down the motorway to avoid the traffic in town. It was a real pleasure and they are no longer subsidised. Well that was a good soap box moment :). Must dash, with a tinsel covered wiggle today - oh yes that reminds me, Sandra we aren't decorating our tree until the 19th when Emma gets home at her request, so ours will be a late entry.
    See you later xxxxx

    1. Diane, we used this Park and Ride when we went to the family records office in Winchester. John thought it brilliant value. xx

    2. One of my sisters favourite places Brenda :) xxxx

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone!
    What a lot of lovely cards you had Sandra and this one fromSue is no exception.
    Love the colours used. Lovely shape with a pretty flower and bow. Thank you for showing us your cards.
    I'm having a quiet day to day as this is going to be a busy week! I don't know why I gree to it but each year at Christmas I do a demonstration at a Ladies Group on Christmas floral ideas! It's hard to keep coming up with new ones and it's also a real faff getting everything there and back. However I got some ideas and am getting things put aside ready - children first though on Monday! This will be done on Wednesday afternoon.
    Thursday I hope to finish off Christmas shopping and Friday get the house straight for the weekend. Apart from that I can do exactly as I please! Ha ha!
    Always feel guilty doing that? Why is that?
    I hope everyone is alright after the storms. I know there is still some rain forecast but I think the worst is over. My heart goes out to those who are in a mess like that at anytime but particularly just before Christmas .
    Hope you are feeling better today, Margaret! Stay away from the river - don't want you bobbing along too fast!!!
    Lots of love Myra xxx

  12. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    My thoughts are with you all suffering from this dreadful weather hope you are all safe, thinking especially of those poor people who have lost everything.
    Sandra thank you for showing us Sue's card I love it as you can imagine I am the lucky recipient of many of her cards we don't see enough on the blog are you listening Sue!!
    I have got some time to myself today so must really get on with my cards you are all putting me to shame saying you have posted them.
    Right must get of here & get to work Margaret hope you feel better today hugs on way to all of you who need them love Margaret xx

  13. Hi Karen, Janet & Myra,
    I forgot to say Karen your cake was lovely yesterday such detail well done xx
    Janet I love the wreath reminds me I must make one to take to Crem. for Mum & Dad xx
    Myra your baubles as always are beautiful xx

    1. Thank you Margaret! You are very kind. Everyone is so busy just now . This silly person has hurt her back stretching , dressing trees! Silly Billy, that's me! Xxx

    2. Hi Myra,
      Sorry about your back take it easy as much as you can. I feel quite pleased managed to make some cards this afternoon & have written a lot tonight. Hugs on way xx

    3. Hi MYRA I hope your back is not too painful with stretching 🎄 take care your life seems so busy at the moment & yes you are a Silly Billy but a lovely one Xxx

  14. Hi Sandra and everyone,
    Yesterday I typed a long message and thought I had posted it. Last night when I stopped by it wasn't there. I happened to say to my dear OH that I couldn't understand why. Oh he said when I picked up the iPad there was a message there - I thought you had finished. YES I obviously hadn't pressed publish. Dumbo or what. !!!!! Don't answer that.

    Loved the super Saturday offerings Sandra, Put all the talents the ladies on your blog have they would go 'All the Way to the Moon and Back Again' !!!

    Karen, your hospital bed cake was brilliant, you had put so much detail into decorating it.

    Janet, the wreath is beautiful, again so much work has gone into the design, love the colour.

    Myra, your baubles are gorgeous. You have given me an idea, I usually make my own gift tags, I could cut them out with a bauble die and match them to the gift wrap. Your an inspiration, Thank you xx

    1. I'm loosing it, hadn't finished my messages and pressed publish.

      Sandra, your birthday card from Sue is beautiful love the colour. I do find velum so useful for adding sentiments, it does not distract from the card, but delivers the message.

      Margaret I saw your area on the news it really looks dreadful, I feel for all those who have lost homes and businesses. Hazel hope it hasn't got any worse for Tammy and family. In fact I hope ALL our friends up north are safe and well.

      I am going to make sure I press publish to day and deliver my post.
      What ever you are doing I hope you are all enjoying your day.

      Sending Lov and hugs, Brenda xxx

    2. Oh Brenda! Thank you so much! Never been called an inspiration before! Have been called a lot worse - careful Muriel!
      Don't worry about a day's missing post! You are among friends here.
      Have a lovely day. Xxx

  15. Heloooo!! folks, that's us just back. Went out "food" shopping. Met friends went for lunch, still there 3 hours later, had coffee, had to leave when I remembered I had some "frozen" stuff in the car.....!!! How can you spend so much time "chatting" ???
    SUE:- your card is stunning, love the colours and your great design.
    MARGARET:- hope you and your friends are all safe and dry. Look after yourself ..... no more doing too much please.
    We have had the most beautiful, sunny day here today. Very cold but Hey! Ho! we can cope with that.
    My heart goes out to all those poor people who have lost so much in the terrible floods. Fairly puts things into perspective, all the Glitz and Tinsel are immaterial when they have no where to display them.
    Must go get moving, things to do, projects to finish.
    Topped up the Hug Basket ..... NORAH :- where are you?? we some of your naughty huggles they are so much more fun. xxx

  16. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card Sue made for your birthday. Love these dies, and the colours she's used.
    I've been busy cutting out dies for Christmas cards. Why oh why does it take so long to do. I should gave started a month ago. I always say I'm going to but never do. We're off to Toms on Wed morning so must get a wriggle on. No tree up yet Sandra, if Pete had his way we'd have nothing Christmassy up at all. I'll give myself a pat on the back as I've done all of my ironing as well today.
    I hope that all of you ladies are safe and none of your homes have been flooded. It's awful what's happening up in Cumbria and Scotland. I must take a picture of the wreath I made on Friday for Sandra. Take care with your back Myra and try not to do to much this week so it heals nicely before Christmas. No school for me tomorrow as the little children really need to rehearse all day for their nativity without any distractions. Me a distraction, never I hear you say. So that means I need to take Ellis's false teeth into the dentist to see if they can fix them, then pick up two Christmas present vouchers from Daisyroots pottery. I was banking on being at school and Pete would be taking the teeth to the dentist.

  17. Hi Ladies , sorry I didn't manage in yesterday but can I say Karen you are so talented at cake decorating , it is a work of art!
    Janet your wreath is stunning , I love the colour and the flowers are beautiful!
    Myra your tree must look exquisite with all these gorgeous baubles on it!
    Sue , your card for Sandra is beautiful I love the dies used and the colour is one of my favourites!
    Well folks I hope you are all ok after all this horrid weather, sending love and hugs to you all xoxo

  18. Hello all, hope everyone is ok ?
    Had really good day, finished ironing, beds changed washed and put away.
    This afternoon I've had a lovely time painting and using mica powders, which I haven't done in ages, also used creative imaginations sparkle paint which is great.
    Looks as though everyone has gone to bed so I'll say goodnight.

  19. Arrrrrrrrrr my long post didn't publish its vanished B....y cybra people
    Hello again Sandra & Everyone I hape living in Cumbriai & Scotland are all ok after all the horrid weather.Sue your card for SANDRA is Gorgeous I love that die & the colours are so pretty. We are missing Tickles & Bambi is sulking bless.
    I have made 9 cards today & still got 5 more to make tomorrow & two birthday ones.I took about 8 to post last week & nearly fainted when she said how much it cost for postage. I have lots of appointments coming up Diabetic clinic ear clinic Gynaecology clinc then Dentist on 18 Th. Then going to Lisa's after as Joseph birthday. We don't put a tree up SANDRA as we go too Lisa Christmas Day & Boxing Day so I will take a picture of her one. Darren & family also come to Lisa boxing day so nice all together.
    I think I will say good night as don't want to lose this post as well.
    Hug's Lynda xx
