
Saturday 5 December 2015

Mixed Craft Saturday

Karen's Hospital Bed Cake

Janet's Christmas Wreath

Myra's Peace on Earth Bauble
Myra's Noel Bauble

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

Welcome once again to our Mixed Craft Saturday, we have another wonderful selection of crafts,
you ladies are just so amazingly talented!

First up today we have the most amazing cake, made by Karen, it is the perfect replica of a Hospital Bed with a patient, Karen has gone to such amazing detail, adding everything you could think of down to Bedside Cabinet, bowl of fruit and even a patch on the bed cover!!
Karen made this cake for a Hospital Fete back in the 80's, well I can say it hasn't dated at all.
Thank you very much for sharing this amazing cake with all of us today! xxxx

Next up we have a fabulous Christmas Wreath that has been designed and created by our Janet,
it looks like Janet has used Poinsettia's and Ivy to fill the wreath, the lovely Creative Expressions
Season's Greetings die cut in the centre and a lovely bow to finish off at the top!
I love it Janet, I love the colours you have chosen too, thank you so much for sharing it with all of us xxxx

Last but not least its Myra's beautiful baubles, and what a fine pair they make, beautifully decorated with Creative Expressions Peace on Earth and Noel die cuts some decorative pearl embellishments, both finished off with some beautiful ribbon, Mrya, your vast array of craft skills just blow me away, all of your makes are so beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing all that you make with us all xxxx

I hope that you all have a lovely weekend ladies,
Love and hugs
Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Goodness what a lovely selection of crafts today-
    Karen-your cake is simply stunning. I wouldn't want to cut into something so amazing.

    Janet- your wreath is gorgeous.

    Myra- nice baubles!!

    I hope everyone calls in & explains how they made their goodies.

    Well - the weather here is horrendous, gale force winds & we had torrential rain overnight. Hubby checked the golf club website & as expected they've shut the course. He was glad he hadn't had a wasted journey but some will as they won't be able to check online.

    I hope Jean & Myra are still OK for meeting me as I've reserved a table at the Chocolate Shop for us!

    I'll pop in later & let you know how we got on.


    1. Great! Just about to leave! Xxx

    2. Enjoy just remember to apologise when you leave for the laughter that was going on. You could always make out you were the other twos career ??? Tin hat xxx

  2. I love it when little groups of you are getting to meet up, I feel kind of proud that so many of you are getting together through my blog!
    I hope the three of you have a wonderful time, wear plenty of padding, just to warn you, your bum will be numb before you know it, Pat Sue and I chatted for hours on our first meeting, 3 hours flew by in what seemed like minutes!
    You are destined for a great time though to be honest, you are three of the most kind hearted and friendly ladies, you are meeting in a chocolate shop and if I remember there is a craft shop nearby!!!
    Sounds like a perfect day to me, have a truly wonderful time ladies and I look forward to hearing all about it later on.
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxx

    1. Thanks Sandra! I am looking forward to meeting Michele no Jean! Thank goodness it's not too far away as its blowing a gale and pouring wet!! Don't know why I bothered doing my hair! Xxxx

    2. Just pop the paper bag on Myra - oh oh - tin hat time :) xxxxx

  3. Good morning Sandra & Friends, very blowy here today but not as bad as forecast, hope it doesn't get worse.
    Karen your cake is great, such attention to detail.
    Janet your wreath is lovely,nice soft colours
    Myra the baubles are lovely, love the peace on earth
    Michele hope the meet up goes ahead and the weather isn't too bad, have a lovely time , not toooooooo much chocolate!!!!!!
    I am here in bed on Utube looking for ideas for my C cards as I haven't started them yet ! O/H is away hence the luxury of watching Utube in bed.
    We'll have found some nice ides so I'd better shift myself and go and get started.

    Hope you all have a good Saturday, Sandra thanks for the email, will send a reply later.
    Crafty Hugs everyone. Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      I hope you have a good start to your Christmas cards. It takes forever to die cut doesn't it. Especially when you want the Christmas borders. You could do with 2 of everything.

  4. Good morning Sandra and the Cafe Crew, what weather !!! that's all I am going to say?
    Wow! Oh! Wow! what a fantastic selection of "goodies"
    KAREN:- that cake is amazing, absolutely perfect in every way.
    JANET:- love your Christmas Wreath, has a really wintery feel and lots of great textures.
    MYRA:- I also love your beautiful hearts, I have some of these ... guess what might be happening today??
    I very late getting up today. Very busy yesterday, got lots done, even managed to squeeze in some "playtime" Made a box similar to the Three Wise Men Lanterns I have done recently. Big difference is, I managed to cut all the pieces "in the centre" of an A4 sheet of card then fold and stick. Rather than having to cut each panel separate and then attach. Posted lots of my cards, well John did, I don't do going out in the wind and rain.
    I buy books of stamps every time I am in the Post office though out the year. That way I don't feel the big expense of buying Stamps at Christmas.
    Right must go Thomas will be here soon. Robert is playing for Dundee United's under 10s this morning. It's wet, windy and rather dark, Thomas is like me ..... does not do that kind of weather!!
    MYRA, JEAN, MICHELE:- have the most wonderful time. Just watch out for Myra she has a wicked sense of humour. Be warned there will be lots of laughter, chat and of course eating ... all in a .... "Chocolate Shop" !!! What could be better??
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door ... NORAH! where are you??? We need some of your "huggles" in that basket. xxx

    1. Thank you! You are a stirrer! Hope Robert wins! I'm going to try to make a good impression but maybe it's a bit late for that now! Xxx

    2. Patricia did you hear the penny drop? I hadn't thought of making 3 wise men lanterns! I must give it a go - and remember to pick up battery tea lights! Thank you for the idea - stay safe and warm xxxxx

    3. Diane the wise men ones are fantastic. I am giving one to Mary Anna's piano teacher instead of a card. I bit different I think. xxx

    4. Hi Patricia
      I could do with a few lessons in making lanterns. I don't do well with instructions. I'm getting Christmas out of the way then I'll have a go. Did anyone manage to find some days with 48 hrs in, I could do with a few. I've just sat down after running around all day. We're off to Toms on Wed morning it's a humans holiday as I take over the cooking while I'm down they're. I'm hoping to get to the draft shop in Clacton while I'm down there. Fingers crossed.

    5. Make sure you dress up warmly then Pat, keep those drafts out :) xxxxxx

  5. I am not going to say good morning! As it is awful here, Tammy lives by the river and it's burst the first bank/defence and we have more rain to come, they will be watching it very closely.
    Another morning of wonderful crafts by our talented ladies.
    Karen, the work you put into this fantastic cake it unbelievable.
    Janet, I love your wreath again lots of work.
    Myra, more of your gorgeous baubles, love them.
    Now I do hope that our three ladies are going to get there meet up? Michele did you book the table for at least 3 hours as that's about the average meet up time!!!
    Well I am being lazy, sitting here still in my pjs. A bit of a sore leg and back but nothing to write home about as they say. Last nights school fair was ok considering the weather! But a lot of lookers and not much money being spent. I did ok but the others saying they didn't cover their £10 table cost. The ladies who sell the door wreaths who you have to usually order from as they run out very quickly still had loads left, plus the cake and candy table. Granted the rules now are all ingredients to be listed, cakes have to be wrapped in cellophane or in clear containers, so not a lot had been donated and didn't sell!!.,. Tells you how bad it was. As my things were low priced I was lucky. Saying that my gift bags were bought by the high school girls who thought they were " cute" to use for sercet Santa gifts for friends. After eights in their holders sold well too.
    Car not unpacked as it was bad enough loading it with the wind and so it stayed in the car. The car doors weren't staying open put it that way.
    So I have been ordered to take it easy today didn't stop yesterday from getting up at 6 to going to bed at gone 10. I have orders to do but I am going to wait.
    Now Sheila, Maureen, Cheryl and Norah I hope you are all ok as I see you haven't been in yesterday? Cheryl I did read you weren't to well so I hope you are feeling a bit better. Norah I do think you are still sore after your trip round the range? So please just sit and knit and let those legs rest.
    Off to get myself a cup of tea. Xxx

    1. Hazel that's such a shame for the school but good that you had some winners with teen girls. Enjoy your rest today, make sure you do as you are told! Xxxx

    2. Diane I will rest. Body is telling me to and I have a load of orders to see too so need to be able to deal with them. Was hoping I didn't sell my after eight holders as I now have the ones for the unit to do. At least I can sit to do them. Xxx

  6. Good morning ladies,
    Will pop in later and comment, in a rush - off to meet Myra and Michele, looking forward to seeing them.
    Be back later
    Hugs Jean xx

    1. Hello Jean, looking forward to meeting you. I think you may have the farthest to travel . Xxx

  7. Good morning one & all,

    Love today's mixed crafts. Such a quirky cake Karen, it gave me a chuckle.
    Your understated wreath Janet is so pretty.
    Have to cut some baubles for our new Brownie pack so will print off your gorgeous picture Myra to show them what they can do.

    Wind is gale force here in my little corner of Somerset, no going out today, garden can wait.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl
      Lovely to hear from you. To windy to go out especially into the garden. Hugs to you.

  8. Hello Sandra,
    Good morning all! Well the weather isn't great but we'll get over it! I've heard great reports of this Chocolate Shop! Never been myself - shocking really!
    My friend went with her grandson and they had a sharing platter of pieces of fruit to be dipped in chocolate sauce! Tarleton is a nice little village . Thankfully the car park is just outside the shop! So it will be - run Myra!!
    Thank you Sandra, for showing the hearts! I had fun painting them . I used Imagination Crafts Starlight paint in Cyclamen. It dries really quickly - less than 20 minutes. Then I rubbed some sparkly Stickles around the edge of the Noel one. Covered the letters with Cosmic Shimmer Varnish then ribbons etc! Easy really.
    Janet - your wreath is lovely . I love poinsettias and this would look lovely just about anywhere in the home.
    Karen - you are clever! I love that cake! The patient does look poorly! My favourite bit is the patch !!
    Must go, Back later.
    Love Myra xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies, I haven't said good morning as it is awful here, so much rain and very windy, what a night (song there)!!! Heard on the news so many roads closed, landslides, flooding,and accidents, and the Forth road bridge being closed is causing a lot of tailbacks.
    Anyway back to today's goodies,
    Michele your cake looks amazing, shame it had to be cut into.
    Janet love your door wreath.
    Myra your baubles are amazing, you are a very talented lady.
    I don't think I will be going anywhere today, so a wee bit of ironing, then off to craft, can't be bad can it?
    Myra, Michele and Jean have a lovely day meeting up, the time will pass so quickly.
    Take care everyone, especially if you are out and about. Xxx

    1. Hi Jess
      It's a shame I didn't read this earlier, I could have sent some of my ironing up to you.

  10. So sorry Karen, I said it was Michele's cake, must write things down before commenting. Karen you cake is lovely, you have a lot of patience to do things so perfectly. Xx

  11. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    It's blowing a hooley here today but no rain at the moment! I really feel for our Scottish ladies and those up north, you really have got it bad today - take care everyone xxxxx
    Karen what a fantastic cake, so much detail, I love it. I would have struggled to cut it I know. Thank you for sharing xxxxx
    Janet what a pretty wreath, I must try and make time to have a play at things like this - I run out of fun time when making Christmas cards. Thank you for sharing - I love the colours - so pretty xxxxx
    Myra - what a beautiful pair ;) something else I must try - I'm not keen on the sentiment dies but when I see them on things like this I really like them - something else I must try. Thank you for sharing. Xxxxx
    Well ladies I hope the meet up is good - great company and chocolate, what more could you want! I'm looking forward to hearing about it later. Xxxx
    We have planned to go round the Christmas market in winchester today and hopefully finish the shopping. Julian is still sound asleep so I'm loathed to wake him as he is exhausted. He tried to finish early yesterday, he suggested going out for a coffee and cake, got there, phone rang, got out the car, phone rang - lost reception in the shop for the most part, had coffee and cake, started to look for my Christmas present, phone rang, may have to go back to site! Left shop with phone glued to ear and me driving! Two hours later problem sorted and Julian asleep in the chair! Let's try again today!
    See you all later xxxxxx

  12. Helloooo! I'm back from a very hot Cuba to a freezing cold UK! I didn't like to advertise too much that I was out of the country.
    I hope yo ladies enjoy your meet up, I know you will. It will feel like yo've known each other for years - chocolate too!
    Thank you for your lovely comments about my cake. I did enjoy making cakes back then. It was very theraputic to do and was very relaxing after a stressful day looking after a toddler and baby, It was a design copied from a Jane Asher book again
    I love your wreath Janet I have never made a wreath, perhaps next year I'll try. The baubles are terrific too, Myra. Something else I must try.
    Right I have tons to do, washing, knitting - for my daughter's friend and card making. Off to Winter Wonderland in Hyde Park tomorrow. I'll just make a cuppa and scroll back to see what I've missed first

    1. Hi Karen good to see you back - sounds like you had a lovely time - don't blame you for not advertising you are away. Looking forward to hearing about your holiday soon xxxx

    2. Hi Karen I'm glad you had a lovely holiday. I hope you enjoy Winter Wonderland. I went with a friend on Thursday and had a lovely time.

  13. Oh the weather here is still awful, no let up. Not only is our Forth
    Road .bridge closed so is the M90 both ways just passed Perth on the the way to Edinburgh due to flooding. All I can say thank goodness it's not cold enough for the white stuff. It's that dark we have had the lights on since getting up this morning.
    Karen, so glad you had a lovely holiday, pity about coming back to cold weather. I hope you don't have rain for going to the Winter Wonderland.
    Well our ladies are hopefully enjoying each other's company and lots of lovely chocolate too!!! xxx

  14. Afternoon Ladies

    Well-I had a great time chatting with Jean & Myra. We have agreed to meet up again in the New Year which will be something nice to look forward to.

    Hubby been in the loft & retrieved the Xmas decorations and the tree. All sorted & boxes put in the garage once i'd shifted the rates of craft stuff i'd dumped in there! Also brought down 5 boxes of assorted items out of the loft which are now all over the spare bed -a lot will be going to the charity shop.

    Bit more sorting then I need to start tea-daft day for me to offer to cook but there you go...DAFT!!! Ha ha.


    1. Hello Michele,
      It so nice to meet you and Jean and I think we all deserve a medal for driving through awful weather! Jean and I were running to the Craft shop and my umbrella blew inside out! Hope Jean got home safely.
      Late calling in as I too have been decorating a tree! Nearly finished and the place looks so much cheerier with all the lights now! Xxx

  15. Hello Sandra and Ladies!
    It was lovely to meet Jean and Michele and we spent just over two hours in the Chocolate Shop! We had two rounds of coffee! We left as we felt we had occupied a table for long enough! Busy place and very nice! Last time I was there it was a ladies shop, called Touché . It obviously went out of business when I stopped going ha ha!! They actually began to concentrate more on Weddings and outfits for the Races etc! I think that's why they closed really.
    Jean and Michele are lovely and we chatted like old friends. As Michele has said we do hope to meet again when the weather perks up a bit!
    I will pop back to the Craft shop too!
    Hope no one has blown away today! Wow what weather!

    1. Hi Myra
      I'm glad you all had a lovely time when you met up. It's lovely that we all seem to get on so well when we meet for the first time isn't it. Num bums are the norm now when we meet aren't they. Chocolate shop sounds great.

    2. Sorry Pat, I'm a bit late! Christmas is the problem! I want to get all the boxes put away. I was tidy yesterday!
      The chocolate shop was looking very and very busy. Xxx

  16. Hello everyone-
    It was lovely to meet Myra and Michele today, we really had a good chat and some coffee - the Chocolate Shop is just lovely - we have agreed to meet again when theres better weather - Oh my the country roads were flooded coming home but head down and drive through it - been shopping and then son and DIL came round, only just left so tea time now.
    Lovely assortment of items on the blog today - well done ladies - now I know to put a face to two names here haha
    All for now
    Jean xx

    1. Jean, glad you had a good meet up. It's good to put faces to names. I can imagine your drive home will have been scary, but yes you just have to go for it. xxx

    2. Your meet up sounds like it was fun - good to hear you are all home safe and sound xxxx

    3. Great how we all get on when we meet, glad you all got home safe and sound. X

  17. Hello All,
    We have some wonderful offerings today. I could never cut into that cake Karen, it's just fantastic.
    Janet your Christmas wreath is gorgeous, soo pretty.
    Myra - your baubles are beautiful, just stunning.
    I'm sorry that I haven't time to comment more as I'm off to do hospital visiting again.
    Muriel xx

  18. Hello all you lovelies,
    Sorry I didn't get in this morning, with Peter around I just never got time before we left MIL's. Then to the cash and carry which took ages and the queues at the till were a nightmare. Home about 4pm and promptly fell asleep for two hours.
    Today's beautiful gifts are all fabulous.
    Karen I am in awe of anyone who can make a cake, but yours has me in double awe, such a lot of detail in the decoration. It's amazing. Hope it tasted as good as it looked. Glad to have you back.
    Janet what a lovely wreath, if I had more time I would copy that idea, I absolutely love it, oh and by the way, felt a bit bad yesterday, you called me your Yorkshire Rose and a few days ago I called you my Yorkshire Pudding, wish I'd remembered what else went with yorkshire!!!
    Myra I love seeing your bits and bobs. These are just lovely, I bet your tree is beautiful, you make such special decorations.
    So lovely to hear of today's meet, it has got to be the winner in terms of location. Chocolate and Craft! Be a good name for a shop, maybe we should open one!
    Glad you all managed to get there despite that terrible weather.
    This mornings fun was clipping the chickens wings. They are young ones and have as you know been testing their flying abilities. Not anymore though. They were not easy to catch. I went into the coop and Peter waited outside the door with his scissors. First one easy peasy just picked her up and carried her outside. Peter clipped her and job done. She was then put into the outside chicken garden. Second and subsequent ones must have decided that since their friend hadn't come back in, no way were they going out of that door with me. I cajoled, clucked and tried every soothing thing I could but they still ran around in a frenzy each time I went towards them and don't forget these little monkeys could fly. And they did, over my head in a confined space and it was not pleasant. However they are now all done, safe in their garden (unless my fox chooses to visit, or a buzzard) and none of them suffered during their wing trim. I on the other hand will be chasing them in my sleep!!
    Right off to make some dinner, easy pasta tonight and a big bottle of something very nice.
    Busy day tomorrow so will be in late again.
    Love and hugs for all.
    Brenda Littlelamb, missing you lots, hope you are alright.
    Ps Muriel special hug on its way, watch out it doesn't knock you over.

    1. I hasten to add it should be Mr. Fox, I do not personally own one.

    2. My dear, you have had a fun filled few days! Time to relax now and recharge the batteries! No not battery hens!!! Xxxx

    3. Haha Saba, you must be dreaming about Yorkshire puddings! You can have Yorkshire tea or Yorkshire Parkin ! Xxxx

  19. Evening everyone, weather much better here now, haven't been except to get the paper when I nearly got blown over, and I'm no light Weight mores the pity.
    Well it's taken me all day but have done 8 cards, simple design but changed colour stamping.
    Hubby home at about 8.30 pm, so late dinner tonight.
    Have a good evening everyone. Lilian

  20. Hello Ladies, I'm still dressing trees etc. I do want to thank you all for your kind comments today! Just in case I forget before you go to bed! You may never speak to me again!
    I would hate that! Xxxx

  21. Oh very quiet in here tonight, then again I think a few might be like us and having internet problems! All this water isn't helping. I feel for those who have once again lost their homes and belongings. The river defences still aren't working? The big wigs say they will and Mother Nature proves them wrong.
    So stay as safe as you can by staying in doors. xxx

    1. Hazel I hope Tammy is ok and doesn't get flooded out. Keep safe and dry xxxxx

  22. Hi Sandra
    Well I was so busy yesterday I seemed to have missed your wonderful card, and nearly missed yesterday altogether.
    Another stunning array of crafts today. Karen's hospital cake is a masterpiece. I have trouble with a sponge, let alone a creation like this. Must have led a very sheltered life. Mind you I did live in an over sized pig sty till I was 11. It seems to have hindered me somewhat.
    Love Janet's wreath, all made out of dies, how gorgeous it looks as well. Love the shade of grey as well. Last but not least Myras baubles. Love both of them. Like Littlelamb Myra is a multi talented lady.

  23. Hellooooo everyone
    So sorry to have been missing but at the moment I could do with having 60 hours in the day never mind having 48! Plus I have not been feeling too bright and bushy tailed.
    First of all everything today so, so, lovely, Karen your cake is amazing and as for the wreath that is unbelievable and last but not least the bauble is wonderful lots of inspiration for us all! Many thanks to Karen, Janet and Myra.
    We are on a red flood warning here in Cockermouth, the local school has been opened as a rescue centre as the river has breached the new flood defenses, the Man Street has been evacuated which has Wordsworth House on it (where William Wordsworth was born) the whole street is flooded with over three feet of water, the hotel nearby is also flooded and staff and guests have had to be moved upstairs and it is reported that one of the main bridges in town has been washed away, so our little market town is in trouble I fear. The main problem is two rivers meet in the centre of town so we get twice the amount of water. We live on the edge of town which is up on the hill looking down onto the town, so no risk of floods for us. As a lot of the shops are on the Main Street and have had to be evacuated I really feel for the shop owners as this happened in 2009 and it was dreadful for over 12 months for them all until everything was restored.
    At present the rain has stopped but the winds are dreadful, according to those cheery weather people more heavy rain is on the way! Anyone who knows the Lake District will know Keswick, it is flooded as their flood defenses are breached and the town is cut off with the rescue people finding it difficult to cope apparently but there are three international rescue agency teams on their way to Cumbria to help at Keswick, Kendal and Cockermouth. As always the wonderful members of the Mountain Rescue teams are helping out too.
    I just pray there will be no loss of life, last time we lost a member of the police who was standing on a bridge stopping traffic when the bridge collapsed into the river.
    Take care everyone in this dreadful weather.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Oh Margaret! I'm so sorry firstly that you have been unwell and then to crown it all - torrential rain and floods! I do hope and pray that it isn't as bad as feared. I remember 2009 and how badly people were affected. Let's pray there is no loss of life. Take care my dear! Hope you feel loved to better very very soon! Xxx

    2. Margaret, I am hoping and praying that everyone is safe in your part of the world. Sorry that you have been off colour too, hope that despite all the devastation around you things will soon improve for you health wise. Take care, hugs and gentle strokes for your lovely corgis.

    3. Well another post is out there with those other ones!! What does it matter, think of those who tonight don't have a home to live in or belongings as once again they are flooded. This is where we need to put things into prospective. A bit of oil on the cutting plates or a card not working out how we want, or our dear beloved husbands doing our heads in as they haven't done what we want is NOTHING!!!
      Stop and think of these folk who are left once again with NOTHING!!.
      Stay safe and warm. xxx

    4. Margaret, I feel so much for these poor folk. Perth is on red alert, flood gates closed. Will the defences hold Tammy lives very close to the river. Sorry you are not to good please take care. I know living day today will have its Challenges Over the next few weeks and months just getting around and even down to how to get there. I think question will be asked why millions of pounds have been wasted as again the defences have failed. xxx

    5. Totally agree with you Hazel, just hope everyone stays safe.

    6. Margaret we've just looked on the internet, the pictures of your area are shocking. I really feel for everyone, I can't believe the new flood defences haven't held - that's awful. I hope you stay safe and hope you feel better soon xxxxx

  24. Ladies just want to say to all of you affected by this awful weather you are having, stay safe and I sincerely hope none of your families or loved ones affected by the flooding.
    Love to all

  25. Margaret, hope all is ok with you, I remember that stories about the last flood you had.
    Maybe we should all build an ark, I think I would need two, one of us and one for all my craft stuff!!!

    1. Oh Jess , that made me laugh! It has been such an awful day. Feel desperately sorry for those who are fearful of losing everything just before Christmas. Just praying everyone stays safe tonight!
      Love to all Myra xxx
