
Sunday 13 December 2015

Festive Treat Sunday !!

Myra's Beautiful Christmas Tree

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,

A special Sunday treat for you this week, I am so thrilled that Myra sent me in this photograph of her
exquisitely decorated tree!
Myra I absolutely love how you have decorated your tree, it is so classy, those beautiful flowers that look like lillies are so pretty, not something I would have ever considered putting on my tree but they look perfect, and match so well with the exquisite bow that you have topped your tree with.  I love those little Tassel decorations too, your beautiful beaded snowflakes reflect the light and sparkle prettily!
Thank you so very much Myra, it was so kind of you to share your tree with us, it feels like we have popped round for coffee and a mince pie with you ! and what a pleasure it was xxx

We are going to be getting festive in our house today too, I will be baking some more mince pies in the morning, Paul will have to go and buy a bigger pot to plant the tree in as the little old chap that we get our tree from only had 3ft or 8ft trees left, naturally I wanted a big one!  I can't wait to get it in and decorated, although we made need to buy some more lights!  I did get some more Christmas cards made yesterday, while watching Sue, I was so pleased that they read my email out, its such a shame they won't let Sue send her cards out at the end of the show, but I do like the fact that she gets much more time to demonstrate!
I hope that you all get time to pop in today, 
love and hugs


  1. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, early this morning, my hip has been bad all night , so as I have a lot to do thought I may as well get up.
    Myra your tree is beautiful, so classy looking , I love all the decorations you have.
    First Carol concert this afternoon, as OH is church organist he plays for quite a few, I used to do them all but now only go to this one as its afternoon and not in the evening.
    Made quite a few cards yesterday so am getting there slowly, you should see my room or maybe not, will have to tidy up, to start work tomorrow.
    Not much other news, will pop back later, to read everyone's news.
    Crafty hugs ready, although they are a bit frayed at the edges.

    1. Hi Lilian sorry your in pain with your hip take care & try not to over do it. Enjoy the Carol service Xx

  2. Morning Everyone
    Well we had another horrible day here yesterday (weather wise) it was torrential rain all day and a couple of houses further down the hill from us was flooded.
    I'm sorry I didn't get back in for Afternoon Tea as we were invaded by visitors yesterday afternoon and then My Grandson came early evening.
    Anyway everything is set today - tea urn on/coffee pot on/croissants warming and for Tea this afternoon Fruit Scones/clotted cream and Damson Jam.
    I hope you all enjoy.

    MYRA - what a beautiful tree - your decoration of it is just gorgeous from top to bottom. Who puts the Bow on top and reaches up for the top branches? If it's you do you get your Broomstick out to hover? (hehehe).

    I'm starting the mammouth task of wrapping presents today. I can see me still doing this at the end of the week. So I think by mid afternoon (after a couple of coffee rests and lunch) I shall be going round in circles not knowing where I am.

    I'll try and pop in later to see you all. Good luck with the decorations Sandra.

    1. Hi Janet, I think the stretching from a step stool may have caused the back pain!!! Oops! Xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Myra-your Christmas tree looks stunning! Very classy & tasteful-makes ours look like Blackpool Illuminations.

    I wrote all the cards yesterday & will pop them in the post today. Everything is wrapped except hubby's jumper which will be done soon.

    Hubby must have set off early again-apart from coming home tonight he'll be away until Saturday. Hadn't realised he was having to work 7 days without a break. Am glad the golf competition was cancelled yesterday so he could have a lazy day.

    Once I've done my chores & put dinner in the slow cooker, I think I'll have a play with my new die I bought yesterday.


  4. Good morning Sandra and all who are coming in today. oh a croissant sound nice this wet and dark morning we have here. Sorry to hear about your neighbours down the road Janet,when is it going to stop.
    Myra, that is a lovely tree ! Beautiful with all the decorations with those big flowers and the big bow at the top. Maybe she got this new thing to put the bow up with, the hoverboard hihi In an hours time I will be home alone and need to get a good big wiggle on to sort out a space in the bedroom for some of the crafts that's taking up a quarter of the kitchen at the moment. Not sure where but need must. Feel like I have been through a pinball machine so taken some painkillers. Hope you all have a good(ish) day whatever you are up too. Can't wait to see your tree Sandra! Love and hugs to you all ,Maria xxxx

    1. Hi Maria. I'm sorry to hear you aren't feeling too good today. Please don't go doing too much sorting, it will still be there tomorrow when, hopefully, you will be feeling better. Take care x

    2. Hi again Maria. Have you looked at Sue's blog today? x

    3. Yes I have tihi I'm doing gentle somersaults around the living room !! Everything now moved from around my bed so next step is to take some up stairs from the kitchen and fill the spaces again. I have so much but still want more, oh dear Hochanda just on with the sparkle medium from Imagination Craft, it's sooo luch tihi

    4. Congratulations Maria!! You won't need a hoverboard today!! Couldn't have happened to a nicer lady! Xxx

    5. Maria my little cherub i was so very very pleased to see your name amongst this weeks winners of the comment game. I hope that when your prize arrives it is a) one that you don't have and b) that you enjoy playing with before the big day. That was nice of Sue to give you a nice little lift like that just at Christmas. Enjoy it flower and honest it won't take up that much room so OH can't complain. ;D
      love x

    6. MARIA, Yippee !!!!! I want to add my CONGRATULATS with all the others, I was so pleased to see your name on so Sue's blog.
      Enjoy xxx

    7. Hope you realise that should say 'congratulation's' LOL

    8. I thought you started speaking Esperanto hihi because Gratulera is Congrats in Swedish. Thank you all, you do get a funny feeling seeing your name up on her blog xxx

    9. Hello MARIA yaaaay you are a winner on Sue's blog CONGRATLATIONS I'm so pleased for you my lovely friend,
      Sorry your not feeling well.
      Hug's Lynda xxx

    10. Well done Maria, I did a little happy dance for you xxxx

    11. Saw your name this morning, great one of the gang has won.

  5. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Thought I would pop in early before I get distracted again. There's so much hustle and bustle at this time of the year. I'm hoping Julian will help me with some high dusting today - well you don't keep a dog and bark yourself do you! I point and he just reaches, otherwise it's me on a chair or jumping yo and down! Next week is incredibly busy for both of us so I'm trying to get a head for Emma coming home. She said last night she was starting to get home sick as her friends are going home and she's looking forward to seeing us all. She's changed her mind about food too - all along it's been pizza from her favourite shop for Saturday night - now it's a home cooked meal. It will just be good to have her home.
    Myra your tree is beautiful , looks like one of those ones you see in posh magazines. Now if I'd had to guess I would have said you because it's very sophisticated and all matches! Just like you my lovely lady. Xxxxx
    It looks like the sun is trying to come out today here, that helps too doesn't it. Janet your poor neighbours, was that just sheer volume of rain water? That happened to a friend of mine - short sharp very heavy rain and it all came down the hill into her lounge! Her daughter was quite little at the time so she was working at night and she came home to her husband in panic using all the towels he could find to mop up the water! After that he replaced their front grass with gravel to absorb the water if it ever happened again.
    Maria I hope you've looked on Sues blog today!
    I hope everyone is ok and has time today for a quick sit down and a cuppa rather than a take away cup. Hope to see you all later xxxxx

  6. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Myra, what a beautiful tree, so elegant.
    Our tree will be like Michele's I think as it has all manner of decorations, including all that the children have made over the years (even ones that have got really tatty, they get tucked away on inner branches) I will send a photo once we finally get around to putting it and the decorations up!
    Sandra, have fun decorating your tree today and with the baking too my lovely. Guess who forgot to record Sue's shows! I'm glad that you had your message read out though : )
    Karen, what wonderful news, you will love being a Granny. Stock up on the tissues though, you will need them when you get to meet that precious bundle of love for the first time: )
    Janet, thank you for the lovely warm croissants, just what I fancied today : )
    Well, the bingo went well last night, and after another busy and late night I am not doing much today until this evening when we go with out for a meal to celebrate a family birthday.
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

  7. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra enjoy decorating the tree hope to do mine today.xx
    Myra your tree is stunning must take ages xx
    Sue pleased to hear party & bingo went well go easy today please listen to Mummy!! Xx
    Lillian sorry your hip is painful it's a job to get away from it sending hugs xx
    Must get on lots of jobs need doing & have a busy week ahead hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  8. Good morning, well it's nearer lunch time! Where has the morning gone? My friend June phones ever Sunday and we have a long catch up, but we got interrupted by her son in law calling in to see them so she phoned back so another long chat. Tammy phoned long chat. Been doing up an order which I will take to Perth tonight and Tammy will deliver this week. It was for 5 XCut big gift backs with 6 5x5 cards and a lovely pen in each. The cards were just each one embossed differently, easy to do they are wrapped in tissue and in the bags tied up with ribbon. Plus an empty gift bag, so all done. Trying to tidy the room up now. I need to just get my finger out.
    Myra, your tree is stunning, love your decorations. We have decided not to put the tree up, if it had I have to say I don't put a lot on mine, I have 6 inch lengths of crystal beads that I hang over branches and just 1 or 2 other little bits plus lights. The crystals twinkle In the light, and it give a nice effect.
    Maureen, I do hope you are taking it easy.
    Sheila, I hope you are ok, was it Nikki weekend?
    Cheryl, are you ok too? I hope you are not ill?
    Lilian, sorry you had a night of pain, yes I am the same I get up as lying in bed doesn't help.
    Lynda,you have been awol. Again are you ok?
    Now Norah, are we going to be blessed with another great story that stirs up our memories today, I just love when you do this, that huggle that Myra keeps feeding is looking like he needs a bigger outfit? They are so cute even if they are up to mischief!
    Sending ((((((( hugs)))))) to those who are needing them at the moment.
    Off to attack the spare bed and hope I fine it. xxx

    1. Hi Hazel im ok thanks just been busy,someone keeps pinching my days I'm sure they are getting shorter or I'm slowing down yes that sounds more like it. Haha xx

  9. Hi Sandra
    I'm glad you managed to get yoyr tree, and hopefully it will be decorated today.
    Myra your tree is gorgeous. Mine won't be nearly as nice. I have a fight with Pete ( not literally mind you ) to put the tree and some tinsel up. He's a proper Ba Humbug. The tree is in my craft robin, or junk room as Pete calls it. So it only has to be brought down and tweaked into shape.
    I haven't watch Sue but I hope the recorder has worked. It has a mind of its own. It even shows the red light when it's supposed to record, but the recording us blank. Time to buy a new one but Pete gas so many things to watch. Lilian congratulations on your weight loss. I did comment on posts yesterday, but they got lost in cyber space.

  10. Hi Sandra
    Just logged back in to say congratulations to Maria on winning Sue's giveaway.

  11. Hello Sandra and Friends!
    Well it's quite odd opening the blog and seeing the tree! I love Christmas and I love decorating the tree. The one in the Conservatory isn't like that one at all. It's very simple with only white or silver baubles! I have had some of the ornaments for over 40 years. Also nearly every city I have visited abroad is represented there somewhere! There is an Apple from New York, a glass heart from the Buchart Gardens in Vancouver. Etc . They don't have names on them but they are memories! My grandchildren have made wooden things which hang on there too - names and year made on the back! We made them together and had fun doing so. I'm not precious about it - this a home and things get knocked off and broken occasionally - that's life. Accidents happen.
    Thank you all for being so kind as it isn't everyone's cup of tea - I know that!
    I'm cooking a "trial lunch" today !! Don't like to cook something for guests I haven't tried before! I will confess to success or failure later!!
    Been to church this morning and everything looks so Christmassy now! By the way the Church tree I decorated does NOT look like that! We have traditional decorations and a large silver star on top!!
    Hope you all have a lovely Sunday!
    Thank you, you are all such lovely ladies.

    1. OOOOOooo Myra, what a stunning tree and just as well we are not neighbours as you might find it either a bit bare or gone, i would leave everything else, promise :) I used to have a 7ft tree that lit up with 550 lights that were built into it, well that was until OH decided that it was getting thrown out because one section has stopped working. The stupid man hasn't heard of christmas tree lights that you can buy and put on where there are none working or even simpler...find the fault and replace the bulb. See when i found out about my tree that was 3 years old maybe at the max and that he had put it in the coup i was fuming. You know how " ach, it was cheap enough"....aye £150 thank you very much and he replaced it with a piece of crap at £15, not much difference is there. So as i say if you find tree missing it has moved digs to Central Scotland.

    2. Thank you Norah! Men eh! Actually my husband loves the tree he just says things like - " I don't know how you have the patience to do all that," Well it gives a lot of pleasure to grandchildren , other family members, friends and even neighbours. Not forgetting me!! That's what Christmas is about. Someday got a treasure at that coup!! For those in England - it's the Tip! Ha ha! When you come for the tree - have a meal and a chat - I'd love that! Xxx

  12. Good afternoon Ladies,
    Sandra I hope you manage to get your tree up and decorated today, I can smell the mince pies from here, they smell gorgeous - just love the smells this time of year.
    Myra I knew this was your tree before I scrolled down, how good is that, your tree is beautiful and I love the flowers on it - so different.
    We went to Bents Garden Centre yesterday for a ride with Nic - oh the rain was awful, managed to get a parking space near a door so she didn't get wet, but it was very busy, the decorations are beautiful - always are there.
    The roads were flooded on the way home, so we had a chill-out afternoon with her - drawing etc.
    Dogs are going to be groomed tomorrow morning so they will look smart for Christmas.
    Lots of hugs to join Norahs huggles for anyone who needs comfort at this time - there are a few people not been around for a whie - hope you are ok
    Will pop back later - off out to Johns youngest daughters'.
    Jean xxx

    1. Oh Jean! Am I so predictable! Ha ha.
      Maybe it was the pink and blue. Glad you had a good day at Bents despite the rain. It is lovely but as you say really really busy! I suspect Saturdays will be worse too.
      Hope the doggie grooming goes well! Xxx

  13. No time to scroll Sorry ladies Just wish you all well MYRA your tree is gorgeous and as good if not better than those ones in the big London store (the one that's been on tele) My tree (when it goes up) is a very simple Silver with holographic star lights, silver hearts, both in memory of our son And if daughter allows (hee hee!) their handmade decs from when they were children (she says they spoil the effect) Or they'll have pride of place on the cabinet in front of the fruit bowl
    SANDRA Is your tree up yet

  14. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    I had a long message typed up and was called away, came back remembering I hadn't posted - guess what? I think it's in cyberspace, there must be so many messages floating around out there............RIGHT Here goes I'm going to start again.
    I hope you have managed to get your Christmas tree up and decorated Sandra, ours is all decorated I put the lights on yesterday we have just got white ones this this year, normally we have coloured ones. Today I've decorated it with a few gold garlands and gold baubles and that's it!
    Not in the same league as your gorgeous tree Myra. Yours is beautifully decorated, it sounds as if you've got so many memories of Christmases past on it, it must be like opening a memory box when you decorate your tree. xx

    Lillian, sorry so much pain with your hip. I hope it improves soon. LOL

    Well I can't remember what else I was waffling on about before, I'll go and check the dinner and maybe later I will remember!
    Sendings hugs to everyone, Brenda xxx

  15. Good afternoon my little coffee shop cherubs,
    I'm trying to get vellum poinsettia's to stick down to a card and they are being awkward and doing everything but stick, any ideas as i cut out Sue's peace die in Anna Marie's gold vellum and made up beautiful poinsettia's from it and they do look so pretty but trying to get them to adhere to the card is a nightmare.
    Any way it is so icy up here that me and the pavement are just not going to bother making contact unless absolutely nessessary as if me and my bottom half limbs don't see eye to eye on a few occassions i am not taking the chance that they really fall out.
    Our tree isn't up this year as it is at the back of the lock up with everything that i hadn't decided on of mum's in front of it and being honest i haven't got that spirit yet for this year, may be next when the wee fella is a tad bigger but just have no inclination for this year. I'm getting further than i did last in that i have made cards this year which i couldn't even think about last year.
    Sandra have fun getting your tree and putting it up. When i was wee Dad used to take Mum, Jim and i to the Queens forrest at the forrestry comission which had so many lumps, humps and bumps in the road to go mum always had a sick bag for me as i was a nightmare for being sick but once there it was we each looked around for what we thought was the best looking tree and then we would put them all together and decide from there what was going to be our family Christmas tree. The only thing about real trees is the pine needles that they drop and go into certain peoples feet because they weren't wearing the slippers that mum had bought them. We used to get them coated with anti needle drop...huh! i think that was just so they made more money as it didn't stop them one little bit. With my daddy working so much all the time it was lovely when he would take us out somewhere like that and we had fun although a certain boy's face was always trippin him especially as he got through to his teen years. See the amount of photo's that we have of Jim and his face is never straight in them, he could have got taken for a girl the amount of pouting he did. He always had a chip the size of a mountain on top of his shoulders between his height and his ears and then when they finally gave him an appointment for Cannisburn in Glasgow, the wee sod decided he didn't want his ears pinned back after all. We had went through years of him mumpin and moanin about his ears and then when they decide to do something he turns and says he's not going, oooo a pain in the bewhooky. And as for his height 6 months before he left us he was just head at the top of my shoulders and then the Friday he went away he measured 5' 4", boy was he made up at long last.
    Right i'm away back to argue with my vellum and Myra flower, i just don't have the time to remake that wee huggles a new costume before Christmas so please don't feed him up to much as you will be inundated with the rest of them all wanting what Tiny is getting although that might soon be a misanoma. Bye for now everyone and the wee tinkers are playing nicely for the moment with Jean's little hugs but i'm just thinking, i hope they are not wanting new clothes when they have to give up their little christmas outfits????
    the certified eejit of Glenochil x

  16. Sorry girls, that was war and peace again and OOopies Myra, i'm awful glad you knew what i was rabbiting on about as i forgot to go multi lingual on the tree and coup/tip

    1. NORAH - you've done it again! "Bewhooky" - now I have never seen it written before - predictive text has had fun!! It means bottom, behind and any other names for that bit of your anatomy you can think of!!
      Oh Norah you are great! I miss all these expressions ! Thank you!
      Will not over feed my huggle! It's a promise! Xxxx

    2. Have you tried with sticky dots and some glue together,it might help who knows. Love reading about your childhood Norah, so many great memories. Sorry about your tree,if I was you I go and get a new one and next year baby Harry will love seeing the lights and decorations ,hugs xxx

  17. Norah, you have made my day by coming in with a story. I can understand why you have no thoughts of putting up a tree, it's something that comes with time. You had a terrible time this time last year and you are doing good, so you just remember it's early days yet.
    Oh I can see all those spare bits of wool being knitted up into new clothes for the Huggles, they have been so cozy in their Christmas out fits, they will need those woolies to keep them warm over the bad weather.
    I won't have a real tree because of the needles, one for my feet and two the Harris's paws. I have seen you get half trees and it's something I think it could work in our small front room? We aren't putting one up this year. It's Charlies 70th birthday next Sunday and we are having coffee and cake for him, but 12 in our small room plus a tree taking up room it's a no, no. You take care and yes stay in doors while it's icy. xxx

  18. Hellooooooooooooooooo,
    I have lost a huge long post, so all I'm saying this time is,
    Myra your tree is o.k. (tin hat and camouflage clothing) well o.k. it's lovely, now I need to see your lovely Dining Table!!
    Norah, I'd have put him on the coup and keep the tree.
    Hazel, take it easy, and just put a few baubles and lights on Charlie and stick him in the corner next Sunday!!!
    Sandra, have a lovely time putting up your tree and enjoy the family time.
    Lilian, I hope your hip improves.
    Maria, my little dumpling, congratulations on winning on Sue's blog.
    I'm sorry I can't remember anything else.
    I'm away to make more pesky C Cards.
    love Muriel xxxx
    p.s. I have looked at the previous posts and there are some lovely cards, and crafts on show. Myra, your tea light holder thingies are great!!!

  19. Well hello Sandra & ladies,

    At long last have managed to sit still long enough to make a comment. Apart from various ailments due to the weather and other stuff, mainly horrendous headaches and stomach ailments that have incapacitated me along with a depressing melancholy that lingered for quite a while, I haven't had time to sit and spin this last week.
    Monday's walk was a very slow stroll around our Cannington golf course as nobody wanted to get their shoes and trousers wet or muddy because we were going straight to the Cottage Inn at Keenthorne, just down the road, afterwards for our Christmas Dinner. Fantastic meal with GURT big portions!. My meat terrine was a meal in itself, then slow cooked Brisket of Beef that was almost an extra large steak followed by ice cream so cold it made our nose numb. Don't exactly know how that happens but I think it is something to do with the nerve in the side of your face?
    Tuesday was so busy trying to clear up finish last minute cards, clearing the bedrooms ready for Christmas guests and general housework. Was interrupted so many times that I eventually gave up. Weds was REA Christmas bingo and draw and out in the evening. Thursday a no start from early morning to evening and Friday docs apt, Mum & Dad's Christmas hamper shopping then straight home to shower and out again for REA Christmas dinner which turned out to be a total disaster. The catering was so pathetic, cold plates, everything dished up so you could not refuse any veg that you didn't like, and such a long wait to be served that some people got up and went home. When I went into the kitchen to complain, the cook was so bolshy and complained at how small the kitchen was and nothing she could do about it. When I said I and my friends on our table had been in catering for over 25 years and had helped cook, serve and clear up over 400 dishes in one sitting with less room that she had, she got really shirty and when I said I would be putting in a complaint, her answer 'please yourself' didn't go down well with us ladies.
    after that home and just had half hour before son Robin came in to say he had booked a table for us at The Friendly Spirit. His new band were playing there that night so I gratefully tucked into and relished a wonderful lasagne, salad, chips and garlic bread.
    Yesterday had 6 grandchildren round to help put the tree and Christmas decs. Forgot I had bought new lights last year in the sale so went to Wilkes to buy some new ones just before they came, good job too as we didn't find the others until we opened the last box!!! Doh!
    Mr Arthur Ritus came calling last night and joints so painful and achey, I've spent most of the afternoon sat on the settee with feet up.
    And I am a Great Aunt to my goddaughter/niece's 1st new born baby son, Stanley Ross, who made his appearance 3 weeks earlier than she originally anticipated. Mum, Dad and baby doing well.
    Congratulations Karen too, on your lovely little bundle of joy on it's way. Grandchildren steal your heart the minute they are born and you love them to the far distant galaxies and back again.

    Myra's tree is so elaborately decorated, mine looks nothing like that. I am finally putting my new camera's programme on the PC tomorrow after our last walk for the year, so hopefully will be able to download the hundreds of photos I have already taken.
    Almost time for my tablets and I have a lot of catching up to do with the last three weeks posts.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  20. Good evening ladies, sorry I've not been on the blog but I have truly been so busy and now I'm knackered for want of a better word!
    Myra , I just had to say , your tree is stunningly beautiful! I love yuor colour scheme and all your gorgeous hand made ornaments.xo
    I don't know if I'll manage on much this week as it is hectic and we are also going away for a couple of days.
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

  21. Hellooooo SANDRA & all.
    come on own up who's pinched my post HaHa it's gone cybra space again.
    MYRA your tree is Amazing I love it it's exquisite it must have taken you ages. Is that how you hurt your back streching up to put that BIG BOW on top.
    SANDRA have you finished decorating your tree now hope you had fun doing it. Are there any mince pie's left I would like one now with a cup of builders tea mmm.Sorry I have been Awol I must say all the mixed crafts yesterday were fantastic you are all a clever bunch of ladies. We wasn't going to put our tree up as we are away at my daughters but I said too OH I would have Liked the tree up still so he might get it down from the loft tomorrow.
    I have 2 hospital appointments this comming week & dentist to have the broken bits of teath still in my gum & the nerves taken out & then see what dentist will decides what to not looking forward to any one of them.
    MARIA Yaaay you won a prize on Sue's comment game congratulations my friend. Sorry you are not very well hope you are better very soon take care.
    I haven't seen any of Sue's Hochanda shows but have recorded them all hope I have time to watch some tomorrow.
    CHERYL so nice to see you pleased your feeling better sounds like you are doing too much What a shame your REA Christmas dinner was a disaster how Disappointing.Take care my friend.
    Well I hope this post publishes. See you all tomorrow
    Love & Hug's Lynda xx

  22. Hello all if it's anyone still up ? Chery- your week sound to much in one go and shame the dinner. Hope you now can take some time out and that's for all of you. Lilian hope your pain gets better, winter season is a tough one. Myra mind your back, no more high jumps or hover board's in sight.Lynda- I walk with you next week and hold your hand, tell them to give you a knock out cocktail first hihi .This big dumpling is on her way to bed soon too so just wanted to wish you all a good night and nice dreams. warm hugs xxxx
