
Monday 14 December 2015

Man Christmas Card Monday

Good Monday Morning Ladies,

Now I thought that this would make a good 'Man' Christmas Card, not too much in the way ribbons and pearls, I kept it quite minimalist, with the dazzle of the glitter card nothing else was needed, I think I will add a little sparkle for his eye though.

I have used all Spellbinder dies on this card, the Reindeer and the beautiful border die are from the Frosty Forms Die Set, the frame around the die has been created by the Spellbinders Captivating Squares Die set.  The Embossing folder that I used it the Creative Expressions Frosty Swirls A4 Embossing Folder.

I hope you like the card, I hope that this is the start of a lovely week for all of you!

Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-a perfect card for a man or anyone that's not into fussy cards.

    I have somehow got to get a huge parcel into the post office as hubby sold some part of his stereo and then realised he wasn't going to be able to send it! I'll have to be quick out of work & hope I can park very close as its quite heavy.

    My plan for the evening is to watch all of Sue's shows I recorded-got to make the most of hubby being away!


    1. Sounds a perfect evening , hope the trip to the post goes well.

    2. Hope the trip to the post office goes well! Mind your back and your thumb, young lady!! Xxx

    3. Hi Michele, I hope the queue at the Post Office isn't too long and that you have a quiet evening watching Sue's shows x

    4. Hope all goes alright for you today and you have a nice evening with your feet up, mind as you go xxx

  2. Good Morning Sandra and Friends,
    Firstly sorry did not get in again yesterday,started reading the comments and fell asleep, will catch up today.
    Yesterday the carol concert was lovely, the church was full to over flowing, even had to bring in extra chairs. Unfortunately they weren't expecting so many and did not print enough of the service sheets so some of us had hymn books, which would have been ok only the sheet were different from the books, also no numbers up so had to look up the index while the one with sheets started. Still it was lovely to see the church which is fairly large so full, O/H had to have full organ and all the stops out,as he is a proper organist and uses the pedals he was shattered when we got home.
    Didn't do much else we had Lamb shanks from Asda their extra special range, and they were delicious, not tried these before have had others you microwave, but these were done in the oven with a separate sachet of sauce, can throughly recommend them if you want an easy dinner.
    Well I think black coffee and granola for me this morning,have set my next weight loss target,2 stone by next Chistmas, I know that it a small amount each week, but that allows for holidays and celebration days.
    Cleaner day today so I had better have one of those wriggles and get out of bed.
    Will drop in later, have a good day, crafty hugs . Lilian

    1. Sounds as if your husband had a real " work out" yesterday Lilian. Nothing better than a real organist! Lovely! My Dad played the organ too. That brought back happy memories! There aren't so many around people nowadays, I don't think. Xxx

    2. Anna, would love to learn to play an organ. I think she will find someone willing to teach her, it might be in years to come! Yet she would be a good student even at 13 I am sure. Glad the church was full, doesn't not happen much these days. Xxx

    3. Hi Lilian. I'm glad that you enjoyed the carol concert but I bet your husband needs to rest today though x

  3. Sorry Sandra , your card is beautiful, might do one like this for Roger.

  4. Morning Everyone
    It's very dark (just about as dark as when I went to bed last night - Perhaps I should go back and wait till the run has risen!!) and damp here.

    I've put the boilers on and set out some cups etc ready for drinks. Haven't a clue what's for lunch today as I haven't got my thinking head on yet but something will arrive in time.
    In fact I'm not sure whether it's me sat here typing this or just a mechanical body after a marathon session of wrapping parcels yesterday and I really do not know which bit of me hurts most. I'm not looking forward to Jim coming down stairs because I'll definitely be on the Naughty Step as he wanted me to stop and sit down a few times yesterday. Ah well I'm sure I can escape back in here and hide Please.

    SANDRA - your card is beautiful. I do love your colour scheme this Christmas and it's just right for a non fussy person or a man. I have some photos to send to you so I'll try and do that today.

    LILIAN - I'm so pleased the Carol Service was bursting at the seams and that the organ was in full voice. I really do love to hear a Church Organ at it's finest with every pipe just bursting with happiness.
    My Mum played the organ for one of the Chapels here in High Green when she was a teenager and she had an American Harmonium at home which her Granny bought for her. She taught me to read music and play it when my legs could reach the pedals - I was seven then. We had many happy hours listening to her playing.When she couldn't play anymore and they moved into a flat the organ was given to another Chapel in Chapeltown our next door village where the Chapeltown Silver Prize Band rehearsed.

    MICHELE - Hope you get that large parcel sorted and on it's way. Have a good day at work.

    I'm staying in the corner for a little while. I've put my hugs in the usual place with instructions to behave and not trip up anyone who comes through the door.

    1. Good morning Janet! You are still my mad friend even though you have been overdoing things! We all do that! I have prepared a seat in the corner where you can hide from Jim! A floppy hat and dark glasses are on the chair! Couldn't put the hat on the table!! Hope you feel easier as the day goes on! Xxx

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hi Janet. Oh dear, who didn't pace herself with the wrapping then! I do just the same as you then get told off by my hubby too, maybe we should have a permanent hiding place in the Cafe for all of us that don't pace ourselves : ) x

    4. Ohooo, the naughty step. That will have to be a big one then. Have been trying shuffle around all morning, punishment for yesterday. Take care girls xxx

  5. Good morning Sandra and a the Cafe Crew. How are you all?? for those not feeling so good or just so busy your heads are spinning here are some (((((hugs))))).
    SANDRA:- your card is beautiful, love it, brilliant "man card"
    Just reminded me I have not made a card for John. I do remember where last years one is ... I will get that out, he will not even notice!!!
    Gosh!! it's Monday ... where did Sunday disappear to, I seem to have lost it.
    Another busy day here so best get one of Diane's wiggles on and MOVE myself.
    (((((Hugs))))) for the basket as usual. xxx

  6. Good morning ladies , just a quicky to say , Sandra your man card is beautiful ! Congratulations Maria, on winning a comment prize on Sue's blog!
    I have her shows taped but don't know when I'm going to get time to watch them.
    Love this time but desperately need more hours to my day, off to Torridon for craft and Christmas lunch.
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Have a lovely day Anne! I saw your message last night too. Thank you! Xxx

    2. Hi Anne. Enjoy your crafty morning and Christmas lunch x

    3. Have a nice day Anne! you get all goose-bumpy when you see your name on her blog hihi xxx

  7. Good morning everyone
    Please please will someone stop the clock while I catch up!Time is not just flying it is going super sonic.
    Todays card is so beautiful just right for a male.
    Hope everyone is ok and to those who are not sending you some hugs just for you.
    Sorry must go, have to go out to my friends farm then get lunch ready before going to the school performance this afternoon with my grandson having a part, we have been instructed to laugh when he tells his joke!
    Have a lovely day everyone
    Margaret xxx

    1. Hi Margaret. Enjoy your grandsons performance, you had better practice your loudest laughs : ) x

  8. Good mornng Sandra and ladies. Now I know where most of my day has gone today? I slept it away. I was woken up by the phone ringing, that was at 8.47 I about jumped out of bed how lazy was I? Then again I didn't get in to my bed till gone 2 am. No I wasn't out partying? I was over looking after the boys while mum, dad and Gillian went to Glasgow to a concert, which ran over and then the sat nav took them a very long way round to get out of Glasgow because the roads weren't good it took them longer than normal then Gillian and I had to get home normally 25-30 minutes on clear roads, but again road bad so nearer 50 mins. So in hours of sleep I hadn't had that much more than normal.
    Sandra, love your card. It's perfect.
    Talking about cards that's more gorgeous cards came in the post this morning. Gillian did say that her shop bought one for us was a bit of a let down ( I told her that's not how I look at it, every card is special) . True what she said she couldn't ask me to make it?
    Thankfully I am not across seeing to puppy today, wasn't going any way but Tammy isn't working she woke up full of the cold - that's what happens when you go to these concerts it's a breeding ground of germs. Now waiting for the garage to get back to say if they have the part for the car. Oh I could just go back to bed. I'd better just go get a move on.
    Sandra did you get your tree up and decorated??? xxx

    1. Hazel, you needed that lie- in this morning! Shhh , don't tell anyone but I was up before you today! Thank you for that! It's made my day - it doesn't take much you know! Xxx

  9. Hi Sandra
    Just love today's card. As the others gave said just right for a man, or for someone who likes minimalistic cards. Well I have to take Bet shopping today before we go early this evening. The nurse has been to take some bloods from her for her Dementia. You haven't said whether your tree is up and decorated yet Sandra. Apparently according to Tom we're going down to get fish and chips today to save me cooking. That means two trips today. One into Dovercourt then this afternoon a trip into Harwich shopping. Blimey just remembered were off to Livvy and Ambers school on the 16th for their Christmas Concert in the evening. Hope Karen's remembered our tickets. At least we're not juggling concerts this year as there both now at the Secondary School. Will look in later, must remember to write my cards for school today, as tomorrow is my last day.

    1. Hello Pat,
      My last day at After School Club today! Yes! After that I can tidy that " stuff" away in its boxes. Sounds like you are having a busy day. Take care! How is Pete , Pat? Xxx

    2. Hi Pat. Another busy day for you I see. I am looking forward to our lunch out tomorrow. Take care xx

    3. Hi Pat , hope you had a nice day shopping.Getting busy in the shops now. Take care xxx

  10. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    Sorry I have been AWOL for the past few days, didn't have time to pop in, we have been to a 3 day craft fair over Friday, Saturday and Sunday, that and trying to get more cards done for posting the days have gone!!!
    I haven't caught up with any comments yet, but have jotted down a few notes.
    Sandra your card today is lovely great for posting.
    Myra your tree is gorgeous, ours is still in the loft, and I love your little snow ladies how cute are they.
    Michele your little dogs are lovely, quite cuddly.
    Karen your cakes are amazing, too good to eat!

    Congratulations Maria on winning a prize on Sues blog, nice Christmas present.
    I missed Sue on Hochanda, with everything else going on I forgot to record it.
    If I have missed anybody I'm sorry, I will have to get back and read all the comments, I just looked at the photos Sandra posted each day.
    Yesterday was really very frosty, our poor cats had gone out and because of so much rain and then the hard frost, couldn't get back in because the cat-flap was frozen, I had to defrost it with the hair dryer
    Need to go and get some shopping as like Mother Hubbard, the cupboards are bare!
    Take care everyone enjoy whatever you are doing, xxx

    1. Oh Jess, you popped in while I was posting! I get this picture in my head of you defrosting the cat Flap! How funny. Poor cats though!
      Thank you! Xxxx

    2. Hi Jess. It's good to see you here, the days are just fling by aren't they. I forgot to record Sue's shows too! x

    3. Hair dryer to defrost the cat flap, you did make me smile :-) hope you cupboards aren't so bare anymore

  11. Good Morning Sandra and Everyone,
    I am popping in a little earlier today as - yes , you've guessed it - got a lot to do!
    Spent a couple of hours looking for my door wreath hook! It's usually in the same place but no - anyway I found it !
    Hope I hear about what happened to my pillow box die today!
    Sandra - today's card is beautiful and I really like that deer. It's not just a man card it would appeal to anyone. The focal point is lovely.
    How did you get on with your tree? Hope it's up and sparkling brightly.
    Thank you for your good wishes for the week, what a nice thought!
    I would like to second that thought and include you too!,
    Last day at After School today! We are making the snowman tealights and then we are having some games and party food! We always do this and th children love it. Tiring but fun!
    Well I'm away to finish my chores so that I've nothing to do part from dinner when I get home at 5 45pm!
    Stay safe everyone!
    Missing you Sheila! Xxxx
    Love to all xxxx

    1. Hi Myra, It is so annoying when you have to go searching for things isn't it. Glad you found your wreath hook though. Enjoy the last after school club, then you can relax....or maybe not, if you are like me and not organised this year! x

    2. Hi Myra, hope you have had a great after school afternoon with games and goodies and not to tired out. Maybe have an easy dinner tonight xxx

  12. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    I love your man card Sandra. Love the clean lines, with a few changes this could equally be a female card. Yes a really versatile design. Thank you for sharing. LOL

    Michelle I hope you find a parking space close to your post office, and to be careful lifting your heavy box.

    Like everyone else I am very busy just not enough hours in the day, Hopefully everything will get done before Christmas!!!!!

    I will sit awhile and take my coffee looking out of the cafe window at all the passers-by, if one of the passers-by happens to be you, why didn't you come in this is a really great cafe to visit, the coffee is good and the cakes and pastries are calorie free. And you can talk about what ever you wish.

    Take care everyone, I hope you all have a good day, love and hugs Brenda xxx

    1. Hi Brenda. I am glad that you are stopping long enough to have a coffee break. Please don't go tiring yourself out though, what doesn't get done before the big day will not matter in the end. Why do we put so much pressure on ourselves? Take care xx

  13. Hello Everyone,
    This is just a quick visit to say I'm so sorry I haven't called in at the cafe for the last week or more, it's just that I'm finding it a very bad time at the moment especially with Christmas coming up. I used to love Christmas so much with my Clive...I just want to hibernate and wish it was over...sorry to be a Gringe. Thank you for so many wonderful cards I'm doing my best to be able to make some...they may even turn up after in the New Year. Anyway I don't want to spoil it for you all but I will try and pop in before Christmas. Also thank you for the emails I promise I will get back to you very soon...I do appreciate you getting in touch it's so very kind of you.
    Lots of love and a heap of hugs Sheila xxxxxxxx

    1. Sheila, so nice to see you in. We all understand how you are feeling! Now you just get yourself in a better place by just taking it a day at a time, all we ask is you pop in and say hello so we know you are ok, you don't have to leave a big comment just " I am ok" will do us. Norah knows what you are going through as she was there last year! She is still finding it hard but is coping a little better I hope. So you just think of yourself and your lovely Nikki. (((((( hugs)))))) xxx

    2. Sheila!
      It's lovely to see you! Unless we have been there we have no idea what you are going through. I just try to imagine it - please don't fret about cards! It doesn't matter one tiny bit . It's a lot of cards at once and those of us who went on the Retreat took ours with us - well nearly all of us I think?? That gave us a head start and no postage! Please just try to enjoy the cards you receive - I completely understand - even making them must be painful. You just concentrate on Nikki . Sending you lots of love and hugs! Xxxxx

    3. Hi Sheila, so glad to see your post, like Hazel says as long as we know you are ok we will understand or try to at least. You take care of yourself and Nikki
      Love and hugs Jean xxx

    4. Hi Sheila, you take your time but nice to see you in for a chat. Don't worry about any cards,we just wanted you to know we are thinking of you and Nikki and we are here for you whenever. You take care ,xxx

    5. Helloooooooo Sheila
      It's lovely to see you pop in and it really doesn't matter how long you stay etc. As it's been said before me just as long as we know you're not ill. You take as long as it takes. Every one is different and every experience is different. You just take great care of yourself and we'll see you when you want.
      Very Big Cuddley but very Gentle hugs just for you. xxxx

    6. Hi Shelia. It is so good to see you pop in but I can only echo what the others have said about understanding that you are having a very hard time at the moment. Please stopped even thinking about cards, just concentrate on yourself and Nikki. Sending you big gentle hugs. Take care x

  14. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love this card, and I agree that it is a great one for the men and the "non flowery" ladies. Did Paul manage to get a bigger bucket for your Christmas tree yesterday? Ours is still in the loft....we are so late this year, and still not sure when we will be decorating.... I'm not complaining as at least we have a safe and dry home to decorate, unlike so many others at the moment.
    I have commented on the way down. I am having a slightly busier day than yesterday but still taking it easy. See Mum/Margaret P, I do listen to you : )) Please look after yourselves and don't rush around too much ladies.
    Maria, I hope you are feeling better today.
    Sandra, I am looking forward to the Three Graces lunch. Look after yourself my lovely. Take care xx

    1. You would believe it, I am paying for it today and when you can't see anything changed, I thought why bother but at least my bitbox got down in size Lol

  15. Lovely card SANDRA I agree that it'd make a great card for a man (and me!) SHEILA I totally understand and really sympathise with you. Since Gary died I get very low between now and January - although this year I've been better, probably because I now expect it to happen and can cope with it better. You take care and if you need to moan, you know where to come. We're all here for a hug

  16. Hi Sheila
    Lovely to hear from you, even though it's a sad time for you. Young grunge all you want my lovely. That's what we're here for. Don't worry about cards, just enjoy your time with Nic. Where all here for you when you need us.

  17. Hi Ladies
    To all of you ladies who are missing loved ones, I'm sending a hug from me. I hope Norah's hug goes don't get jealous and hide them.

  18. Afternoon/Evening Ladies

    Parcel sorted-luckily I got a parking spot opposite the Post Office. The lady who served me was a right crab apple-so grumpy! My thumb certainly didn't like the lifting but I'm sure it'll be ok.

    Tea in the oven= pizza from the freezer, how lazy?! Then I can settle down with a cuppa & a mince pie or two. By the time I left work there was none of my baking left which is always a good sign. That was 12 mince pies, 18 mincemeat muffins & 10 mincemeat cookies! There was also 2 trays of chocolate biscuits & 2 tins of sweets demolished today!! They're a very greedy lot.


  19. Hi Sandra and all,
    love the card for a men or for someone who like more CAS, it's a lovely image. My day has been so crazy, one thing after the other popped up to do and not really got any time for myself so tomorrow I will put my foot down and say No hihi if I ever. Spoke to my sister and as usual it was mostly dog/puppy talk. They are celebrating Christmas together, never forget when the kids were little and my dad was dressed up as Santa coming through the snow with a big bag of presents and a lantern in his hand. Also wore a mask so when reading the tags he had problems to see very well. oh what a hoot it was and - 20 c outside.
    Have tried to pop in during the day but not very good but so nice to see you Sheila. Would be so nice to see us all coming together in the cafe for a special Christmas lunch sometime next week, hopefully before Thursday because I will be a bit busy that day cooking as we have our Christmas on the 24th. Anyone just an idea. Have a bit of verbal diarrhoea,sorry.A glass of wine to the dinner tihi
    Stepson is here so will be in and out again tomorrow.
    Hope anyone who are not in at the moment are all right, Saba back to UK soon ?
    Might see you later ,if not I wish you all a good night and lovely dreams .love you all xxx

  20. Hello all,
    Sandra, your card is beautiful. Never mind a man card, this would be lovely for anyone.
    I haven't time to read all the comments, but I promise I will tomorrow, or I'll try to read them all tomorrow. I see from Maria's post above me that Sheila has been in. Nice to see you Sheila.
    Just call me a little scrubber as I've been to the bungalow again today!!!
    love to all, sorry it's so short and sweet.
    Muriel xxxx

  21. Hello everyone, just a quick post, I started to comment under Sheila's post, then the dogs started barking, visitors, lovely to see them, so I've not long settled down.
    Sandra I liKe this card clean lines, as said before good for a male.
    Need to read back over posts,
    Will say goodnight
    Hugs to all who need them for whatever reason
    Jean xxxx

  22. Hello everyone
    Sorry really late today, it's been a busy one! Sandra lovely card today, I like that deer die, remember it from a couple of years ago, I nearly got it but decided I wouldn't use it much! Thank you for sharing. Xxxx
    Well I must go to bed, tomorrow is another busy day. Night night sleep tight. Oh yes, Sheila my love, sending you a big hug, look after yourself xxxxxx
