
Tuesday 15 December 2015

One Christmas card 2 ways!

 Good Morning Ladies,

Sheila, it warmed my heart to see you pop in yesterday, I totally understand how you are feeling this first Christmas will be the worst I promise you, although the pain is will still be there for years to come  it does get easier to bare. Sending you the biggest hug xxx
Thanks for all of you that make the time to pop in, I know how busy you all are.
Our tree is up, you will laugh when I tell you that I sat for more than an hour tonight with a 'Gold' Promarker colouring all 1500 bulbs (mini led's) because we bought them not realising that they were a 'Blue white' light that almost burns your eyes, so a little gold promarker tones them down!!

Today's cards were both made with the same dies, Creative Expressions Snowflake Background die to cut some White card, I then covered a piece of Periwinkle card with some double sided sticky sheet and added some iced snow, for sparkle, I then mounted the White Background die on some double sided foam tape for dimension, I added some Cosmic shimmer glue to make sure that the foam tape stuck to the Iced Snow!
I die cut some Classic Poinsettia die (CE) in Periwinkle Card and the Filigree Poinsettia Die cut in White, I added some Iced snow to these too, layered them up and placed the top one simply on the edge of the Oval aperture, adding the sentiment on the smallest of the Pierced Flag dies (CE),
the lower card, I mounted the Poinsettia onto some white seam binding ribbon tied into a bow.
I added some AB crystals to the centres of the snowflakes and poinsettias for sparkle.
I hope you like them.

Sue, Pat and I are off out for our Christmas lunch today, doesn't seem 5 minutes since last years, No firing elastic bands at unsuspecting men this time Sue!

I hope to see you in the cafe today,
Love and Hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-beautiful card either way although I prefer the first one as I'm not keen on large bows I cards. Fussy I know!!

    I can't believe you sat & coloured that many bulbs, that takes some patience.

    I watched all of Sue's shows I'd recorded-I fast forward most of it until she does a demo which is why I was able to get through all 5 shows. Then I wrote comments on all the gift tags on the bag of gifts for my crazy friend. I add cryptic comments on each one to make opening the gifts more interesting.

    Today promises tone crazy busy then I have a few buts of shopping to do & I must get some petrol. The friend I went out with last week is calling for some of the stamps I've sorted (from my crazy friend) as her sister works in a nursing home & will use them with the residents. I've selected larger images & a few male themed ones + cute ones so they can make their own cards.

    Best go & dry/straighten my hair-don't want to frighten anyone!!!


    1. Hello Michele,
      Don't work too hard, crazy hair is good - any hair is good!!! xx

  2. Good morning Ladies, Sandra I Love both cards ! the colours, glitter and flower etc. all sooo pretty, I can't believe you sat and coloured all those lights , you certainly didn't like the blue white Lol!
    Thank you girls, for all the beautiful cards I've received , so lovely to actually receive some handmade cards rather than just sending them , I really appreciate the time and effort that goes in to them. xo
    Golf this morning and then our Golf lunch I hope it's as good as yesterday's it was delicious , I got home after 5pm and had our grandchildren for their dinner and they stayed until 9pm as Fiona and Stewart were shopping in Inverness , so it was a full day, but great!
    Hope you are all taking things in your stride and not getting overtired , so easy to do, we need to pace ourselves and keep some energy for the main event!
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Hi Anne,have a lovely day and hope the lunch is yummy ;-). could I possible have your e-mail please, yours is the only one missing for me,hugs xx

    2. Have a good game Anne, and an even better lunch afterwards xxx (or should that be the other way around?)

    3. I don't think you would play too well after the lunch! I'm sure not a drop of alcohol will pass your lips !!
      Anne - I will let Maria have your email . That way it doesn't go on an open blog! Hope that's ok! Xxx

    4. Thanks Maureen and Myra , I'm not long home , we had a great day , the weather was fantastic , cold but sunny , and my team won !
      So a great end to my year as captain , but happy it's over !
      A bit tiddly so won't push my luck! Xoxo

    5. Nice one Anne, you deserve a little drop or 6 after that win! Xxxx

    6. I knew you wouldn't be able to play after lunch!!! Glad you finished your year s Captain on a High! Xxx

  3. Morning Everyone
    We have dense fog this morning and I cannot see across the road so it's a stay in day for me today though I do have some more wrapping to do but it will definitely not be like Sunday. Jim always wants to help but Oh I just cannot let him wrap parcels it's worse than watching him peg clothes out and it's always a question and answer thing if he does wrap.

    It's 'Which paper do you want this wrapped in? I cannot find the sticky tape where is it? Which label do you want on this? etc etc etc. I just might as well do it myself. I'm sure you all know how it goes.

    Drinks this morning are:- Coffee/Tea but as a treat Hot Chocolate with Marshmallows floating on top and a little single chocolate on the side. Hope you enjoy.
    Lunch today is Thick Vegetable with warm bread.

    I hope everyone is feeling OK and not too stressed. The year has flown and so many things have happened. Where oh Where does time go!

    Hugs for everyone are in the basket - not sure what some of them are wearing in there but they really do look festive.

  4. Hello it's me again.
    SANDRA Oh where has my remaining one little grey cell gone!!!!
    I'm so sorry I haven't commented on your beautiful cards you have given us this morning.
    They are both beautiful and like Michele my favourite is your first offering.
    Thank you for giving me a beautiful start to the day.

    1. Hi Janet, you could have been talking about my Roger, in fact I read to him your bit about wrapping and clothes hanging, he laughed and he must come to Jims defence in that they are trying to help !!!!!!!

    2. I finally got Julian to write 3 Christmas cards last night - it's like drawing teeth!

    3. Janet! George doesn't even come near while I'm wrapping, for which I am truly thankful!!! Diane, 49 years and George still hasn't written a card, birthday or Christmas!!!

    4. Janet, like George, Campbell has never even went and bought one on his own never mind write one. He narks on at me every year about getting Christmas cards out but does he help...NO, he just helps in giving my a migraine headache, which i could cheerfully do without. He helps with absolutely nothing to do with Christmas just like the rest of the year.He''ll crack up at me still crafting away when i should be cleaning the house from top to toe(as he's working), having all the cards written and put through the doors(cos i do nothing else anyway), have the presents all wrapped and out(becasue i do nothing else anyway), have all the messages in for the next couple of weeks so that i ONLY need to get the veg, meat, bread, milk, eggs the day before Christmas(cos i do nothing else anyway and he's working) oh and make sure there's no washing needing done or hanging around to dry just in case someone comes in. Now this one would be a minor mircle all on it's own when you think that it's pouring down with rain and hasn't stopped in weeks, i have no tumble dryer to put the things into to dry them and he's left the fire for me to set and light and get the coal in once more oh and take Rory to the dentist, Camh's, and college just when i have some free time. It's did you get...What with, buttons or i needed shaving foam and you didn't get any, like i'm supposed to know that he needed it.....oooooh. He asked me what i wanted for Christmas and i told him dies but i knew he wouldn't buy them. His answer " what are b****y needing them for? Don't you have enough? Well they're different says me. "Naw there just bl***y crap to clutter up more of the house with". As i say i new he wouldn't actually get me something that i want for Christmas, god forbid i should actually enjoy my CHristmas present. So you see girls i don't know who is the best off, Janet getting help from Jim or Maureen getting no help from George, you decide

    5. Norah, you need to ask Campbell what he would like and buy him the total opposite. As for food well a meat free day would be a good start, but then the rest of you suffer. Ok my Charlie doesn't go buying cards etc, he doesn't always help with wrapping, but when the children were little he was their making up bikes, dolls prams etc and did help a lot. Now he will see to the veg and cooks so I am lucky. Then again I wouldn't put up with him doing what Campbell does. Like that wife swap programme years ago. A week of living with me he would go back to you in a shot after 30 minutes. You just ignore him he needs to be left to see to himself for a few weeks with nothing done for him before hand. I think that couple of days next year coming with us to meet Margaret C will do you good. Xxx

    6. Well my husband only wraps my presents - he has been known to have them gift wrapped or they go in bags! He has fun with them though - I'll get something tiny in a shoe box or something completely daft! However he would never offer to wrap anyone else's gifts and as for cards - well - he prints off address labels for me and that' saves a lot of time writing. He also posts the cards. I'm happy with that really!
      I'm sorry you don't get something you would really like Norah that is a real shame! He doesn't appreciate how well-off he is having a wife like you! We are having an interesting and varied day on the blog today! I haven't even managed to leave my proper post yet! Xxx

    7. Norah , I'm sorry but he sounds a right plank! Just ignore him and enjoy what you do , in years to come you will have wonderful memories of things you have done for and with the family and he will have none, and when the family are older they will appreciate even more when they understand what you have had to put up with.
      My husband puts up the tree and lights but that's about it, but if I need his help I only have to ask, he is good at preparing the vegetables!
      Love and hugs Anne xo

    8. Norah he makes my blood boil - he would have a toe up his lazy backside from me- and a few others on here I think! If Julian's been working silly hours then he's allowed some laziness but otherwise he helps if I ask him but things like wrapping needs direction! I'm very lucky I know xxxx

    9. Have to say Roger always prints the labels for the cards, and does, all of his own pals cards.
      He always hangs the washing out which is a funny site, as they are hung out as they come out of the flasket, with loads of pegs.

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe.
    Sandra love yesterday's card & today's very effective. My goodness fancy colouring all those lights hope the 3 of you have a lovely lunch just make sure Sue behaves please!xx
    Sheila lovely to see you please take your time.xx
    I am taking my friend who is 90 for hospital appointment today then taking her shopping so doubt I will be in again.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Hello Margaret P,
      Take it easy out there today, although going with a 90 year old, I don't think you'll be running around xxx

  6. Good morning everyone
    Sandra I love both the cards you have made, I love bows. Good tip for softening the light on bulbs but so many, don't know if I'd have that much patience.
    I've got some more wrapping to do and then the main shopping, although I don't know where it will go, the freezers are full.
    Thank you to everyone who has sent cards, they are beautiful, john said yesterday, so many cards and I don't know anyone, so I have tried to enlighten him on each one as they have arrived.
    It's a dull day but dry so far. The dogs look gorgeous, all trimmed and sporting Christmas bows when we picked them up yesterday. Wayne always takes photos of them at Easter, Halloeen, and Christmas. He's a big softy with dogs, owns 6 of his own.
    Be back later
    Hugs are wriggling in the basket, Norah's hugs have taught them some dances to cheer everyone up.
    Jean xxx

    1. Oh Jean, so it's your hugs doing the Highland Fling with Norah's, and they are dropping bits of chocolate all over, I blame Myra for that ha ha. xxxx

    2. It's the rum truffles!! They were wrapped in chocolate vermicelli!! They are just the right size for huggles!! Shhh don't tell Norah! Xxx

    3. Myra, i have enough of a bother trying to keep my huggles under control and now you've got them under the influence of alcohol, they will be stoatin' around the floor never mind running around jumping at the unexpected clientele. Sandra now we know where that Baileys is disappearing fast to, it's all that Myra's fault introducing my poor wee innocents to the pearls of alcohol. NOw they are going to have to sleep of the effects of the rum with them only having little bodies, the tiniest amount sets them up for the squiggles.
      HEe hee hee x

    4. Oh Norah!
      We are daft! It's good fun being daft though! I've had a lot of practice too!! The stoatin ' got me this time! It reminded me of Francie and Josie! " it's a stoater Josie! "". Don't worry about the alcohol - it's wasn't much and I gave them black coffee with it! Mind you - some of them started singing - " there was a soldier - a Scottish soldier ---" the words were a wee bit slurred and their bells were jingling like mad! Xxxx

    5. Norah, you will have to write the stories of the " Huggles" ok you can't put in a children's book that they are drunk so I think you need to write an adult one too!!! As for the baileys in the truffles that Patricia's fault she got Myra doing that after Patricia made the ones for the retreat. You could say the " Huggles" were on a high from eating " Scottish tablet" all that sugar. There you go get Rory drawing the pictures of what the " Huggles" are up to. Some one said we should have a Christmas party at the cafe, so you better make sure the wee rascals are well under control with this lot and drink? xxx

    6. Hi Jean, would love to see the corgis in the cafe' but not sure if the huggies would be happy or maybe they would just give them lots and lots of huggies with the rum inside them tihi. The tum truffles were sooo good. xxxx

    7. Are " tum " truffles easier on the digestion ?

    8. I think they may well be! However not so sure about the waistline!! Xxx

  7. Morning Sandra and all,
    Two stunning card this morning , they are wonderful!
    Off out ,so will pop in again when a moments peace. Wish you all a lovely day whatever you are up too. Love and hugs Maria xxxx

    1. Hello Maria, have a good day. xxx

    2. Hello Maria, enjoy your day! It'll take you a while to read this lot tonight! Xxx

  8. Hi Sandra. You are spoiling us with two beautiful cards today, I love both of them.
    It was lovely to see Sheila in the Cafe yesterday, you must just take each day as it comes, and please don't even think about making any cards this year, just as long as you are OK, that is all we need from you
    It doesn't seem like a whole year has gone by since our Christmas meal does it Sandra and Pat. I promise that I will not be playing with any elastic bands this year : )
    Right, I had better get on, must do some ironing before I come and pick you up Sandra. Have as good a day as you can everyone. Take care xx

    1. Hello Sue, what a shame, no elastic bands, still I suppose stuffing balls will be better ha ha. Have a lovely time xx

    2. Now why do i get catapults and the stuffing balls misbehaving in my mind, hmm. I can just imagine them flying through the air(with the greatest of ease said the man on the flying trapeze)and going plop right on some toffy nose that is all dressed in their elegent refinery. OH girls, you are turning me bad or mad which ever fits x

    3. You could have fun with rolled up pieces of tissue paper - hankies or napkins! Xx

    4. Oh I get to the end sometime hihi Must find out if you had a nice lunch together. OH and stepson is making the dinner tonight ,so nice to have a evening off. huff they just calling how too, I just know it! Did you use the brussels or
      tissues ? xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Gosh two stunning cards this morning, can't make up my mind about them as I love them both.
    Off to finish the Christmas shopping today, and post the last of my cards.
    It is my youngest granddaughters birthday today, she is 19, the years have just flown by, it is a bit sad today as well, as my mum died 10 years ago today, it still hurts.
    Take care everyone, xxx

    1. Jess my love, sending you a big hug - I know what you mean, doesn't matter how many years have passed it's still a difficult day when it comes round xxxxx

    2. Hello Jess, enjoy your granddaughter's birthday, and here's a hug (()) xxx

    3. Thinking of you Jess! I know exactly what you mean. Happy 19th Birthday to your granddaughter! Xxx

    4. Oh Jess flower, i'm sending one of gentler, quieter huggles to cuddle you today. It must have fair made your Mums day when she became a great granny on her birthday and that for her would have probably been the best birthday present she ever got. I hope your granddaughter has a wonderful day flower and enjoy the cake. x

  10. Just goes to show how time flies, my youngest granddaughter is 20 today, NOT 19.......duh!

    1. Ha ha, you just don't want to be a year older yourself! xx

    2. Well - I know time is flying by - but I don't know where that year went! It only took a minute! Ha ha!! Xxx

    3. Lol times goes to fast. Happy birthday to your granddaughter,hope she had a nice day. Big hug to you xxx

  11. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, sorry not to pop back yesterday, it was 11.45pm,when I finished my cards ,they are all posted this morning so hope I put all the correct cards in the correct envelopes, please forgive any errors and misplaced glitter.
    Sandra your cards are beautiful, love both of them, you are a very clever lady.
    We have those blue lights, but as I bought them cheap in the sales they will stay as they are!
    Well I'd better get on, so much to do it's a job to know where to start.
    Hope you three have a lovely lunch, have good day all
    Hugs for all , see you later. Lilian

    1. Hello Lilian, don't work too hard. I hope you aren't sewing all those hoods xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    If you see a whirlwind passing, it's just me! I'm off to the post office in a minute so wish me luck! I need to do Sainsburys too but a friend is dropping in when she leaves school at lunchtime so I need to be back!
    Sandra I love your cards today, I've used that die and glitter quite a lot - how many times did you swear at the sticky sheets! I had to chuckle at you colouring in the lights, must check which ones we bought otherwise I will get my pro markers out! Have a lovely lunch today. Xxxxx
    Hope everyone is ok - who keeps taking the hours out my day!!!
    See you later xxxx

    1. Hello Dainty, I might see you in Sainsbury's but I'll just have time to wave as the time thief is busy in this area too xxx

    2. Diane , take care - you reminded of that telly advert years ago - whatever it was cleaned like a white tornado!! Hope you are not still in the P.O . Xxxx

  13. Hello Sandra,
    Another gorgeous card today, or I should say cards. Such pretty colours and I love the dies. I meant to say that yesterdays embossing folder is fab, I haven't seen that one before.
    Well, can't stay. Supermarket now, then back to get my glad rags on an go to meet Ann in town. The floor tiles in Eldon Square are rather slippy so I'm wearing rubber soles shoes, wouldn't want to slip and flash my red silk bloomers!! ha ha
    I hope the 3 Graces have a lovely lunch, and ladies - behave yourselves, no shenanigans, just remember you are refined ladies of a certain age (not a hope in h*ll!!! lol)
    I don't know if I'll get back in, it's Zoe's Christingle Service tonight, and then George and I are going out with friends.
    love and hugs Muriel xxxx

    1. Hello there! Gadding again I see! It's alright for some!
      Just kidding - you deserve a lovely day! Hope you have a great time with Ann putting the world to right! Enjoy Zoe's Chistingle Service and he hope she does really well - she will! Then have a lovely evening. Xxxx

    2. See these folks that are always "gadding" !!
      Oh! looks like I might be joining them this evening.
      Sandra, Sue & Pat hope you have a brilliant time together. xxx

    3. Enjoy the christingle service tonight Maureen - I did wave as I flew down the toiletry isle, quick bounce of the Tenna ladies and I was round the corner and into the wine isle in a flash!!!! Xxxxx

  14. Sandra and all my coffee shop friends,
    I'm dashing around chasing my tail again this morning. Like Sandra I'm off out to lunch with some friends, thay all taught at the school where I worked for 30 years.( I am the only non-teaching member in the group, quite an honorary position) I will be picking three of them at East Croydon station so really have to get a wiggle on. One of the ladies who is being picked up from a nursing home was our youngest daughter's teacher when she was in year one, and she always loves to hear what everybody is up to. She also has a very soft spot for John, as when they had their house he would be that one she called on if she had any problems. I know it's going to be lovely seeing lots of faces that I haven't seen for some time. Sandra, Pat and Sue I hope you have a lovely lunch hopefully we can all catch up later on.

    Sandra I love both of today's cards, the periwinkle card is my to go for colour, it really just works with almost every die you try. You have certainly been showing us some beautiful cards this week. I think I have a brain block I just cannot seem to get inspired. Maybe this break today will help those grey cells - as they say miracles do happen!

    Sheila, it was so lovely to see you pop in yesterday, just concentrate on yourself and Nikki and getting through this difficult time. You know we are all here for you, I was getting quite worried about you, just let us know you are safe that is all it want LOL

    Right that's me away, I will have to read all the comments when I come back later, I hope you all have a lovely day what ever you are doing, take care my lovely friend. Love Brenda xxx

    1. Have a lovely time Brenda! It's lovely to meet up with old friends and colleagues at this time of year. I keep being interrupted this morning! Xxx

  15. Good morning my little cherubs that are left, as i am getting that deserted feeling with so many of you away on christmas lunches, Chriscringle service and out with friends, it's quite quiet in the cfe today. I'm going to have one of those hot chocolates with marshmallows topping and the chocolate on the side(i've brought a couple of paracetemol to combat the headache before it starts) as it sounds delicious. The best outside coffee house is in Dunelm in Falkirk as their coffee is lovely but their hot chocolate even with out all the topping is so rich and creamy tasting, mmhh hhhmm.
    Sandra i do love your first card but i also love your second card with you changing the direction of the second card backgroung it looks like a different background die and the extra poinsettias. Both cards would be a beautiful addition to anyone's home this chrismas. Enjoy your day out with the other two but go'ni slip a couple of elastics into Sue's pockets just to brighten up the day...please. hee hee hee. I'm in a naughty mood and it's all you lots fault and i have no one to be naughty to or at,, it's going to come out i just hope that the delivery man is a way before it does other wise who knows what might happen( sorry Patricia, Hazel and Jess only teasing) but i found my Minnie Mouse Christmas head band with her wee hat on it and her ears and it's all sparkly, hee hee hee. Putting some baby huggles in to the basket today although i hope they don't learn off Myra's huggles. See you all later
    Me x

    1. Norah, you just enjoy the company of the delivery man!!! xxx

    2. NORAH:- scoot on some some perfume the delivery man is on his way ... have fun!!
      Great to see you in today. xxx

    3. I don't feel equipped to join in this conversation - have fun!! Xxx

    4. Ooooo!! Myra, I need to get you up to speed on Norah and her "delivery" man. Lean a little closer, I will whisper !!! xxx

    5. Noo oo! You are kidding me!! Well I never! Ooh! Ooh! - shh , there's someone coming! Xxx

    6. Now we know why you have so much stuff, personal delivery service!!! Xxx

    7. Jess I was trying to think what to say - you have said it, that's brilliant!!!
      Do you blame her? No we know how her face lights up when we say anything about her getting parcels delivered?

    8. You three are incorrigible do you know that, Myra it is not what you think flower, he is just a lovely man who likes to give out compliments, I have tried to tell him he needs far stronger glasses but he's not taking me up on my suggestion yet. My face has never lit up as you put in years like a Belisha beacon until he started his nonsense and you three and yours, now can I get it back to a normal peely wally white again please. I never knew that I could still go scarlet, what it is to have lived a very sheltered life.

    9. Norah, my lovely friends we just felt you needed cheering up from grumpy pants. Please don't go peely wally white it's not good to look like that. I hope you had one of your lovely smiles on when you read what we were saying, as I would hate to think we had made you unhappy. (((( hugs)))) xxx

    10. No Hazel, youse just make me laugh and get my coupon a little heightened in colour that trying to get it back down to its normal colouring, but I forgot the perfume, dash it! I wonder if he'll come again tomorrow but I've got no parcels to come but we'll see if it's a good day. ;)

    11. Norah, maybe a neighbour will be out and he can ask you to take there parcel in?! Xxx

    12. Oh! NORAH:- my dear sweet friend, I do hope I have not offended you. I love the fact the delivery man pays you compliments. We know it must brighten you day but we also know it is all very innocent.
      I hope you are taking this in the fun way it is meant to be. xxx

    13. Oh I could be lucky, got my fingers crossed just in case although because he has been working a lot and late in the day he does sometimes asks if he can use the wc and it would be unkind not to, wouldn't it? Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it, hee hee hee x

    14. Oh it would be rude to refuse to let him use your wc!!! I bet it get an extra lot of bleach down it just incase - like the add? Oh that's fire man. Xxx

    15. We seem to have come a long way from perfume to putting bleach down the toilet! Xxx

    16. Aaaa bless you Norah, it's very easy to be redfaced with this bunch of 'ladies' around but I wouldn't want to be without them for all the butter or is it milk or maybe it was cream ? in the world ! Fingers crossed you get a delivery tomorrow tihi xxx

  16. Good afternoon, Sandra your cards are lovely I like the bowless one the best.
    Not over at Perth as I had planned, had over loaded my gall bladder yesterday so paid for it by spending a lot of the time over night being sick. I am ok now and will not do that again in a hurry. So plain food again.
    Maureen, so glad you are gadding about and not scrubbing floors.
    Sandra, Sue and Pat, enjoy your lunch, it's it a proper Christmas one???
    I am away to do nothing, yes you read right NOTHING!!! I feel like doing that so I will sit with feet up. xxx

    1. So sorry you have been sick Hazel! I hate being sick! Mind you I don't suppose many folk enjoy the experience!
      You just relax this afternoon. It will do you good!! Xxx

    2. I was sorry to hear you had been sick when we chatted this morning.
      Glad you are having the sense to lay low and relax. Not something you do very often these days. Told you retirement was not all FUN!!! xxx

    3. I hope you're feeling better now, had my gall out a few years ago , but still remember the feeling when it's upset.

  17. Hello everyone, hope you are all well. Sorry, I don't have time to read all the comments just now. I am still up to my eyes in card, wrapping paper, ribbon and oh! heavens that "stuff" ... GLITTER!! I have some nice ribbon I got in USA but Man! Oh! Man! it sheds it's glitter something awful.... all good fun!!!
    SANDRA:- love both your cards amazing how a swap round of colour combination can make a difference.
    SANDRA:- it's confession time!! you have been "stealing" our time so you can use it to colour those Tree Lights!!!
    Have you had to cut a hole in your lounge ceiling to get your 8ft tree in?? Our house tree is big, the 8/10ft one is out in the garden no room in the house for that.
    Right folks I will have to love you and leave you, lots to do. Tonight it's the school performance. I just hope nerves don't stop Thomas giving us his great "solo performace". We got to hear it the other evening and it was brilliant.
    SHEILA:- thinking of you, hang in there, it will get a bit better but it will take time.
    Everyone who has been missing I know lots are just busy others may be ill or a bit low just now. I send you all some loving (((((hugs))))) xxx

    1. Hello Patricia,
      That's going to be my job this afternoon! Get everything out of various hidey holes and start wrapping up! I can then see if I need any last little bits. Tomorrow Alastair and I are going to Tarleton - village where I met Michele and Jean - we'll have a coffee and get the last bits and pieces . Xxx

    2. PS! Hope the Concert is super ! Thomas will be great! Xxx

    3. Enjoy the concert, these are the things I miss now, no grandchildren at school. X

    4. Hope the concert is great, wish we lived nearer our grandchildren

    5. Hi Patricia, hope you had a great evening.
      Sorry to see Hazel got sick, hope she felt better during the day. xxx

  18. Hello Sandra and everyone!
    Sorry Sandra - it's taken me ages to get here! I hope you three have a lovely lunch - we can picture you now! I was going to say behave - but - why bother!
    Your cards today are lovely. I love that die and even tried it in pink!!! Your one without the bow is my favourite but they are both beautiful!
    Promarkers are great aren't they! If even used them on my shoes! Great idea on the lights! Great patience too!
    Today I'm going to wrap presents and finish writing cards for posting! Only a few to do. Literally under ten. I was too tired to finish them last night.
    It would be nice if my pillow box die came today but I'm maybe asking too much!
    Hope all who are out dining have a lovely time!
    My huggles are having an after lunch snooze!

  19. Well my doing nothing did not last long, had to go with Charlie to drive a car back, then as he was still waiting for Donald to finish fixing the car I said I'd go to tesco. Did that and now home. So I am hoping to be able to try and do nothing again.
    So Sandra is the one pinching all our time??? Can you stop it now! I don't know how I managed working full time and do what I do order wise? Made the gift bags containing the 5x5 cards to be asked to make 2 more! Thankfully they don't take long and the gift bags are easy. They will wait till tomorrow. Off to put my feet up. xxx

    1. oh there you are ,just said to Patricia how sorry I was to hear you were poorly and hoped you felt better. Naughty you do not to take it easy, did you keep your feet up ? xx

  20. Hi Sandra
    Well just list my post because I forgot to post it again. Lovely card today especially love the colour so might give this one a go.
    Thomas's concert will be fine Patricia. We had a lovely lunch today, but shared a huge dessert. Mint ice cream, mint chocolate, mint aeros, cream, flakes and wafers, plus mint fingers.
    Hugs to all in need of one today. Can't remember what else I said so will sign off now.

    1. Hope none of you are sick tonight with your over load of MINT!.,., glad it was a lovely lunch. xxx

    2. Glad you had a lovely lunch, that was a lot of mint!!,

    3. Sounds like a good lunch but I would have skipped the mint bit.

    4. All that was missing was the mint antacids to counteract all that mint, lol glad you enjoyed your day girls and I hope you shared nicely with a spoon each. One of the times I took my friends out we went to a "restaurant " and shared one of these things between my two children, my two old friends and me but it was lovely or was after I had had 2 paracetamols. X

    5. I've gone a bit green like the mints! Xxx

    6. Geee, you must be totally Mint out ! xx

  21. Thanks Hazel and Jess. U.S. Sick never, mind you it was huge but we had 1 between the three of us.

    1. I should think so to that it was a share pudding with all that was in it.
      I am not a mint pudding lover so I wouldn't want to share! Now had it been the one with chocolate brownies etc that's a different story. xxx

    2. Wow! that was some pudding. Like Hazel I would have had to pass. I don't like mint things. I am not that keen on puddings anyway. I would go for the Biscuits & Cheese xxx

  22. Hello Sandra & ladies
    I have just got home from my friends. We watched all of Sue's Hochanda shows SANDRA I here'd your Email read out & S C was read out too. I loved all her Demo's & she had some lovely samples. It's so nice that she gets three demos in I love the window lattice Striplet & the Rose die & the buckle die well why don't I just say I love them all. SANDRA your cards are Gorgeous I think I like the first one best although the second one is still lovely.I'm glade you Pat & Sue had a good lunch together. Hazel I hope you feel better & resting I think being sick is the worst thing ever,it's not nice at all.Well I posted my last six cards this morning thank goodness
    Well dinner is ready to dish up so must get a wiggle on hug's Lynda xx

  23. Good evening folks, just back from a great evening. The boys go to a "very" rural school with the grand total of 14 pupils ... yes you read that right 14!!!
    Thomas told us he was signing a solo, what he did not tell us he had the "lead roll".
    All the children had multiple rolls with a few changes of costumes. Robert had lots of parts and did very well. Actually all the children were absolutely wonderful. The hall had been set out with 70 seats, everyone was taken. The community are so supportive.
    Right here's John with the evening cuppa ... I think you can guess what the topic of conversation will be.
    Maureen I hope you enjoyed Zoe's show. We are so lucky to be able to get to these things. xxx

  24. Well that's me done. Had a lovely time at Zoe's Christingle Service and the church was full. There were some old pupils there, which is always nice to see. Going to bed now as I'm tired.

  25. Good night all! A good day has been had by all! I'm very pleased for Grandma/ Granny's who have had a super day and for our three Graces who had a lovely lunch! I think it's all been too much for Brenda - hope they are not still having lunch! Xxx

  26. Managed to write all family and friends cards today ready for posting.
    Also did my annual stock take for work which takes ages, as have so many different bits and pieces, what with threads and zips and webbing.
    Shower room radiator has decided not to work today so a chilly wash this evening, trouble is we have a closed system so you can't just bleed them like you used to.
    Patricia glad the concert went well,and your Grandson made you proud.
    I'll say goodnight now, sleep well see you in the morning, my crafty hugs are just about worn out , but might be alittle love in them if your still doing cards.
    See you in the morning, sweet dreams. L

  27. Hi, Have had a good day and totally stuffed from the dinner and pudding after so not sure when bed will be taken. Glad you had a nice evening to all who have watch your grandchildren performance in school or Church.Hope you feeling a lot better Hazel. Oh Sue,Pat and Sandra, we want to hear about the naughtiness too not just the pudding hihi. come on spill, did Sue behave herself ??
    Hope our missing friends are coming in soon, must be cold outside so come in and have a hot chocolate with marshmallows, they are soooo good. Have nice dreams everyone......xxxx
