
Wednesday 16 December 2015

Another Pretty Tree & Janet's Peace on earth

Michele's Christmas Tree

 Janet's Peace on Earth Card

Good Wednesday Morning Ladies,

Two treats for your eyes today, Our Michele's Christmas Tree and a lovely festive card from Janet.

Michele your tree is very tastefully decorated, I love your gold and red theme, we have gold and burgundy, although I would gladly have a change but Mr Grinch says there is plenty of life left in the baubles we have got, maybe I should stop wrapping them up so well each year!  
Now my biggest decision this year is.....tinsel or not to tinsel (that is the question)???, at the moment the tree is sat naked apart from its adornment of freshly promarkered lights, I look like smoked 50 cigarettes last night with my stained gold/yellow thumb and forefinger! I cannot move forward until we have made this decision, we do usually have tinsel to make the tree look fuller, but as you can see from Michele's tree it looks quite stylish without, I get a bit OCD when it comes to hanging me baubles too, getting the colour triangle right, trying to make it look 'balanced', but I am not sure why as I will go into the girls room and the tree that they have (our old artificial one that is still looking fab 10 years on) and they have the multi-coloured lights, flashing away and they have just thrown every decoration that is in the box at it, which mainly consists of all of their 'makes' from nursery and through school, there is everything from hand stitched stockings and stars to loo roll snowmen, made from the loo roll holder and balls of loo roll scrunched into balls and stuck on, there are also Salt dough stars that have slightly distorted in shape with the heat of the loft, but I just look at that tree and it fills me with pride and joy and happiness, I love it but I just don't think I could sit and look at the chaos 24/7.
Michele thank you so much for letting us glimpse into your home, your tree is perfection itself, I really appreciate you taking the time to photograph it and send it in xxxx

On to Janet's Classy Silver and White card, I really do think that just having the two colours, both quite neutral gives that really classy 'High End' look, Janet has used Sue's (CE) Three Wise Men Mini Striplet die to die cut some white card, that had been embossed with dots, she had then popped some Silver Holographic Mirri card behind the die cut, the sparkle from the holographic card really does capture the 'follow the star' theme. I hadn't really noticed the 'Peace on Earth' die from Sue's range before but I really love it and at the moment I think that that is the one think that every single person would have at the top of their wish list, so I think I may well be popping that one in my basket for next year!  I did buy the 'Peace' die last year but have found that its design is quite hard to work with and I haven't found much inspiration online either.  
Janet I love your card, it ticks so many boxes and it is perfect for popping in the post too, thank you so much for sharing it with us xxxx

Our lunch out yesterday was lovely, its nice for us to relax and just be able to sit and talk without the distraction of crafting, we had a lovely dinner, good honest pub food, I went retro and had Scampi and chips, I haven't had that for years, all I needed was prawn cocktail and Black forest gateau to finish the theme, but as Pat mentioned yesterday we had the most delicious, calorific pudding ever, it came it what can only be described as a vase, on the top was Mint Choc ice cream that had been mixed with every Mint chocolate bar that exists, Aero (whole squares), matchmakers, after eight and something else too (I can't remember), it was topped with Cream, and as we had told the land lady that we were sharing the dessert she had the chef put three flakes and three wafers on top, which was a lovely gesture, oh ladies it was heaven, I am not really a pudding kind of gal, I would prefer a starter normally, but when I read this on the menu and its alternative which was Choc/orange ice cream with orange matchmakers, Terry's Chocolate orange, maltesers (too name but a few) of the orangey treats, I was sold and spent most of the time eating my main course thinking about the dessert and whether my two chums would be up for a three way split, needless to say they took very little persuading!
We were then all but chucked out of the pub as the were wanting to close, it was about 3pm mind you and we had been sat since 12.30!  we went back to Pat's for a cuppa and continued chatting away while Pat had her 'hooves' trimmed by the (now what did she say was her title???) FCP!! My first thought was    the place you went for condoms and contraceptive advice when you were newly married, but that was FPC, (Family Planning Clinic)!! Foot Care Professional, that was her title, I personally think that Chiropodist was a perfectly good title and like Maureen Lipman used to say about having an 'ology', I thought anything with an 'ist' on the end sounded professional, I dread to think what they call gynaecologist now.... VCP ??? I suppose it could also be FCP, feel free to add your own idea's! 
The lady did make us laugh though as she said that she normally has to sit there thinking of things to talk about but she had enjoyed listening to us and joining in, she said the time had flown! 

Proud Mummy and Daddy night tonight as we have Lucy's 'Orchestral Miscellany' at school, I am really looking forward to it as their Orchestra is just amazing, they sound truly out of this world, their tutor is a bit of a tyrant but boy does he bring the best out in them, he knows it mind, you can tell when he comes out in his tail coat with his baton in hand, strutting like a peacock, (I had better read that again, I don't want spell checker getting that lot wrong )!   I can't help myself, seeing my children perform in any thing makes me burst with pride and makes my eyes leak, just a little!
Our Soph is totally out of performance of any kind, I think that the stress of these exams combined with a cold and just being tired as its the end of term have taken their toll on her and she is really under the weather, hot, tired, she slept from when she got in tonight, so I think the end of term can't come to soon for her, only another 2 1/2 days to go! 

I just want to thank you all for popping in and out so much yesterday, I was so taken aback from the number of comments, loved hearing about Thomas and Zoe's school performances, oh and Norah's delivery man, Wit woo!!  Norah, I think we will all be chipping in to send you daily deliveries, mind you you can't blame the chap, despite what has been 'put' in your head, you are a truly beautiful lady inside and out xxx
Thank you once again ladies it was like the old days,
I do hope your schedules start to ease a little as the school term ends, I don't think there is much else happening for a week or two is there???!

Love and Hugs

ps. sorry for the War and Peace post today, I think I may have been affected by mint chocolate! xx


  1. Good morning everyone,
    It's such a nasty morning here but I've sat and read all your post Sandra and can imagine the girls Christmas tree, the meal yesterday along with the Chiropodist. Hope you enjoy the concert tonight. Looks like it was a very proud grandparents night last night too.
    I thought I was getting the virus john had but I've woken up this morning and I'm fine so I'm thankful for that, no time to be ill.
    Michelle your tree is beautiful and Janet I love this die you have used on your card.
    Food shopping today, all the non perishables as johns shifts are all changed for the Christmas rota, will get the fresh myself next week, then sort out the cemetery pots.
    Will be back later but have topped the basket up, the huggles are fair worn out this morning, all still asleep,
    Jean xxx

    1. Hello Jean,
      Hope the shops aren't too bad today! The roads are reall busy all day too. Xxxx

    2. Hello Jean, I've been to blood pressure alley this morning (Sainsbury's) and it was pretty busy. Every till gridlocked, but people were in quite a good mood so we had a laugh while waiting. Good luck with yours. xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Goodness -that's s shock seeing my own Christmas tree! I can't claim any credit for it as hubby always decorates the tree . The light flash on & off but gently, going through various colour changes.

    Janet- your card is beautiful. Very classy & elegant.

    Sandra-sounds like you had a great time yesterday. Perfect timing before everywhere gets too busy.

    I have a 2 hour Givernance meeting today (8.30-10.30) where a set number of managers submit their reports on what they've been doing for the last month. My turn in January. Honestly-you should see the pathetic efforts from some of them, mine will be like War & Peace....ha ha! I'll let you know if I manage to stay awake through the meeting.


    1. That's a fancy title Michele!
      I like your tree very much. It's very elegant. Xxx

    2. Hello Michele, What with fancy trees, and fancy titles, I think Myra has summed it up very well. Your meeting will be over so hopefully your brain has woken up!!! xx

    3. Hi Michele,
      Your tree is lovely lucky you to have your hubby decorate it, Alan has just put lights on ours for me back the rest is up to me.
      Hope the meeting was not too bad. Margaret xx

  3. Good morning, Sandra and ladies. Oh it's so dark out it feels like the middle of the night not 7.15. Well I decided that I wasn't getting up at 6 after all. I will go in a minute and set the ironing board up and attack the pile before I go get showered and dressed and go get Stan and take him to the vets. Oh yes I am cruel, but it's for his own good. Better done now when he is little.
    Michele, I love your tree. It's very classy.
    Janet, your card is beautiful. I loved using the striplet and my peace on earth die this year. Like you I cut the peace die out in mirror card, I found a few sheets when I had tidy up my craft stuff and decided I was using it up. Was pleased with how the die cuts looked too.
    Poor Norah, we did make her blush yesterday! We know it's all innocent. This lovely lady needs someone like her delivery man in her life, and if him delivering a few parcels brings a smile to her face so what. Better than grumpy chops any day!!!
    Sandra, what was the other ingredient in the pudding? As I couldn't believe the length of your post this morning, it must have been all that chocolate that gave you so much energy? Maybe Sophie should have some to keep her going?
    Enjoy your proud moment tonight.
    Oh yes our Gilllian ( podiatrist) loves when she goes to do her ( feet and wine lot) it's a group of friends that all get there feet done on the same night and while gets their feet done they all sit have a glass of wine and chat, of course Gillian now just joins in the chatter to.
    Oh I'd better get one of Diane's wiggles on.
    Will be in later once I get back from the vets. xxx

    1. Hello Hazel, The Chiropodists here became Podiatrists quite a long time ago now. I know one with a personalised number on her car - TOE. 1.
      Personally I'd have kicked that into touch , I think! Xxxx

    2. Oh Myra, our Gillian would love that number plate. Yes Gillian got angry with the NHS when they changed them form Chiropodists to Podiatrists as instead for just getting new mane tapes put on their uniform tops they. Bought new tops - such a waste of money. Gillian has been training foot care assistants lately. These are ones who haven't got the grades required to go to do the 3 years but are really wanting to be podiatrists, so they are training them to do nail cuts and dressings which is a big help to her and the team, two or three have now been excepted to do the three year coasre, as she says they are what they need not ones that just want the wages. Xx

    3. Hello Hazel, I'm glad you had a lie in this morning, although you'll still have been up at the crack of dawn.
      Why do they change the name of professions - it only gets people confused! xxx

  4. Good morning Cotswold Café Blog Chums,

    A very festive start to the day with Michele's beautiful tree, so bright and cheerful.
    Janet's card ticks all boxes, bright and sparkly.

    A woo hoo day for me today! Milly-May is coming for a visit this morning with my daughters whilst Lucy off shopping or something. Twill be lovely to see her again now all my ailments not giving me gyp.

    Still playing catch-up with all past 3 weeks of comments, you are a lovely bunch with a really funny sense of humour and some of the return quips had me laughing. I think we ought to play 'quip tennis' and have a trophy for the best remark. Tin hats excluded.
    Off now to put vacuum round the living room and fire on ready for Milly-May. Just looked at time so a tad too early, never mind will have time for a long shower using some of my spa products from last Christmas! Found them in the back of my wardrobe so a bit of pampering never does anyone any harm.
    'See' you all later
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hello Cheryl,
      I hope you are well and have a fabulous day with Milly-May. Make sure you get plenty of cuddles and kisses. xxx

    2. Hi Maureen,
      I found you on FB and said 'Hi' there. Not sure if you have seen it or not. xxx

  5. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, dark and wet here again, sorry I know my weather is getting boring but I like to share !
    Michele your tree is very stylish, no tinsel ?
    Janet your card is very lovely, and perfect for this year.
    Sandra enjoy the concert tonight, I remember being more nervous than the children were, but so proud, you're comment brought back many happy memories.
    Need to go to the Range today to get my friend some crafty goodies , as C/C has let me down again and supposedly lost my parcel, I just think that one of the staff want it and as it sold out, they just take a customers order, had to wait a month for my refund. After I used all of my birthday credits I shall not be ordering from them much more.
    So I must fly (wish we could ) have a good day everyone.

    1. I agree with you on the CC front Lilian. I haven't watched it for months and there is less and less I would want to buy. Xxx

    2. Hello Lilian,
      Enjoy yourself at the Range, just watch out for the deer and the antelope!!! xxx

    3. Ha ha ha ! Don't worry Lilian at least you won't hear a discouraging word! Xxx

  6. Morning everyone from a very very wet wet High Green.
    When will it stop raining!!!!

    Everything is set for today and I've put an extra 'brolly holder' by the door as I'm sure everyone will have a wet one when they come in and it's just so easy to pop one in a holder. I've also put a couple of extra brollies in too so that anyone who hasn't got one when they go out they can borrow one of those. Just please remember to bring them back for further use.

    MICHELE - I love love your tree. It stands so proud and is so elegant. Hubby has certainly done a good job.

    My Christmas card is put together as Sandra says with Sue's new Chrisatmas 'Three Wise Men' and 'Peace on Earth'. I wasn't going to buy any Christmas dies this year as I bought quite a few last but when I saw these I just could not resist. They are just a good size for posting and both of them really do cut well. I too bought the 'Peace' die last year but also had difficulty cutting it.
    This design was sent to everyone we know in France and so again postage was reasonable.

    Well I finished wrapping presents yesterday and so today I've just got to put them in their big Santa bags ready for delivering. I always buy those big sacks (one for each household) as it's so easy to deliver the parcels all in one sack rather than individuals and risk either dropping/tearing or loosing them.

    Off now to make a start. The dining room looks like a very very untidy Santa's Grotto.
    Have a lovely evening Sandra/Paul with your very talented Daughters.

    Hugs for all. xxxx

    1. Success Janet,
      Every time I try to leave a message here it goes! I love your card today and these two dies are definitely favourites of mine. Your card is a lovely peaceful card with a lovely message!
      I haven't finished wrapping yet but did a lot yesterday. The Santa sacks are a great idea!

    2. Hello Janet,
      What a beautiful card. Perfect in fact. xxx

    3. Hi Janet,
      What a lovely elegant card I love it. I haven't even started wrapping yet must do some tomorrow.xx

  7. Hi again,
    Just popping in to add a very big 'THANK YOU' for all your Christmas cards. From having no post for days on end, it is lovely to receive such wonderful artistically crafted greetings from you all.
    God Bless you in this Christian season of goodwill.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, I think we all have been so lucky receiving stunning, beautiful cards this year. Our neighbour was commenting on all our beautiful ones that are on the mantelpiece, she said not many folk have so many masterpiece cards to display. I told her that's what comes from having a group of wonderful friends. xxx

    2. Totally agree ! I have never before had so many beautiful cards!

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Just a quick hi at the moment, just wanted to say that I love your tree Michele and Janet, your Peace on Earth card is beautiful.
    We had a lovely lunch, the dessert was scrummy and I will be making it at home, that's for sure : ) I did behave, no elastic bands this year : )
    I hope you are all as well as possible. Take care xx

    1. Oh Sue, you behaved! Never mind I'm glad you had a lovely lunch together and some fun. Xxx

  9. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    Michele you are far more sophisicated than i as my trees once i had sat and sorted out all their branches to upturn and spread out i use to love having it filled with baubles and lights and tinsel, but greetin' face isn't even getting it out to do a "Michele" to it this year and i just don't have that amount of strength or will power to fight with getting it out so i have all my beautiful cards around me. Kirsten got the dog a christmas jumper to wear on Christmas day as well so that we are all wearing one, well mines is a christmas cardigan that i seen in the dear shop you know, Primark and i can let the steam out when my power surges decide to rear their head and my temperature. Although seeing your tree Michele it is probably the kind i should have for my living room as it is tall and slender, i would say a bit like me but i would be lying on both accounts.
    Janet i too fell in love with these dies but they will need to wait until i am more solvent with no roads for my money where it has to go. What an elegant and chic card that would grace anyones fireplace with pride flower. I do like that multi coloured silver mirri as it picks up colours that you don't realise and brings a sparkle to it all. See when the sun shines and it hits it, you can see the colours of the rainbow on the walls, it is beautiful card and probably my favourite out of the mirri's although i do use a lot of gold especially when using my Hunkydory kits which seem mostly to be edged in gold. Thank you girls for your beautiful projects today as it is so good to see other peoples interpretations of Christmas.
    Now you lot i am quite sure that most of you would be in good company with my friend the delivery man. You know how i can make friends of any age and that i don't care what age people are, it is what they are like as a person that has given me my very special lot of friends that you all are, well my friend is a tad older and yes he is fit and handsome for his age although i can't believe what his true age is. Now i wonder if i should keep you lot in suspenders about that little detail or spoil the fun by telling? Eh, no we'll leave you all to guess what i handsome lathario's age might be?
    Be back after and Myra stop feeding that huggles. Going for an afternoon nap after lunch indeed. Do you just pick him up when you want a cuddle?
    Me x

    1. Norah, I will be good and not say a word! Our secret, it's a pity our neighbours didn't live next to you as ever day we have taken parcels in for them, I think they have shopped at Amazon fir evetything this year.
      Oh love the thought of Tia have her own Christmas jumper, I think you need to take a photo and let us see. Harry has his reindeer ears. Have a good day my friend. xxx

    2. Oh Norah - I can't stop feeding him! You should see his little face! I'll have the RSPCH after me - yes the Royal Society ----- Huggles! Mind you I didn't know it had the Royal Warrant! You been sending huggles to the Queen? Nooo! The delivery man is not one of the Royal Princes? Is he? Xxxx

    3. Myra, i can't as they get all security checked, xrayed, examined through out and by the time they actually reach the lady herself they are a bit tattered, torn and bashed about so none of them want to go now in fact they are at the pleading stage of saying "please don't send us, please" before they start crying and i really don't want to put them through all that, poor wee things. I am a responsible mum to my huggles you know and after all that i wouldn't put anything through that manhandling. x

    4. Well I just spoil mine! There is far too much red tape these days! Does a Huggle wearing a Santa hat look like a threat to National Security! They are even wearing a bell! I understand completely! It's Buckingham Palace's loss!!! Xxxx

    5. A bit of manhandling wouldnt go amiss!!!

    6. Norah, you see me are giving you material for your "huggle" books
      I bet Prince William would love to read it to his little ones! Then it would have Royal approval!!! xxx

    7. Huggles is a great name too, Norah! Hurry up and start writing or I'll be old old to say I knew you before you were famous!!! Xxxx

    8. Jess, and just who are you wanting manhandled by is what i'm wanting to know? And me getting manhandled will be a cold day in h*** before anyone had the bad sense to come near me. I had put good sense until i read it back and that just gave all sorts of other connotations in my mind. What's that saying, oh aye, least said , soonest mended and i'm going no further on that topic. x

  10. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Flying visit again, so much to do, so little time!!!! Michele love your tree, very smart and sophisticated - oh dear, ours sounds like it will be like your girls one Sandra as everything gets put on ours - oh and tinsel , lots of tinsel! Emma made me laugh last night - they are using a pineapple as their Christmas tree and have hung baubles from it! They found a very small tree yesterday on their travels and took it home and it's as big as the pineapple! The secret Santa presents are on the corner with the tree and pineapple on top! That's student life for you!
    Janet lovely card, I've got that die and used it quite a lot this year cxx
    Must dash, may see you all later. By the way that pudding sounds yummy, hope it wasn't too sickly though - mind you perfect to share between 3! Xxxx

    1. Diane, love the youngs ones idea for a Christmas tree, Emma is sharing with a great group. Please take 5 mins to breath. xxx

    2. That sounds like a really fun, funky tree! I'm glad Emma has made some lovely friends. Xxx

    3. Diane flower,
      it must gladden your heart that wee bit that Emma is happy and settled into Uni life up here in Scotland and made good friends that will stay through out her life. She is a well adjusted young lady who is living her life to the full i hope in Uni Towers as it's not all about the work, she needs some down time as well to be able to take in the serious stuff. Is she coming home for Christmas or are you going to be a fretting mum because she hasn't come home. I was lucky Kirsten studied at Stirling for her nursing and stayed at home although i do feel that she missed out on a whole new experience with not leaving home then. It's something i always wanted to do but never had the brains nor did we have the money to let me go. I sometimes wonder just how different my life would have been if i had now and again went back on something that i said i would do. Take for instance i went to college to be a hairdresser because i had accepted the place before getting my exam results through and although i had passed them all i couldn't let myself back out of the promise i had made to go to college as someone else could have had that place that i had accepted and because i had accepted it, it would have been wrong to turn round and say that i wasn't then going to college, so you see because of my upbringing not to make promises you can't keep I would never go back on a promise i landed at college and in a whole new land and experience. Learning jokes that i didn't find funny until about 2 hours later when the penny dropped. Oh yes and i remained as green as grass throughout the years to present day as daft as it sounds. x

    4. Norah, I think a lot of us went down the wrong line when it came to going to collage? I wanted to be a Nusery nurse but was told NO WAY! By our dad, in his eyes that was for folk with no brains! I studied office stuff, got myself a good job and hated it. What did I end up being a nanny. Like you, we were brought up you didn't go backing out if things that others could have had. Yes don't make a promise you can't keep either, if you think you can't keep it, say I will try and do/be there what ever. xxx

  11. Good morning Sandra and ladies,
    Michele your tree is lovely, tall and elegant. We had a really large tree for a few years that sat in a corner of the lounge, but when we bought our recliner sofas we had to buy a smaller tree as we can't move the sofas they are so heavy.
    Janet loving your card, I have the wise men die but never used it this year, never mind there is always next year.
    Hoping to get our tree up this afternoon, and get some soup made. Off out tonight with a few friends for Christmas dinner, will have to raid the wardrobe for something nice and sparkly that fits!!!!
    Enjoy the concert Sandra, don't cry too much and ruin your makeup!
    Norah at a guess I think your friend could be in his late forties/early fifties?
    Take care everyone, xxx

    1. Hope you get the tree up Jess and the soup made. Enjoy you evening out and you will sparkle no matter what you wear!
      Shhhhh. Do you think this driver is maybe a toy boy!? Xxx

    2. Oh gee wizz i think i really need to get a new pair of eyes as i read that as Jess going up the tree and making soup. Specsavers here i come, lol x

    3. Oh and no but i might be a toy girl, hmm? x

    4. Oh that made me laugh! Jess up the tree with her carrots and onions etc! Better to be an old man's darling than a young man's slave - that's the saying isn't it! The jury is out on that one! Xxx

    5. An older man, with a fat cheque book and a bad cough might be ok!

    6. Oh she just needs one that will love and care for her. Someone that will tell her everyday how wonderful she is. Cook for her, not every night but just taking a share. Norah wouldn't want someone doing everything for her, she is to Independant !!! And likes doing things for herself to much. xxx

    7. Jess I take it you wouldn't necessarily want the bad cough to be cured by " Night Nurse" xxx

  12. Morning Sandra and everyone this wet,damp day once again. Where did I read we were to have the coldest winter for years ? Nice tree Michele, I like the teddies and the minimalistic look but personally I like some tinsel Sandra. Lovely card Janet, the more I see this three men striplet I like it more and more.
    Off to Stamford in a minute so must get a shake and wiggle on. Leaving some huggies together with all of yours for a nice day and enjoy the concert Sandra tonight
    Love and hugs to everyone .xxxx

    1. Dark and rather dreary day here too Maria! Have a nice time in Stamford. Xxx
      How is your back? Xx

  13. In for a nice cup of tea I think and I will just have a fruit scone and jam with it. Well Stan I think knew where he was off too? Either that or the other two cats had let him know why the cat basket was out? He was a little tinker and what a job I had getting hold of him. He is now in the vets. The other cats where glad he was gone, one he is a wee monkey and two they hadn't been able to have any food since 10pm last night. I left them busy stuffing their faces.
    Couldn't believe that it's 9c today, very muggy, no wonder there are so many bugs on the go. Just waiting on the fish lady to come, then I can get on with things. Housework first I think. xxx

    1. Stan will be fine! It's such a great name for a cat! It makes me smile. I can just imagine that lovely fresh fish! Xxx

    2. Myra, he suite his name, granted he thinks he is dog and plays fetch! He is cute but a monkey at the same time. Junior and Oskar put up with a lot. Yes we are lucky ref fresh fish, only about 8 miles from where the boats go out just of shore to catch and land it. Lemon Sole tonight with a nice big salad. xxx

    3. I am of the firm old fashioned true belief that we need a good frost to kill off all those nasties that are doing the rounds. I can't remember ever being ill with anything other than the standard cold when i was wee. My nana always blamed them pesky rockets going up into space and i can see where she got her ideas from as when i was wee my feet used to sink into the tar, the sun was that hot during the summer. It just seems that since there has been more and more satelites put up our ozone layer is getting more depleted and when you think that they have to puncture the atmosphere to go into space and planets in the galaxy it'll be like a needle going through cloth, it never goes back to what it was pre puncture.
      Ok Professor Einstein here will shut up on the space orbits but it does make you think and i try with the wee bit brain that i have hidden away and very well padded against damage. x

    4. Norah you are trying really hard to introduce some sense into this blog but it may well be a lost cause! My Grandad used to say - " if God had meant us to fly we would have been given wings! " trouble is he had no problem with trains, cars or buses and we weren't given wheels either! Xxxx

    5. Myra, when I was young ( very long time ago) I wanted to get my ears pierced, Dad told me ( if you were meant to have pierced ears God would have made the holes in your ears ready to use). He about had a fit when I walked in supporting little gold ball earrings in my pierced ears at the age of 16. Patricia went and got hers done just after that. It was another black mark to my name. xxx

    6. I don't have pierced ears Hazel only it was my Mum that wouldn't let me when I was younger. Clearly I could have done it a long time ago but I just never have. However I do think that wearing earrings sort of finishes you off when dressed to go out! Xxx

  14. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Lovely elegant Christmas tree you are showing as today Michelle I think your husband has done a brilliant job. Mine blesses heart gets the tree out and then says you know what you want to do with it don't you! It's his great get out.

    Janet, your card is beautiful, Love the holographic paper behind the die, it really does catch the light and adds depth to the die cut. I have this die and find it works so well and in so any ways. I just hadn't thought to add depth in the way you have. I believe that's another reason we all love this blog, seeing what others do with the same materials (dies) you have, yet they come up with the result that had never occurred to you. A big thank you to our dear Sandra for letting us share in this way. LOL

    I had a great lunch with my friends yesterday, by the time I had dropped some of the ladies back at East Croydon station, the traffic was quite heavy and I got home about 4:45 so not bad really.
    Really pleased are lovely friends (the Three Graces) had a lovely Christmas lunch, I do not think I could manage that pudding girls!!! Sounds like an overdose of chocolate to me. LOL

    Sandra/Paul enjoy your Christmas concert , remember to take lots of tissues. I'm sure all taking part have worked so hard and deserve all the credit that will be given to them. I used to love these when our girls were at school. Having heard them practice at home then suddenly they are all playing together, it really was wonderful. Their instruments were violin and cello! And sounded so much better when they were all in the orchestra. We also used to have a modest piano at home, but when the girls had lessons at school they played on a Steinway no less. Gosh those were the days.

    Well dear friend sitting here chatting isn't getting anything done, so I had better move myself, I have to say reluctantly, because I'd love to sit and chat with you all, but then this 'mess' has to be cleared away, I say mess but it's Christmas stuff really.

    I will pop in later at some time to see what everyone has been up to, take care my lovely friends, Brenda XXX

    1. Glad you had a lovely time yesterday Brenda! Xxx

    2. Brenda, you sound like you had a lovely lunch with your friends. Like you when Anna ( she plays viola and piano ) and Beth ( cello and piano) practised at home I some times wondered if they would ever get it right, yet when they played in the Orchestra it all came together beautifully. Anna is doing a solo on her viola tomorrow evening at the school orchestra unfortunately the tickets were limited so I can go. Xxx

  15. GoodMorning Sandra,
    I've just glanced at the clock to check! By the time I'd read your " War and Peace" and everyone else's and left comments I was afraid it would be afternoon! Ha ha!
    So pleased you had a lovely time yesterday but I couldn't cope with that much chocolate and mint! It's lovely if you like that though!
    I hope all goes well at the Concert tonight. I'm sure it will. Enjoy it like proud parents should. Lots of work goes into these concerts as you know.
    I left comments for Michele and Janet! A very Christmassy blog today - lovely!
    We started off with War and Peace - finished with Peace on Earth. If only this could happen in our world today!

  16. Afternoon Ladies

    Can I just ask-has anyone received the stamps I posted out last Monday (7th) as I'm getting concerned now. Just had an email from EBay to say an item I sold a few weeks ago hasn't arrived & the buyer want a refund. It wasn't dear (a magazine with clear stamps) but I don't have another one. I've been using a small post office within a local shop and am wondering if that's the problem?!


    1. Sent you an email sweetie, arrived Monday. apparently our sorting office went on strike for a couple of days so now playing catch-up with all the extra posts. xxx

  17. Hello All,
    I've been answering on the way down, but it's getting late and I'm going to have to go, will be back later. xxx

  18. Sandra flower, seperate the hankies before you go and then you wont rustle in the middle of the concert with the girls shrinking further down in the seats with the thought "oh mum, it would be only our mum that would do that" lol. Have a great time flower and the girls are going to be fantastic. It's hard to think that the school break up on Friday, so they have a week of doing nothing before the big day arrives and tensions reach fever pitch and frayed. I preferred it when they finished a couple of days before hand as it didn't give them to much time to get completely sky scraper high and i can tell you it doesn't matter how much you watch e numbers and additives, nothing brings them back down to this planet when they have so much time on their hands. Have fun x

    1. Norah, I couldn't agree more with you! When they are only off a few days before the big day they are less high! Ok teachers might disagree with me, but if ever other working person has to work right up to the bitter end, why don't teachers work up till the Wednesday lunch time? When I was working I worked up till the last minute, ie tea time when mum and dad got home, being doctors they had clinics to do. xxx

    2. Our boys don't come off till Tuesday. Think J&A are delighted with that. I know teachers have their shopping to fit in for the big day. They knew they had to cope with these things when they took the job. When I was working we just had to get it all fitted in and that was that. xxx

  19. Well didn't manage to get the tree up, it is at the top of the stairs waiting to be brought down, this place has gone like a fair this afternoon, why is it that all your visitors come on the same day, one out two in etc.,
    Sandra I'm a wee bit concerned about you colouring the light bulbs, I hope you haven't created a fire hazard!
    Looking forward to my night out, feeling a bit peckish already.
    Will catch up later, xxx

    1. JESS:- I was thinking the very same thing. I actually mentioned it to John Jnr last night. His advice is NOT to leave the lights on when no one is at home .... that's from a Firefighter.
      MICHELE:- love your tall elegant tree.
      JANET: love your card, absolutely brilliant.
      If ihad a £1 for every time I have used that Striplet Die this year I could be off on Holiday.
      Sorry folks can't stop, busy, busy.
      Loads of (((((hugs))))) popped in the basket for those who might need them.
      SANDRA:- please be careful re:- those lights. You coloured them with Alcohol Pens, some will have burned off but there is still some on all those bulbs. xxx

    2. If you have a fairy on top - what about substituting a fire extinguisher for her wand? Sorry! Just got that picture in my head! Xxx

    3. Hey Patricia, i know this is a biased question but is he as handsome as the advert shows because just thinking maybe Sandra will need a real professional to check them out for her. Don't tell his missus i said that or i'll be excommunicated, hee heee hee. x

  20. NORAH:- of course he's handsome .... he's MY son!! xxx

    1. Norah! Follow that if you dare! Xxxx

    2. But of course Patricia, I never doubted it but is he allowed to use his equipment out of work? X ;)

    3. Norah, thats a saucy question, you being that quiet!!!

    4. I'm only saying Jess that I don't know if they allow John with to use hisbig hose or fire extinguisher for outside contracts. I am not letting this halo slip, it's lasted up in situ all these years, but Jess what did you think I meant, eh? X

  21. Evening everyone, just come in from delivering cards - taken an age, lots of chatting, enjoyed it really.
    Must go back and read the comments, only saw the last few and it looks quite interesting!!!
    Off to have a cup of tea and a biscuit, although I have had a few cups up to now.
    See you all tomorrow
    Jean xxx

  22. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra sounds as if you had a great time yesterday pleased to see Sue behaved herself, I can just see the three of you tucking into that pudding as well. Enjoy the concert tonight.xx
    Managed to put tree up & Alan put lights on for me just haveto decorate it now, a friend used to leave all decorations on tree & put it away covered with a sheet alright if you have the room save a lot of time, mind you it is part of Christmas.
    Hope you are all coping hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  23. Evening ladies

    Am only just home after going out for dinner with a friend/colleague. We went to the local carvery & have been out for 3hours! We both had a lovely time, I'm shattered now. I did want to put the computer on but it will have to wait til tomorrow now as I'm waiting for hubby to phone.

