
Thursday 17 December 2015

Anne's Jolly snowmen

Good Morning Ladies,

I promise that today's post won't be as long as yesterdays, I think I was still on a 'high' from my sugar rush pudding at yesterdays lunch, together with being on a high after reading so any comments xx

Today's gorgeously cute Christmas card has been designed and created by Anne, I love this cute Christmas card, you have covered a wide age range with this card, the cute snowmen teamed with the beautiful poinsettias and snowflakes, make this card a perfect family card. The frame you have created using Creative Expressions 'Tuscany' die from their 'Italian' range of dies and the Noble square make the perfect background for you focal image, the trees and the snow fall background complete a lovely Christmassy scene.
Thank you so much for sharing your card with us Anne, I feel very privileged to be able to showcase your gorgeous cards on my blog xxxx

I finally got the first batch of Christmas cards in the post yesterday, the second batch will be sent off tomorrow.  I will feel very relieved to get at least the important cards on their way!!

Our plans have been scuppered today as we are having to take Sophie to the doctor, I think that she is
so exhausted that a simple cold has really gotten her down, I think that the pressure of the exams last week together with a very long term are the cause. Our GP's close early for Christmas as the camp winds down for the holidays, so after then we have to use out of hours emergency appointments, so I think its best to get her seen by our regular doctor and hopefully getting her on the mend before Christmas.
I hope that all of you have a productive day,
love and hugs


  1. Morning Ladies

    Anne- what a beautiful card, I love Mr & Mrs Snowman-such a cute image.

    My meeting was ok yesterday. Actually it was quite interesting-we have had a business case in for more staff for over a year & it's finally going to be discussed this week and supposedly we get an answer this week!! I'm quite giddy with excitement. Hopefully today will be fairly quiet as I have a lot of paperwork to catch up on.


    1. Morning Michele - I have my fingers crossed for a positive outcome for you at work. There is nothing worse than having to play 'catch up' because you haven't enough staff.
      Hugs for you xxxx

    2. Michele, deep breath as we can't get you to excited awaiting their monumentous decision on whether to actually employ the staff that are so badly needed, instead of paying big fat cats money to decide on whether you can struggle through with the meagre resources that you have and employ agency staff that costs at the very least twice as much again. Have a good day flower while you have your quiet spell as i bet that doesn't show up very often. x

    3. Now Michele! Steady on! We don't want you giddy!
      I agree with Norah it can't be sensible to pay someone more to run a hospital than the Prime Minister gets paid to run the Country! The world has gone mad! Xxx

    4. Hi Michele. I do hope that you get the right answer this week, my fingers are croosed for you x

  2. Good Morning Sandra and Friends,dar and wet here again today.
    So sorry to hear that Sophie is so poorly, hope the GP can sort har out quickly.
    Exams put so much pressure on young ones these days and they all work so hard, it's not surprising they get run down, give her one of Our big hugs.
    Sorry not too get back during the day yesterday, I don't know where the time goes.
    Today going to our normal craft day with two friends, it's a 70 mile round trip but we have a lovely time.
    Tomorrow is the Works lunch, they hold it in hotel in Falmouth , so another long drive,
    Hope you all have a lovely day, hugs to those not well including my O/H !!!!!

    1. Morning Lilian - have a lovely day crafting with your two Friends and I hope 'O/H' is not too unwell.
      Hugs for you xxxx

    2. Lilian flower, enjoy your day with your friends as they make an ordinary day so special and laughter does a power of untold good. Sorry that your OH is not feeling up to par, i hope that he gets back up and back to normal so very soon. x

    3. Have a lovely time at Falmouth Lilian. Like Falmouth! Hope your husband feels better soon. Xxx

  3. Good morning everyone
    Anne your card raises a smile here, I love this image, good for any age.
    Sandra I hope Sophie gets to see the doctor, sooner is best as you say, hopefully she will be a lot better soon.
    Very dark here, these mornings seem so long at present
    Michele hope you get your quiet day, glad you might be getting extra staff
    Going into town today, I must say I like the atmosphere at this time of year, loved it when I worked on the checkout at Sainsburys, we used to get extremely busy but everyone (mostly) is in a great mood.
    Hugs to all who need them,
    Will pop in later, very busy here yesterday wasn't it
    Jean xxx

    1. Hello Jean, I like the Christmas atmosphere too.
      We are popping out later in the afternoon. Only need a few bits so will park in a space after four which isn't available earlier. Xxx

  4. Good Morning everyone
    Once again it is very very dark here and I will be so happy to see the shortest day out of the way and we can get to see some light in the mornings.

    All is set for the day - fresh baked mince pies ready for warming along with a little helping of mulled wine for those not driving.

    Sandra - I'm so sorry to hear that Sophie is having to visit your GP. It really is a heavy time of year for them what with Mocks, a long term and as Norah said the other day we're not having the cold weather to kill off the germs. I hope she gets sorted so she can enjoy the rest of the holidays.

    ANNE - I love your card today. Mr & Mrs Snow are just delightful. Thank you for giving me a smile to start my day.

    I'm really going to have to start writing down replies as I read all the comments. I got three quarters of the way down yesterday evening and was interrupted and then when I finally got back I'd forgotten what everyone had said and I was so tired that I pressed the wrong button and I'm afraid I gave up and went to bed. Sorry if I missed something I should know.

    I have a bit of a busy day today (nothing new at the moment). It's my hairdresser day so Julie is coming at 12.00noon and then I'm out meeting an ex work colleague and his wife for coffee at 14.00hrs. Philip came to school a couple of years before I retired as Business Manager and I've not seen him for three years. He is now retired and as all retirees know we haven't time to fit everything in do we. So in a way I'm looking forward to seeing them but on the other hand I have changed somewhat in appearance.

    I hope to pop in later and try and keep up with everyone. Hugs are in the basket and they have clean bibs on today as somehow they got really grubby yesterday. Do not know what they were up to.

    1. Janet flower, i bet him and his wife have also changed since he retired so stop worrying what they will think as they will see Janet, old, new, it will make no difference to them so enjoy seeing your old colleague and his wife again. I was frightened with what my lovely friends would think of me when they met me and i felt at ease the very moment i set eyes on the 3 of them, although i think that there is some people bringing me out of my shell that i have had for years as defence to hide in to and making me cheeky. Enjoy flower, as they will just see Janet honestly. x

    2. Hello Janet, As Norah has said your colleague will have changed too!
      You are still the same Janet and that's who they are coming to see. Have a lovely time! Xxx

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Anne, I love this card, it has snowmen, well a snow man and a snowlady, which are my favourite winter characters. I love how you have frames them. A gorgeous card, thank you for sharing it with us.
    We are planning to get the tree up this morning as we have the grand daughters after school and they will help decorate it, I must remember to send a photo to you Sandra.
    O hope that Sophie gets on well at the docs, bless her. I bett you are right Sandra, this is always a long term and there are so many bugs around, mixed with stressing about her exams. Best to get her seen now so any treatment can take effect before the big day.
    I'm sorry but haven't managed to read yesterday's comments yet so will just send hugs to you all, and I hope you all have a good day, whatever you are doing. Take care xx

    1. Sue, is Margaret Palmer your Mum as i as fair lost and mixed up, which i think might be that Maureen or is it Muriel's fault and it doesn't take much to confuse me? I know one of the ladies that calls into the cafe is your mum but i can't remember who because i have a Homer Simpson brain, doh!!! x

    2. I have found that nearly everything is Maureen/Muriel's fault!!
      Tin Hat --- I'm digging a trench! Xxx

    3. I'm giggling away here, xxxx

    4. Hi Norah. Yes Margaret P is my lovely mum. You and me would get on very well as my brain is very good at forgetting even the most simple things : ) Take care x

    5. Hi Norah. Yes Margaret P is my lovely mum. You and me would get on very well as my brain is very good at forgetting even the most simple things : ) Take care x

  6. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    And how are we all this lovely and just for a change pouring down rainy day? Who ever said it is Christmas day next week, forgot to tell the weather that it's supposed to come down with snow, not rain. I am thinking on planting rice in my private paddy field that i have out the back. I think i could be on to a winner as we use rice quite a lot and then i could grow the wholesome variety, although i don't know how Tia would tatke to her private toilet and play space being taken over by my agricultural tendencies.
    Awh Anne, Mr and Mrs Snowman look so happy together, i wonder if it's because they have so little time together before they are parted by the weather? Sorry brain is being in a naughty mood this morning. It is a lovely comical card today and just brightens up a miserable day. I am finding this dark in the morning at 8:00 when i get up is a bit hard on the eyes as i need the lights on and if i wasn't awake beforehand, i sure am after when they go on. I see you have HD rainbow mirri card behind which just shows up the colours in the card beautifully and bounces them off the mirri. Thank you Anne for a lovely card that gives us that wee bit of childhood fantasy back.
    Ever felt that you have a bitsy day where you can't get on because you keep getting disturbed having to do other things, well today is one of those days. I had Rory to drop off at college, Mr Asda is coming between 10 - 12 and i need to sort all that lot out before going back for Rory at 1:15 to pick him up again. Then i have a friends hair to cut if they can finally get the time to sit for 15 mins until i get it done. I need to try and find gift bags for OH for his presents for his 6 ladies and girls that he works with. Last year he just got the 3 lassie engineers but it is up to 4 of them this year and Kirsten told him he couldn't leave the other two that was in the office out.
    I am trying to finish off my special cards and have no idea on where to start, so i think i will have a hot chocolate with everything on it and sit for a bit before getting organised for the rest of the day. I have brought in some new huggles to go in the basket with the rest but i have a wee premature one that is tiny and just couldn't leave them all on their own while i came in for a chocolate and chat so i have brought him out in his babygrow which i put a bell on so that he could be the same as the big huggles boys and girls and he has a wee tiny hat with a bell on it to keep his wee head warm, i don't want him coming down with something do i?
    certified Glenochil loony

    1. Norah, bless the wee huggle, you will have to keep him extra cozy more so for this damp foggy weather. Always tried to avoid taking the children out in this weather if possible, any other days they were wrapped up and in their big pram parked out side the kitchen window for their morning/afternoon sleep if I wasnt going out. No plastic bag rain covers in our day.
      Please try and get that 5 mins. That's the difference now than from when I was working 56 hour weeks with two very small children to look after and do everything. No sit downs for lunch on my own, it was a case of trying to eat and see to the girls. Not that I get many 5 mins to myself even now. You will have to knit little one a warm cardigan and hat. xxx

    2. Norah, maybe you'll need to make him a siren suit! Wow that's a blast from the past! Nothing to do with Firefighters - we went there yesterday!! Xxx

    3. Oh Myra, I haven't heard the word for a very long time!!!
      Having a wee break for the iron. 5 mins and back to it. Xxx

    4. I knew when I read about the Wee Prem Huggle it just had to be "you" NORAH!!! I hope you are writing this into your story. You know Norah, children would just LOVE this kind of thing. Norah, please, please consider getting these things down in print.
      MYRA:- is right a Siren Suit would keep it really cosy. John Jnr had a blue one with white fur trim and a Pom Pom on the hood. Shhhh!! don't tell him I told you that. He hated me trying to get him into the blooming thing. xxx

    5. Evening all - Oh Siren Suits!!! What a blast from the past - I know I had one and yes that was a longgggggggggggggggg time ago but both my girls had one and even though they are now called something totally upmarket and I cannot remember what other than ski suits etc my Great Grandchildren have them. They just have to be the best thing for winter rain/snow or just very cold weather. Wonderful things.

    6. Janet, I think they are just snow suits now. Oh yes they are great to keep them warm. That and these cozy toe things for the buggy. xxx

    7. Oh! Hazel remember when Granny made one for John's Buggy from a wool blanket, many moons ago. That was before they were manufactured .... how I wish I had had the forethought to have marketed it. xxx

    8. I remember my brother having a siren suit - definitely a blast from the past xxx

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Anne you card is gorgeous, love Mr and Mrs Snow, it is a lovely stamp(I am presuming it is a stamp).
    Been to the Dr for a checkup and then the nurse for a thyroid check, two birds with one stone comes to mind, all hunky dory so far.
    Having a wee cup of tea then the tree MUST go up, no matter what.
    Norah your stories are brilliant, love the little prem huggle, you need to keep him warm.
    Ok tea finished, off to tackle the tree, just baubles no carrots!!,!
    Take care everyone, Xxx

    1. Oh Jess I'm sorry you have decided against a tree for vegetarians!
      Glad you are hunky dory! Take care! Xxx

    2. JESS:- glad you are getting the tree up ... what no carrots!!! Well OK!! they would start to shrivel up and go rather smelly anyway!!
      Hope all your results from the Doc are good. xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and all of you lovely coffee shop ladies,

    Sandra/Paul I hope you enjoyed Lucy's concert last night I'm sure you are both very proud of her and the rest of the Orchestra. Poor Sophie feeling so unwell at this time of year, I know the stress when they are preparing for exams really does pull them down. Our eldest daughter was a nightmare she would study until we insisted the lights went out at bedtime, but on one occasion when one of us had to make a trip to the bathroom about 3 AM she was studying again, and yes she became quite poorly with all the stress and lack of sleep. So yes I feel for you as parents, just do your best and let her know that you're there for her and she will make the grade. LOL

    Anne, Love your Christmas cards with the cheeky snowman on, this one really brought a smile to my face. Thank you for sharing. xx

    I have read a few of the comments and really must get a move on, I did read Norahs, I really could can identify with her, I feel I'm working all the time yet getting nowhere fast. My attention span seems to have flown out of the window, I keep after telling myself to focus focus! But that hasn't been much help these last few days. So today I am making a promise to myself to really keep my head down and get on with things.

    Will my lovelies, I am just out on a quick shopping trip, eldest daughter saw an offer starting in Lidl starting today. As she is working and I hasen't got a branch near where she lives it was a case of Mummmmmmm. It's only up the road so then I will come back and get my head around things.

    Whatever you are all up to I hope it's good - and you enjoy doing it.
    Will come back at some point and read all the messages.
    Take care everyone love Brenda XXX

    1. Brenda it's that mummmmmmm! That tells " oh what now" well that the iron heated so off to get started. That will be my 5 mins sit down gone. xxx

    2. Brenda that Muuuummmmm , made me smile! We always know when that tone is used something is required of us! Have to say my husband gets Daaaddddd!! Xxx

  9. Hello Sandra,
    I, sorry I was allowed to comment all the way down and then it wouldn't let me leave a message here! Technology huh!
    Anyway it seems to have come out of its huff now!
    Today's card of the snow couple is just gorgeous. It brought a smile to my face!
    I love how you have framed them too Anne! The whole card says Christmas. Thanks for sharing!
    Hope last night's concert went well Sandra! Sure it did.
    Well I'm just getting all rooms ready to be cleaned either tomorrow or Monday. My craft room clean won't be as thorough! Just so glad the room has a door!!
    We will pop out later for a couple of things we need to get from a florist .
    It is gifts for friends who are elderly and no longer able to get out and about. Last year I got lovely glass jars - bigger than normal jam jars more like maybe 4lb size? The florist had put a single hyacinth bulb inside and it had a wire handle which was decorated with faux Ivy and snow. The jars were too. Finished off with lovely red ribbon. It looked Christmassy but it can either be used again or as one lady's daughter did - turned it into a candle holder for the garden in
    summer. So looking for inspiration again! This florist is good!
    Well must bore you any longer!
    See you later, all being well!

    1. Evening Myra - love love love your idea of extra large jam jars and the though of reusing them is just perfect. I'm so please someone else thinks on similar lines to me. I hate to pay umpteen pounds for items which can be made just as 'posh' with a little thought and time.
      You never bore me my Daft Friend.

    2. Janet, thank you ! I need all the friends I can get! We were successful again today . We bought a little wooden oblong crate - inside were three square glass pots. Inside those are three hyacinths just coming through - green but quite young. I am going to tie a lovely bow on it and then again it can be re- used for other plants or tealights or votive candles. Really pleased. Xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all in today, hope you had a nice evening with the concert but very sad to see Sophie is ill. Hope the doctor can help her out asap.
    Love your snowman image on the card Anne, they look so cosy together. Great layout with the dies and the pretty poinsettias.
    Michele- have a good day as possible and they leave you in peace so you can finish your paperwork,take care.
    Janet- your friend are looking forward to see you and hear your news not looking for the wrinkles and grey hair ( in my case,not yours!) Have a nice time.
    Lilian- also have a nice time out with friends.Hope OH will get better soon.
    Jess- have you got your tree up yet ? I wonder if Sandra got my post but it is last years tree but it's always dressed the same more or less every year. I heard of your tree Sue and decorations around the house. Looking forward to see it.
    Norah- you are right, Margaret P is Sue's lovely mum.
    Oh dear I heard we got a little prem. huggle in the basket today. Best make sure he is warm and toasty, maybe make him a little rompersuit. Good idea with the little bell so he doesn't get lost anywhere with all the others.
    Hope you get some decorations up as well and maybe a little tree in the corner without OH knowing....
    We went to the nice town of Stamford yesterday to meet with a step family member that can put anybody to sleep so after 5 hours in The George after a very expensive lunch (ok ,it was nice) and the place was stunningly decorated ,I was so tired and in pain in my whole body all I could do was go to bed and read your comments for a while. You are all bonkers and I love it hihi
    Slept in this morning,10am and after a shower we got out down to Ikea for Breakfast. Not many places you get full breakfast and free coffee or tea's for £2,25 and I think my lovely stepson could have three of them if we let him, working out at the gym helps I guess and being 6,3.
    Having some e-mails to write and look through so I wish you all a good day and hope to see you later xxXXx

  11. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Anne your card is lovely, what cute snowmen/ladies! It hard to tell sometimes unless you look for the hat scarf or bow! Thank you for sharing.
    Oh I'm soooooo tired! My own fault! We went up to Birmingham yesterday and saw Madonna in concert last night. It was very very good , great costumes, brilliant show and great songs and atmosphere. As you can imagine the chance for people watching was high - oh we did see some sights! No Myra, as much as I tried, I couldn't fit into my gold lame shorts and conical bra!!!! The concert didn't finish until 11.45 so by the time we made our way out, walked back along the canal to our hotel it was gone midnight. We had a look around the Christmas market before driving home and made it back about an hour ago. I've got card club tonight so dinner is in and I need to be out the door soon! My cousin has said she will nudge me if I start to snore! Isn't she kind! I haven't had a chance to catch up on comments so I hope everyone is ok. Norah I've given the little prem huggle a little cuddle and popped him back in the basket, he's quite sleepy so he's having a little snooze. See you all tomorrow xxxxx

  12. Hi everyone, woopee, the tree is done, and the rest of the Christmas things in place, just one or two late cards to do. Off to clear up the kitchen, then up to the craft room to hopefully finish off the cards. xx

  13. This after noon didn't pan out as it should, daddy was home as we got back from school so Beth stayed with him to help bring the horses in before it got dark. So a picked Anna, Sandy and Jack up from the bus then dropped them off then Anna at piano while I went back to mine to collect the gifts that I forgot to take with me. Then back to collect Anna. Tammy had picked up the order of a gorgeous bunch of Christmas flowers from our great florists that on the road from Perth. Anna likes to give Mary flowers so these were given which Mary was delighted with. Then it was home with Anna. Of course it as then moans from Beth as we hadn't had time together, I can't win so lots of cuddles before I left. I feel an extra time will be on the cards for next week. Didn't get all the housework I was planning done, that wil get done before I head to Perth to look after the boys in the afternoon. School finishes at 12 no out of school club. Granny to the rescue. So I doubt if I will be in tomorrow. Going to have a cup of tea now, and sit and keep an eye on these Huggles I think someone has been feeding them chocolate again. The wee prem huggle is asleep I have put it in one of the little wicker bread baskets those lovely cotton napkins make lovely covers for it. xxx

    1. A wee Prem Huggle .... where did that come from?? Bet it was our Norah, best go read about it. xxx

  14. Good evening folks, hope you are all TicketyBoo and happy!! If you are ill or a little down I send you some of these (((((hugs))))).
    Firstly I would like to Thank You ALL for your wonderful cards. It's great to have so many Hand Made Cards on display. Everyone so different and everyone beautiful.
    ANNE:- your card is brilliant, I just LOVE that so sweet image making a fantastic Christmas Card.
    I have had "one of those days" .... I am sure you know the kind!! Had lots of little things to get done .... Audrey phoned .... delayed. My friend Anne phoned ... her and her husband have both had Hip Replacement Operations. Anne's was earlier this year, she's still using a stick. Unfortunately she is also almost blind which really limits her. Her hubby had his operation the 3rd November and getting on great hoping to get back to driving next week ... another delay. Then it was lunch time. Before I got started on the jobs needing done, I decided to open up the Microwave I ordered and was delivered yesterday. Guess what ... it did not work. Tell you what I will NEVER EVER order anything like that on line again. I am still trying to get the uplift organised. Ahhhhhh!!! spent ages on the phone with "foreign" folks!!! ahhhhh!!! Looks like another morning will be spent on that phone tomorrow.
    I have decided to call a halt to trying to get those jobs done, I will add them to the list. Think it will be a L O N G day tomorrow!!
    I am going to have a scoot back up to see what you have all been up to. xxx

    1. Evening Patricia
      Oh my Dear Friend what a day you have had.
      I hope tomorrow is better and that you get things sorted out without too much hassle. This you could do without particularly at this time of year.
      Sending you Big but Gentle hugs and hoping you're sat in front of the fire with a nice glass in hand with something warming in it.

    2. Thank you Janet, I have a nice cup of tea and couple of custard creams ... I like them. xxx

  15. Good evening everyone, have only just come online, my great grandson Jayden has been for tea and stayed while nana and grandad went to Christmas markets in Manchester, mum is on a sleep shift tonight. He's a bright little spark, just like his mum when she was small.
    Patricia, hope you get something sorted about your microwave this was the only comment I have read so will go back and see what's been happening. I haven't anything against different nationalities but wish they were fluent English when using the phone. It's frustrating,
    Town was packed today, very busy but a good atmosphere
    Take care everyone,
    See you tomorrow
    Jean xxx

  16. Well girls I'm just back in after deciding to go to the ladies night at the swimming pool. I'm trying to get to grips with this swimming malarkey and on the wrong side of the water a lot of the times, namely under it chocking out the chlorine and trying to get more than 3 strokes with the bubbles. I am determined that I'm going to get some exercise into these bones if it kills me. They have the ladies night running from 6:30-9:30 with swimming, sauna, jacuzzi, and water aerobics. Well I'm on the first bit...the keeping my feet as I try to put my ticket across at the window so that I can go into the pool and let me tell you it's no mean feat trying to keep upright on a slippy wet surface with two legs that are determined to go in opposing directions and let's face it this body might be built to sink ships but doing the splits is definitely not on its agenda and I think some parts of me might object in the strongest possible way, namely screaming if the attempt was even tried never mind made. My legs, posterior and floats are not in the habit of trying to get through such an assault course as the side of the swimming pool. I have worked out that if I can get across to the pillar then I get my stick down there and get to my bum and bum it to the side of the pool. There is one of the life guards,this young lass you will try her utmost to try and help but is more of a hinderance than a help poor wee thing. Crikey can you imagine me slip sliding and her determined to try and keep me upright, I can see disaster in the making some how and the outlook for her poor back would not look good after my weight had fallen on top of her. An old school friends daughter works there as well as I seen tonight and now young Claire should know better than get muddled up with me but nope when she saw me she started trying to organise me, again not going to happen and really for sanity and my peace of mind I would rather get there in my own way but the bairns trying to help, so I'm really an ungrateful old witch not accepting the help when given it. I think the aerobics in the water will need to be when I've got more energy and can keep more upright as this balancing to keep upright is tricky when you have the waves of the rest of them jumping up and down and swishing their arms from side to side in the water causing it to rise and fall like the sea, no maybe in a few weeks I'll be up to that level.
    And how is my little baby cherub been in his lovely little basket with his covers on, isn't that nice of Auntie Hazel to find something just his size. He's just so small I didn't want to leave him at home all on his own but I think it will be a wee while before he is running around like his big brothers and sister and being honest some of them are just to rambungjous to be let near him as he so tiny and so delicate. I put him in a tiny baby grow to try and keep him that bit warmer as they are prone to catching ever infection going when their so early, aren't they. Well I think that I will go home now to bed and I've put tiny in my pocket just so that it protects him a bit from the cold. See you all tomorrow, oh and by the way I see someone else on Sues blog is sending "huggles" to people as well,
    Me and tiny x

    1. Night Night Thee and Tiny!! Xxx
      Glad you are still afloat! Xxx
