
Friday 18 December 2015

Festive Friday

Good Friday Morning Ladies,

Well yesterday was just 'one of those days' !!
I awoke to my Mum ringing to tell me that my Auntie had had a heart attack and died last night, she was obviously upset, so a round of phone calls followed as Mum finds it hard to hear over the phone, we then had the doctors with Soph, all was well there, just exhaustion so she wanted to go back to school as it was their form party, so we dropped her off there, came bag tried to grab some lunch between phone calls, then the lady from down the road called in for a couple of hours!!! We were desperate to get some online shopping done, did a few bits, then it was a rush for tea as the girls had football, just clearing away and sending them off and I finally got to see Pat, who came for a die cutting session, it was therapy for both of us to unload our day on each other.
The Girls needed some help preparing their secret santa gifts for tomorrow, so I did that, then had a shower and finally crawled into bed, please let today be a little more relaxed!!

Today's card is my first 'little card', I stamped the Creative Expressions Florentine Background die and embossed with Silver Shine Embossing powder.  I then used a little poinsettia die of Pats, I am not sure of the make, but it is a pretty, dainty little die, I die cut it in red and green and put them together, I placed in the top and bottom corner of the stamped image, placing them upon some die cut (CE) Trailing Ivy's.  I then die cut the smallest of the Spellbinders Heirloom Ornaments and stamped my sentiment on that and embossed it with silver, placed a little silver bow on top and voila!!!!
I hope you like it, well one of you in particular!

I hope that you all have a fun and productive day ahead,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and all who call in
    Sincere condolences Sandra to you and yours on your loss. It sounds so traumatic for all concerned -- a special hug for you today.
    It's so dark here it could be midnight only that the dogs had me up to go out so I know what time it is. It's our little Ruby's birthday today she's 2 and she's such a lovely little dog, so loving, if I could unzip myself she would climb inside.
    Don't know what's on for today yet, will take its as it comes.
    Hugs to all who need them
    Back later
    Jean xxx

    1. Happy Woofday to Ruby, Jean. Isn't it lovely when you have such an adoring dog by your side that's happy to sit and cuddle up beside you of course i wouldn't know that with the hound i have. Tia is a Chocolate lab and the most stupidest dog i have ever had. Oh yes she loves getting cuddles and her tumm rubbed but she falls to the deck on top of your feet and wants you to bend down to reach her and gets up and paws at you if you don't. Well a couple of tummy rubs is all fine and good but me bending down trying to do this is disaster just waiting to happen. x

    2. Norah, get it right no mater what colour lab it is they all do it, I don't know how big a lab Tia is ours is big he is tall and weighs 38 kgs. The vet always tells us he would look stupid if he weighed less. He forgets he has great big paws to and he isn't that gentle with them. Had a little laugh at you giving Campbell a huggle to keep him company. Poor huggle was that his punishment for being naughty???

    3. Hope you spoiled Ruby today and she have had a good second birthday xx

  2. Good morning everyone, hope you are all well and looking forward to the day ahead.
    SANDRA:- so sorry to hear your sad news.
    Love your beautiful card, everything says Christmas.
    I have popped in early, I am off to catch up with what did not get done yesterday. If I start now it's a bit too early for phone call delays ... well I hope it is.
    I have added extra ((((((hugs)))))) to the basket. There are a few who also need them some added prayers if you have time. Take care xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-sorry to hear your sad news. Your card is lovely.

    Quick visit as I'm running late today.

    Will visit again this evening.


  4. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, very dark here, and of course wet.
    I tried to leave a comment yesterday, typed my usual saga twice, but could not get iPad to post, hope it will behave this morning.
    Anne I loved your lovely snow couple from yesterday's card.
    Sandra todays card is beautiful, love the stamping, which is my favourite bit of card making.
    Sandra sorry to your sad family news, always somehow worse at Christmas, hope you're Mums ok.

    Yesterday's journey was horrendous the rain was " sheeting " down but what makes it so much worse is the spray from the lorries.
    Had a lazy day not much crafting, just mainly chatting and trying to find new themes for next years cards.
    Works lunch today, so will meet up with the rest of the girls , to compare notes, as we only get to see each other once a year, it's pay rise next year, ( we only get one every three years ) so we need to be all singing from the same hymn sheet as they say, management will say anything if they think they can pay less, so we have to be on our toes.
    O/H still not well but insists on going away this morning, so shall have a quiet night to myself.
    Well I'd better go and shower, hope everyone has a super day.
    Hugs for all Lilian.

    1. Have a lovely day Lilian, enjoy your lunch. I hope your hubby feels better soon xxxxx

    2. Lilian i hope you at least enjoyed your lunch before you all had indegestion even thinking about the next rounds of fights for a pay rise. Why is it that when we are not well we still have million and one things to do and get done by us even if it is at snail pace, but men just lie down and think we should sit back and fan them while they''re no well? Some of them i will grant you dont take us for a mug but some need a bit of exercise on our part....a foot right up where the sun doesn't shine and told to get to grips. Mine has a sniffle for a day and is dying with the flu and as i keep telling him if he really had the flu he would soon know all about it and not be able to go back to his work the next day or even the same afternoon after having the flu in the morning. I wish that when it hits me, it would last that long instead of being so weak that i can't get out of bed never mind anything else. Huhh!I'll send him a huggle to play with and keep him or them both out of mischief.

    3. Have a nice evening Lilian and hope your OH is feeling better soon xxx

  5. Morning Everyone
    Sandra I'm so sorry to hear your sad family news. We never want this sort of news but it is always worse at this time of year. I hope your Mum is OK and that your Sister makes sure she is.
    So pleased that Sophie is OK and at least there's only today for her to get through and then she can relax for the holidays.

    I love your card and really must look out for that background. It's beautiful and can be used as an all year rounder can't it. It has a real Christmas feel.

    I had a good afternoon with my two Friends. We met in a little coffee shop in the next village and spent a good couple of hours catching up. I needn't have worried as I did as it was just as though we'd seen each other just the other week instead of 3years ago.

    We are all playing the waiting game today as my Granddaughter Pippa is due to have her second little girl today. Lily-Mae will be 2 in February so fingers crossed she will have a baby sister before Christmas Day. I shall be jumping every time the phone rings.

    All's set up in the Cafe and I've replaced the table cloths with white and green ones this morning so please try and keep them free of coffee/tea stains if possible as my washer is already working it's socks off. Norah's little Prem Huggle looks well this morning tucked into a snuggly corner so I hope the bigger ones don't squash him by jumping up and down in that basket.
    I'll be by later xxxx

    1. Oooooh Janet how exciting, I hope you get a phone all soon, xxxx

    2. WOW Janet, i can't believe your little bundle of joy will be coming up on two already as seems she was only born a few months before Harry was, where did that time go to. I hope Pippa has an easy time of it waiting for her precious new bundle to arrive and little Miss Lily-Mae will be the best big sister to have. Sending gentle huggles and love to them all. x

  6. Morning Sandra,

    So sorry to hear your of your loss.
    Will pop back later.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Sending you my sympathy on the sad loss of your aunt my lovely.
    Sorry that you had such a sad start to your day yesterday, but it 's good to hear that Sophie is just exhausted-well, it's not good but you know what I mean-and doesn't have an illness. Lots of relaxing over the next few days will hopefully help her. Gem has always got very run down over the winter months and we used to give her Metatone tonic, as you can't get Minadex any more, I'm showing my age now aren't I : ), even though she had a good healthy diet, just to try and give her a boost. It did seem to help a little.
    I hope that today s a better one for you my lovely.
    Your card is gorgeous, whoever gets it is going to be very happy : ) I love the cute little Poinsettia die, must remember to borrow it from Pat to cut some ready for next years cards.
    Norah, yes, Margaret P is my lovely Mum. Let's just say that my memory is not as good as it was so don't feel bad about not knowing as I have the same problem. Blame it on the meds, I do : )
    Still no tree up as a friend called in yesterday morning, it was lovely to see him but it meant that we didn't have time to get the tree and decs out before having the girls. I'm off to see Mum and Pop today so the tree will have to wait until tomorrow now.
    Have a good a day as possible everyone. Sending hugs to you all. Take care xx

    Michele, I hope you all get the right answer at work!

  8. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies and all Norah's huggles
    What a pretty card today Sandra I do love that background you have used. I'm sorry to hear of your loss, as others have said, it always seems worse at this time of the year when it's family and celebration time. I hope your mum is ok. Oh dear, trying to sort that funeral out will be complicate with Christmas next week. Sending you a big hug xxxx
    It's good to hear Sophie is ok too, have you tried Borocca or metatone to give her a boost, they are very good when you are rundown and help give you a fighting chance against the next round of colds. I gave some to my friend the other day who still works in school, she's got so run down with all the stress and can't shake a cold off so hopefully they will help.
    Well it's a busy day for me again, lots of cleaning, trip to the shops for some stuff for the weekend and a flying visit to school to say Cheerio to the head teacher I worked with - he stayed longer than we all thought he's done some good but I know there will be a sigh of relief from a few people next term!
    Norah I had a chuckle about your swimming talents. Now these wee girls are probably only doing their job and have to be seen to be helping you, even if their brain is saying oh oh stay clear Norah alert !. Can you imagine if you fell the complaints would be about them not helping you so give them a wink and your happy sense of humour and go with the flow. Now if there was a certain delivery man with big strong arms to whisk you off your feet and carry you into the crashing waves from the aqua aerobics I'm sure you wouldn't mind that kind of help!!!!!!!
    I hope everyone has a more organised kind of day today, it's these bitty days where you achieve nothing that are so trying. At least we've got the tree - it's still in the car but it's been bought, that's the main thing. Right I must have a move, this wee prem huggle likes snuggling up on a warm lap so I will just see who's coming in to pass him on if not I'll tuck him back under his blanket for a little snooze. See you all later xxxxxx

  9. Morning Sandra and ladies. Sandra sorry to hear your sad news, not what you want at this time of the year. Glad Sophie is ok. She can rest a bit now. Anna was saying last night the good thing about no school is she won't get grumped at for not getting out of bed, daddy was in charge yesterday and she didn't get moving, he told her he wasn't giving her lunch money as she should have got up and made her lunch. I think she thought he would do it. How wrong was she!
    To true she is 13 more than able to do her own lunch.
    Sandra, your card is beautiful - very Christmassy!
    Norah, you be careful at the swimming. Oh I can see that independant streak coming out when help was offered, we have seen that! I know what you mean about its not always a help? I can remember going home on the train when the children were young and had a pushchair folk would offer to help get it on the train but that was all and well but they didn't know how to collapse it so it was more work than help. I offer to hold the little one while the mum collapses the buggy these days when out. Glad tiny was OK in the bread basket, just the right size.
    Janet, oh I can feel your excitement up here, I know that feeling all to well for when the grand children were due. Granted Tammy was booked for c sections so we knew what day, Angela delivered normally so it was the phone call.
    Oh I had a good nights and I feel shattered. Must go and make a move now I have had my tea and toast. Will pop in later, I hope we might see some of the others in toad that have t popped in for a while, I know a few have other things on they minds so I am sending BIG ((((((HUGS)))))) to them. Basket is topped up, just watch out fir Norah's ones being a bit excited. Xxx

  10. Hi Sandra
    I must apologise to Anne for not commenting on her card yesterday. I just love your snow people. I wonder if Anne will tell us who makes this stamp. I lost a day yesterday, and will do the same today. Doreen had to have a paramedic Dr yesterday for her legs. 1 of 3 things get thought. Blood clots, bad circulation and 1 other which I can't remember. So he went to the Drs to pick up a blood thinning injection just in case. After 4 hrs and lots of crying by Doreen, today she has an appointment at Banbury hospital for a scan. Hospital transport to take her, but we're supposed to be off to a Christmas Party with buffet at Petes club this evening and I was having dinner at lunchtime. So Pete will have to come home and cook a quite lunch. Come back so I can come home and dothe same. The Paramedic said she's not fit to look after herself let alone someone whose unable to do anything for themselves and has Dementia. He talked about Ellis going into permanent care or even them both going together. Offloading over ladies, sorry about that, but as my friends grand daughter says, it's good to share Grannie.
    I'm glad that Sophie's ok Sandra, and I'm sorry to hear about your Auntie. I love today's card. Might try this next year. This small poinsettia is lovely isn't it. It's one made by Robert Adams. Will look at today's comments and yesterday's later today if I have time.

  11. Hello Sandra,
    I'm getting this done quickly and I read comments later. If I start reading comments I'm sunk!
    I love today's card so if it's me, I'll be a happy bunny. I love that stamp and strangely enough have ordered it. I thought it would be useful all year round as the poinsettias on the edge needn't be inked! It looks beautiful in silver with the poinsettias on top! I love bauble dies too as they are so useful!
    Last of the cards went this morning! Whew! A parcel also.
    Shopping coming today and the rest on Christmas Eve! The ironing is one of today's jobs when I've finished the cleaning I want done!
    Sandra - so sorry about your sad news! I hope your Mum gets all the help she needs. As had been said before there is never a good time for this but Christmas must be one of the worst times.
    Love to all with hugs and prayer for those going through difficult times!
    Myra xxx

  12. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra so sorry to hear your sad news special hugs on the way, pleased Sophie is just exhausted it's the worst term in the school year I think.xx
    Anne your snowman & woman were great yesterday xx
    Sandra your card today is so pretty.
    Thank you all for my lovely cards you make me envious of your talent xx.
    Sue here today so probably some shopping to be done at least the last of the social things was last night skittles match for my boule group great evening, hot buffet, skittles & good fun for £10.00 a head much better than a sit down meal as you all mix in.
    Must get on hugs on way to all who need them the Huggies are great I love them keep the stories coming Norah love Margaret xx

  13. Pat, your aren't having it good (((((( hugs )))))) you badly need them. Please get in contact with the right people and get help. You have pate to look after as it is with out all this extra. I know it's family but you need to step back a little bit.
    You come and off load on here we will listen and it is good to share.

  14. Hello everyone,
    I am sorry to read your sad news Sandra, and sent love and hugs to you all.
    Pat, don't try to shoulder all this responsibility, you'll make yourself ill.
    Anne, your card yesterday is fab.
    I feel really bad about this, but have so much on at the moment that I've got to go, but I send love and hugs to everyone, and thank you all for the absolutely beautiful cards that I've received. I'm sorry that I haven't even had time to e-mail you all separately.
    love Muriel xxxx

  15. Hello Sandra and all the coffee shop ladies,

    Sandra I was so sorry to hear your sad news, not good to recieve at any time, but somehow all over the Christmas season it really does seem to hit hard my thoughts and prayers as always you and all of your family. Pleased you were spot on with Sophie's diagnosis. Hopefully after today she will be able to calm down and relax, and you'll have your lovely daughter back to her normal self.

    Today's card is really beautiful, you have put so much into this gorgeous card It really will be one to treasure. Thank you for sharing it with us and showing us what a very talented crad maker it you are. LOL.

    PAT, Please don't take on the responsibility of all of these friends, YES it's good to help but the more you do the less input they will have from the NHS. I speak from experience having looked after my mother in law for many many years and then my own parents who bless them tried so hard to be independent. Also Pete has to be your priority, you look after him, so you have to keep yourself well. At this rate everyone will be having to look after you. Slow down dear lady let others do their bit also.

    Sandra/Diane if either of you have a moment I would love to have a copy of the mince pies you both been talking about, we have a friend who visits just before Christmas and says he always looks forward to a mince pie when he comes, it would be nice if I could offer him a different recipe. Only if you have time though.

    Right I will press on, have washed all the towels and they are out on the line, next will put Mr Dyson around, then maybe I can get back into my craft room.

    Take care everyone, sending love and hugs, Brenda XXX

  16. Boys fed, dog walked. Now my time to have 5 mins. Brenda how lucky are you bring able to peg out your towels! It's raining here, well nothing new there I might add. I am busy tumble drying washing for Tammy, no point of it sitting in the machine.
    Another blast from the past with the minadex, I gave mine that plus Gillian had to have iron mixture as she can't absorb it properly. That's maybe why ours didn't get stress or run down. I was saying to Charlie and Patricia that years ago we ate chips fried in dripping, things like sausages and bacon were fried, we made soup with boiling beef and ate the fat on the chops etc. We were all a lot healthier and slimmer, now we cut all that out. We are tired and have weight problems, does that tell us something? My three didn't get yoghurt it was custard, rice pudding that sort of things. A treat was jelly and ice cream! Did it do them any harm I don't think so? Had to go and pick son in law from the fire station, he now off out with the dog for a good walk, glad he is doing it as its pouring down rain here, and it's getting dark oh horrible. Right I better go and think about getting something sorted out for Calum's tea, Andrew has a sore throat and is saying he just want weetabixs. Will call later. Xxx

  17. Evening Ladies

    Goodness-what a busy day. Got lots of extra things done at work but it's left me feeling shattered. Called at a friends house on the way home to drop off some magazines-got away over a hour later. Her husband isn't well so she's glad of someone to talk to.

    Hubby home tonight unexpectedly so that's a bonus & he's cancelled his golf so he should be able to relax for 2 days.

    I'm off to the hairdressers first thing tomorrow then straight on to meet a friend for coffee. I'm planning on doing the big food shop on Sunday morning before Tesco gets too busy.

    Tea almost ready so best sign off,

  18. Hello all, what busy people you all are. O/H has managed to go to Plymouth this morning although he really is not well, he will be home again to my night, as he is church organist and they seem to be in short supply he does a lot of carol services, also a lot of funerals in the winter, so I think he's run down, have suggested decorating the kitchen as they say a change is as good as a rest.!!!!!
    Went to the works lunch today, found I was an hour early as they had changed the time this year, it was on the invite but silly me didn't notice, so went for a really windy walk along the sea front, bit chilly as I didn't have a coat.
    Lunch was OK , veg almost raw and not very warm.
    Had our Christmas present today £10 LESS than last year ! Which think is a bit mean as I've worked my socks off for them this year, only had one week off.
    Sorry for the rant , no hubby here to listen to me, so I'm so glad to have this blog to let off steam.
    Well I still have two cards to make, so I'd better leave you and love you.
    Will drop in later , have a good evening, hugs abound.

  19. Just a quick in and out. Girls sleeping tonight and tomorrow so I don't know if, or when, I'll get in.
    Be good everyone and have a lovely weekend, if you get the chance!
    Muriel xxxx

  20. Hello ladies,
    I'm very sorry I haven't been in much today as I had to be out by 5 15pm as we had a special Family and Friends Carol Service at Church. It was really lovely and I feel ready for Christmas! Got sore feet though as I walked miles as was in charge of catering for the buffet supper afterwards! I've walked miles in daft shoes! That's what my Dad used to call them anyway!
    Lovely to see families and friends all together enjoying Christmas carols and readings.
    Will say night night!
    God Bless xxx

  21. Hi everyone, a bit late today, was covering our shop today and this morning my iPad decided it needed charged, so I couldn't get in.
    Sorry to hear your sad news Sandra, hope everything works out and your mum is coping.
    You card is lovely, nice to have smaller cards now and again.
    Our shop was busy today, nice to make a profit for a change.
    Still got presents to wrap so better get a wiggle on.
    Will pop in tomorrow, take care xxx

  22. Hi Sandra and all. Sorry to hear about your aunt Sandra,
    very sad and especially just before Christmas. Hope your family doing alright. Hugs to you all.
    Your card is lovely and beautifully Christmessy,sweet little poinsettias.
    Janet- any news yet ? so exciting with a new baby in the family. Good luck.
    Pat- slow down and make sure you not overdo things. You must look after yourself.
    Wish you came to my Aqua Norah, we would have so much fun not trying to drown ourself hihi Don't know how the others doing it but I always the one floating up and bubble away when you meant to be on the spot getting your legs and arms in the air in rhythm with music. Have fun with your swimming.Cuddles to the huggles.
    Margaret P- glad you had a good evening. Hope you and Sue got some shopping done.
    All you ladies who are still running around, try to slow down some now the week before Christmas and then you can start again the morning of Christmas day :-) Miss you a lot you ladies who are not in at the moment, hope you all ok. My last few days have been nice seeing my step-son up from Bournemouth. We have spent the days out even with the horrid weather we have. There is daffodils in bloom around.Weird because usually they are not out until Feb./March the early ones. This afternoon he went back home so I have washed and put his bedding away for next time. Stayed in all day waiting for a parcel which never turned up, so annoying because tomorrow we are out again and it will come, no fear....
    Wish you all a good night and sending extra hugs to all who need some. love and hugs Xxxx
