
Saturday 19 December 2015

Mixed Craft Saturday x

Patricia's  Christmas Boxes

Janet's baubles

Janet's Cross Stitch 

Good Saturday Morning Ladies,

Well just think this time next week it will be mostly over, there will just be bags of torn paper, half eaten turkey, overstuffed bellies and lots of board games to content with!! 

Paul and I had a very organised shopping trip, we made a long list, writing the names of the shops in order, I even remembered my pad and pen. So we worked through the list and ticked things off as we went, it really worked too.  
My first stop was Hobbycraft, I sadly have to report that I had to return my Big Shot Plus, after two embossing folders ( A4 ) were snapped and a few bent dies I had had enough, those folders cost appox £10 each, thats a lot of money to waste. I called Hobbycraft (online) customer services and explained the situation, I asked if I could return it to A store, rather than waiting for it to be collected, looked at and then either replaced or repaired, so off to Swindon we went and I have to say that Swindon Hobbycraft were absolutely amazing, the young lady on the till join and the store manager joined forces to help me, she said I just had to go and get a new one, well I drove myself crazy trying to decide what to do and in the end I decided to change to a Platinum, (spellbinders) machine, they were fine with my decision and set about sorting it out on the till/computer, it wasn't very straight forward but the lady and the manager chap soon sorted it out, I then paid the difference and that was it, its on its way!  My decision was mostly made by the fact that you can use your Grand Calibur plates and I know that they don't bend so my dies will be safe, the reviews that I managed read were all pretty good, I have watched it being used on a good few shows on TV and it seems to work really well, so fingers crossed this one will be fine !!!

Today's crafts are...................................................................................................................
A selection of fabulous decorative boxes by our Patricia, I love the selection of colours you have used,
all could be used for Men too, which is fantastic, so much easier than wrapping bottles etc. and knowing you Patricia there will be a matching gift tags too.
Thank you Patricia for sharing your Selection of boxes xxxx

Next we have Janet's beautiful baubles, perfectly decorated with flowers, leaves and of course lots and lots of sequins and little pearls, they look very similar to the Pinflair sort of bauble, in fact their first ever products were ornaments decorated with pretty pins and sequins. Its surprising how different the baubles look with a colour change.
They are fantastic Janet, they will quickly become a family heirloom, thank you xxxx

Janet, your Cross Stitch picture is absolutely beautiful, it must have taken your ages, what a labour of love it is. Janet has created this beautiful work of art for her dear friends Bernadette and Francoise who live in Brittany, they will be so blown away by your beautiful gift Janet, I can't imagine receiving something that has taken so many hours to complete, I would feel very special.
Thank you Janet for sharing your beautiful work with all of us xxxx

I am absolutely exhausted ladies so I am going to finish up here, I will call in throughout the day, to read your posts that will undoubtedly make me smile and laugh. Thank you for taking the time,

Love and hugs
Sandra xxxx


  1. Morning Ladies

    Patricia-fabulous selection of boxes. They look so professional.

    Janet- the baubles look gorgeous & the cross stitch is a stunning piece of work.

    Sandra-sounds like you had a very productive day, no wonder you feel tired. I'm very tempted by the Platinum machine but can't justify buying one just yet.

    Up early as I moved into the spare room during the night. Hubby came home last night with a streaming cold so once he'd take some night nurse he was snoring loudly! I'm off to the hairdressers for 8.30 then meeting a friend at Dobbies for a coffee (or two). I'm hoping to have enough time between the two "appointment" to pop into somewhere to buy fabric conditioner as I've run out & I don't want to wait until tomorrow-I plan to do the big Tesco shop the all that's left to buy is the veg. Hopefully hubby will get that & collect the order from the butchers.


  2. Good morning Ladies, well, we had a lovely couple of days away, only problem was the hotel didn't have our booking ( a 5pm voucher booking) they said they were fully booked , but in the end after having to pay again they gave us an upgrade and it was super, only problem now is trying to get a refund or credit from "The 5pm voucher Deal", but after that we really enjoyed it, got all the Christmas shopping done ( the worst part is storing it all away).
    Thank you Sandra for sharing my card and for all the lovely comments ladies , the stamp I used was a Sugar Nellie one ( I love their stamps) and really easy to colour in.
    Loved your card yesterday Sandra so Christmassy and festive!
    Today's treats are wonderful! Love your boxes Patricia, the rosette trim and Flowers are gorgeous !
    Janet your baubles are beautiful, your friends must be really special to warrant such an exquisite work of art, you have a very clever pair of hands!
    I have a long boring golf club committee meeting this morning , thank goodness it will be my last one!
    I hope you all manage to get everything done over the weekend but take care of yourselves too, love and hugs to you all xoxo

  3. Morning Everyone
    We are still waiting news of the arrival/non arrival of our latest Great Granddaughter. Perhaps today? who knows.

    All is set for anyone who has time to pop in today in between last minute shopping/cleaning/ironing/washing/decorating trees or any other hundreds of things which need doing at this time of the year. I will pop in later with goodies for tea this afternoon.

    PATRICIA - I didn't have to look to see whose fantastic boxes are in the cafe today. You never fail to amaze with your beautiful designs and perfect accuracy. I would love to receive a little something in a box such as yours.

    My Baubles are the cheapest I have ever made. Yes they are in the style of Pinflair but that's as far as they go. I bought a packet of polystyrene balls off the internet (Ebay) and then got out my tin of bits and pieces. Each bauble cost 60p and then the bits and bobs to decorate them. Not bad when you see how much they cost in the shops.
    The cross stitch was purchased last year -2014- from the craft show in Manchester and it took me 8months to do it. As both Bernadette and Francoise were born and lived in Paris until 4years ago we thought it appropriate to them. It's on it's way via carrier so I've fingers crossed that it arrives OK.

    I hope everyone's plans work out today and that you don't get too stressed. See you all later.
    Hugs are in the basket but for how long I don't know and I cannot find Norah's Prem Huggle. Has anyone see him please.

    1. Janet, your cross stitch is beauitful, yes lots of love and work gone in to it. I know from Gillian owing her ones. I hope it arrives safely. Talking about arriving that new baby is just keeping you all on your toes.
      It will come when ready. xx

    2. Hi Janet,
      Your baubles are lovely & your cross stitch is lovely, as I do alot I appreciate all the work that it entails thank you for sharing. xx

    3. Hi Janet , love your baubles and the cross stitch is fantastic, used to do small project, but eye sight not good enough now

  4. Moring ladies

    An early visit today as the last big house clean-up is on the cards. I am out for the next three days with family tomorrow, all meeting up at Cadbury Garden centre. Won't be buying anything as since Wyevale took over last year, all our favourite departments have vanished. In their place is yet more household furniture and (spit, bother and b***** it a COSTA coffee shop! Our craft section has disappeared!!!!) I'm hoping they have a vast improvement in the excellent restaurant that they managed to cock-up last year by not having enough staff and doubling the menu prices. Cadbury's is half way between Mum & Dad's and ours so was always a fantastic place to meet up. We shall see.
    Monday will be another beautiful day spent with Milly-May and daughter Giorgina. She is so fascinated with all the lights, music and singing toys strewn up my stairs.
    And on Tuesday Joseph and I are having a special day out together to buy his Christmas presents and one for Mummy. A treat at Harvester for lunch will make his day.
    Patricia's boxes as usual are as classy as herself. So elegant.
    Janet, I am loving your cross-stitch, a labour of love for your friends and the baubles are so pretty. I have seen the pine cones on one of Pinflair's shows and have now purchased some polystyrene eggs from the Works at a far better price than they advertised on C&C, some 6m lengths of ribbon at our local market for only 50p each so will be trying to make mine from ribbon instead of all that faffing about folding squares of material.
    Loved the snowmen yesterday Anne, Tiegan and Joseph are spending some time with me over the Christmas period where we will colour in the ones you stamped for them ready for next year's cards. They both say 'Hi and Thank you'
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl, glad Tiegan and Joseph got the snowmen , have fun with Milly-May and I hope Santa brings all the presents they have asked for, it's annoying when favourite places change things but maybe it will be better today, have fun xo

  5. Hi Sandra
    Sorry I didn't get in again yesterday. Got home from Doreen's at 6.00pm. Out again to a Christmas Party at 6.40. Wasn't able to leave Ellis so only had 4 crackers for dinner. Pete has to eat with his medication so came home and did himself some lunch. Treated myself to 3 large glasses of wine, because I'm worth it.
    Doreen has deep vein thrombosis and the hospital were not happy that she'd left it so long. No transport turned up until 1.00 and her appointment was at 1.00. I had to chase them up and her appointment was at the Churchill in Oxford not in Banbury. So she might not be able to have her hip operation yet.
    Patricia your boxes are exquisite as usual.
    Janet I love your baubles and your cross stitch. What clever ladies we have on the blog. I'm glad you got your shopping done Sandra.
    Anne I'll be looking for that stamp you used on Thursdays card. I love snowmen, don't you.

    1. I just got your Christmas card today and it's Stunning ! I love your candle stamp, maybe we should do a swap? as I don't usually use the same stamp for another Christmas how about you ? Yes I do love snowmen and also Christmas trees.

  6. Hello Sandra and all the wonderful ladies
    I know I have been missing for a while and know you will understand and forgive me.
    Things have been up and down quite a lot with regards to my sister Val, it's not been an easy couple of weeks for us. Tomorrow we set off for the long drive home and when we get there I am sorry to say we don't have any internet or even a mobile signal so if I do manage to get in it will be when I am visiting family and as most of the days will be spent with my sister I probably won't feel up to commenting. It's going to be a very sad and emotional time for us over the next few days or possible weeks but I just in case I don't get in I just wanted to say I hope you all have a fabulous Christmas, I know it will be a difficult time for some of you missing your loved ones and hope your memories of happier times help you get through it.
    Thank you for all my beautiful Christmas cards, I cannot begin to tell you how much they lifted my spirits. They are all so beautiful and I will treasure them. Sorry I haven't thanked you individually.
    Today's gifts are just lovely,
    Patricia any one who receives a gift in one of these will be thrilled.
    Janet, your baubles would look wonderful on any tree and your cross stitch is a beautiful gift, I hope you don't have to wait much longer for your great grandchild to arrive, what a wonderful early Christmas present for you all.
    Sandra, I will be back so don't think I have left you.
    Bless you all, stay safe and look after yourselves.
    Love and massive hugs
    Saba xxxxx

    1. Saba, yes we all know and understand how things are for you at this time. You Val and all the family are in our thoughts and prayers. Have a safe journey home, I know it's a very long one and emotional too. Take care my friend we are here for you. xxx

    2. Hello my dear! Glad you managed to pop in! You know you are all in our thoughts and prayers. Speak soon. Love Myra xxx

    3. Hi dear heart,
      Please take care of yourself and give Val an extra special hug from me. Your road is going to be a bit rocky at times for all of you but the love that you show in your words will help sustain you. God Bless you all, I whispered a little prayer so that you may find the strength you need.
      Love & hugs, Cheryl xxx

    4. Hi Saba,
      My thoughts & prayers have been with you at this difficult time have a safe journey & we are here for you. Special hugs on way to you & Val & family love Margaret xx

    5. Hi Saba, I sent you a wee note this morning, I hope things go as smoothly as they possibly can, it will be such a difficult time for you , we are all here thinking about you and sending our love xoxo
      Anne .

    6. Hello my Dear Dear Yorkshire Lass
      I know I don't have to say a lot as you know exactly how I feel and that I'm with you all. Prayers and such gentle hugs.

    7. I'm just going to say Take care. Treasure the good parts

    8. Thoughts and prayers go with you from all of us

    9. Safe journey my sweetheart, you, val and the family are all in our thoughts and prayers. Sending you big hugs and lots of love xxxxx

  7. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    What a lovely collection of mixed crafts for today, Patricia your boxes are gorgeous, and Janet your baubles are beautiful, what a difference to shop bought ones, they will be treasured forever, your cross stitch is lovely another heirloom for your friends.
    Sandra enjoy your new machine, it is getting a lot of good reviews from some of the ladies in the cafe.
    Some washing to catch up on, then a hospital visit to check out a blemish on my leg that I have had for a while, it doesn't give me any bother but the Dr wants it checked anyway, just in case...
    Barbara save journey, take care, we are all thinking of you.
    Will pop back later, xxx

  8. Hello Sandra and friends,
    Another lovely crafty Saturday! Your boxes as ever Patricia are beautiful. I'd be happy with the box never mind anything inside!
    Janet your baubles are lovely and unlike following a pattern yours are unique!
    Thank you for sharing. Hope baby comes soon! The picture is lovely and I love the little girls in their cute hats!
    Going out for lunch to a fairly local Italian today as its Oliver's 10th Birthday! Should be fun. At least I know the children will all behave as they always do when out! They aren't perfect at home but to be honest they are never any trouble really. Lots for which to be thankful.xxxx

    1. Happy Birthday Oliver, congratulations on reaching double figures. Hugs xxx

  9. PS! Hope Emma is home safely, Diane! You'll have a sore throat by tonight with all that talking! Xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all who are coming through the door today.
    Love your boxes Patricia, so pretty decorated and anyone who receive one will love them. Janet your baubles are lovely and so is the cross stitch for your friends, gorgeous picture.Hope the little one coming soon. Cheryl,cuddles to Milly-May and hope you have some lovely few days and to anyone who are going out for luncheon's and dinners or spending some lovely time with your grandchildren, have some happy times together.Happy birthday Oliver,many hugs. Saba, have a safe journey and remember we are here for you. You,Val and family are all in my thoughts. Not doing much today,had meant to go out for the day but no energy so having a day curled up under a duvet instead infront of the tele. Take care all,love and hugs Maria xxx

  11. Hello Sandra and all who call in to the coffee shop today,

    I hope you get a chance to play with your new Platinum Machine. Let us know how it compares to the Big Shot.

    Wow - Sandra what a beautiful display you have for us today.
    PATRICIA, your boxes are gorgeous, they would make any gift look
    really special.
    JANET, your baubles are really beautiful, and your cross stitch is a real work of art.

    Saba, my thoughts and prayers are with you also Val and her family. Have a safe journey LOL

    Oliver Happy 10th Birthday, hope you have loads of lovely presents.

    I hope everyone is having a good day, take care, love Brenda XXX

  12. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra glad you had a productive day yesterday, I must admit Sue & I did as well she helped me with the food shop so only have fresh veg & turkey to pick up I think, hope to get tree decorated today. xx
    Patricia your boxes are lovely present in themselves xx
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  13. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Sorry, sorry, sorry, can't stop, places to go, people to see. I knew who had made the boxes before you said. Patricia they are fab.
    Janet, you certainly have a way with baubles!!! They are gorgeous, and your cross stitch is magnifique!!!!
    I haven't even got time to read the comments - who is pinching all the hours.
    Will hopefully see you tomorrow when I will have more time.
    lots of love and hugs to all,
    Muriel xxxx

  14. Hi everyone, been to see the dermatologist at hospital and the blemish on my leg is nothing sinister, thank god, had it sprayed with liquid nitrogen, that is so cold and stingy!!! If it helps to remove it all the better.
    Got a few presents to wrap for delivery tomorrow,,will catch up soon xxx

    1. What a relief that must have been for you Jess. Gurt big ((((hugs)))) x

  15. I'm sorry I have not been able to pop in much I'm forever chasing my tail these days. Cards to make, presents to buy, outfits for a wedding on 27th for both myself and the ever growing "bump" of my daughter
    SANDRA I'm glad your day was productive. I ahve to say I lent a few dies to a friend who has the SIzzix and they came back bent I was not happy - but they have survived. I'll be interested in your thoughts too on the Platinum when my GC dies (pease not yet!)
    PATRICIA Your boxes are gorgeous and beautifully decorated. It's you that has encouraged me to have a go together with CS glue! perhaps I'll try embellishing them more now
    JANET Your makes are lovely. Never attempted baubles but I love doing cross stitch and know the work goes into producing them And such a personalised gift too They'll love it.
    So as I'm home alone I will be able to watch "Strictly" in peace I'd like Jay to win but suspect Anton and his partner will

  16. Sorry I have left a couple of comments but not any other. Not been the best of days. I came apone 7 dead sheep on the road down to Gillians this morning some total B------d had driven into them and killed them. I got pretty well shaken up by it all. They had lost the bumper off their car but took the time to remove the number plate, but didn't think of phoning the police. I phoned a friend I knew would know who they belonged to, 2 farmer friends of the owner and my friends son who works on a farm came and moved them and put others that had got out back in their field. The police did come but their answer " well that's what happens when they get out" NO! It's a narrow country road you drive accordingly. That could have been humans. So no not what you want at 8 o'clock in the morning. Been busy we are having a buffet tea for Charlie's birthday tomorrow so had shopping to do.
    I knew that the boxes on display were big sisters, love her boxes.
    Left a comment for Janet earlier.
    Norah, are you busy? I hope so, don't want you to be sore after your swimming.
    Was it Myra that couldn't find Tiny the perm huggle, has anyone checked the other bread baskets? You never know if one of its brothers or sisters has placed it in one! The Huggles are a wee bit quiet, I hope they are not up to mischief? Will try and come back in later, depends on if I get things done before its to late, made sausage rolls earlier. Have a melon to cut up it can go in a plastic box, one less thing tomorrow I am doing a fruit platter, the meats can't be done till the last minute, but the coleslaw and potato salad can be done tonight. So we will see if I have time. Xxx

    1. Hazel how awful for you to come across such devastation. Some drivers just don't care, we have dreadful trouble in the new forest with ponies being killed by careless drivers.take care xxxx

  17. Hello everyone, hope you are all well if not here are some (((((hugs)))))
    Sorry I have not managed in ..... someone has stolen my day!!!
    I remembered in the middle of the night I had not made cards for J&A or the boys. How could I possibly forget my little darlings and their Mum & Dad. John! he just gets the one I made about 3 years ago. Yes! I am serious, till he tells me he has see it before I will just keep giving it to him.
    Thank you everyone for your lovely comments on my boxes. They were all sold with their matching "tags & cards" at the boys school Christmas Fare.
    Janet your Chistmas Baubles and Cross Stictch are beautiful. The baubles are something to treasure and come out every year.
    Right best go feed my hubby, we have both been in the house all day but have hardly spoken to each other. John has his hobby and I have mine plus I did everything else that needed done. Ok! he offered help, I did say to get Mr Dyson out and do the kitchen. Then I thought that's not fair I made all the mess. I did say that but he told me to go have a seat and he would do it .... he's not a bad soul really. xxx

  18. Hi everyone sorry to be late today, woke up in a foul mood after yesterday, I do let things get out of proportion, when hubby is away, he keeps me on an even keel.
    He came home this evening and went straight to bed , a very bad throat.
    Been catching up on house things today , that don't get done when I'm busy with work.
    Managed to load the new update on my scanncut today, took ages, I'm no computer wiz.
    Thank you for all of your lovely cards that are popping through my letterbox.
    Patricia your boxes are beautiful and Janet crafts are also wonderful.
    Have a good evening all.

  19. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sorry I'm late, busy day today, catching up with Emma, we haven't stopped talking all day ( except when she fell asleep mid sentence - the 15 hour journey finally got to her. Patricia your boxes are so beautiful and Janet what gorgeous baubles and cross stitch, I'm sure your friend will love it. Thank you for sharing these lovely goodies with us ladies. Sorry I've got to go, I'm rather tired too and tomorrow is another long day. Night night xxxxx
