
Sunday 20 December 2015

Milly May's First Christmas &

Good Sunday Morning ladies,

We are off to Colchester today to visit my Mum and family, both to drop off Christmas presents and to pay our respects, these things seem so much harder this time of year, the funeral won't be until after Christmas now though.  It's going to be a very long day, we always go with my Mum to 'Carols on the Quay' which is held every year and my Mum's chest swells with pride when she turns up with her whole family, 14 of us in total, so its worth it for that alone! xx

I feel so privileged to be able to share with you Milly-Mays first Christmas, my hasn't she grow!
I have to say she is as beautiful as ever though, she looks totally entranced by that Carousel,  I think that at that age their first experience is the lights, sounds and smells of Christmas, then comes that age when you are so excited for them to open their gifts but they open one and play with the box for the rest of the day! The magic 'believing in Santa' years seem to pass way too quickly, I really miss the excitement of Christmas eve, the lengths we used to go to from chewing the ends of carrots to make it look like the reindeers had been in and making footprints with the soot from the fireplace with Paul's wellies, we even had a set sleigh bells that we used to shake after they had been in bed a few hours 'just in case they might hear'!! Now they just present you with a list (after you nagging them for it for weeks), but I still love their excitement on Christmas morning, Becca mostly stays at Josh's now but she can't bare to miss the Christmas morning excitement so she is getting up early to be here for six am so that she can wake the girls up like she always has! (I was very touched)!!

Well I must get on, I have a long journey ahead today, car to pack, we are travelling in Matt's car today which will be a change, although it is a big Ford Ranger thing and it doesn't seem to be built for comfort, perfect for carting his sheep about though!
Have a wonderful Sunday ladies,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning everyone .... no don't feint ... it's only ME!!!
    I made a determined effort to get in early this morning. I have loads to do ... not for me, it's little last minute orders. Well you just cant let the good folk down when they have supported you all year.
    CHERYL:- wow! how that little darling has grown, she's beautiful. Christmas is so much more fun with little ones around.
    SANDRA:- have a good time with you mum and the rest of the family. I know it's not the best of circumstances but it has to be dealt with. Enjoy your evening singing your hearts out.
    There are so many people hurting badly just now. We need to keep them all in our thoughts and prayers.
    When I finish this I am going to have a quick shower then I am going to scoot up to Tesco in Blairgowrie before the hoards decend on the place. It's Christmas on Friday not a siege!!! The way people stock up its like there is not another food shopping day till the 4th of July. I have a few things I need to get. Guess what we have almost run out of .... Tomatoe Ketchup !!! How could a Granny possibly not have a "back up bottle" of Ketchup. It's not something John or I use BUT Robert needs that red stuff on "everything" !!!
    Ok! folks have a good day.
    SHEILA:- thinking of you.
    BARBARA:- hope you have safe journey home, you and all the family are in our thoughts and prayers.
    ((((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door. Please help yourselves, if the basket starts to run low on them I am sure Norah will be in with some of her "Huggles" to top it up. xxx

    1. Hi Patricia, I Totally understand the Tomato sauce scenario , it's the same here! Archie and Marsaili are due to arrive for Christmas on Wednesday and tomato sauce is essential !
      Enjoy your day xoxo

    2. Ditto here, Oscar has to have his red sauce on everything, well except chocolate which he has a passion for despite his parents best efforts to stop him.

    3. Oh you made me smile, it's the same here rg. the red sauce. They have it to absolutely everything.
      When I was little(long time ago) I used to put it in my mash potato to make it pink :-)xx

    4. Well that took me back a few years, our youngest son loved tomato sauce when he was little, he even wanted to put it on his breakfast cereal!!, (didn't let him) x

    5. Good morning Patrica
      My daughter loved to have tomato sauce on about everything when she was little & now at 44 she still has it on everything now Grandson Joseph is the same. My son is a salad cream addict even puts it on Spag bowl yuck. Have a good day xx

    6. Oh Patricia, that made me smile too! My grandchildren aren't too bothered about it but my brothers family can't live without it! They laugh at the size of my bottle - the smallest glass one they sell!! Xxx

    7. Hello Patricia, It's not just the young ones who like their ketchup, George is rather taken with it too!!! xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Lovely photo of Milly May looking at the Carousel with great interest.

    I can't believe this time last year the Hospice was organising Dave's wedding-his widow put a photo of the two of them on Facebook yesterday which brought a tear to my eye. My M in Lhad just emailed to say their car mechanic had just been diagnosed with Motor Neurone disease & wasn't it a disaster.....??? She meant about their car but it was this time 2 years ago when we were told Mum had MND so I was already feeling a bit sensitive.

    Once hubby is up & about we're off to Tesco to do the big food shop, hopefully he'll feel like joining me as he's full of cold.


    1. You take care, try to have a good day and hope your OH feeling better soon xx

    2. Michele, it doesn't seem a year since you were telling us about Dave. Yes it will have brought tears and a heavy heart seeing those photos, but put a happy memory in your head of days when he was well. The same with your mum. (((((( hugs)))))). Xxx

    3. Oh Michele sending you a big hug, I doesn't seem a year ago you told us about Dave but how lovely to stop and remember him in amongst the hustle and bustle. I hope your hubby feels better soon, he's been working so garden ( as have you!) but being wet and cold for days on end has take bits toll. Have fun in Tesco! Xxxx

    4. Oh Michele, it's that time again - it flies!! MND is a truly horrid disease. My thoughts are with you! Xxx

    5. Michele, sending love and hugs xxx

  3. Good morning Ladies, what a lovely surprise to be wakened up by these adorable photos of Milly-May she is just gorgeous ! Cheryl I bet you had as much fun playing with all the Christmas toys and ornaments as Milly -May did xo
    Sandra , you have a long day ahead , just try to relax and enjoy the carols.xo
    We have a Christmas lunch to go to at 12.30 so I have to cram a lot into this morning , I received a fantastic card yesterday from the girl who introduced me to card making , as she had a lot going on in her life we lost touch , so now I have to get myself back into arty mode and make her something a bit different!
    Sending love and big gentle hugs to Barbara and Val XOXO
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Have a nice lunch and enjoy your day xx

    2. Hello Anne, have a good day and I hope inspiration strikes regarding your "different" card xxxx

    3. Hello Anne,
      Hope you enjoy your lunch - haven't had ours yet! Another mad day here ! Xxx

  4. Good Morning all, what delightful picture this morning, Cheryl your little Milly-May is lovely, I love that innocent look in their face when they are little.
    I'm off to Asda later, not to get food as many of you are, but to get some cough mixture and some cold and flue cure for poorly O/H, he really is not well at all and he has his last carol concert to play for tonight and feels he can't let them down.
    Sandra have a lovely time with your family although I know it's at a difficult time,
    Remember there is nothing better than family, we do not have many left sadly, so treasure what we have.
    Have a good day all, no post today, so no cards from people I've forgotten !
    Will try and pop back later, crafty hugs to all.

    1. Sorry to hear your husband is so poorly, wish him better. Hope he feeling better soon. You take care xx

    2. Lillian, lots of hot drinks and TLC needed I think, I know your husband doesn't want to let folks down. But he must think and take care of his self. I hope he feels better soon. xxx

    3. Oh Lilian I think your husband's body is telling him enough is enough! However I hope he gets through tonight without it making his cold any worse! Xx

    4. Lilian, I hope your husband manages tonight without too much discomfort, and after that has hot drinks, rest and hopefully his cold will fade enough for him to enjoy the festivities at Christmas xxx

    5. P.s. wear one of your hoods to avoid catching it!!! xxx

  5. Good Morning everyone
    For once we have a dry/cold start to the day.

    CHERYL - Milly-May is just gorgeous and I cannot think of anything better than waking up with a little one on Christmas Morning on their first Christmas when they are more aware of what's happening. It is just Joyous to see.
    I know you will make the most wonderful memories.

    SANDRA - hope your day goes well. It will be difficult I know but you will all be there as a family in support of your Mum.

    PATRICIA - I hope you have a successful red sauce mission and not get caught up in the full scale charge which as you say always happens. For Heaven's sake the shops are only closed for ONE DAY. What really makes me angry is that I can bet a lot of food bought will be thrown away/wasted!!!!

    MICHELE and LILIAN - I hope your OHs get better before the holidays.

    MR TESCO delivered here yesterday afternoon so I will only have some fresh veg to buy and not a lot of that as we're all booked to be off on Boxing Day for Marigny but before that I have deliveries to make to Christina in Hognaston tomorrow; Knit and Natter on Tuesday afternoon and at tea time today we're meeting Jim's Nephew and his Family who have come over from the Netherlands for a couple of days and having a meal with them.
    I just hope that there is a 'pick me up' in one of these cupboards here in the Cafe as I feel that one or two of us will really be in need by Christmas Eve.

    As I didn't get back yesterday there is Manderin Cheese Cake, Death by Chocolate Cake and Pure Raspberry Fool for tea this afternoon. They're all in the Fridge ready. Cheryl there's also an egg free Orange Cake for your delight.

    Hugs are in the basket. I found Norah's Prem Huggle. He was hiding in the corner of the window encouraging people to come inside for a cuppa.
    We are still waiting our new arrival.

    1. Have a nice day and seeing Jim's nephew and family,have fun xx

    2. Janet, you will be like a " cat on a hot tin roof " by the time this wee one comes along.
      Yes a lot of food will end up in the bin. Did any one watch on Thursday "eat well for less". I could not believe that a family could spend £1.400 on food at Christmas even when having a party and 12 for Christmas dinner. It shocked me to the core it's one day for goodness sake, and she ended up every year binning it. I am sorry so many folk in this day and age need to learn how to budget and cook. Yes a few bills will go unpaid just so they can have a big spread on the table. Soap box back in the corner xxx

    3. Hazel I was out when that program was on but I'm going to watch it on I player - they have some useful hints and tips on there. It s interesting they encourage people to use their local butcher and green grocer too who are often cheaper than the supermarkets! Xxxx

    4. I didn't see the programme either but my friend did and she was really shocked! She was in Morrisons on Friday and said to the checkout lady - hope I haven't forgotten anything! The lady said we open on Boxing Day at 10am and last year we had a queue!! The world has gone mad! Some eat far too much and others have nothing! Xxx

    5. Janet, thank you - you have reminded me that I need a white loaf to leave to harden up so that I can make breadcrumbs for the stuffing. It's something that I always forget and remember about 2 days before I need it! Hazel, I just caught the end of that programme, and when he said how much they usually spent, well I just thought that they were idiots!!! Harsh, but true.

    6. I saw the program and found they were pretty crazy with their shopping. Never seen anyone buying so much for a small party and the drinks, unbelievable. It got you thinking, good program xx

    7. Didn't catch the show, was it on bbc, would like to see it

  6. Good morning Sandra and ladies. Sandra have a save journey to your mums, and enjoy the carols.
    Cheryl, Milly-May is such a cute. This is what to me Christmas is about seeing little faces light up at all the pretty lights etc. Not how much you spend on the one day.
    Barbara and Peter save travels. I hope the sea isn't to rough for your crossing, and the rain stays off while you are on the roads. (((((( hugs)))))) for you.
    Yes there is a lot of sadness round at the moment, being their for loved ones is the best Christmas present we can give.
    Now I must get a move on and get things done, I slept in, just what I need when I have so much to do. xxx

    1. That over slerp will do you good, Hazel! Trust Auntie Myra xxx

    2. Yes but between that and the phone going none stop and son calling in which was lovely as Charlie I think was disappointed they weren't coming to day for the buffet tea to celebrate his birthday, he doesn't do fuss but it's his 70th and I think he is feeling a bit old. Chris coming has put a bit of a spring in his step. I even had to be very rude to his niece and tell her I would phone later and chat. To crown it all I forget a q cumber so Charlie has gone to get that, thank goodness we have shop not to far away. Just had to sit for 5 minutes back doesn't like all this standing, off now to get Mr Dyson out to get the kitchen floor cleaned up. I dropped the bag of flour. Harris doesn't like flour, been ham, cheese or something like that the floor would be spotless by now.

    3. Hazel, enjoy this afternoon and don't do too much, let some of the others get up and see to things. Fancy Harris not being keen on flour - now there's a surprise!!! xxxx

    4. Aren't dogs funny? Whatever is wrong with flour? I'm sure it's really yummy!

    5. Oh you had snow ooops hope you don't over slerp to long tomorrow tihi Cuddles to Harris and a hug too Charlie and hope he have a wonderful Birthday ! xx

    6. Happy Belated Birthday Charlie, hope you had a good day

  7. Morning Sandra and everyone today.
    Oh what wonderful photos to see today. She is so gorgeous and so cute baby. Thank you Cheryl for sharing Milly-May with us. She will have a fantastic Christmas,lots of cuddles x
    Sandra- take care driving over to see your mum. Have a nice time with the carol singing. It will be sad too, give your mum a hug and remember the good days with your aunt and family x
    Hazel- what a horrid thing to see yesterday, hope you are all right.x
    Diane- must be nice to have Emma back home for Christmas, have fun x
    After seeing little Milly-May I looking so forward to see baby Louis on Christmas day, he was born in July so hope he will be more interested in things around him.
    Feeling better in myself so will have a shower and go to some small shops nearby, will not go into town this close to Christmas as it is mental. Looks like people panic buying and of things they don't really need and it will be a lot of food and drink wasted I'm sure which is a real shame. Sending big hugs to you all and some little extra ones to our missing friends, hope to see you soon.
    Try to have a nice day whatever you are up too and I hope to see you later. love and hugs Maria xxxx

    1. Hello Maria, don't overdo it at the shops. I'm glad you are feeling better. xxx

    2. Hi Maureen, I had a lovely morning starting off with a coffee at Costa because the shops hadn't opened yet, silly us forgot it is Sunday then we went to Marks & Spencer, a lot of clothes and items on sale but came home with new knickers and socks xxx

  8. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Sorry I didn't get in yesterday, you know what it's like when you wake up late! It was lovely to see Patricias lovely boxes and Janets beautiful baubles and crossstitch. I know how much work it takes to complete one of this size , I'm sure it will be treasured. Thank you for sharing ladies.
    Sandra, I hope today goes well for you all and that Matt's car isn't too uncomfortable for you as the travelling causes you enough pain doesn't it. Glad to hear you had a good shopping session. I might copy your planning ideas as I know you won't mind. Top marks for Swindon Hobbycraft again I see, I hope you are enjoying your Platinum my lovely xx
    It is wonderful to see your Milly-May Cheryl, hasn't she grown. It is wonderful watching them taking in all of the Christmas lights and sights, you can see that she was entranced by your beautiful carousel. I don't need to ask if you had a lovely day, your face says it all : ) x
    I am sorry that some of you are having a hard time at the moment, please take extra good care of yourselves x
    Saba, you, Val and the rest of your family are in my thoughts. I hope you have a safe and trouble free journey home. Sending a big gentle hug to you x
    I hope that the husbands that are not feeling well start to recover quickly too.
    Pat, you are right to off load, you will make yourself ill if you didn't let it all out some where. I'm always here if you need a good rant and rave don't forget x
    Well, cards in the post at last, still no tree up, more unexpected visits took place yesterday, lovely though : ) It is going up today, no matter what happens : )
    Take care xx

    1. All the best with the tree Sue! I've still a few cards to write! Oh dear! Xxx

    2. Sue, I hope you manage to get the tree up!! Two more cards have arrived, which I was not expecting, so I'll echo Myra's "Oh dear". xxxx

  9. Good Morning Sandra and ladies
    Cheryl, Milly-May is gorgeous, she is so fascinated by the carousel, enjoy her first Christmas.
    Sandra have a safe journey on your travels today, just keep thinking of the good times at the carol service.
    Just a bit of food shopping today, and a visit to my sister and drop off her presents.
    Hazel, Ronnie watched that programme about the wasted food and how much they spent, he said it was disgusting.
    Did anyone watch the programme about the most expensive Christmas presents? That was an eye opener, how the other half live!!,
    Take care whatever you do today. Xxx

    1. Didn't see that programme either Jess! Sometimes it's just as well as both are bad for my BP! Xxx

    2. Hello Jess, I watched some of it, but was just getting myself so uptight at the ridiculous amounts of money people spent on "one upmanship" that I had to turn over. I think the £200,000 for the diamond in the middle of the snowflake design, finally tipped me over the edge ha ha.

    3. Maureen's one upmanship is just a bit of fun! Father Christmas visits her you know! I've seen him in her house! Xxx

  10. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Sandra safe journey today, the carol concert sounds lovely and I'm sure it will be quite emotional as you think about your aunt and seeing her family today . Xxx
    Cheryl Milly May is such a cutie Christmas is going to be such an adventure for her this year - at least she's just seeing the carousel this year, next year it will be at the back of the shelf- just in case! Xxxx
    Saba safe journey today my darling and a big hug fir you and Val, we are thinking of you all xxxxx
    Well it's quiet at the moment, Emma couldn't keep her eyes open last night so went to bed early and hasn't stirred yet. Now don't laugh, she asked to put the plates in the dishwasher yesterday lunchtime and I found her in the kitchen opening and closing the door and stroking it! From some of her comments she's made, she's turning into me! She smelt the tea towels, theirs smell horrible, they can't do a hot wash on their washing machines and they weren't washed properly to begin with and that's really bugging her and a couple of the other girls. I think we might go and buy some new ones for her to take back with her!
    Have a lovely day everyone and big hugs to everyone who is under the weather or is in need of one - I hope the prem huggle didn't get cold on the window sill waving at people! See you later xxxxx

    1. Hello Diane, that made me smile! Emma and her longing for clean tea towels! I'm just the same and I'm horrified sometimes by the cloths people use to wipe the work tops!! I'm sure Emma missed he dishwasher I know I would! Maureen missed hers when it broke down!
      Glad Emma home safely! Xxx

    2. Hello Dainty, We all turn into our mothers gradually!!! I shudder when I see what some people use to wash and dry their dishes. I have been known to politely refuse a coffee when I have been parched ha ha.
      Have a wonderful holiday with Emma.

    3. Oh, Diane I am the same with tea towels! They have to go on a 60 wash at least, when I was at work the other day I couldn't believe the colour of the tea towels, they had been washed in with everything else, no white loads etc, getting done there these days all In together.
      I wouldn't dry the floor with the tea towel that was hanging on the cooker rail. Harris's dog towel looks better. They get washed at 60.
      Yes a few new ones needed maybe Emma needs to get a bucket and sock them in there with bio powder. Oh the days of having a bucket for the girls white socks, if they weren't 100% white and clean they were binned. Glad she now knows the pleasure of a dishwasher. xxx

    4. Diane if you think those are bad and in need of a good wash you should see the washing on the line at a house near the school where my grandson goes even Derek has noticed the colour dark grey! I am not joking either, I would not even clean my shoes with them. xxx

  11. Hi Sandra
    I hope you have a lovely day today with your family, even thought it will be tinged with sadness.
    Cheryl Milly May us gorgeous. You'll all have a fabulous time. Children do make Christmas don't they. Happy birthday to Oliver Myra. I hope your not waiting to long for your new arrival Janet.
    Saba I know you have no internet now, but you might read this later, big hugs to you and Val, I'm thinking of you both always. Well that's all my brain will cope with at the moment. Pete needs to take Doreen's washing up to them later. I'm off to Yarnton to meet with a friend for coffee this afternoon. I decided I need a break. I finished putting the tree up this morning, my what a job, it takes forever to put all the bits together. I'll try and look in later. Ann I've left you a comment re stamp.

    1. Hello Pat, It sounds to me as if you are doing too much! You are a very kind lady but don't overdo things, please!! My cousin used to live in Yarnton but she moved to Devon after her husband died to be nearer her family. Enjoy your break with your friend. Xxx

    2. Hello Pat, enjoy your visit to your friend. xxx

    3. Hi Pat, we used to live in Meadow Close at Yarnton, loved living there, still miss it

  12. Hello Sandra,
    I hope today goes well for you, and that you all have a lovely time.
    Cheryl, Milly May is a little charmer. I bet everyone is under her spell and I hope you enjoy lots of lovely kisses, cuddles and giggles.
    I have managed to make comments under everyone's post today as I made a definite effort to get in, say a few things, and then get on. If you can understand that, you deserve a chocolate.
    I am going now to make some more Christmas cards. I was hoping these two people wouldn't bother, but they have!!! Bah, Humbug!!!
    See you later, all being well. By the way, the girls have gone home and haven't been a pick of bother all weekend. They were as good as gold at the Carol Service, but then we can always take them anywhere and they know how to behave.
    Muriel xxxx

  13. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    What lovely photos of Milly-May! It's a very good one of Cheryl too! I hope she has a lovely Christmas. Children make Chrisrmas!
    Well it's a lovely day here today with wall to wall sunshine and I hope it's like this for Peter and Barbara. I know it will get dark but even dry would make such a difference.
    We had a lovely day yesterday and the children really enjoyed it! Everyone was on time and parking proved easy! It all helps to keep the BP down! My husband in particular does not like to be late so when we found the family there before us - great sigh of relief !!
    Have a lovely day everyone!
    Sandra I hope you have safe travel and enjoy carols on the quayside! How lovely!
    Maureen - hope you enjoyed the " new" film and that everyone had a lie in this morning! Well, I can hope!
    Lots of love xxxxx
    Ive been interrupted twice while doing this! Xx

  14. Good afternoon Sandra & everyone THIRD TIME LUCKY two went cyber space & last one froze so I'm back again after two hours of lost posts
    Sandra hope your journey to your mums wasn't too uncomfortable for you. have a lovely time with your family although it will be sad as well, enjoy the carol service. Yesterdays mixed crafts Patricia your boxes as usual are lovely. Janet your baubles are beautiful & the cross stitch is stunning.
    well after dentist Wednesday & on Thursday a appointment for the gynecology clinic for examination of the unmentionables (Lichen sclerosus ), typical it flared up again Tuesday, anyway doctor decided he would do another Biopsy I was B....y sore anyway but after the biopsy ouch. Went home & rested well late evening I started bleeding a lot so OH took me to A & E after four hours a doctor came & cauterized where I had the biopsy so my poor bit's are so so painful excuse me for not popping in this week haven't felt like doing anything
    I'm still sore but bit better. Then yesterday we took Annie for hair cut it takes 1 1/2 hours so parked in Ramsgate Waitrose & had lunch then went back for car & Terry fell down the step & said hello to the ground he cut his hands & hurt his arm & knee so he is a wounded soldier.
    Cheryl Milly-May is so adorable have lots of cuddles. thank you for sharing your lovely photo. Cheryl You look lovely too.
    Hazel I hope Charlie is enjoying his Birthday today wish him a happy 70th.xx
    Myra glade you enjoyed your day yesterday.
    Saba & Peter hope you had a good journey home love & hug's for you & Val & all your family xx.
    Maria pleased you feel a bit better today take care my friend.xx
    Dianne have a lovely time having Emma home enjoy.xx
    wishing all the OH's a speedy recovery xx
    Pat hope you had a nice afternoon with your friend. Please Take it easy Pat your over doing thing's you need to rest.xx
    Sheila Thinking of you my lovely sending you love & HUG'S.XX
    Well I must get a wiggle on oooo not much wiggling at the moment. got to have a look at the leg of lamb in the oven
    will try & look in later. love Lynda xxx

    1. Linda what a day, look after your bits, I know how agonising it is when you get poked about. Poor OH hope he is OK after his fall, I think you both need duvet day. x

    2. Oh Lynda the joys of being a lady! So sorry you are not feeling bright eyed and bushy tailed at present, hope things ease very soon for you. xxx

  15. Oh I need a nice cup of tea, no cake or anything to eat just a cup of tea. Well every one has gone, dishwasher now on for a second time. Kitchen just about back to normal. Thank goodness it only happens now and again,our wee cottage was can't take that amount of folk. Charlie said to tell you thank you for his birthday wishes. It was fun and games here when Tammy was setting up his I pad for him ( every one had given money towards including Patricia, John, Fiona younger sister and her family) we all felt it was better to do that than give him things that he didn't need. Granted I was praying he won't tell me he had eventually bought himself a new one. To think nearly four years ago when he bought me my first one I told he was wasteing money as I would never use it!!! How wrong was I?
    Now it's feet up for me, yes Gillian helped she came and finished off doing things for me, oh was I glad my back was sore.
    I hope everyone has had a good day.
    Sheila and Brenda, missing you both.
    Pat, I am glad you are taking a break.
    Lynda, not good for you and poor Terry meeting the ground like that.
    Right that's my tea here so I am going to enjoy it. xxx

  16. It's me!!!
    Yes, Myra, The new film made a change but it was so stupid that I was losing patience with it. Bah humbug. The girls enjoyed it so that was the main thing. Eleanor was awake but lay in bed reading until 11 a.m. She's turning into a monster teenager!!! Zoe got up with me.
    Maria, I do hope you wear something else with your new knickers and socks. You may feel a chill otherwise!!
    Lynda, I'm so sorry you are suffering, you've certainly had an eventful week. My womb was cauterised in the 1970's by a Dr. Dunlop!!! I always said that I went in for a retread ha ha. I hope Terry soon recovers, it always gives such a jolt to your system when having a fall like that.
    Hazel, I'm so pleased that Charlie's do went well, give him a kiss and a cuddle from me. What a relief that he hadn't treated himself to a new i-pad, so the present would give him pleasure. You have worked so hard, now have a rest.
    I'm away to do my ironing. I'm watching the programme about the Sound of Music, singing along with the nuns - them in tune and me out of tune!!!!!
    love Muriel xxx

  17. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra hope you have a safe journey & hope it was not too sad, the carol service will have been lovely. xx
    Cheryl what beautiful photos of Millie May she is gorgeous & looks full of mischief, you look lovely as well.xx
    Another busy day I did manage to finish the tree will send a photo to Sandra. Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  18. Andy Murray sports man of the year, well deserved.

  19. Good evening everyone
    Yes it's me, sorry but time is just flying here at the moment. The only time it seems to go slow is when we are in the car as traffic is bad with the bridges being closed due to the floods.
    Sandra I hope you have had a lovely day and at least enjoyed the carols safe journey.
    Hazel please wish Charlie a wonderful birthday, what is left of it and give him a hug from me.
    Maureen so pleased you had a lovely weekend with your two little ones.
    Last but by no means least Cheryl what a delightful little treasure, you enjoy every minute of her and give her a hug from me,
    Well I must go and tidy up my craft room you would not believe the mess! I have been so busy no time for a tidy, hopefully all the cards are done now, well they better had be!
    Take care everyone and enjoy your evening
    Margaret xxx

  20. Goodnight everyone, sleep well, sweet dreams and God Bless.
    Muriel xxx

  21. Hi Pat , sorry I couldn't find your comment to me?

  22. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    A very late hello today, I just had to comment on the lovely pictures of Cheryl and Milly-May, Cheryl she is a real cutie all bright eyed and interested in everything, thank you for sharing them with us.
    Sandra I hope you all had a safe journey, and you enjoyed the carol singing.

    Goodnight everyone, Love Brenda xxx
