
Monday 21 December 2015

Michele's amazing 'Man' Christmas card

Good Morning Ladies,

I will keep today's post brief as I am physically and emotionally drained after a long day travelling
and visiting family, we had fun too, but it was tinged with sadness as expected.

Today's amazing card has been made by our Michele, I love what you have done with this card Michele, I have the ones that you sent me but wasn't sure what to do with them so this card is so
inspiring.  I am not sure whether you have used decorative papers or added all of the embellishments
yourself, either way its a fantastic design. I can't wait to hear how you made it.
Thank you for sharing it with all of us.

I hope you all have a lovely day,
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and ladie. I am in early as I have to be away by 7.45 latest to go look after the boys while Tammy works long day for her and I she has three houses to do today, and seeing how she won't be back in till January they all want their homes done top to bottom.
    Michele, brilliant card, would do man or lady, and can be done for birthdays or any occasion.
    Janet, any news?
    Norah, I found a little dollies travel cot in the loft, so I have put that up in the corner for Tiny, better than the bread basket. I washed the covers so all clean and much more cozy than the napkin.
    Oh yes the police know who killed the sheep, wait for it he phoned them when he got home to report it! Yes but how long after? I bet one of his parent saw the mess of their/ his car and made him report it. Are you telling me he didn't have a phone? I know sheep aren't worth that much these days but all said and done it's the farmers lively hood and he killed the poor things, I hope he gets the book thrown at him!!!
    Right I have had my tea and toast, off to get ready, I have to pack up some bits of party food to take, Calum's friend is coming to play and I am on lunch duty so they can have what I call a picky lunch, easy for me too.
    Will call in later for a catch up. xxx

    1. Morning Hazel- I just hope the Police do something with the b.......... when they see him. Why oh Why don't people stop and do the right thing when they hit animals/birds on the road!!! It really makes my blood boil when I see the poor beasts either left in the middle of the road (when it's birds/hedgehogs and the bigger animals just thrown into the edge. I'd lay my life down and say Yes he had a phone in his pocket and as you say how long did it take him to make the call. It wouldn't have taken long for him to move the injured and dead and get the others back into a field where they were safe.
      We have put many cattle etc back into the nearest field and it doesn't matter who the field belongs to at least they are safe and then rung the police or gone to the nearest house and told them.

      Have a good day and I hope that you're not too tired this evening. Hugs for you xxxx

    2. Oh Hazel I'm so glad they found him, I know it doesn't help the sheep or the farmer, but hopefully next time he will take more. Are or do the right thing! Enjoy your day with the boys xxxx

  2. Good morning Ladies,
    Sandra, so glad you enjoyed the family day even although it was a bit sad, so now you will just have to rest up and save your energy for the big day xo.
    Michele what a stunning card ! I don't normally like black cards but it really suits this style and amazing for a man card, I'm sure Phil will love it! Look forward to hearing how you made it and thank you for sharing.
    We had a terrific lunch yesterday , lots of chat and laughs, we got home about 4.30 and the children came up to do their calendar ( make scones) so that was fun too, it's great the pleasure doing simple things gives them especially when you're there to share it, so lots of Chrismas baking to come this week!
    Pilates as usual this morning, I did manage to get a card made for my friend ,I used Two of the crazy bird stamps, I'm mad about them they are so funny and cute so I hope she likes it.
    Must have a look back and try to find your comment Pat, I couldn't find one when I looked last night?
    Enjoy your day whatever you are up to , love and hugs to all , Anne xoxo

  3. Morning Ladies

    Phil's card is dark green on a white base card. The embellishments are silver 3D stickers I've had for a very long time. I was just playing with the stepper cards I'd cut out & this just evolved. I'm quite pleased at how it turned out especially as it's the only card I made (apart from all you lovely blog ladies).

    Best get moving as we have a busy day-the Day Ward was ringing up after 5pm on Friday to add new patients to the chemotherapy list for today & tomorrow.


  4. Morning All
    Well before anything this morning it's an extra strong and very large Latte for me and a sit down.

    MICHELE - Your card is just a WOW. I haven't seen one like this before so I really must have a go and see how I get on. Whatever I finish up with it will not be anything like as beautiful as yours. Thank you for sharing and giving me another shape to play with.

    SANDRA - So pleased you managed to have some smiles even though there was sadness underneath. I hope you're having a rest day today or you'll not be fit for anything come the end of the week.

    We had a really nice evening with Jim's Nephew and his family. The children have grown so much since we saw them in the Summer and it will be sometime next year before we see them again. They go back to the Netherlands tomorrow.

    I now have to say a very BIG THANK YOU for all your BEAUTIFUL CARDS I have received. They are all in pride of place on the dresser which is straight across from where I sit so I see them all. Each and every one so different and so beautiful. Thank you once again.

    Well today is another very busy and tiring day. We're off to see Christina and play Santa delivering all parcels from this side of Derbyshire. She is up to her eyes still with builders in and on top of that the farmer next door has broken his foot and has been told not to put it to the floor for 6weeks! So she is helping him out with the animals. How she fits everything in I do not know. I then have Knit and Natter tomorrow afternoon and if you remember I asked for advice on what to do re the demo card. (the lady whose turn it is said she hadn't the time to do anything and Janet would have to do it)Well I am following the advice you gave me and I'm not doing a demo and just taking something for me to do and I'm just waiting to see if the lady will take tea and biscuits as it's her turn. We shall see.

    We still do not have a baby. We are now on day 4 overdue. I don't know about Pippy but I'm shattered and I'm only the Great Grandnanna!! Will let you know.

    Have a good day everyone and I hope all goes to plan.
    Hazel I'm so pleased that Tiny has a nice clean cosy cot in the corner. So much nicer than all those breadcrumbs in the basket.
    Hugs for all xxxx

    1. Janet, like you and Jim we often put animals back into fields or go tell the folk in the near cottage. Charlie worked on a farm when young so he just gets on with it. Being a land surveyor too he has often had to put a sheep back on its feet when he has found them on its back. Word this morning, wait for it? he waited there for 3 hours but no one came along! Rubbish that road is used, no he had been drinking and went home to sober up I bet he drank some amount of coffee or water! My friends young son, well he is 18 but he left school to become a shepherd was the first to come along when I phoned, he was so cut up about it. A fox killing is bad but a human different story. He thinks the lad should be made to work on the land from now until he pays off the cost. He says getting up and out in the dark and working picking cabbages etc and also seeing to the sheep will maybe be a good lesson, plus his car should be crushed, now that's an 18year old and I think he is right.
      Christina just loves what she does so to her it's nothing, our Gillian works long hours again she loves being a Podiatrist, not everyone's cup of tea. I bet in those Santa parcels will be goodies for those animals I think? Maybe that wee one will come while you are away. Good for you standing your ground about the knit and natter you have enough to do just like her? Like you I have my gorgeous cards displayed for all to see. Save trip today. xxx

    2. Janet, I hope you get some news today! It's getting a bit close to Christmas isn't it!!!! Safe journey xxxx

  5. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra pleased you had a good day yesterday please take it easy today.xx
    Michele what an unusual card I love it xx
    Busy day again samexas others hope all who are feeling down or poorly hugs on way good you love Margaret xx

  6. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies, oh and little huggle in the corner.
    Oh I'm so tired today - we went to Levesden studios yesterday for the Harry potter tour, 5 pm tickets, came out as they closed at 10pm! It's a brilliant tour and you could spend hours just looking round all the sets. It's fabulous. Very late home though so it's a lazy day for Emma, all this travel is getting to her now. I'm going to marzipan the cake and possibly make more mince pies, my friend has just collected two dozen and I've got another dozen for delivery.
    Sandra it's good to hear you had a lovely family day and got to share some lovely memories of your aunt. Duvet, pjs and film with the girls today I think. Xx
    Michel your card is great, my brain can't work it out yet but I love it. Thank you for sharing. Xxxx
    Saba, I know you can't get to the blog but I hope you arrived safe and sound and get to spend time with Val today xxxxxxx
    Thank you everyone for your fantastic cards, I have put them all together so they look like a magical corner. I've had lots of comments about them. Isn't it funny how we all use similar dies but get such different design ideas.
    Love and hugs all round xxxxxx

  7. Boys feed, dog walked and now I am having time to put my feet up. I have seen to two loads of washing third one just gone in. With luck I will get it all dried for Tammy and the white load at least in the machine washing by the time she gets home.
    Boys enjoyed their picky lunch, Samuel Calum's friend is very polite which I like and his mum made the birthday cake for Charlie, she also made Gillian and Andrews wedding ones. I had given Tammy cake to take home last night so the boys had some, Samuel asked if we had enjoyed the cake and it was lovely to see he had a sense of humour, when I said " no" that's why we keep get more made to,see if they get better? He answered " yes she will improve with practice" but we need her to have to try something different so we get to test them first. When she just does the normal one we dip out, so next one you book can you ask for something she hasn't done,,please, he was laughing. Had some cake then said" she is getting better". Her cakes are beauitful, our next one is for the family gathering in April.
    Diane, glad you had a lovely day out. Poor Emma she must be shattered. Then again she is young, when I stop and think of our Tammy that her age travelled by bus from Edinburgh to London then on to Celle in north Germany to see her boyfriend, she never batted an eye lid at her doing it. When she passed her driving test she drove up and down to London and that.
    Oh I suppose I'd better go and get the things out of the dryer seeing how it's bleeping to tell me it's finished. xx

  8. Hello Everyone, wet here again and very windy.
    Still being nurse, although hubby is down now, to save my legs, but still quite poorly, he managed the Carol concert last night , lovely friendly service.
    Am busy wrapping, and tagging, hoping to get finished today, all of my brothers and sisters do not give each other presents any more, so we donate what we would have spent to charity, usually Shelter Box.
    Glad you had a reasonable day yesterday Sandra, rest up today.
    Hope everyone has a good day, lots of hugs to everyone. Lilian

  9. Good afternoon Sandra & ladies,
    At last a few moments for myself.
    So glad to hear your day went well yesterday Sandra, deaths are always hard hitting this close to the season of joy and goodwill.
    Michele's stepper card is gorgeous, I'd love to know the instructions for making this one in greater detail please as I have not seen a stepper card like this before. Details wound be fantastic via email please flower.
    Lovely to read your messages re Milly-May. She is growing into a delightful inquisitive little character. She had her first merry go ride but did not look impressed with it was more into the lights and Christmas decorations.
    Cadbury garden was a bit of a disappointment to all of us. Wyevale have turned it into a small retail outlet village under one roof, lots of little shops and you have to pay in every shop instead of paying in one go at the exit tills. Due to vociferous complaints there is now another craft section but run by, yes you've guessed, another retail outfit. So pay separately again! I did get a few bargains though so trip was not wasted.
    Mum & Dad did not join us as they were waiting for my brother and wife to turn up so we left at 1 o'clock as Milly-May needed her feed and their restaurant was chock a block, and found a Hungry horse establishment just outside Weston Super Mare. Superb food and prices.
    Literally got home 10 minutes before Joyce, SIL, was knocking on the door to say they had collected Mum & Dad and came straight down to me as they had booked into the Friendly for tea. Another superb meal = I think the pounds will be piling on before too long!!!
    Off tomorrow with Joseph, daughter Giorgina and Milly-May again for Joseph's Christmas presents. That will be the end of my going out, I was determined to have 2 days for myself to prepare and got home from today's walk along Burham's Seafront to a message from Dad saying they are coming Christmas Eve and staying for 2 nights now. Had to ring back to say that was OK but I was going out with friends Christmas Eve. Better them here early than travelling on Christmas morning when the road racer idjits on the road.
    Cuppa calling me so might be in later.
    Love & hugs Cheryl xxx

  10. Hello everyone sorry not been around for a few days, need a big catch up. Have just been busy, Nic home Saturday and shopping for clothes for her, cemetary visits yesterday and all gifts delivered, early bed as I now have a touch of the virus John had, not as bad but am now going to pace myself.
    Michele your card today is brilliant would love to know how to do this one,
    The photo of Milly-Mae is beautiful, you look so proud Cheryl and no wonder.
    Will have a look back over the days, will be back later after a nice cup of tea.
    Jean xxx

  11. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    Another busy day, had our younger daughter here this morning with Ciara, they both had dental appointment locally so that was the morning gone, this afternoon has passed in a blur. I just seem to spend all my time being exhausted, I have tried to press on with my Christmas cards I managed to complete all the family ones and a few others. But I cannot see me completing all the cards I intended for you ladies and I hate admitting that. I wish I was able to say I will make X amount of card today, I have so many PhD is on my desk I think I could feel the dustbin. I struggle the best of times to complete one card in the day, I envy you all, you seem to be able to do multiples in the day.
    I would like to say a very big THANK YOU for so many beautiful card you really are all very talented. They are all together and anyone who comes into this house gets taken straight to them I've never had so many beautiful different card before thank you, thank you, thank you. xxx

    MICHELE, your card is lovely, how clever of you to work this one out. I'm going to print off the picture and see after all the festivities if I can work this one out. Its brilliant. Thank you for sharing.

    LYNDA, you really have had a rough time lately haven't you, you poor thing, do take things steady and hopefully you will be able to enjoy Christmas. Sending love and hugs Xxx
    Right my loveys it's time to get the dinner on.
    Sending love and hugs to everyone, love Brenda XXX

  12. Just a quick pop in while I'm getting dinner, only egg and chips for o/h, it's all he fancies, so nice and easy.
    Michele your card is fascinating, just can't work out how it's done, we need a lesson, you are clever.
    Brenda please don't be concerned about making cards for everyone, I'm sure no one expects , would rather you take it easy.
    Got to go chips ready.

  13. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    Well I'm very late today and I'm sorry about that but it is just a very busy time and I haven't stopped all day!
    I've been washing , ironing, making up beds, finishing wrapping, making soup and also been to the hairdressers for a cut' blow! It was certainly blowing when I came out! At least the rain had stopped.
    I have friends coming for dinner tomorrow evening as well so trying to get a start on dessert and an apricot stuffing!
    I'm sorry I haven't read any comments either but I'll try to do it later.
    Barbara is safely in Yorkshire but has no internet connection but I thought you'd like to know she had arrived safely!
    Michele - your card is lovely - so different . I think you could make lovely baby cards with this too and cards for young children. It's just very clever! Well done you!
    I hope you are all well - my huggle went to church with me yesterday - as it was hard for him to see I sat him in the folds of my scarf! He was very good but he did have two mince pies!!! He is going to be a hunky huggle if I'm not careful.
    Lots of love xxx

  14. Hi everyone, just a quick visit,
    Michele your card is amazing, how did you do it?
    We have been covering the craft shop today as we won't be there on Friday, it was relatively busy, people looking for last minute gifts.
    Now I have to start wrapping presents to be delivered tomorrow and Wednesday, plus there is a pile of ironing to be tackled, but there is always tomorrow for that.
    Take care whatever you get up to xxx

  15. Evening Ladies

    Just home after delivering Xmas gifts to my crazy friend, stayed for a cuppa & a chat with her, hubby had got tea all ready!

    My card was so easy-it's a Spellbinders die! One of the best dies I've bought. If anyone want me to post them some diecuts after Christmas then please just email me- I hope I have more luck than with the stamps I sent out though! If you want a specific colour please just say as I have enough coloured card to cover any requests. I'd be more than happy to send some diecuts out, the card is mostly what my crazy friend donated.


  16. Good evening everyone
    Oh what a day for dreadful weather up here and I hate to say this but the river is rising again and lots of fields are already flooded the poor farmers must be pulling their hair out!
    Had a very busy day this is the first time I have had chance to sit down apart from being in the car. We did our cemetery and crematorium chapel visits today taking the Christmas arrangements that I made yesterday, oh boy did we get wet, I was so pleased when we got home and got changed, we were soaked but all done thankfully.
    Michele your card is so very lovely you never fail to amaze!
    Just like Janet I would like to say a very big thank you to everyone for the stunningly beautiful cards I have received. Mine are all displayed in a special card holder that I made at a patchwork class a few years it hangs next to my chair and can be seen by everyone and have had some wonderful comments from visitors.
    Myra thank you for the news that Saba has arrived safe and sound so good to know she has been in my thoughts.
    Well must get on, but must say to Hazel please have some rest we don't want you being ill for Christmas.
    Take care everyone
    With love and hugs to all
    Margaret xxx

  17. Helloooooooooooo,
    It's me!!!!
    Michele, love your card. I've seen this die advertised but never seen it used, and it's fab.
    Had another busy day today. Went to town with George this morning (just call me very silly), went to bank, got automatic washing line changed at John Lewis as the end had broken off after less than 2 months. They changed it no bother (I could have had my money back, but everyone needs a washing line or two!) Bought a lovely necklace for Rachel but the shop queues were ridiculous, so after that we gave up and came home. After lunch we went to see David and Trudy. Then supermarket shopping for the loaf of bread for the stuffing!!!! I remembered so I deserve a gold star. George picked up Eleanor from school but Zoe went to a friend's house. They break up tomorrow afternoon after Carols in the Forest School, which is always magical.
    I've been wrapping presents this evening, why does it take so long, and they are ripped off in no time?
    Hazel, I think you are right, that chap wanted to sober up a bit before ringing the police. He should have the book thrown at him. I like Samuel's sense of humour!!!
    Lilian, I'm sorry to see that your husband is still feeling poorly, he must have really gone down with a bang.
    Cheryl, you have been so busy, but you've seen your family and that's always lovely. Enjoy yourself.
    Jess, don't worry, you can always shove the ironing under the rug. I do that, along with the dust ha ha.
    Jean, enjoy Nic's visit home on Saturday, I hope you manage to get the clothes shopping done.
    Janet, I hope you get good news soon, the suspense is driving me crazy - well crazier!!!!
    Sandra, I'm glad your visit to your mam's wasn't too bad and although there was sadness involved. you've got that over with now. Rest up after the long journey.
    Myra, I hope your dinner goes well tomorrow, apricot stuffing sounds interesting! Thanks for the information on Saba.
    I got all my cards made, and posted - yippee. But wait, the post man called this afternoon, and you will never believe this but - another TWO came and today was the last day for guaranteed 1st class delivery. How am I so disorganised this year? I've never been like this before!
    Right, I'm away to make a card!!!!!
    Silly Muriel xxxx

  18. Hello Sandra & all you busy ladies
    SANDRA glad you had a nice time yesterday,but sorry your suffering today,hope you had a PJ & duvet day today. MICHELE your card is amazing your very clever. What was the Spellbinders die called please.Myra please slow down you are always so very busy with all the entertaining you do. Hope you start to slow down after Christmas,Have you got family coming for Christmas Day.
    Well last hospital appointment today this year only a ENT one today thank goodness. Feeling better today but still tender. Having hair done tomorrow & high lights done. So have a busy day tomorrow after hair is done a pile of ironing to do & put Mr Dyson to work. But will do a big clean Thursday as like to leave it all clean & tidy as going over Lisa's for Christmas Day & Boxing Day & staying over. Well my wounded soldier wants a coffee his knee is quite swollen today so I will make the drink tonight.
    I would also like to thank everyone for all your Gorgeous cards I have received they are really all amazing Thank thank you.
    Good night God bless Lynda xxx

  19. Hello everyone,in bed early tonight absolutely shattered,being nurse as well as all the other things that need doing. Thankfully the cleaner Camry today so one less chore to do, always like to leave the house looking nice when we go away or should I say if, as hubby has been sleeping all day, so not sure we will make the trip to London.
    Going to say good night, sleep tight, see you in the morning.

  20. Goodnight everyone, have a good night's sleep ladies, sweet dreams and God Bless.
    Maureen xxx

  21. Morning Sandra and all. Fabulous card Michele, will tell you again later encase you don't see this comment. Please ladies, it's only a few day's left until Friday, Thursday for me, to celebrate Christmas so stop now running around or you all will be laid up for the weekend ,take care all. Brrrr, it's cold out here and no-one in the cafe' yet so I will try to go to bed and see if Mr Sandman can come around for a visit. Hopefully see you later XxXx
