
Tuesday 22 December 2015

Anne's tree and Beautiful Grandaughter

Good Morning Ladies,

First thing I want to do is to pass a message to my friend Ang  (who we were lucky enough to camp next to while on holiday in Spain)...... I hope you are both well, could you please send me your address? I would love to get in touch, I hope Trevor is well too, We are also going to Farnborough on the saturday, so we can plan to meet up.  Please feel free to join in the conversations on here, there are the most fun bunch of ladies ever. xxx

Today's tree has been wonderfully decorated by Anne, the gorgeous young lady next to the tree is Anne's Grandaughter Abi, who is off to her first dance, Abi, you look stunning my lovely, I do hope you had fun! xx
Anne's tree has a lot of baubles, some of them are old but packed with memories of Christmas's past,
I have to say Anne your tree looks beautiful, we have some very, very old baubles that belong to Paul's Nana, they are very fragile and made of really thin glass!
I am hoping that I have got the last few cards written and sent in the post! I will be glad to stow the Christmas dies and stamps until next year!  We are going to start making them every month next year!

I have another busy and funpacked day today, so will check in when I can,
I hope you all have an amazing day!
love and hugs


  1. Hello Sandra,

    So sorry to everyone for my absence of late just not had the time to blog much but I wanted to wish you all a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and I hope you all have some wonderful family time.

    Love & Hugs

    Jacquie J xxx

    1. Merry Christmas to you too Jacquie xxx

    2. Merry Christmas Jacquie,xx

    3. Merry Christmas to you too Jacquie xxx

    4. Jacquie have a very merry Christmas! Xx

    5. Jacquie wishing you a very Happy Christmas too.Xx

    6. Thank you Jacquie! Happy Christmas to you and your family! Xxx

    7. Hello Jackie,
      Have a wonderful Christmas and a Happy and Healthy New Year.

  2. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, sore throat this morning, so looks like I'm getting the same virus as o/h,hope I am not so bad ,as he's still very unwell
    Hair dressers this morning for cut and blow dry, then a bit of ironing and the grandchildrens presents to wrap and that's the lot for today.
    Hope you all have a lovely day.
    Anne your tree is lovely, as is your very pretty Granddaughter, hope she enjoyed her dance.
    Hugs for all, Lilian

    1. Lilian how lovely of your husband to share! Not! Dose yourself up my lovely so you can keep on top of it and drink plenty of fluids. Xxxxx

    2. Lillian wrap up well and keep your fluid levels up, plenty pain killers, don't want you ill over Christmas. xx

    3. Lillian how nice of your OH for sharing his virus with you.dose yourself up & drink plenty of water & pain killers. I realy hope your not unwell over Christmas
      Take care xx

    4. Oh Lilian , I'm so sorry you aren't well. I do hope you won't get it as badly as your husband. Take it easy! This is great coming from me and particularly at Christmas! Xxx

    5. Hi Lilian
      These men are so good at sharing aren't they. Make sure you take care don't want you I'll over Christmas.

    6. Lilian, I hope you are taking it easy and have been dosing yourself up? Your poor OH is still not great as he kept going. Take care xxx

    7. Lilian sorry you are feeling poorly take it easy if you can plenty of drinks & keep pain killers up xx

    8. Oh Lilian, I'm sorry to hear that you may have caught the bug, why didn't you wear one of your hoods like I suggested?! I hope it's just a light dose and you are well for Christmas day. xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Anne- lovely Christmas tree & your grand daughter looks so pretty, I hoped she enjoyed her dance.

    We have gale force winds here again- think it's only meant to be today! Hope so.

    Very busy day today so will get myself sorted for work & head in early.


    1. Hi Michele sounds like you have a busy day at work again please take a minute & breath take care. Xx

    2. The winds have died down a little here Michele but they may be keeping the rain away as it's rather dark and dreary! Take care! Xxx

    3. Very windy here as well Michelke, but hopefully it won't rain today. It was awful yesterday.

    4. Very windy here and pouring down with rain

    5. Hi Michele, I think we've all got the wind and rain, but not as bad as in the Lakes, oh the poor souls over there are flooded out again. xxx

  4. Good morning Ladies, Sandra your card arrived yesterday , thank you so much it is really beautiful! I now have a full string full of stunning handmade cards put in prime position for all to enjoy ! So thank you so much to everyone, I love them all xo.
    The photo shows our eldest grand daughter Abi who is 12 years old ( she is beautiful inside and out ) she is quite self conscious having her photo taken , she had a great time at her dance , I know the tree is loaded with baubles and bits but they hold lots of memories ( some made by Mandy and Stewart when they were wee, and they still check to see if they have been put on the tree) Lol!
    I made shortbread biscuits and oatcakes yesterday so must get ginger nuts and sultana cake done today.
    I know everyone is busy but take care of yourselves, love and hugs to all xoxo

    1. Anne your tree is lovely so is your granddaughter, glad she enjoyed her dance.

    2. Hello Anne your tree is gorgeous & so is Abi she is very pretty so pleased she enjoyed her dance.xx

    3. Anne your tree is gorgeous but totally enhanced by Abi . She looks lovely and I'm glad sh enjoyed the Dance. I'm not going out again until the weekend! If I've forgotten something - too bad!! Shopping comes tomorrow . Alastair will pick up butcher order. Hope you are ready too! Xxx

    4. Hope you saw my post this time re stamp Anne.

    5. Anne, what a wee beauty your wee treasure is, so pretty and going to be breaking a few hearts i think. Just looking at that hair and thinking what i could do with that as i see hair and it takes me right back to training at college and then my apprenticeship( which was only so he could pay me dirt cheap but get qualified results with), oh how i loved to work with hair. I got chucked out of Retsons training academy as my boss had paid for the beginners training and after the first night going they chucked me out and i had to come back to go into the senior styling course but boss was trying to save money, but was told in no uncertain circumstances that he would either have to fork out for the proper styling course for me or he would forfeit his money....not a happy chappie. Oh how i used to love when someone said "give me a change" as it gave me scope to really look and assess their features both good and bad(cos lets face it we all have something that we don't like and want covered) and when you have some hair to actually work with to produce something that takes 30-45 mins to cut but mins to style or that you just need to shake your head and it sits, its what we all want something easy to handle but looks like you were there half the day doing it. I hope young Abi doesn't take the doomed route of cutting it because been there and got that t shirt for wanting something on a whim and then regretting it 10mins later( and there will probably be a few who can say the same thing). Glad she enjoyed her dance flower and your tree is your tree of life. The life that's went on before and who it's changed by each passing year is reflected in those treasures that are dangling from the branches. Children always think when they get older " i wonder why mum keeps putting that ugly thing on the tree for" of things that they made when not as skilled as today but those are the ones that mean the most as we know the love and attention and concentration that went into each of our most prized possessions. Thank you Anne for two bonnies especially the home grown one.x

    6. Hi Anne,
      Your tree is lovely as is Abi so pleased she enjoyed her dance thank you for sharing.xx

    7. Hdllo Anne, I love the tree and the accompanying angel. Abi is gorgeous and I'm glad that she enjoyed her dance. She'll break a few hearts in the years to come. I still put ornaments on my tree which were my mother's and grandmothers, and well as ones made by Rachel when a child. xxx

  5. Good morning everyone
    Anne your tree is lovely as is the beautiful young lady at the side, hope Abi enjoyed her dance.
    Lillian I hope you don't succumb to the virus going round. I feel fine today so can carry on as usual.
    We received a lovely card yesterday addressed to Ruby and Bonnie complete with some little biscuits from our neighbours across the road, it is lovely.
    No plans as such today, just going with the flow, will get the polishing etc done as John has a hospital appointment tomorrow and we pick Nic up on Christmas Eve so the big day will be here before we know it.
    Sheila, thinking of you ((((hugs)))).
    Janet any news yet
    Will be back later, didn't get back last night ended up looking for books suitable for book folding as both great granddaughters have got the bug.
    Hugs in the basket.

    1. Hello Jean so pleased you are feeling better! I haven't tried book folding - I'm scared to try something else new! Hope the girls enjoy it! Xx

    2. Hi Jean.
      Never seen book folding. I've seen hedgehogs made out if book though. Myra scared of doing something new, never. Hope you have a great time with Nic.

    3. Hello Jean, enjoy your time with Nic, and I'm pleased that you are feeling better. I went to a book folding class and made an angel - I'm hooked. Going back on 5th January to do something else!!! xxx

  6. Good morning everyone, hope you are all TicketyBoo and looking after yourselves.
    We have Gale Forse Winds here this morning ... I hate the wind.
    Sorry I did not manage in yesterday, I really don't know where my day went. If anyone finds it could they please send it back!!! How can time pass so quickly???
    ANNE:- your tree is amazing so is that beautiful young lady standing beside it. Glad Abi enjoyed her dance.
    I have a few things on the cards "excuse the pun" for today. I know I will not get back in, so be good!!! Oh! That's asking just a bit too much for some ... naming no names!!!
    BARBARA:- our thoughts and prayers are with you all
    SHEILA:- thinking of you and Nikki
    MARGARET:- I do hope the rain has stopped down your way.
    THANK YOU:- everyone for all the wonderful cards I have received. They are all so different and so inspiring.
    Right must go get a move on, things to do, people to go see.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket for anyone who needs them. xxx

    1. Hello Patricia,
      I'm having coffee and blogs! When that's done - coffee that is - no more blogs today!
      Time just disappears! We'll chat again very soon!
      I know I definitely won't be one of those whose behaviour you were concerned about! I'm fine when you're not around you see!! Tin hat!!

    2. Hello Patricia,
      I wondered where you were yesterday. I'm answering all comments on the way down, then I am going to send some BOUGHT cards. First time this century. I just cannot be bothered to start pulling everything out again. Have a good night, whatever you are doing. I'll be good, I always am!!! xxxx

  7. Morning Everyone
    ANNE - your tree is just beautiful and you must be so proud of your beautiful Granddaughter. So pleased she enjoyed her first dance. I'm sure she will remember it for all the years and dances to come.

    Yesterday's journey to and from Christina's was horrible. Going we had torrential rain and it was very cold when we stopped in Bakewell for a coffee break and we were hoping to walk round their usual Monday market. We managed one lot of stalls and then straight to the coffee shop and just into 'Bloomers' the bread/pie shop for Fat Rascals, Hommity (spelling)pies and Tea Bread and then straight to Hognaston. She hadn't returned from the farm after doing morning feeding and sorting of the cattle/sheep so she'd left it that we could get in and put the kettle on. We left around 17.00hrs so she could go back down to the farm to sort out for the night and then go back home to sort out her own animals etc. The builders have finished everything inside and the plasterer had just finished the new bathroom/utility and toilet in the extension and one of the bedrooms they wanted replastering yesterday morning so it's now connecting up time. Everything has been on a stop start basis because of the horrendous weather conditions but at least all the really big jobs have now been done. The journey home was a nightmare with again heavy rain and high winds and Jim and dark country lane driving these days don't mix very well. All I have to do now is get all the presents we brought back to their destinations and I can make a start of tidying the dining room etc. I shall be more than pleased to get on the Ferry Boxing Day.

    BARBARA - I hope you had a reasonable journey back to Yorkshire and that you're OK. I've sent very gentle hugs to you all.
    I'm thinking of all of you my Dear Friends who are finding it difficult at the moment. Gentle hugs are on their way to you all. I shall be taking all of you with me to Marigny for some R&R.

    We still do not have a baby - Nicky took her and Lily-Mae out shopping yesterday but still no signs.

    OK I've now finished my Latte; left everything straight and ready for anyone who has time to just come in and sit for five minutes and so now have to go and fight my way to sort out my craft stuff for this afternoon.
    Hugs are in their usual place and I've left a little/tiny warmer in Tiny's cot.

    1. Hello Janet,
      It's a bit wild and windy here today too but at least it's dry! Your daughter is clearly rushed off her feet and animals have no idea it's Christmas! Glad all the major work in her home is finished. It will be worth it in the end! Xxx

    2. Hello Janet, by that baby is making us all wait. You must let us know as soon as he/she arrives!! Glad the main work is done. xxx

  8. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Anne what a lovely tree and granddaughter you have. Abi looks very pretty and grown up, I hope she enjoyed her dance. Isn't it funny with Christmas decorations and children, no matter their age they still love to look for special ones. It was like opening presents for Emma when she started doing the tree, all I could here were squeaks of 'oh the gingerbread man, he's got to go on'! Apparently the branches on our tree are spread too wide so there's not much room! It's apparently still being decorated so there are still lots of boxes and bags around it so I can't clear and Hoover just yet!
    It's really blowy here again today and has been for most of the night - Emma thinks she's bought it with her from Aberdeen! Although walking around in doors yesterday with shorts on was a bit much for me, I was in a fleece! I must get on, I've got an auntie visit today, my sister is going too so it's a chance to catch her before Christmas then it's Christmas shopping and the Christmas market with Emma. I don't know if I will be back as I have wrapping to do tonight
    Lots of love and hugs all round - Janet I hope the baby comes today, your daughter is so kingpd helping the farmer but she must be running herself raggid xxxxx Saba sending you and Val a big hug xxxx

    1. Hello Diane, I'm so glad Emma is having fun! I too will pass on the shorts if you don't mind! It's not so much the cold more the picture I make in them!! Xx

    2. Hello Dainty, I'm sure Emma will enjoy this Christmas so much, and she will appreciate your cooking so much more!!! xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and all (again)so glad the doors are now opened ,got a bit cold out here earlier.
    A beautiful tree Anne, love all the different things and memories you have on it and you have a gorgeous granddaughter, glad she had fun at the dance.
    Must tell Michele again how much I like your card from yesterday too, it's fab.and hope he liked it.Take care going to work in this wind !
    I tried to tell you all to slow down a bit now so you not coming down with anything before the weekend,too late. Wish you better Lilian and also hope your OH is feeling a lot better soon and the same goes to all of you and your husbands. How is Terry doing Lynda ? and you, are you getting better ? Sheila and Littlelamb, hope you are all right ? missing you both. Thank you Myra to tell us Saba is in place and hope she can pop in one day.
    Janet, any news ? not good for the bp all this waiting hihi. Have a good day and the same to all of you,whatever you do tho try to have some time out. We were shopping( fridge and freezer now stocked up) and a bit of small cleaning yesterday(wiped down the cupboard doors) in the kitchen. Cleared away even more craft items so come Thursday I will have plenty of workspace to make some sort of a buffet for our starters etc. Have a present wrapping to do, yes just the one and then some rest before the big clean down tomorrow as SIL will be here all day Thursday .Washing machine on and some e-mails to write so will go and do that now and hope to see you later, love and hugs from sleepy me Xxx

    1. Hello Maria, don't overdo things! I'm very good at giving advice but I'm not quite so good at taking it! Ha ha! Xxx

    2. Hello Maria,
      Take it easy. I'm going to do my last cleaning (apart from bathroom and downstairs loo) tomorrow. After that I'll just shove any dust under the rug and pray that no one lift the corner of it up ha ha. xxx

  10. Hi Sandra
    Ann I love your tree and your granddaughter is gorgeous. Now I saw that cyber space ate my reply to your post re my stamp. It must be because I hit publish then have to sign in to google then go back to publish again. I thought I did this, but who knows now. If you let he know gow many you'd like done for next year I'll gladly do them for you. I'll do it after Christmas or else I'll probably forget, and I'll have a few of your snow couple in return please. Well I decided to buy a new fibre optic tree yesterday, or at least look, but couldn't find any decent ones or hardly any of them at all. Fancy some of the ladies knowing where Yarnton, and Lilian I think it was who actually lived there. Apologies if it wasn't you Lilian to whoever it was. Peters off for bloods this morning before his appointment at the hospital and I've to finish off Christmas shopping and off to Doreen's. Hopefully see you later. Hugs to you all especially Saba.

    1. Hello Pat, my cousin lived in Yarnton until about 3 years ago I think it was. You slow down, young lady!! Xxx

    2. Yes Pat it was me, loved living there, daughter went to Witney tech.

    3. Pat - and b r e a t h e!!!! xxxx

  11. Morning Sandra and ladies.
    Quite a stormy night here, still raining now.
    Anne's tree is lovely, I did comment on the way down boy it takes a while to reach the end.
    I hope everyone has time to pop in for a coffe and catch up today, with all the things going on we need a few minutes to ourselves.
    A bit of ironing to do, and the rest of wrapping up then wee Henry can do his stuff.
    Don't know if I will be back in today, so take care if you are out and about, and have a lovely day whatever you are doing. xxx

    1. Hello Jess,
      I finished ironing after midnight last night! I don't think I'll do any more washing ha ha!! I had a backlog with having a sore back I never got to the end . I have now! Yippee! Xxx

    2. Hello Jess, I've finished my wrapping at last xxx

  12. Good morning everyone who has time to call in.
    Anne, your tree is beautiful. Abi is a very pretty girl, it's lovely to see a 12 year old just being that, glad she enjoyed her party.
    I have been out and got things and shopping from here in Cupar, now off out after my cup of tea to get other things. Little Andrew is getting as part of his Christmas present is a cozy heavy blanket for his bed he loves my cozy spare slanket on his bed and he has to be tucked in tight using it. So granny is buying him a blanket of his own, plus a couple of other things. He is one little boy who just doesn't ask for much at any time.
    Janet, yes I think we all are getting to a stage that we don't like driving in the dark especially when it's raining as well. That farmer neighbour of your daughter is really lucky, not many would do it.
    I keep thinking of Saba, she will be trying to spend as much time with Val yet she will want to see her grand children too.
    Sheila will you see Nikki on Christmas Day ?
    Jean, enjoy your time with your Nic.
    Diane, when Emma is going back to Aberdeen tell her to bring good weather with her, she will have a stop at Perth Broxden park and ride, so she can let it out there. It will hopefully cover bith Patricia and I.
    Maureen and Margaret C you are getting the horrible over night weather we had so take care.
    Maria, I would love to slow down, but I want to get everything done by tomorrow. Charlie has gone to see to the chickens down at Gillians, then go to our post office. Oh I'd better go make a move. I have put some of Charlies birthday cake for you to have in the cabinet, just a lovely chocolate cake with chocolate butter cream filling and white icing. He was taken aback by all your wishes and hugs I had to give him.
    Will hopefully get back in. xxx

    1. Hello Hazel,
      Thank you for the birthday cake! So much to do but we always get there in the end! That's what I keep telling myself! Having visitors today wasn't the brightest idea I've ever had! Xxx

    2. Sorry Hazel, I must have missed Charlie's birthday, please give him my best wishes, thank you xx

    3. Hello Hazel,
      Now you take it easy, you say that to me, but never do it yourself!!! We've had awful weather today but it cleared for the Carol Service in the Forset School so that was good, but boy is it cold. I have to say that Charlie's birthday cake is very nice. I'm surprised that there was any left!!! xxxx

  13. Good morning SANDRA & all you busy ladies
    Very windy & raining this morning. I have hairdresser coming today at 12 30 having hi lights done too.just having 5 minutes before finish cleaning & later ironing. Also have some presents to wrap. Tomorrow I'm going to tidy craft room & put all Christmas dies away for a while,I'm going to start making at least one or two cards a month so not like the mad rush it was this time.
    The swelling on Terry's knee has started to go down now & not so painfull.
    I'm feeling better today but still quite sore.
    Well better get cleaning finished. Try & pop back later. Have a good day everyone. Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Hi Lynda
      Hopefully Terry's knee with continue to improve. Look forward to seeing you both again hopefully at Ally Pally.

    2. Hello Lynda, so pleased you are feeling a bit better today and that Terry is too! Try to rest a little over Christmas - I'm great at giving advice! Xxxx

    3. Hi Lynda, hope you both continue to improve daily. Xxx yes Myra is right, try to relax hehe xxx

    4. Hi Lynda,
      Pleased to hear you are both feeling better please take care & don't do too much. xx

    5. Hello Lynda, Glad you and Terry are on the up and up. xxx

  14. Good Morning Sandra and everyone,

    Anne your tree looks gorgeous and so does Abi, so pleased she enjoyed her dance. And you have this lovely photograph as a memory of the occasion. Thank you for shareing.

    I'm off to pick up last Christmas presents. Have used Argos fast track service, so shouldn't be hanging around to much. (I hope)

    Wil pop In later to see what everybody is up to take care love Brenda XXX

    1. Hello Brenda OB, I hope you got your Argos shopping as quickly as you'd expected. xxx

  15. Hi Diane
    I hope you and Emma have lots of fun. Like Myra no shorts fir me either. I only do shorts when it's hot and I'm on holiday. Not a pretty sight I can assure you. This started under your post Diane, but has somehow jumped to the bottom of the blog.

    1. Pat, it would be boring if we all posted where we should!!! It's half the fun trying to work out who said what and where ha ha xxxx

  16. Hello Sandra, I was trying to leave comments all the way down but I have to stop! Sorry to those I missed! Please forgive me!
    A beautiful tree and and even more beautiful granddaughter!
    Sheila - miss you! Sending love to you.
    Thank you all for the lovely cards - they are all beautiful!
    Maureen enjoy today's Carol Service in the Forest School! It will be magical.
    Barbara my dear - lots of love and hugs for Val , yourself and all the family! Speak soon!
    Love to all, xxx

    1. Hello Myra, hope your evening is going well, the Carol Service was lovely - I kept my mouth shut!!! xxx

  17. While my brain is still working, well sort off. Can I wish all the ladies a Wonderful Christmas and a prosperous New Year.

    1. Yes, you may Pat, and I wish you the same with a Happy and Healthy New Year xxx

  18. Hello all took some of my pain killers, so managed to get to the hairdressers, although the lady who cuts my hair wasn't feeling too good she also has a sore throat.
    Finished wrapping the presents, just some ironing to do today then waitrose tomorrow, we only have one in Cornwall, but it's at Saltash the other end of the county, but hopefully will find some little treats for us when we come home.
    Have a good day,hugs with an energy plus in them for those who need a bit extra.

    1. Lilian, you are a glutton for punishment. Take it easy, you will make yourself really ill. xxxxx

  19. Hello everyone, it certainly is the shortest day today, dark already, have got all done today,
    Can I thank everyone for all the gorgeous cards we have received, so much inspiration for next year, but I think I will make one or two throughout the year. I've said that before and not done it, we will see x
    Hugs to you Barbara Val and family, I'll keep you in my thoughts along with Sheila, such a happy time can be so hard for some and we don't realise until we are in the situation xxxx
    Try to get back later,
    Jean xxx

    1. Hello Jean, it has been dark here all day. Looking at the sky I thought it was going to snow, but it just kept on raining!! xxx

  20. Just watched the news those poor folk in Cumbria have been flooded again in places, how much more can they take??? Something will have to be done. House building on flood plains will have to be stopped, ok it's to late for some, but it's a lesson that has to be taken seriously. I know how water logged the fields are round here, and we are lucky the river is down hill from us.
    I will have to do some gift wrapping, just little things, but still need doing. I also have 2 more covers to make for boxes of maltesser.
    Now I have to apoligise to you all, I haven't taken goodies to the chemo unit as I had planned. The reseaon being they have been given loads of biscuits etc. This year and the support nurse, I have a lot to do with phoned and asked if I could delay bringing the goodies I had told her I had bought. They have no room to store them. The kidney unit has got some, our Christopher delivered them. The Perth chemo unit also have been given as some of the goodies ( Tammy took them) wouldn't last after the end of December. Now due to all this I didn't photo things. I sent pillow boxes that contained a small hand cream and a chap stick in them, for Christmas Day for thise staying in. this was agreed by the support nurse as these are the things that are needed, Anna and Beths dad is taking these in for me I have a bit of a sore throat so I will not go near the unit. Again I never photographed these, all done in a hurry today to get them along to their house tonight, they are going out this evening so had to get them along before they left. I will get myself organised and photograph what will be taken later in the new year. I seem to be more disorganised this year not working than I ever was working, granted I have been over in Perth a lot when I had planned to do other things. Then again why get in myself worked up about it, it won't help and to be honest, we are safe, warm, dry and we have food in the cupboards. xxx

    1. Hazel, don't get yourself into a tizz over photographing the things. We know all the hard work that you and Patricia do, and the good things that come out of it. Just relax and don't worry. xxxx

  21. Evening Ladies

    Goodness-today was crazy at work, problems waiting for tomorrow already.

    Just seen on the news that parts of Cumbria are flooded yet again! My heart goes out to those poor people affected. Tesco have a collection point for toys for Christmas for anyone in Cumbria/Carlisle so I'll be buying something tomorrow to donate.

    I'd just like to say a big Thank You For all the amazing Christmas cards I've received, they're all gorgeous.


    1. Michele, you do an amazing job, and a lot of people will be in your debt. I cannot believe the floods again in Cumbria - I said to George "never mind about overseas aid, get some of the money to those who have lost everything, not once but twice or three times". xxx

  22. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    I hope you have luck finding your friend it is upsetting when you lose contact. Another busy day hope the last bit of shopping will be done tomorrow when I collect the turkey. hugs on way to all who need them especially Saba & Val & Sheila thinking of you all love Margaret xx

    1. Hello Margaret P,
      I hope the turkey is not too large to carry xxx

  23. Wellllllllllll I finally got to the end. I've posted under everyone's post as I knew I would forget half of what I wanted to say.
    The Carol Service was lovely. I'm shopped out, all presents wrapped but still haven't bought Peter anything. What do you buy the man who has nothing!!! I think I'll give him money and then he can go out in the sales and get a few bargains. I've got him some chocolates and smellies but nothing big.
    Saba, thinking of you.
    Margaret C, hope all is ok with you.
    Sheila, sending you love.
    I'll hopefully see you all tomorrow.
    Love Muriel xxxx

  24. Evening all, finished most of what needed doing, washing machine on the blink again, only does couple of minutes spin.
    I bought o/h new 3 piece suit for Christmas, if that helps Maureen.
    Well still have a sore throat but no worse than this morning so hoping I'll get away with just that.
    Thinking of those of you who are finding this a difficult time, love and hugs to you.
    Sleep tight all, see you in the morning. Lilian
