
Wednesday 23 December 2015

Maureen's Christmas Tree and Special Guest!! & another Christmas card

Maureen's Christmas Tree and Special Visitor 

Silent Night card.

Good Morning Ladies,

I am delighted to share with you today our Maureen's Gorgeous Christmas tree, beautifully decorated with a lovely selection of baubles and keepsakes.  I notice that Maureen also has a very special visitor, I am guessing he had to sit down to go through the list of reasons that Maureen was on the 'naughty list'! hahaha
Not really, I am sure you are at the very top of the 'Nice list' !  I love how you have the perfect Winter scene going on outside your conservatory windows too, with a light dusting of snow!  Thank you for sharing your perfect Christmas scene with us Maureen xxxx

My card has been made using an Impression Obsession Die simply cut from a piece of white card, matted onto Navy card, I then created snow with a Stampin Up snow stamp, and Silent Night stamp too, I used a quickie glue pen to add sparkle upon the snow drops and along the top of the snow bank and on the roofs of the houses too, simple yet effective I believe!  I hope you like it too.

Sending special hugs to Barbara, also to Sheila and Brenda xxxx
Gentle hugs to those of you that are feeling poorly too xxxx

Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning everyone, hope you are all well and looking forward to the BIG DAY.
    Please keep in mind all those for who it will not be as Happy as they would have liked.
    Those poor people suffering "flooding" again!!!
    Also those who are facing very sad times where the outcome is inevitable. Others who will be rather sad and lonely. Just remember it is not all Happy times for everyone.
    MAUREEN:- I just LOVE your beautiful Tree!! Man! Oh! Man! trust you to get the "big man" in to visit you "first" .... hope you have left plenty goodies for the rest of us.
    SANDRA:- I LOVE your card, simple, so effective. I am going to keep it in mind for next year.
    I will not be back in today it is going to be really busy here.
    We are off to a Wedding. The wedding is a 20mile journey into Dundee, then back out this way again. Can you believe it the Wedding Reception is only 6miles along the road from us heading towards Blairgowrie. However the great thing is we will not have too far to travel to get us back home.
    Ok! must get one of Diane's "wiggles" on I have lots to do before we take off.
    ((((((hugs))))) in the basket by the door, please help yourselves.
    Be good, I know that will be difficult for some but .... try hard!! xxx

    1. Morning Patricia
      Have a lovely day and safe driving. Hope the day manages to stay dry and bright for the happy couple.
      Hugs xxxx

    2. Good morning Patricia , I hope John is feeling better today and you both have a lovely time at the wedding, at least you will get to sit down for a wee while! Xo

    3. Oh Patricia my first thought was ' who in their right mind gets married at this time of the year!' But do you know what , I think it's lovely because you get the family together and it extends the festive season - you just have to be really organised! Have a lovely time and a safe journey - it's lovely to hear something exciting against the sad news of flooding and the sorrow of illness. I really felt for the young couple on the news last night cleaning out their cottage for the third time but still trying to be upbeat about it all. Take care xxxxx

    4. Morning Patricia, have a lovely day and enjoy the wedding and reception after. Hope John is ok and you as well xxx

    5. Hello Patricia,
      I hope the wedding goes well. Pleased John is feeling better. What are you wearing to the Wedding? Just call me nosey !!! Xxx

    6. Patricia, did you not try to disuade them not to do it? I would have. I wish when i was young i had done everything back to front like they do nowadays as it would have saved me a lot of grief over the years. I got married in the winter as well just because of the date as it was the same forwards as it was backwards 19.1.91 and there wasn't much sun so my eye didn't shut with the blinding sun light which is what the squint operation left me with. It had been snowing right up until the Thursday night and then it all went to slush and only the hills had any left so so much for my "white" wedding.
      Glad your john is feeling better today as it's no fun going to something that important and you feel lousy the whole time you are there. x

    7. Hi Patricia, hope the wedding went well and you had a lovely time

  2. Morning Ladies

    Maureen-lovely Christmas tree & how lucky are you to have a special visit from Santa??!!

    Sandra-I love your card & as Patricia says-I'm going to keep that idea in mind for next years cards.

    Today is looking busy again and we've got problems to sort out for over the Christmas holiday as its a long break for us (4days). The main pharmacy is open every day except Christmas Day but we shut on Thursday evening until Tuesday morning. We had an email to say there would be no Dieticians in on Tuesday so that's causing us a big problem. Ah well-we'll sort something out.

    At least I have nothing to complain about when I compare things to the residents of Cumbria & Carlisle. We have gale force winds again but it's dry for now.

    Off to get ready to head into work soon.


    1. Hello Michele,
      It sounds as if you are having a very busy day. So pleased the rain has stopped and it's lovely here now. Blue sky and sunshine - do hope it's like that in Cumbria! Xxx

  3. Good mornng Sandra and ladies. Well weather wise it is far from good - more rain and wind. We will not complain as we are safe in our house. Those poor folk in Cumbria being flooded again makes you realise we have nothing to moan about.
    Maureen how come you get a special visitor? This early on? Your tree is gorgeous is that the one the girls helped with? If so they did a great job.
    Sandra, I am looking at your card in real! It's a lovely, I think we all have been so honoured and very lucky with all the beauitful cards we have received this year. So again thank you ever one of you.
    Like Lilian my sore throat is no worse than yesterday, so here's hoping it stays that way. I hope Lilian that husband will feel well enough for you to go away to the family for Christmas.
    Myra, did you enjoy your evening?
    Norah, I noticed your " Huggles" have been up to a bit of mischief! Little tinkers, they think they can get away with things as they are so cute!!! Myras one will need to go on a diet at this rate? I hope he behaved last night while she had guests round.
    My thoughts and prayers are with Barbara, Val and all the family at this time.
    Sheila and Brenda I am thinking of you both.
    Any news Janet?
    Right I am off to get my tea and some toast, are we having Christmas lunch in here today, as I see some one has left a big box of crackers and Christmas napkins over in the back, or is Sandra using the cafe for their Christmas dinner as it is bigger than their dinning room?
    Will call later. xxx

    1. Morning Hazel
      Pleased that you're sore throat is not getting any worse. Wrap up warm as we need you to control one or two Huggles who look as thought as you say are having high jinks when we have gone off to our beds.

      No news yet - it's getting very close to Christmas Day as you know and I don't know what will happen as Pippa will then be a week overdue and someone has said that Maternity do not leave ladies longer than that and so they are induced. Whether Christmas Day makes a difference I don't know. This little one is certainly keeping us all on our toes.

      Hugs for you xxxx

    2. Good morning Hazel, glad your sore throat is no worse today, you have been so busy running to and fro, looking and thinking of others, time to look after yourself for a change, so give yourself a wee rest! Xo

    3. Hazel if you do go out wrap up nice and warm, if not try and find some jobs where you can rest as you do them. Take care xxxx

    4. Morning Hazel, glad you not feeling any worse. Maybe have a peace of Charlie's birthday cake to take the sting out. You have made so much for the Hospice, working non-stop but leave it now for a few day's and enjoy Christmas. Oh will we have a little party in the cafe' ? It would be lovely if we all managed to meet up for an hour or two... Take care xxx

    5. Hello Hazel,
      I've been trying to leave comments but until now - it wouldn't let me!
      I'm glad your sore throat is no worse! Take care my friend - we want you to enjoy Christmas no be under a mountain of Margaret's heat bags!
      As for my Huggle - he wanted to be with everyone last night and I agreed! However I told him the story about Auntie Margaret and me being ducks on a wall! I said he could sit in a garland which was draped over the big mirror in the dining room! He would get a good view but be quite safe as I used ribbon to make a safety harness. He was very good all evening until the end - he was just fed up sitting still for so long - when I lifted him down he jumped out of my hand onto the table and into a red wine glass! There wasn't much left but enough for a Huggle - he has had to have a little Calpol this morning and he has gone from a lovely white colour to pale pink! A few washes will sort that out! I had a job explaining him to visors though! Xxx

    6. Myra, the tears are rolling down my face, I hope Norah will write this all down for her book. That painted a brilliant picture in my mind. Thank you. Yes your visitors will have gone away wondering about what's going on! Ha ha ha.

  4. Good morning everyone
    Maureen your tree is gorgeous and your Christmas visitor completes the scene.
    Sandra I love this card, so elegant, I hope you are looking forward to the festivities with the family, enjoy.
    My heart goes out to the people of Cumbria and it seems there is more to come.
    A friend of Johns called last night with gifts, felt so sorry for him, just had bad news about his mum, he is her main carer, along with his girlfriend, he looked shell shocked so there are a lot of people who will struggle over the holiday period.
    Take care if you are out and about today, it's getting so busy on the roads.
    Hugs for all who need them,
    See you later
    Jean xxx

    1. Morning Jean so sad for all the people suffering again from the floods, it must be horrible. Hope John's friend be all right, take care xxx

    2. Hello Jean,
      I was saying that earlier today ! There are lots of people going through times of real sadness. My heart goes out to them. Xxx

  5. Good Morning everyone
    MAUREEN - your tree is just beautiful it really is but how did you manage to get the 'big man' to sit still long enough for his picture to be taken? You must really be in his good books this year!!!!

    My heart and prayers are with everyone suffering in any way today. There is so many coping with such sadness it is heart breaking and at this time of year it is felt more when we are in the middle of the darkest months of the year. I hope that each and everyone can see at least a small light of comfort.

    I don't know where the Christmas napkins etc have come from but I thought that today instead of a big Christmas lunch as everyone will either already have had one with Friends/Colleagues and will be looking forward to their family one that we would have a Christmas Table lunch. I've put a couple of tables together at the top end of the cafe and set them out with a selection of sandwiches (crusts cut off of course), mini sausage rolls/pork pies/quiches; a selection of dips etc. The sweet selection is of course warm mince pies with brandy butter, and it wouldn't be a Christmas Table without a proper Trifle. All diets have been catered for so please eat and enjoy.

    We still have no news from Pippa. This baby is definitely keeping us waiting and it's getting very close to C.Day.

    I'm not sure what's happening in this house today other than I have to do a tidy up around my craft area and then seriously start thinking of organising some packing as Jim wants to pack the car tomorrow.

    I've put an extra lot of hugs in the basket this morning as I know they are really needed.

    1. Hi Janet,
      Hope the baby arrives soon we could all do with some good news. Good luck with packing.xx

    2. Oh Janet the tables look lovely, thank you for setting it all up. No baby yet ! what is Pippa doing to us this baby seem happy to be where he/she is hihi. I got induced and my son was born 6 hours later so they might do something soon.Take care and tell Jim, happy packing xxx

    3. Janet, I have put a tray with mixed crackers and a warmed Camembert cheese plus a cheese board on the table. Yes a hepl yourself is the best thing. xxx

    4. A lovely idea Janet! Hope to see you later!
      Hope this little one comes very soon! Xxx

  6. Good morning Ladies, thank you for all your lovely comments about Abi, I'm sorry I didn't manage back in last night , we ended up with unexpected visitors who stayed quite late and all I was fit for after a very busy day was bed xo
    Maureen , your tree is gorgeous and so is the Big Man! Lucky you getting an early visit xo
    Sandra , another beautiful card it has the perfect Christmas scene xo
    Our daughter and family are meant to be arriving today from Edinburgh but I've just got a message saying Archie 9yrs has been sick so we will have to wait and see how he is later for travelling, if they wait till tomorrow the weather forecast is not good. I feel so sorry for those poor souls in Cumbria having to cope with even more flooding , how much more can they take, it's impossible to imagine how miserable things are for them.
    Sending big soft gentle(((( hugs to )))Barbara and Val xo
    Janet , hope that little baby makes its appearance soon xo
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

  7. Ps. Meant to say I got your message Pat , good idea! xo

    1. Aaah bless little Archie, hope he feeling all right for some travelling later today. Have a nice day xxx

    2. Anne I hope they won't have to cancel coming. Fingers crossed.

    3. Hello Anne, I hope Archie is well enough to travel later. I'm sure he will be hoping that too! He will have been so looking forward to going to Grandma and Grandpa 's. xxx

    4. Oh boy Anne, poor wee Archie and right at this time of the year and when he is going on his very special holidays to Granny and Grampa's house. Having been that bairn in the past i know just how he feels and just the thought of the journey made my sickness worse. I hope that he is a bit better soon and that they take the basin and some dettol to rinse it out with for the journey. How long does it normally take for the journey from Edinburgh up to you? Cos i can't go on Campbells escapades in taking us any where as he always seems to find the longest road out and the twistiest, up hill and down dale road that is possible and if i didn't feel ill before we took off, i sure did afterwards. x

    5. Anne do hope Archie is feeling better, nothing worse than being sick over Christmas

  8. Hi Sandra & all in cafe,
    Sandra your card is beautiful very simple design but elegant thank you for sharing.xx
    Maureen love your tree lucky you to have a special visitor.xx
    My thoughts are with all who are suffering I personally know of a family who have lost a loved one & another who has been given bad news thinking of you Sheila, Brenda, Saba & Val & family special hugs on way.
    Thank you all for my lovely cards sorry I did not get to send to you all will do better next year.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Margaret my lovely lady a virtual hug is as good as a card, it's there and you don't need to recycle it at the end of Christmas or put it in a box with your special cards. Xxxxx

    2. Oh I agree with you Diane over thise virtual hugs. Xxx

    3. Morning Margaret, hope you are ok and everything more or less finished for the week-end. Virtual hugs are worth gold and I send you and OH a few for the day xxx

    4. Oh Margaret don't worry about cards! I am concerned that I may have left someone out as I had two sheets of paper with lists . It's too complicated to explain but it was because of the Retreat . I was ticking my list off - but - !! Virtual hugs are more reliable than my memory xxxx

    5. Virtual hugs are lovely for all, we really love them, that's why we love this cafe

  9. Good morning Sandra & ladies,

    A beautiful stylish card Sandra, love it!

    A lovely day yesterday spent with Joseph, who found his Christmas present, he had already looked online to see where we could buy it in Taunton, it's now waiting to be wrapped up. Giorgina and Milly-May came shopping with us too. She is sooo good, not one moan or cry all day. She loved sitting in a high chair when we went for breakfast and enjoyed her toast so much she had to have more!

    Last night Joseph and I went to the Friendly to meet up with Pete's dart team, Robin came too to play in Dad's place. The lads play for the Pete Brown Memorial Shield every Christmas, the shield they bought themselves and it was so lovely to present it to the winner of the knockout match. I was given the sum of £84 for Cardiomyopathy UK, a charity I have supported since Pete died. Can't thank the lads enough for helping us to raise funds for them.

    Have been reading all the news of further flooding up North, those poor people have had enough to cope with, they don't need any more bad luck. I agree with Hazel's remarks on house building on flood plains and the water table and in my opinion John Prescott is the one to blame as he said many years ago, 'We WILL build on the 'green belt' it is not to be safe guarded anymore' and let the builders run riot. A nasty mean spirited man who was so jealous of those (the rich and titled) who have what he
    didn't or still does not have, good breeding and manners. I think the expression 'You can't make a silk purse out of a pig's ear' applies to him.
    I can't understand why our Government does not build huge storm drains like in America and Australia, it might not solve all the flooding problems but anything is better than nothing. Surely they could use the money they have safe guarded for the H2 train scheme to help out these poor souls, better still donate their expenses!!!

    Maureen's tree is simply divine just like herself and to have Santa earlier, well my girl, exactly how did you manage that?

    Have today and tomorrow now free to myself (for last minute tidying up, ironing, and beds made) until Mum & Dad arrive on Christmas Eve. Far better for them to come earlier than trying to get to us on Christmas morning.
    Mum is still trying to insist on having a bedroom to herself, but that is not possible with everyone else staying overnight too and only three rooms, one my craft room. I will be trying out the EZ inflatable bed I have recently bought. It looks great, has a sturdy metal frame and is almost as high as my own bed, and the beauty of it is that it folds up by itself when you turn the electric pump to deflate, and then zip up the case to store in the wardrobe. It's about the size of a large suitcase, will let you know my thoughts on it later.

    Another cuppa is needed before Joseph wakes up, I'll try to call in later.
    Oooh nearly forgot, after her seasonal job ended mid November, Fiona has landed herself a new job!!!
    I am so grateful and proud that my children find work for themselves instead of relying on us downtrodden taxpayers to provide for their lifestyle choice. She has had two days Induction Training in Bristol so has had to travel there at her own expense, but has been assured that she will be reimbursed for them in her first pay packet. She was going to join the William Hill team in Taunton but has now been transferred to a post in Bridgwater and the shop is just across the road from where she lives! How fortunate is that? It means she can still get Joseph to school before work.

    Such a long message today so I'll end now and call in later
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Cheryl, your family finding work, no matter what it is, is down to their up bringing!!! Our are the same, have been since 14/15 years old always had jobs. So we'll done Fiona and that is perfect that she can see Joseph to school. Look forward to hearing about that bed, it could solve a few problems here if it works. Oh yes that was a great amount of money they raised every bit helps too. xxx

    2. Morning Cheryl, hope you staying well and enjoying all your time with the family ,lot least the grand children. Good luck with the EZ bed, don't want to hear any whistling sound.Great Fiona got a new job, wish her luck. Have a nice day,hugs xxx

    3. Congratulations to your lovely family Cheryl . The boys providing a Darts Trophy and raising that money in memory of Pete! Also to your daughter on getting a job . Have a lovely family Christmas. Hope the bed is as good as it looks - I'm sure it will be. Xx

    4. Cheryl, what a fantastic sum the boys raised for the heart charity that you support so a big well done to them and glad that Pete's name is not forgotten, he must have been a very special human being to be remembered like that. Well done Fiona on your new job flower, i hope that you enjoy it and that it will make the biggest difference for you and your wee fella. It's great when you can get something close at hand but also something that saves a bit on travelling expenses and time giving you more of a home/ work life balance as they say nowadays. The wee ones are only little for so long and seem to mushroom in front of your very eyes. Kirsten is wondering where her baby went as although he is only 6 months old he takes after his daddy who is 6' 2" so lets face it he was never going to be a tiny baby for long. I just hope he takes his brains from his mother and not his father as i am still trying to find that laddies brain as i think it must be well coccooned against normal life. His idiot of a father( this is the highly intelligent scientist) decided to drop in from the doctors the other day having being told he has a chest infection and wasn't pleased at Kirsten telling him not to go near Harry as he is got a rattling chest the now as it is. The stupid man couldn't understand why he wasn't allowed to pick up the wee fella, dohhhhh!!!! thick or what. Ryans parents for being acedemics and supposedly brainy people are as thick as a plank at common sense as they have none what so ever in that department. So i'm praying that Harry takes after our side or rather my side of the family as at least we had some of both. x

    5. Norah. All brains and no common sense comes to mind. Thankfully I am glad I have common sense more than lots of brains! xxx

    6. Cheryl sounds as though you have a wonderful family, enjoy your Christmas.

  10. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Oh my goodness Maureen what a lovely tree and how lovely to have snow in the background too, it all looks gorgeous. Now it had to be you didn't it, who has been so good this year, Santa arranged a special visit - oh you are lucky. Now if you see him again, do give him a little squeeze from me and perhaps a peck on the cheek, I hope his beard doesn't tickle! Xxxxx
    Sandra lovely card today and great for posting too, thank you for sharing. Xxx
    Janet oh I hope baby decides it's time to show itself very soon. Poor mum must be getting quite uncomfortable. Xxxx
    Sending big hugs to everyone and a special one for Saba and Val. Xxxxx
    I had a lovely visit with my auntie and uncle yesterday, caught up on the news and also saw my sister for a quick catch up so that was good. Today I'm seeing another aunt and uncle and a few cousins before coming home to cook more mince pies. This Auntie has just come out of hospital so we won't stay too long as we don't want to tire her too much although I will be told off if I make her a cup of tea instead of my uncle! Their son came down to stay whilst she was in hospital and was soon sent home because he was getting in the way! Her daughter who lives locally and usually does the running around is back on duty instead! We did have a catch up and chuckle about it the other day.
    Take care everyone, safe driving on your travels and sharpen your elbows for the supermarkets!
    See you later xxxx

    1. Morning Diane, you made me chuckle about your Aunt, when wanted to help my Gran after a op.oh she was so stubborn and wanted to do everything herself. Have a nice day xxx

    2. Diane,
      How could I ? I missed you on the way down! It's because you are so quiet, shy and retiring!!
      Tin hat!l.
      Older folk are funny ! I'll soon be one myself - oops I'm probably there already! Have fun today! Xxx

  11. Hello Sandro and all who call in the coffee shop today,

    Maureen love your tree, how lucky are you to get an early visit from Father Christmas himself! This would make a great gift for a Christmas card. Thank you for sharing and what a great sport FC is for posing for you, Ha Ha Har xx

    Sandra, I love this card, it is so easy when you break down the elements. As you know I have had a real pain of a time trying to make Christmas cards, my poor brain - every time I had an ideas they were all too elaborate to think of doing them in multiples, The thing is it now I have got lots of bits I will put them in my PhD box, think it will have to be a special box marked Christmas and maybe through the year item Will be able to work on them. I certainly intend as you have said maybe make a couple each month and I won't end up in the panic I have this year.

    I manage my shopping yesterday although I did end up with more bags than I thought I would have. It was funny because John and I went off at the same time got the bus to Croydon, He then went off by train to Sutton for his radiotherapy treatment and I did the shopping. Well I completed all of my tasks and was relieved to get a bus home, Two stops along the way someone sat beside me, I looked and burst out laughing, yes it was John. At least I had a little help with my bags when crossing the road. Had we planned it like that!

    My heart goes out to those people affected by the floods again, it's difficult to imagine how they must be feeling. I just pray that everyone is safe and have the strength and help they need to get back into their homes.

    Sending love and prayers to Saba, Val and their families, also Brenda and
    Sheila, and anyone else who is feeling under the weather.

    Right I'm off now to make some mince pies. I found the recipe Diane had been telling us about online so I'm going to give them a try they sound delicious. I need to make me enough to take to our daughters for the Christmas festivities.

    Sending special hugs to everyone, take care, love Brenda XXX

    1. Morning Brenda, oh you could't have planned it better tihi Hope John is doing ok, warm hugs to you both xxx

    2. Oh Brenda talk about nice timing although poor John must be taking its toll on him this radio therapy. I hope that he will be back to being his handsome, cheeky self soon getting under your feet and just being him. Why are they not doing patient transport for him? Up here patients get patient transport to pick them up and bring them back home as it takes it out of them the treatment that they have to go through. I'm sending him one of my special huggles that can behave just to keep him company. x

    3. Hello Brenda, I missed you on the way down too!! That must have been so funny on the bus! A real " fancy meeting you here" moment! Xxx

  12. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Well Maureen, what have you been up to, getting Father Christmas to pose for you, he is a very busy man just now, so let him out to get on with his job! Joking aside your tree is lovely, it must have taken ages to decorate.
    Patricia enjoy then wedding, a nice change from rushing about getting Christmas sorted.
    Sorry I didn't make it back yesterday, so busy with visitors, wrapping, ironing etc., will be glad to put my feet up after a food shop today, don't even want to try shopping tomorrow, it will be horrendous.
    Thank you ladies for all your lovely cards, I got yours yesterday Sandra, thank you. Everyone is so different a pleasure to look at.
    Well off to hit Tescos will try to pop back later but no promises!!,,
    Love to Barbara, thinking of you. Take care everyone, xxx

    1. Morning Jess, hope you have sharpen your elbows like Diane said for your shopping today. Apparently it is the worst day for food shopping! so take care xxx

  13. Morning Sandra and all, looking forward to lunch for some goodies later ,everything smell sooo good.
    Maureen, what are you doing with Santa ey ? He look very content sitting next to your amazing tree, Very nice. Hope he gets hold of hos reindeer's for delivering the presents later ( think I will go on line and get myself something later) glad you had a nice time at the Carol service, mouth shut ??
    Lovely card Sandra and defiantly something for the ones abroad to send for next year as it quite flat.Very Christmessy. Hope Sophie is better and you looking after yourself. Let everyone help.
    I had a good day yesterday even after no sleep I managed to do things I had planned for today so now I can rest a little bit. Only going to prep.some food for tomorrow. Jansson's(potatogratain with Ansjovis) always taste better the next day but this year I couldn't get hold of the right Ansjovis for it so we have to see how it goes.
    Oh has gone down to Edgwere to get som fishballs, Cholla(bread) and some Almond cake, they do very good ones. I'm Not much for baking but have bought some packets for soft Ginger cake so I make one this afternoon. Good to see you getting there Lynda and terry's knee too, please take it easy. My thought's goes out to all suffering with the floods, if you missing a special person this time of year and sending special hugs to Saba,Val and family ,Sheila and Brenda. Take care everyone and breath in between what ever you are doing,
    all my love and golden hugs to you all xxxx

    1. Hello Maria, I'm fascinated by your potato dish! Are Ansjovis - anchovies? If not what are they . I hope you have a lovely special meal on Christmas Eve. Does it have a special name? We learn a lot on this blog! I'm glad you got a lot done yesterday and feel a bit better. Don't do too much! Lots of love xxx

    2. Oh yes, that' how you spell it hihi The dish is called Jansson's Temptation, no idea why but if you got it right then you usually go for more xxx

  14. Good morning my little coffee shop cherubs,
    well i'm here and that's about all i can say as i am chokit foo of the cold thanks to my tiny visitor of mine, it's taken me the best part of 45 mins to get showered and dress and the hair will just need to stay as it is in the hair turbie, as i don't have the energy left to sort it out with a brush at the moment nor a hair dryer. I'm on the last jumper for Christmas and i'll be glad to see it finished as this is the 4th identical jumper in a row and you know what they say about variety being the spice of life as i am finding out and you lot can make what you want out of that one as i have no doubt you will. None of you have even got close to my lovely friends age yet i notice but i think some one did say the older the fiddle and they could be closer to the mark than they think. He came yesterday when i was out so had a conversation with Rory so lord alone knows how long he was kept back for as Rory can go off at a tangent and keep going, poor Steve,lol. I for got that Rory wasn't at college today when i booked the 7-9 in the morning slot for Asda to come so put on my onsie and slept on the sofa until they came. Well the look on the big fellas face at seeing me in a Minnie Mouse onsie was a picture so he and his helper have went away laughing and giggling for the rest of the day, so glad i could make someones day. I was waiting until they had been before jumping(well trying to)into the shower as knowing my luck i would have been right in the middle of it when they turned up and perhaps not a pretty sight first thing in the morning if you haven't had your breakfast, lol.
    When i got back from seeing my friend Di yesterday after Kirsten deciding to phone from bed at 9:10 and was at my house with Harry(poor wee mite was still in his sleepy grow and hadn't been fed)at 9:27 which is an absolute miracle for Kirsten(she has her fathers traits as well as nature and temper of ALWAYS being late) as she decided it would be easier for me just to go in her car as it has seat and buggy in boot. Well i hate being a passenger of hers as she goes far to close to other peoples bumpers, far too fast and then breaking every other minute and taking chances. It could be something to do with the accidents that i have been in because of other idiots doing just that and the rest not anticipating what was going to happen. I had and dark green Astra going to my work at the CSA one day but came home with a concertineda Asta as the big fella in the Forsyths of Denny recovery truck didn't manage to stop in the wet roads the same when the idiot to cars in front decided to let the Asda lorry turn into the depot. He didn't look to see what was behind him if it was safe for him to let the big guy across and of course i was the only one damaged as i had kept back and turned my steering wheel to the left to avoid the rest of the traffic. Then the big guy that hit me added insult to injury by asking me if i wanted him to lift the car with the crane on to the back of his truck and take me home???? If he had done that i would never have driven again i don't think but i always check what is behind me first before allowing any one out into the road as it's the ripple that it causes that does the damage.

  15. Anyway when i got home there was a card waiting on me and i know that i am an eejit but i didn't realise it was infectious as i got a letter from a huggles owner of what her huggles has been upto, well all i can say girls is what your Christmas trees because this one loves the christmas tree or rather pulling it apart after it being decorated. If your wee Huggles wants to know why Santa hasn't been to them blame it all on this one that is pulling the tree apart as Santa can't deliver any Huggles presents if there is no tree to put them under, can he? Poor wee preemi Huggles is just too small to know what it is yet and is just amazed looking at all the bright colours and the twinkling of the lights. He's just not growing as fast as his brothers and sisters did for some reason but hopefully over Christmas he will put on a spurt. I see from reports that some who shall remain nameless has been letting them run wild in the cafe and not chastising them for being naughty. Well that's the whole lot in that basket can go and sit on the naughty step for 10minutes as they won't own up to who has been the instigator, so they can all go. Come on then shift, to the naughty step and don't move until i tell you you can come off it again and no fighting or i will take you all home and you will go to bed with no food.

  16. Now that i have got that lot sorted out for the time being i can concentrate on other things. Maureen, your house looks like Christmas has come with the snow outside and your lovely tree full of memories that come back year after year. I don't think it's even just when it was made a particular piece of magic, it's all about that time and what happened and what was so special or memorable about that year. These are the things that new ormanments in their pristine condition can't give, that warm glow that lights up inside you when you see something again from years gone past. I take it "him" was just on a stop by beforehand to make sure everything was in place for him coming in 2 sleeps? How he's going to summon up that energy to do it all again then i just don't know. I am quite sure that is why he has his bit tummy is because Mrs Claus wants him to last the journey as it must take so much out of him and the poor reindeer. Enjoy your snow as much as you can Maureen although i hope that it is just in the gardens and not on your roads or pavements.
    Janet, Rory was due the 23rd of July and i got induced on the 13th of August and had him on the 14th. I was longer in labour with my second at 16hours than i was with my first and it was induced 3 weeks early and i was still 12 hours with Kirsten. She will come when she comes but Pippa must be getting so fed up as she won't be comfortable or anything and also being away from the wee lass as well just when she is getting to that interesting age that she knows something is happening and is excited.
    I'm sending some special huggles to special people that could do with them at this time, so Saba - Barbara and Val you are in my prayers and thoughts my dear flowers, Our lovely Sheila and young Nikki and Brenda, i hope that you are feeling better soon dear friend. Right i'm off to have a large coffee as i am knackered just blowing the hair dry( and only because i have the cold and don't want to make matters worse) but blow is all it got as i can't style it at the same time as the arms just wont cooperate in that task at all. It's funny how i can still blow dry my friends hair but mines has never been able to get done, oh well i will go and sit in the corner and watch this bunch, ah i bet their sorry now that they got up to high jinks in here last night and i don't want anyone feeding them today as i think that they had a raid on with the mess that they left to clean up little middens.
    Me x
    Oh sorry Sandra got that carried away with that lot this morning i for got about just how lovely your clean and simple christmas card is. A pity my brain hadn't worked like that for your christmas cards ladies, sorry.

    1. Oh Norah! What a picture you paint! The Mickey Mouse Onesie - that's just brilliant! The chastened Huggles sitting on the bottom step of the stairs looking at the floor! My Huggle was a wee bit naughty last night but it was just over- exuberance! Wow that's a big word for a Wednesday morning! Norah I would love to know what people imagine these Huggles to look like! I have a very definite picture in my head. I'm keeping it there in case you write a book - then I'll tell you!!! I hope Steve and Rory had a lovely chat! Hope my shopping arrives soon and then that is something else done! Be a wee bit good! Sorry about your rotten cold! Get well soon! Xxxx

  17. Oh Sandra it's taken ages to get here this morning! My coffee break is long over!
    However I had a busy day yesterday and cleared up before I went to bed so we seem to be on track for now! Just neighbours cards to be hand delivered today!

    What can we say about Maureen's tree and the man of the moment! He is a handsome fellow and looks right at home in that chair! I wonder if he got coffee and mince pies or would she have had to bribe him with something stronger!
    Maureen, your tree is lovely and you continually bring a smile to my face! Thank you for that. Pity there wasn't a photo of Mummy kissing Santa Claus! xx
    Sandra - your card is beautiful - as you say it's a simple idea but it's very very effective. I may be mad but I thought I may make some Christmas cards next week before everything goes away. The ideas are fresh in my mind and it would give me a head start for next year and I'm under no pressure! What do you think?
    Well last night went well apart from a tiddly Huggle but that was an accident! Today is shopping - should be here any minute and then I will cook the Ham after that. Always cook a Ham at Christmas. Don't know why! My family don't like turkey - I know - so we are having cockerel! We had that last year and it was lovely.
    Well I must go - see you later - if I can!

    1. That's one way of shutting up that pesky dawn wake up call Myra although a bit drastic on the cockrel. x

    2. Norah trust you to think that? Did you enjoy the little story that went with your card? See what you have got us all doing? You tell us a story and that's what we see in our minds. Just like I see Myras one bursting out of his elf out fit with eating all that delicious food at her house. At least Rory isn't unsocialable, to many young one just grunt? As for the asda guys well you will have made there day, because I bet by the end if today they will have had a lot of grumpy folk moaning at them. Sorry you are full of the cold, please take care and don't over do it. xxx

    3. Norah that made me laugh aloud! Trust you to think of that as Hazel said! It brings a whole new meaning to putting his gas at a peep! Is that a Scottish expression? It was one my Grandma used anyway! Xxx

    4. Oh Norah you always make me laugh with your wonderful stories. They are so clear I can see them in their full glory. What would we do without you. Fortunately we don't have to so we are so blessed having you in this wonderful Crafty/Cafe World of ours.

      Pippa is really fed up as she is quite a size being a tall 6ft leggy blonde to start with and with both pregnancies she has suffered with hip displacement more so with this one and of course she hasn't been able to rest as much this time round with having Lily-Mae.
      If nothing has happened before Boxing Day the midwife will be calling on her and then she takes it from there.
      Special huggles to you and yours.

  18. Hi Sandra
    Just love your card today.
    Maureen, if Father Christmas isn't ticking your naughty bits off, is he just having a break before he starts delivering his parcels. I hope he doesn't sit to long or he might not be able to get back up again. Love your Christmas scene behind your conservatory as well.
    Well Norah, I hope you and your family have a lovely time over Christmas. Thank you for keeping your unruly haggles under control for us. I hope your writing all your stories down, they would make a lovely book for Harry to read when he's older. I think you and I are on the same wave length Myra, because I'm going to get ahead start as well before next Christmas. It was such a rush this year. I went and did Doreen's shopping today, my word they were queuing to up to get into Sainsburys and queuing in the car park as well. Pete said this us doing my head in. We managed to park outside one of the pubs in Witney and walked to the shop. Sainsburys was worse then heaving, I said to the young chap on the till, you wouldn't think you were open on Boxing Day. He said they'd been queuing to get in at 7.00 when he started. Plus they'd sold out of something's she wanted, so I had to improvise. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas. Must remember to look back to see if Anbe has replied to my post yesterday.

  19. Well i suppose i better let you little monsters off the naughty step but be warned any misbehaviour and you will go straight back home with no dinner or supper and straight to your baskets, i am not having little huggle children that can't be trusted to behave themselves. Now what is this i hear that your little Huggles has been at the wine, Myra. I bet he had a sore head this morning and that is why you gave him some calpol. I mean how do you explain to guests that he is just exhuberant because of his age and because Christmas is coming, plus he's not used to meeting any normal people who just don't have any huggles in their lives which is sad as there are plenty there if you know just where to go to find them. Some have been on the adoption register for a wee while just waiting for someone to pick them to love. You wouldn't believe how hard it is getting the right person for each of them and they are always on their best behaviour for anyone coming to see them, but it's a shame as people don't want the tiny ones as they can't give the same depth of hug as the bigger ones and the bigger ones always makes fun of them because they aren't as strong. Right i'm away back to my knitting but remember i can see things that you think i can't so behave yourselves.
    The wee white van has just arrived so i will see you all later, perhaps.

    1. Oh lovely, Norah! I think you may be coming to join the rest of us!! Xxx

  20. Why do think my address is Springfield? That's " Springfield House" the mental hospital. Norah please write these down even Myra's one. Even make a scrap book up. The tears are rolling down my face. No it's not with being told I won't get a day out on Friday to be with the family. It's just the story. Yes I think Myra had to give him more than one dose of calpol. xxx

    1. What do you mean EVEN Myra's one! Ha ha ha!! All my artistic talent went into that tale! I won't give up the day job!! Oh I have!! However I'm not unemployed or underemployed!! Xxx

    2. Myra your story was brilliant she needs to write it down and add it to her book of stories for Harry. Xxx

    3. Hazel! I was only kidding! We are having lots of fun with this! Norah is a star! Xxx

    4. I knew that, yes Norah is a star. We are making her smile, with our imaginations xxx

  21. Hellooooooooooooo,
    Cleaning and shopping all done, tomorrow I will prepare all the veg with George and later go to midnight Mass, which at our church will be Carols at 6 pm the Mass at 6.30 p.m. If only the priest knew how to tell the time ha ha.
    Santa Claus had just sampled one of my mince pies and had to sit down as he was overcome with the sherry!!!!
    Hazel, Patricia and Jess, do you recognise Santa, he looks a little different from when you saw him at the beginning of November lol. Some of the ornaments on the tree were my Grandmother's and she died in 1936, others were my mother's and of course there are some that Rachel made as a child. As Norah says, they give happy memories, although I hasten to add that I never knew my Grandma!!!
    Sandra, I love your card today, you've certainly hit on a winning combination of colours with your white, blue and silver.
    Norah, what with you and Myra, the huggles (who are little round balls of fun, with big round eyes and sticky out hair) and the other mad women on this blog, am I the only sane one who keeps out of their way!!! After seeing what they can do after having one Advocaat and a mince pie, I decided that they were too mischievous. And Myra gives them every encouragement to play up. As for greeting the delivery men in a Minnie Mouse onesie - words fail me, which will astound a lot of people!
    Ladies, don't work too hard in the run up, I'm like Myra in that I'm cooking my ham as I talk, ready to make some lentil soup as Zoe prefers that for starters on Christmas Day.
    Thinking of and sending love to Barbara, Sheila, Brenda and anyone else who is having a difficult time.
    Of course, sending love to everyone on the blog. I'll try to get back in later.
    Hazel, I've just noticed that you think Myra had given more than one dose of calpol to the huggle, I think she got the bottles mixed up and gave him something stronger - like whisky!!
    Muriel xxxxx

    1. Muriel, how can you give up like that not speaking, how did we manage that i wonder. Santa does look a bit over come in the photo but i thought it was just from the indian summer that you were experiencing and to find out that you have been plying him with Sherry, poor man will get pulled into the side of the road for being drunk in charge of reindeer and then Mrs Claus will be so upset with him he wont get any Christmas dinner after his long hard night. I wonder why he stopped in at your house and does Mrs Claus know that he has assignations on the side of his other duties i wonder? And now pot and kettle black here....who has at least TWO names on this blog and sometimes they have a THIRD and you say your sane! I sent that wee white van in your direction when they decided that i was a hopeless cause. I wonder what my old work mates would say now if they could read the antics as they had me as loony for 9 long years deciding the first day that they met me that i was nutty and i'm quite sure i don't know why. Have fun. x

  22. I think cal pol will make them unruly as well Maureen, mind you they'll be no holding them if they've had that and whisky. I'm sure Myra's up to mischief as well mixing up the medication.

    1. Me - mischief! Never !!! I may be a Scot but I hate the smell of whisky !
      Huggle is fine - I've decided he needs a name - so Hughie Huggle it is! When I suggested it he smiled and shook his little bell in his hat! Xxx
      PS - at this rate I'll certify myself!!! Xxxx

    2. Love his name Myra. Our Tammy has loved reading the stories, and Anna thinks they are brilliant, she says Norah needs to write them down. No you don't need certifying we just have a good sense of humour and an imagination! xxx

  23. Hello All, sorry to be so late,went to get the car from the garage after having the new clutch put in , of course they found other things that needed doing, so the bill was over a £1000 !!!!! just what you need at this time.
    Mauteen your tree is beautiful, hope the C man saves some pressies for the rest of us.
    Sandra love your card, it's just the sort we need to cope with the cost of postage.
    Bad news today, when we got home,had a call to say my oldest Sister has had another fall and is in hospital with a broken pelvis, unfortunately I can't go to see her before we go away as I still have this sore throat. She is 10yrs my senior and is a diabetic, and has been ill with a urine infection, so I'm wondering if that's why she fell.
    They are trying to find a home for 4 weeks convalescence.
    Just got to pack the case for tomorrow's journey, hope the weather isn't too bad.
    Janet, hope that baby comes soon, not her wore that bein over due,mine was 10 days late.
    We had fish& chips for lunch, not much to get for tea.

    In case I don't get in tomorrow may I wish you all a happy and peaceful Christmas, and also to thank you for all the wonderful card I have had.
    Festive hugs Lilian.

    1. Lilian. Not a good day all round for you, did the garage not ask you before they carried out those other things, our little local garage always phones and tells us what has been found, tells the cost and asks if we want him to carry on. I bet most of your bill was labour costs and vat?
      Yes you can't go near your sister, she has enough going on with this virus thing too. How is your husband, I hope he is on the mend?
      Have a lovely Christmas with your family. Safe journey. xxx

  24. oh Lilian, not good news about your sister. You are wise not to visit when you have germs, and I hope she soon recovers.
    Janet, do you think it could be a Christmas Day baby!!! ooh the excitement!
    Pat, I think Myra has been feeding the huggles with Patricia's Bailey truffles, ha ha, that'll send them hyper!
    Norah, I think we should all lie down in a darkened room> lol
    Muriel xxx

    1. Sorry Lilian, meant to wish you all the best for Christmas and the New Year. Peace, health and happiness to you and yours. xxx

  25. Good evening everyone well had my hair done today but thought it was being done yesterday Ha Ha I even text her to see if she was still coming as it was late then she said it was today oh well now I know I'v lost the Need one of Norah's Huggles I'll even odopt the little one. PATRICIA hope you enjoyed the wedding.MARIA glad your feeling better today & got lots done yesterday enjoy your evening meal tomorrow.
    SANDRA your card is lovely today I must look out for that die for next year's cards ideal for posting.Well MAUREEN your tree is brilliant love it so many lovely baubles,& your snowy scene is lovely How did you manage a a one to one visit from Santa I hope he sobers up before going out later in charge of the reindeers. MYRA glad your evening went well yesterday..
    Thinking of you & sending Love to SABA & Val Sheila & Brenda xx
    Love & hug's to all of you Lynda xx

    1. WEDDING - Patricia at a wedding. How have I missed that?
      Oh Patricia, I'm so sorry, I hope you've had a wonderful day. xx
      Lynda, shh don't tell anyone that Santa lives at my house when he's not at the North Pole. He miraculously puts on about 6 stone in the build up to Christmas, and then it just drops off, like pillows falling out of his outfit!!!! xxxx

    2. You are definitely slipping!!! Xxx

  26. Hi everyone - just a last minute visit - John will be in from work shortly and the dogs know - they are wondering what to do with themselves.
    Oh I've had such a giggle reading all the comments - its took an age to read but if these little huggles were told to small children they would be enthralled - toned down of course - no drinking - but I think they're brilliant.
    Janet do you think you may get a Christmas Day baby - my neice was born just into Boxing Day.
    Lillian you have had a full day to say the least - surely the garage should have discussed with you before doing the extra work, although maybe you feel safer it being done - hope your sister gets her convalescence -
    Will pop in tomorrow - we pick Nic up tomorrow until Sunday so will be awol for a few days.
    Hugs wherever needed
    Jean xxx

    1. Jean, this is what we keep telling Norah. She needs to write them even if it's just for Harry her wee grandson. Enjoy your time with Nic. Oh yes dogs know what time it is? Have a lovely Christmas. Hazel xxx

    2. Jean, I think Norah and Myra need some urgent treatment. Hughie Huggle - whatever next. Myra will be feeding the little fellow next, and Norah will be encouraging the rest of them to make a mass breakout and swamp the low lands in Scotland, right up to the Great Glen, then they'll be in trouble!!!
      In the words of a famous actor "We're Doomed".

    3. Quick, I've got the big red bloomers hitched to the basket and the balloon is ready to take off to round them up!!!

    4. Gracious me! I go upstairs to tidy all wrapping equipment away and Maureen decides to take to the air in bloomers again! You'll catch your death of cold woman! I can see all these Huggles in Tam O'Shanters heading for Hadrian's wall and Muriel at the other side armed with a frying pan! Xxx

  27. Hi everyone, well I really think we are all certifiable, it has taken ages to get down here after reading all the comments, these huggles have a lot to answer.
    All presents delivered, ironing done and put away, tomorrow is a day to myself, will have to put all my craft stuff away, but I am making a promise to myself that I am going to make a Christmas card a week next year, I keep saying this. I have never done it. Take care everyone, it is quite stormy out there. xxx

    1. Jess, it's a deal. I'll do it if you will - watch this space!!! xxxx
      Goodnight everyone, I see there are more floods due in Cumbria, how terrible.
      God Bless everyone.
      love Muriel xxx

  28. Hi everyone, yes the garage did phone us, but it needed brake pads and whatever goes with them all round, not my car Roger's Rover 600 which he loves and is very loath to give up as he can't get another, this one has done almost 200 thousand miles !!!!!
    Good night all, and thanks to Sandra for brining us all together.

  29. Oh my I have had so much fun reading tonight's antics with all the huggles ,whiskey might be a bit too hot maybe some baileys would be better or how about a eggnod as it is Christmas after all, your story telling Norah is Fabulous !Wish your throat better. Like Lynda I'm happy to take one off you and I have a very nice naughty step encase he to misbehave. I don't mind a little one, I have a lot of cuddles to give him and a big body to keep him warm.
    Jean- have a lovely time with Nic at home over the Christmas weekend,
    Ouch Lilian - that's a hefty bill for your car and now too. Sorry to hear about your sister,hope all goes well for her.
    Making a Christmas card for next year asap.sounds a good idea but can we wait to the 2 of January to start again or will that be to late ? I too have for now moved the things away to make some room for tomorrows lunch/dinner and goodies. Prepared some today and in the morning I will do some so when the guest are here I won't spend all day in the kitchen cooking. Luckily our starters are cold ones so that's easy.
    So Sandra,Pat,Sue,Brenda,Lynda,Karen,Patricia,Myra,Brenda LL,Hazel,Lilian,Michele,Jess,Cheryl,Saba,Maureen,Diane,
    Janet,Margaret,Jean,Norah,Sheila,Anne,Margaret P, and to anyone looking in I wish you all a lovely Christmas ! Be good xxxx
    Saba, Sheila, Brenda,

    1. ooops e daisy, look how the writing gone all gobble- gook best get to bed , Good night all xxx
