
Wednesday 11 November 2015

We shall Remember Them

Good Morning Friends,
Today I am going to say very little,  I think that we will leave today's words to this Extract of
Laurence Binyon's Poem ''For the Fallen''.
It will be a hugely poignant day a Brize Norton, having been the home of so many repatriations.

Today's card (I have kept simple) has been made using a Sheena Douglas Poppy die and matching stamp combination, which I used to make the Poppy and the leaves are from that set too.
I matted and layered a white base card with black and red card, I then used a 'That Special Touch' Poppy Mask to give a little bit of interest in the back ground, keeping the theme.
I hope you like the card.
Love and Hugs


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Perfect post Sandra.

    We shall remember them.


  3. Good morning Sandra and the Cafe Crew ...!!
    Like Sue has said your card is perfect ... We Shall Remember Them.

    SABA:- You and Yours in our Thoughts & Prayers xxx

  4. Perfect post for today Sandra. Xxx


    Personally I remember my DAD who suffered with his injuries from 1945 - 1985 and my GRANDSON who continues to suffer from his time serving his country.

  6. Sandra what more can I say.
    We will remember them.

  7. We will remember them
    Thinking of my dad who was a POW in Chiangi Jail xxx

  8. Beautiful card and saying Sandra, we will always remember them. will also light a candle for my mother-in-law who passed away today seventeen years ago. xxx

    Be bunny yesterday is lovely , beautiful flowers and hope all doctor appointments went well for everyone. warm hugs Xxx

  9. Good morning ladies,
    Thank you, I have read so much negativity regarding the wearing of Poppies, because of what they stand for,
    I have read that some shops have 'prohibited' their Staff from wearing a Poppy for fear of upsetting their customers, Poundland being named as one of them, an Asda Store have a beautiful vase of poppies displayed in a position perfect for 'reflection' only to get complaints from some customers! What is our country coming too? Where one day a year we set aside to pay our respects to those that gave their lives so that we could live freely !! Some of these ignorant people should maybe come and stand at the side of the road and witness the heartache as so many of these poor boys are bought home, having given their lives for their country! This is the one and only time, no that's a lie, there is another time that being told that one of our countries traditions gets 'marred' by others that do not share our views, the other event is Christmas, the day we celebrate the birth of Jesus, it's Christmas not a Winter Holiday or any other stupid word that we are asked to use to be non offensive, it's so sad that some schools are no longer allowed to have a Nativity, it should remain, instead of banning it, keep it and at the same time share other cultures religious celebrations, so that everyone's beliefs are covered!
    I firmly believe in respecting other countries beliefs and other religions, people that come to share our beautiful Country should maybe do the same

    1. I agree with everything you have said Sandra.
      We Shall Remember Them. RIP.

    2. Sandra, yes it is sad that we open our doors in this country to many , but they do not respect our laws or believes. Also we seem to have a generation young who do not respect those who have given so much so they can live freely. I noticed that poppy boxes aren't around in stores etc this year like they have been in the past. I some times wonder what our country is coming too. Xxx

    3. Totally agree Hazel, down here the boxes are not about but stores are allowing the Royal British Legion and the WI to have small tables to sell the poppies. The WI had a lovely display with knitted and crochet poppies to attract peoples attention.
      At my grandson's school they were selling all the poppy goods including pencils and rulers this year, but I think that is because one of the new teachers is ex RAF.

    4. Hazel, my Dad is a past National Chairman of the British Legion, and the reason there are not so many boxes in shops is because the people that used to deliver them are no longer with us, and there isn't anyone who wants to take their place. The shops make no effort to ask for them either because someone with another religion objects. Sad reflection on today's society.

    5. Hi Sandra & all in café,
      Sandra I agree with all you have said, I was in Royal Wootton Bassett once when a repatriation came through from Lyneham & it was a sight I'll never forget really makes you realise how lucky we are to have boys & men who fight for our Country.
      Love your card by the way.
      Love Margaret xx

    6. Thank you Sandra for leading the way today - this card just says everything - thank you again xx Jean

  10. Good morning Ladies,
    Sandra, your card is perfect .
    We shall remember them.

  11. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Absolutely perfect post for today, WE SHALL REMEMBER THEM WITH PRIDE AND THANKS.
    Saba and family in my thoughts and prayers.
    Margaret xxx

  12. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Perfect card Sandra. I'm wearing my poppy with pride today. Xxxxxx

  13. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Perfect card for today, we will always remember.
    Take care, wear your poppies with pride.
    Jess xxx

  14. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    Sandra you have given us the perfect card for today.

    Yes we shall remember them. They gave up their lives that we all might have a better one. We shall remember them - with pride.

    Be back later, love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. Dear Sandra,
      I couldn't agree more and I will wear my poppy with pride and remember all those who have fallen so that we could live a far better life.
      Your card is perfect
      Love Sheila xxx

  15. Hi Sandra
    I echo all the sentiments shared today. For all the men who gave their lives so that we can live in peace. We seem to celebrate everyone else's religions except our own in most cases. Why should we give up our traditions like Christmas for fear of upsetting other people. If people with other religions come and live in our country they should respect our beliefs. It we went yo live in theirs we would have to abide by theirs No ifs or buts. Soap box put away in the corner.
    If anyone likes Musicals the Bodyguard is a must yo see. A fantastic show and the theatre was oacked last night. Alexandra Burke and the girl singer who played her sister were outstanding. Mind you all the cast were. All the cast sang at the end a very upbeat number that we were all singing and clapping hands to. A great all round show. Sorry Sandra hit carried away with my rant, I forgot to say what a fantastic card you've made for today.

    1. Pst, our Tammy went to see it a few weeks ago and she said the same, it was brilliant. I also agree with what you said -come to our country and except our laws and beleaves. Xxx

    2. Hi Pat - just to say I totally agree with everything you say - My rant over too xxx

  16. Hello Sandra,
    A perfect card and banner today!
    Remembrance Day is something I too feel very strongly about!
    I honestl feel too that having our Royal Family really helps on days like today.
    Love to all,
    Myra xxx
    Special hugs to Saba, Val and family.xx

  17. Hello Sandra and all, I second all the previous beautiful sentiments that haven been posted today.
    Sandra your card is perfect for today.
    Have a good afternoon .Lilian

  18. Afternoon Ladies

    Was I such a rush this morning I forgot to comment! Sandra- I love your card. & all it represents. I don't know anyone who fought in either World War but that hasn't stopped me being thankful & I wear my poppy with pride. I totally agree with Pats comments- there must be lots of things we all don't like that happen I other countries/cultures but wouldn't dream of expecting them to be changed!!!

    Manic morning at work but at least I've managed to get some lunch at a reasonable time today.


  19. Ladies, goodies delivered to the unit, well received, tea trolley ladies saying they were getting disparate on the biscuit front and were down to using the very cheap coffee that they get supplied. The ladies said to tell you all Thank you. Did ask them if they would let me take a photo of me handing over the goodies, but sorry they weren't up for that. Lovely ladies but a bit straight laced at times.

    1. Hazel! Sounds as if your gift came just at the right time. That's lovely. Xxx

    2. Maybe time for a cuppa and a biscuit for yourself Hazel, well done - have looked in on your blog xxx

  20. Myra, you don't realise, how little things like a few packet of just normal biscuits can make such a difference. The coffee was only Nescafé nothing posh, but I suppose compared with the very cheap stuff the hospital supplies it makes a nicer cup. The ladies were saying that if every patient just brought a packet of biscuits in when they came, it would make a difference, but that doesnt happen enough. Yet they get donations of thousands of pounds from people who never see what it is used for. xxx

    1. Hazel it really sounds as though you got there just at the right moment, It is surprising sometimes it is the little things that make the biggest difference, it is the thought that counts too. xxx

    2. Hazel I showed my sister my pendant today, she had a suitable chain for it. She thought it was beautiful, and thought it was a wonderful idea selling to raise funds. She says well done xxxxx

  21. Hi everyone. Just got back going with OH to hospital for an eye test after he got some problems some week ago. They put dye, drops and injection but it all looked fine, just age ! Hope you all have had a ok day. Had a little play and tidy up but so tired now and back hurts so my tidy up which look worse will have to get better tomorrow. You don't know how lucky you are if having a craftroom. yes Lynda even half of the garage would do hihi.
    Agree fully with you Pat, I wear a poppy with proud too. I didn't have any people on my side fighting in any war but my husband had some and I feel for anyone who have lost someone. Bodyguard sound good.
    Karen, any news about Charlotte ? Hope she is home .........
    Saba, hope you still have a nice time with Val and the rest of the family. Special hugs to you all. Going to prep for the dinner, takes some time to peel the spuds these days, hope to see you again later unless I fall a sleep infront of the Tv. It does happen sometimes :-) Xxxx

  22. Good evening everyone - well I totally lost yesterday - we were out shopping and so tired when we came home - trying to get everything together for Christmas - it doesn't help when its dark at just after 4.
    Out again today Went to Boundary Mill at Colne and really enjoyed all the Christmassy feel.
    I need to read over yesterdays comments,
    I hope everyone is mainly over their coughs and colds,
    Saba thinking of you and Val xx
    Sheila glad to see you popped in was wondering where you were, glad you ok
    Warm hugs to all on this cold and miserably wet night,
    stay warm and safe,
    Jean xxx

    1. Jean, I love Boundary Mill it's still has that department store feeling of years ago plus good bargains. You are so,organised. John will need another holiday after this week. xxx

  23. Hi everyone, I agree with all the comments today regarding the poppies, if you want to live in our county you have to tolerate our customs and festivals, we would have to do the same in your country.
    Off now to card class and it has just started to rain heavily, pest!

  24. Hello Everyone,
    Sandra, you have led the tribute wonderfully. The card is beautiful and the verse is the perfect finishing touch.
    Hazel, you and Patricia should be so proud of yourselves with the continuing good work that you do for the Cancer ward.
    Maria, my father did not fight in the war, but he kept the trains going, and fought fires as a fire warden on the railway, sometimes going out to work and not coming back for three days, so in their own way, everyone did their bit, including the women who waited for them, as well as working in factories, or driving vehicles. I give thanks to them all.
    Maureen xxx

    1. Maureen my father also worked on the railways and during the war he was in London during the blitz working keeping the signalling and telecommunications up and running. Mum worked in the office of a local company, they kept her as long as they could saying she was doing a job normally done by a man but eventually she had to go and retrain as an engineer and that was on her marriage certificate as her occupation! While she was retraining she was in lodgings so had to hand over her ration books it was cheese with everything cheese sandwiches every day for work and cheese potatoes every night after a 12 hour shift! Funnily enough she ate very little cheese after the war, after three months she was allowed home for one weekend, she said a bacon sandwich when she arrived never tasted so good. xxx

  25. Maureen, this it not everyone went and fought but they put their lives at risk doing the jobs they were doing? Like your dad he was doing two or three different jobs. The wife's had to just keep going regardless. xxx

  26. When we picked our grandson up from school today he proudly told us they had all stood for two minutes with no talking, but remembered all the people who fought in the two really big wars so that they could all be happy today and be free to play. I told him that was wonderful, he then asked if we had stood without talking too, we told him yes, we had. I am so pleased that they had done this collectively as a school, as I do believe todays children need to show respect and know what happened, and realise it was also done for them. xxx

    1. Margaret I was driving down the motorway this morning and had deliberately put the radio on so I was aware of the time. I suddenly noticed a lot of people had moved into the inside lane and were only driving about 40-50 during the 2 minute silence, me included. It was very strange but a lovely gesture. Julian's office observed the silence too , it's good to know it's being carried out and respected by the majority. Xxxx

  27. Petes daughter works in a play school and children range from 2-4 years old. They all sat as quite as church mice for two minutes this morning. How bizarre is that for them to sit so long without talking.

  28. That's me for tonight so I wish you all a good night !
    Nice to see you Sheila, hope you are alright.
    Very quiet in here lately, where are you all ? hope you pop in soon Norah, miss you. Warm hugs to you all, Maria xxx

  29. Night Night Everyone!
    We've been out this evening. Sleep well. Xxx
