
Thursday 12 November 2015

A Thursday Treat from Pat


Good Morning Ladies,
Thank you first of all for all of the wonderfully thought provoking and heartfelt words yesterday, it was hugely comforting to read.
Now on to today's card, this amazing card has been designed by Pat, the background has the 'Bargello' look, although I think that it looks as though it has been created by weaving two different
papers together, I think that Pat has them stamped the stunning image onto the woven background and them cut it into squared and pieced it back together, I may be wrong though, I am sure that Pat will be in to tell us exactly how she created this card. I have to say that I really love the stamp that Pat has used, it's a really striking design. Thank you Pat for sharing with us xxxx

Hazel's Chemo Unit Goodies

The above picture is of the Assortment of goodies that Hazel took into the local Chemo Unit for
their Tea Trolley, the money for these (£188) I believe was raised at the Retreat by Hazel and Patricia selling their gorgeous Wirework Pendants, I am sure the patients will be hugely grateful for the donations for many weeks to come, Hazel also had the fantastic idea of using some of the money to provide small goodie bags for patients that would be in over Christmas, I think that it is a wonderful idea that would be hugely appreciated, well done girls, you deserve to be very proud of your achievements xxx

Sue, Pat and I had a fun day yesterday, we all took out Ultimate Pro boards to Pat's to sit and watch the new DVDs that Pat got when she bought her new Ultimate Pro, I will add that Pat's is a gorgeous purple sparkly ultimate, it was their special birthday edition!  We had a go at boxes and a Stepper card, mixed success first time round but we got fab results in the end! xxx

Now I would like to tell you about an idea I have been thinking about to raise some money for Charity, we often discuss baking and ask one another for recipes, they are sometimes hard to find
either on the blog or in an email so I had the idea of creating ......................

The Cotswold Crafter Café Recipe Book

Nothing too fancy, just a simply put together booklet featuring some of our favourite recipes, like
Margaret's Butter Biscuits, Margaret P's Boiled fruit Cake, Patricia's Scottish Tablet, to name but a few, we must all have at least one family favourite recipe.

Let me know your thoughts,
I will call in later,
Love and Hugs
Sandra xxxxxxxxxx


  1. Good morning one and all,

    What a beautiful card Pat, so intricate and pretty.
    Lovely idea for charity fund raising, will dig out my no-egg date and walnut loaf recipe.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  2. Morning Everyone
    I have left instructions for kitchen Dobbie to do his best on this cold and damp morning
    so there should be all the ingredients of a good breakfast for all. I have particularly asked for Crispy Bacon and Scrambled Eggs to be served until 11.00 with fresh baked rolls as well a the usual breakfast items.
    Lunch will have Meat and Potatoe Pie with short crust pastry and the gravy will touch the underside of the top.

    I'm off now for my own breakfast here in Marigny but will be back later this morning.

    1. Hi Janet. You have got my mouth watering at your menu, I especially agree with the amount of gravy : ) Have a good day x

    2. Yum Janet - nothing worse than a day pie with no gravy!! I'm late because I've thoroughly enjoyed the bacon and scrambled eggs! Don't think I'll finish with a Tunnocks wafer! Xxxx

    3. Hi Janet, oh what a feast. Both the Breakfast and Lunch is mmmmm !
      Never saw any wafer Myra tihi Xxx

    4. I ate the last quarter, Maria!! Xxx

    5. Typical I have missed both breakfast and lunch. Mind you I did have a WHOLE Tunnocks waifer

  3. Morning Ladies

    Pat-what a beautiful card & such a lovely background. I'll be interested to hear how you made your card.

    Yesterday passed by in a blur-work was so busy all day then I did my Tesco shopping. Quick meal with hubby the called my Dad who is being quite "demanding" at the moment. Put the shopping away then a friend of hubby's rang and chatted to us both for a while so all I was fit for was to read my book with a cuppa as this was 9.15pm!

    Today should be calmer at work and I'm off out for a meal tonight. A colleague is retiring, I've known her almost 25 years so even though it's a Thursday I decided I was going. That's why I'm off tomorrow-no rush to get up (not that I lie in as I don't sleep that well). I've got fence panels being delivered at 9am and I've changed my hair appointment to 12.30 & as its a colour I'll be there 2 hours. My plan was to make Christmas cards all day but I'm not sure how many I'll get done. Hubby also talking of us going to see the new James Bond film if he finishes early enough tomorrow!

    I was booked in to have my hair done on Saturday morning but realised there is a demo at the garden centre craft shop-Woodware stamps so thought I'd go to that instead.

    Right-best make my lunch & head into work.


    1. Michele have a good day, gosh I'm exhausted just reading about your bust schedule! Xxxxx

    2. Michele - you are going to be very busy but at least some of these things you will really enjoy! We are gadding again tomorrow afternoon! Don't tell anyone! You get encouragement and sympathy , I get abuse! Ha ha! Xxxx

    3. Michele, you are such a busy woman. Do enjoy your meal out tonight and the demo on Saturday morning, Try to have some fun Xxx

    4. Michele, enjoy your meal out, the James Bond film is supposed to be brilliant, don't tire yourself out with those fences.

  4. Good morning everyone
    Oh Sandra I love the idea of a little recipe book, I think you have had a good idea there.
    Pat I hope you pop in to tell us how you did this card - it's brilliant.
    Michele, enjoy your meal tonight, it's something to look forward to all day, and a day off tomorrow too boot xx
    Didn't Hazel do well, bet there were lots of smiles when the goodies were handed over, - well done ladies xx
    Craft class for me today, John says he will chill as he's off this week, so I'm going to go as usual,
    Have left hugs for anyone who needs them,
    Take care all,
    See you later
    Jean xxx

    1. I think John deserves to chill Jean! He's had a busy week! Enjoy your craft and chat!! Xxx

    2. Hi Jean, have fun at your craft class. What kind of craft are you making ? Xxx

    3. Jean hope your craft class was fun. Xxx

  5. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    What a beautiful card today, Pat I'm looking forward to hearing how you made this, I'm thinking paper weaving too . I love e stamp, isn't it pretty. Thank you for sharing. Xxxxx
    It sounds like you had a fun day yesterday crafting along with Sara - I've got the original box maker boards and I have to say they are my go to ones and work perfectly every time. My friend who's a new crafter was given a pro by her aunt and she brought it round soi could help her with it. We had a huge amount of fun just playing. Well I must get a wriggle on, I've got a friend dropping in for lunch and a catch up, she's not working this afternoon so will probably stay for a chat. I must rustle up a banana cake quickly as I've got some bananas going really black that are just calling to me . Our M&S has gott a sparkle event this afternoon so I am hoping to go to that too. See you all later - have a good day.

    1. Diane be sure and go to the Sparkle event! You will outshine them all!
      I only got round to dealing with the Sparkle card yesterday! Hopeless that's me! I didn't shine there anyway! Xxx

    2. Hi Diane, have a nice time with your friend catching up and have fun at the Sparkle event, whatever that is ? Xxx

    3. Diane, enjoy the catching up with your friend.
      I have to tell you - you make me smile, because whenever I read your comments and you say you have to get a wiggle on. (Remember I have met you) I see in my minds eye a sort of Telly tubby movement !!!! Think it could be TIN HAT time !!!! LOL xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    4. Whatever a sparkle event is I want to go to one! Have a good time, bet there won't be a dull moment!

    5. We could go as the Glitter Girls! Just kidding! Xxx

    6. Whatever happened to them? Barb and the other one who's name I forget. Loved their ball tool.

    7. I don't know! I never actually saw them as I didn't have access to C&C when they were around! Just heard of them. Xxx

    8. Brenda you did make me laugh - can I be Po please, the red cute one! Eh oh :) the Sparkle card is the new m& S loyalty card. By the time my friend left it was cold and miserable and the thought of fighting for a car parking space really didn't appeal so I didn't go - isn't it silly how easily you can talk yourself out of going to these things! Xxxx

  6. Good morning Sandra and ladies, a bit late again, was awake for a while in the night then went back to sleep. Been packing my bag for going to Tammys to look after the boys as from this afternoon, fun and games. Calum has been instructed that he has to get up and see to the cats litter trays and feeding them, also I have been told it's his job to emtpy the bins and unload the dish washer at the weekend, Andrew sets the table, so I haven't to let them off with anything. Granny better do as she is told.
    Pat, your card is stunning is lovely to see something different , love how you have stamped over the woven part.
    Yes we raised £188 at the retreat, that was without Pat extra orders and the ones Sheila and Jean have bought since. So the trolley will be supplied for a good while, plus the little gifts bags. As I said nothing really fancy biscuit wise, but when you are getting chemo you don't always won't a very sweet chocolate type biscuit.
    Sheila, it was lovely to see you pop in yesterday, hopefully you will call in today again.
    Saba, sending you (((((( hugs)))))) as I know you will likely be needing them. Miss you but we know you are spending quality family time at the moment.
    Norah, I do hope you are ok, again it's not a good time of the year for you and we understand (((((( hugs)))))) for you too.
    Michele, enjoy your night out, and day off.
    To everyone else I have put loads of (((((( hugs)))))) in the basket, help your self.
    I am away to get myself sorted then I am going to have a cup of tea with Anna's piano teacher, she hasn't been to good this week so hasn't been able to get out. A bit of company will do her good. Xxx

    1. It must be colder here today Hazel! How do I know ? My husband is wearing a tweed cap on his head to prune bushes! He hates anything on his head! Therefore it must be colder! Sun still shining though. I know I told you before but Mum and Dad both benefitted hugely from goodies taken in by someone like you when Mum was having chemo! Visitors could go and make drinks too which meant you stayed longer and the patient was happier! It's a great idea! Well done you and I'm glad we could play a little part! Xxx

    2. Hi Hazel,you are doing a wonderful job providing some biscuits etc. Sorry I didn't buy anything at the retreat but maybe next time Xxx

    3. Hello Hazel, enjoy your boys. The chemo unit is very lucky to have you, you are making a huge difference to all who benefit from your hard work. Well done, I love my pendant, think of you every time I wear it. Xxxx

    4. Love mine as well and wear it most days. Being mostly purple it goes with everything I am wearing as that's the colour I wear most often.

    5. Hazel enjoy your granny duties, it sounds like you need to be on your best behaviour! What a lovely selection for the chemo unit, I like your idea of the pamper bags too, what a great idea. It must be so horrible being in hospital anyway but Christmas time would be worse. Xxxxxx

  7. Good morning Ladies,
    Sandra , I think your idea of a recipe book sounds a good idea to raise funds for charity, looking forward to all the recipes!
    Hazel , Well done on all your hard work ! it has certainly paid off , the photo of all the goodies and gift ideas sounds great, have a wonderful time with the boys xo
    Went on the Wednesday walk yesterday and had the minutes silence on the beach , within a couple of minutes the most beautiful perfect rainbow arched over , it was sooo stunning! Have to say by the time I got home 3.30 ish, was shattered, and did next to nothing for the rest of the day ( no stamina lol! )
    Well , by all accounts we are in for a stormy day and night , so better batten down the hatches and get the back ups out in case of power cuts, which I fully expect will happen.
    Enjoy your meal Michele!
    Extra hugs for you Saba xoxo
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Oh Anne, How lovely to see that rainbow! I do hope the storm isn't too bad and that you don't need the back ups! Stay warm and snug! Xxx

    2. Hi Anne, what a lovely thing to see on the beach. Hope you had a nice walk even if puffed out afterwards. Take it easy today and hope you want need to use candles or flash lights. I do burn some candles this time of year to make it warmer and cosier a bit when the wind howling outside ,Take care Xxx

    3. Anne, rainbows are so magical. It must have been very moving to see one at that time.
      Hope your power stays on, but if it goes off be very careful, the birth rate soars after power cuts!!

    4. Anne- I think we need to rename you! Will Sarah do!!! Xxx

    5. Myra I must be slow today , you'll need to explain that one to me?
      Just had our dinner early , just in case!
      Got some cards made this afternoon but I'm really missing not having my proper glasses, that's my excuse anyway. Xoxo

    6. Well Anne, God promised Abraham and his wife a son! They found it hard to believe as they were too old to have children! His wife's name was Sarah! Xxx sorry my mind works in strange ways! It's best to ignore me ! Xxxx

    7. Anne, Sarah was ninety years old so I think Myra had better get that tin hat on!

    8. Ha Ha! Tin hat not required ! No power cuts yet!

    9. Oh good! Glad no power cuts! Glad not in too much trouble will stop digging a trench - my Miners Lamp helmet is a bit big and keeps slipping!! Xxx

    10. Anne what a lovely sight that rainbow must have been. Hope you stay safe and warm tonight and manage to keep your power xxxx

  8. Hello Sandra and all the coffee shop ladies,
    Sandra I love the idea of the coffee shop cookbook it will be really special as all the recipes will certainly have been tried and tested.
    Hazel, well done for raising all that money for the chemo unit. It will make such a difference, as do people like yourself who give so Unselfishly - their time and effort. You do make a difference. LOL
    Pat, your card is lovely, to me it looks as if you woven the. card then stamped over it. Which couldn't have been easy. Anyway how ever you created it will be interested to find out.
    I love it xxx
    One of the ladies on the blog for making my birthday extra special with so many beautiful cards all of them very inspiring. I have emailed everyone to say thank you because I was so overwhelmed it wasn't enough to do it on the blog.
    One card I received yesterday had been sent to number 35 Strathyre Avenue. Fortunately it was returned to the sender. Bless her she realised her error and posted it again. It is a gorgeous card. Thank you my lovely friend.
    I did go and knock on the door of number 35 (we just don't
    know who lives in our road these days ) she told me that she had put a few cards back in the postbox. What I am trying to say is - if you sent me a card ( AND I really didn't expect any, a happy birthday on the blog is always so special) and I haven't
    thanked you it's because it went to the wrong address. Sorry ladies. If the post office do redirect them I will certainly let you know. LOL
    I hope everyone is having a good day, we started the day with beautiful sunshine but now it's gone dull and rain is forecast for later. And I was about to hang out a line of washing - hey Ho that's the way it goes.
    Sending love and hugs to everyone, Brenda XX

    1. OOPS!
      That should read - Thank you ladies on the blog for making my birthday extra special
      NOT one of the ladies on the blog.!!
      I did try to scroll back and read my comment but the words wouldn't move and I took a chance - NOT a clever idea Brenda

    2. I know what you mean, birthday twin!!! The cards are all different and all gorgeous! As I was away I got some on Monday and some after too but hey my birthday lasted for days!! A kind neighbour Brenda . There are still some around. Xxx

    3. Myra, Birthday Twin your birthday can last the whole year, until the next November 8th..........' Milk it ' LOL xx

    4. Brenda you are a girl after my own heart, I try to milk my Birthday too, sometimes for months!

    5. This has not gone unnoticed, Saba! Xxx

  9. So sorry Pat, I missed out saying how great your card was ooops! Anyway I think it is great the way you have woven and stamped it , it makes it so interesting and unusual, definitely one to be appreciated! xo

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Pat your card is lovely, must have taken an age to do.
    Janet your breakfast sound devine, I have one tomorrow please.
    Michele I can't believe that you are having such a busy day, if you go to the cinema please don't fall asleep!!!
    Hazel, I think the chemotherapy unit are well pleased with your brilliant donation.
    Not much on for us today, a bit of food shopping a couple of card orders to do, and then get stuff done for the craft fair.
    Take care everyone, lots of hugs Saba, thinking of you and you Norah.

    1. Jess - happy crafting! I popped in briefly to Tesco yesterday and they were selling Christmas Trees at the Entrance! It's ok I didn't buy one! Xxx

    2. Hi Jess, how are you ? Have a nice day crafting for the craft fair but also have some breaks in between Xxx

    3. Thank you Jess, enjoy your crafting.

  11. Helloooo!!
    Still in the land of the "living" ... just!!
    Still burried under a mound of card, paper, glue and Dies....all for a good cause though.
    Have had a little respite, was out having coffee with a friend, just back.
    Because it was an early meet up I did not dare look in this morning. I had house things to do before I even went out the door.
    I just knew someone would rattle the pots and pans!!
    PAT:- your card is brilliant I love the delicate design on the weaving. I got the Purple A4 Box Board so that I did not always have to use the "whole" Ultimate. The numbers are very difficult to see. I have had to paint all mine with white paint. I use the Box Board all the time. I am sure the paint will be worn off by the end of this week.
    Better go see what I can rustle up for John's lunch which will be needed in 1/2 hour or so.
    I am going to busy myself with a few more things this afternoon. It fairly keeps me out of mischief that's for sure.
    SABA:- these are for you and yours (((((hugs))))) I am sure they will be needed, extra hugs never go amiss.
    SHEILA:- great to see you in again, we just need Norah to pop her head in the door. This time of year is not good for her (((hugs))) for both of you.
    ((((((hugs)))))) in the basket for everyone else. xxx

    1. Patricia - I have a question! Will you be standing at the Table selling your goodies on Saturday ? If you are , you will have a sell-out for sure and " the disappointed" will ask if you are taking orders for more! HIDE!!! Xxxx

    2. Hi Patricia, you will have a blast and a sell out on Saturday ,no problems. I love your candle holders with the flowers on. Please could you tell me which die are you using for them ? Don't drown in your paper and cards pile Xxx

    3. Patricia, you and your sister do a fantastic job raising monies for your charities. It makes me proud to know you. Do try and get a rest tomorrow though so you can enjoy Saturday.

  12. Afternoon everyone
    Well I'm back again. We have been out to Chateau Chinon to stock up on bits and pieces from the Lidle there. They have Christmas bits and papers on at the moment here so maybe the UK stores will have the same.
    We then had a little tour around the Morvan Forest (didn't mean to but someone took a wrong turning so we had a nice ride round.) We were looking for a village called St Leger de Fougeret. Just before the village there is a little wooden chalet which makes the most divine JAM I have ever tasted. The only ingredient is the fruit and sugar. Definitely not the cheapest on the market but definitely one of the very best. They export all over the world to the top hotels and sell to all the famous stores. We did find it and came away having spent £25 on 3 ordinary size jars and 3 smaller ones. These are gifts for Christmas so not too bad.

    PAT - I love your card. Did you stamp it first and then cut or the other way around. I love your colour palette and that stamp is just beautiful. I just love it.
    SABA - hope you're OK and that Val is not in too much pain. Gentle hugs for all of you are on their way my lovely Friend.

    SANDRA - I love the idea of a café Cook/Recipe Book. It's a wonderful idea as you say we are always asking for recipes from our dear Friends on here so it shouldn't take too long to have enough for a book. Please let me know and I'll send you one or two.

    OK I'm off to put my feet up for an hour and then find something to do.
    The Ferry and Hotel are booked for Sunday night and sailing Monday lunchtime so My Organised is happy lol. He hasn't seen what we're taking back yet so it's peace all round lol.
    Hugs for all who are in need and many spares just for the taking.

    1. Janet, The jam sounds delicious. Fresh baked bread with butter and a spoonful of jam. Oh it's lovely just thinking about it.
      Glad you had a nice tour around. My OH if he takes a wrong turn Will never turn back, he will go on until he works out his directions. I'm sure it's a man thing! Me I would admit my mistake and turnaround. It's a good job we are all different, it keeps life interesting ha ha. XX

    2. Ooooh Janet, your Jam sounds scrumptious. Scones, clotted cream and some jam, nothing nicer.
      Hope Mr Organised doesn't spot all your goodies.
      Your hugs have made it across the channel, thank you.

    3. Janet - that jam sounds absolutely lovely! I love nice jam and marmalade! Xxx

    4. Janet. The jam sounds yummy. We just call it the scenic route if we go wrong! Xxxx

  13. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    I have taken ages to get hear! I know I know - got too much to say!
    First of all Pat - I think your card is lovely and a great idea . I've never seen one with stamping on the weaving before! It's a great idea! Thank you.
    Sandra - The Cookery Book idea is a good idea but it is fairly hard to achieve. We did one for our Ladies Group - we each gave a recipe or recipes and we even added a photo! However someone had to coordinate it all and it's easy to make an error or two! Sometimes it's the person who gave the recipe in the first place who types something wrongly. It then was put together - we needed a front cover which was eye catching . Then a price! Too much and people won't buy it - too little and you don't cover costs! We roped in other family members too! We have one lady who is really a whizz on computers and she put it all together. Ask her if she'd do it again and she'd say No! Several of us got our husbands to print some off. It was more of a thick booklet than an actual book - hardback was beyond us! There are around 35 in our group with a committee of ! We gave money to a school we know in Africa but we made a big loss! It was a gift we gave really . I'm sorry I felt I ought to write this but it's worth careful consideration before you give yourself a ton of work! Or Paul!!! By the way our little book looked lovely and we only charged £1 but people can be funny about parting with money!! I bought 10 of them. They went as stocking fillers to family and friends. Sorry but I just want you to think carefully and it is something we tried.
    Now that I've depressed everyone - I'd better go!!
    Lots of love to Saba and all the family - let Joanne look after you! Oliver's hugs will help!! Sending more of mine! Xxx
    Brenda - how's the car going? Hope you are alright! X
    Norah - special hugs to you too! X
    Myra xxx

    1. Oh dear! Hear - should be here! 5 members in the committee! My husband calls us the Famous 5 !! Xxx

    2. John Jnr. did a Recipe Book for the Firebrigade .... NERER ... EVER AGAIN he said. They had companies helping for free because it was for the Fire Local Station. Sold them all books, like you it was at a loss.
      All sounds great till it comes to putting everything together. xxx

    3. Myra, The car is behaving itself, I'm pleased to say ( I had to dictate those last few words because I had my fingers on my head. You get what I - mean touchwood !) just hope these urban foxes find enough to eat rather than nibble the underside of the car. LOL xx

    4. Myra, I can't decide which one you are, hope you are not Timmy, Grrrrr.

    5. You are too sharp! Grrrr! I almost said hopefully I'm not the dog! Xx

  14. Good morning SANDRA sorry missed yesterday I had visitors they stayed all day & left at 8 o'clock so I was so tired fell asleep in the chair.
    Your card yesterday was lovely & very appropriate for all who served in both wars. Pat your card today is lovely the background & stamp is gorgeous love the colours too. Not much happening today I have my flu jab later. OH has woken up full of Man Flu well a cold really hehe. It's all the groaning that gets on my nerves why do men do that.
    Hopefully I can escape in my craft room later.
    SABA sending Big (((((((Hug's)))) for you Val & family
    Oh has just called for a coffee he's laying on the sofa feeling sorry for himself.
    Then I must clean S...t legs out yuk.
    Hug's Lynda xx

    1. Oh dear Lynda, try to escape if you can for a few hours at least. I know well what you mean, they get sooo grumpy. Good luck with the flu jab. Cuddles to four paws, hope they both alright. gas mask on cleaning S...t
      legs out Lol Xxxx

    2. Oh Lynda, why is it, when menfolk get the sniffles they are really ill? You think they would have noticed by now women just get on with it!
      Can't you make a little pet paddling pool for Freddy? Then he could paddle away and all the c..p would wash off. OR get him his own huggies - oh but then who gets to change them? Can anyone come up with a better solution? LOL Brenda xx

    3. I've heard of Dunkin Donuts - but Dunkin Freddy may cause a few problems! Xxx

    4. Oh Lynda that made me laugh. And now I have a mental picture of Freddie in a nappy. How about a spray wash, not with the power washer I hasten to add!

    5. Lynda - you don't give him Syrup of Figs on a Friday night do you? Xxx

  15. Myra, she will be standing their all the time, Thomas might let her go to the loo if she needs. No we always stood when we did our fairs and I do think this is why we got good sales, as we greeted everyone as they stopped or just walked slowly past, these days it would be problem firms to stand that long, it's ine if the reasons we stopped. As for orders I bet to she will hate he order book with her. Very organised is our Patricia. Xxx

    1. I just knew it Hazel! We have a song - sort of - " I know her soo well" ha ha! Xxx

    2. That's much better than mine! Xxx

  16. MYRA:- one of my pet hates is :-
    When doing a Craft Fair and the stall holders are sitting, heads down Texting, actually on the phone or reading a book totally ignoring passing customers. People are coming through the door with money to spend ... you have to acknowledge they have made the effort to actually come out. I am lucky I am able-bodied, can stand to greet them. People accept the fact that some are not so lucky and have to sit but we all HAVE to greet your potential customers.
    Right off to be busy once again. xxx

    1. Totally agree with you on that one! Being pleasant and interested in people all help the cause! Xxx

    2. Totally agree with you there, building a rapport with the potential customer is the most important thing, it is far more likely to result in a sale, who could resist the charm of our Patricia and Hazel?! X
      A smile costs nothing but can be your most valuable asset!
      I just know you will gave a total sell out!

    3. I agree with you wholeheartedly, we are the same in our wee craft shop, some of the people who man the shop don't lift their heads when people come in, they just sit and knit or read, we always say hello, good morning or afternoon, people appreciate that, and we don't hassle them to buy, just say if you want to know about anything give us a shout, I hate in shops when you are asked can I help you etc, I just want to browse.
      Rant over x

  17. Hi Sandra
    My what a shock again to see my card. Now Sandra has made me sound very clever here. The coloured papers were cut into strips and woven together and stuck down at the edges of the card. I then stamped the flowers on to of that. So in not that clever Sandra.
    Hazel and Oatricia well done with the goodies for the chemo unit. Plus the idea of making up goody bags for all the patients who are in over Christmas. It's so good to have lovely goodies to choose from when your in hospital. I also agree with Patricia regarding people selling things at Craft Fair. Whether you can stand or are only able to sit.p, you should always greet customers with a smile and a hullo and be prepared to chat. First impressions are always important. We gad a great time yesterday using our Ultimate Pros, considering I'm a divvy at following instructions I did quite well.
    Saba big hugs for you and will you give Val a hug from me.
    I agree with Myra Sandra re the recipe book. I think it will be a lot of work for not a lot of return. The thought is lovely but as Myra said, not a lot of people want to part with their money. People have charities that they give to, but you can't give to every charity.

    1. Thank you Pat.
      Your card is brilliant, and I still think it's very clever however you did it.
      Might have to have a go at that.
      So pleased to read yesterday that Pete is responding well to his treatment, sending big hugs back at you!!

    2. Pat - don't put yourself down! It's lovely and I for one never even thought of doing that! Take care xxx

    3. Hello Pat - please do not look down on the way you created your beautiful card. I would have done it exactly that way. I only do the checkerboard style when I don't have to do any matching up on the strips. I always look for an easier way of doing things. Why do difficult when easy is there in front of you. IT IS A BEAUTIFUL CARD. xxxx

    4. Thanks ladies for your kind comments. I forgot to mention that I don't know if I have this stamp or if it belonged to my friend Barbara. But I've used this technique for cards using other flower stamps.

    5. Pat it really is lovely, I would have failed at the paper weaving stage! Xxx

  18. Hi Sandra and all in this afternoon for a coffee. Pat, lovely card ! love the colours and you might say it is easy but getting the stamping on is very good of you. If it was me I would always get a bit missing. Played with embossing powders yesterday and had to throw away quite a few because it didn't take or got too much, disaster day.
    Karen- your girl back home alright ?
    Nice to see you had a good play Sandra, Pat and Sue but how is Sandra's toe doing, still in pain ?
    Sending special hugs to Saba, Val and family ! also to Norah, hope to hear from you soon. Sheila, hope you are ok and will join us later.
    I have done my back in , don't ask how. However it will not be much done today which is a pity because I got the house for myself until tonight so feeling some frustrated . Thankfully I have some Downton Abbey to watch so will do so now and have a coffee and think up some cake/ biscuit recipe for the Charity Recipe Booklet. Can frontal the Apron you made us, of course with different year. Maybe make it like a smallish Calendar without the chest out or maybe ........
    Have a nice day everyone, hope to pop in later .Love and warm hugs,
    Maria Xxx

    1. Oh Maria love take care to rest your back as much as possible. Enjoy Downton Abbey, I haven't seen any of it but my friend Heide is addicted, she is my German friend who wants to be reborn as a Brit next time!

    2. Maria - have you got a little anti-static bag? I think they make a lot of difference when using embossing powder. They are cheap and last for ages. I've had mine for years! If you rub it over the card it helps you just get embossing powder where you want it and not where you don't! You probably know this but I like to be a helpful little bunny! Xxx

    3. MARIA:- I so feel for you nothing worse than a sore back. Do you have a Margaret Heat Bag that often helps.
      Take things easy and enjoy watching your programme.
      (((((hugs))))) to help xxx

    4. Maria if you don't have an anti static bag dust your card with talcum powder using a soft brush, the bonus of this method is that you get a lovely smell too! You could also use Cornflower!
      Hope it helps xxxx

  19. Well, it's taken me an age to get down here - Myra note spelling-
    Firstly thank you you all for your continuing love and hugs. Val has been offered chemotherapy to try and slow down the progress of her cancer. She is so relieved and since seeing the oncologist is really upbeat again. Today she has gone away for a few days to meet up with friends of theirs. They do it every year all travelling with their caravans to the same site in Northallerton. I am at Joanne's now but spoke to her this morning and she sounded like her old self again. It's done me a power of good.
    Yesterday's posts were very moving, I agree with everything you all said and am very pleased that all three of my grandchildren are growing up to respect Remembrance Sunday, the 11th, and all they stands for.
    Sandra your card was perfect.
    Margaret, glad to hear Alan's check up went well.
    Sheila it was lovely to "see" you.
    Norah you are missed.
    Karen is your daughter back home, I have been thinking about you both.
    Right off to help Joanne make chocolate muffins for children in need at school tomorrow, actually I am learning from her!!
    Love for now

    1. Saba, that's wonder to hear that Val has been offered chemo, and that she is up beat about it, good for her positive thoughts I see. Oliver will be telling everyone that you helped make thise muffins,I bet they will taste yummy. The boys school isn't doing anything, just told parents a pound donation per family. Cheaper than making things plus a lot you wouldn't want to eat anything they have had in their cooker or kitchens!!! Xxx

    2. So pleased Val is feeling positive - it will not only help her but the whole family. I do hope they have a lovely weekend.
      Shall we rename you too - Nigella - Mary Berry is too old for you!
      Crawling?? Me?? Never! Xxx

    3. Hello Saba - that's wonderful news that Val has been offered Chemo and that she is feeling more upbeat about things. I'm also so pleased that it's given you some help too knowing that and seeing her feeling better.
      I'm sure that your baking session has been a successful one and that they will be well received at school tomorrow.
      My love and hugs for you my dearly loved Yorkshire Lass

    4. SABA:- I am so happy to read your great news. Val is being so positive and feel better about things.
      Bet the Chocolate Muffins go down a treat.
      Enjoy your evening xxx

    5. Saba- that is the very best news I have heard for days, I am just so relieved that it has given you a little bit of comfort, now you can get yourself back to full health! I can't help but think that the worry and stress were partly the cause of you being so poorly.
      The chocolate muffins will be perfect 'feel good' food! Enjoy x
      Sending you HUGE (((((0))))) Hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    6. Hi Saba
      That's fantastic news that Val is being offered chemo and that's given her a lift. How great is that. The worry probably didn't help when you were feeling under the weather. Hope your chocolate muffins go down well. As Sandra has said it's great feel good food.

    7. Saba great that Val is getting the chemo to help, everyone will be a bit more upbeat. By the way chocolate is a great comfort food, use it all the time! Xx

    8. Saba what brilliant news, her positive attitude will make all the difference. Sending love and Prayers xxx

    9. Good news for Val, Saba. You take care too. Sending love and hugs to you all Xxx

    10. Very glad to hear your news, thinking of you all with best wishes.

    11. Saba my darling that's good to hear (Myra note spelling!). Just the boost that Val needs, hope she enjoys her weekend break. I think you are more Nigella than Mary Berry but without her habits! I hope Oliver has fun at school with Pudsey day xxxx

    12. Hi Saba. It is so good to hear that Val, and therefore you and the rest of the family is feeling better after talking to her Oncologist. I agree that hopefully you will now start to shake off your own poor health, the stress is much to blame I'm sure. Sending you a special hug. Take care xx

  20. Well we were warned about the bad weather coming our way, and oh boy it's not half pouring down with rain and the wind is getting up. I am so greatfull that Tammys friend is picking up and dropping off Calum at his sports thing tonight. Ok I have had to do half a hours ironing in exchange. Tammy does this friends ironing but she wasn't able to finish it last night, so it was mummy darling,!! So that's all done, I brought my bedding over with me so that's all ironed too, there is a big basketsof Tammys ironing that over the next few days I will do that. Gas man is coming between 8-1 tomorrow so I will likely get most of it done while waiting for him. Oh the joys of grandson sitting till Sunday night.
    I think I will be having an early night, seeing I have together boys up and out to school but more so be showered and dressed well before 8. Must go and get Calum moved for being picked up. They have had their teas, they decide they wanted an early tea ( fish) clean plates, at least it will just be a supper later, I had made banana cake so they want that. Will pop one in the cabinet for tomorrow. xxx

  21. Hi Hazel, sounds like you are in for some fairly shocking weather over the next few days so please take care!
    I think you are going to be one exhausted Grandma come Sunday night!
    All that ironing, watch you don't over work your back!
    Are the boys quite easy to entertain?
    I am yet to find a decent Banana cake recipe so would be good to hear what one you use.
    Have fun with the boys,
    Love and hugs,
    Sandra xxxx

  22. Sandra, the ironing will get done sitting down and as much as it pains me to do it this way it's come to the stage it is the only way these days. I only do say15-20 mins then get up and move about then do a bit more or none at all. It's mainly small things. No bedding or that, just my own. As for the banana cake I had to google it as I couldn't for the life of me remember the recipe and my books the still at work. Well the rain is battering against the front door it a new double glazed one but they will have to get them back as the water is coming in round the letter box and under the door. Towels down. What a night. Xxx

    1. Hi Hazel and Patricia
      Sounds like you both need to batten down the hatches at the moment with the bad weather coming your way. Just you both take care and I hope your door gets sorted out soon Hazel.

    2. Take care all my lovely Scottish ladies, stay safe and warm - just spoken to Emma and it's calm at the moment but she thinks they are in for a rough night. I use a lovely Nigel Slater banana cake recipe from the internet - I think it's called black banana cake - it's got chocolate chunks and hazelnuts in it. Xxxx

  23. Hello All, sorry to be late, rainy and windy here again.
    Had two of my friends here for a craft day, you should have seen the mess, managed to do 4 cards.
    Pat your card is beautiful, love the woven background.
    Have read all the messages all the way down,hope you are all ok.
    Sandra the cook book sounds a good idea, we did one many years ago, took a massive amount of time, and found people weren't prepared to pay much for them, so think carefully about it before you start.
    Managed to get my 100 hoods finished for O/H to deliver this afternoon.
    Going to put all my crafting stuff away now.
    Have a good evening , best wishes,Lilian

  24. Oh ihave to give you all a laugh, Andrew has to make a pop up card for home work, they expect every house hold to have card, glue,etc. But I tell you not an easy card for a child todo in a house hold that are not crafty or interested. It's a project for in school. A simple plain card is more than enough. It's not as if they are telling them to measure. Granny not impressed at all. Xxx

    1. I agree Hazel! I know we google everything nowadays but you do need to have the basic equipment too! Wondering what lesson is being learned here. Xxx

  25. What a day, the wind and rain are awful, we had to lock the cat flat in the kitchen as the wind was blowing it open and the door mat was ending up in the middle of the kitchen! It has calmed down a bit now, so hoping for a calmer night.
    Managed to do half a dozen cup candles, now off to decorate some candles, no rest for wicked, OH says I'm trying to do to much at the same time, told him I was multi tasking!!!!
    Take care xxxx

    1. Jess! You made me laugh - it was thought of the cat being flattened that did it! Predictive text strikes again! Sounds like a wild night. We have heavy rain here too but no cat!! Xxx

    2. JESS:- I have never seen a Flat cat ... might have come visit to see it!! Ha! Ha!
      Gosh it's some night here as well. xxx

  26. Hello, I'm sorry I haven't been around for a few days. I intended to pop in earlier but was so tired and slept for most of the afternoon. My daughter arrived home from Sharm in the early hours of yesterday morning and so I spent most of the afternoon with her, catching up and a friend popped in during the evening. I'm so relieves daughter is home and she had the biggest kiss and hug ever. Yesterday's card was beautiful SANDRA, and have to agree with everything you all said. I've said it before but I own a ceramic poppy from the Tower of London which I am very proud of and humbled by WE WILL NEVER FORGET.
    The card today is gorgeous I love the "spin" on the weaving effect, PAT. I've only ever seen plain card/paper used for weaving. It's so pretty. I can't remember what to say (again!) except to say that SABA you're in my thoughts
    SANDRA I Love the idea of a charity cook book.

    1. Yipeeee, she's safely home. So relieved for you both.

    2. Great news Karen! Thank you for letting us know. Xxx

    3. Oh Karen that's wonderful news. Is it any wonder that sleep is catching up with you. Try to take things easy for a few days. LOL xx

    4. Hi Karen
      Wonderful hews that your daughter arrived home safely. Thanks fir letting us all know.

    5. Hi Karen. What wonderful news. We have all been waiting to hear from you. Thank you for letting us know. Now you can relax and catch up on your sleep. Take care x

  27. Jess, poor poor cat! I hope it was already inside before you locked it's flap!
    Its a wee bit wild here too, hope the trampoline doesn't take flight.

  28. Ooohh I'm late again!!!!
    There are so many comments, that I'm away to catch up but have to say that your card is lovely Pat. That's a great stamp, I know I've seen it somewhere, but can't remember where!!!
    See you about 11 p.m. when I've read all the comments.
    Maureen xxx

    1. Promises , Promises!!! Xxxx

    2. I know, Myra, I'm all mouth - DON'T YOU DARE TO AGREE!!!!!
      Well, I've read them, didn't take as long when I wasn't commenting, but apart from saying to Pat, that although I've done paper weaving, I've never thought of stamping on top of it.
      Jess, how cruel to flatten your cat - I've been on to the RSPCA to report you, and they will call in the morning.
      Saba, what wonderful news about Val. Prayers, masses and candles will go into overdrive here. I'll look forward to having a chocolate muffin with you next time I see you. I usually carry my own muffin top with me!!!
      Karen, fabulous news about your daughter. You, and she, must be so relieved that she's home.
      Lilian, I always think you sound as though you are in the Mafia when you talk about your hoods!!!!
      Hazel, you're going to be very busy. I know exactly how tired you will be so try to rest in between jobs. Your grandsons will have a whale of a time.
      Janet, I hope Mr Organised gets all your stuff organised!!! Have a safe journey home, I hope the crossing is smooth, although you've got a few days before you leave.
      Maria, I hope your back soon gets easier, take care and look after yourself.
      Patricia, that's where I've gone wrong when I've done a charity stall. I usually run after people and hit them with a rubber mallet if they don't buy anything. I'll have to try smiling and being nice!!!
      Right, can't remember anything else. May have to read the comments again!!!!!
      love Maureen xxx

  29. Sorry ladies but no cat was harmed in the kitchen! They are both well.
    Off to bed now, on duty at our craft shop tomorrow, no lie in for me!
    Take care everyone xxxx

  30. Night night everyone sleep tight. Hope everyone ( and the cat!) stays safe in the storm xxxxxx
