
Friday 13 November 2015

Festive Friday

Good Friday Morning Ladies,
Festive Friday is upon us once again, just to note that in 6 Fridays time it will be Christmas Eve !
Gosh that's quite scary, maybe I ought to get a proper start on my Christmas cards.
I was hoping to order a stamp from the lady that was going to do our Stampin Up demo at the retreat, by the way Hazel & Patricia to this very day that lady still hasn't bothered to answer my messages!  I wonder if she realises how much money she could have potentially made?!
I will order it on line I think.
Oh have any of you seen those New Shoe Dies and stamps from Heartfelt Creations, I think they were featured on the Sunrise Crafts website, not cheap, but really pretty!
Don't forge that Sue starts her New Die Launch today too, be good to see the lovely cards that she has created with the dies, you can getter a much better idea once you see them cut out and placed on a card. I am sure there will be something that we all want, Santa, are you listening?????

Now onto today's Gorgeous card, to me this card shouts 'high end', something you would see in the most 'chic' of boutiques! It has been designed and created by our Myra!
Myra has used Creative Expressions (CE) Poinsettia Mini Striplet Die, Filigree Poinsettia Die and Peace on Earth Die to create this fabulous festive card, I think that Myra has used Cosmic Shimmer Iced Snow to create some sparkle in the background of the card. A dazzler and some Comic shimmer PVA glue add the finishing touches to Myra's amazing card.
Myra, I love it, thank you so very much for sharing your card with all of us, we can all do with some inspiration xxxx  (apart from those super organised amongst you that have finished your 'c' cards)!!! xx

Tonight I have the pleasure of attending Sophie and Lucy's School's Charter Day Celebrations, Lucy will be playing in the Orchestra, there is also an awards ceremony, which I am very much looking forward to, I am hoping that Paul will finish in time to take us, if not Becca has offered to step in at the last minute, So I will be a beaming, very proud Mummy tomorrow!
Have a great day everyone,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra & ladies,

    A beautiful splendid card Myra, I have both these sets of dies so will borrow this design from you for next years cards.

    Have seen the previews from Sue's new launch. At this rate I shall become bankrupt if I succumb to temptation to buy!!!
    Apart from the double dots formation, can anyone tell me what is the difference between these and the original? The rectangles are not actually a true rectangle as the length is only 1 inch longer than the width (although the smallest sizes are proper rectangles) so does not fit most standard card sizes. My 5x7 SB matting basics are much more a true rectangle.

    Appointment with my doctor early this morning so will have a quick cuppa then dash off to the shower.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  2. Special thoughts and prayers for Val as she starts another round of chemo. Warm fuzzy hugs to Saba (and all in the family), I'm so pleased you enjoyed your special time with Val xxx

    1. I wondered about the dies too, I just assumed they were different sizes to compliment the originals.
      Bless you Cheryl. XXXX

    2. Cheryl, good luck at the doctors xxx

  3. Morning/Afternoon everyone
    Sorry I'm a little late this morning and the Café is not yet set to go.
    Right - tea urn on; coffee machine primed and ready'
    bread, croissants, pain au choc and pain au raison now ready and so still warm from the oven; jam, butter and marmalade ready.
    Tables with fresh cloths and little posies ready.
    Lunch will be fish today so fresh fish baked under dauphinois pots, or fish and chips as a treat.

    We are in a bit of a flap here in Marigny today. Yesterday afternoon Jim was putting Yvette into the garage and came back saying that there was something wrong with the brakes. He took her to a local garage who was not sure so he was sent to a Citron garage in Corbigny for them to look at her. She is still there as one of her brake pipes is leaking and needs replacing. Panic set in as we need her for Sunday and they were saying they would have problems doing it anyway after Jim telling them that everything was booked and that we needed to be back in the UK because of medical apptents they are trying to get her repaired at the latest by tomorrow lunch time. He then had to have a taxi back from Corbigny (we do not have such things as buses here) at a cost of 40euros!!!! The cost of the repair is 400euros so our short stay here is an expensive one. Having said that the most important thing on a car are the brakes as Brenda knows this week (it must be brake problem week) so it has to be done and the garage wouldn't let Jim drive her back here yesterday.

    Anyway as a result of all this we shall not be having any cakes this evening so it will have to be at the end of December when we next come Sorry to all who like to have the Friday Cake Report.

    I'm going to do a little crafting this morning to take my mind off waiting for a phone call from the garage and then I have to pack things this afternoon as packing time tomorrow will be shortened. I'll pop in later to see what's what.

    1. Janet, so sorry to hear of your plight, hope they manage to get Yvette repaired in time for your return journey, cars are so expensive when they start going wrong, I'll miss reading about your cakes but think of all those calories saved for another day! xo
      I must pop in to the cafe it all sounds wonderful!

    2. Hi Janet
      Oh no what a pain for you, but as you say brakes are very important! I hope Yvette is fixed soon and the cost isn't too bad - mind you being a citron you would have thought she was in the best place for parts! I can't believe you are coming home again already, seems like only yesterday you got there. May I book a table for lunch please although I'm spoilt for choice between dauphinoise potatoes - are absolute favourites or chips, a naughty treat! Aren't potatoes versatile!
      Take care xxxxx

    3. Hi Janet. What a shame that you have this worry, and expense, at the end of your break, but at least the fault was found in a safe way, if that makes sense. My fingers are crossed that ylu get the call to say that you can pick her up. Take care x

    4. Oh Janet my little Yorkie bar, what a nightmare, so glad you discovered it before you set off on Sunday. Poor Yvette, she's had a tough few months.
      I'll go for Fish and chips please with lots of vinegar and salt. And let's have a bit of nostalgia and eat them from newspaper.

    5. Now, now,Saba. It's a good job it's virtual fish, you know you are not ment to eat it??? Xxx

    6. Hi Janet, What a bummer. I've got my fingers and eyes crossed that the garage manage to get Yvette's brakes done and that you get home. I'm with Saba, fish and chips in newspaper, eaten with fingers and not knife and fork. Plenty of vinegar and salt. (I see that you say vinegar first, so as to not wash the salt off!!!) xxx

    7. Janet I do hope you get all sorted before your journey home - never take chances xxxx

    8. Hi Janet, glad this happened now and not when you are driving back home somewhere but such a shame and costly too. Hope they can fix Yvette by tomorrow and have a good journey back to the UK xxx

    9. Hello Janet, I hope you have had a report from the garage by now. I just hope they would pull the stops out and help you get back home xx

    10. Hi Janet,
      Sorry to hear about Yvette hope she is mended soon & you can get home safely.
      Love Margaret xx

  4. Good morning Ladies,
    Fortunately up till now we have had no power cuts ( quite amazing really) but fingers crossed, it's to be stormy again later today.
    Myra , what a stunning opulent card! ( must be a special? ) it would cost a fortune to buy a card like that in the shops ( even if you could) look forward to hearing what the background is?
    Sandra , enjoy your night I'm sure it will be Special, good luck to Lucy , hope she wins an award!
    Good news about Val , Saba, sending more hugs xoxo
    Good luck to all in Sue's blog!
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Anne I hope you stay safe too. It sounds like the isles have been hit the worst so far with power cuts but I'm sure there's more to come. I'm just going to text Emma and see what kind of a night they had take care xxxxxx

    2. Anne, stay indoors, it looks terrible on the news.

    3. Anne, I think you should work very hard today by lazing around in very comfy clothes, drink plenty of hot chocolate or coffee and have a few chocolates. Get the butler to make the meals and you do nothing!!!! xx

  5. Good morning everyone
    Well Myra you have made such a beautiful card, just love everything about it, and I love the sentiment die such a good size.
    Sandra I hope you have a lovely evening can see you smiling from here.
    Saba - a hug for you and one for Val.
    Well we got the news about Nics move, the stairs are not suitable for her, the OT has made a report that she lives in one level, which is frustrating because we had a bungalow in mind which they refused because she would be 1-1. So it's back to the drawing board.
    It's so wet and windy here this morning, so nasty but the sky seems to be brightening a bit, haven't seen the weather report so don't know what to expect today.
    Michele enjoy your day off today,
    Can't believe the stampin up lady has never been in touch, how do they run a business like this, just plain bad manners.
    Have now caught up with everyone and am full of a cold - no cough thankfully - so will stay in the warmth today - no problem there.
    Have left hugs in the basket and will pop back later.
    Take care if you are out and about.
    Jean xxx

    1. Jean I hope you stay safe and feel better soon. What a pain about Nics house, especially after having a bungalow in mind. Still it's better they get it right now than have to go through the process again in a couple of years because they got it wrong. Take care xxxxxx

    2. Hi Jean. How annoying that the house isn't right for Nic, especially when you had already found a bungalow! You must you are banging your head against a brick wall. Keep snug and dont forget those hot drinks to help kill off the bugs. Take care x

    3. Hello Jean, I hope you feel a lot better soon, and I hope you soon get Nic sorted with new accommodation. It must be so annoying for you to keep getting knocked back. xxx

    4. Hello Jean, how upsetting for you, I bet Nic is so disappointed. Hope your cold doesn't develop into a cough. Stay warm and cosy, maybe a bit of crafting?

    5. Jean, I wish these people would make a plan before they start looking for houses, that way they would not be disappointing people.
      It's a case of right hand not knowing what the left hand is doing I think

    6. Hi Jean, oh what a shame that the stairs were not right for Nic. Hope they found something else soon. look after yourself and snuggle under a blanket with a hot drink, take care xxxx

    7. hi Jean,
      Yo must both be felling very frustrated at the decision on Nic's new home. Why didn't they listen to you in the first place eh? Sending gurt big uns'((((()))))) today for both of you xxx

    8. Hello Jean, what a disapointment for you and Nic. I hope you find something for her soon xx
      Hope that cold hasn't got any worse LOL XXX

    9. Hi Jean,
      Sorry to hear of your disappointment hope something turns up soon.
      Take ae in this weather love Margaret xx

  6. Good morning, well I had an early start! I was woken up with a clatter, checked every where couldn't see a thing. So put it down to one of the cats knocking something over. This was 5.30 of course any chance of going back to sleep was out the window and the alarm was set for 6.30. So just read book. I discovered when I woke Calum up that it was his Lego model that had fallen. He wasn't to bothered as it can be rebuilt. He did all his chores, then showered no problems, Andrew got his self showered and dressed agsin no problems and more so he slept all night in his own bed. Don't ask me why mum has all the hasel...... They are off to school they go to breakfast club on Fridays and still wanted to go so house quiet,I am having 5 mins then I will get doing something while waiting the gas engineer to turn up.
    Myra, oh wow, oh wow your card is stunning and very elegant. Just love it.
    Janet, oh what a nightmare to happen at this stage of the week? Then again thank goodness Jim noticed before you were all packed and on the way to the ferry, your right brakes,,tyres and lights have to be 100% in order. Yes a big expense but your lives are more valuable. Will keep fingers crossed they get it all done.
    Michele, will be enjoying her lazy start to the day.
    Saba, will be on school run, I hope the weather is dry. We had some amount of rain all night, but thankfully it's dry at the moment.
    Maria, how's your back? Please just take it easy.
    I have put ((((( hugs))))) in the basket I am off to get a cup of tea. Will pop I. Later. Xxx

    1. Enjoy the peace and quiet Hazel.
      I didn't do the school run today, Oliver went in his pyjamas for Children in Need and it was wet and windy. Brightening up now though.

    2. Hello Hazel, I'm glad that the boys had a good night's sleep and are away to school, no bother. I bet they love staying with you. My bedroom window is a terrible mess with all the rain and the high winds seem to have swirled the soil around from the garden and flung it upstairs to our window!! I've never seen that before, it just goes to show how high the winds have been. Calmed down at the moment, but for how long? Thinking of you all up there and Margaret C in Cumbria braving the horrendous weather. xxx

    3. Maureen, Calum asked last night before he went to his bed was there anything I needed doing or could he help,get anything ready for morning. I had get him to show me how to work the tv in their mum and dads room, i think he thought ok granny needs help here I think. He walked Andrew to school and they will walk home together. It all helps. It's going to be a long day I think. The rain is pouring down again, so I am not going out. Don't get blown away on your travels. xxx

    4. Hi Hazel, hope you have a nice time with the boy's. Good they get themselves home, just hope it's not raining when the go.
      Back little better ,thanks, I will be slow for a few more days I think. Hard to get in and out of the car this morning. You have a good day xx

    5. Hello Hazel, Hope the boys are being good and as helpful as they were this morning. I'm sure there are loving having you look after them. Please don't go over doing things. LOL xx

    6. Brenda, I have allowed them to go on there X box to play with2 friends, now I wish hadnt they just don't know how to talk quietly!!, They think they have to shout to them. Been good. xxx

  7. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Wow Myra what a beautiful card this morning , I have to say I think it's better than the one on a Sues blog for fancy ness today. I've got both those dies and I have to say I wasn't sure about the striplet but seeing it like this has made me want to get it out. Thank you for sharing such a lovely treat. Xxxx
    Sandra I hope you have a lovely evening and the girls do well, you carry on and be a proud mummy, you're entitled. I hope Paul manages to get to see them too. Xxxxx
    There's not a lot planned for today, after my friend left yesterday ( we had a lovely crafty chat and put the world to rights). I felt cold and shivery so decided to climb into bed with a hot water bottle and I must confess there I stayed. Julian didn't feel too great when he came in either so appart from chatting to Emma we didn't do much. I think I'm ok today, I've stayed snuggled in bed for the time being but will have to get up soon .
    I hope all the Scottish ladies are ok and Maureen too, not sure if you will catch the tail end of the storm but stay safe everyone. Enjoy Pudsey day too, I've just seen Terry Wogan is poorly so won't be presenting, that's such a shame as he hasn't missed a show since it started. Saba I hope your cakes were a success . Xxxxx
    See you all later xxxxxx

    1. Hello Dainty, my little friend!!!
      Look after yourself, stay warm and get take in meals!!! The weather has been quite bad - with worse to come - but those on the West like Myra, Margaret C and the Scottish contingent will, I think, bear the worst of it. I bet Emma is feeling the cold.

    2. Hi Diane, think you need your snuggle day today, it's allowed you know.
      Chocolate Muffins were recieved very gratefully at school, Joanne was one of only two mums in Oliver's class who brought anything in.

    3. Saba, it's always the same one or two mums or granny's that donate to these things. others just don't do a thing except complain. That's why the boys school are just asking for a pound per family. Gone are the days when every mum would go out of her way to bake. Xxx

    4. That's really sad isn't it especially with the popularity of bake off. I am being lazy, should go out but I can't be bothered! We've been having text conversations with Emma, it's bitterly cold but the wind has died down - she's in the library with hot chocolate and biscuits. She's just realised it's Friday 13th so has decided it's probably her turn to slip on the wet leaves on the cobbles today! Xxxx

    5. Hi Diane, hope you feeling a bit better but take it easy. According to the papers, Edinburgh is the best place to live so Emma is in the right place even if it's cold xxx

    6. Stay snuggled up flower, it's getting colder by the minute xxx

  8. Morning Ladies

    Myra-WOW!!!! What a stunning Christmas card, just beautiful.

    Been up a while-moved the car off the drive do the bloke delivering the fence panels has lots of room. Now to put some washing on but it will be going in the dryer later. It's wild here-gusts of wind & has rained a lot but the sky does look brighter. My meal last night was lovely-bit slow at serving everyone & didn't get home until 11.30pm!

    Craft room is calling to me so I'm off upstairs.


    1. Hi Michele,
      Glad you enjoyed your meal. Enjoy your craft day. xxx

    2. Enjoy a crafting session, glad you had a good evening with your colleagues. Meant to ask you where is the stamping demo tomorrow? We are only an hour down the road from you.

    3. The craft demo is in Lady Green garden centre (it's a Strikes garden centre). The craft shop isn't that big but it's well stocked & the staff are lovely. It's on from 10am until 4pm. I'll be going for about 10.30 as I need to pop into Southport first thing.


    4. Michele I hope you are waiting until the winds die down before you put the new ones in. Enjoy your crafty day xxxx

    5. Hi Michele, hope you have a lovely day off and manage to do some cards. Have fun tomorrow xxx

    6. hope you have enjoyed your day off Michele. xxx

    7. Hi Michele, Hope you've had a good day away from the pressures of work. XXX

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Myra, what a gorgeous card, I love the Peace on Earth sentiment and the beautiful Poinsettias. Thank you for sharing this beauty with us.
    Sandra, have a lovely time at the girls ceremony, I hope Paul can get there too. Hows the toe feeling today?
    It was interesting to see that some of you had not had a good response to charity cookbooks.
    In our area they go down really well. The Scout Group haven't done one for a few years but Pre School, Guides and the WI have all had them over the last 2-3 years and all have been very successful. We(the Scout Group) test each recipe that is suggested which sorts out any errors, and we all enjoy tasting them too : ) and with the use of computers the layout etc. doesn't take too long. Maybe we have just found the right formula and have a generous lot of folk in our villages around here.
    Maria, I hope your back is not so sore today, please look after yourself x
    Diane, I hope you can stay snuggled up and shake off whatever is making you feel poorly x
    A lazy day for me, until 6pm whem I will be helping to set up for the Scout Group Autumn JUMBLE SALE tomorrow.
    I hope that this awful weather doesn't cause any problems for any of you. It is rough enough here, let alone up north
    Please stay safe everyone. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue, I hope you get some good things for the Scout's jumble sale and that the setting up doesn't take too long. Also that you have plenty of helpers xxx

    2. Sue, enjoy your lazy day, I used to love a good jumble sale, always brings back memories of the ones I went to when at junior school. It was so exciting. Didn't realise they still existed.

    3. Oh that brings back memories - guide jumble sales years ago, mum used to help and we used to be on bric-à-brac, people used to object to paying 50p for things then I dread to think what they are like now! I always left before the end because it was so dusty packing up and mum liked me out of the way because of my asthma! Have fun and I hope you raise lots of money xxxx

    4. Hello Sue, I haven't seen a jumble sale advertised for years, certainly not around this area. We used to have them for the girl guides and then when I worked in school we had quite a few, they were great money earners, I hope yours is successful LOL xx

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies, just a quick visit as I'm off to man our wee craft shop.
    Myra your card is gorgeous, can't wait to hear how you achieved it.
    Will pop back later to read everyone's comments, meantime take care xxxx

  11. Morning Sandra and ladies, just a quick visit as I'm off to man our wee craft shop.
    Myra your card is gorgeous, can't wait to hear how you achieved it.
    Will pop back later to read everyone's comments, meantime take care xxxx

  12. Hellooooooooooooo,
    Well, I've finally arrived at the bottom (doesn't bear thinking about!),
    Myra, What a truly stunning card. It's beautiful.
    Sandra, enjoy your time at the Concert and I hope Paul manages to get there.
    Saba, I hope everything works well for Val, love, hugs and prayers to you all.
    Margaret C, batten down the hatches and stay indoors.
    That comment also applies to Myra, the Scottish Contingent and anyone who is in the path of the storm.
    Right, I'm off. Going to mass at 10 so better get moving FAST, then shopping.
    Love to all, hope everyone is well, or as well as they can be.
    Maureen xxxx

    1. Helloooooo to you toooooo.
      Well you've beaten me to the bottom!
      Enjoy your Mass, don't go speeding in there. Wish I was coming shopping with you,

    2. If you put your brolly up Maureen you might get there extra quick today. Have fun shopping, I think we need more caramel wafers! Xxxxx

    3. Or even a quarter of one! xxx

  13. Good morning one and all,
    Myra your card is fab u lous darling. Definitely a 10 from me. Love it to bits.
    Sandra, good luck tonight for the girls. Hope Paul can manage to get there too.
    It has taken me so long to get here, I haven't been in the shower yet and if I don't get one of Diane's wiggles on soon I'll still be here at lunchtime.
    Today's lunch will be a smoothie. Joanne has a Nutrition-Bullet machine. You throw in spinach, fresh fruit and various seeds, add almond milk or similar, and zapp it. Filling and nutritious. ( might then ruin it all by having a muffin for afters)
    Love for now
    Saba xxxx

    1. The muffin sounds good, not sure about the spinach smoothie! :) I do like a smoothie though with lots of fresh fruit but I like my spinach in a salad or cooked with nutmeg and pepper mmmmmmm. Enjoy your lazy day xxxx

  14. Good morning Sandra and all the ladies in the coffee shop,

    Sandra enjoy your evening, I do hope Paul manages to get there too. I know you'll both be very proud parents - have a lovely evening XX

    Wow! Myra what a stunning card you are showing us, I just love everything about it. Anyone would be so proud to display this card, it is absolutely stunning, you are a very gifted and talented lady thank you for sharing.

    I hope everyone is safe and warm, after the storms of last night, thinking of you all, take care. XX

    I have been reading the comments on the way down, no I can't remember what I was going to say. It's the age thing- Should have taken notes !!! I will have to come back later and add my comments. At the moment the ironing board and iron are looking at me or heated up and ready to go. wish I felt the same ha ha.

    Right to quote Diane I must get a wriggle on (Diane, I think I'm more like Dipsy) will be back later love Brenda XXX

    1. I love the way we are all wiggling today. Oh no Brenda, LaLa perhaps but not Dipsy :) xxxxx

    2. OK Diane I'll be LaLa.
      BUT have you seen (lower down the messages) Myra has now got a wiggle OR a waddle on.
      Think it's names on a postcard - or you will need a tin hat xx

  15. Good morning everyone
    Where did yesterday go has anyone seen my share of it?
    Saba so delighted to read you news of Val, the power of prayer is amazing don't you think? You are all in my positive thoughts and prayers each and every day. Enjoy the peace and quiet while you are able to and that includes your cake!.
    Janet far better to be safe than sorry with brakes! Hope Yvette is soon well again.
    Well they are talking about snow for today would anyone like some, they are more than welcome to the rain and winds we are all having up here in the North and even worse for our poor contingent up in Scotland. Yesterday I had to dry my hair three times, the wind was so strong it kept blowing my hood down, even our corgis didn't want to go for their walks! Our river is in flood too, luckily we are no where near it!
    Myra what a beautiful and very elegant card I love it so very rich looking too, no flying today ducky the winds are too strong, just waddling!
    Maureen this storm will be heading your way so take care while you are at church and shopping.
    Well must get on washing and tumbler dryer to see to then an urgent request for some cards, plus someone is asking for more coffee to be brewed, he is banned from making it, he makes such a mess and it tastes awful!
    Have a great evening Sandra hope you are all able to make it as a family
    Take care everyone if you are out and about today.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Margaret take card and keep warm. I don't blame the corgies for not wanting to go out, I think a warm radiator or fire would be much better. Enjoy your coffee, love the way you've barred hubby from making coffee - is it a posh machine? Xxxx

  16. Hi Sandra
    I hope you enjoy your evenings entertainment with the girls and that Paul is able to make it. I hope that if he does Becca will still go as well.
    Brenda can I please send my ironing over to you. I just don't seem to be able to get motivated for ironing just lately.
    Margaret although I don't wish you bad weather, please don't send your snow down South. Keep hubby away from the coffee machine, ours is called a kettle so neither Pete nor I can muck that up.
    Myra I just love your card. I have most of these dies but have some cards started but not completed. Must get a wriggle on. I'm wiggling as well Diane. I had to go into Oxford today to get my grandsons birthday present while it was on offer in Debenhans. He wanted a F22 Reptor ( remote controlled plane to the rest of us ). Not to sure why he wants one as we bought him a helicopter a couple of years ago and his older sister broke it for him just after it was bought. She doesn't like him having something she hasn't got. Sounds like she needed a slap to me. Or make her pay for a new one. Will be back later to read the comments.

  17. Hello Sandra and Everyone!
    Eek! It's my card and I've only got a few minutes before friends arrive! We are going out for a Champagne Afternoon Tea to Morecambe! Hope we don't end up in the Bay! It is our Wedding Anniversary Gift to them. Seemed like a good idea at the time!
    The background of the card is made using Cosmic Shimmer Mica Flakes in Marshmallow! It's lovely stuff to use! I used it on a sticky sheet. The rest is exactly as Sandra described.
    I, so sorry I can't thank each person individually but Iwill try to get back later. You are all so kind. Thank you !
    Lots of love , Myra xxx

  18. pS - I need to get a wiggle on or waddle very fast!! Xxxx

    1. Darling, if you've gone out for champers and afternoon tea then it would definitely be a wiggle in your tea dress and high heels! Hope you had a lovely tea, what a great present for your friends xxxx

  19. Hi Sandra and all in the cafe' today.
    Have a lovely evening Sandra and hope Paul manage to come home in time.
    Myra- I love your C,card, it is Gorgeous !
    Saba- hugs and good wishes to Val. Hope she is doing alright x
    If living in a area where the storms are ,please take care if going out. We had some during the night and some rain this morning but then we also got sunshine and blue sky. Had a bad night but got to the pool this morning for some gentle movements and sat in the spa bath for a while so feel now a bit better. Have to be careful when I forget so I'm not doing anything to quick and make a jerk. Have now written this three times so will just post it and might see you later. Hope you all have a good day, love and hugs Maria xxxx

  20. Good afternoon everyone, I really hope you are all staying warm and safe from any stormy weather - its been awful here at times and then it brightens up and is gorgeous - but every so cold, the temperature has really dropped.
    Im so much better this afternoon - Im so lucky - don't really get a lot of colds and they don't last long when I get one - every so often Ill get a humdinger but we cant get away with everything can we.
    Im in my craft room (its only small) and sat next to the radiator - its the best place to be and Im getting all my birthday cards out of the way then can do the inserts for my C/cards.
    Maria hope your back eases for you.
    Myra hope you enjoy meal. Hope the winds dropped in Morecambe.
    May pop back later but take care if not
    Hugs Jean xxx

    1. Jean, you keep warm and rest, you may not get many colds but you don't want to take chances. xxx

  21. Well Hellooooo again,

    Got to doctor's early and he saw me practically straight away! He took a photo of a troublesome lesion on my lower back, which I can't see, and also took measurements. Going back in a month to see if any changes have happened and was prescribed quinine for my leg cramps and the itchiness that follows. Thought it might possibly be Arthur Ritis as that is slowly taking over my foot joints but we will have to see next month too.

    Loving Sue's new launch die sets but cannot possibly afford to buy any more this year. Is it 4 SW launches this year already?

    Had lovely lunch with Jamie, a good old shepherds pie! I love lambikins in my stews and pies, so much more tastier than beef.
    Love & hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Hi Cheryl,
      Hope the quinine helps and that things don't change with that lesion.
      Love a proper shepherds pie, we don't get minced lamb in Germany. For some reason Lamb is not popular there.

  22. Cheryl, We will hope that there is no change when you go back next month. Also hope the quince helps. xxx

  23. Hi ladies, what a rotten day we had in the shop, no sales at all, people came but were just looking for ideas for Christmas, I took some flower dies to cut and got a few flowers made (not a good as yours Patricia!).
    The weather has even horrendous, so dark all day, and the rain was like a monsoon.
    Janet I hope Yvette has been repaired, good job the fault was discovered before you left and not halfway home.
    Sandra, have a great night at the girls ceremony and I hope Paul makes it as
    Jean so sorry about Nics house, sometimes the people who think they know better are so wrong, I know this from experience as one of my sisters has special needs, and sometimes the support workers seem to come from another planet with their ideas!!!
    Myra I hope you have not nodded off to sleep after your Champagne afternoon tea, puts the Caramel wafers in a different category!
    Well off to have some dinner, lovely fish and chips for us tonight.
    Take care everyone, hugs to all who need them (((((()))))).

  24. Hello Everyone, late again think I need to borrow some of those wriggles.
    Foul day here today, still wet , but at least the wind has dropped.
    Myra your card is gorgeous, love the flowers.
    Sandra and Paul enjoy the proud feeling seeing your children excell.
    Sorry it's taken me 3 goes to get to the bottom of the posts, so I've forgotten the rest of your comments, should take notes.
    I haven't looked at Sue's new dies yet, just paid out nearly £700 for my car( 2 new tyres, service, mot and tax.) at least it passed with no problems, which is great as it's 13 yrs old, so no spending on craft this month.
    I'm going to iron o/h shirts now have seven to do plus a few of my bits.
    Have good evening everyone, and take care if going out. Lilian

  25. Helloooooo!!! at last I have "finished" all my making. Can't believe I have spent so many days/hours making!! Everything priced, packaged and in the crates. Table clothes washed and ironed, carrier and paper bags sorted out, Float in the Cash Box, signs printed and ready.
    Kitchen completely tidy, first time in almost 2 weeks. It has been tidied every evening but there has alway been something/somethings left out to be finished or to be dealt with the next day.
    That's Audrey's 100 Truffles made ready for her to pick up tomorrow. Hazel said something about Bags!!! Audrey did not ask me to "bag" them, knowing Audrey she would do that herself BUT bet she has forgotten about the bags. Looked out some for her, all ready for her to collect.
    Sitting with my feet up .... I am tired. We were to be going to watch Robert playing football tonight ... Grandpa has gone. Robert is in Goal for Dundee United under 10s, they are playing Aberdeen under 10s. He did not sleep too good last night, he was so excited, he is first choice Goalkeeper for tonight. He will have all his "Thermal" unders on the weather here is horrible. We had snow today, not a lot but was there is snow on the top of the hill I see out of the Kitchen window. Brrrr!! I feel it might be time for me to think about going into "hibernation"
    I feel 40 winks coming on, I will be able to have them in peace. John's not here to nudge my chair.
    SABA:- so glad to see you in today. It's amazing what the Power of Prayer can do. I am a great believer in it, it worked for ME many years ago and I have never forgotten it. Will be keeping it up for you, Val and all the family.
    (((((hugs))))) for everyone xxx

    1. Well done Wonder Woman you are a real pro having thought of everything. Do enjoy your rest and 40 winks tonight and please, do have a rest tomorrow before your big day on Sunday, hope all goes well and you have a quick sell out

    2. Margaret, do you honestly think she will rest? No she will be on the go as usual. She will have to do tomorrow what she should be doing on Sunday. Here's hoping the weather isn't going to get worse, I have had enough. Xxx

    3. Well done Paricia, you must be exhausted. But I know the adrenaline will kick In tomorrow and will get you through. I also know your family will be very proud of you. Enjoy the day. xx

    4. My lovely Patricia I've been wondering about you all day. Julian told me this morning the A9 had snow on it in your area. I'm glad everything is ready for tomorrow and you are ok. Do take care and wrap up warmly. I hope grandad and the boys enjoy the football, I think there will be some tired boys tonight! Take care my lovely lady and good luck for the sale xxxxx

  26. Hi Sandra & all in café.
    Sandra hope you all enjoy the concert & Paul makes it on time. Thank you very much for the bits you sent with Sue I am enjoying playing at the moment when I have a finished card will send it to you. A recipe book sounds a brilliant idea if I can help let me know.xx
    Pat loved your card from yesterday xx
    Myra your card is lovely looks very posh well done. xx
    Saba so pleased Val can have more chemo pray that all goes well xx
    Hope all of you suffering with the weather keep safe & warm hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  27. Well folks the wind is still blowing and the rain is back we did have a little rest from the rain this afternoon thank goodness. So we have battened down the hatches, I just hope the next storm is not as bad, although the weather people say it is going to be even worse but I live in hope, they are always a glass half empty kind of folk have you noticed never a glass half full, in their forecasting.
    Well have a lovely evening everyone what ever you are doing.
    Margaret xxx

  28. Evening MYRA
    Please forgive me - As Sandra says it is a very high class card and definitely one that would never be found in a store anywhere. I love all you have done with the colour/dies and that beautiful sparkle in the background.
    Hugs for you xxxx

    I'm off to my bed now to lay and read before sleeping. That is if I manage to read do just that and not wake up a few hours later with my book still in my hands. Night Night everyone see you in the morning.

  29. Evening Ladies

    Just home from watching James Bond-ooooh that man is gorgeous!!! Had Fish & chips for supper so now got a cuppa and going to catch up on blog hopping.

    I've had a lovely day off, spent most of the day in my craft room cutting out Christmas images ready to layer up & put on cards. Will carry on tomorrow after I've been to the craft demo.


    1. It's a good film isn't it Michele, ooooh yes Daniel Craig :)))))) xxxx

  30. Hiya, feeling really tired so will go to bed in a minute. Hope you all had a nice evening and have a good Saturday. I'm out for a workshop with J.W so will try to pop in when back home ,until then Take care of eachother! Xxxxx

  31. Aaaaaarrrrrrrggggggggggghhhhhhhhhhhhh
    Just lost a massive post. I am not a happy bunny, so this will be short and sweet.
    Patricia, you are a marvel. I hope tomorrow is a huge success.
    Hazel, are the boys being good?
    Cheryl, shh I'm whispering this, don't you remember that I gave you a WHOLE Tunnocks for the journey home?
    Myra, I hope you enjoyed your Champagne Tea, I know very well that you can waddle fast, I've seen you do it!!! (tin hat)
    Janet, any news on Yvette.
    Maria, night, night, hope you are full of beans tomorrow.
    Margaret C, I've battened my hatches!!!
    Saba, I hope Val is in good spirits and glad that she is having treatment. love, hugs and prayers x.
    Must go, Rachel came this afternoon after school (she is School Secretary and PA to the Head). Her exact words were "Mam, will you do me a favour, will you cut 370 Christmas things for school, there's no rush - if I get them to take in for Monday that will be fine!!!!!" I'm doing 400 as they are primary school children and some will be bound to get spoiled. They'll be glittered, stuck with sequins and decorated within an inch of their lives (the baubles, not the children.) I did them the plain Spellbinder trees last year, so they've got SB Baubles this year.
    I'll say night, night to everyone, back to my craft room.
    Remember Patricia, good luck for tomorrow.
    God Bless everyone (I sound like Tiny Tim!)
    Maureen xxx
    Sandra, hope you've enjoyed tonight.

    1. Hi Maureen
      Sounds like you'll be on the night shift if your having to do a hundred baubles. I'm just glad we only supplying pegs. We've pinched Myras ideas. Thank you Myra.

    2. Keep turning that handle Maureen! Gosh if shed given you a bit more notice we could have all cut some out for you. Xxxxx

  32. Hello everyone
    SANDRA hope your evening went well at girls school & your bursting with pride. I hope Paul got home in time. I will say well done girls.
    SABA thinking of Val & sending her healing ((((Hug's ))))) & Hug's for you & all your family. JEAN how frustrating for you with Nic's house I hope you get something sorted soon . Hope you feel better soon.
    CHERYL the Quine tablets really help I have used them for a couple of years now & touch wood I haven't had any cramps since.
    OH is still groaning with his man flu, he did take me Teso but he stayed in the car when I came out he was asleep Arrr. My washing is taking ages to dry now I can get it on the line it's like a Chinese laundry here roll on the summer.
    MYRA Your card is Stunning I also have those die's so I might pinch your idea if that's ok. MARIA please take care of your back hope your better soon.
    Well I'm going to love you & leave you i have got a birthday card I must finish.
    Hug's Lynda xxx

  33. LADIES:- my Fundraiser is not till SUNDAY. Yes! I know that's very different but that's just typical of our Audrey and her organising.
    It's a Soup & Sandwich Sunday.
    I am going to take it easy tomorrow in preparation for Sunday.
    Thank you for all your good wishes. xxx

  34. Myra your card is beautiful. Love everything about it. Hope all goes well on Sunday Patricia. Sure you will sell everything. Can't stop too much to so. Take care everyone and hugs in the basket.

  35. Hellooooo I'm home!
    Are you all asleep? Oh dear!
    Well first things first - I've read all the comments but it's too late to leave a message under each one! So Ladies - Thank You! You are so very kind. I'd forgotten I'd sent that card to Sandra!
    Janet - hope Yvette is feeling better and fit to travel!
    Maureen - that's a lot of die cuts! More power to your elbow! I'll deal with you later!
    Sandra - hope the concert was great! I'm sure it was.
    Cheryl - hope that lesion doesn't change one iota!
    Saba - glad the muffins were a big success!
    Diane - it's was a running kind of day in Morecambe - wiggling was too slow!
    Jean - hope you find suitable accommodation for Nic very soon! See you in three weeks!
    Michele - pleased you had a lovely evening - see you in three weeks!
    Hazel - you've had a busy day but your grandsons sound just lovely! Bit like their Grandma!
    Patricia - as they say in Lancashire " the job's a good 'un ! " rest tomorrow - pretty please!
    Pat - you borrow any ideas you like my dear. I borrow ideas too!
    Oh Ladies, I've probably missed some of you out - Anne - my friend in the far north facing the wrath of the weather! Stay safe and I've pinched another recipe from your Pinterest board! Ha ha!
    Love to you all, with special hugs to family who are going through trying times!
    Love and Prayers,
    Myra xxx

  36. Oh No!! I forgot both Brendas!!!
    How could I ? Sending hugs to you both xxxx

  37. Oh Ladies have you seen the terrible news??

    1. Yes Sandra! I have - it's awful! Xxx

    2. Yes I have seen the news - so many innocent victims. xxx

  38. The number of casualties goes up every time I re check the news, it's so sad and terrifying, I wish our poor Janet was home already!!
    I wonder if they had this planned as retaliation for that Evil monster being killed today!?

    1. I meant I wonder if they had something planned for when they captured one of their leaders! They have said it is a revenge attack !
