
Tuesday 10 November 2015

Pretty Be Bunni card

Good Morning Ladies.

I am not sure where yesterday disappeared too? I got a bit of time in the Craft Room, then our Becca turned up, she wanted me to put big yellow bows on some black shoes and then fix a rounded collar and white buttons to a black top!  They are celebrating Children In Need at work on Friday and they are dressing as Disney Characters, Becca has chosen Minnie Mouse, she bought and Minnie Mouse red polka dot skirt on line and then asked me to fix the rest today, before I knew it it was teatime!!

Today's card is a quick one relatively, I used some Be Bunni papers from the Cd Rom from Crafters Companion, they are so pretty, I embossed some |Centura Pearl Card with the Crafts Too 'Daisy Lattice' A4 Embossing Folder for the top of the card and the Be Bunni papers on the bottom. I wrapped some pretty Green Crocheted ribbon over another piece of white Centura Pearl that and attached that over the join of the two pieces of card to form a border.
Then then cut the two largest dies from the Spellbinders Floral Oval set, matted those with some light green glitter card. on the top layer I added the 'Happy Birthday'die cut, I cut it with the same paper as the bottom of the card and layered it on top of some white card (slighlty Offset)
I had cut a mixture flowers from the same papers at the bottom of the card and adhered them to the side of the Die cuts with a Spellbinders Flourish die.
I hope you like the card,
I will be in later to catch up,


  1. Morning/Afternoon everyone
    SANDRA - what a gorgeous card. I love the B Bunni Papers they are always so pretty and so so useful for any age from tots/teens to third age ladies. Just love it.

    Right Tea Urn switched on and cups etc all set ready. Fresh OJ and milk in the fridge so all drinks ready to go.
    There's fresh baked bread in the covered basket along with pain au choc and pain au raisin. Jam an Marmalade as well.

    In the pot on the stove is Leek and Pot soup (leeks were picked yesterday out of the garden) so it should be ready for lunch with fresh bread rolls.

    I thank Mr Kitchen Dobbie for sorting things out this morning for me.

    It's the big monthly market today so I'm off now to have my breakfast and then it's Corbigny and the monthly market for the last time this year for us. Where has the year gone!!!

    See you all later. xxxx Hugs on their way

    1. Hi Janet. The Cafe looks and smells wonderful. It is certainly a day for soup here, very grey and the wind is howling so I will enjoy your fresh leek and potato soup later on. Thank you : ) x

    2. Good Morning Janet,
      Thanks so much for getting us up and running this morning, the place smells divine!!
      I can't believe that your year at Marigny is drawing to a close, it barely seems a month or two since you were making your first trip over there this year !
      Enjoy your last market day,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Hello Janet,
      Enjoy your trip to Corbigny market. Hope you find some lovely bargains! Leek and Potato soup is lovely , yum! Thanks! When do you set off for home Janet? As you say where has this year gone! It's a very blustery morning here but we have blue skies and sunshine! Xxx

  2. Good morning Sandra and the Cafe Crew, hope you are all well.
    Up and ready to "Rock & Roll today.
    Between sleeping in, missing under piles of Paper, Card, Glue and crafty equipment, I have not managed in much. I am still busy making things for "that table". When Hazel and I did Craft Fairs we always had "stuff" in stock. Unfortunately I have had to make "everything" for this Fundraiser. Thankfully Hazel has made me some of the small baskets similar to what she had you all making at the Retreat. I will get them from her tomorrow.
    Everything set up for the day, made myself some Tea & Toast. I will sit for a little while over at that corner table, do some people watching, then I must get a move on.
    Thank goodness Soup is quick and easy to make or poor John would not be getting any lunch just now. Thank goodness for freezers, I stick my hand in the drawer, grab a tray/box/polly bag of meat ...... that's what we will have for Dinner ... Pot Luck just now!!! Thank goodness I have an extremly tolerant Husband.
    SABA:- still have you all in our thoughts and prayers.
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket for anyone who needs them. xxx

    1. Ooooopppss!!
      Sorry Snadra, forgot about your beautiful card. It is so good to see one of your own makes, we need MORE!!
      Great design, beautiful papers and flowers. I love those papers, it is great to just print them out when you need that and as many sheets as you wish.

    2. Good morning Patricia,
      It sounds like you have turned the corner with your 'makes' for your fund raiser!
      Place has seemed quiet without you, so I will be glad when you are back to normal!
      Be sure and take a photo of all your bits together, it's surprising to see how much you have achieved when it's all laid out!
      Sandra xxxx

    3. Patricia - sackcloth and ashes!! I missed you on the way down this morning! Now having some soup! We're a bit early today but both of us have to pop out in different directions!! I was so glad of my soup already made and in the Freezer when we got home yesterday! You have made some beautiful things! Xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra-what a beautiful card, such pretty flowers on it.

    Yesterday was truly awful at work, today is probably going to be the same & tomorrow looks worse! I was shattered last night so just sat + read until bedtime. Thank goodness I'm off on Friday-got a few jobs booked in so not a day of rest!


    1. Hi Michele,
      I am sorry to hear that yesterday was so awful, I have fingers crossed that today won't be as bad! Roll on Friday for you my lovely xxx

    2. Hello Michele, work sounds pretty awful for you at the moment. I'm so sorry about that! You help so many people at a very low point in their life so deserve some job satisfaction! Hope the day isn't as bad as you think. Xxx

  4. Good Morning Sandra and all, wet again here!
    Sandra your card is beautiful, love the papers, might have to buy that DVD, love the small patterns.
    Patricia, hope the making is going well, I'm sure everything will be beautiful .
    Michele hope today turns out better than expected.
    Must rush as have to be at the hair dresser by 9 am, and am still in bed!
    Have a good day all, see you later.
    Well wishes for those that need them. Lilian

    1. Hi Lillian,
      I would totally recommend that particular Cd from Crafters Companion, I have had CD's for years and not really used them as I had always thought that printing back ground papers etc was expensive with the cost of ink cartridges being so high but there are some good quality 'compatible' ink cartridges on the market now making printing a lot cheaper, so I am getting full use of them now, this particular CD I was inspired to buy by Patricia, she has made some lovely projects using it!
      Did you get my email address the other day?
      Hope you are feeling pampered after your trip to hairdressers!
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Lilian - hope you made it! I wouldn't have!! Ha ha! Xxx

    3. Sorry Sandra yes I did get your email address, just been waiting to finish my hoods and try and photo them.
      Yes made it to the hair dressers with a minute to spare.

  5. Good morning Ladies,
    Sandra , I LOVE your card it is so pretty and feminine and the colours are gorgeous , I'm not very familiar with B Bunny papers but will take more notice in future! I also love your flowers and the arrangement of them ,the touch of glitter and the pearls just finish it off beautifully, I must say the floral ovals are favourites of mine.xo
    Quite a dreich day, so think I'll stay in and bake instead of going to golf, it's Iain's birthday and I haven't even made him a card ooops, so I'll bake his favourites instead and cook his fav dinner ( braised steak ) easy!
    I'll join Patricia at the corner table for some tea and toast and check she hasn't worked her way to a greasy spot ( don't know if that's a Scottish expression? ) as she has been so industrious I'm sure between Patricia and Hazel their table will be superb and make lots of money for their charity.
    Brenda , what a lovely surprise for you , after such a horrible day, nothing nicer than a thoughtful gift from a friend xo
    Janet, what are you trying to do to me with all these lovely goodies? I was naughty eating lots of cakes etc.yesterday, I must try to resist, but at least all the cafe ones are calorie free! Enjoy your trip to the market.
    Michele , you days ahead sound horrid, I hope they turn out to be better than expected.
    Special hugs to Saba and Val xoxo
    Karen I hope your daughter makes it home today.
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Good morning Anne,
      I had noticed that you too were a huge fan of the Spellbinders floral ovals, they seem to make the perfect pretty frame for almost any girly card!
      Enjoy your baking day, what are you going to make???
      I am sure Iain will be pleased with whatever you bake!
      I have never heard of the terms 'dreich day' or working yourself to a 'greasy spot' so I would love to hear what they mean, I find all these local sayings fascinating!
      Hopefully hear from you later,
      Sandra xxxx

    2. Happy Birthday Iain!
      Sorry it's a dreich day - we had one of those yesterday!
      Our leaves are flying everywhere today! They are nearly all down now apart from the beech tree! It's always last - bit like me really! Xxx

    3. Sandra, I've baked ginger nut biscuits , rock buns and I have 4 Albran loaves in the oven and this afternoon I'll put on braised steak for dinner , these are Iain's favourites , he's easy pleased!
      Dreich means dull and drizzly ,working yourself to a greasy spot means you have worked so hard you will have worn yourself away and all that remains is a " greasy spot" ( hope that makes sense) lol!
      Myra , I will pass on your good wishes, I did reply to you last night I don't know if you saw it or not but you and Maureen made me laugh!
      Love and hugs , Anne xoxo

    4. I did see that Anne! I read it late last night! Xx

  6. Hi Sandra
    Another lovely card today. Please can we see more of your makes. Love the flowers and the peppers. Hope your not feeling to sore after working on Beccas outfit for most of yesterday. Having lunch today up near the hospital as we're off to the Theatre with friends early this evening, and I don't want to cook when we come back from the hospital. Soup smells lovely Janet and so does bread it's a shame I won't be able to have any today. Hope you enjoy your last market of the year.Your makes will look lovely Patricia and so will Hazels. Two very talented ladies as we can vouch for. I do hope today goes better for you today Michelle. Is it the people or just the sheer volume of work that you have to do. I know you have a problem lady, which is a nice way of putting it. Not to sure why some people aren't very nice, I wonder why people are like that. Life's to short to be nasty to other people. Cheryl kindly sent me some winter trees and some peace etc Christmas trees as well, thanks very much Cheryl. I hope you enjoyed your walk yesterday. Well I must get ready for school gad to miss yesterday so looking to today.

    1. Hi Pat,
      Will be thinking of you and Pete today, hope all goes well with oncology visit, will keep everything crossed !
      What are you going to see tonight? You can tell us all about it tomorrow!
      Have fun at school,
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxx

    2. Hello Pat,
      Hope Pete gets on alright today . Enjoy your lunch and tonight's threaten visit! Xxx

    3. I hope it isn't threatening!! Meant Theatre - predictive text is really silly sometimes!! Xxx

    4. I know Myra predictive text is so funny isn't it. We're off to see the Bodyguard in Oxford. Petes reading are still stable. We were told that his tablets are lasting for Up to 18mths at the moment. The last take on that front was 5-8 moths. So even though it's not supposed to be taken before chemo and not authorised by NICE at the moment, it seems to be working.

    5. That's really good news Pat! Xxx

    6. Glad you had good news today at the hospital.

    7. That's good news Pat, hope you enjoyed The Bodyguard xxxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. After missing my visit to the Cafe yesterday I must say to Anne that your gaming card was great, another one to go in the "ideas for men" pile. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Sandra, today's card is beautiful. I love the papers and of course your lively floral arrangement is perfect, as always. How is the toe feeling today? I hope you haven't knocked it too much! I am.looking forward to seeing you in the morning even more than usual after missing last weeks get together.p
    Michele, I do hope that your daughter manages to get home today, at least you were able to speak to her yesterday.
    Pat, I hope Pete gets some good news about his meds today, fingers are firmly crossed that they are still working for him. I am looking forward to seeing you tomorrow, I hate missing our weekly meetings.
    Saba, I am so glad that you had a lovely day with Val and family on Sunday. A special hug is on its way to you
    Brenda and Myra, it sounds like you both had lovely birthdays : ) Brenda, our black cabbies do a lot for charities,much that the public don't know about. How proud he must feel being able to help our veterans, and of course you too rightly feel proud of him.
    Lynda, I hope the Optician's went well yesterday. Glad to hear you got some bargains at the NEC, sorry that you were in so much pain afterwards though. I hope you are feeling better by now. This wet weather isn't helpful though is it!
    As always the Beavers were a credit to us all on Remembrance Sunday. They certainly showed up the very rude adults that thought it was OK to sit whispering throughout the church part of the service! These adults are the ones that are very quick to complain about the youngsters of today having no respect or manners! I will be having a chat with the Beavers on Thursday about how rude those adults were. Sorry, off the soapbox now.
    Yesterday flew by, nothing exciting happened just the usual daily jobs and today we have the annual boiler service so another exciting day for me : )
    I hope that all of you stay warm and dry. Have a good day. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue,
      The fact that the Beavers were so well behaved comes down to the fact that they have been taught by you and their parents about respect, such a credit to you though that you can take them as a group and they still behave so well! Clearly a lesson to be learnt by some of the disgracefully behaved adults, quick to judge but not able to lead by example, I would if made a point of humiliating them, if I know you Sue I am sure you managed a comment or two! Lol xx
      I too can't wait to catch up tomorrow, this time last week I was still virtually bed ridden!
      Enjoy having your 'boiler serviced' ;) !
      Love and hugs
      Sandra xxxxx

    2. Hello Sue, Glad the Beavers behaved. Hope you are feeling a bit better. Xxx

  8. Good morning, Sandra and ladies.
    Lovely to see one of your cards this morning Sandra, it's gorgeous, love those papers and design. What would children do with out their mums?..
    I am off over to Perth soon to collect our car that Tammy borrowed. Easier for me to do this, I am getting the train!!. Thankfully only 30 min journey. While there I am going to drop off the big No 7 basket that I showed you all how to do up, it's a donation to the ADHD parents support group, whom are holding s fund raiser.
    Tomorrow when I meet Patricia in Dundee we will take goodies for the tea trolley
    ( I have a photo of what's going on my own blog) that through you ladies buying our pendants the unit tea trolley will be kept in goodies for a long time. So again thank you. I spoke to the support worker before I bought to see what was more needed this time round. Next month will be Christmas goodies and I am hoping to make up gift bags ( like the ones Patrica gave you) with some little gifts for those who will stay in hospital over Christmas. All from your support.
    I am picking up the girls today then doing the drop off at vaulting, can't do Thursday as I am granny sitting until Sunday ( mum and dad are off to the Hard Rock Hell festival in Wales. A little break from the boys for them st the same time. Granny might be booked in to the mental hospital at the top of the road come Monday. So the rest of this week is all catch up and getting things done.
    I got my tea and some of that fresh bread and jam. Off to see who comes in. xxx

    1. Hello! You are going to have a busy few days! Not like you at all!!! Been to your blog and am thrilled you have been able to get so much for the Unit and to learn you still have funds left for Christmas goodies! Safe travel today and tomorrow! Wish I was nearer Dundee! Xxxx

    2. Myra, the unit will benefit for many a month from all the generousity of you ladies. xxx

  9. Morning Sandra and everyone,
    Sandra I love today's card those papers are so pretty, you say it simple, t is absolutely gorgeous, love how you used the lace and those flowers look so pretty paper.
    I haven't had chance to read the comments posted just yet, as usual I'm dashing about. This morning I have to going to Croydon to have my I N R checked, May do a little shopping while I'm there. So hopefully will be able to get back on the blog and see what everyone is up to sometime this afternoon.
    Love and hugs, Brenda xxx

    1. Hello Brenda, so glad you got a warning about your car problem. I know I moan sometimes about beepers and buzzers in my car but they do make you aware of a problem. Hope all goes well at the hospital! Xxx

  10. Good Morning Brenda,
    Hope all goes well with bloods, enjoy your shopping! Fingers crossed for a much less eventful day today! It still chills me to the bone to think what could have happened if you didn't have warning lights on dash boards, you would have driven off unaware that something had damaged your brake cables, it doesn't bare thinking about the consequences of that! Thank goodness for technology!
    Hopefully catch up later xxxx

  11. Morning Sandra and ladies, Sandra your card is lovely, these papers are gorgeous, so easy to print off just what you need, I love the flowers as well. We need to see more of your creations.
    Well what a busy day everyone is having, I'm trying to get my nieces card finished and posted today, (always at the cows tail, that's me). Have a good day whatever you are doing, hope to catch up later, take care, Jess xxx

    1. Hello Jess,
      I can often be at the cow's tail too! Not the most fragrant of spots either!!
      How's the hip? Xxx

  12. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Gosh flying visit again as I'm all behind! Julian was on call last night and didn't get to bed until 4am - I had gone to bed but could hear him talking. He set the alarm for 9 this morning instead of the usual 7.30 so it was only the noise of the children going to school that woke me! I've now hot him working from home so I'm tidying around him! I've got a friend dropping in at lunchtime for a catch up so I must get a wriggle on.
    Sandra your card is very pretty , the papers are gorgeous, must have a look at the free cd I was sent with my order because I know there were some on there. Thank you for sharing. Xxxx
    Hope all goes well with appointments today, Lilian hope you made the hairdressers in time - I'm off there tomorrow. Michele sounds like you need a hug, hope your day isn't too bad, you must be very busy. Xxxxx
    Right I must go- see you later xxxxx

    1. Diane - all this flying - I think we'll make you an honorary duck like Margaret and me! Have a nice time with your friend. Xxx

    2. I caught up with all the news from school Myra - it's amazing how much you can talk about in an hour! Xxxx

  13. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Agh it is still raining and blowing a gale such horrid weather up here at the moment.
    Sandra such a lovely card your flowers are delightful too, lovely to see something you personally have made thank you for sharing.
    I have just popped over to Hazel's blog Wow what a fantastic array of gifts Hazel has been able to get together for the wonderful unit that helped her so much.
    Saba thinking of you all today sending hugs too. xxx
    Where is Sheila I do hope she is alright missing her.
    I have some baking to do so must get on I will try and pop in later, my hugs are in the basket please just help yourselves.
    Margaret xxx

    1. I keep being interrupted today Margaret and it's taken gets to get here! Mind you I've been on a detour to Scotland in the middle too! Have a good day! It's sunny here just now! Xxx

  14. Hello Sandra,
    I m hoping no one else comments while I'm doing this or else I'll never reach the end!
    Your card today is lovely and it's nice to use patterned card / paper for flowers , butterflies, sentiments etc. It just gives a totally different look. The very fist time I did it was with Anna Marie dotty card! Your use of the different card is lovely. I love the colours too.
    Saba - thinking of you today and Val and the family! Hugs and prayers. Xxx
    Maureen - two wafers have been consumed!! Alastair particularly liked your flollow up email about shutting me up!
    Brenda - happy motoring in the new car!
    Must go and do some housework!!
    Love Myra xxx

    1. HibMyra
      Glad your enjoying your biscuits. Could you come down and do my housework for me. It would be lovely to see you. Not to sure where Petes brain is though. I left him in bed as he wasn't to good when I went to school. He asked me when I came in did I buy some batteries, and why I'd been so long. I said I didn't buy batteries as I'd been at school. He'd completely lost a day thinking it was a Wed

    2. Oh Pat, I'm sorry Pete isn't so well. Maybe we could meet halfway - that way - no need for housework! I've been putting craft stuff away! I bought a fair bit but I didn't spend too oo much! It was my first big Craft Fair! That's my excuse anyway! Really pleased with my Anna Marie card and envelope bargains! Take care. Xxx

  15. Well my half hour train journey was bliss compared with the other ones. It was interesting to see places from a different side.
    Raffle prize dropped off and well received, the look on the ladies face was worth it. She was delighted saying they usually just get biscuit, chocolate and drink.
    Tammy gave 2 ironing vouchers as well. Xxx

  16. I have just watched Dawn on the Trimcraft show on C&C , the card she made from the packaging was stunning , I do love Santoro papers , I did buy a pad at the Glasgow show , must go and see what picure it has on the front and see if I can make something from it

    1. I keep forgetting about that channel Anne as we have Virgin Media we don't get Freeview except on a little TV upstairs but it's too old to take the channel! I need to watch on my IPad . Not the best! Xx

  17. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra your card is lovely very pretty but not over the top thanks for showing it xx
    Brenda sorry to hear about your car thank goodness for warning lights xx
    The soup is lovely had some for lunch we have been to RBH Reading this morning for Alan's post op check up all well thank goodness & didn't do too badly time wise either, he now has telephone check ups which is a good idea saves us travelling & also NHS time, and it was the first time we had a dry journey which was good.
    Hugs on way to all who need them hope your daughter gets home today Karen.
    My thoughts are with you Saba & Val xx
    Love Margaret xx

  18. Helloooo!!
    I have emerged for a short time from the Card, Paper and Glue corner. I still have lots still to do but that's enough for today.
    Sandra thought I had turned the corner .... she certainly can't see my kitchen.
    I have not quite turned the corner yet!!
    Just been asked to make 100 Baileys Truffles.
    Does anyone know where I can hire a "Wonder Woman" costume??
    I am sure that's what some folk think I am.
    Tell what I certainly don't feel like Wonder Woman as this point in time, I am shattered.
    I am meeting Hazel tomorrow, there will be no Crafting till I get back in the afternoon.
    Apart from what Hazel has made I am very proud to say "everything" on my Table will be Handmade by ME!!
    Right better go get something to eat. I had everything prepared and ready. John has been setting the table.
    Doubt if I will manage in again, I am going to "chill" xxx

    1. My daughter has one I'll post it to you. Size 10. She's on her way home - hooray! I've just written a long post that has disappeared

    2. Please - I sooo want to see this !!! Xxx

    3. So glad your daughter is on her way home.
      Patricia in a Wonder Woman costume, that would be something!
      Pass the tin hat!!,

    4. Karen I'm so glad your daughter is on the way home. Now I can see Patricia in a wonder woman costume but it would be beautifully cut, sparkly and have a wonderful pendant with it! Xxxx

  19. Long comment has disappeared. Just to say MICHELE - big hug
    SABA thinking about you SANDRA Your card is beautiful and as others have said we need to see more
    Daughter on her way home Yay!
    Had some sad news this afternoon, the police rang to say that OH's uncle had passed away - not expected, Must go I need to eat

    1. Great news Karen about your daughter coming home! So pleased about that. Sorry however to hear about your Uncle. Lots of love xxx

    2. Oh Karen you must be so relieved, i can't imagine what this last week has been like for you. Relax now, and when you see her give her the biggest hug ever xxx
      Sorry to read about OH's uncle. xx

  20. Helloooooooooooo,
    Saba, thinking and praying for you all.
    I know I'm late, sorry. I've had another busy day. Right first of all,
    Sandra, this card is soooo pretty. I love everything about it, it's nice, light and girly!!!
    I'm going to reply to everyone's comments going back over, Karen - good news about your daughter, that will ease your mind. Sorry to read about your husband's uncle.
    Patricia, I'm sure your table will be cleared before you can say "Come and get it", just make sure that you take all that sticky stuff and glitter out of your hair before you go out!!!!
    Hazel, you are a star, glad the journey today was better than the last one - well it couldn't be any worse!!!!
    Myra - the Tunnock's weren't to eat, they were just to look at, or lose down the back of your kitchen units!!!!
    Diane - if Myra and Margaret make you an honorary duck, I'd make sure what the pecking order is first lol.
    Margaret, it's been lovely over here. Got all my towels and bath mats washed and dried, plus a shirt and blouse load. I didn't put a prop in the line though, otherwise I'd have been collecting them out of other people's gardens!
    Sue, well done to the Beavers showing such respect.
    Pat enjoy the Bodyguard today, and hope Pete continues to do well.
    Janet, Michele and Lilian - I've forgotten what I was going to say, but Lilian I hope the hairdresser did a good job, Michele I hope you didn't work too hard, and Janet, whatever you were doing, I hope it went well. I've probably got you all mixed up, but if you knew me, you wouldn't be surprised.
    Oh, just had someone on the telephone for half an hour, and I'm trying to do this and then some ironing!!
    I'll try to get back in later.
    Maureen xxxx

    1. There was no need to mention the old Tunnocks Teacakes!
      To anyone who doesn't know a box of Tunnocks Teacakes dated use by 2010 was found down the back of one of my kitchen units when I had a new kitchen last year! The box was in perfect condition - as for the Teacakes - I didn't investigate!! Note to self - don't tell Muriel family secrets! Ha ha!
      As for pecking order - we are a duckocracy! No ductators in our little group! Xxx

    2. I won't ruffle your feathers Myra. I will bow to the superiority of you and Margaret ( you know, tail feathers in the air, legs paddling wildly ! :) ). Xxxx

  21. Evening everyone
    Well we had a really good morning at the monthly market - I got myself a new Felt Hat Myra so I'll be OK when I fly over to see you. It's in a lovely shade of dark green so I can merge with the tree topes if I fly a little on the low side. hehe
    I also got a Winni the Poo all in one sleep suit for Lily-Mae. Pippy likes her to be in all in ones still as she will not keep the covers on her. Of course Jim got his supply of black pudding and rose garlic so he's one happy chappy. I managed to get him into the garden this afternoon to do some splitting and moving one or two plants that I wanted moving around a couple of the borders. It really does get at me that I now just cannot use the spade etc to do these things. I feel so useless at these times and I feel as though I'm always bullying him when I want things doing in the garden. He says that's nothing new and then runs. lol.
    Anyway I'm off to my bed now so that I can hopefully get comfy and read until it's lights out. See you all tomorrow.
    KAREN - I hope you have your lovely daughter back home safe ad sound.
    SABA - I'm thinking of you, Val and all your family. I hope today wasn't too bad for you all. Gentle hugs and prayers for you all.

    1. Janet! I love hats! If you see a smart trilby in black or navy - I'll wear it with pride! I've got a camel coloured one! Great for bad hair days or disguise! Xxx

    2. And believe you me Janet, no one needs a disguise more than Myra (tin hats are her speciality ha ha).
      I also love hats,

    3. Hats can also save you from low flying ducks! Etc! Xxx

  22. Hello everyone, hope you all had a good day.
    I've been trying to use my new butterfly stamps from stamping up, it's 3 separate stamps, but all I get is a spongy mess, wanted to do this for my eldest Sister. Think I've wasted my money, also bought the dies to go with them, not cheap.
    Well I'd better go and think up something different for her card.
    Hope everyone has a good night. Lilian.

    1. Oh Lilian - that's such a shame! I know Patricia does stampin up ! She may be able to help you! Get me volunteering someone else ! However I would help if I could but I can't!
      Maybe Brenda LL could help ? Not too sure but Brenda does so many things . Xxx

    2. Hi Lilian are you using Stampin up ink pads? If you are, tap the stamps on them very lightly as they are quite juicy. I'm a fan of Clarity stamps and have found stampin up ones quite tricky to use after using Clarity ones. I hope that helps xxxx

  23. Lilian, I hope you get your Stampin up things sorted.
    Well ladies, I have my slumber hat on, good for deflecting duck deposits, and am going to lie down and watch the news.
    Ironing is done, all sorted out, and all is well within the Killen household - but watch this space, things may change tomorrow ha ha.
    Night, night, sweet dreams, God bless and love and prayers to all.
    Maureen xxxxx

    1. Night Night Maureen! Keep your hat on!!
      Sleep well my dear! God Bless! Xxxx

  24. Hi SANDRA & ladies horrible day weather wise heavy rain & strong winds.
    Gosh what happend to my day!!! did a big house clean this morning,then sorted out my craft things I bought Thursday put all my die's in my new Tonic folders they are much better than those Papermainia ones I got at AP they were only one sided with magnetic but weren't very strong they didn't hold die's very well.
    I made two CCards as well still got quite a lot more to do I cut lots of prep so hopefully will get good few don tomorrow. I had to go back to optitions as glasses were. Hurting my nose Made dinner then Darren phoned & then I rang Lisa to see how her new job was going.Day gone.
    SUE thank you yes eye clinic went ok just have to keep doing drops every night
    Picked up new glasses & I can see hihi.
    SANDRA your card is gorgeous love the papers & your flowers so pretty.
    I have just bought that CD on Ebay I was lucky I won it for £3.99 so look forward to using it. I liked it last time you made a card using it,& Patricia made one too
    With it,I liked the papers. BRENDA sorry about your car thank goodness you had warning lights in your car. Hope your NR check was ok & you enjoyed your shopping.MARGARET so glad Alen's post op check up went well.
    PAT glad all went well at hospital,& hope you enjoyed the bodyguard.
    Wow OH just given me a cupper so going to drink it.
    Hug's for everyone xxxx
