
Friday 6 November 2015

Warm Christmas Wishes from Maria xx

Good Friday Morning Ladies,
Who would think that this time last week we were all so excited to be meeting each other?! How do these weeks pass so fast? I think I read that it seven weeks to Christmas!

This weeks Festive Friday treat has been designed by Maria, I think it is a lovely card, perfect for people that don't celebrate 'Christmas' but you still want to send a card for the 'Holiday Season'.
I love the stamp, it's a Marianne design Clear Stamp, Maria you have coloured the image amazingly,
capturing both the movement of the skater and the freezing cold weather, that takes some skill Maria!
Your matting and layering frames the image perfectly and the buttons add just enough embellishment without going over the top!  Thank you Maria for sharing your card with us today xxxx

Could I please ask you all to rummage around for more images for mixed craft Saturday, I know you are probably sick of me asking, if you have no more we can change Saturday to a different theme, I am open to your suggestions!
Lynda and the rest of you ladies going to the NEC this weekend, I hope you all have a fab time, don't go spending too much!  Make sure you wear comfy shoes though and get your seat for lunch early, the last time we went there were no tables and chairs for you to sit at to eat your own lunch, we ended perching on a window sill In the hallway outside.  My other piece of advice or observation is that if you can wait until after about 3pm to go and see demo's on stands, the place really seems to empty out at about that time, I am guessing coach trips or something, but after then you can walk right up and shop with ease.  I will admit, as hectic as it is a tiny part of me still wishes I was going.

I am looking forward to this weekend very much, I feel I haven't seen Paul properly since last Thursday, it's been a really long week, he has 5 days off now, which sounds like heaven!
I think that we will be hearing Fireworks all weekend, it is the big display on the RAF camp tonight, all of the other displays seem to be Saturday, but I am sure we will be hearing them for the next week or two, I just don't understand why the have to be so loud, the best part of fireworks is surely their
prettiness, now the earth shattering bang, I kid you not our windows were rattling tonight with some of the explosions and that's just folk having them in their gardens!
Anyway, soap box is stowed, feel free to take your turn!
Have a great day,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Cafe Crew. Hope you are all well especially those that have not been feeling too good of late.
    It is so dark here really can't see what it is/will be doing. I do have to go stock up ... Oh! how I hate going out when the weather is so awful.
    MARIA:- love your card, perfect for Boys/Men that you have to send Christmas Cards to, great design.
    Sorry I did not manage back yesterday, busy, busy, busy, getting things ready for my table at the boys school FundrIser. Sandra I will send you some of my makes if/when I remember to photograph them!!
    SABA:- my heart is with you, sending (((((hugs))))) for you, Val and all the family.
    MYRA:- have a wonderful day, Hazel and I would normally be arriving later today for going to the Show tomorrow. We will miss seeing all the wonderful things especially in the Christmas Goodies Hall. We have it marked in for next year though.
    Everything set up for the day, another Pot of Soup on, Sweet Potatoe and Corriander ..... a favourite in this house. Mine is actually bubbling away as I type this. Worst thing for me is chopping the sweet potatoe with my wonky wrist.
    Hopefully I might manage back later today, don't count on it though. Boys here in the evening ...... think you know what might happen. Our two are a bit like Maureen's/George's granddaughters, once in the door they just like to stay!!
    (((((hugs)))))in the basket by the door. xxx

    1. Patricia your soup sounds yummy today, I know what you mean about sweet potato though, some are really tough, and that's without a wonky wrist! Sweed (turnip) is the worst though! I'm impressed how organised you are, I haven't had breakfast yet and here you are cooking lunch! Enjoy your day, and don't forget to look up sometimes and rest your neck. Xxxxx

    2. Good morning Ladies, lovely bright morning here.
      Maria , I love your card , it really does feel like he is skating along at speed and it's a frosty day , the button embellishments are perfect and your colouring is great!
      Gosh Patricia you have been so productive , your table makes for the boys should look wonderful and raise lots of money , I wish I had some of your mojo!
      Well I've ordered new glasses £414! Just as well the last ones lasted 6 years, they should be ready in 7-14 days so that means another trip into Inverness , got loads of shopping also , the worst part is putting it all away , especially when you're tired, hips aching today.
      Today it's the dentists turn , I am dreading that.
      Saba sending gentle hugs for you and Val xoxo
      Hazel , it sounds like you are on the mend and enjoyed your day yesterday with the girls xo
      Myra and Victoria , have a wonderful time at the show, I used to go to fashion shows at the NEC many years ago, but now I would enjoy the craft shows better, try to keep some money in the purse for Christmas! Lol!
      Lentil soup for us at lunchtime , but I do love sweet potato too.
      Sandra hope yourself and Paul have a lovely weekend.
      Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    3. Morning Patricia, thank you for liking my skater boy card. Have a fun evening with the boy's. Looking forward to your soup at lunchtime :-)

    4. Thank you Anne for your nice comment. I can see so many different things I had liked to done today but still don't know how :-)
      Good luck at the dreaded dentist xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Maria- lovely card & perfect for anyone that's not "really into Christmas ".

    Sandra- I'll check through my photos & see what I can find. Will try to remember to do that tonight unless I have too much wine with my dinner- he he!

    We're having an inspection today (unexpected) for Peer Review & they are checking on Cancer Services so want to see where the chemotherapy is made, then the team will visit the ward where it is given. They spend time with the nurses, consultants & my boss plus they'll talk to the patients.

    Best get ready to head into work-fingers crossed it all goes well today. I'm leaving early as I have an appointment with the nurse at 5pm tonight.


    1. Good luck with your inspection Michele I hope all goes well xxx

    2. Thank you Michele, hope the inspection goes well. Have a good day xxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and all who. Pop in,
    Oh it's so dark here, I hope it doesn't rain like it did yesterday, so nasty,
    Myra Lynda and everyone else going to NEC, have a brilliant time, I'm getting withdrawal symptoms to go to a show but we have none nearby for a while, I love the buzz.
    Need to go shopping today and try to get my craft room straight-ish, can't get in at the moment, but have two cards need finishing, it's two grandsons birthday on Sunday ( brothers) one is 14 and the other is one. Big gap. So we are out for tea on Sunday, cake ordered etc.
    Nic is home tomorrow, am waiting on another visit with the OT to watch Nic herself on the stairs at the new house before she gives the go ahead, we need to be sure as we don't want another move after this if possible, unless the unforeseen happens.
    Sandra I hope you enjoy your long weekend with Paul, shifts aren't very family friendly, John has always worked shifts, and does 2-10. Permanently now, I would live him to do an ordinary day, I'm ready for bed when he comes home, feel guilty and try not to look sleepy when he's wide awake haha.
    Patricia it's soup time here too, I like to try different ones, usually use the slow cooker and forget about it until time to taste.
    Hope everyone is feeling better now, hope you get to see Val today Saba,
    This week has flown, as you say Sandra, this time last week the excitement was building but you have the memories to keep going till the next one.
    I've left hugs in the basket as usual- please help yourselves,
    See you later,
    Jean xxxx

    1. Jean I will keep my fingers crossed for Nic and the house, I hope it gets sorted soon. Enjoy your busy weekend. Xxxx

  4. Me again, sorry Maria, your card is lovely, it looks so cold in a good way,
    Fingers crossed for you today Michele

    1. Thank you Jean. Good luck for Nic, hope the house is fine for her xxx

  5. Good morning Sandra & ladies,

    Maria, your card is cute, just right for those who do not celebrate Christmas. Your colouring in is just perfect.

    I agree Sandra, time does seem to march on when you are having fun. A week later and everything seems a dream. The packing, unpacking and re-packing and then finally the travelling and a wonderful weekend meeting up. I find that as I get older, it's the end of the week before I have even turned around!

    Saba, my darling, you are all in my thoughts, give Val one of your big squishy hugs for me and save one for yourself. The hospice will look after her for you.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

    1. Thank you for liking my little card Cheryl. Not sure about the colouring in myself but....tihi Hope you have a nice day xxx

  6. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Maria what a great card you have made today, love the colouring in, it makes it look frosty and cold. I like the added buttons too, perfect finishing touch. Thank you for sharing. Xxxx
    It's dark and wet here this morning, Julian has had an early start. He's got a Bt engineer on site anytime between 9 and 1 so that's his morning sorted. I know he can work whilst waiting for him but you would think they would be able to give a definately time for a business. He will be sitting in the hospital reception and won't want to move to go to the loo or get a coffee in case he misses him. I think he's hoping he will come about 1 then he will come home to work instead of going to the office . Traffic has been so bad lately it took him nearly 2 hours to drive a 15 minute journey last night. It's the big firework displays around here tonight so it will be a noisy night. They seemed to be going off last night even though it was raining. The display we go to is tomorrow but we will make a decision depending on the weather as the ground gets very muddy.
    Well I must go and make myself a cup of tea and get on with the day. See you all later xxxxxxx

    1. Oh yes Saba, sending you and Val great big hugs today, I will be thinking of you my lovely lady xxxx

    2. Morning Diane, thank you for liking my little card. Have a nice weekend and enjoy the fireworks xxx

    3. They have got biscuits in our garage Diane. Just I didn't see them the other day.

  7. Good morning Sandra and ladies, from a miserable east coast of Fife. Talk about cold and damp!
    Maria, your card is brilliant, I love it, and using buttons is a great idea, embellishment without the bling.
    Saba, glad you have been to the doctors, ok we don't like taking things like antibiotics , but in your case they are necessary. I will be thinking of you all day, (((((( hugs)))))) to you all.
    Myra, are you up and dressed? Won't say breakfasted as that might be a step to far, it's early yet. Victoria and yourself have a wonderful day.
    Karen, I hope your daughter gets back home soon. Such a worry for you all.
    Sorry I wasn't in. We had a terrible evening with Harris. There were so many fireworks going off, a few in the houses just up from us, then many being set off at the other end of the villiage not far, now this is where the social houses are now don't get me wrong nothing wrong with living there but we have a lot at the moment that are always telling us how hard up they are and can't manage on their benifits. I know one family that use the food bank have seen them come out of the centre, yet when I went to pick Beth up yesterday they were unloading their car of boxes of fireworks!!! Found money for them??? Then we have the golf club and I think they were the ones setting off theirs at gone 10. So poor Harris was in a terrible state, usually I can keep him reasonably quiet, not last night. I ended up grooming him to take his mind off it all, worst part I had to do it in the front room. Well a carrier bag and two Dyson pot full later. We did worry if he would have a fit.
    We will hope that's it!!!

    Charlie and I are off out today, nothing exciting just general shopping, we are going to look at new I pads. Charlie uses my old one but it's on it's way out so we will look at not the latest all singing and dancing one more and likly the model I have. It's his 70 th just before Christmas so our three will likely chip in with me and that will cover his birthday and Christmas, I don't like doing that but on an I pad it will have to be, Anna and Beth were asking last night what they as a family could buy him, so I said about a cover. Had lots of hugs and cuddles from Beth, she came out of school with the biggest smile on her face. Anna ran to the car and it was a big hug, you would think they had t seen me for weeks. Granted Charlie had let mum know I wasn't very well so I might not have been on pick up.
    Right I am off to have my tea and toast, eating the toast should be less painful as my mouth is less sore today. I might be in later depending if we have fireworks or not again. xxx

    1. Hazel enjoy your shopping trip but do take it easy. I know what you mean about the firework people - some I know like that have the latest phones and smoke like a chimney and are always out on the town but can't pay for their kids to go on school trips! I hope you have a better night with Harris tonight. Xxxx

    2. Hi Hazel,oh bless him Harris. Fireworks are pretty but the poor pets who are scared of all the banging going on. Thank you for liking my card. Have a nice day shopping xxx

  8. Hope you enjoy your shopping today Hazel, glad you are feeling a bit better.
    My two dogs were upset last night by the fire works, Bonnie the eldest is a bit less nervous but Ruby didn't know which corner to run too, it's such a shame and there's more to come I think.
    Take care

  9. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. Maria your card is gorgeous, I love the lovely clean lines and your colouring and shading is wonderful. Those buttons finish it off perfectly. Thank you for sharing it with us all : )
    Saba, I hope you start to feel better very quickly now that you have been to the doctors.
    To everyone that has coughs and colds etc. please take extra care of yourselves.
    Lynne I hope you have a great time at the show and find lots of bargains. Please let us see all of the goodies next week.
    I'm off to see Mum and Pop so must get on. Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

    1. Hi Sue. Thank you for your kind words on my card but know I have to do some more practise to be as good as some of you. Shame we didn't have time last weekend to do some. Have a nice day, take care xxx

  10. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Maria your card is lovely, you have captured the frosty day perfectly, love the buttons as a finishing touch.
    Well ladies this time last week Hazel, Patricia and I were just getting on the train to Birmingham, where has the week gone!
    Didn't get back in last night, off to see what was going on,
    The cats didn't like the fireworks tried to hide in some of the smallest places.
    Will catch up later, xxxx

    1. Hi Jess, hope you are feeling better and your hips are not to painful in this wet weather. Thank you for liking my little card :-)
      Who stole the week ? so wish it was today for the meet-up.
      Hope your cats will be alright when the fireworks goes off xxx

  11. Janet your card yesterday was lovely and I do like yours today Maria. The colouring is perfect. Try to get back later but busy day today.

    1. Thank you Brenda :-) Do try to Not do to much, you are always so busy. What are you up to ? xxx

    2. Mainly shopping for birthday presents. Need two for next week.

  12. Morning Sandra and ladies, very wet here again today.
    I did leave a post earlier but seems to have disappeared!
    Maria your card is great.
    Patricia your soup sounds great ,have not tried sweet potato as like you find them to hard to cut.
    Anne hope the dentist visit goes well.
    Michele hope all goes well today.
    Saba thoughts are with you.

    Sandra if I post my email address can you let me have your contact details as I don't seem to be able to find where to email you.
    Have a good day everyone , just finished getting O/H packing done for him to go to London today. Lilian

    1. Thank you Lilian. Have a nice day xxx

    2. Lillian my lovely my email :
      I am sorry, I though it was at the top of the blog for some reason, I am losing my marbles I think, if you find them please send them back to me, I'm getting short!!! Haha
      I would love to hear from you and display some of your lovely crafts xxx

    3. Thank you , think I'll keep the marbles I could do with a few more, will email a picture of one of my hoods, cards not really good enough, but getting better.
      Have a lovely weekend.

    4. Lillian, we don't do " it's not good enough on this blog". Don't do yourself down. Look forward to seeing your work. Xxx

  13. Morning Sandra and everyone today.
    Hope all the aches and pains are feeling better ( not good in wet weathers) and also the colds getting over.
    Omg , I did get a surprise seeing my card on show today. Totally forgotten I sent it. Made it last year and can see now so many wrong with it but you are all very kind to like it :-) glad you know the stamp Sandra because I had forgot who made it. You are so good at knowing all these things and the same with the dies used, amazing lady. Must make a list with them I got, if they still exist. Hope Myra and Lynda are having a good time at the NEC, wishing too I gone now as we not have anything planned for this weekend. Saba- hope you well enough to see Val today, thinking of you all xx Have cards to make but still feeling lazy so not much happening ,just seen cobwebs going across the lamp in the ceiling so some dusting will have to be done,oops :-)
    OH having the winter tyres fixed on the car today so we be ready for the icier days ahead and son have two day's off but will not see him much except for dinner. It's a time I really want to have together. It's raining and it's grey, will have a cup of tea and then....... love and hugs Maria xxx

  14. Afternoon one and all
    MARIA - I love your little chap on a beautifully thought out card. He's just right for a card for the little ones or those who do not go all Christmassy. Your colouring is just perfect. I could do with a tutorial from you on that score.

    SABA - my Dear Friend my thoughts are with all of you but you know that Val will be cared for in the best possible way. I'm so pleased that you are able to spend the night with her. Gentle hugs to both of you. xxxx

    Market was very drab today as it was that horrible mizzle stuff which wets you through. Our usual cake shop is closed for their annual holidays but we bought from another. This one make their own chocs on the premises so everything they create is just ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Will let you know how we get on with their cakes.

    SANDRA - have a good weekend and what a lovely week ahead for you as Paul has 5days at home. Hope you both manage to get some time together.

    I think this afternoon is going to be spent in front of the log burner and I might just manage to get some more of Mr Owl (Proggy) done so you might have something for mixed crafts Sandra but it will not be this week.
    Hugs should be arriving soon. To all still not feeling 100% take care and wrap up warm. See you all later. xxxx

    1. Hi Janet, thanks for your kind words about the little ice skater . Hope you enjoyed you goodies. Must have smelled divine in the shop xxx

  15. Hello all, OH wanted to go out today as we were not covering the craft shop, the weather is horrible, I could just have stayed at home, but off we went. We ended up in Crieff at the visitor centre, had a walk through the glass factory and shop, then we had lunch, a quick visit to the Christmas shop, it really put me in the Christmas mood.
    Jean I hope the visit to Nics house was a success and she will soon be able to move in
    Saba have a lovely day with Val, as someone said earlier, tell her about all the mad women you met last weekend.
    Janet keep yourself cosy and warm, this weather is horrible, I think it is same all over just now.
    Maria, thanks for your kind wishes, I am 100%better now, you are such a lovely lady. Take care everyone, hugs(((((())))))

  16. Hellooo! I have been reading through everything and on occasions have tried to comment but then seem to disappear So will keep this brief
    We're still unsure when daughter will be coming home from Sharm Officially her holiday ends on Sunday so for now she has decent hotel accommodation I just want her home and give her a cuddle
    MARIA Your card is amazing Don't do yourself down young lady It is brilliant and you colour! That's a real talent
    SABA big hugs to you, Val and family
    SANDRA I will try and send you a couple of bits I thought I had sent you a few that haven't been shown, not to worry Mind you they were probably not up to standard after seeing everyoneelse's super work
    Got lots of cards to finish for birthdays of work colleagues when I'm on hols
    Take care everyone

  17. PS Have I missed you saying where the image is from MARIA Is it LOTV?

  18. Whoops! Just realised it's Marianne and I'd even scribbled that down to remind me Brain not working properly at mo

    1. Karen we will,keep our fingers crossed she gets home on Sunday, they seem to be getting it right, OK they aren't getting their luggage, but that's nothing compared to your life? No clothes etc are replaceable life isn't. Just try and stay came, it's hard but you don't want to make your self ill. Xxx

    2. Hope your daughter gets home ok Karen.

    3. Hi Karen, you need to go to Specsavers hihi thank you for your kind words but don't you go all shy now. I have seen your work and they are all fabulous. I presume you have spoken with Charlotte, she should be fine and coming home on Sunday as planned. Try not to worry. Sending hugs to you and Alan xxx

  19. Hellooooo!
    I'm home and I'm still in one piece! I think!
    I had a really lovely day. We arrived at the NEC just before 10 am. We wanted to miss the rush hour traffic on the M40 and M42. Success - took us 22 minutes!
    The pre- booked car park was a great idea as we jumped a long queue and with number plate recognition got into our car park easily! Ain't technology wonderful!
    We walked around a bit of the Christmas Gift section for about an hour then had a coffee! We got a table without any trouble. We made a note of stalls to come back to and then moved on to Crafts!
    I will try to remember what I bought! - a Docrafts cracker die! , Pinflair pins, some sequins and polystyrene baubles. Cosmic shimmer Glue £1 50 off!
    Two stencils from Imagination Crafts - Wise Men and Trees and a Deer. Also some texture paste . Anna Marie's stall had a brilliant offer. Any five packs of card for £10. I bought 5 packs of cards and envelopes, 3 of 6x6 and 2 of 7x7 , actually it's the other way round! These were priced at £4.99 per pack so that was a big saving! There was also a stall with each item £1. Only. I got two packs of Docrafts paper and a pack of bakers twine!
    I also bought three Wooden Christmas ornaments for my grandchildren at a gift stall where they sold only wooden painted items . They are really lovely . I bought a nice tissue box cover for my kitchen dresser. Victoria bought a lovely waste paper bin!
    MARIA - your card is beautiful and your colouring is lovely. I like the buttons too.
    Oh - I bought a big packet of Docrafts buttons for £1 too. Ha ha! Will be good for the children.
    Barbara - thinking of you and Val today . Difficult times - my thoughts and prayers are with you, Val and all the family. Special hug for Peter too who must be so sorry he can't be with you just now! Speak very soon!
    Will read all the posts later. We got home around 4pm. Can't remember exact time!
    LYNDA - hope you had a good day yesterday ! Safe travel home!
    Lots of love Myra xx

    1. Sounds like you had a lovely day Myra and got some bargains. It's like being in a sweet shop isn't it and not knowing where to look next! I went into our vegetable shop/craft shop yesterday and they had tattered lace embossing folders half price so I had to buy one! Have a relaxing evening xxxx

    2. Glad you had a lovely day Myra. Sounds as if you got some lovely things. Hope you are putting your feet up now. Speak to you later.

    3. Sounds like you had a lovely day, put your feet up now and relax, you can play with your new toys tomorrow xxx

    4. Oh you are making us jealous now with all you bargains. Glad you had a nice day and managed a sit down too at a table, usually ending up on the floor and it's a bit tricky to get back up :-) Thank you for liking my card, you are all so sweet but think they will be very busy at the Specsavers because you all seem to like my colouring ?! Have a good weekend xxx

  20. Hi Sandra
    It was lovely to see you this morning. We had a coffee and as usual put the world to rights. Hope that everyone gets home from Sharm soon. Lots of extra security now our boys have got involved. Hope everything gets sorted out soon.
    Maria I love this stamp, and how you've coloured it. Now why you say it's not perfect is beyond me, as it looks perfect to me. Might need to see if I can get this one.
    Jess I'm glad your back to 100%.
    Saba hugs to you and Val when you see her. I bet Peter wishes he was with you to give you some support.
    I hope your feeling better Hazel as well.
    Hugs to all those of you that are feeling under the weather.
    To all of you who have been of are going to the NEC, I hope you had a great shop, it sounds like Myra did.

    1. Thank you Pat, you know I'm never happy with my own work and not sure how to take it if someone like it. Next time we meet up I'd love to see more of all your pens etc. I have only collected the Promarkers but they seem to be dated out now but the others are still a bit pricey and out of my price league most of the time. Take care, glad you had a good day with Sandra xxx

  21. Hellooooooooooooo from me too,
    Saba, I hope your visit to Val is not too distressing for either of you and that you have talked and comforted each other. You know you are both in my thoughts and prayers.
    Karen, I hope you get news from your daughter and that she is soon home from Sharm. The one comfort is that they are doing everthing they can to ensure their safe transport.
    Maria - your card is gorgeous. I love everything about it and your colouring is perfect.
    Anne, I get my eyes tested in 2 weeks and am dreading it, the cost of specs these days if your prescription is complex is enormous. I also have toothache today - oh no, I think I'm going to have to go to the Dentist as well. I hope your visit today was pain free both in mouth and pocket!!!
    Michel, I hope you've had a good day and that your inspection went well.
    Jean, have a good time with Nic tomorrow, hope you get the o.k. for the house.
    Cheryl, my poor trolley doesn't understand why I haven't been packing and unpackfing!!!!
    Diane, did the BT Engineer come, did Julian get home after lunch? We need to find out these things!!
    Hazel, poor Harris. The bangers are still going off here today, and there are a couple of organised displays going on around here! I can imagine how happy the girls were to see you. I know how happy I was when you appeared at Birmingham Station!!!!
    Myra, you've obviously had a lovely day with a lovely daughter in law. Wish I'd taken a photograph of some of your childrens' creations.
    Jess, I just cannot believe a week ago we were leaving the craft room to tidy up for dinner. It sounds like you've had a lovely day.
    Pat, I hope you and Pete are well.
    Brenda LL you look after yourself.
    Norah, I hope you are keeping well and looking after yourself.
    Sandra, have a lovely 5 days.
    Well, I have to go and make a GWS card, so I'm away to my room.
    I feel more "normal" today (whatever that means).
    Peter's boiler repair hasn't done the trick and we have to get the engineer who services it in to look at it. Peter isn't Corgi registered so, although he repairs his own boiler, he says he could be prosecuted for "messing about" with ours. I'll be passing the hat around shortly, what with George's specs, my specs, dentist and Gas Engineer. I think I'd better buy a lottery ticket!!!!!
    See you later, all being well, be good.
    Maureen xxxxx

    1. So sorry - Margaret C, how are you?
      I wonder who else I've omitted. If it's you, you know I don't mean it!!!

    2. Sheila, oh Sheila, so sorry. I'm signing off otherwise I'll be to-ing and fro-ing all night. xxxxx

    3. Thanks Muriel , you are our colouring in expert so that is very kind of you to liking my little card. Should have asked for some pointers when we met but forgot as with lots of other things. Also need new glasses but will try to wait until next year, just using the magnefying glass when I can't read something . Take care xxx

  22. Hello Sandra and everyone,
    I'm very late today had a busy morning with shopping, we also went to cash-and-carry and bought chicken breasts and steak. Both needed to be sorted and packed into usable sizes. Then I t was time for lunch, after lunch I had a physiotherapy appointment at our local hospital, that took a good two hours, then popped into town just a quick visit to M&S and now I am home, and about to cook our tea.

    Maria, your card is lovely, The colouring is super, I know a lot of people who would really love to receive this card. You really are a very talented lady. XX

    Haven't had chance to read what everyone is up to today. If I start to read all of the comments I will never get our meal made, I will check them out later.
    Sending everyone love and hugs, Brenda XXX

    1. HibBrenda
      Hope that hubby is going on ok. Hugs to you both. I went to M & s yesterday p, didn't think much of the clothes, hope they improve.

    2. Hi Brenda
      Well what a load of rubbish I wrote. Well it wasn't me really it was my pen tip and predictive text. What would we do without predictive text. Be a lot saner I reckon.

    3. Thank you Brenda for liking my little card, you are all so lovely.
      wow, you had a busy morning and afternoon. Try to have a rest tomorrow. hugs to you both xxx

  23. Hi all, well managed to pack hubby off for his trip to London, he's decided to try and loose some weight, so very disappointed not to have one of my pasties to take with him.
    I've got the place to myself till Sunday, have lots of things to catch up with, oven clean, freezer to defrost ready to get in Christmas goodies.
    Also am hoping to start C cards.
    Have a aching back tonight so am just sitting watching tv.
    Have nice evening everyone. Lilian

    1. Hi Lilian
      You've packed hubby off to London. I wonder where I can pack Pete off to. Only joking, well sometimes I'm only joking. He's lovely most of the time. I must remember Medication Medicarption, Medicarption.

  24. Evening Ladies

    Inspection went OK-luckily. Had my appointment with nurse for Smear test, not pleasant but necessary. Two glasses of wine with dinner made everything OK!

    Hubby not playing golf tomorrow (very unusual) so we're off into Liverpool to look at the shops. I want a few items from Lakeland plus I like to look in the Swatch watch shop & Radley shop, hubby will look at lots of things in John Lewis. Am hoping we stay for lunch but even if we don't, it will be a nice change from my usual Saturdays.


  25. Good evening everyone
    Been busy out and about today after the school run it was to the doctors for both of us should have been quick, but oh no, I have to see the physio as my foot is giving trouble and Derek has had to have an x ray, he has complained about his knees forever and a day it seems, but now the doctor thinks it may be his hip! So after a trip to the hospital managed to get home for lunch, then seeing to the tumbler dryer and ironing all done and put away by then it was school run again! I do wish there were more hours in the day or the hours were longer, surely that is not too much to ask?
    Saba so pleased you got to see a doctor and are feeling better, a difficult weekend ahead, you, Val and all the family, my thoughts are with you, but you can be assured the Hospice will help her they are wonderfully kind and helpful in such a considerate caring way. It must be difficult carrying this heavy cross without Peter to lean on, we are all here for you if we can help, just say and you will have it, xxx
    Hazel I know just what you are coping with, poor Harris I do wish they would ban fireworks we are still having them going off tonight, and no doubt all weekend too. Tomas sits on my knee quivering at the banging while Amy takes no notice at all. We had to let her out last night and after a wander around the garden decided to have a roll on her back merrily kicking her little legs in the air while three lots of fireworks were going off!
    Patricia please don't get your butter biscuits and your flowers mixed up will you?
    Myra so pleased you had a super day spending, spending, and more spending!
    Maureen sorry about the boiler will you be needing donations? Hope the expensive man comes soon and is not too expensive, just make sure you are not paying by the minute, if so, don't give him a cuppa until you have paid the bill.
    Janet looking forward to your report tomorrow, I hate get soaking wet while shopping too.
    Karen I hope your daughter is soon home and safely too, don't make yourself ill worrying take care.
    Maria what a delightful card love it the colours are perfect.
    Sandra we were once in Liberty's in London I was buying some fabric and while they were cutting it Derek wandered in the next room just before I paid for it all he came back to say there is a lovely rug that I can just see in front of the hearth shall I get it? No I will have a look I said, I did and felt quite faint, the price label said £37,500! I took him to their café for a coffee and scone instead.
    Must go and get on with some more cards, have a lovely evening everyone.
    Margaret xxx

    P.S. It was a lovely rug in Liberty's, credit where it's due he has good taste, expensive but good!

    1. Why did you not buy the rug, Margaret? ha ha xxxx

    2. Thank you Margaret. oh you should have bought the rug, would have lasted longer than the scone hihi. Hugs to you and dear George xxx

  26. Goodnight all, Got the GWS card made, a couple of X-cut bags and another card. Just playing really, but I enjoyed it.
    Saba, thinking of you.
    Karen, hope you get good news soon.
    Sweet dreams everyone, have a restful night and God Bless
    Maureen xxxx

  27. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra hope you have a lovely weekend & enjoy the time with Paul.xx
    Maria your card is lovely very well done xx
    Saba my thoughts & prayers are with you & Val & family at this difficult time, I saw Sue today & thank you for the cuddle sending special ones to you xx
    Karen hope your daughter gets home safely xx
    It was good to see Sue today & hear all about the weekend sounded great.
    Time for my bed now hugs to all who need them love Margaret xx

    1. Thank you Margaret. Hope you are well. Start saving for the next one, pretty sure it will be another one in the Spring if we can found the right place. Take care and have a good night !

      Good night and nice dreams everyone
      Lynda, Norah and Sheila , hope to see you tomorrow, Maria Xxxx

  28. I'm sorry I've been AWOL !
    Karen I'm so sorry your daughter is caught up in the Sharma el Sheikh problem and I do hope she gets home soon!
    Thanks everyone - I had a lovely day but in bed now! A very tired bunny!
    Night Night Everyone,
    God Bless,
    Love Myra xxx
