
Saturday 7 November 2015

Mixed Craft Saturday

Jess's Hand Painted Geronimo

Karen's Handmade Bouquet of Roses Cake

Ciara's Chocolate Eclairs

Good Morning Ladies,
YAY, its the weekend!!
That means its Saturday and that means it's Mixed Crafts Day! You Angels really did me proud, thank you all for sending in your photos xx

First up today we have Jess's Hand Painted picture of Geronimo, it's amazing Jess, I can't believe how much detail you have managed to achieve in his face, particularly the eyes.  Also the feathers look fluffy and soft too.  You are one talented Artist our Jess, thank you so much for sharing xxxxx

Next up we have Karen's absolutely amazing Bouquet of Roses cake, It looks professional Karen!
Karen says that this cake became a popular choice for her family and friends, before the days that Supermarkets sold celebratory cakes, but I have to be honest with you Karen, I have never seen a supermarket cake that comes anywhere near as amazing as yours, it bet it tastes much nicer too!
Thank you so much for sending the photos in for me to share with everyone xxxxx

Last but not least we have Ciara's (Brenda Lello grandaughter) hand made Chocolate Eclairs, goodness me Ciara they look so yummy, I really wish I could pick one off that plate right now! 
This was both Brenda and Ciara's first time making Choux pastry, I think they did a cracking job!
You are a Brilliant Baker Ciara, thank you for allowing me to share your eclairs today xxxxx

Thank you all once again for sending the photo's in for me to share, you are amazingly talented!
Love and hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Cafe Crew, hope you are all looking forward to a great weekend. Mine looks like it will be busy till I get all my things finished for my Fundraiseing Table. Hazel and I used to do Craft Fairs and always had "stuff" we got rid of it all when we stopped. That means I have had to make "everything" for next weekend. Thank goodness Hazel is making a few baskets like she she showed you all how to make at the Retreat. They will look good, sell well and of course fill up space.
    JESS:- your painting is absolutely amazing, my goodness what work has gone into it. It's fantastic, love it.
    KAREN:- your cake is brilliant those roses are beautiful and so many. (((((hugs))))) hope your daughter gets home soon so you can give her a "real" HUG!!!
    CIARA:- Mmmmm!! loving the look of those Eclaire's. Keep up the with the baking, if that's your first attemp I can see great things.
    Everything set up for the day, I have made myself some Tea & Toast. I am over at the corner table people watching. Once finished I have the usual "house stuff" to do. By then the washing will have finished in the machine, it will have to go in the Tumble Drier today. The bonus of that is it will be ironed as soon as the drier stops, it is so easy to do then.
    ((((((hugs))))) in the basket as usual. There is a BIG basket of hugs just for you SABA you and all the family are in my thoughts and prayers. xxx

    1. Someone quick, tie our Patricia down on the chair. You are way to energetic for a Saturday morning tihi. Have a nice day Xxx

    2. Sorry Maria - I'm not quick enough this morning!

    3. Patricia - I hope you can manage to get five minutes rest/relaxation. I'm already sleepy having read your post. Don't overdo things as you are needed for next weekend. Will Hazel be there to help you on the stall?
      Hugs for you xxxx

    4. Please make sure you have a sit down and a bit of me time. Thank you for your lovely emails yesterday I do feel much more relaxed today.

  2. Good Morning Sandra and friends, very wet and windy here.
    Jess what a wonderful painting, what medium did you use?
    Karen your cake is amazing, must have taken a long time to make all those beautiful flowers.
    Clara your eclairs look really yummy, my favourite style of cake.
    Busy day today, work to finish left from yesterday,that I didn't finish because of my back ache, better today.
    Hopefully will do some crafting later.
    Hope everyone has a lovely day,keep safe roads flooded and trees down here,so not going anywhere in the car.

    1. Good you back feeling better, just take it easy. Weather very bad here too , very windy. Have a nice day crafting Xxx

    2. Glad you are feeling better Lilian! Sorry about the floods though. Xxx

    3. Thank you Lilian, they did take quite a while, but done over several days - feed the fruit cake with booze, cover with marzipan, ice the cake, make the flowers when the kids were in bed. I used a big tray and sat in front of the tele, paint the stripes - that was the hardest bit trying to stop hands shaking!.

    4. Lilian my love stay safe, the high winds are just starting here. I hope your weather improves soon, especially as your husband is away - nit nice being on your own with the wind howling around. Hope your back is more comfortable today too xxxx

  3. Good morning Sandra and all,
    Jess your painting is brilliant
    Karen the flowers look so real, must have taken ages to make
    Clara I bet those Clair's tasted as good as they look xx
    Nasty day here at the moment, dogs didn't want to go outside the rain was so heavy, hope it clears up later as its Nics day and she will still want to go out for a ride.
    Hope everyone is feeling well, Myra are your feet sore today
    Saba thinking of you and val xxx
    Take care if I don't get to pop back in,
    Hugs in the basket if needed xx
    Jean xxx

    1. Not bad at all Jean , thank you, but I slept well last night! Have a lovely day with Nic! Xxx

  4. Sorry should read eclairs xxx

    1. Jean- have a nice day with Nic and yes lets hope the rain stay away for a little while so you can go out somewhere together,hugs Xxx

  5. Good morning Sandra and all the crafty crew
    Wow what a wonderful array of crafts this weekend, Jess you really are one amazing artist the detail you have in your picture is wonderful. Karen that really is one fantastic cake and a lovely idea, sending you some special hugs I do hope you have some good news of your daughter soon. And last but by no means least what a super display of the most yummy looking eclairs by Brenda's very talented Granddaughter you shoe be proud of yourself young lady and Grandma too.
    I am going out with my daughter this morning so must dash to get ready, have a lovely weekend everyone, my hugs are over in the corner along with some special comforting hugs for Saba, thinking of you and Val this weekend.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Have a lovely day out with your daughter Margaret, take care Xxx

    2. Have a lovely time with your daughter Margaret! Xx

  6. Morning Ladies

    Jess-what an amazing picture, very lifelike.

    Karen-WOW! What a gorgeous cake-I would be scared to cut into to as it would ruin it!

    Ciara - you are a very talented baker, those eclair sloop delicious.

    Well-it's a very very wet morning here in Southport. At least most of the shops are under cover in Liverpool, doubt we'll be staying long in this weather. At least I can carry on card making when we get back.


    1. Never been to Liverpool but heard it's good shops so have a good day out Xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Jess, wow, what a wonderful painting. You really are a talented lady.
    Karen, I haven't seen a cake like this before, but to be honest I wouldn't have realised that it was made of cake as it looks so real. Why would anyone want a shop bought, bland boring one when they could have this wonderful one. You must be desperate for tomorrow to arrive bringing your daughter home safe and sound. You are in my thoughts.
    Ciara, your eclaires look so scrummy, I wish I could have one right now, even though it is so early : )
    Saba, you and Val and all of the family are in my thoughts, sending you a big hug.
    I had a lovely day with Mum and Dad yesterday and Mum and I went shopping for....guess what? Some stamps, Promarkers etc. Yes, she has been bitten by the card making bug, starting with stamped and coloured ones. Do you remember warning her at Ally Pally Maria? Mum, have fun playing with your new goodies : )
    I hope everyone has a good day, stay safe and snug indoors if you have the very wet and windy weather we have here at the momentent.
    Special hugs for all that are not feeling so good. Take care xx

    1. Aaaaah your mum got trapped in the crafting bug hihi, so easily done.
      Hope she has great fun creating and hopefully we will see some in the cafe' one day . Hope your body not too bad today. Really don't like this wet weather, ouch ! Take care Xxx

    2. Hi Sue, Oh dear - I'm sure Margsret went into the craft shop screaming and shouting- no!
      It was only a matter of time before she got the bug. She has been going to AllyPally and a few other shows with the three graces. Well at least you will both be able to share each other's stash. xx

    3. Hi Sue, Maria & Brenda,
      Yes I have given in seeing all these lovely cards got me thinking, I think Sue enjoyed spending my money for me good job I had her otherwise I had no idea where to start, it's all Maria's fault I loved her card. At least I can ask for bits for Christmas!!
      Brenda please congratulate Ciara on her eclairs they look gorgeous, it's great cooking with grandchildren isn't it I love it.
      Hugs love Margaret xx

  8. Good morning Ladies, it's a bit dull here today.
    Jess, your Indian painting is so lifelike, it's wonderful ! Gosh you are a really talented artist, do you paint a lot?
    Karen , this cake looks so professional have you been to cake decorating classes? It's miles ahead of shop bought and I bet it tastes delicious also.
    Hope your daughter arrives back soon xo
    Ciara, your chocolate eclair so look so delicious I could eat one right now!
    Maureen , thank goodness I didn't need anything done at the dentist yesterday , it seems to have settled down so she decided to leave well alone, I was so tired yesterday I went to bed after lunch and slept for three hours! and then slept my usual last night but can't be bothered going to golf today , isn't it strange how you hit times like that lol! I think they call it old age ha ha .
    Must try and get some more C cards made today.
    Just had my tea and toast so I'd better move myself.
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. It is funny Anne, I don't think I'll go back to the NEC today either! Ha ha! Xxx

    2. hello Anne, I haven't been to cake decorating classes apart from watching a lady called Ipi Tombe make beautiful delicate flowers. I am useless at royal icing. All my cakes were from a Novelty Cakes book by Jane Asher. Fondant icing all the way!

  9. Hi Sandra & ladies,

    Well! What a wild, wet & windy morning! Don't think I am going out today, I feel craft creeping upon me.

    Mixed Saturday is always a welcome treat at the end of the week, and today's offerings are all stunning in their own rights.

    Jess's painting is so bright and cheerful. we were lucky enough to go to the Smithsonian Museum and see the American Indian displays. Their costumes are so beautiful, the beading first rate and their pottery and other items, well how on earth did they manage without sewing machines like we have today?Pure skill and artistry.

    Karen, your cake is divine, no wonder it is a family favourite.
    Ciara's chocolate are so yummy looking, I'd like one now please. Well done Ciara at your first attempt.
    Cuppa is calling me so I'll pop in the corner if Patricia is still there and have natter for a wee while.

    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  10. Good morning, Sandra and ladies, late in as I decided to get on and do things before I came in. Plus I pad needed charged I had plugged it in but forgot to switch the switch on. Miserable here that dizzle rain, just not nice. Going to be good and get on with some cards and I have Patricia's little gift baskets to make.
    Saba, sending (((((( hugs)))))) as I know they are needed.
    Sheila, enjoy Nikki's visit. The same to you Jean as I know you have Nic this weekend.
    Myra, have the feet recovered? Your purse won't for a while, but you did have a lovely day.
    Maureen, I hope your tooth hasn't been to painful.
    Anna, those glasses will have to be well cared for at that price, but then again we can't manage without them??.
    To everyone else have a good day what ever you are doing, most go that's the machine ready to unload, thank goodness for my heated dryer.
    Will call later. Xxx

    1. Feet are ok Hazel, but not quite such a spring in my step this morning! My legs felt a bit stiff getting out of bed but are fine now! It's raining here too! Xxx

    2. Hazel I'm glad it's not just me who does that - last week I plugged my iPad in and wondered why it didn't charge, the cable into the pluc wasn't plugged in! Have a good day xxxx

  11. Oh how rude, I forgot to comment on every one of those wonderful crsfts on display today.
    Jess I loved yours when you showed us when we first met up. It's brilliant.
    Karen, your cake is fantastic, great idea.
    Ciara your eclairs look so yummy, well done you.

  12. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Thank you so much for your lovely comments on my painting. I went to non vocational art classes a few years ago, it was great fun, did a good few paintings which are now in an art folder under the spare bed (must get them out and have a look at them again). The medium I used most was acrylic paint, but I have done a few with inks.
    Karen your cake looks amazing, seems a shame to cut into it, the roses must have taken ages to do. I hope your daughter gets home safely.
    Ciara you're eclairs look delicious, keep up the good work we might see you soon on the bake off!
    Saba thinking of you and Val, sending loads of hugs to you both ((((((((())))))))))
    Not much on today washing done and in tumble dryer as it is raining here today, not nice at all, need toget some more things ready for end of Novembers craft fair.
    Coffee finished mug washed out and dried, will pop back after lunch, meantime take care xxxx

  13. Morning Sandra and everyone in today.
    Sending gentle hugs to anyone who suffering today of this horrid and wet weather and hope that coming in to the warmth and lovely smell here in
    the cafe' will help some as it did for me to see these wonderful items on show today. Jess- I love the artwork / painting of the Indian . Everything is so wonderful made, love his expression on his face, love it.
    Karen- that's not a cake , that's another artwork ! It must have taken ages to make all the flowers. You are so good. Hope you little girl coming home alright.
    Ciara- oh they look soooo yummy. Hope you don't mind if I have one for my coffee later. You are very talanted , young girl.
    Have not got around doing anything for a few days but got to get some food shopping in so that's what happening here so far. Take care everyone whatever you are up too today. Love and hugs Maria Xxx

  14. Hello Sandra and Everyone,
    I've got to be quick as going out! We're going to Strtford for lunch. It's still raining but never mind it's good to be together,
    Today's crafts are gorgeous!
    Jess - you are a talented artist - I love your native Indian portrait! It's beautiful!
    Karen - your cake is really lovely! Clever girl! Hope you get news about your daughter today.
    Ciara - your eclairs look as good as my Mum's and that's a big compliment! Well done to you - keeeeep baking!!
    I'm sorry but I must go . Will try to get back later. I tried leaving messages on way down but not enough time.
    Have a good day , everyone.
    Saba - love and hugs for you , Val and family. Xx
    Love Myra xxx

  15. Afternoon everyone
    What a delightful set of mixed crafts we have today.
    JESS - Wow what a wonderful painting - you are a very talented lady. I really love everything about that very strong man.
    KAREN - your cake is a definite Wow - So much work must go into creating a work of art as this. I wouldn't want to cut into it. It's beautiful.
    CIARA - if this is your first attempt at choux pastry I cannot wait to see more. I bet they tasted really scrummy too. Well done you.

    Well I tackled making two boxes this morning - I managed to get two I am happy with so they just need decorating tomorrow.

    Now my Dear Friends I hope you have all had lunch and are ready for desert!

    As I said yesterday our normal cake shop is on holiday so we had to visit another one in Corbigny though they only make small pastries and their own choc on the premises which is DIVINE!!!

    OK we had:-
    1 - SAGWAN - which is a choc biscuit base
    which has a layer of Caramel and Choc praline topped with
    a Sabayon of White Choc all topped off with
    small milk choc squares glazed with pink and gold colouring
    and a White choc Nut.

    1 - ECU = which was:-
    a deep band of dark choc making a circle in which
    there was a fine choc spong base soaked in Cointreau topped with
    a light choc mousse around a white choc mousse centre
    this was topped with a Cointreau glaze with milk choc piped
    swirls around the edge.

    I can tell you it is a good job we only have pastries on a Friday evening and only when we are here.

    SABA - My heart and prayers are with you all. Gentle hugs to everyone.

    When the hugs arrive can someone please put them in the basket by the door as I know they are much in need at the moment.

    1. Janet , those pastries sound out of this world! I think after going over their descriptions again I would have the Ecu one ! Which did you have? Or did you share both? xo

    2. Janet your pastries sound delicious, some photos would be good!! X

  16. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    What a lovely collection today. Jess Wow what a talented artist you are, this picture is fabulous, take it out from under the bed and put it on the wall. Thank you for sharing xxxx
    Karen your cake is wonderful! I have only made cake flowers a few times so know how long they take, this is a work of art. Good old Jane Asher books - I've got a few of those. Hope your daughter gets home safely soon. Thank you for sharing xxxxx
    Ciara wow what fabulous eclairs, choux pastry is quite difficult too so you and grandma are proper bakers. I wonder if we will see you on bake off one day. Thank you for sharing xxxx
    Well it's wet windy and wild her today but should clear later. I must admit I'm thinking a night in would be better than fireworks - how boring am I!!! It was very slippery underfoot last year so I think it will be the same this year too. Oh well, must pop out and get some shopping for the weekend and start getting organised - not a lot of enthusiasm today because of the weather but we still need to eat! May see you all later if we don't go out. Take care xxxxxx

  17. Hello All. A big thank you to all of you and your comments about my cake. I made quite a few novelty cakes back in the 1980's when the kids were little and I wasn't working. I can remember cakes ordered from the Bakers were horrendously expensive. I made them mainly for friends with young children like me. They wer photographed with a 35mm camera - no digital stuff then, so I am slowly scanning them onto my laptop. I used to sit in front of the tele and make a few roses/irises. Everything had to be done in stages.
    Thank you for your wishes re my daughter. I FB'd her earlier and she is fine. She is due home tomorrow but doesn't know/think it'll happen. The news said this am that it could take 7 days. A huge, huge thank you to SANDRA, your lovely message has helped put my mind at rest a bit. I still need that cuddle with her though
    JESS What a beautiful painting, I have some lovely photos of paintings/posters of red indians that were on display in a bar in Malta. I love them. It's the "power" in thie faces I adore and you have captured it beautifully
    CIARA your eclairs look very scrummy, can I come round for tea please? choux pastry is not easy so well done to you. They look perfect
    Flu jab done, card making to do this afternoon, dancing tonight
    Might have time to pop in later

  18. Hello Sandra and everyone,

    I can't believe it's Saturday- the week has flown by. Where does the time go?

    JESS, Love your painting, you have really made Geronimo look fantastic, I would love to see some more of your work.

    KAREN, WOW your cake looks to good to eat. You must have spent hours making the beautiful roses.

    Thank you everyone for your lovely comments about Ciaras chocolate eclairs, I have to say they were really delicious. She is a great Mary Berry fan, So who knows what's come! Her confidence has had a big boost this week, at school the children were asked to design a Christmas card and her design won. So when I show her your comments ( family all coming over tomorrow) she will be floating on air.

    Saba and Val you are in my thoughts and prayers sending. xxx

    Hope you are all having ba good day, Love and Hugs, Brenda xxx

  19. Daughter hopes to have some news as to when they'll b coming home Just know that it's unlikely to be tomorrow The hotel is allowing them to stay for free but obviously they haven't said how long for Just wish it was all over and was safely home
    SABA I meant to say that although I'm concerned re daughter I am thinking if you and VAL look after yourselves Much love being sent your way xxx

  20. Hi Sandra & all in cafe.
    Sandra I hope you are enjoying a peaceful weekend.xx
    Jess that is one very strong painting you have very atmospheric well done.
    Karen what can I say the cake is beautiful so much time taken to produce it lovely, hope your daughter gets home soon.xx
    Saba thinking of you & Val special hugs & prayers on the way xx
    dinner ready now must dish up hope Diane enjoys the fireworks we have a display in a field opposite so we can sit & watch in comfort.
    Hugs to all who need them love Margaret xx

  21. Hello lovely ladies,
    Thank you so very much for all your hugs, thoughts, prayers and e-mails. I can't tell you just how much they have helped.
    We had a good chat yesterday, it was just so lovely to finally be able to touch her. I can't describe the feelings, enough to say it is hard. Today she went to her sewing group, I don't know where she found the strength, and Michael and I spent a very emotional couple of hours together. He is like a big brother, I've known him since I was 8. Tuesday they see the oncologist, that's the final hurdle and then we shall know just what the future is. Tomorrow their son and daughter and grandchildren will be coming for the day and I am going over for an hour or so. Just wanted to let you all know.
    Today's crafts are all amazing, Jess, fantastic painting, Karen, I'd like a piece of that! I am thinking of you, she'll be home soon love. Ciara, you are a very clever girl, your Grandma is very proud of you.
    Bless you all
    Saba xxx

    1. Saba, so glad to read that you have been able to hug Val and chat, yes I can imagine the feeling you got. You have an emotional journey to make with Val, Michael and their family. She needs you to be their on that journey. Hopefully Tuesday will bring answers. Lots of (((((( hugs)))))) I now wish I had thought and brought with me one of my guardian angels that I had with me everyday, my girls gave them to me but I know they wouldn't have minded me giving Val one. Xxx

    2. SABA:- can't say anymore than my sister has said.
      (((((Hugs)))) xxx

    3. Nor can I Barbara. Thinking of you all all of the time. You are I. My thoughts and prayers. Take care.

    4. Me neither, you are all in my thoughts and prayers, xxx

    5. Glad you had a lovely time with Val, I know you will treasure every moment, lots of hugs ((((()))))

    6. Saba you and Val are in my thoughts and prayers. I think Val will give you the strength to get through the next chapter of her life. She is stronger than you think. Her love for you will never fade. xxx

  22. HinSandra
    My word Jess I wasn't expecting to see Gironino on display for us today. What a beautiful painting.
    Karen love your cake. I do wish I was that clever. My cakes very rarely turn out right. Need a lesson from you all.
    Ciara your eClair's look fantastic. Not to sure how old you are but they look fabulous. These are my favourites cakes ever.
    We had dishes Lemon Drizzle cake at the retreat and it was so light and yummy. Mind you Margaret's cake looked yummy as well. However, I didn't try any as I'm not to keen on rich fruit cake.
    Saba I'm thinking of you and Val big hugs to you both.

  23. Helloooooooooooooooo
    Sorry I'm so late, it's just been such a busy day. I've been in and out since about 8.30 a.m. this morning, and haven't dried out yet!!!! It's lashed down with rain non stop, and is still going strong, along with more fireworks.
    Jess, Geronimo is fantastic. It truly is a stunning work of art. Get those other paintings out from under the bed.
    Karren, your cake is also an amazing work of art. Sooo clever and pretty, I am in awe. I hope you soon get positive news regarding the return of your daughter from Sharm.
    Ciara, I really wish I lived closer to you, I'd have one or four of those eclairs when you weren't looking - they are my favourite cake!!! I may have to get your Grandma to send me a food parcel!!!!
    Myra, I hope you had a great time in Stratford, one of our favourite holiday places.
    Patricia, you are obviously still working very hard for the stall. That will be another medal for you, MOBE, PhD, BA and KG (not Knight of the Garter, but Keeper of the Goods!!).
    Hazel, I know you will be busy, but I hope you have time to relax.
    Lilian, I hope your back soon completely recovers.
    Janet, I'll have a SAGWAN please ha ha.
    Margaret P, have Sue and the other two Graces been leading you astray. Oh, you'll never have any spare money.
    Diane, watch yourself on those leaves. It's the same around here and I'm going to ring the council on Monday, they are an absolute death trap.
    Brenda OB, have a lovely day out tomorrow with your family.
    Brenda LL, I hope you are well.
    Anne, good news about the dentist, I'm keeping my fingers crossed for myself.
    Norah, I hope you are well.
    Sheila, Missing you, I hope you are keeping well.
    Saba, you must be so pleased and relieved to have seen Val. I continue to pray for your families and send all my love.
    Zoe, is having a sleepover tonight so I may not get back in.
    love to all
    Maureen xxxx

  24. Ladies thank you again for the lovely comments about my painting, he hangs at the top of the stairs, and seems to watch you whatever angle you look at him from, I might take more photos of some of the rest of my efforts and send them to Sandra for mixed crafts. Think it's time for bed now,,will see you all tomorrow, take care everyone, xxx
