
Sunday 8 November 2015

Birthday Wishes

 Happy Birthday Brenda xxxx
Happy Birthday Myra xxx (sorry about photo)

Another of My Beautiful Birthday Cards

Good Sunday Morning Ladies,
First up today I would like to wish two very special ladies a very Happy Birthday xxxx
Brenda, I hope that you have an amazing day with family, I am sure they will spoil you just as you deserve,
I wish I could give you an 'actual' birthday hug, but arms comes a virtual one..lots of love xxxx

Myra, wishing you a very special day, I am sure that you too will have a wonderful day with your loved ones,
here is your 'virtual' hug, lots of love too xxxx

I have made you both a card, frustratingly though with Paul's long shifts and our town having no Post Office temporarily (co-op closed and new asda being built) I couldn't get them posted in time, they will be with you in the next few days though, you will be like me and have the pleasure of your birthday lasting weeks! 

Today's Beautiful birthday card was made for me by Hazel, I absolutely love it, Hazel has used the Majestic Monarch Butterfly Die from Creative Expressions and their Diagonals 'Love Heart' die too, to create this 
beautiful card, I think that the 'Special Friend' Die is from Crafters Companion, using the slight shadow behind the white die card really does make the die cut stand out, I love the card you made for me Hazel, thank you so much xxxxx

My poor girls were out in the most horrendous weather yesterday playing football, absolutely ridiculous as its so close to their mock GSCE exams, it won't be happening again, I am so cross with their manager, they came in soaked through, even their underwear was soaked through, the lost miserably but explained that they could hardly see the ball in the torrential rain, the howling wind didn't help either! I couldn't go as I can't bare to put a shoe on at the moment, I have got an infected ingrown big toe nail, I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy, it is more painful than my hips!!!! Please tell my why, oh why when we have something so sore, do we keep knocking it???? I have bathed it with TCP, i love the smell of that, its such a clean smell, that and bleach are top of my list! I am hoping it will clear up without having to go to GP! 
That's all from me for now,
Love and hugs
Sandra xxxxxx


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Brenda, Sending you lots of Happy Birthday hugs and wishes. Have a wonderful time with your family. Make sure you put your feet up and relax and let others spoil you for a change as you certainly deserve it.
    Myra, sending lots of Happy Birthday wishes and hugs to you. Have a wonderful day with your family too.
    Hazels card is very pretty, I love the pattern used for the butterfly and behind the die cuts.
    Saba, I am so glad that you have got to hug Val at last, bet you didn't want to let go, bless you. My thoughts are with you all. I do hope you are feeling much better in yourself now too. Look after yourself.
    We had a great time last night when we met Gems boyfriends parents for the first time. We had one of those evenings when we all instantly get on and were able to relax, chat and laugh and swap embarrassing stories about Gem and James : )
    I'm off to church today with the Beavers so that we can all lay our respects.

    On this special day, we will remember them.

    Have a good day everyone. I hope that any of you not feeling so good are able to rest and feel better soon. Take care xx

    1. Sorry, that should be pay our respects x

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Sue, I hope it stayed dry for the Rememberence Service, it poured down here. Xxx

    4. Hi Sue,
      Pleased to hear last evening went well. Hope the service went well stayed dry for you as well.Love Mum xx

  2. Morning all,

    Happy Birthday to two lovely ladies, Brenda and Myra. I wish for you to have birthday gifts of love, happiness and contentment.

    Hazel, your card for Sandra, is so beautiful in its simplicity. Love it.

    Jamie and Joshua coming out tomorrow to help with items to go into the loft and bring down other items up there to finally go to the charity shops. Also to help clear out the front bedroom to redecorate it ready for Jamie to move in.
    All systems are full steam ahead for Jamie wants to have his first Christmas here so he can cook Christmas dinner for everyone.

    Must be away, have lots to do sorting out.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  3. HAPPY BIRYHDAY. Myra and Brenda. Have a wonderful day with your families.
    Good morning Sandra and the rest of you ladies. Here's hoping today turns out brighter than its been. Especially for those who are attending Rememberence Day Services. A day to say thank you to all who have given their life so we can lead a free life. " We will remember them "
    Sandra, as usual you have my card dies correct. The card is a prefolded one and the paper used for the butterfly and dehide the " love heart" die is from a pad from docraft many years ago. Bought when I did a lot of scrap booking.
    Thank you for showing it Sandra.
    Now as for your in grown toe nail, you have to have that seen to. Gillian deals to much with these, TCP not the answer.
    Your girls I hope have recovered from their football game. Yes this weather isn't what you want to be out in. Yet it was chucking it down last night and did it put paid to those fireworks NO,!! Another night of having to deal with a beyond nervous Harris. At one point he went and laid in the bathroom, we don't have a window so it must have been quiet in their. Hers hoping that's it now.
    Going to be a busy day here, I have a sympathy card and a birthday card to make by the time Derek, Tammy and the boys come across. Derek and the boys are having Sunday roast with us, Tammy off out with friends for a meal. They are coming as well to get one of our cars, their is going to get new tyres fitted tomorrow ( Derek dealing with that ). Tammy has a full long day of work and can't spare the time to get it done, so she will use our car. They are having ones fitted that will cover winter driving too, not chesp but necessary For the miles she does. So we will be a one car house hold for a couple of days. I bet in those few days we will both want to go out to different places.
    Sue, glad the meeting of Gems boyfriends parents went well.
    Cheryl, don't go overdoing it please.
    Saba, (((((( hugs)))))) for you, Val and family.
    To the rest of you have a good day what ever you are doing.
    Off to get my tea and toast and sit and people watch. Xxx

  4. Good morning Ladies,
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday Myra and Brenda , Happy Birthday to you!
    ( please sing to yourselves) !
    Hope you both have a wonderful day and get really spoiled.XOXO
    Sandra I love the card Hazel sent you , it's beautiful !
    Cafe looking very cosy and inviting on this cold and windy day, think I'll have a bacon roll with my tea this morning as the smell of bacon is so tempting, the birthday cakes look fabulous ! I think Karen has maybe been busy decorating them with beautiful flowers, I'll call back later for a piece of cake and coffee.
    We had an early birthday dinner down at Stewart and Fiona's last night ( Iain's on Tuesday) it was lovely and had fun with the family.
    Managed to make quite a few C cards yesterday and prep some more which I will get done today.
    Good to hear Saba got into see Val and give her lots of hugs xo
    Love and hugs to you all xoxo

  5. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in,
    I hope you both have a lovely day. And you are spoiled as you deserve to be.
    Sandra I do hope your toe gets better soon, my son had this last year and he was in so much pain, don't take chances, you may need antibiotics.
    I love this card Hazel made for your birthday, so elegant.
    Your girls are braver than me, I'm a fair weather person I must admit, I took Nic for a ride to a Mill near us, it was gorgeous sunshine when we went so I just had a cardigan on and put Nic a light jacket on, oh heck it was pouring down when we came out, made a dash for the car but got soaked, Nics like me, she didn't like it either haha. We called at the local Tesco on the way back and a lady said my name, when I turned round I didn't recognise her till she said who she was, she was Nics nursery nurse when Nic was about 12 months old at a special nursery, Nic is now 34 to say I was shocked and overwhelmed, she recognised Nic straight away. It was lovely to see her again,
    We we have a double birthday today for my grandsons so a busy day today and it's raining again, but I will be prepared today haha.
    Will pop back if I can - Saba thinking of you and your precious family - hugs xxx
    I've topped the. Basket up so please help yourself - I hope all the coughs and colds are now disappearing
    See you later
    Jean xxx

  6. Good Morning Sandra, and friends, wet here again today, not so windy so that's a plus.
    BRENDA & MYRA, Many Happy Returns of the Day, hope it's a happy day to remember.
    Hazel your card for Sandra is beautiful, love that butterfly.
    Sorry did not get back in yesterday, managed to get some work done, also oven cleaned and freezer defrosted, which a marathon task because it's a tall upright, so need stool to reach the top.
    3 loads of washing done ready for the dryer.
    R on his way home, hope to get here early as he has to play the organ at church this afternoon for the rememberance service.
    Our family was spared loosing anyone in the two great wars, they are not with us anymore,but always think of them today and those brave people who gave their lives for us, and those that still do.
    Hope everyone has a good day.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

  7. Hi Sandra
    First of all can I say Happy Birthday to Myra and Brenda, I hope you both have a fabulous day.
    Hazel a lovely card you send Sandra fir her birthday. We can marvel at these cards in the flesh so to speak.
    I do hope the girls don't suffer after getting a good soaking Sandra. You would have thought the Referee would have said no play today after the torrential rain we've been having.
    Saba I'm glad that at last you've been able to give Val a big but gentle hug.
    Thinking of the damilies who lost loved ones in the two wars today.

    1. Our grandson had to play the first half in a hailstorm before the ref had so much flak from the parents and cancelled the second half! The lads couldn't see the pitch so how he thought he could see beggars disbelief! x

  8. Morning Ladies

    A very Happy Birthday to Brenda & Myra, hope you both have a fantastic day.

    Hazel-your card to Sandra is gorgeous, so pretty & delicate.

    Another very wet & windy day here so it will be housework as usual then hopefully some crafting.


  9. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Wishing our two birthday girls Myra and Brenda a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY hope you both have a wonderful day with your families and enjoy every minute of it.
    Hazel your card is so crisp and clean looking with such an elegant look ever so beautiful, love your butterfly too.
    Our day to reflect, remember and give heartfelt thanks to all those who gave so much for us all to live in peace today and everyday.
    Does anyone know if it is possible to buy some elastic hours, I could really do with some, there are just not enough hours in the day at the moment, and I am sure Patricia could do with some too with all the work she is doing.
    Maureen hope your boiler engineer gets your leak problem solved really soon.
    Sandra you need to see the doctor or at least a nurse, TCP is not the answer.
    Oh it is raining again and our corgis are out for their walk without their coats on, here they come so must dash and get them dried.
    Have a lovely day everyone my hugs are over in the corner sending some special hugs and thoughts to Saba Val and family.
    Margaret xxx

  10. Good morning Sandra and everyone,
    Oh dear Sandra I opened up the blog this morning while talking to my sister on the telephone, what a shock to find myself staring back at me. Ha ha

    Thank you for your lovely birthday wishes, I have had some amazing birthday cards from the Cafe ladies, thank you everyone I will get around to replying to you all.
    MYRA , Happy Birthday, I hope you have a lovely day, and get spoilt rotten, sending you a big birthday (((((hug)))))

    Sandra don't suffer the pain of your ingrowing toenail, Go to the doctor or a chiropodist and get it can be sorted out. I know what it's like, and yes I agree, when you've got something sore why do you keep knocking it?

    Your poor girls, I would have hated getting that soaked, I hope they are both okay after playing in such a downpour.

    Well I better make a move girls coming over later, not son-in-laws though one is a Black Cabbie and doing the taxi run for the veterans so he will be in London until later afternoon. Other has to take youngest son to Rugby, he plays for Essex county in the junior team. They are very strict about attendance.

    Right I must press on, sending everyone love and hugs, Brenda XXX

  11. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    A very big Happy Birthday to Myra and Brenda. Hope you both have a wonderful day filled with fun and laughter and of course family. Xxxxxxx
    Patricia your card today is gorgeous, the paper is very pretty, thank you for sharing it with us Sandra. Xxxxxx
    We didn't get to the fireworks in the end, it finally stopped raining about 4 but by that time we had bought some goodies for dinner and had talked ourselves into a night in - if the weather improves this week and the ground is dry enought we can go to the village fireworks next Saturday. Not a lot planned for today, if it stays dry we will go for a walk to get some fresh air and stretch our legs.
    Sandra the poor girls, not what they need before exams, the rain was awful here yesterday so I surprised it wasn't postponed. You must get your toe sorted as I don't think it will sort itself out. Xxx
    Saba I'm so glad you got to see Val, I know how difficult this is so sending you a huge hug my lovely lady. I'm thinking about you xxxxxxx
    Well I will pop in later to see what's going on. Take care xxxx

    1. DIANE:- sorry to say that pretty card is NOT mine ... it's Hazel's.
      I would love to take the credit but I better not, I prefer "hugs" to "hits"
      Only joking, Hazel really would not bother. xxx

    2. Oh Patricia I'm sorry, I really wasn't awake! I should have known it wasn't yours - where are the flowers! Hazel, your card is gorgeous, thank you for letting Sandra share it! Right I'm off to bed!!!!!! Xxxx

  12. Afternoon everyone
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO BRENDA - have a lovely afternoon with your girls. Hope they spoil you as you deserve to be. Hugs xxxx
    MYRA - HAPPY BIRTHDAY - hoping you're having a really wonderful birthday and being spoilt. DO NOT FORGET YOU HAVE TO WEAR YOUR BESTEST MAD HAT TODAY - ALL DAY hehehe
    SABA - I'm thinking of all your wonderful family on this special Sunday. Hugs for all of you

    SANDRA - your bday card from Hazel is beautiful - so classy need I say more!
    Now do not play around with that toe nail. Please go and get it seen to. We don't want anything horrible to happen you have enough pain without adding to it.
    I really feel for your beautiful girls. It really is not on playing matches in such awful weather and as you say very close to their mocks. Someone needs to get their priorities right!

    I've managed to get my two boxes decorated this morning so just need to make one or two more little cards to go in them. I'll try and look in later to see what's happening. Hugs are on their way.
    I hope that all our café cherubs who haven't been in for a while are in good health and only busy.

  13. Morning Sandra and ladies,
    Happy birthday to our two birthday girls, hope you both have a lovely day.
    Hazel your card for Sandra is lovely, so delicate looking.
    This seems to be a busy month for birthdays for everyone, One of my nephews is 30 on Thursday and a niece will be 50 the same day, so busy doing cards among other things, I want some of the elastic hours please if you find them.
    Sandra that was a terrible day for the girls, I hope they don't come down with a cold, also please go and see the doctor about the toenail, you don't want it to get any worse.
    Off to get some washing on the airer, it's not a day for hanging it outside, wet and windy.
    Had a lovely coffe so will now get myself into gear and get a move on.
    Take care everyone, Jess xxxx

  14. Thank you ladies for your kind words about my card. I have to say I mainly do very simple cards, less is more are my cards. I have had a little look to see if I can find that pad of paper I used to find what it's called, but no luck that's what happens when I tidy up. X

    1. Hi Hazel,
      I love your card it very simple but effective well done. xx

  15. Hello Sandra & Ladies
    I hope your both spoilt.
    SANDRA ooo ouch please go to the doctors I had a ingrowing toenail a few years ago & in the end I had to go hospital & I had half my toenail cut off.
    How ridicules of the girls coach letting them play the football match in such horrible weather, I hope they are ok.
    Well I had a brilliant time at the NEC on Thursday. we went on Wednesday a 250 mile drive my friend did very well only stopped once. Arrived at hotel at 8oclock so put bags in room then went down for dinner.
    Got to the show just as it was opening after 2 hours we sat down for a snack & cupper. then walked until shutting time. I was shattered everything was aching & sore so we ordered dinner in our room, had a early night but couldn't get comfortable as in pain. Friday had breakfast then set off on our 250 mile trek
    Sorry didn't comment as still so tired & very sore. but was well worth it I got some lovely things so glad I took my trolley on wheels.
    Saba so pleased you got to give Val a Hug sending you both one from me.
    well not doing much today only putting things away. I'm off for some lunch now

  16. Sorry Hazel your card is beautiful I love love it stunning xx

  17. Hello Sandra and all the lovely , kind Ladies!
    Thank you so much for your Birthday wishes and thank you for the many lovely cards. As I am away from home it's hard to keep popping in !
    I will get round to you all individually in the next day or so! We go home tomorrow after the rush hour has passed.
    I ve had a lovely Birthday lunch and even a cake and I haven't had one of those for many years! It had a lovely pink rose on top.
    I've had some lovely gifts too including Sue Wilson dies , lovely new purse, a beautiful hand made crystal tree bauble, some pearls a candle holder and a really pretty vase.
    We went out for dinner last night and that was lovely too! I've been spoilt !
    Brenda ----/ Happy Birthday to you! I hope you have had a lovely day too.
    I will try to respond to all the posts later . Being away from home makes it more difficult.
    Karen - I hope you get good news very , very soon!
    Barbara - lots and lots of love xx
    Love to all, and many thanks,
    Myra xxxx

  18. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra hope the girls are ok now & please get your toe looked at xx
    Brenda wishing you a very Happy Birthday & enjoy your day.xx
    Myra a very Happy Birthday to you as well sounds as if you have been spoilt xx.
    Saba sending special hugs to you & Val & family thinking of you all xx
    I am about to sit & play with my new goodies lots of practise needed I think.
    Sending hugs to all who need tem love Margaret xx

  19. Good afternoon everyone, hope you are all TicketyBoo.
    HAPPY BIRTHDAY MYRA & BRENDA hope you are having a wonderful day.
    I have not been in, my iPad only had 3% charge when I got up this morning. Plugged in a charger I got in the £1 shop. Thought I was getting a bargain ... nope!! when I looked 10am it was only 11%, so that's no use.l
    I have been busy finishing off some more T-Light holders, making and attaching the Roses I made last night.
    That's me off to see what else I can do. The weather is shocking, nothing else for it but to keep busy. Might go bake some of Mararet's biscuits. xxx

    1. Please don't get the biscuits mixed up with you roses in the oven Patricia! xxx

  20. Oh oh !! I just remembered I forgot!!
    Forgot to say to Hazel - beautiful card! I love that butterfly! Xxx

  21. Hi Sandra and everyone today,
    Huge Hugs to our 2 girls who's Birthday's it is Today, BRENDA and MYRA !
    Happy Birthday and hope you both have a lovely day with the family !
    Lovely card Sandra from Hazel, that big Butterfly is all it's needed.Very nice.
    What a thing for the girls having to play football in such a horrid weather. I saw neighbours boy coming home after his drenched like a cat. We had 17+ here yesterday but a cold wind so hope non of them get a cold or worse.
    Had forgotten we were going for dinner out yesterday. Got back from London quite late but couldn't sleep very good until of course this morning when I had to get up and take a phone call from my pappa, who wanted to thank me for the card I managed to make and send in time,yay! It was a bit of a hit and miss, might send it to Sandra to see what you think (only honest opinions) eek
    Back and hips were killing me so needed to get out and move it but didn't feel like the gym. and still raining heavy here so we went into town and walked around the shopping mall. Lots of people , Christmasy in the stores and a market indoors so lots to look at . Good to see you had a great time at the NEC Lynda but you do get tired after being there so hope you can have a few day's rest. Saba- hope you had a nice time being with Val and the rest of the family. Sending you all many hugs and know I'm thinking of you.
    Hope Nic and Nikki had a nice time spending the day at home with you Jean and Sheila. Tummy rumbling so will go for a bacon roll and a tea ,read somewhere it was on the menu, it smells soooo good. Chasing the cheapest of Magnetic Sheets, need more for storage. See you later, hugs Xxxx

    1. Have you tried the Range? cheapest I have bought x

  22. Well my lot have gone home full of Sunday roast dinner. Tammy hasn't she off out with friends for a meal. Told me I was naughty doing roast chicken with all the lovely veg, roast potatoes and yorkie puddings ( yes you know the ones). Boys decided magnums for pudding was better than ice cream and fruit salad or carrot cake, did I complain NO!!!

    Again I will say thank you for your kind comments on my simple card. I have been using the butterfly die again today, I love it. It's like my heart felt aster die, I feel you don't need much more on a card.
    Off to unload the dish washer to then reload, I am I have one. Xxx

  23. HAPPY BIRTHDAY BRENDA AND MYRA Hopefully my cards will arrive tomorrow Totally forgot today is Sunday and no postie
    SANDRA I hope the girls are ok That referee sounds like a total idiot AND you must get that toes seen to!
    HAZEL What a beautiful card you made I have the diagonal one and have only used it once I must have another play!
    SABA Thinking if you and that all important hug for Val
    I spoke to daughter yesterday (was so goid to hear her voice) and they have been told provisionally Tuesday

  24. Ladies,
    I have just lost a huge post, and could not possibly re-do it all. So here are a few choice pieces!!!!
    Hazel, love that butterfly and diagonal die. It's a beautiful card.
    Myra, red glow in the sky was obviously from the candles on your cake - happy birthday.
    Brenda happy birthday.
    Saba, love, hugs and prayers to you and Val. You are constantly in my thoughts.
    Sandra, get that toe seen to.
    Karen, good news you spoke to daughter.
    Off to do some crafting.
    Maureen xxx

  25. what a terrible day we have had here, the rain was awful, it was so dark this afternoon we had the lights on, getting ready to settle down for telly, strictly results then later the last episode of Downton Abbey, so sad to see it finished.
    Managed to get some little torte candles wrapped up in cello in fours, tied with some of the lovely ribbon I got in the raffle at the retreat, looking god for the craft fair.
    Of to tidy the kitchen then settle down for the night.
    Hugs to all (((((()))))).

  26. Sorry should be looking good!!!

    1. Jess sorry I didn't get in yesterday to say how much I liked your painting. It's marvellous.

  27. Evening ladies. Sorry I have been missing but been very busy. Happy Birthday to Myra and Brenda. Think you have caught me up now Brenda. Yesterday's crafts were all wonderful. Thank you for sharing. Hazel your card today is beautiful. Love it. Well must get back to work. Hot a lot of birthdays this month and a craft Fair and the things won't make themselves.

  28. Well ladies I am off to bed, I have been busy all day between catching up on cards needed and wrapping things up for Patricia plus cooking. My spare room looks like a bomb has gone off, my ironing basket is full again so I must attack that in the morning. So again I will say thank you for your comments on my card and I will say night, night. Xxx

  29. Hello Ladies,
    Brenda and Myra, I hope you both have had a wonderful day, sorry my birthday wishes are so late but I have been thinking of you both.
    Karen I have everything crossed for Tuesday.
    I have had a " lovely" day with Val, Michael their son and daughter and grandchildren. We all had a family meal together and it was like a little bit of normality entered our lives for the day. We have laughed, reminisced and all tried to act normally around Val. She thoroughly enjoyed her day. We have planned a birthday party for her at the end of December with the whole family there and God willing it will happen.
    Hazel your card is lovely.
    Love and massive hugs, thank you to you all.

  30. HAZEL - please forgive me, I have just realised I didn't comment on your Birthday card for Sandra. It's lovely so fresh and clean. I Love it.

    I've had a lovely day. Both Daughters here and 4 grandchildren (2 not able to come) Black cab SIL came after he had completed his commitment to the war veterans. He really enjoyed being involved. So many tried to tip him. He told them it would be bad luck if he accepted any money. I never realised taxi drivers gave up their time for free. There are a lot of good things that happen, that make this country one to be proud of. I certainly felt very proud of him.

    Saba you and Val are in my thoughts and prayers xxx

    Night, night everyone , Sweet Dreams xxx
