
Thursday 5 November 2015

Janet's Beautiful Card

Good Morning Ladies,
Just look at this stunningly beautiful creation, I love the beautiful floral element that Janet has created in the centre of this card. Janet has used the Creative Expressions Lattice Arched Adornment, finished with pearls around the edges of the card, it looks amazing.  The Central Focal frame of the card comes from the Creative Expressions Vienna Die from the Austrian collection, Janet has matted this die cut with some Teal coloured card, to top this Janet has made a delightful arrangement of flowers and foliage, I  love the way the foliage swirls from the top to the bottom of the card.
Janet, I really,  really want to know where you got that AMAZING butterfly from? it looks like Lace, it is so pretty!
Thank you so very much for sharing this beautiful card with us xxxx

Well ladies I managed to get most of my bags unpacked yesterday and things put away, boy did I take a lot of stuff, mainly because I wanted everyone to have access to a die cutting machine etc.
It was interesting to see how many people still love the good old Cuttlebug, I was surprised that how many people agreed when I said that I thought they should just make a Larger Version of the Cuttlebug, without making any alterations to it, as it seems that we all thought that it was the most sturdy reliable small machine! I know that Patricia said that she had thought the exact same thing.
Maureen told us that her Cuttlebug had popped apart during a die cutting session but she just popped it back together and it continued to work perfectly! (something that can only happen to our Maureen )!
I still keep replaying part of the weekend back through my mind and chuckling to myself, so much humour in one room! Delicious cakes too, gorgeous Lemon Drizzle cake courtesy of Diane, Yummy Swedish Treats from Maria, those Ginger Biscuits were amazing! We had delicious shortbread handmade by Jess, it just melted in your mouth, Patricia bought some of her Scottish Tablet and Baileys Truffles that went down a treat after dinner, I don't think there were many of them left over, the cake that I couldn't get enough of was Margaret P's boiled fruit cake, it doesn't sound anywhere near as delicious as it actually was, I loved it and could quite easily have it as a Christmas cake, I think we should Publish a Cotswold Crafter Cake and Biscuit book.  Please ladies can we have your recipes??
That's all from me for now, I will call in again later,
Love and Hugs


  1. Good morning Sandra and the Cafe Crew. No point saying I hope you are all "TicketyBoo" too many are under the weather. I hope those ladies who are suffering feel a bit better today.
    JANET:- your card is "stunning" absolutely beautiful. Like Sandra I would be interested in the details of that butterfly.
    Everything looking good, I have popped a BIG pot of Carrot & Lentil soup on, to me this is "soup weather". Margaret might bring in some of her delicious Rolls to accompany it.
    MYRA:- have a wonderful weekend, enjoy your time at NEC. Glad the comfy shoes are packed ... I know, I know, they are not your usual "elegant" style but you will NEED them. Oh! plenty money and Credit Card as well.
    That's me off to be busy, I made some small boxes with matching cards yesterday, finished and looking good. The "bases" for today's bigger boxes are sitting waiting to be decorated. Flowers cut out, spritzed, scrunched, dried, ready to be sorted out and made up. I had been using the oven, it was cool but not cold. I popped all my cut out flowers on large baking tray, dried them off in the oven. I will be missing most of the day, this lot will take me ages. Hopefully I will see you in the evening.
    (((((hugs))))) in the basket as usual plus lots of extra ones, I know they will be needed, please help yourself. xxx

  2. Morning Ladies

    Janet- what a beautiful card, so very pretty.

    Quick visit this morning as I need to dry my hair & hubby has asked me to drop him off at the local Tesco where he is to spend the day shelf stacking. Some bright spark high up manager has thought this up- they are to give a day a month up (September-December) to go & work in store! Hubby said "that suggests we haven't got enough work to do" which is quite the opposite considering how many staff they made redundant!

    Rant over,

  3. Well I wrote a good sized comment pressed publish and got a thing up from blogger saying that two people were publishing at the same time. I have never seen that before? So I will try this first, I did think we could publish at any time???

  4. Now that worked ok but no one else has a comment up??? Strange
    Right good morning Sandra and all who call in.
    Janet, your card is beautiful and that butterfly is amazing.
    Saba and Jess I hope you are both feeling better? It's these English germs we are not use to them??? Ha ha ha
    I ended up in bed at the back of 7 last night, I seemed to have turned the corner I sat and put Christmas cards together in the afternoon, ( I had the die cuts done a while ago but couldn't be bothered to do anything with them). Helped cook tea. That was me I had to go to bed slept till 1 when I woke up coughing but got back to sleep each time.
    Lynda, now she will be up dressed and down for breakfast. She will be wanting to get to the show for the doors opening to see what she buy?
    Sandra, was saying about the cutlebug being the top machine, I think even with all its problems the GC comes second. We all seem to drift back to it. Cheryl, Lillian has a scan and cut she might be able to help you.
    Right I am away to have my tea and toast and just sit and see who comes in.

  5. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today.
    Janet, your card is beautiful, so many gorgeous elements to enjoy, and that butterfly.....please, please let us know what die it is, or where you got it from as it is stunning.
    Sandra, glad to hear you felt up to start the unpacking. I know you tried to take enough for anyone that couldn't bring all of their own things, and as it was the first retreat it was hard to judge just what would be needed. At least unpacking is quicker than.packing isn't it.
    I hope all that are not feeling so good for whatever reason get plenty of rest today. Take care xx

  6. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Wow Janet such a delicate, elegant and stunningly beautiful card and that butterfly is so delightful, oh please can we all have the details, I love everything about your card, thank you for sharing your wonderful talent with us all.
    The 3 Christening cards are almost complete but I now have an order for four birthday cards and I need to get a gift bag and card made for my friend over the road who has been give the go ahead to go to Australia by the doctor, so she is off on Sunday with all her medication and lots of presents for her baby granddaughter.
    On a brighter note I have got all of 5 C cards made! I am going to be more than a little busy today I think.
    Myra have a safe journey and a wonderful time especially at the show, you lucky lady!
    Lynda I hope both you and your friend have a super time at the show and have a safe journey.
    I do hope those in need of seeing the doctor, especially Hazel and Saba have now got appointments and will soon be on the road to feeling much better really soon.
    Have a lovely day everyone
    Margaret xxx

  7. Hi Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    Flying visit today as I've got chiropractor, cakes to make and decorate and cake lace butterflies to finish to put on them. If I get round to it I will use my new cake case die too- now there's posh for you! It's just a request from Julian's office for cake but there's no harm in making them look good is there.
    Janet I love your card - I've got that die, isn't it lovely and so useful. I haven't made it into a whole yet, must try that. Your flowers and butterfly are gorgeous too. Oh whoever received this would have been delighted. Thank you for sharing xxxx
    Sorry I didn't get back in last night - I got the knitting out again, sat watching the apprentice shouting at the TV as they were being such twits then realised I was using the wrong sized needles! I'd got a long way up the back so had to undo it all and re knit it! I'm nearly back to where I was. Thank heavens it's chunky and not 4 ply, I would have been spitting feathers!
    Right must go, hope everyone is feeling a bit brighter today and aches and pains and colds are gradually easing. See you soon xxxxxxx

  8. Good morning Sandra & ladies,

    After such good news yesterday, upon returning home, I had more than a little play in my craftroom.
    Maria, I have made 12 delightful little cards from all the die cut sheets which will get their inserts today and then popped into my ever growing box of cards for Scope. Thank you again lovely lady, if I hadn't come over for a chat with you at the pre-loved table, I would not have taken your advice to take them home with me. And our new Brown Owl is absolutely delighted with all the other sheets I gave her. Our Brownies will have many happy crafting days with your lovely gifts.

    Janet, oh my goodness, what a stunner of a card. Very very beautiful. I must use my configurations dies more often, you have given me oodles of inspiration.

    Only 4 birthday cards this months which makes it easier to finish off my growing list of Christmas cards. Joining the walking group has added extra lovely people to my list.

    Must away, get dressed and back to crafting.
    Love 7 hugs
    Cheryl xxx

  9. Forgot to add, the Festive trees I was asked to cut are done but I am terribly sorry, my head has been so full of apprehension on having the mammogram appointment and then happy, happy thoughts of still all clear have filled it to the point that I cannot remember if it was Jess, Pat or Sue that asked for them and gave me the card. xxx

    1. Cheryl I'm so glad to hear your news, that's lovely. Well done making all those cards too. Xxxxx

  10. Morning Campers ! :-) Morning Sandra and everyone. Tea and toast for me this morning, please.
    Beautiful card Janet, so many flowers and that pretty butterfly, very nice.
    Wishing anyone going to the NEC a fab. day.
    Hope all the colds are moving on from our sufferers and you soon start feeling better. Sue -hope your body not aching to badly. Not sure if unpacking is quicker then packing, still got things from the weekend on the stairs and not sure where to put it next. You did have a lorry load of things with you Lol.
    I got called last night to look after neighbours daughter while mum had to go working and dad took older brother for football training. Didn't get back until near midnight and then of course mr Sandman had gone past our house so not much sleep so a lazy morning. Oh but I must tell you, I got a card off for my dad ! tihi never made a card so quick before. Glad had prepped some the day before. Two more to send today but OH not home so a walk later (1.5 hour round trip) raining at the moment, not a very nice day. Take care all, hope to see you later sometime today, love and hugs Maria xxxx

    1. Hello Maria,
      You slipped in whilst I was writing. Well done on your super speedy card! Must be a record.

  11. Good morning Sandra and crew,
    Janet what a gorgeous card, I absolutely love it, I have the adornment die and would love to copy this idea from you. And that butterfly is beautiful. Thank you for letting us see this one.
    Patricia, carrot and lentil soup will go down a treat, thank you. How clever of you to bake your flowers!
    Myra have fun today, will be thinking of you. And Lynda, not sure if you are going today or tomorrow, either way have a fabulous time the pair of you.
    Cheryl, fantastic news yesterday, so pleased.
    Brenda LL, how did you get on with your MOT the other day? Sorry if I missed your comment.
    Hazel so glad you have turned the corner, I think I have too, just hope Jess is feeling better as well.
    Margaret, happy crafting, I didn't get to the doctors, sorry, I decided to see what today brings and I feel so much better. Didn't need my inhalers once in the night so maybe this time I will get away without antibiotics.
    Diane, I had to laugh at you using the wrong needles. I watched the Apprentice too and have taken a huge dislike to last evenings lady leader! Be over about 11 for cake.
    Right must get cracking and into the shower, Max and Abi's other granny is coming for coffee.
    Love for now
    SABA xxx

    1. Me too!! She murdered the English language!
      So pleased you are feeling a bit better. Be careful Grandma!! That's an expression my elder granddaughter uses when she is teasing me! Some interesting fashions on The Apprentice too! Xxx

    2. Oh same here she really irritated me last night - I hope she goes soon! Xxxx

  12. Good morning Ladies, just a quick one as we are dashing off to Inverness as I have an eye test , anyway Janet , this is a WoW !card, so intricate and delicate , definitely for someone special, ( wonder who that might be? ) love your butterfly it looks like lace? Thanks for sharing.xo
    Hope all those feeling poorly are on the mend xo
    Love and hugs to all xoxo

  13. Hello Sandra,
    I've just popped in quickly before I go! We leave at 10. 30am. All packed and I'm having a quick coffee which my husband made! Comfy shoes are in as I promised Patricia !! They don't look too bad - they are just a bit old - bit like myself really!!
    Janet today's card is beautiful! I love how the flowers cascade down the front with the lovely butterfly perched on top. Thank you for sharing it with us.
    Will try to pop back later .
    Love to everyone - hope you are better today Hazel ! I read Saba's as she is just above me! Xxx

  14. Good Morning Sandra and Friends, very wet here today, I think it going to leave us this afternoon and move further " up country ".
    Been to Asda this morning very busy, so I'm running late.
    Janet your card is out of this world, love everything about it especially the butterfly.
    Patricia great idea to dry flowers in oven, will try that one.
    Feeling more ' up ' this morning thank goodness.
    Going to use my scanncut tonight, o/h is out this evening, also away for the weekend so will hope to catch up with C cards.
    See you all later for some soup, no rolls for me thanks, still trying to loose my 2 stone by Christmas.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall

  15. Morning/Afternoon everyone
    I'm pleased to see that all of you who have been under the weather have now turned the corner and are beginning to feel somewhat better. Just take it steady for the next few days though. Please don't try and do too much at once.

    Myra and all going to the NEC - have a really good time whichever day you choose to go. Looking forward to hearing about your jaunt and purchases. I've never been to a large craft show. The biggest was one at the Trafford Centre and I think it was a Womens Weekly one?

    Thank you all for your very kind words about my card. They are always appreciated. I made it for one of our French Friends who now lives in St Brieuc in Brittany.
    Sandra has sussed all the dies I have used (how do you do that Sandra? You have a fantastic memory for the dies). The trailing Ivy is a Tattered Lace die. The flowers are from my stash - as you know I always buy these little flowers as I just cannot cope with making this size. The butterfly is made out of Lace and I bought it from 'The Works'. They come in a pack of 3 for £1. I bough quite a few packs and have fingers crossed that they will have some more in when I next visit as I'm now running low on them.

    Well I've had a good morning crafting some 4x4 notelets/bday cards along with separate tags with different messages on them to be placed on when needed. I only have to make boxes for them now - Patricia I just wish you were so so nearer as I just know I will be ripping my hair out by the rootfull. For some reason boxes and I just do not mix. Ah well I suppose I need something to try me out!!

    Some-one has just told my it is lunchtime so I'd better be off and feed the brute. lol. Will pop in later. xxxx

  16. Hello Sandra and everyone in the coffee shop,

    Hope you Sandra and all the coffee shop ladies are having a good day, Lynda and Myra enjoy the NEC. And try not to spend all of your pennies!

    Janet, I love your card, there is so much detail there, it looks a real labour of love, I'm sure the recipient will treasure this forever, it's beautiful.

    Sandra, love the idea of a cookery book, I have Margaret's butter biscuit recipe. But would love one for the lemon drizzle cake. I make a boiled fruitcake, I have been using the same recipe for years, saw il in a woman's magazine years ago. it never goes wrong. I have also used it as a Christmas cake and it works. If you like your cake to be alcoholic, just make it a little earlier and feed it alcohol until you're ready to put marzipan on. Now I must work on my brain cells (could be a slow process) to see what recipes I could add to this idea.

    Well I have really enjoyed my coffee this morning, I went for Colombian today, it's got a nice kick to it - just what I need!!

    Take care everyone, enjoy your day, love and hugs, Brenda. XXX

    1. Brenda I will email you my lemon drizzle cake recipe ( you might need to remind me!) - it's a tray bake one and quite easy to knock up. It's from good food magazine many moons ago. I feed my Christmas cake well too, the marzipan almost floats off! Xxxx

  17. We've arrived! What a difference travelling on a Thursday makes! No hold ups at all. Love Myra xxx

  18. Hi everyone, sorry I am a bit late today, but I did a quick post earlier to say that I was on shop duty at Carolines shop today, and the post went awol.
    Janet your card is absolutely gorgeous, I bet your friend loved it.
    I hope everyone who went to NEC had a good day, and everyone else who is going later, have fun.
    It has turned out a horrible day, just right for a cosy night crafting.
    I'm feeling a lot better now the cough seems to have gone a bit, bit I will still have some cough mixture before I go to bed, nothing worse then starting to cough when you are trying to sleep.
    Take care everyone, xxxx

  19. Hi Sandra & all in café.
    Sandra sounds as if you have recovered from the weekend, thank you for your comments about my cake. I must admit I never make any other fruit cake now, as Brenda said "It always works out well", there is condensed milk in it the only time it didn't work so well was by mistake I used a tin of "Light" c ondensed milk, it is a Mary Berry recipe I love her books hardly ever use any others, people have said that it reminds them of the fruit cake that Granny made. A cook book sounds a good idea, if anybody wants the recipe I will either email or send to it to you if Sandra could give me a list of address etc.please.xx
    Janet your card looks very complicated it is lovely well done.xx
    Cheryl lovely news for you another milestone passed special hugs to you, I love your gurt hugs.xx
    Saba & Hazel pleased to hear you feel better take care xx
    Hope Jess feels better as well.xx
    Myra &Lillian hope you get some bargains.xx
    Sue still waiting to catch up with you to hear all about the weekend hope to see you tomorrow, I know this weather is not good for you xx
    Must go & check oven got a cake cooking yes another fruit one perhaps some will be in café tomorrow.
    Hugs on way to all who need them love Margaret xx

  20. Good evening everyone, Wow Sandra this is one beautiful card from Janet, its exquisite the flowers and die cuts are just enough, oohs it's lovely.
    I'm very late today, one thing after another this morning the crafting this afternoon, called post office and supermarket on way home traffic awful and pouring with rain too.
    My son has just been with a filing cabinet, with the slim drawers, says there is another one if I want it - oh yes I can fill it so now changing craft room around.
    Oh I like the idea of a recipe book or similar, Margaret I would love your recipe for the fruit cake, I used to do one similar years ago but gave lost the recipe.
    Just cuddling with the dogs now, fireworks starting to go off,
    Will pop in later if I can get to computer, can't move in my room at the moment.
    Hugs in the basket - I so hope everyone is on the better side now - Myra hope you enjoy NEC I've only been once but loved it.
    Take care everyone
    Jean xxx

  21. Good afternoon Ladies,
    Brenda I have a story about coffee from Columbia (I think it was Columbia anyway) When I went last year to buy Paul some good quality coffee beans I decided (after having a taste) to give the one they were featuring that day in Whittards, it had a really good flavour, strong, just as he likes, I also picked up some Breakfast Blend and a French style beans too, only the small bags as they don't keep too well even in the proper conditions, anyway when they rang it through the till it came to almost £40 !!! Well I nearly died, I asked if there was a mistake and that I hadn't requested shares in the plantation, the cashier then explained that the Columbian Blue Mountain Beans that they were featuring today were a very high quality bean and the small 250g bag I had bought was little short of £30!!! So I politely asked if he would removed the beans from my bag, I am sure they were worth every penny but I am afraid that Paul may have had a coronary had I told him that I had paid that much for beans! So I have learnt now to ASK before I decide!
    Now talking of spending lots of money, have you seen that Sunrise have the pictures of Sue's Die release up today. So you can go look at what's on offer!
    They are very nice but I am not sure I can justify buying anymore just yet, after all I have just bought. a Spellbinders bundle!
    Pat's Ultimate has arrived today so may get a visit from her tomorrow, that's if she isn't on one of her many lunch dates!
    Well I must go and attempt to organise tea as girls have football training tonight and Mr 'Shifter' won't be home till way after seven, blooming shifts!
    When you are used to them coming in at five those extra two hours really drag, oh well maybe the girls will help?? ..............,,Duck everyone I just seen a flying pig!!!!
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxxxx

    1. Oh dear Sandra, what a shock when you were told the price of the coffee. Glad you had the courage to say 'no thank you' As much as Paul enjoys his coffee that would have spoilt the taste! xxx

  22. Evening all, not sure about you but today has been a stinky wet day so even if I was dressed right and had a good walk to the post office I was soaked coming back home, jumped in the shower to get warmed up, put my comfy trousers on with a fleece jacket over the tee and sat down in my chair and fell nicely to sleep. Woke up by son coming home from work and quickly had to start the dinner. Just easy Pasta bake so it's now in the oven, smells pretty good. wow, that was some expensive coffee Sandra Lol. wonder if it been so good tasting for that price. Had a look at the new dies and stamps on Icon, they are nice but it will have to be for a while. Have fun with the Spellbinders. Curious what Myra and Lynda have got new, hope they tell us. If you are in the UK Janet around one of the bigger shows do try to go once if you can. It is a experience, not as good as your Pastries for sure but... which one will you have tomorrow ? Jess, Saba and Hazel, good to see you starting to feel a bit better. Keep warm and take it slowly whatever you are doing. Cheryl- I'm so glad my scraps and bits coming to good use. Find it hard to throw things away even if I not use it so hope you grandson have fin with it. Brenda LL, hope you not stuck with a big bill after MoT. Jean- did Nic get her new living accommodations sorted ? Sandra and Pat, have fun together tomorrow if you are meeting up. Was I right in Pat getting a card from John ? Dinners ready, back later Xxxx

  23. Helloooooooooooo,
    Janet, your card is absolutely stunning. No words can express how beautiful it is
    I've read all your comments and have immediately forgotten everything everyone said!!! I can remember Sandra saying about flying pigs, I think they've been flying over our car because there's some mighty big sh** on the roof and windows ha ha.
    Myra, I see you got there safely and I hope you have a wonderful time with Victoria at the NEC.
    Hazel, good to see you feeling a bit better and up and about.
    Jess, I hope your cough soon goes completely.
    Patricia, have you ever tried putting food in your cooker? (tin hat)
    Sandra, I loved your coffee bean story. Reminds me of the time in M&S that I saw their bunches of lilies were only £1.99 each so I picked up 3 bunches and marched to the till to pay for them. The girl rang them through and said "That will be £59.97!!!!!" Eek, they were £19.99 a bunch, so I told her that I was sorry but I'd changed my mind and walked away.
    Do you know, if I'd been younger I'd have been too embarrassed to do that!!!
    Saba, I hope you are feeling much improved and will get to see Val tomorrow. Did you have a good day with the "other" Grandma?
    Brenda LL, how is your car. Is it going in for another MOT?
    Maria, enjoy your Pasta Bake, yummy.
    See you all later

  24. Hi Sandra
    Once again I'm late in. So nothing left I assume in the fridge for me to eat. Mind you I feel like a stuffed pig after Lunch and Treacle pudding and custard afterwards. Plus chocolate birthday cake after we got home to my friend Heathers.
    Janet I love your card today, especially the arched adornment. I think this makes a card don't you.
    Yes Maria
    I did win the card on Johns blog. I'm not to sure when I'll get it though s he's at the NEC all this weekend. This card was amazing. I can't believe my luck.
    Have you seen the preview of Sue's new dies on Icon?. Not to sure if I can afford any more dies at the moment though. I'll just muddle through with the ones I already have for awhile.
    Hope Saba, Hazel, Maureen and Jess are feeling a bit better today.

  25. Well, its quiet in here tonight, I do hope that all of our lovely blog friends are feeling better tomorrow!
    I bet there are some tired legs from those walking around the NEC, I am tempted, but know deep down it will be too busy, I love all the demonstrations though! It has a great atmosohere!
    Get well hugs to all of you that need one x
    Sandra xxx

  26. I've tried and tried to leave a comment over the past few days and they've disappeared Your works on show have been tremendous I'm sorry I'm not leaving individual comments I'm so busy, had a tooth out yesterday do feeling a bit sorry for myselfMy MIL is unwell so went to hers to cook a proper dinner (for a change!) AND daughter is in Sharm el Sheik so can't stop worrying about her I will keep popping in but may not comment

    1. Oh Karen, poor you. You'll see that Charlotte be fine and will be back home soon, your MIL will get better and try to stop for a coffee when you can. Miss you so hope we can meet up soon, hugs xxx

  27. Flying visit again - just about to start knitting but thought I would look in quickly. Must check needles tonight! I've gad fun this afternoon decorating chocolate cup cakes. I cored them so they have a secret chocolate filling, chocolate buttercream on top with a cake lace butterfly on. I've even cut cupcake covers for them using my new die from crafters companion. One of the girls in Julian's office requested chocolate cakes so when he takes them in first thing she will have the choice of sharing them with the vultures or taking the whole lot home! Julian's at a clients most of the day so can't supervise them! He thinks they won't eat them because they look too nice - yes right - that's going to last about 5 minutes with that lot!
    Right knitting is calling, oh Emma has just sent through photos of the Aberdeen fireworks - it's been pouring here but still one to two bangs - I think it's dry up there! See you all tomorrow xxxxx

    1. Hi Diane- did you remember to take a photo of your cakes ? love to see them, they sound sooooo good hihi xxx

    2. Diane Thank you, looking forward to the Lemon Drizzle recipe, I will keep an eye on my email. LOL xx

  28. Hi again, just popped in to say to you all to have a good night and happy dreams. Still sitting here and thinking back to the weekend, so many things I'd liked to make and learn .Watching Hochanda I have recorded, John making some nice flowers, always look so easy when others makes them. Maybe my problem is because I got stumpy fingers.
    Big hugs to everyone, special once to Saba and Norah and to anyone who need one because you are all special to me! Maria XxxXxx

  29. Cheryl I've sent you an email as it was me who wanted the trees.

  30. Hello ladies,
    Just a quickie before I go to bed.
    I have admitted defeat and been to see a Dr. It was a bit of a hassle but I finally got an appointment and am now on antibiotics. Daft thing is I actually feel fine now, it's just my asthma which has been affected by the chest infection but once the antibiotics kick in it will settle down.
    Tomorrow is the day I will finally see Val. It's going to be hard but it has to be faced by both of us. I am staying overnight so we have plenty of time to talk. She has been seen by a team from the Hospice now, that knocked me for six, but it has made her feel reassured that she will be supported and they are pulling out all the stops to get her pain free on morphine.
    I probably won't get in here tomorrow, but please don't worry, I'll be fine.
    Karen, I am thinking of you, do let us know when your daughter is safely home.
    Love and hugs for you all
    Saba xxxx

    1. Dear Saba, Try to have a nice time with Val and give her many gentle hugs from me and I sending you a bunch too. Tell her about your few days away and all the "mad hatter's" you met, hope the pictures look ok. Take care, hugs xXxx
