
Wednesday 4 November 2015

A quick card today x

 Good Morning Ladies,
Just a quick card for today, I loved the design that Sue used for her the card she made on Sunday morning,
so I thought I would have a go tonight using a red and white theme.  Its Basically a clean and simple card.
I cut the centre aperture using a Spellbinders Heart & Flutter die (it comes on two parts, a basic heart shape with a decorative inner), I just used the basic outline and cut the aperture.  I had some embroidered heart lace ribbon, which I used around the outline of the heart to give a frame. I put some red card with white Polka dots to put behind the aperture and also used this with the Spellbinders Cinched Flower die (my new favourite die) to make the flower for the card, I placed the flower upon some Spellbinders Foliage die cuts for a bit of contrast.  I then Die cut a Tattered Lace 'With Love' die, which I stuck to the card a little bit wonky (not on purpose of course) I didn't notice until Paul had photographed it ! But never mind, every card is unique!  I popped a little red bow in the top corner of the card for balance and some red pearls.
Something a little different, hope you like it!
Just a quick one from me today, I look forward to reading your comments today,
Love and hugs


  1. Hi Sandra and all in the Cafe today. I love your card. It is so pretty and you know I love the red and white combo and the lace is a gorgeous touch.
    I will be using this design again as I love how simple but effective it is. I will even send you a pic of my finished card as I was really happy with it. Thank you Cheryl for your very helpful advice about using just a section of the card, it put my mind at rest. It's just a shame we don't live closer so that I could pick your brain more often : )
    (Mum, my secret is out isn't it. I made your card on Sunday, but then you already know that I am often chasing my tail to get them finished on time, don't you! : )
    I hope the aches and pains and tiredness is starting to wear off ladies, sadly I am not going to see Sandra and Pat this week as the joints are still not happy but that is the pay off for a wonderful weekend. At least we Three Graces can usually meet up every week, unlike a lot of you so we mustn't grumble, well, not much any way!
    Have a good day everyone. Take care xx

    1. A little moan is ok, Sue! Xx

    2. Oh Sue, sorry to hear you still suffering, gurt big (((hugs))) on their way. xxx

    3. Take care Sue, keep warm and rest up xxxx

  2. Good Morning Sandra and Ladies, very dull wet and dark here, I HATE winter.
    Sandra I love your card, the lace trim is so neat, when I try to do this I seem to get glue everywhere, did you use glue or red liner tape? lovely flower, have not seen this die,will see if Hope and Chances has one.
    Sorry I did not get back last night, very late going to bed last (this morning really), did read all the comments but fell asleep after that.
    For some reason this time of year saps my enthusiasm for any thing, so have to really concentrate on work to get my usual lot finished.
    My tattered lace sub came yesterday with over 70 digital dies to cut on my scan n cut,so maybe that will get my mojo going .
    Hope you all have a lovely day whatever you're doing.
    Going to have a nice cuppa , would love some toast,but better not, going with cereal if there is enough milk in today.
    Hugs all round, you keep me going.
    Best Wishes Lilian in Cornwall.

    1. ((((hugs)))) to you too Lilian, xxx

    2. Hi Lilian,
      Enjoy your scan n cut, mojo's are funny things, one minute they are there, the next they're gone!!! xxx

  3. Morning Ladies

    Sandra- I love your card, so clean & crisp looking.

    I took the few Christmas cards that I've made into work yesterday & got orders for 10 cards, unfortunately 8 of the same design! Luckily it's a printout off one of my CD-ROMs but it's quite detailed. Will start printing them out tonight while the heating engineer is servicing the heating. I'll have a mad dash to get home for 5.30 but it's worth it.

    Managed to arrange a meet up with Myra & Jean on Saturday 5th December. We're meeting in a Chocolate Shop-it's an award winning shop with a nice cafe plus there's a small craft shop next door which I haven't been to for a few months. Really looking forward to the meet up.

    Right-best get ready for work, at least it's not foggy today.


    1. That sounds like fun! Love the sound of the Chocolate Shop and how perfect having a craft shop next door, good planning! xo

    2. Hi Michelle
      Sounds like my idea of heaven. Chocolate and craft. Where is this shop please. Might be able to get to it one day.

    3. Enjoy your meet up Michele. Myra and a chocolate shop, perfect combination - I'm sure Jean is too, but I haven't met her yet! Xxxx

    4. really looking forward to meeting up - it wil be here before we know it

    5. Something else to look forward to and I can be there in next to no time! By that I mean 10 - 15 minutes! Xxx

    6. What a wonderful type of place to meet. I have to admit I love the Thornton's Coffee Shops around Sheffield - beautiful chocs and hot choc to die for. Do we have another Three Graces in our fold lol.

    7. Oh Goodness, Gracious Me!! Xxx

    8. Hi Michele, how wonderful that you arranged a meet up and in a chocolate shop too. Oh yes please tell us where it is mmmmmm xxx

    9. Both shops are in Tarleton village. The chocolate shop is amazing....!!!


    10. I wish you'd all stop it!!! I'm salivating as I'm writing. Must find a route to Tarleton ha ha (be afraid, be very afraid!!!) xxxxx

    11. What a lovely idea, chocolate and craft, have a lovely meet up

  4. Good morning Ladies, beautiful clear morning so maybe I'll get out to the garden , it badly needs some attention.
    Sandra, your card is lovely and colourful and the flower is gorgeous !
    I finally got round to doing a couple of Christmas cards yesterday, I think I have now made 5 in total, only about 50 more to go ! Why do we put ourselves under this pressure, I do enjoy making them , it's just the amount that puts me off.
    Well time for tea and toast , I wonder if Patricia will be at her table, she's late this morning.
    I'll pop back later, love and hugs to you all xoxo

    1. Hello Anne, hope your C Card making goes well. I'll have to start again this weekend. xxx

  5. Good morning Sandra and the Cafe Crew.
    I am late this morning .. NO!! I have not been asleep. I was doing yesterday's ironing. It was tumble dried and could/should have done it yesterday but I was "playing". I have a confession to make I shoved a linen shirt back in the basket. I just could not be bothered ironing it ... silly I know I will have to do it tomorrow.
    SANDRA:- your card is great, love the colour and the super design. The lace round the heart is soooo!! neat.
    Have made some Tea & Toast, I am off to join Anne for a chat.
    (((((Hugs))))) in the basket by the door. I know there are a few who need them including my sister who will not admit how bad she is. xxx

    1. Oh Patricia you are naughty! It's ok we won't tell! Xxx

    2. Oh Patricia,
      You've no idea how much better that makes me feel! Xxx

    3. A crumbled Linen shirt, oh well xxx

    4. Now Patricia, I have to admit that I am really shocked. I bet it's not still in the basket though!!! xxx

    5. That's the trouble with linen it creates when you wash it and when you wear it hope you have a good steam iron.

    6. That should read creases!!!!!!!

  6. Good Morning Sandra and the Gang,
    Sorry I didn't get in yesterday, if I wasn't playing cricket ( on the x box I hasten to add) I was being a playmobil fairy, and whilst they were at school I was out for the day with Rachel on her day off - shopping in Harrogate. I could have done without it, I am chockablock with a cold and feel rotten but she was so looking forward to it. Think I might need to see the doctor for antibiotics though, I will just see how today goes, at the moment my inhaler is relieving the tightness but I know from past experience I will probably need them. So annoying! It also means I can't go see Val, I definitely don't want to give it to her. We have arranged for Friday. I could scream.
    Anyway moaning over.
    Sandra like the clean and simple look of this card and the colours you have used, perfect for a quick card.
    Diane lovely card yesterday, the shading on the wall had such depth and your butterfly stamped on the envelope was a lovely touch.
    Myra and Lynda I am so jealous, NEC. Have a fabulous time. Not sure if anyone else is going.
    Margaret and Pops, happy anniversary for yesterday.
    Hazel and Jess I hope you both start to get some relief from all your aches and pains soon. This horrible weather doesn't help either. Please take things easy.
    Lilian, I hate winter too but then I moan if it's too hot in summer as well. Think I would like it to be spring all year round.
    Right must get showered and dressed. I am home alone today until I pick the children up from school and I want to do some jobs for Rachel around the house. If I sit here feeling sorry for myself I'll only feel worse.
    Love for now
    Saba xxxx

    1. Saba what is the point in waiting please go to the doctors today as the sooner you get the antibiotics the sooner you will recover and see Val,, come on be brave, go see the doctor. xxx

    2. SABA:- you and Hazel must have passed through the same "germ machine" she is absolutely full of the cold as well.
      You need to get to the Doctor ... today!! Please don't put it off.
      I am so sorry to hear you manage to see Val. The cold is the last thing she needs right now. ((((Hugs))))) xxx

    3. Oh Saba, I know how you feel, as I have this nasty bug too. You get to the doctors don't wait. Charlie has told me if I am not a lot better by tomorrow I have to go to the doctors. So sorry you are missing seeing Val. Your so right you can't go near her. Xxx

    4. Trouble is, I'll have to register as a temporary resident with Rachel's surgery and presumably have to see a doctor whereas at home I would just get a prescription, my GP knows I only take antibiotics when I really need them. I will ask her to phone when she gets home.
      Hazel, so sorry you have caught it too, it's a nasty one isn't it. I can't remember the last time I had one as horrid as this one. You get to the doctors too, Margaret is right, it's daft to wait.
      Love and sneezes, Saba xxxx

    5. Saba my love get to the doctor as soon as you can . I expect you have got really run down with all the travelling and worry you've gad and stopping at the weekend allowed it to take hold. You need to hit it on the head quickly so you can spend time with Val- or being a play mobile fairy! Keep warm and dose yourself up . Lots of love and hugs, and thank you for your kind comment on my card xxxxxx

    6. Oh Oh! You really didn't need this on top of everything else! Please see a doctor ASAP! So sorry you can't see Val just yet. In the meantime you'll just have to be Tinkerbell!
      Take care, my friend, speak soon! Xxxx

    7. Oh Saba you really could have done without that on top of everything
      else. You should really know about our good old Yorkshire Weather.
      While you were in Harrogate did you go to 'Bettys' for tea and crumpets? I love that shop. Unfortunately we don't seem to get there very often these days.
      Special warm hugs for you today. xxxx

    8. Hi Saba, so sorry to see you came down with a stupid bug on top of everything else. Hope you called the doctor and got some help and you will be able to see Val before going back home. Nice to be a little fairy :-) Should have asked you about Harrogate more, it's a place we like to visit in the Spring perhaps next year. Take care xxx

    9. Hi Saba, Hope you have been to the doctors? Take care , lovely lady xxx

    10. Have you been to the doctors yet! I hope you get something to help you. You need to get better to see Val. xxx

    11. Saba,


    12. Hi Saba, hope you get help with your cold soon, get well soon

    13. Hi Saba. I'm so sorry to hear you are feeling so rough. Yes, you will have to jump through hoops just to see a doc here, compared to what you would do in Germany but please get those meds, you know your own body best after all, and then you will be able to see Val. Playing cricket and Playmobil faries will help too as those gorgeous littleones smiles will warm anyones heart : )Love and hugs xxx

  7. Good morning Sandra and all the coffee shop crew
    Love today's card Sandra especially how you have matched up the heart and flower.
    We are not going shopping today so hopefully Derek will not have any panic moments, he is washing the kitchen and utility floors at present, his job usually done on a Tuesday but I excused him yesterday as he needed to recover!!
    Just a little fog but still cold and damp, do hope the sun makes an appearance today as our grandson is playing in a hockey tournament for his school this afternoon, he says he wants to score a hat trick not just one goal, how's that for ambition!
    Have orders for three christening cards so must get on with them, have a good day everyone I do hope you are all recovering well after the weekend.
    Special hugs and love to Saba and family.
    Margaret xxx

    P.S. Did you all know Sue Wilson is bringing out another range of dies the middle of November, there is a note on Icon about pre-orders!

    1. Hello Margaret, I've just been over to Icon. 31 new dies !!!!! I've still got a few other dies on my wish list I would like, before starting on a new collection. xxx

    2. There are actually a lot of stamps too. Some are rather nice but I'm not buying any just yet! There is one die I particularly like - it's an oval set of 3 dies with On your Special Day! That would be useful. Some nice stamps to fit striplets too! Xxx Aargh! Xx

    3. Hi Margaret, yes you must let Derek catch his breath before taking him shopping again, bless him :-) More die's from Sue ! I can't buy anything more this year that's for sure, saving for two craft fairs and hopefully another retreat it's more important. They do come out a bit too often xxx

    4. Margaret C, you are too kind to Derek!!!
      Not more dies, wonder if I can sell my body? ha ha

  8. Hi Sandra
    Lovely card today. It reminds me of poppies so it's very appropriate for this time of year. Might just have to borrow the die. Must have a practise of the flowers that Patricia showed us how to make as well sometime.
    It's a shame you weren't at the retreat Lilian as you could have shown Cheryl how her Scan N Cut works. She bought it with her but we didn't have time to look at it.
    Hugs yo Hazel and Jess, I do hope you both start to feel better soon.
    Hope your inhaler helps Saba. If nit make sure you get some Antibiotics, so that your not to long away from Val.
    Thought I'd come in early Maureen while I thought if it. I hope to see Sandra sometime this week, she ordered an Ultimate Pro for me from C & C and I thought it might have been here by now.
    Taking Petes cousin to the Eye Hospital this morning. Did her shopping for her yesterday then off tomorrow for lunch with friends at the Toby in Swindon.
    Oh dear Margaret another set of dies from Sue. I hope there's nothing I like ( as if ) or I'll be spending money again.

    1. Hi Pat, normally crafters companion orders come through quickly but they have been saying this week their orders are a bit behind due to their birthday week. Mine took less than a week but had extra goodies in that were really useful, and p&P was free! Xxxx

    2. Hello Pat,
      I ordered storage from C&C - the birthday offer thing - which didn't work!! I haven't received it yet but had an email yesterday asking me what I thought of it! Typical! Xxx hope your package comes soon! Xx

    3. PAT:- I have an Ultimate Pro, only ever use the "BOX" board. I ordered the little A4 Box Board on its own, I was delivered on Monday just before I got home. The Crafters Companion orders seen to be taking ages to get sent out. Don't know if they have were over busy with those shows or are C&C slipping back to their old ways??

    4. I got my order today after nearly a week since I ordered it, and I didn't get my £10 birthday gift, they took the proper price, good mind to send it back, but I like the card I got. xxx

    5. Hi Pat, I hope you get your Ultimate Pro soon. I got mine years ago from a craft shop, and didn't get any of the nice things that you get with it from C&C - typical!!! xxx

    6. Hi Pat, hope you get your order soon,bought mine when they first came out.
      Ordered from C&C to use my £10, but only got about £5 off as they took some off the club gift which was supposed to be free!
      Email doesn't work, get so annoyed with them.

  9. Good morning Sandra and ladies, love today's card, it's simple but beautiful.
    Well all I can say ladies be thankful this is a virtual cafe. You wouldn't want me in here in real life. I am still full of this nasty cold and cough. I went to bed last night with lots of Vicks vapour rub, rubbed on. It has loosened my cough and I can breath better as my nose is now unblocked. Another bed day for me, I will stay in it and keep cozy. My case is still where Charlie dumped it - I mean that it's in the spare room dumped to one side. I will hopefully get it unloaded tomorrow. I had to ask Charlie to put washing on as the basket was overflowing. He normally will do these things, but it's like I am not doing anything and neither is he.
    Myra, Michele and Jean your meet up will be wonderful being in a chocolate shop.
    Lynda, save journey and enjoy your trip.
    Oh that was handy I noticed I had been signed out by Google but managed to sign in and not loose what I had written.
    Saba, sending you (((((( hugs)))))) as I know you will be needing them. Enjoy our time with those grandchildren.
    Norah, also sending you ((((( hugs)))))) as I know this is a sad time for you.
    Right I am going to get a shower and see if I feel a bit brighter. Xxx

    1. Sorry to hear you are still not feeling too good Hazel, Lots of things have most probably caught up with you, and it was a long journey (worth it) at the weekend. Take care and rest up warm,

    2. Hazel you stay warm and dose yourself up too- the washing will still be there when you're feeling better ( yes I know you don't want it to be, but I know from experience it will be!!!!!). Xxxxx

    3. So sorry you are not well, Hazel! You must be ill to stay in bed!!
      As Diane says - that washing will wait for you! Washing is like that. Please take care, my Friend! Xxx

    4. Oh Hazel you really do sound poorly - I'm so sorry and after such a wonderful week-end you had. Perhaps it's the after effects of such a busy time you had. Sometimes when you have been so busy and then relax everything hits you at once. Take care and I'm sending warming hugs for you xxxx

    5. Sending you lots and lots of squidgy hugs to wish you better and take it easy for a few day's. xxx

    6. Hi Hazel, have you tried Vicks First Defence spray? Works wonders. xxx

    7. Cheryl, I seemed to have turned a corner this after noon, still got a cough but not so sore to cough. Thank you anyway fir that in formation. xxx

    8. Glad you ate feeling better, I bought a cough bottle at Tescos and that seems to be helping. xxx

    9. Oh Hazel, sorry you are feeling so lousy. Don't worry about the washing, the good fairy will come and do it for you NOT. It's one certain thing in life, nothing will be done until you are on your feet again. I hope you've had a lovely duvet day with Margaret bags, your little hot water bottle, and something cool to drink xxxx

    10. Hazel take care and get well soon, anti cold hugs waiting for you.

    11. Hi Hazel. Hope you are feeling better still today x

  10. Good Morning Sandra and everyone,

    Love your card today with the matching heart and flower (This flower die is one I haven't seen before) it all goes together beautifully. Thank you for sharing.

    How did you get on yesterday at the ENT clinic? John saw the ENT consultant yesterday, who confirmed he has labyrinthitis, he's had a few severe attacks lately, and on a couple of occasions he's just had to lie down. He has always been so healthy, only ever having 2 days off in all his working life. Anyway he's keeping cheerful and positive about everything.
    Saba, Please go the doctors. You know it makes sense LOL
    Hazel, Hope the pain is easier today. LOL
    Patricia, don't feel guilty about putting that shirt back in the basket. If it was needed you would have ironed it. Have a good day xx
    Sue (Mrs B) sorry you are not up to meeting the other two graces. Please take it easy. Sending gentle (((((Hugs))))) xx

    Must move myself, three of our grandchildren have birthdays coming up, hopefully I will get started on there cards today. Don't anyone mention the C word I haven't even started on those yet !!!!
    Hope everyone is having a good day, If you are feeling under the weather just take things easy, hopefully you will be feeling better soon.
    Love and hugs for everyone, Brenda xxx

    1. Brenda OB, don't worry, we won't mention Christmas!!!! (oh I can be really evil at times lol). Hope you've had a good day, and sorry to read about John. xxxx

    2. Glad someone else hasn't started the C cards yet, have to make a dinosaur card for Grandson first.

    3. Thank you for those lovely hugs Brenda : ) Sending some back to you with my love. I hope you and John are looking after yourselves.Take care xx

  11. Good morning ladies,
    Well I just went to have a peek and it's a HUGE launch from Sue 31 die sets in total including 3 new Noble Sets double pierced squares and rectangles '2' and cathedral background! There are loads of others, new flowers - Orange blossoms too.
    I can't believe it !
    My ENT Consultant did his investigations (what a gross job they have) he said I have Rhinosinusitis, I have never heard of such a thing! He has prescribed a Steroid spray for me to use every day! Which is just great, I hate snorting things up my nose, but rather that than be poorly like I was earlier this year!
    I am off to make some tea, anybody want one??
    Love and hugs
    Sandra xxx

    1. Pleased all went well for you Sandra,
      must go and have a look at Sues new dies - fatal mistake I think xxx

    2. Hello Sandra - at least you now know and you have medication to help you.
      I love your card for today - I love the simplicity of it and that flower of yours is just beautiful. I don't know that die but I feel I will be getting to know it.
      I must be the only person that didn't know there was another launch. I will go an have a look although it is really close to the last one.
      Hugs just for you xxxx

    3. I'm with you on snorting things up my nose, I hate it! BUT I hope the steroid spray will help you. Would hate you to have to go through all that pain again. LOL xxx

    4. Hello Sandra,
      I hope your spray does the trick. It's not something I would like to do, but if it helps and eases you, well it's worth doing.
      Your card today is lovely, I've seen that design somewhere else but for the life of me Sue, I can't think where!! ha ha

    5. Glad you're going to get something to ease your pain.
      I'm afraid to look at Sue's new dies as I'm sure to want some.

    6. Hi my lovely. At least you know what it was and have a way of stopping it happening again.
      Maureen, I don't know what you mean haha.xx

  12. Morning Sandra and ladies, your card today Sandra is lovely, so clean and simple.
    Got up a bit late today, but had a really good nights sleep, I think we must have picked up a bug at the retreat as so many of us have colds and coughs.
    Off to do some shopping, will catch up later. Take care xxxx

    1. Glad you had a good night Jess! Sorry you got this cold too! Xxx

    2. Jess so pleased you had a good nights sleep (they say and I believe) sleep is a great healer. Just don't go pushing yourself to hard. Take care xx

    3. Hello Jess,I really do hope you are soon on the mend and right as rain, but you do not know how pleased I am that I couldn't get a seat on the train with you, Hazel and Patricia. Although I did go along the carriages and give you all big, stonking hugs and kisses. Oh dear, I think I'd better have a pint of Baileys immediately. Alcohol is so good for infections!!!
      Muriel xxx

  13. Hello Sandra,
    Today's card is lovely. Clean and simple and the lace just finished it off! I don't know that flower but that's typical me!
    I decided to post today before reading as it takes too long!! I'm too long -winded as well. However I did notice Sue, as first and Sue I loved the card you made for your parents it was lovely!
    Michele, Jean and I have arranged to meet up but until the beginning of December! We are all so busy , you know! I'm so looking forward to that!
    I'm mostly going to pack up and tidy today. Again!
    Have three cards to sort out for next week. They are almost finished .
    See you later,
    Love Myra xxx

    1. Myra enjoy your meet up with Michele and Jean, if it turns out like when Hazel, Patricia, Norah,and myself met, you will have a lovely time xxx

    2. Myra, have a safe journey tomorrow, have a lovely time with the family, and have you noticed that Jess did not mention how nice it was when she met up with all of us at the Retreat!!! Hmm, and I liked her as well, you'll notice the past tense of like!!! ha ha.

    3. Jess! That's you off Maureen's Christmas card List! Good job you've already got it!!! Xxx

    4. Hi Myra. Thank you for the kind words about my card. It's one of those designs that "just works" isn't it. Have a good day with the family x

  14. Good morning Sandra and all who pop in - have commented as I have read down the comments - seems like a few are suffering with colds etc, Sometimes public transport is a breeding ground for all these colds, especially trains and planes, when you are on for a long time.
    Hope everyone is feeling a lot better pretty soon. Saba hope you get to see Val soon, take care xx
    Tried to get some crafting done yesterday but mainly just fumbled my way through, in the end I cleared all my desk away and started again, it made a small difference,
    Am going to nip to the Range this afternoon for a look around,
    Will have a look at Sues new dies although I know I shouldn't haha,
    Sandra I like the clean look of this card today, was having a look on Pinterest before and the ones that popped out at me where similar, Clean and Simple I think they are called.
    See you later
    Jean xxx
    Hugs in the basket and have added extra for all suffering xx

    1. Hello Jean, did you buy anything at the Range, have you looked at Sue's new dies and are you going to buy any? I know I'm nosey, but it's the only way to find out things!!! xxxx

  15. Morning Sandra and all the lovely ladies
    I didn't see Sues card on Sunday to compare but this is a lovely clean and simple card. Love the lace around the edge and the flower is lovely. Thank you for sharing. Xxxx
    I must get a wriggle on today, once I came back from the post office yesterday it was damp and miserable so I didn't feel like doing much so watched TV! Not an ironing board in sight!!!! We went to see the new James Bond last night, very good but I take a film at face value and on the way home Julian threw a spanner into the works by wondering if it was going back to the start of the James Bond Series as it introduced characters that were around in the early days! I just assumed they were son of etc but Julian seems to think this is before he met them the first time but set in the present - I know - confusing or what!!!!!!! Oh well I just enjoyed the film and the lovely cars, and Daniel Craig!
    It's not raining at the moment but it's getting very gloomy, must pop to the shops soon for milk and some meat for dinner. See you all later xxxxxx

    1. DIANE:- would you e-mail please. I seem to have an error in your address. Sent you a message, it has been returned. You will have mine on the The List xxx

    2. Hello Dainty, I'll have to try to suss out what Julian was on about when we go to see it. I hope you haven't worked too hard today, it's just not necessary!!! xxxxx

  16. Afternoon everyone
    Well I've commented on my way down so I hope I've not missed anyone out.
    Knowing me I probably have so please accept my apologies.
    I'm feeling quite proud of myself today a I've just finished 10 I did all the cutting out yesterday and then assembled them this morning.
    I think I'll have to go and have a snooze now after all that. A comment was made 'do you really know what you're doing with all that stuff around you'. It's a good thing that I was perched on my high stool so I could not throw anything at him but do not worry I will get my revenge hehehe.
    Hugs should be arriving shortly for the basket by the door.

    1. That's right Janet, make me feel inferior in the C Card marathon!! lol
      I have to say that I'm looking forward to my Friday pastry xxx

  17. Good afternoon, well I thought I would put mind over matter and just get on with things, I ran the Hoover round the front room, cleaned the bathroom and now I am having to sit with my feet up. No energy and if I lie down I start coughing. I know I shouldn't have done it but sometimes you have to just get on with things.
    I have this thing that if you take your mind off things it helps. I think a little sleep might be the answer, but sitting up sleeping isn't that great. I will arrange the pillows and hope for the best. I so hate being this lazy. I have been told off. If we don't give things a go how do we know we can't do it??? Xxx

    1. I'm just the same, Hazel - I hate doing nothing! I get very fed up!! Please go slowly, though! Xx

    2. Now me, my favourite past time is "Busy doing nothing". Hazel, rest up and listen to Charlie for once xxxx

  18. Afternoon Sandra and all in today,
    Sorry to see so many have come down with a cold and cough. Do take it easy and forget housework etc. for a few day's. Stay indoors and drink hot drinks it's what you would tell me so....
    Love your card today Sandra, I like a CAS card and with not to many layers ,hopefully it want cost an arm and a leg for posting. Pretty flower too. Like to see the finished product you made for your mum and dad Sue, love the colours and dotty paper too.
    Good you went and saw the doc. just keep snorting girl :-)
    Prepared a couple of cards yesterday so hope to put them together today and must do my dad's soon for Fathers day, bugger all just seen it is this Sunday eeeek! OH going to the postoffice in 30 minutes and asking if I have a card ready ? Not really ! better go and see what I can come up with from the stamp of Pat's ,see you later. Keep warm and many hugs Xxxx

    1. Oh Maria, you never fail to make me smile. I hope you managed to get your dad's card finished and in the post. xxxx

    2. Hi Maria. You sound like you were busy card making. Did you get the Father's day one finished in time for Ric to post it? Take care. Sending you love and hugs xx

  19. Hi Sandra & all in café,
    Sandra pleased to hear you had an answer yesterday hope it helps, I know what you mean not liking using it I feel the same. Your card is lovely as Sue says she did one for us yesterday and we both love it simple design but elegant, we had a lovely quiet day yesterday with a Chinese takeaway last night, neither of us want to go out these dark evenings, thank you all for your best wishes.xx
    Saba & Hazel sorry to hear about your coughs & colds, as you have been told see a Dr. Hugs on way to you both & Val.xx
    Hope Myra & Lynda enjoy NEC, as Maria said it does get very crowded there that's why Sue & I enjoy Ally Pally plenty of room to move & lots of tables & chairs so you can sit.xx
    Hope all with aches & pains are on the mend hugs on way to you all love Margaret xx

    1. Hello Margaret P,
      I'm glad you had a lovely Anniversary meal. We don't like going out at night now either. Sue's card was lovely, I saw it!!!! xxxx

  20. Just been speaking to Victoria and she says she has booked a space in one of the car parks nearest the venue on Friday! That will be good news particularly at the end!! I didn't even know you could do that! Xxx

    1. Well you see Myra there are "special spaces" for "special people" !! xxx

    2. Ha ha! Comfortable shoes and tickets are packed! They went in first! Xxx

    3. Myra, Patricia has it in one. - " special spaces" for "special people "
      Oh yes very comfortable shoes needed? Remember a bag seeing how they have to charge 5p now. xxx

    4. Pat- have you seen on John's blog ? the Monday card is yours :-)

    5. Myra, you deserve the best. xxxx

    6. Thank you, dear! Are you feeling alright! Xxxx

  21. Evening all,

    Rather late for me to pop in, have spent most of this morning at my Breast Care centre having a follow up mammogram and consultation with my lovely Egyptian doctor, Mr. El Abbab. Results were clear and pain from right boob is caused by the radiotherapy sessions. Was advised to use Ibuprofen gel for relief, and a 'I'll see you next year' was very welcome news. Yippee!
    Maureen and I did a spot of Christmas shopping in the Range, followed by a lazy late lunch/early tea (two and half hours' later!) at our local Harvester.

    I love your card Sandra, I thought Sue's one was beautiful too, I lurve simplistic cards.

    Diane, sometimes when you get a pop up from autocorrect, if you have typed in the word you want, click 'Add to dictionary'. I had to do this several times when I tried to input Sizzix before it finally accepted it.

    Love 7 hugs to all, and gurt big 'uns to our poorly friends.
    Cheryl xxx

    1. I'm so pleased you got such good news Cheryl! You seem to have had a nice day after the worry was over! Xx

    2. Cheryl delighted to hear your news, it must be a great relief for you. xxx

    3. Cheryl I'm so pleased you had good news from the consultant. See you in a year is great news.

    4. Lovely news, you must be on cloud nine

    5. Evening Cheryl - FANTASTIC NEWS. You couldn't have asked for better. Celebrations called for you. Hugmungus hugs just for you - gentle ones of course. xxxx

    6. Hi Cheryl. What wonderful news. "See you next year" is the best words to hear, arent they : ))
      It sounds like you had a lovely time inThe Range and the Harvester after getting such great news. Sending you big hugs. Take care xx

  22. Cheryl, that's good news you got. A weight off your mind. xxx

  23. Well ladies,
    It's taken so long to get down here, that I've aged greatly!!! I have posted under each blog, as I thought "if I make a note of all the things I have to say, I'll run out of paper".
    I did say Sandra that your card is lovely, and I'll borrow the design.
    I'm away to try to put some of my crafting things from the weekend away, I have never been so lackadaisical about things before, I think it's all the Baileys I drank.
    Oooooooooooooh that's another thing. PATRICIA made some tablet and Baileys chocolate sweets (I can't remember the proper name) which appeared on the Dining Table at Dinner on Saturday. They were delicious, thank you so much.
    See you later, if I don't go to sleep sorting out my things.
    Muriel xxx

    1. True oh King! The Baileys Truffles were gorgeous! The tablet as good as my Mum's! That's real praise! The Staff got some too. They were talking about it in the morning!
      We should have had a group photo on Saturday night! We all got dressed up for dinner and we all liked Brenda's lovely lace top! We scrubbed up very well! Ha ha !
      The Tunnocks wafers were eaten when we went across for lunch/ coffee/ tea on Saturday!

    2. Oh Myra, you remembered the name as well. Truffles, how I didn't remember, I don't know. I go sniffing around trees, digging in the soild often enough!!!! ha ha. xxx

  24. Good evening everyone
    Just about got the new computer sorted, well, I think I have and now the darned printer is refusing to print the paper is coming out lily white, not my week for technology agh!
    Myra have a safe journey and a wonderful time, please note I am not saying don't spend too much after my visits to the furniture shop!
    Lynda hope you have a lovely time with your friend at the show and safe journey to you too.
    Well Sandra what is a little spray compared to the infection you had come on there's a brave girl.
    Hazel please, please, do take things easy, and if you are no better, treble please go to the doctors tomorrow.
    Saba I hope you have now got an appointment at the doctors.
    Oh these lucky doctors so many people wanting to see them!!! Ha ha.
    Enjoy your evening everyone.
    Margaret xxx

    1. Thanks Margaret! I'm really looking forward to it even though I'll be a bit tired at the end of the day! Xxx

    2. Well, my mouth is watering at the thought of homemade tablet , truffles, and Janet's pastries, I hope we'll have some in the cafe tomorrow ?
      I got two C cards made this morning before going out to the garden where I got lots done and then saw Iain using his new hedge trimmers ( early birthday present from Mandy & family) my eyes LIT UP ! I needed to play with it! About an hour later when the shrubs had been trimmed to within an inch of their lives I CUT THE CABLE ! Fortunately it just sparked and cut out - so that was the finish of my gardening for today.
      Two of our grandchildren are staying over tonight ( their big sister Abi is having a small procedure done at the hospital in Inverness tomorrow very early) so Stewart and Fiona and Abi went in to Inverness to stay rather than have to be up so early tomorrow , they only live next door but they are so excited, great fun!
      Have a great time at the show Myra and any others who are going xo

    3. TRUFFLES, that's what they are called. I could not, for the life of me, think of their proper name!!!! Thanks Anne, I'd have lain awake trying to remember !! xxxx

    4. Anne - you need a circuit breaker! Alastair is famous for cutting through these cords! Xxx

  25. Hi Sandra
    I've just looked up Tarleton Village where Michelle's Chocolate shop is. It's near Preston which is near Blackpool. Correct me if I'm wrong Michelle. Just a tad to far for a cup of coffee. A weekend in Blackpool sounds good though. Might be to Kate for the lights though.

    1. Pat , you are right although maps can be deceiving! Tarleton is actually nearer Southport than Blackpool . The Lights finish this weekend! It is just a village! Xxx

  26. Evening everyone, just read all the comments, have put little bits all the way down, where iPad would allow, hate this thing at times.
    Hope everyone's cold is a little better.
    Been watching Mel on C&C today using ScannCut, got a few ideas, must use it to more than just cut out my stamps.
    Early night for me , been foul weather here today.
    Have a Google evening everyone. Lilian

  27. I'm away to bed, so goodnight all, sweet dreams, God bless and I hope you all have a restful healing night. xxxxxx
